This woman is an artist... Take the a moment to reflect on that.... She brings up so much emotion in people on so many levels. Just by reading the comments here, one can say fear is a very triggered emotion for us humans.... Sometimes we must look into our own shadow side to release things that might be harmful to ourselves or others. We decided , maybe I could say I dare you, all of us to go beyond our own limited thinking. There's not enough space here to write, or time to explain of the unlimited range of life one could have, if we are daring enough to explore this concept.
I saw another piece on her where they showed one of her early performances, she was injured by the public and even got a gun held to her head. It was disturbing how violent the crowd can be, how violent anyone can be. I think that performance was evil, but who was the performer, she or the public? I'm not scared of "The Devil", but I am a bit scared of the devil in all of us.
9 месяцев назад
@@FolklorCaducothat’s exactly what that performance was about. A saying goes ; there’s a Hitler in all of us. Cause the holocaust happened by grace of the majority. 99% believed they would have been that 1% who joined the resistance. At the same time it is so easy to look for the devil in others and art is always a projection of you. Marinas background is deeply political, she is a very intelligent being who never claims to know it all. She once scared me but now I understand and I am so thankful.
She has a long road confronting the politics, the hunger, the killing in the old Yugoslavia, and in the world. I appreciate very much her path, and I’m very happy I had been her massage therapist in Amsterdam.
What a wise woman that's for sure :) I just discovered her maybe half a hour ago. And I had to look up more about her because she inspired me. Her eyes tell everyone more of a story than her words and its quite amazing :)
as i watched Marina Abramovich, i was trying to analize in my mind her and her work. She is presenting interesting concepts and ideas. her visual stage art is captivating. through selfinflicting pain, (which requires immense faith)we challenge ourselves and gain great power. but how much power can we get? hmmm... that's an interesting question and what is the game? through the time in various relliogions monks would selfinflict physical pain, asterities and mental suffering. it makes you desensitized. oneself also becomes desensitized towards others. pushing human limits in inflicting physical or emotional pain an suffering steals empathy and compassion towards yourself or others. pain and pleasure has a very thin line, and it can be sometimes experienced not just on onself but by observing on others. it can become addictive. the mind is always curious, but mind will never be satisfied. it will constantly seek for more and more pleasure or pain. some think overcoming emotion is the power. winning the fight or argument or suppressing is the power. some think innocence is weakness, being voulnurable is being week. the truth is. the power is in human emotion. ability to express your feeling without a fear. innocence, childlike wonder and purity of heart is the power. love is always satisfied. it never seaks for more because it has already everything.
we need more videos from Marina she's really a big idol to look up to as well as Nick in terms of making images i believe a collaboration between both of them will result in something new and beautiful :D
There is nothing to understand about her simulating cannibalism. If you enjoy watching cannibalism, there is something wrong with you, it's sick, not art.
Some of the comments on here are so ignorant and close-minded. Marina is strong, fearless, funny, wise and HUMAN. She inspires me to live happily and unapologetically. Your hateful words are a reflection of yourself.
I give you right...I have feeling of medivial illiteracy and wich burning rituals...These people of today are in non of a scence more inlightened then these stuped masses of medivial who made so many women burning...So technological progress is a fake ilusional progress...There is nothing progressive in THE mass...They can not even listen this because they can nit fix the point.
leighleigh She was mentioned in some of the leaked DNC emails released by Wikileaks and now conspiracy theorists believe she’s the ringleader of Pizzagate. The most fringe elements believe they aren’t just just molesting kids but eating them and Marina is a witch with real magical powers that she uses to control the world. They’re taking her most provocative art literal such as Balkan Baroque and interpreting them as real human remains that are the result of human sacrifice.
Diese Frau hat etwas aber was es ist kann ich nicht beschreiben. Gerne würde ich lange in ihre Augen schauen und wäre gespannt ob ich sie entdecken kann. Marina Abramovi´c hat doch weltweit Erfolg in den Medien. Der Grund ist klar. Wir interessieren uns für sie.
