Making a CUSTOM NENDOROID | MySims - DJ Candy

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 126

  • @aliciatherabbit6128
    @aliciatherabbit6128 Год назад +33

    I'm so glad you included the fails and struggles. As a beginner it helps me feel like I'm not just bad at art

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +8

      Art is subjective, that's what makes it so wonderful and personal to us all! I honestly never feel like my art is good enough and I perhaps never will - which is ok! :3 Improving is something that requires time and failures so we know how to do things better in the future! I choose to keep my mistakes in the video because I know I'm not alone in the experience and because it can be a source of comedy - since we all relate!
      Thanks so much for watching! :'DD

  • @InfamousAnonymous
    @InfamousAnonymous Год назад +47

    This is one of the first nendroid customs I've seen that genuinely looks like an official nendroid. It's so adorable and includes even minor details!! I too am one of those people who's a perfectionist and really liked how you managed to bring all details of this character to a nendroid form. I hope you continue to post videos and grow as a content creator :D

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +2

      That means so much! Thank you! ;w;
      I am currently on hiatus due to university studies, but I definitely have more projects waiting for me to return to >:D
      Thank you so much for watching! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and like the final result of the nendo! :''3

  • @JellyGalactoa
    @JellyGalactoa Год назад +12

    This is a super cool custom nendo! I occasionally do customs on the side, and I always love seeing how other people go about making their custom nendoroids! A fun method I discovered to make faceplates symmetrical is that some nendoroid faceplates will have paint that fluoresces under uv light, and even after the paint is removed, the outline of where the eyes once were will still fluoresce, I use that outline as a reference point to mark out my new face!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +5

      Thank you so much! :"D
      YOOO THAT'S SICK!!! No joke I just got a UV blacklight for a completely different project! So this is something I'll definately need to try! 👀 Thanks for the tip! ✨🙏

  • @Username-goes-here
    @Username-goes-here Год назад +37

    I played this game series so much as a kid - you've really nailed her likeness, fantastic job!! Looking forward to seeing more videos from you : )

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +5

      Thank you so much! 🥺🙏 I have my socials linked in the description as well if you want to see more in-between videos!✨ Thanks for watching :'' D

  • @jinja-ninga97c21
    @jinja-ninga97c21 Год назад +8

    The sims were the only games I could complete as a kid, good memories on the WII

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      They're such treasures! I hope they have a comeback some day 🥺

  • @TheGrossDemon
    @TheGrossDemon Год назад +6

    Your pain over your own perfectionism makes me feel seen lmfao 😂😂😂

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Ayyy! It's such a curse at times🥴

  • @itsdamelonmanyall
    @itsdamelonmanyall Год назад +15

    She's absolutely adorable! You nailed it! I love seeing MySims get love all this time later. Would love to see you take on more of the cast!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Same! I hope it's making a comeback!
      I'd absolutely love to make more of the cast in the future! 🥺

    • @itsdamelonmanyall
      @itsdamelonmanyall Год назад +1

      @@biwibins If I could be so bold to make a suggestion, I'd love to see Maria or Lyndsay!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      @@itsdamelonmanyall Yoooo! I'd LOVE to do Lyndsay, she's so iconic 😭

  • @imcinnamilk
    @imcinnamilk Год назад +24

    i loved this! reminded me of dollightful’s doll mod videos :D would love to see you do more mysims characters

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +5

      She's one of many doll/figure customizers that inspired me to start making my own! I'm so glad you liked it :''3

  • @roboticromantic4454
    @roboticromantic4454 Год назад +4

    Omg the whiplash I got from seeing that cosplay pic... I was obsessed with how good it looked when I saw it a few months ago! Imagine my surprise to see it was you. This custom is genuinely soooo cute I wish I could have one as well, DJ Candy's def one of the best characters in the game. Amazing job!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Omg really?! Yes that was also me akdjasd 🙈 That cosplay was so long ago - 2016!!! AAH!!
      I love DJ Candy so much she's such an icon, which is why I've shown my love for her in different ways! And I'm so so glad you like her! She was a joy to create, kind of like revisiting my cosplay of her but at a teeny tiny scale 🥺

  • @dootnootmcnootnoot9333
    @dootnootmcnootnoot9333 9 месяцев назад +3

    This is awesome! She looks great! I love to see more love for MySims, it was a smaller franchise but it's one I hold fondly. I remembering being 8 or 9 and played through MySims Kingdom over and over again. Good to see dedicated fans willing to make custom figures!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much, I'm glad you like her! ;w; I completely feel you - we're a small community but the few times we cross paths and see others express their love for the franchise, it's very heartwarming and lovely! MySims deserves a comeback

  • @hamletprinceofdenmark5195
    @hamletprinceofdenmark5195 Год назад +4

    I grew up playing the MySims games too; it's so nice to see that other people also still love them! This is incredible, she looks absolutely fantastic!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank youuu!! I'm so glad you like her! :''D When I started making her I was sure she'd disappear into obscurity, but it's incredibly endearing to see so many people respond and share their love for the games!

