23. The Lunisolar Deception - Pastor Stephen Bohr - Hebrew Religious Calendar - Anchor 2017

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • Anchor School of Theology is a yearly event by Secrets Unsealed. It is a seminary level training presented by Pastor Stephen Bohr. Watch Secrets Unsealed TV here. secretsunseale...

Комментарии • 52

  • @moshodi100
    @moshodi100 Год назад +4

    Excellent study. Accurate on-point, Biblically accurate and timely, mixed in with common sense and some logic. I am staggered that people are so ignorant as to keep the Hebrew feasts (anti type) which point to Christ (the type), and were all fulfilled in him and therefore there is no need for them to be kept. The Sabbath which is the ONLY ceremony we are commanded to keep as per creation week and the 10 Commandments, is governed on a 7 day solar cycle as per creation week. The moon incidentally was not created until day 4.
    Thank you Pastor Bohr for Bible truth, common sense, logic, and reason all sourced from the Bible and Christ's own example!

  • @brmjf2471
    @brmjf2471 2 года назад +1

    Praise the Lord
    I was so confused about this topic.I almost fell into the trap but the secret the lunar calendar doesn’t match with the 2 prophecies charts.
    I have to admit the Bible doesn’t mentioned the days of the week and the months of the Gregorian calendar.

  • @vegasboxlive
    @vegasboxlive 5 лет назад +1

    Pastor thank you for quoting Testimonies to ministers and Gospel workers 135.3. EGW clearly states that the day begins with the coming out of the sun “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, He means the day of twenty-four hours, which He has marked off by the RISING and SETTING of the sun.” TM 135
    praise GOD!!
    I can see in the video the pastor couldn’t even believe it him self but the truth is there.
    We (not all) believe in EGW as inspired and gifted with the spirit of prophecy.

    • @gabrielhaack2263
      @gabrielhaack2263 4 года назад

      At last Jesus was at rest. The long day of shame and torture was ended. As the last rays of the setting sun *ushered in the Sabbath*, the Son of God lay in quietude in Joseph's tomb. His work completed, His hands folded in peace, He rested through the sacred hours of the Sabbath day.
      {DA 769.1}

  • @Jane20121985
    @Jane20121985 6 лет назад +3

    Excellent video

  • @EdgarQalotaki
    @EdgarQalotaki 5 лет назад +2

    Hellow Pastor been richly blessed by your ministry. Can i have a copy of the book by the Lady. Because this is a topic which has swept some of our fellow church members and family. Thanks Gb. Look forward to your reply.

  • @barbaratopal4110
    @barbaratopal4110 4 года назад +4

    You have some mistakes in what you're saying. The first crescent marks the New Moon Day which is the first day of the month. New Moon Day is not a Sabbath. According to the Bible it is a day of worship, but not a Sabbath. The first Sabbath of the month comes 7 days after the first day of the month. So, the first Sabbath would be on the 8th. The second Sabbath of the month would be on the 15th. The third Sabbath of the month would be on the 22nd. The fourth Sabbath of the month would be on the 29th. The second mistake is that you don't have two Sabbaths, one right after the other. As I said, the first day of the month is not a Sabbath. There are three types of days each month. New Moon Day, week days, and Sabbaths. May God bless and help all of us to see His Truths and to understand them.

  • @migdaniarodriguez473
    @migdaniarodriguez473 6 лет назад +1

    hello i want this information to spanish because im learning speak english. this very important for my.t Thank and bless you