Thank you for the interview Marina. I respect and appreciate you and your art , your writing and your life. I look forward to seeing your movies, reading your autobiography, and whatever else I haven't seen of what is available to me about your life. Most of you commenting here are a crazy, mean-spirited, paranoid , who are a bunch of witch-hunters. Marina seems to a me a perfectly decent, good, and also very interesting performance artist and person . Her "spirit cooking" is performance art not "Satanism" . It seems "evil" to you because you have relatively limited experience of life , of unusual art, unusual spiritual practices, including that of many tribal people's who go through varied painful rights of passage, or , on the other hand,ceremonies where one self-harms to share in the pain of others. (such as th Sun Dance of the Lakota Sioux where people put hooks through their own flesh , with the other end of the rope connected to the Sun Dance pole, and pull against it while they pray - mostly the men, the Lakota women may do this also , but may be more likely to offer a small chunk of their own flesh as prayer.Do you think this is "evil" also Wake up people!!, stop acting corn fed and inbred, and realize that the world is much bigger or diversified than you think it is. Stop imagining things in the closet in the dark are "evil" because you can't see them! Because Marina A knows the Podestas , Clintons and any other person DOESN'T mean that she had any part in anything bad they MAY have done, doesn't mean that she had any part in it. Also, considering who she is, by seeing various clips of her movies and performance art, and these various interviews, she is, to me, simply a person bushing the boundaries of HER own experiences, and not someone who harms others ,but actually just the opposite in spirit and practice. She seems like a GOOD person, can't you see that? As far as the Podestas or James Alafontis of Comet pizza , and his friends ( who may very well just have a weird adolescent sense of humor) I say MAY because I still see the "evidence" used as largely insubstantial, and I've looked at the instagram photos, comments and the names (and jokes re names like "Cummings" for example - thus "cum panda" since it was probably him dressed as a Panda for Halloween, and the photo of him labeled "chicken lover" with the young boy was probably just that weird humor (and it is a stretch to call some Mardi Gras beads a "bracelet" with symbolic meaning. Also I've seen the seemingly strange Podesta emails, and the supposed correspondences to pedophilia terms, and if that's true it's horrible , and I hope it's being investigated sincerely by honest people. BUT, on the other hand, all we know is that the source has been this or that person on Reddit or Tor or wherever, who we don't even know, (who said they mean that!!! ,and also I have seen the correspondences change drastically depending on who's quoting what anonymous source)In any case a conversation about Pizza gate, or its veracity doesn't belong on Marina Abromovich's videos. Again, how inconsiderate and mean-spirited are you? Moreover, you are not unlikely candidates for being sued for libel or defamation of character, though I doubt she'd do that, being the person of character she appears to be. It's ironic you are proving her substantiated theory, that given the tolls to harm, and the freedom to do so, you would choose to do that to her rather than see the harmlessness of her person, and treat her well, ie ignore her if you don't like her or what she does, or treat her with respect if you can stretch yourselves and see that she is simply doing what SHE feels inspired and guided to do with her on life.
She really upsets my inner child and spirit. Gives me the same feeling I had when I was abused. Something seriously wrong with her and that art is just desensitizing people to accept the real thing. If you think throwing semen, breast milk, blood and urine on a fake child is “art” you might just be a little sick in the head. If she put children in a cage and lit it on fire I’m sure all you you would call that art too and find some “deeper meaning.” Sick freaks.
Yeah and those spirit cookings were performed in homes of the rich and famous. What the hell is the point, I can see if she had other gestures but the darkest and dankest is sick 😷
100 % agree. I love how they say " but you don't understand art". We understand the meaning behind whatever she is trying to portray and it's always so dark that's the problem. How about focusing on the other spectrum of emotions " good/ happy" instead of always dark/ evil/ black????
Funny how two people can see the human form so differently. I think she has a beautiful face that reflects her inner uniqueness. Maybe you like the Barbie and Ken look...plastic classic beauty. That's okay but as you age your qualifications for beauty are more than skin deep.
@@kellyhuntington8828 Nie, she said in one of the interviews that she undergo laser treatment and her grandmother and mother also looked young in old age so the genes
@@kellyhuntington8828 I know, but it does not exclude the fact that she uses such cosmetic procedures as she said in an interview. I don't know if she eats children, maybe, but that doesn't exclude other normal treatments. Not everyone who takes andrenachrom looks so young among those who are on the shameful list of cannibals.
She is one of a few true revolutionaries in the world, I think. She is so right about what is needed to make a change In this world. Which is that everyone of us has to make a change inside, in our consciousness and precence with one another. Poliocal doctrines, political awareness, ideologies etc is not enough! It can be useful only together with ondes inner awareness. She has showen us so much about pain and suffering in har performances, things we can all relate to from our own experiences. With The artist is present she also has presented the lonieliness and longing, the possibility of a true connection between people. I think all of you who made these negative comments about her and her work , mentioning some strange connection with Satan etc Must be very alternativ and remote from your own feelings, and scared of them. And I hope that some day something will happen in your lives to change this Point of view! Eva, Sweden
Marina je lopov, izrabljivala je mlade performere, nije im plaćala , pokrala rad Ulaja, platila mu oďštetu. Prformans " Umetnik je prisutan" nije njen. 1999 Srpkinja u Amsterdamu je magisteriala sa tim performansom. Družjubiva Marina se družila sa Podestom. Ne kaki ti!