  • @PineappleNeko
    @PineappleNeko Месяц назад

    I know this video's a year old now, but with the MySims Cozy Bundle coming out on Switch I was looking to see any customs I could while I waited for it and stumbled upon this. Amazing work on your custom! She turned out so much like the in-game version, and is super cute :D

  • @Cryptideer
    @Cryptideer 6 месяцев назад +2

    oh my GOD, she is so freaking CUTE!!!!!!!!! The details are incredible, and the paint job is so smooth!!! I'm planning to customize some little blind box bjds, and this gives me a pretty good idea of what to expect for that project, thank you so much!!!!!!!!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! 🥺🙏 Good luck with your project, that sounds so fun! 👀

  • @robloxandotherthings2457
    @robloxandotherthings2457 Год назад +3

    This is so underrated! It turned out so good! Hope you're okay from the fumes, haha

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Hahaha! And thank you!! :''D

  • @thatonesymbol
    @thatonesymbol 8 месяцев назад +2

    OMG IT TURNED OUT SO GOOD!!!! mby one of the best customs i've seen.

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  5 месяцев назад +1

      Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! ;w; Apologies for the late reply aaaa! Thank you for watching :DD

  • @havocadvent2
    @havocadvent2 Год назад +2

    ADORABLE. I’d like to own one of these

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you!! I'm so glad you like her!! :DD

  • @ytchannel000
    @ytchannel000 Год назад +4

    Next: Buddy nendoroid, Poppy & Violet nendoroid, King Roland Nendoroid, Chaz nendoroid

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +2

      No promises! But Poppy and Violet would be really fun I think! 😊

  • @allblue225
    @allblue225 Год назад +10

    I love how she turned out! Super cute and so many good tips you shared, thank you. Also I think the gray thingies on the headphone cups are hinges?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      I am so glad you like her!! ✨Thank you! :''D
      Hinges you say? Now that's a new one! 👀 Idk if we' ll ever get to know the truth 💀

  • @TheGrossDemon
    @TheGrossDemon Год назад +2

    She cane out so good!!! She looks legit!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      My goodness! Thank you so much! :''D

  • @mellow1821
    @mellow1821 Год назад +4

    this is the best custom nendo i have ever seen!!!!! and im super thankful you decided to film this, im working on a custom myself, and this has been SUPER helpful! hope you will make more videos like this. (also i grew up w mysims and im still really crazy abt it thank u)

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Holy moly-
      Thank you so much!! ;;w;; I'm so glad this can be helpful for you!
      Also pls EA bring MySims back we beg of you 😩

  • @RosaDollsArt
    @RosaDollsArt Год назад +2

    I really enjoyed this vid. You did an amazing job.

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you very much! 🥺✨🙏

  • @Sageleahh
    @Sageleahh Месяц назад

    wow its so amazing that people have this skill, time and effort to make something like this

  • @saniixmi
    @saniixmi Год назад +2

    omg shes so cute !!!! i played mysims agents as a kid,,,, love this !!!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Agents has GOT to be the best one in the series! It's such a shame they never made Agents 2 before it was shelved 😭

  • @tekinetiko-san4985
    @tekinetiko-san4985 Год назад +2

    Myyyy, you're just the coolest person alive, WE NEED YOU BACK--!1!!1!!1!
    Your tutorial helped me out so so so much, I can't put in words how grateful I am-
    The most talented figure maker on youtube I'm serious........GOOD LUCK WITH UNIVERSITY,,,,,,

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  11 месяцев назад

      What a sweet comment!! 😭🥺 I'm SO glad that this tutorial helped you with your own project! That's what I made it for! :''D The plan is to come back soon, but I don't know when exactly "soon" is because life keeps developing faster than I have free time to work on figure and toy projects 😩 But rest assured I haven't abandoned the projects!
      I'm more active on my socials which are linked in the description, if you'd like to check me out there until the next vid! :3
      Thanks again for your support!! 😊🙏

