Thanks for uploading the above video.🙏 Today 20 Dec 2021 is Amitabah 's birthdate, My gratitude towards Amitabah's 48 vows which he made for all sentient beings. Let's discard all evil doing and cultivate kindness from now on, chant Amitabah's name, listen to sutra to improve our wisdom, repent and make a vow (to be reborn in Pureland) and dedicate all merits to all sentient beings on earth, all our previous life time creditors/enemies and the covid 19, omicron viruses. May ALL BE REBORN IN PURELAND and no longer be reincarnate within the 6 realms. ALL BEINGS attained Buddha hood in this life time, gain everlasting happiness in the land of Bliss!🙏 May all of the friends on earth be blessed with good health, mental peace, happiness and many blessings to come.🙏🙏
阿弥陀佛 😊🙏🙏🙏
让我们大家发愿从今天起,断恶修善,多念佛,听经闻法长智慧,忏悔发愿 回向法界及地球众生,冤情债主,瘟疫菩萨们( covid 19, omicron) 彼此间放下所有怨恨和报复,化冤情为道友,共念弥陀同生西方,离苦得乐,圆满菩提🙏
南無阿隬陀佛 南無阿隬陀佛 南無阿隬陀佛🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for uploading the above video.🙏
Today 20 Dec 2021 is Amitabah 's birthdate, My gratitude towards Amitabah's 48 vows which he made for all sentient beings. Let's discard all evil doing and cultivate kindness from now on, chant Amitabah's name, listen to sutra to improve our wisdom, repent and make a vow (to be reborn in Pureland) and dedicate all merits to all sentient beings on earth, all our previous life time creditors/enemies and the covid 19, omicron viruses. May ALL BE REBORN IN PURELAND and no longer be reincarnate within the 6 realms. ALL BEINGS attained Buddha hood in this life time, gain everlasting happiness in the land of Bliss!🙏
May all of the friends on earth be blessed with good health, mental peace, happiness and many blessings to come.🙏🙏
I was very touch as I heard this Amitabha Buddha reciting song in the street. Therefore, I bought one cassette tape more than 25 year ago.
Great Amitabh reciting which enhance Buddhist practitioner to achieve better level.