Preface: When you never see or witness profound love between your parents (who have never reached spiritual maturity) .... and thus never know LOVE as a child............... and the cycle dates back generations ......... People worship 'eccentric' artists. Apparantely they appear super modern and progressive when compared to the rest of us. The more extreme the 'art' (or as l deem it, the sickness), the more interesting .... to me she is just another 'eccentric artist' on the schyzotypal/schizoid comorbid autism/asperger spectrum, thats all .... which lends itself to her blankness, disconnection, appearance, soulessness and obsessions and fascinations with the darker, sicker, perverse, unconventional elements of life .... but more importantly, she is the manifestation and representation of the generational, family lineage/bloodline templating and dysfunction of her family of origin. She then mirrors to society the sickness in people, that too exists within her self, her family and all her previous generations of her family. That's all. Healing required, but no one in the family either now or then has/had the courage, conscousness and awakening to work towards a profound 'union with self' and thus know LOVE ... the highest level of consciousness that will ever exist. She appeals to the sickness, mental illness, darkness, perversions, violence and degradation that exists in unhealed people. Healthy people, empaths etc see into her soul and see her un-development, her nothingness, her black empty void. Her art does nothing for us, in fact, only promotes pity for such an existence that cannot truly know, give and receive profound love with the desire to deeply elevate all creation. Healthy people are un-moved and unaffected by her. She operates in the dimension of the unhealed together with the others who are unhealed. Leave them there. Of no interest to the rest of us. Will be interesting to see if she is capable of transmuting her intergenerational/ bloodline trauma and sicknesss, into LOVE. In other words, breaking the intergenerational cycle of dysfunction and 'disconnect with the self' that exists in her lineage and thus elevating all soul consciousness in her group, higher. She is not ready, in this lifetime at least ... it appears.
"Healthy people are un-moved and unaffected by her". This statement here is not true. While I don't see any appeal in the violence shown in her performances, it did affect me in the sense that it got me to reject it, but also think about it. I doubt the healthiness of anyone who can see such violence and remain unmoved.
To describe yourself as an empath is to suggest that you have a particular level of sensibility and sensitivity...yet you don't show empathy to Marina, just arrogance and a box of labels from a made up book called DSM which was put together by unhealed egotistical professionals acting out their wounds.
"do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta" "Would love to get a pizza FOR ONE HOUR" "Ruby, Emerson and Maeve, 11, 9 and almost 7 will be in that pool for sure.. so you´ll have some further entertainment" And it´s absolut normal that: ..mass of mails, comments and pictures from adults like Podesta, Alefantis and their friends are constantly about PIZZA, CHEESE and children written in pedophile code. ..little kids have to dance on tables at Comet Ping Pong to the song "I kissed a girl and I liked it" watched by adults. ..the lead singer Majestic Ape from Heavy Breathing laughs and talk about pedophilia and performes at Comet Ping Pong. But nothing has to do with nothing. Perhaps you should open your eyes and defend our children instead of pedophiles. Sry for my english.. greetings from Germany.
she is sick.Anyone claiming he is an artist is not
9 месяцев назад+1
I’m an accountant. Anyone claiming he is an accountant is not. Definition of an ‘Artist’: a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby. So this is factually truth. You just don’t like her.
Such hateful comments. Just remember, there's always a different perspective that is no more or less valid than your own! If you hate something, then it's important to try to understand it in every way possible; even if it goes against your beliefs. You'll sleep better at night I promise you that...
I see evil. Dark souless eyes. Does changing consciciousness mean hurting childern? I wear the armor of the Lord. People need to pray this women turns from the dark and turns to the light.
I got to know this artist through pizza-gate, that left me quite disgusted. Now watching this interview and getting to know that even Rem Koolhaas is working to help her creating her institution leaves me puzzled... Repelling and hypnotic at the same time
I am sorry you became aware thru a very recent conspiracy theory. Marina has been a performance artist for many years and has a profound legacy that has nothing to do with recent hysteria born out of political disinformation. Explore a bit will be an adventure.
art is, and always has been, witchcraft. Ever hear the term 'arts and crafts?' Ever felt like a song who movie 'put you under a spell?' It's which-ever-craft works for the message. its amazing how much people will talk about 'witchcraft' knowing literally nothing about it. Though it comes as little surprise, considering they're often the same ones to shove a doctrine down people's throats, from a book most of them haven't even read. Marina is not forcing anyone to do anything. That is the entire point of Rhythm 0. I've said it before and I'm sure I will again, but her work challenges people to think and people who are afraid of challenged and actual thought ALWAYS resort to superstition, ad hominem and hearsay. peace
Ok, can somebody explain what did she do that is so evil? I'm not informed. And don't say she's worshiping Satan, I don't care about her religion. What did she do, who did she hurt? Babies, murder...?
"In November 2016, social media was abuzz with rumors connecting Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign chairman John Podesta to an alleged satanic ritual known as “spirit cooking.” The rumors started circulating shortly after the Twitter account for WikiLeaks directed people to an e-mail allegedly sent from Podesta’s brother Tony which mentioned “spirit cooking” and a video showing a performance by artist Marina Abramovic" - Snopes. Conspiracy theorists and those who hate Hilary etc, hate her by association and in ignorance.
