[+140 NEW SONGS] ♫WE ARE 2022♫ [Unstopabble As I Was] (Year End Mashup By Blanter Mashups)

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
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    Further Nostalgia: The Mashup Album is out NOW!
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    I am the original creator of this mashup, im not saying the stuff used in this mashup is mine. Please dont repost this as ur own
    "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal
    #rewind2022 #Mashup #NewMusic
    CHAPTER 8: OK, STEP BACK 10:44

Комментарии • 103

  • @BlanterMashups
    @BlanterMashups  Год назад +16

    Español // English
    Hola a todos, primero que nada empezaré deseándoles un muy feliz año nuevo a todos! Estoy muy agradecido de seguir aquí y poder compartir con ustedes esto que tanto amo hacer.
    Se que tienen muchas preguntas pero aquí voy, les explicaré un poco sobre todo lo que es y significa WE ARE 2022 para mí capitulo por capitulo.
    *Chapter 1
    Star-crossed On The Ground*
    Así es, esta historia realmente comienza en mi anterior mashup de fin de año (WE ARE 2021) muchos se preguntaron el por qué en ese momento decidi salirme un poco de mi zona de confort al dejar de hacer capítulos para cada parte del mashup a excepción del final, bueno esto tiene una explicación simple, el año 2021 para mí fue un año en donde no estuve realmente presente, fue duro para mi por que estuve más de la mitad de ese año sin ningún objetivo, no le encontraba sentido a nada y mi salud tampoco era la mejor, esto fue así hasta casi fin de año en donde conocí a un grupo de personas que salvaron mi vida, ellos me guiaron y me despertaron de algún modo, lastimosamente mientras esto ocurría me enteré de una noticia respecto a mi salud que me dejó un poco en shock y simplemente me vi a mi en un abismo en donde para mí en ese momento la caída era un sinónimo de volver a la realidad, lastimosamente sabía que la caída iba a doler y ahí me encontraba, destrozado en el suelo en donde mi realidad y lo que conocía se hizo un completo estrago.
    *Chapter 2
    Show Must Go On*
    Bueno, desde aquí pueden entender que mi año no empezó de la mejor forma pero gracias a ese golpe a la realidad logré entender que si yo no continuaba podría ser peor y eso trato de expresar en este capítulo, el echo de sentirme un poco asustado pero al mismo tiempo determinado, así que simplemente ese fue mi lema *"El show debe continuar"*
    *Chapter 3
    Running To The Glimpse*
    Aquí quería expresar el como me sentía respecto a mis ganas de volver a la realidad y de volver a ocuparme de mi vida pero en un aspecto más presente y empezar a actuar como un adulto, es por eso que está parte sueno un poco menos caótica pero determinada y con esa chispa de emocion que me llenaba.
    *Chapter 4
    Gonna Break My Soul?*
    En este punto todo se sentía como una carrera contrarreloj en donde tenía que ser un poco más deductivo y entender como todo iba a funcionar en mi vida a partir de ahí, es por eso que quería que está parte sonará un poco más deductiva y contrareloj, por que era un momento crucial en donde decidiría como haría las cosas y en donde mi ansiedad solo me preguntaba si esto me fortalecería o *Destrozaria mi alma*
    *Chapter 5
    Gonna Be Alright (I'm Good (?))
    Aqui simplemente estoy expresando mi emoción por lo que vendría, sabía que todo estaría bien pero aún no era algo seguro sin embargo esta emoción me mantenía en esta alegría contante en donde me sentía realizado y en donde por fin no me sentía solo.
    *Chapter 6
    Destrozado // Veneno*
    Aquí la situación se complicó un poco, la realidad no fue lo que esperaba y lastimosamente no era una persona emocionalmente muy estable, esto condujo a que muchas cosas no salieran como quisiera y pequeñas cosas en ocasiones detonaban recuerdos o traumas que lograban que todo a mi alrededor fuera un caos y me sintiera simplemente destrozado. El veneno en este caso sería esa vocecita en mi mente casi que burlona.
    *Chapter 7
    It's ok, Im trying*
    En este punto reflejo el apoyo de mi nueva familia en donde me aconsejaban y decían que todo estaba bien que obviamente estaba haciendo mi mayor esfuerzo, esto me ayudó a tener esperanza y empezar a reencontrar ese destello que estaba tratando de alcanzar
    *Chapter 8
    Ok, Step Back*
    En este punto encontré mi poder, mi fuerza, mi capacidad como ser humano, entendí que todo, entendí que había olvidado lo poderoso que puedo ser, se sintió como tomar un impulso y arrancar con toda la fuerza.
    *Chapter 9
    Unstoppable As I Was*
    Creo que es fácil entender el capítulo final, aquí lo entendí todo, volví a ser yo, entendí mi potencial y por primera vez pude decir que soy realmente feliz en mucho tiempo, esto lo logré con mucha ayuda de este grupo de personas Silversoul, el cual es el nombre de nuestro grupo de baile, ellos son mi familia y estoy muy agradecido de tenerlos, es por eso que este video va completamente dedicado a ellos ❤️🐺
    Y eso es todo, podría resumirse en como fue mi experiencia al entrar a la vida adulta después de un momento en donde mi mente tocó fondo.