  • @aroorooroo
    @aroorooroo Год назад +2

    This is so crazy, I was just thinking about MySims today. And I’ve been deep diving into Nendoroid customizing so I can learn how to start doing it! Crazy I ran into this video. But beautiful beautiful job!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Then you're definitely who this video was made for! 😂 I'm so glad you enjoyed it and like the final result! :''D Good luck with your future Nendoroid projects!! :3

  • @makaylaflores6215
    @makaylaflores6215 2 месяца назад

    I love my sims, you did an amazing job!!!! Do candy looks amazing and would love to see you make more characters!💜

  • @Mar-di9yd
    @Mar-di9yd Год назад +2

    absolutely obsessed with my sims ever since I was a kid (I still maintain my sims agents was an underrated masterpiece) and I love this figure so much!! you did the most iconic character so much justice! you deserve so many more subs than you’ve got currently

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      AAAA thank you!!! ;;;; And I wholeheartedly agree! MySims was the best from the whole franchise! Hopefully someday MySims will get a new chance in the future! One can hope :''D
      And thank you so much for watching and commenting! It means a lot! 🙏

  • @samvr9097
    @samvr9097 Год назад +2

    aaaa im trying to plan my own custom nendo and this was so incredibly helpful, thank you for making this!!!! plus she turned out totally perfect, you did an amazing job💖

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Glad it could be of help to you!! :DD And thank you! 🙏 Wish you luck on your project!!

  • @vreemdear6344
    @vreemdear6344 Год назад +1

    this is so cool! I had never heard of mysims before but now I want to play it

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      I really recommend it! It's super fun and I'm sure you can find the games second-hand from a lot of different places! I never had a wii as a kid so I grew up with the DS games! Thank you so much for watching!! 🥺🙏

  • @Neon99
    @Neon99 Год назад +3

    I honestly thought you had more subscribers, because this video is very polished and entertaining! Nice work!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Omg thank you! 🥺 That's very nice of you, I'm glad you liked it! :""D

  • @_yeahyeah
    @_yeahyeah Год назад +1

    happy that i'm one of the three who found this🥰vv cute & creative :D

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Yeah I definitely did NOT expect this amount of people to watch this tbh!! 🤣 But I'm glad there are plenty of people out there who enjoy Nendo customs and MySims still! :DD
      Thank you so much for watching! :'3

  • @nicolesvariouswares
    @nicolesvariouswares Год назад +1

    I love this so much, she was one of my favorites!! 😭😭 Violet is still my #1 but gosh she turned out so cute I love this sm

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Violet is another iconic queen! 😭👑 I'm so glad you liked the final result ;;; Thank you very much for watching and commenting! 🙌

  • @jimmyjackson2393
    @jimmyjackson2393 Год назад +2

    I’d guess the things in the headphones is meant to be the logo of the in universe headphones makers?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Hadn't considered that! :0 That's a good theory! But that still doesn't explain what it means 😩

  • @nobadii9513
    @nobadii9513 Год назад +2

    Glad to see someone else who still loves MySims! Also your DJ Candy is amazing!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      MySims was one of the first ever games I owned as a kid so it has a special place in my heart 😤
      And thank you!! 🥺✨

  • @HungLikeScrat
    @HungLikeScrat 2 месяца назад

    I'm sad to see you've only uploaded 3 videos. You do nice work. I just spent like $700 on various Nendoroid figures because I just found out about them and had to have Inuyasha and friends. I also pre-ordered Sony's Astro Bot.
    I wanna make a custom Inuyasha full demon face and would love to see more of your work before I even get started.
    Please show us more.

  • @adrianaunderworld2880
    @adrianaunderworld2880 Год назад +1

    Shes so cute! I adored this series as a kid and you did a great job!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you!! :'3 Webelieve in MySims supremacy 🙌

  • @toptensigmaquotes
    @toptensigmaquotes Год назад +1

    This is amazing? Do you have another channel where you upload more things like this, or was this like a one-time thing?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      This is hopefully not a one-time thing, no! I've just been incredibly busy with university studies and am about to start looking for a job within that field of study! I have had no free time to work on any hobbies, but I have an entire drawer filled with split parts for future projects that I hope I can return to soon! :D
      Thank you for watching! 🙏

  • @Quietwhyit420
    @Quietwhyit420 Год назад +1

    OMG IT LOOKS SO AMAZING!! I love. I have been thinking about making a custom nendoroid but it seems like so much work. I had one of the mysims game on the DS and i have a lot of fun memories, although i was like 7 when i played do i didnt really understand the concept. I just played racketball and bought furniture lol.