Because the elites are sick as hell and people think it's too far-fetched and a conspiracy to believe that. But if they weren't in on the drug trafficking and human trafficking how would these traffickers really get away with it
Over rated con artist she is no artist how is it art to sit in a pile of bones and blood or to have a skeleton laying on you while you are naked help me out here ??????
@Jb 318 Hey moron did I say anything about being a Christian ??? take a walk I can say what ever the hell I want its called freedom of speech ! and yes her art work is GARBAGE only freaks would bother to buy or sit and watch this crazy woman roll around in a pile of bones and blood FFS
Everyone's hating on her,people hate what they don't understand,I personally find her work refreshing,it awakens feeling in me i don't want to feel but need to,very powerful and yes satanic but yes also daring,I admire daring ❤️
This woman is an artist... Take the a moment to reflect on that.... She brings up so much emotion in people on so many levels. Just by reading the comments here, one can say fear is a very triggered emotion for us humans.... Sometimes we must look into our own shadow side to release things that might be harmful to ourselves or others. We decided , maybe I could say I dare you, all of us to go beyond our own limited thinking. There's not enough space here to write, or time to explain of the unlimited range of life one could have, if we are daring enough to explore this concept.
I saw another piece on her where they showed one of her early performances, she was injured by the public and even got a gun held to her head. It was disturbing how violent the crowd can be, how violent anyone can be. I think that performance was evil, but who was the performer, she or the public? I'm not scared of "The Devil", but I am a bit scared of the devil in all of us.
@@FolklorCaducothat’s exactly what that performance was about. A saying goes ; there’s a Hitler in all of us. Cause the holocaust happened by grace of the majority. 99% believed they would have been that 1% who joined the resistance. At the same time it is so easy to look for the devil in others and art is always a projection of you. Marinas background is deeply political, she is a very intelligent being who never claims to know it all. She once scared me but now I understand and I am so thankful.
-an experiment
She has a long road confronting the politics, the hunger, the killing in the old Yugoslavia, and in the world. I appreciate very much her path, and I’m very happy I had been her massage therapist in Amsterdam.
I couldn't stop looking into her eyes... No sense of self-doubt in them at all
What a wise woman that's for sure :) I just discovered her maybe half a hour ago. And I had to look up more about her because she inspired me. Her eyes tell everyone more of a story than her words and its quite amazing :)
I agree, and well said! :)
No sense of sanity either.
She’s a 400 year old vampire
I couldn't and I am a demon.i accept.
Marina you are amazingly wise ❤
as i watched Marina Abramovich, i was trying to analize in my mind her and her work. She is presenting interesting concepts and ideas. her visual stage art is captivating. through selfinflicting pain, (which requires immense faith)we challenge ourselves and gain great power.
but how much power can we get?
hmmm... that's an interesting question and what is the game?
through the time in various relliogions monks would selfinflict physical pain, asterities and mental suffering. it makes you desensitized. oneself also becomes desensitized towards others. pushing human limits in inflicting physical or emotional pain an suffering steals empathy and compassion towards yourself or others. pain and pleasure has a very thin line, and it can be sometimes experienced not just on onself but by observing on others. it can become addictive. the mind is always curious, but mind will never be satisfied. it will constantly seek for more and more pleasure or pain. some think overcoming emotion is the power. winning the fight or argument or suppressing is the power. some think innocence is weakness, being voulnurable is being week. the truth is. the power is in human emotion. ability to express your feeling without a fear. innocence, childlike wonder and purity of heart is the power. love is always satisfied. it never seaks for more because it has already everything.
You don’t have much of a mind to think with if you respect this woman in any way. 😂
This was fascinating, thank you for uploading!
Noooooo don't they know Marina Abramovic's eyes make grown men cry!?!
@@egostarter male hysteria, don’t you know!
@@egostarterIt’s the souls of the children she’s consumed
this lady is wicked. a santanist in true form. sick! and people call this shit art? insane! pure demonic. they call on in the dark and shun the light!
moodmuzik Jesus was a Satanist just like this bitch
She'sva legend in her own mind. The masses aren't flocking to buy her art.
Marina is wise as fuck and theres so much to learn from her
Baltic beauty
So much to learn about keeping the pain alive and festering.
You clearly aren’t a bright human being..
we need more videos from Marina she's really a big idol to look up to as well as Nick in terms of making images i believe a collaboration between both of them will result in something new and beautiful :D
Hope after 11 years you can recognize evil when it’s staring you in the eyes.
Thank you so much for this beautiful interview!!!!
our total please WendyBonitaAbramovic. Hope you enjoy all the In Your Face interviews as much as we did making them.
