This video tries to summarize how an angle between two given planes, one popular subject examined in HKDSE, might be dealt handily with the dihedral angle "formula". The video does not mention its proof of any. The video's educational intent could likely rest on "motivating" mathematics learning of those who could still find intuitive workings tedious for relevant problems to consider one possible short-cut against a potentially "more favourable" outcome, especially when associated problem-solving contexts could make them "illusive" from time to time. This does not mean that followers can escape from risking their outcomes before their full understanding. If the subject is examined explicitly, then the major workings lie only and always on how to determine 2 connected altitudes of each on individual planes at a point on their common line of intersection. If a learner can however fail to manage this concept or the associated attitude for underlying workings, how could s/he manage understanding the proof of the dihedral angle "formula" or solve such a level of problems confidently? This video's suggested "method" of learning looks contradictory to why the subject should be learnt, although I still appreciate the teacher's effort in making up this video.
直接用坐標,把B設為(0,0), C(31.93,0), A(x,y) AB 長 60, BC長 31.93,AC 長 40 , 用坐標長度可計算出A 的x , 然後就求到角ABC 大小。
HKEAA似走火入魔多的直接鼓勵用out of syllabus既方法 。識用都唔簡單
話哂大學入學試 所以出好多out syllabus 既野
Gary Suen out syllabus 未必會有分
同埋就係正正係level 4 嘅同學先會直接放平時補習學嘅formula
Level 5** 嗰d一定可以用到in syllabus 嘅野計到
淨係用out syl 黎check 數
can only apply this formula when it is a tetrahedron?
喺 1:24 已經講得好清楚。
睇吓題目有幾樣衰 你過程中因為已經用了out c 如果牽扯到m2用到compound angle已可以照用 都out c啦😂
Thank you!
計 pp18b 點解唔得!
btw thank you very much for your contribution and effort
用2次cos law就可以證明,我稍後整下
Watch my explanation here:видео.html&t=944
@@mathseasy 但係Marking scheme特別指明你用咗呢條公式0M0A
@@guythat29 你是在那裡找到這註釋? 在公開的 marking scheme 和 report 都無這樣說。
@@guythat29 這份 Marking Scheme 應該是假的。 有自稱是老師和已買卷的人都說可取全部分數。 Anyway, Thank you for your information!
Tetrahedron 計兩個面之間嘅角嘅時候,其中有兩隻角相鄰,係米兩面都計到?
以你個模型黎講 你用紅綠藍去計紅藍之間嘅角,但用紅藍白係米都有異曲同工之妙?
sorry for1999
Yes, 用另一面的頂點都計到。
超正!!!thanks a lot
你計pp 18 b計到?
This video tries to summarize how an angle between two given planes, one popular subject examined in HKDSE, might be dealt handily with the dihedral angle "formula". The video does not mention its proof of any. The video's educational intent could likely rest on "motivating" mathematics learning of those who could still find intuitive workings tedious for relevant problems to consider one possible short-cut against a potentially "more favourable" outcome, especially when associated problem-solving contexts could make them "illusive" from time to time. This does not mean that followers can escape from risking their outcomes before their full understanding. If the subject is examined explicitly, then the major workings lie only and always on how to determine 2 connected altitudes of each on individual planes at a point on their common line of intersection. If a learner can however fail to manage this concept or the associated attitude for underlying workings, how could s/he manage understanding the proof of the dihedral angle "formula" or solve such a level of problems confidently? This video's suggested "method" of learning looks contradictory to why the subject should be learnt, although I still appreciate the teacher's effort in making up this video.
skill issues
Work smarter not harder.
我仲係唔識分辨 紅色同藍色果隻角🙏
啊sir,即係hkeaa接受用呢條公式去計答案而攞到full marks? 我係18Dse數5*,今年想重考多次。所以想問清楚thx
@@mathseasy 咁如果用M2方法做core也接受嗎?
@@tszkit5254 無問題。但可用到 M2 方法的機會實在唔多。
學校沒有教的數學 不可取全部分數
前面仲有一堆野可以"背" 去prove 條式出黎, 背左就full ,直出條式就扣1~2分
@@CJ777-e2g Out Syl 的方法是否可用這問題,我已經無力氣再去解釋了。
Holy sht it works!