    Por si se lo preguntan me siento feliz, estoy bien independientemente de si debo cuidar un poco más de mi mismo que antes, aún tendrán mucho más de mi en este canal, posiblemente no tan activo que antes ya que mis responsabilidades no me lo permiten pero no podría dejar esto que tanto amo, los quiero mucho, gracias por este año tan genial! 💚⚡
    Hello everyone, first of all I'll start by wishing you all a very happy new year! I am very grateful to be here and to be able to share with you what I love to do so much.
    I know you have many questions but here I go, I will explain a little about everything that WE ARE 2022 is and means to me chapter by chapter.
    *Chapter 1
    Star-crossed On The Ground*
    That's right, this story really begins in my previous year-end mashup (WE ARE 2021) many wondered why at that moment I decided to get out of my comfort zone a bit by stopping making chapters for each part of the mashup except in the end, well this has a simple explanation, the year 2021 for me was a year in which I was not really present, it was hard for me because I spent more than half of that year without any objective, I did not find meaning in anything and my health was not the best either, this was the case until almost the end of the year where I met a group of people who saved my life, they guided me and woke me up in some way, unfortunately while this was happening I found out some news regarding my health that left me a bit in shock and I simply saw myself in an abyss where for me at that moment the fall was a synonym of returning to reality, unfortunately I knew that the fall was going to hurt and there I was, star-crossed on the ground where my reallity and what i knew wreaked havoc.
    *Chapter 2
    Show Must Go On*
    Well, from here you can understand that my year did not start in the best way but thanks to that shock to reality I was able to understand that if I didn't continue it could be worse and that's whay I try to express in this chapter, the fact of feeling a little scared but at the same time determined, so that was simply my motto *"The show must go on"*
    Chapter 3
    Running To The Glimpse*
    Here I wanted to express how I felt about my desire to return to reality and take care of my life again but in a more present aspect and start acting like an adult, that's why this part sounds a little less chaotic but Determined and with that spark of emotion that filled me.
    Chapter 4
    Gonna Break My Soul?*
    At this point everything felt like a race against time where I had to be a little more deductive and understand how everything was going to work in my life from there, that's why I wanted this part to sound a little more deductive and against the clock, because it was a crucial moment where I would decide how I would do things and where my anxiety only asked me if this would strengthen me or *would destroy my soul*
    Chapter 5
    Gonna Be Alright (I'm Good(?))
    Here I am simply expressing my excitement for what was to come, I knew that everything would be fine but it was not yet a sure thing, however this emotion kept me in this constant joy where I felt fulfilled and where I finally did not feel alone.
    Chapter 6
    Destrozado // Veneno*
    Here the situation became a bit complicated, reality was not what I expected and unfortunately I was not a very emotionally stable person, this led to many things not going as I wanted and small things sometimes triggered memories or traumas that made everything in my life seems like a chaos and I felt simply torn apart. The venom in this case would be that little voice in my mind, almost mocking.
    *Chapter 7
    It's ok, I'm trying*
    At this point I reflected the support of my new family where they advised me and said that everything was fine that I was obviously doing my best, this helped me to have hope and start to rediscover that sparkle that I was trying to achieve
    Chapter 8
    Ok Step Back*
    At this point I found my power, my strength, my capacity as a human being, I understood everything, I understood that I had forgotten how powerful I can be, it felt like taking a momentum and going full force.
    Chapter 9
    Unstoppable As I Was*
    I think it's easy to understand the final chapter, here I understood everything, I was me again, I understood my potential and for the first time I was able to say that I am truly happy in a long time, I achieved this with a lot of help from this group of people, SilverSoul is the name of our dance group, they are my family and I am very grateful to have them, that is why this video is completely dedicated to them ❤️🐺
    And that's all, it could be summed up as my experience entering adulthood after a moment where my mind hit rock bottom.
    In case you are wondering, I feel happy, I am fine even if I have to care more about myself than before, you will still have much more of me on this channel, possibly not as active as before since my responsibilities do not allow it but I could not leave what I love so much, I love you very much, thank you for this great year! 💚⚡