SHOWstudio *total pleasure.
WendiXeniteAbramovic stfu
I absolutely love these interview series 🙌, love learning more about amazing people especially Marina
what a brilliant artist!
Really, though?
people are so intimidated by what they don't understand or care to understand... it's really hilarious actually
There is nothing to understand about her simulating cannibalism. If you enjoy watching cannibalism, there is something wrong with you, it's sick, not art.
A Grill Has No Name blah blah
@@prodmillyyy thanks for showing the world your mental challenges.
"cannibalism" hahahaha how funny
@ Ri - I agree.
Some of the comments on here are so ignorant and close-minded. Marina is strong, fearless, funny, wise and HUMAN. She inspires me to live happily and unapologetically. Your hateful words are a reflection of yourself.
Theresa Hoang and so is sacraficing babaies???
the Lord god should be the one inspiring those thoughts.
reflection of knowledge? we are alright, whats wrong with you Theresa Hoang?!
she is a shit pretentious wannabe
I give you right...I have feeling of medivial illiteracy and wich burning rituals...These people of today are in non of a scence more inlightened then these stuped masses of medivial who made so many women burning...So technological progress is a fake ilusional progress...There is nothing progressive in THE mass...They can not even listen this because they can nit fix the point.
So hatefull comments. Go and watch some Bob Ross painting tutorial instead, it may calm you down. lol...
János Sándor 😂😂😂 happy witch, sad witch, crazy witch, bad witch.
hahahah it made me laugh. where are those morons from? seriously?
Ultimate the act of attacking her....
leighleigh She was mentioned in some of the leaked DNC emails released by Wikileaks and now conspiracy theorists believe she’s the ringleader of Pizzagate. The most fringe elements believe they aren’t just just molesting kids but eating them and Marina is a witch with real magical powers that she uses to control the world. They’re taking her most provocative art literal such as Balkan Baroque and interpreting them as real human remains that are the result of human sacrifice.
This is extraordinary, beautiful and inspiring, i love it :)
Diese Frau hat etwas aber was es ist kann ich nicht beschreiben. Gerne würde ich lange in ihre Augen schauen und wäre gespannt ob ich sie entdecken kann. Marina Abramovi´c hat doch weltweit Erfolg in den Medien. Der Grund ist klar. Wir interessieren uns für sie.
She sounds like Gary oldman in bram stokers Dracula
Thank you for the interview Marina. I respect and appreciate you and your art , your writing and your life. I look forward to seeing your movies, reading your autobiography, and whatever else I haven't seen of what is available to me about your life. Most of you commenting here are a crazy, mean-spirited, paranoid , who are a bunch of witch-hunters. Marina seems to a me a perfectly decent, good, and also very interesting performance artist and person . Her "spirit cooking" is performance art not "Satanism" . It seems "evil" to you because you have relatively limited experience of life , of unusual art, unusual spiritual practices, including that of many tribal people's who go through varied painful rights of passage, or , on the other hand,ceremonies where one self-harms to share in the pain of others. (such as th Sun Dance of the Lakota Sioux where people put hooks through their own flesh , with the other end of the rope connected to the Sun Dance pole, and pull against it while they pray - mostly the men, the Lakota women may do this also , but may be more likely to offer a small chunk of their own flesh as prayer.Do you think this is "evil" also Wake up people!!, stop acting corn fed and inbred, and realize that the world is much bigger or diversified than you think it is. Stop imagining things in the closet in the dark are "evil" because you can't see them! Because Marina A knows the Podestas , Clintons and any other person DOESN'T mean that she had any part in anything bad they MAY have done, doesn't mean that she had any part in it. Also, considering who she is, by seeing various clips of her movies and performance art, and these various interviews, she is, to me, simply a person bushing the boundaries of HER own experiences, and not someone who harms others ,but actually just the opposite in spirit and practice. She seems like a GOOD person, can't you see that? As far as the Podestas or James Alafontis of Comet pizza , and his friends ( who may very well just have a weird adolescent sense of humor) I say MAY because I still see the "evidence" used as largely insubstantial, and I've looked at the instagram photos, comments and the names (and jokes re names like "Cummings" for example - thus "cum panda" since it was probably him dressed as a Panda for Halloween, and the photo of him labeled "chicken lover" with the young boy was probably just that weird humor (and it is a stretch to call some Mardi Gras beads a "bracelet" with symbolic meaning. Also I've seen the seemingly strange Podesta emails, and the supposed correspondences to pedophilia terms, and if that's true it's horrible , and I hope it's being investigated sincerely by honest people. BUT, on the other hand, all we know is that the source has been this or that person on Reddit or Tor or wherever, who we don't even know, (who said they mean that!!! ,and also I have seen the correspondences change drastically depending on who's quoting what anonymous source)In any case a conversation about Pizza gate, or its veracity doesn't belong on Marina Abromovich's videos. Again, how inconsiderate and mean-spirited are you? Moreover, you are not unlikely candidates for being sued for libel or defamation of character, though I doubt she'd do that, being the person of character she appears to be. It's ironic you are proving her substantiated theory, that given the tolls to harm, and the freedom to do so, you would choose to do that to her rather than see the harmlessness of her person, and treat her well, ie ignore her if you don't like her or what she does, or treat her with respect if you can stretch yourselves and see that she is simply doing what SHE feels inspired and guided to do with her on life.