  • @guylainecollett7943
    @guylainecollett7943 8 месяцев назад

    I absolutely agree about the Seventh Day Sabbath of the scriptures, however, the true Sabbath of the scriptures looks like this in the first(1st) lunar month below in calendar format from evidences found in the scriptures, and their are many scriptures to prove this throughout the lunar months .
    1st day of month(New Moon Day=Isaiah 66:23; Col.2:16; Ezekiel 46:1) 2 3 4 5 6 7(six workdays) 8th( Sabbath Day) 9 10 11 12 13 14(six workdays=Passover=Lev. 23:5; John 19:14, 42) 15th(Sabbath Day=Lev. 23:6; Numb.28:17; Numb.33:3; Deut.5:12-15; John 19:31;Luke 23:56) 16th day=(first day of the week=Matthew 28:1; Mark 16;2; Luke 24:1;John 20:1) 17 18 19 20 21st(end of unleavened bread=Exodus 12:18=six work days) 22nd(Sabbath) 23 24 25 26 27 28(six work days) 29th(Sabbath) then at New moon 1st of the second month it repeats again.
    In the second(2nd) lunar month the 15th day of the month can also be identified as the seventh day Sabbath in Exodus 16:1 and when the manna was given, and when the 15th day is identified as the Sabbath, then so are the 8th, 22nd, and 29th days as a mathematical default.
    The seventh(7th) lunar month seventh day Sabbaths can also be identified in calendar format by looking at Leviticus 23:34-39 which tells you that the 15th day of the seventh(7th) month is a Sabbath day, and by comparing Numbers 29:12-35 of the seventh(7th) month below.
    1st day of the seventh lunar month(Leviticus 23:24=Sabbath; Numbers 29:1) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th(six working days) 8th(Sabbath) 9th 10th(Leviticus 23:27; Numbers 29:7) 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th(Leviticus 23:34-35, 39; Numbers 29:12= first day of F.O.T. Sabbath) 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st(Leviticus 23:34; John 7:2,37 =seventh and last day of F.O. Tabernacles) 22nd(Sabbath Leviticus 23:39; Numbers 29:35; 2 Chronicles 8-9; John 9:14=eighth day) 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th(six working days) 29th(Sabbath) then at new moon or 1st day of the eighth month it repeats.
    And please show us where the Roman calendar saturday falls or is ever mentioned in any of these texts of scriptures?

  • @damiroburgzorg3997
    @damiroburgzorg3997 3 года назад +3

    You begin your message with 3 lies - none of which are supported by history or scripture. From the 4:30 mark to the 5:35 mark you claim
    1-that a new moon marks the beginning of 'some hebrew feasts'. History and scripture show that a new moon marked the beginning of EVERY SINGLE month. The word New moon means new month in Hebrew
    2-That the New Moon is a Sabbath. Bible says new moon is a holy day and the 1st of the month, but NOWHERE does it say it is a Sabbath. Neither should anyone believe so since it is written that they are two seperate days to be observed separately.
    3- you claimed Sabbaths are the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. No where ever in the bible is the Sabbath mentioned to be the 1st day of the month.

  • @shekyruiz5922
    @shekyruiz5922 6 лет назад

    cuando tendrán en español?

  • @benaiah786
    @benaiah786 Год назад

    @51:57 There is no scripture basis to prove Saturday is the seventh day. thus u can't tell people that Saturday is the Sabbath day since u have no scripture to prove it.

  • @djeffrypaulus1014
    @djeffrypaulus1014 2 месяца назад

    Ada banyak fakta Alkitab yang anda bantah!
    Kebenaran Firman-Nya tersimpan dalam bahasa Alkitab (Hebrew) dan dalam cerita/kisah, perumpamaan dan ilustrasi.
    Yesaya 8:20 mengatakan kita bisa menguji semua Doktrin yang dibangun oleh pendiri-pendiri gereja, termasuk GMAHK;
    Saudara-saudaraku Kita harus berkeinginan menyelidiki dengan cara yang terbuka setiap titik pertentangan. Jika seseorang mengajar salah, mereka yang bertanggung jawab haruslah mengetahui nya: dan jika dia mengajarkan kebenaran mereka harus berdiri di pihaknya. Kita semua berada dibawah kewajiban kepada Tuhan untuk mengetahui apa yang Dia kirimkan untuk kita. Dia telah telah memberikan petunjuk dengan apa kita menguji setiap Doktrin;
    - Terhadap hukum dan terhadap kesaksian: Jika mereka berbicara tidak sesuai dengan firman ini, itu karena tidak adanya terang pada mereka. (Yesaya 8:20).
    Jika terang yang diberikan memenuhi ujian ini, kita jangan menolak untuk menerimanya hanya karena terang itu tidak sesuai dengan ide-ide.
    (GW. 300.4)

  • @moedbeacon2721
    @moedbeacon2721 3 года назад

    Please show me where it says in the writings of Ellen White that the day begins at sunset and also that she was ever shown in any vision, told by any angel that Saturday is the sabbath.