    • @BiscoitinhoGames
      @BiscoitinhoGames Год назад +2

      você escreve tão bem own, adorei saber como cada capítulo foi tão importante na sua vida e como você conseguiu dar a volta por cima nisso tudo, desejo que você possa sempre continuar imparável e conquistando tudo de bom que você merece!!

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад +1

      @@BiscoitinhoGames 💚✨✨✨✨

  • @watermelonludmilla5555
    @watermelonludmilla5555 Год назад +8

    This was a musical experience. Like I feel like songs are like shows, while mashups are movies. Beautiful masterpiece

  • @chazz198716
    @chazz198716 10 месяцев назад +2

    I would love it if you did an 80s mashup I bet it would be amazing!

  • @InternationalMashupOlympiad
    @InternationalMashupOlympiad Год назад +10

    "It's not just a mashup - it's a music experience."
    We have added this premiere, and this mashup, to our mashup playlist. Welcome to the 9th International Mashup Olympiad, Blanter Mashups.

  • @Nameless_mixes
    @Nameless_mixes Год назад +9

    You cannot just drop this out of nowhere without a warning! I got so excited that I thought my heart stopped for a second 😂🙌💙

  • @hiim4212
    @hiim4212 9 месяцев назад +2

    This might actually be my favorite one

  • @whybiemydudez_yt
    @whybiemydudez_yt Год назад +6

    the perfect girl vaporwave remix is absolutely INSANE! all of the sections were incredible!!! these 2022 year ends just never miss. they're always off-the charts and gets me EVERYTIME GAH LEE!!! 😆

  • @josea.5999
    @josea.5999 Год назад +2

    wait .... the "Used to Know Me" "Talk that Talk" "I'm Good (Blue)" part was EVERYTHING!!! 💚⚡️💚⚡️💚⚡️💚⚡️

  • @josea.5999
    @josea.5999 Год назад +7

    okay where do i start .... the instruments are soooooo GOOOOOODDD OMG!!!! LIKE "Used to Know Me" "The Motto" "O.O" "Nxde" are EPIC!!! Not to mention from "Light Switch" to "Surface Pressure" as the ending, that was considered "Unstopabble As I Was". But overall this is the best year end mashup. You, Adamusic, AnDyWu, Joseph James & KJ Mixes have made 2022 the best year end ever. Congratulations. 💚⚡️💚⚡️💚⚡️💚⚡️:D

  • @djflapjack4744
    @djflapjack4744 Год назад +4

    It hasn't even been 20 seconds and the editing is on another level 😭

  • @jacquelineamira9219
    @jacquelineamira9219 11 месяцев назад +1

    OMG!!!! So glad I found this channel this mashup is EPIC

  • @josea.5999
    @josea.5999 Год назад +3

    OMG!!! I NOTICED YOU PUT A LOT OF KPOP SONGS LIKE TWICE, ITZY, BLACKPINK, BTS, STAYC, IVE, Stray Kids, Girls Generation, Seventeen, Kep1er, NMIXX, VIVIZ, TXT, Enhypen, Gidle and so much more!!! :D

  • @BiscoitinhoGames
    @BiscoitinhoGames Год назад +5

    i loved everything (especiallyrosalia and motomami presence)
    tysm for this, blanter

  • @DylanGLC
    @DylanGLC Год назад +5

    Amazing work as usual!!