You dont know any one elses experience, its called projecting😂
You respect Adrenochrome harvesting too?
The Queen! ❤
im in love with her mind
CharlieLouise Then you are a Satanist, too.
CharlieLouise I support her
BeyonceVEVO official
So, you worship Satan, too?
Bring sunscreen!
SPF 1,000,000,000.
yew yesssss why not support satan hahahahah if you believe in satan youre an ingrate. wake up you silly fucks
Mila Kriletich Its all shits and giggles til your last sorry useless breath. Then you'll understand. Hell is you demon hotel.
interesting person and interview. and to the haters out there.:check your sources.
+jaja isrichtig To the cliff? To the cliiiff!
This is a satanic cannibal if I’ve ever seen one
We are proud about Marina and happy because she's again in her born town Belgrade and Serbia... She is one of the best artist on the whole World!!! 💐
She really upsets my inner child and spirit. Gives me the same feeling I had when I was abused. Something seriously wrong with her and that art is just desensitizing people to accept the real thing. If you think throwing semen, breast milk, blood and urine on a fake child is “art” you might just be a little sick in the head. If she put children in a cage and lit it on fire I’m sure all you you would call that art too and find some “deeper meaning.” Sick freaks.
Yeah and those spirit cookings were performed in homes of the rich and famous. What the hell is the point, I can see if she had other gestures but the darkest and dankest is sick 😷
I'm with you Ash. The people who call her shit art, are disturbed.
100 % agree. I love how they say " but you don't understand art". We understand the meaning behind whatever she is trying to portray and it's always so dark that's the problem. How about focusing on the other spectrum of emotions " good/ happy" instead of always dark/ evil/ black????
@@johnschomer7790 art is meant to comfort the disturb and disturb the comfortable.
I love that she mentioned Lady Gaga
I would love to eye gaze with her.
♥️✨♥️ love her thank you very much for the video it’s awesome ! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Her book WALK THROUGH WALLS is really good.
Nothing good has come from this woman
How to set up light like this
@MarinaAbramovic u make me cry now.. im crying like a river..
You’re probably evil too then
what a beautiful genuis, marina is the greatest of all modern artists.
if eyes are the windows to the soul, this woman does not have one.
Mindy Reschly lmao
she have only nose.
Funny how two people can see the human form so differently. I think she has a beautiful face that reflects her inner uniqueness. Maybe you like the Barbie and Ken look...plastic classic beauty. That's okay but as you age your qualifications for beauty are more than skin deep.
marina is a mirror. you see yourself
@@jcloud2928You probably just don’t have a soul lol. It should be extremely easy to look at her and tell she’s sick.
She must have gotten a really facial before her close up shots. Her skin is amazing for her age! Incredible!
@@kellyhuntington8828 Nie, she said in one of the interviews that she undergo laser treatment and her grandmother and mother also looked young in old age so the genes
she said in one of the interviews that she undergo laser treatment and her grandmother and mother also looked young in old age so the genes
@@egostarter , Remember, the DEVIL ia a LIE!
@@kellyhuntington8828 I know, but it does not exclude the fact that she uses such cosmetic procedures as she said in an interview. I don't know if she eats children, maybe, but that doesn't exclude other normal treatments. Not everyone who takes andrenachrom looks so young among those who are on the shameful list of cannibals.
She has a sick spirit!
hanna = 😢🦇💩🤪💤💤💤🤥🤥🤥🤡
@@waynedhouse4103 = It's you, your personality = 😢🦇💩🤪💤💤💤🤥🤥🤥🤡
sick is your commentary
so clear as crystal
I suppose that Marina has already performed the Abramelin operation.
Great video. 👍 🤗
Her place is in the land of midnight and neon lights...and dead earth, dry trees. Desolate eternity. I have seen this.
She's a good lass.
She is one of a few true revolutionaries in the world, I think. She is so right about what is needed to make a change
In this world. Which is that everyone of us has to make a change inside, in our consciousness and precence with one another.
Poliocal doctrines, political awareness, ideologies etc is not enough! It can be useful only together with ondes inner awareness.
She has showen us so much about pain and suffering in har performances, things we can all relate to from our own experiences.
With The artist is present she also has presented the lonieliness and longing, the possibility of a true connection between people.