  • @lisagreen3872
    @lisagreen3872 4 года назад

    Where he made the moon doesn't mean anything this was a. Law given after creationn

  • @MrNamara31
    @MrNamara31 2 года назад

    I hope you reconsider calling lunar Sabbath desepcionNew Moon Day Separate from the 6 Work Days and the Seventh-Day Sabbath:
    New Moon day is not counted as one of the 6 working days neither is it the seventh-day Sabbath; the new moon day starts the month as day 1 making the weekly Sabbaths to fall on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month. (See Ezekiel 46:1, Amos 8:5, 2Kings 4:23, and Isaiah 66:23.)
    Exodus 12:
    Passover was on the 14th of the first month. The first day of the feast of unleavened bread was on the 15th which was a Sabbath (See Leviticus 23: 4-16). This makes the Sabbaths for the first month (Abib) to have fallen on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and the 29th. (Exodus 12.)
    Exodus 16:
    Manna fell for the six week days, but did not fall on the Sabbath which fell on the 22nd, making the other Sabbaths for that month fall on the 8th, 15th and 29th. (Exodus 16.)
    Exodus 19
    Israel left Egypt the night of Abib 15. Three months later, on the very same day, the 15th, they rested before the mount. (See Deuteronomy 16:1; Numbers 33:3; Exodus 19:1-2.), thus making the Sabbaths for the third month (as recorded in Exodus 19:1) fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. The weekly Sabbaths for the first month (Exodus 12) and the second month (Exodus 16) fell on the same dates also; this is not possible on today's Gregorian Roman calendar which people use to identify their worship days.
    Annual Feasts and High Sabbaths:
    Every year, the feast of unleavened bread begins on the 15th, a Sabbath. The first day of feast of Tabernacles also falls on the 15th which is called a "holy convocation" and is followed, eight days later by another "holy convocation" on the 22nd, every single year. Two Sabbaths always falling on the 15th cannot occur on a solar calendar. (See Numbers 29:12-39; Leviticus 23:5, 6, 34, 35, 39).
    Entering Canaan:
    The manna never fell on the seventh-day Sabbath. After entering Canaan, Israel kept Passover. The manna ceased on the 16th of Abib, the day after the Sabbath: Exodus 16; Joshua 5:10-12. This places the Sabbath for this month on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
    Dedication of Priesthood:
    Aaron and his sons were sanctified for seven days beginning on New Moon Day (See Exodus 40: 2, 17). On the eighth day (which was also the 8th of the month), there was an assembly of the congregation. During the preceding seven days, they were not to leave the tabernacle. (See Leviticus 8:1- 13; 33-35; 9:1-5). From Exodus 40: 17 we learn that it was the first month (Abib) of the second year after their departure from Egypt, in which Passover was to be kept; this is a double confirmation that the Sabbaths for this month fell on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
    Solomon kept the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days. On the 8th day (22nd of the month) they made a solemn assembly. Solomon sent the people away on the 23rd, being careful not to send them away on the 22nd, the Sabbath. (See 2 Chronicles 7:8-10). This places the Sabbath for the seventh month on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
    Esther 9:
    The 15th of the 12th month was a rest day, making the 8th, 22nd and 29th rest days as well. (Esther 9.)
    Hezekiah's Reform:
    The people began to sanctify on New Moon day of the first month and on the 8th of the month they went to the temple. On the 16th of the month, they "made an end" which was the first day of the work week. (2 Chronicles 29:17.)
    Passover was always on the 14th of Abib. (Leviticus 23:5.)
    Christ's crucifixion occurred on Passover, on the sixth day of the week. Passover always occurred on the sixth day of the week, followed by the seventh-day Sabbath on the 15th. (See Mark 15:42; John 19:31; Lev. 23:6, 7, 11 and 15; John 19:42.)
    Christ was resurrected early in the morning on the first day of the week. (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1 and 2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1.)
    Christ was resurrected on the 16th of Abib, the first day of the week, corresponding to the wave sheaf offering, or first fruits. (Leviticus 23:11.)
    Paul called Christ the "first fruits of them that sleep" and stated that He was buried and rose the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4 and 20-23.)
    On the walk to Emmaus, the two disciples told Christ that it was the third day since the crucifixion. (Luke 24:17-21.)
    The crucifixion week establishes the weekly seventh-day Sabbath on Abib 15, thus making the 8th, 22nd and 29th days Sabbaths as well.
    Healing of the Blind Man:
    The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles always falls on the 21st day of the seventh month: (See Leviticus 23:34, 36, 39-41; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Nehemiah 8:13-18; Ezekiel 45:21-25.)
    Christ attended the Feast of Tabernacles. (John7:10.)
    On the last day of the Feast, the 21st of the seventh month, Christ stood and spoke. (John 7:37.)
    Christ spent that night on the Mount of Olives. (John 8:1.)
    The next morning, the 22nd of the seventh month, Christ returned to the temple. (John 8:2.)
    At the temple, Christ healed a blind man. (John 9:6.)
    The healing of the blind man caused great anger for it was the seventh-day Sabbath. (John 9:14.)
    This places the weekly seventh-day Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the month yet again.
    Paul's Journey:
    The first day of the work week always fell on the 2nd of the month, the day after New Moon. In Luke's account of their journey, Paul's company sailed from Philippi after the feast of unleavened bread ended on the 21st of Abib, sailed for five days and arrived at Troas where they stayed seven days. (See Acts 20:5-7.)
    The seventh day of their stay at Troas was the second day of the month which Paul refers to as the first day of the week. This again places the Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month.