  • @schuppler7
    @schuppler7 11 месяцев назад +1

    You are so talented ! Brilliant ! Can u feel it ? Yeahhhhh :) ♥ Love it ! ♥

  • @watermelonludmilla5555
    @watermelonludmilla5555 Год назад +2

    10:45 Chapter 8 was absolutely fkn insane. Just the constant change of the melody while still sounding cohesive was 🤌👌

  • @oliversabates7250
    @oliversabates7250 Год назад +2

    Amazing! So so talented!!!
    (+ rlly appreciate the Ellie love! Hyped for her new album :)

  • @jamarcuscoley
    @jamarcuscoley Год назад +3

    That was amazing!! You’re the best!

  • @mariaclarke8001
    @mariaclarke8001 8 месяцев назад +2

    I love this music ♥️ 🎶 🎵 ❤️ 😌 and I love you Justin Timberlake in my heart forever ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  8 месяцев назад +1


    • @mariaclarke8001
      @mariaclarke8001 8 месяцев назад +1

      You are handsome and charming men and I love you Justin Timberlake in my heart forever ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵

    • @mariaclarke8001
      @mariaclarke8001 8 месяцев назад +1

      You are handsome and charming men and I love you Justin Timberlake in my heart forever ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️ ☺️ 😌 ♥️ 🎵 💓 ❤️

  • @liii_uhm
    @liii_uhm Год назад +1

    The dice section was WILD

  • @jozumashups
    @jozumashups Год назад +4

    OMG Blanter this is amazing i love it! 😍😍😍

  • @DylanGLC
    @DylanGLC 3 месяца назад +1

    Chapter 4 is soooo good

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  3 месяца назад

      Thank youuu! Good to see you here Dylan haha 💚⚡⚡⚡

  • @watermelonludmilla5555
    @watermelonludmilla5555 Год назад +3

    @Blanter Mashups Just wanted to share an idea.. you should upload tutorials or background footage of you making the mashup. Show us your tricks haha. I’m just so interested in how you made this mashup, I’m so impressed you are very talented

  • @nelsonsilva7811
    @nelsonsilva7811 Год назад +4

    Esto es una obra de arte! las transiciones y la instrumentalización es perfecta! 10/10, ademas recopila perfecto lo mejor del año en cada genero.

  • @NatYT.01
    @NatYT.01 Год назад +2

    Absolutely amazing! Love this, tysm for all the hard work. Appreciated. ❤ 👌

  • @danler_l3424
    @danler_l3424 Год назад +3

    Ahhh perfecto, me gustó mucho. Eres mi top 1 de megamix del 2022 ❤️

  • @mauritsbol4806
    @mauritsbol4806 Год назад +2

    Finally had time to listen to this. U rock.

  • @berimash
    @berimash Год назад +1

    o jeito que você mixou tudo, sério, impecável!

  • @berimash
    @berimash Год назад +2

    lenda demais!!!!

  • @weimashups
    @weimashups Год назад +2

    Hope everything will be okay. ❤ You’re amazing.