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! 🥺 I won't lie - Nendoroid customization not only takes a lot of time, but can get a bit pricey too, which is why I'm still trying to get a hold of certain parts for future projects 2 years on! But the actual creating process and seeing the final result come together makes it all so much worthwhile! 👀✨

  • @darkcacao2472
    @darkcacao2472 11 месяцев назад +2

    When you are making/drawing the face or anything else are you obligated to use water colour pencils?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  11 месяцев назад +2

      You don't have to, no! You could immediately use acrylic paints instead, I just have way more control when drawing details with a pencil 😄I would not recommend coloured pencils or oil pencils though because they either don't grip onto the plastic as well and putting too much pressure can put dents in the face, or they'll smudge over time if they're exposed to other elements over time. That is why the standard is to go for watercolour pencils!
      Hope that helps! :3

  • @IrisLuminMiel
    @IrisLuminMiel Год назад

    Thank you so much for this video! ❤ I don’t see many custom nenderoid dolls so this is perfect! Especially I didn’t think I can use different models asides keeping my eyes peel for the blank models (which is always sold out)

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      I'm so glad you liked it! :DD
      Faceplates are always hard to get right 😣 I hope the video is of any use! 😉

  • @миииц
    @миииц Год назад +3

    I sorry for this strange ask, but can you record an utau?! Voice so energetic
    Video was interesting!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +3

      You are definately the first person to ever say this! 😂But it's a big compliment and definitely boosts my confidence over my voice! :''3 Thank you so much and I'm glad you enjoyed the video! 🙏

  • @daydreamies
    @daydreamies Год назад +1

    240 SUBS??? HUH??? consider me 241 because this was so good. the quality of your handiwork is great! keep it up!

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      AAAAAaaaaa!! ;;; Thank you!! It means a lot! 🥺🙏

  • @myon9431
    @myon9431 4 месяца назад +1

    You have a funny sense of humour 😊
    And you are truly talented!
    I will reference this video when I make my own customs, but honestly that may not be until a couple of years! If you'd have any tips I'd love to know! Or make a video of tips maybe (if you haven't already)

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! :'') That's very kind of you!
      I haven't made a general tip video yet I'm afraid, no. But that's on the list! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any other questions, I'm happy to help where I can haha
      Thanks again for watching!

  • @oworiffic4079
    @oworiffic4079 9 месяцев назад

    LIVE LAUGH DJ CANDY!! cant wait to see your next projects ❤

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  8 месяцев назад +1

      She's such an icon!! Thank you! :''D Life is a bit of a rollercoaster right now, but I have plenty of projects to finish! ;DD

  • @notjasmeme
    @notjasmeme Год назад +1

    this was so cool to watch! she turned out so great ❤

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you so much! 🥺 I'm so glad you like her!

  • @fungamesGG
    @fungamesGG 4 месяца назад +1

    I’m thinking of making a custom do you have any recommendations for where to buy parts
    And supplies needed

  • @odddoodleart6565
    @odddoodleart6565 Год назад +1

    She looks sooo good love your process❤️❤️❤️👍😭

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Thank you!! ;;;; I can't wait until my next larger project! 💖

  • @HarukaxYuuki
    @HarukaxYuuki Год назад +1

    Ended up perfect! Well done! I also learned some stuff I didnt know before

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thanks! :'3 I'm so glad to hear that, that's what I hoped the video would do!

  • @miIIe
    @miIIe Год назад +5

    this is too cool 😭

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +3

      Thank you so much! 🥺

  • @64BitLife
    @64BitLife Год назад +3

    She turned out so cute! I had completely forgotten about my sims, even though I played the Wii version quite a bit as a kid. Also I've been considering customizing a qposket, but didn't want to spend a bunch of money on apoxie sculpt. It looks like milliput might work out well for that. Can I ask what grit of sandpaper you use?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you so much! :''D
      Aha! Yes, Milliput is such a fantastic material and will be easier on your bank account lmao. As you can read on the packaging, I use the "Superfine White" version and it's honestly very easy to sand. You don't need a very tough grit to be able to shape it. I'm not exactly sure what the grits are of the sandpaper I use here but I'd guess around 800 and up??? Basically like a "medium" grit and then finish it with a very fine grit :) Good luck on your project!! :DD

  • @theparanoidone7189
    @theparanoidone7189 Год назад +1

    Now I want to make custom nendoroids

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Go for it if you want to! :DD It's a long and slow process to make one and sometimes very pricey but very worth it when you finally have something in your hand that you're proud of!