  • @djeffrypaulus1014
    @djeffrypaulus1014 2 месяца назад

    Banyak salah pengertian tentang kata Jadilah dalam Alkitab:
    Alkitab memiliki bahasanya sendiri yang menjelaskan kata tersebut
    Ada 2 kata yang berbeda dari kata "Jadilah", tentu maknanya berbeda dalam bahasa Alkitab (Hebrew);
    1. Bara : yang tidak ada menjadi ada;
    Genesis 2:4
    These H428 are the generations H8435 of the heavens H8064 and of the earth H776 when they were created H1254, in the day H3117 that the LORD H3068 God H430 made H6213 the earth H776 and the heavens H8064,
    Strong-Lite; created H1254,
    Original: בּרא
    Transliteration: bârâ'
    Phonetic: baw-raw'
    BDB Definition:
    to create, shape, form
    (Qal) to shape, fashion, create (always with God as subject)
    of heaven and earth
    of individual man
    of new conditions and circumstances
    of transformations
    (Niphal) to be created
    of heaven and earth
    of birth
    of something new
    of miracles
    to cut down
    to cut out
    to be fat
    (Hiphil) to make yourselves fat
    Origin: a primitive root
    TWOT entry: 278
    Part(s) of speech: Verb
    2. Asah: yang sudah ada di gunakan, atau difungsikan sebagai;
    Psalms 104:19
    He appointed H6213 the moon H3394 for seasons H4150: the sun H8121 knoweth H3045 his going down H3996.
    Strong-Lite H6213
    Original: עשׂה
    Transliteration: ‛âśâh
    Phonetic: aw-saw'
    BDB Definition:
    to do, fashion, accomplish, make
    to do, work, make, produce
    to do
    to work
    to deal (with)
    to act, act with effect, effect
    to make
    to make
    to produce
    to prepare
    to make (an offering)
    to attend to, put in order
    to observe, celebrate
    to acquire (property)
    to appoint, ordain, institute
    to bring about
    to use
    to spend, pass
    to be done
    to be made
    to be produced
    to be offered
    to be observed
    to be used
    (Pual) to be made
    (Piel) to press, squeeze

  • @weiharpyou
    @weiharpyou 5 лет назад +2

    Just a couple of comment number one the lunar Sabbath concept breaks the fourth Commandment in that it says to work 6 days and rest the seventh. Two. The Bible is clear that an evening and morning the first day and it's never changed. We don't need Ellen White to prove that. But an interesting side note is it the 2300 days is given in evenings and mornings which might make us realize that there's more to that prophecy meaning it could be applied again in days at the end. three. The Bible says three days and three nights Jesus would be in the heart of the Earth the only way you can get that to be true is if he was crucified Wednesday evening and rose Sabbath at sundown. That makes three days and three nights. Plus the ladies could not go to the tomb any earlier than that because the tomb was being guarded by the Roman soldiers. Also typically the day before Passover is called the preparation day which is usually reserved for Friday.

    • @barbaratopal4110
      @barbaratopal4110 4 года назад +1

      Friday is not in the Bible. It was the 6th day, and it was according to the Lunar Calendar, according to Jewish reckoning. They certainly didn't go by the Gregorian Calendar at that time.

  • @lisagreen3872
    @lisagreen3872 4 года назад +1

    Enoch ch 72 73 The Moon brings in the Years Perfectly ..Men rejected it because it wasn't conveniet to thejr.fleshly desires .

  • @heatherlovesdeuteronomy
    @heatherlovesdeuteronomy 5 лет назад +2

    The march around Jericho proves the Saturday shabbat is false.

    • @Mike628782
      @Mike628782 4 года назад +1

      The lunar Sabbath theory says that the 15th day of the month is a Sabbath. Yet all through the wilderness manna did not fall on the sabbath. In Joshua 5:10-12 Says that manna fell on the 15th day and stopped on the 16th day proving that the 15th day is not a Sabbath. Proving the lunar Sabbath theory to be a satanic hoax to get people to ignor the real sabbath.