  • @sdfzvczxcvsdfasdvzd8958
    @sdfzvczxcvsdfasdvzd8958 Год назад +2

    love the kpop songs you use!my favorite is chapter6&9,the chapter6 give me a feels of WE ARE 2019 Part2(senorita&bad ideas part)

  • @miguelcardenas6945
    @miguelcardenas6945 Год назад +2

    Ahhhhhhhh me lo vi todo😭❤

  • @isaac1475
    @isaac1475 Год назад +2

    A pesar de haber sido un año no tan variado musicalmente, el arte de crear mashups es como construir una balsa con lo que tienes en una isla y este megamix fue lo suficientemente emocionante como estar en altamar, divisando lo que esperamos algún día encontrar ⚡🙂. Ps: ¿sacaras la versión instrumental? ( necesito la sección de edm y esas transiciones, ahora, yaaa🔥)

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      Gracias por tu comentario, me parece genial lo que persiste del mashup! 💚⚡
      El instrumental lo puedes encontrar y comprar en el link de la descripción 😉✨

  • @jeremyvideo528
    @jeremyvideo528 Год назад +2


  • @dausnox48
    @dausnox48 Год назад +1


  • @juliohidalgo1159
    @juliohidalgo1159 Год назад +3

    It was amazing, in my personal opinion jusy can say that was too very much k-pop, but doesnt matter, it was a really good end year mashup

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      It's funny because the kpop in the list is so much less than what it seems but I'm glad you like it 💚⚡

  • @djpimashaps5747
    @djpimashaps5747 Год назад +1

    You should do this weekly, Montly at least, fire fire fuego desde Argentina aquí!

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      Lol quisiera jaja se hace lo mejor que se puede jaja

  • @cmjsal3308
    @cmjsal3308 Год назад +2

    ¡¡¡Increíble!!! ¿con que programa creaste el mashup?

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      Gracias! Edito más mashups en Ableton Live Studio

  • @whybiemydudez_yt
    @whybiemydudez_yt Год назад

    at least we got the chapter 2 we've been waiting for lol

  • @briyithbenavides3920
    @briyithbenavides3920 Год назад +1

    Te amo, siempre te pasas 😭💕

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      Aaaaah te amo más, es pa vos si viste? Ajsldjs tamo tamo uwu 💚⚡

  • @lhmashups8912
    @lhmashups8912 Год назад +1

    I adored him ❤️❤️❤️💥💥💥💥

  • @whybiemydudez_yt
    @whybiemydudez_yt Год назад +1

    4:46 hey, what music video is this scene from? it looks so dreamy.

  • @alejandraescobar2400
    @alejandraescobar2400 Год назад +1


  • @evelyn690
    @evelyn690 Год назад +1

    Evelyn Mashup Mash-ups ♥️

  • @呂小玲-r7x
    @呂小玲-r7x 10 месяцев назад


  • @travislake9537
    @travislake9537 Год назад +1

    What software do you use to pitch vocals? Melodyne?

  • @BangNguyen-vm9mu
    @BangNguyen-vm9mu Год назад +2

    can you tell me the background music at 4:46

  • @kenethgesiakowski
    @kenethgesiakowski Год назад

    @blantermashups are your mash ups clean radio edits? I have a kids event and want to make sure your mashups would be appropriate

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      I dont have a "clean radio edit" version of my mashups, but its a good idea i will apply latter! thanks!

  • @tedbundy_angel114
    @tedbundy_angel114 Год назад +1

    Esqueceu de colocar after dark
    Littie dark age mais tirando isso ta perfeito

  • @kunsmaster
    @kunsmaster Год назад +1


  • @Blueberry40
    @Blueberry40 Год назад +1

    Where's chater 1?

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад

      as the pinned comment says you can find it in WE ARE 2021 😉💚⚡

  • @gareth9917
    @gareth9917 Год назад +1

    It's a shame the music sound exactly the same since 2013 :( the 2000s one WA fantastic

  • @timy5292
    @timy5292 Год назад +1

    Enough Kpop?

    • @BlanterMashups
      @BlanterMashups  Год назад +2

      It's funny because the list of k-pop songs is much less than half of the total number of songs, but I understand lol

  • @michelzbierski6522
    @michelzbierski6522 Год назад


  • @kunsmaster
    @kunsmaster Год назад

    what I want is:
    The Weeknd - Out Of Time
    NCT U - Rain Day
    To be in this

  • @jfvttrRrdg-hu2kc
    @jfvttrRrdg-hu2kc Год назад +1

    The Best mixes on RUclips!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