  • @AliseŠteina-m6r
    @AliseŠteina-m6r Год назад +1

    She is totally adorable! You're doing such amazing job :) also, question.. what kind of clay should I use for nendoroids?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you so much! :''D If you're adding modifications with clay on the original nendoroid piece, then something that will air-dry is the best option! As you can see in the video, I use Milliput because of its many perks. But a lot of people also use Apoxie Sculpt. If you want to make a piece from scratch then any durable material would be fine! I used FIMO as you saw in the video for the hip piece :3 Hope that helps!

  • @tiffyelefano
    @tiffyelefano Год назад +1

    Oh wow!! She turned out so adorable! You’re very talented💖 I’m interesting in making a custom nendoroid as well. Can I ask what sealant you used?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Thank you so much! :''3
      I personally use Mr. Super Clear - but it can be tough to find it sometimes. I've also heard that Testors Dullcote is a good alternative! Whatever sealant you find - make sure that it's Matte and the final result gives you a bit of "tooth" so that you can draw on the surface much easier! Oh and PLEASE USE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION!!! If you breathe in the aerosols from a sealant, they'll crystalize and cure inside your lungs - which aint recommended.
      Good luck with your project!! :DD

  • @chickpeademon8515
    @chickpeademon8515 Год назад +1

    The thing on the headphones looks like a Pac-Man ghost crossed with a mail box.

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Omg. At this point I'll take any explanation 🤣

  • @vubumgardner4871
    @vubumgardner4871 Год назад +1

    XD you are hilarious and l enjoyed the commentary

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Aaaa thank you! I worry I'm too cringe lmao but I'm glad you like my dumb gags 🤣

  • @cyanknight2749
    @cyanknight2749 Год назад +1

    I remember this game for the WII, it looks incredible! :O
    Do you have a list of equipment you used and a guide?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Omg thank you! ;;; I don't have a master list/guide of my collection of my equipment at the moment, no - BUT I would definitely be happy to make one! Perhaps through one of my socials :0 For each post I make on my Instagram/DeviantArt I always include the parts and materials I've used in the descriptions, if you'd like to check those out too!
      Don't think you need all the things I use to be able to get a good final result, though! :3

  • @digi_056
    @digi_056 Год назад +1

    While watching this I remembered I had the copy of MySims that Taco Bell had in a kid's meal, but when I looked the disk was missing. ☹

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад

      Nooooo how tragic! 😭 I bought my copy on ebay! Perhaps others are selling them second hand still?

  • @rubyensor3007
    @rubyensor3007 Год назад

    You should Cap'n Ginny next.

  • @ChildPrototype2
    @ChildPrototype2 13 дней назад

    are you the persob who made the hanako and tsukasa nendoroid faces on etsy

  • @Deathmushroom1
    @Deathmushroom1 6 месяцев назад

    Would you ever sell some custom nendoroids? Your work is soo good

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  6 месяцев назад +1

      I have before yes! But right now I need to sadly put this hobby aside while I focus on my new job and career 😩
      Thank you so much for watching and for liking my work! 🥺🙏

  • @miijohanna
    @miijohanna Год назад +1

    I love is games🥰 i have a wii😊 my favorite game is mysims skyheroes

  • @IAmGingerDev
    @IAmGingerDev 2 месяца назад

    6:19 I wish to be that

  • @maplerebro7103
    @maplerebro7103 7 месяцев назад

    May I ask what clay do you use?

  • @CassidyKoala
    @CassidyKoala Год назад +1

    Can you make a Custom Nendoroid - MySims Poppy?

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      I would love to! But we'll have to see, life is very busy for me right now and I barely have time to work on personal projects (and oh boy do I have many projects I hope to make) :''D

    • @CassidyKoala
      @CassidyKoala Год назад

      @@biwibins Thanks.

  • @eilinejunginger6352
    @eilinejunginger6352 Год назад +3

    Aaaww this reminds me of my first Sims game it was on the Facebook!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

  • @takeru2702
    @takeru2702 Год назад +2


    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад


  • @ayano_5868
    @ayano_5868 Год назад +1

    You sound like as @izzyzzz

    • @biwibins
      @biwibins  Год назад +1

      Probably because we're both from New Zealand haha! ☺