I think all of you who made these negative comments about her and her work , mentioning some strange connection with Satan etc
Must be very alternativ and remote from your own feelings, and scared of them. And I hope that some day something will happen in your lives to change this Point of view!
Eva, Sweden
She knows pain and fear and loneliness so well when she is involved in child sacrifices
Like we need to be scared, like covid?😂
her mind is so impressive !
Good interview. Very interesting woman.
'myth' in LA accent: 'meth'
Marina je lopov, izrabljivala je mlade performere, nije im plaćala , pokrala rad Ulaja, platila mu oďštetu. Prformans " Umetnik je prisutan" nije njen. 1999 Srpkinja u Amsterdamu je magisteriala sa tim performansom. Družjubiva Marina se družila sa Podestom. Ne kaki ti!
Bolest i opsjednutost sa sobom.Neizljecivo!!!
Ne kaki.
I love this woman!! She is so limitless ❤
Grande Marina... Love it all...
Mentor of the black arts.
I luv this lady 🔥🔥
Now this is a serbian that I respect.
@@TTGLKami Is it?🙄
@@TTGLKami who wouldn't you shoot in the face tho...😒
Ma quindi è vostra usanza non capire un cazzo di danza?
she does not have a soul, she already sold it to the devil
I kind of like her but it feels wrong. Dunno...
why does it feel wrong? if it still does. If not, may I ask why it did
@@AlcatrazepamThis is a literal satanic cannibal.. what is there to like ?
@@AlcatrazepamThere’s literally nothing good about this woman..
@@Joey-wq7iw idk takes all kinds I guess but you’re describing my type
@@Alcatrazepam They’re luciferian, that’s why you get the “wrong” feeling
She'll be the first to go on the day off the rope.
мне наверное послышалось слово ARTPOP ?
So, if I vomited on her exhibit shouldn't I get part of her commission? After all, puke is a type of media in her book.
She reminds me a LOT of Rasputin and his horrors.
did you know him?
Raputin probably was an OK guy who just got a bad rep. This woman, on the other hand...
Preface: When you never see or witness profound love between your parents (who have never reached spiritual maturity) .... and thus never know LOVE as a child............... and the cycle dates back generations .........
People worship 'eccentric' artists. Apparantely they appear super modern and progressive when compared to the rest of us. The more extreme the 'art' (or as l deem it, the sickness), the more interesting .... to me she is just another 'eccentric artist' on the schyzotypal/schizoid comorbid autism/asperger spectrum, thats all .... which lends itself to her blankness, disconnection, appearance, soulessness and obsessions and fascinations with the darker, sicker, perverse, unconventional elements of life .... but more importantly, she is the manifestation and representation of the generational, family lineage/bloodline templating and dysfunction of her family of origin. She then mirrors to society the sickness in people, that too exists within her self, her family and all her previous generations of her family. That's all.
Healing required, but no one in the family either now or then has/had the courage, conscousness and awakening to work towards a profound 'union with self' and thus know LOVE ... the highest level of consciousness that will ever exist.
She appeals to the sickness, mental illness, darkness, perversions, violence and degradation that exists in unhealed people.
Healthy people, empaths etc see into her soul and see her un-development, her nothingness, her black empty void. Her art does nothing for us, in fact, only promotes pity for such an existence that cannot truly know, give and receive profound love with the desire to deeply elevate all creation.
Healthy people are un-moved and unaffected by her. She operates in the dimension of the unhealed together with the others who are unhealed. Leave them there.
Of no interest to the rest of us.
Will be interesting to see if she is capable of transmuting her intergenerational/ bloodline trauma and sicknesss, into LOVE. In other words, breaking the intergenerational cycle of dysfunction and 'disconnect with the self' that exists in her lineage and thus elevating all soul consciousness in her group, higher.
She is not ready, in this lifetime at least ... it appears.
This! 👏🙏
"Healthy people are un-moved and unaffected by her". This statement here is not true. While I don't see any appeal in the violence shown in her performances, it did affect me in the sense that it got me to reject it, but also think about it. I doubt the healthiness of anyone who can see such violence and remain unmoved.
...why so superior if you''re so healed?
To describe yourself as an empath is to suggest that you have a particular level of sensibility and sensitivity...yet you don't show empathy to Marina, just arrogance and a box of labels from a made up book called DSM which was put together by unhealed egotistical professionals acting out their wounds.
'empaths see she has no soul' oh boy...
I'm drawn to you:(.. 4 some reason
It’s her negative energy
These people commenting about her art, but not even taking 5 seconds a day to appriciate art. No matter what she does, her mind is beautiful.
"do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta"
"Would love to get a pizza FOR ONE HOUR"
"Ruby, Emerson and Maeve, 11, 9 and almost 7 will be in that pool for sure.. so you´ll have some further entertainment"
And it´s absolut normal that:
..mass of mails, comments and pictures from adults like Podesta, Alefantis and their friends are constantly about PIZZA, CHEESE and children written in pedophile code.