    • @barbaratopal4110
      @barbaratopal4110 4 года назад

      You are right about Jericho and the Sabbath and we were never taught that by our church. How sad......and I feel our church has deprived us of the Truth that was brought out in the study done by SDA Grace Amadon a long time ago. The Truth is in the Archives of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

    • @steveodimah8865
      @steveodimah8865 Год назад +1

      The priest profane the sabbath yet it was not sin what makes you think going around the city 7 times is sinful if it was commanded by God?

    • @heatherlovesdeuteronomy
      @heatherlovesdeuteronomy Год назад

      @@steveodimah8865 where did I say the march had anything to do with sin?

  • @preciousslj
    @preciousslj 6 лет назад +7

    It is so sad that you would sell out your soul pastor Stephen. You have just lied to millions of Gods children and you are very conscious of your deception. You have allowed yourself to be used as a puppet to a religious entity and have sold out your Messiah like did Judas. I pray that everyone studies for them self and allow the Holy Spirit and not allow man to continue leading Gods people astray.
    You will answer to Yahuwah. I pray that you still have a conscience to repent of this lie and stand for truth even in these last days.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 6 лет назад +3

      preciousslj This is merely your opinion, which means nothing. You make slanderous remarks with nothing to back it up but your opinion. You certainly did not show any Biblical sources. You are the one that needs to repent. Pastor Bohr knows Scripture better than most of us do. All one has to know is that the Sabbath was created on the 7th day - the evening and the morning, just like the rest of the creation DAYS. Sabbath is the 7th day of the each week. It is not some complicated memorial determined by the moon. This is just another Satanic deception. Pastor Bohr is NOT a liar, and he certainly has not sold his soul. He doesn’t have a soul - he is a living SOUL. The Holy Spirit would NEVER contradict the Scripture that He inspired, ye who has been sold a bill of pseudo ideology.

  • @guylainecollett7943
    @guylainecollett7943 8 месяцев назад

    Please show us the scriptures that calls the feasts/appointed times/H4150 of the LORD/Yahovah as ceremonial laws? It doesn't, and the sun and moon, the two great lights were not created on the 4th day, they were created as part of the heavens in Genesis 1:1.

  • @vegasboxlive
    @vegasboxlive 5 лет назад +2

    Pastor Borh I truly respect you and I would love to sit down with you and actually open scripture together.
    But for now I will leave you with a warning.
    long as you are intimately connected with the Current Adventism, you will not be able to see the true light upon this topic like Caiphas and the Sanhedreen towards our Christ.
    Onces again we (not all) believe in Ellen white and the sanctuary message as our last worlds message but the Bride is committing spiritual adultery with the state and government.
    My last message to all my Christian brethren is Isaiah 66:23 “ And it should come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saiths the LORD”

    • @gabrielhaack2263
      @gabrielhaack2263 4 года назад

      Did you know that the church could have went through with the message by Jones and Waggoner in 1888?

  • @andrewellis5923
    @andrewellis5923 6 лет назад +7

    Wrong Wrong Wrong, Stephen Bohr, you have not studied the history of the Solar Calendar at all. Shame on you.

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 6 лет назад +2

      Andrew Ellis He has studied the BIBLE more than almost all of us. Ever consider you are the WRONG one? No, never entered you mind that you might have allowed Satan to deceive you.

    • @vegasboxlive
      @vegasboxlive 5 лет назад

      Sister Ellen white supports our idea that the day begins with the coming out of the sun.
      Pastor B quotes her writing “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, He means the day of twenty-four hours, which He has MARKET off by the RISING and SETTING of the sun.” TM 135
      We all accept the sanctification of the sabbath and that it’s composed of 24 hours. Also that God created the world in 6 literal days and rested on the 7th

    • @gabrielhaack2263
      @gabrielhaack2263 4 года назад

      At last Jesus was at rest. The long day of shame and torture was ended. As the last rays of the setting sun *ushered in the Sabbath*, the Son of God lay in quietude in Joseph's tomb. His work completed, His hands folded in peace, He rested through the sacred hours of the Sabbath day.
      {DA 769.1}