..little kids have to dance on tables at Comet Ping Pong to the song "I kissed a girl and I liked it" watched by adults.
..the lead singer Majestic Ape from Heavy Breathing laughs and talk about pedophilia and performes at Comet Ping Pong.
But nothing has to do with nothing. Perhaps you should open your eyes and defend our children instead of pedophiles. Sry for my english.. greetings from Germany.
she is sick.Anyone claiming he is an artist is not
I’m an accountant. Anyone claiming he is an accountant is not. Definition of an ‘Artist’:
a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby. So this is factually truth. You just don’t like her.
it is amazing how many ignorant people comment in the most absurd way.
Stop it then.
Such hateful comments. Just remember, there's always a different perspective that is no more or less valid than your own! If you hate something, then it's important to try to understand it in every way possible; even if it goes against your beliefs. You'll sleep better at night I promise you that...
You're so 'open-minded' that your brain fell out.
No ones ever reflected before...😂
I see evil. Dark souless eyes. Does changing consciciousness mean hurting childern? I wear the armor of the Lord. People need to pray this women turns from the dark and turns to the light.
Christ is King!
Please Marina stop to botox your face. We want to see the expressions of your face. thanks.
who cares about the opinion of nobody about SOMEBODY
+human being you.
there is no trace of botox in her face but there is a lot of it in your brain, for sure
All the hate in this comment section is confusing
I got to know this artist through pizza-gate, that left me quite disgusted. Now watching this interview and getting to know that even Rem Koolhaas is working to help her creating her institution leaves me puzzled... Repelling and hypnotic at the same time
I am sorry you became aware thru a very recent conspiracy theory. Marina has been a performance artist for many years and has a profound legacy that has nothing to do with recent hysteria born out of political disinformation. Explore a bit will be an adventure.
Passing witch craft for Art !? Lmao
art is, and always has been, witchcraft. Ever hear the term 'arts and crafts?' Ever felt like a song who movie 'put you under a spell?' It's which-ever-craft works for the message. its amazing how much people will talk about 'witchcraft' knowing literally nothing about it. Though it comes as little surprise, considering they're often the same ones to shove a doctrine down people's throats, from a book most of them haven't even read. Marina is not forcing anyone to do anything. That is the entire point of Rhythm 0.
I've said it before and I'm sure I will again, but her work challenges people to think and people who are afraid of challenged and actual thought ALWAYS resort to superstition, ad hominem and hearsay.
Don't eat little boys
That’s asking way too much for these people..
just a crazy woman
Јад и беда...
pure evil
You literally have devil in your name lol
What kind of skills she has to be named herself as an artist? It is common in our reality that ugliness creating ugliness.
Institut ne postoji, projekat je prekinut, pare su nestale.
full of krap
It is not performance, it's conditioning. Lol
Love her, Franco, and Gaga! And Nick! :)
drinking babies blood
Kala mu mkakalusot k sken ha.
there are non in her case...
Wolf in sheep's clothing.
Poor old rubish
Marina la sadica,
Hexe, bitsch.
Marina when you die be happy until I will come for you in the next life muhahah
Art takes thought and skill. What this woman those is carnal witchcraft and tries to normalize it.
Ok, can somebody explain what did she do that is so evil? I'm not informed. And don't say she's worshiping Satan, I don't care about her religion. What did she do, who did she hurt? Babies, murder...?
"In November 2016, social media was abuzz with rumors connecting Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign chairman John Podesta to an alleged satanic ritual known as “spirit cooking.” The rumors started circulating shortly after the Twitter account for WikiLeaks directed people to an e-mail allegedly sent from Podesta’s brother Tony which mentioned “spirit cooking” and a video showing a performance by artist Marina Abramovic" - Snopes. Conspiracy theorists and those who hate Hilary etc, hate her by association and in ignorance.
Because the elites are sick as hell and people think it's too far-fetched and a conspiracy to believe that. But if they weren't in on the drug trafficking and human trafficking how would these traffickers really get away with it
Thete is no sense in what she is saying!!!! Not at all!!!
Over rated con artist she is no artist how is it art to sit in a pile of bones and blood or to have a skeleton laying on you while you are naked help me out here ??????
@Jb 318 Hey moron did I say anything about being a Christian ??? take a walk I can say what ever the hell I want its called freedom of speech ! and yes her art work is GARBAGE only freaks would bother to buy or sit and watch this crazy woman roll around in a pile of bones and blood FFS
Everyone's hating on her,people hate what they don't understand,I personally find her work refreshing,it awakens feeling in me i don't want to feel but need to,very powerful and yes satanic but yes also daring,I admire daring ❤️
Or, maybe we were young too, and grew past it a bit?