  • @mariodelarosa5722
    @mariodelarosa5722 Год назад

    Mr Bohr, you couldn't have started this "study" any worse than you did. 1. First of all, you came with prejudiced and preconceived ideas to this lecture. Plz leave those at the door. 2. You started with the name luni-solar by giving your confusing interpretation of what you think it means. It is written: Gen 1:14-17 - the sun and moon were placed "in" the FIRMament 1. To divide the day from night 2. And to mark time, "for seasons (which is MOEDs, of which the Sabbath is the first, Lev 23), days and years." So, Yahweh's luminaries are his time clock placed IN the FIRMament to signal time in general as well as His religious assemblies (church time) including the Sabbath. Now, how difficult is that??? None at all. Therefore, the name luni-solar comes directly from Yahweh's word. His time clock involves the intricate movements of both the moon (luni) and sun (solar) to tell time. Mr Bohr, you need to go back to the drawing board and really study this subject in depth. It's not difficult or confusing at all. You make it seem like it is. Don't make it confusing. May Yahweh bless.

  • @moedbeacon2721
    @moedbeacon2721 4 года назад

    You are grossly misrepresenting the doctrine of the lunar calendar and Shabbath. Your arguments are based on much ignorance.

  • @matthewbergsma7647
    @matthewbergsma7647 2 года назад

    This video dose not cover many things that the Bible and EGW teach about the Sabbath that are in direct opposition to this video. I will go through a few points. Firstly the moon was not created on the 4th day. This is why country living is important because people that live in the cities can never see Gods second book and realize the moon is in the daytime sky half of every month. It fits now criteria for any of the lights on the 4th day. The Bible will tell us the constellations or Mazzaroth are for seasons.
    Secondly the Feast of Tabernacles “might” actually show the Sabbath with it being 1 day later then the end of the feast. What most people have not noticed is that Jesus ate the passover lamb, instead of being the Passover Lamb in the account of Matthew, Mark and Luke. But God gave the understanding to John before he died and he wrote it right and shows that Jesus died at the appropriate time. Thus was can see that in Israels time “the mystery of iniquity doth already work” (2 Thess 2:7). They were not longer keeping Gods calendar.
    Now the Bible alone and EGW alone both tell us that the Pentecost was not 50 days. This is why we are to use God’s Bible rules like EGW tells us to. We miss out on the blessing that brought them to the upper room experience. The Bible says that Jesus was teaching the dispels for 40 days. We have EGW tell us about the 10 days in the upper room but she also says this along with many other statements that are similar. “The doubting disciple knew that none of his companions had seen Jesus for a week, and therefore could not have told the Master of his stubborn unbelief.” { 3SP 221.1 } So now you have Jesus only teaching them for 33 days and there as still many more missing days. The Bible is clear, Pentecost started when the 7 weeks were complete and ended 50 days later. This is why the emphasis in the Bible was put on the start of Pentecost when Jesus was crucified and 5 times we are told that Jesus goes before them into Galilee. If it was not for this meeting we would not have had the Pentecost experience. I highly recommend reading about this in EGW’s writings.
    Something else that would be good to share is that EGW when engaged with angels was infered to that she would not know when the Sabbath started… A shallow reading of that will have people believe it was just “even” but it encompassed both. When is “even” Well we have a thus saith the Lord that it is also morning. This is clear and no mistaking it. The appointed time for Jonathan and David to meet was “EVEN” and when they met it was morning.
    1 Samuel 20:5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, to morrow [is] the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third [day] at ***EVEN***… 20:35 And it came to pass IN THE MORNING, that Jonathan went out into the field AT THE TIME APPOINTED with David, and a little lad with him.
    Needles to say I can go over every single point in that book ( I owned one) and bring thus saith the Lord or here is an EGW quote to refute it plainly with no speculation…
    We need to be using Gods Bible rules and if we are not we can be sure we are not giving the third angels message to the world.
    Those who are engaged in proclaiming the third angel’s message are searching the Scriptures upon the same plan that Father Miller adopted. In the little book entitled “Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology,” Father Miller gives the following simple but intelligent and important rules for Bible study and interpretation: { RH November 25, 1884, par. 23 }
    “1. Every word must have its proper bearing on the subject presented in the Bible; 2. All Scripture is necessary, and may be understood by diligent application and study; 3. Nothing revealed in Scripture can or will be hid from those who ask in faith, not wavering; 4. To understand doctrine, bring all the scriptures together on the subject you wish to know, then let every word have its proper influence; and if you can form your theory without a contradiction, you cannot be in error; 5. Scripture must be its own expositor, since it is a rule of itself. If I depend on a teacher to expound to me, and he should guess at its meaning, or desire to have it so on account of his sectarian creed, or to be thought wise, then his guessing, desire, creed, or wisdom is my rule, and not the Bible.” { RH November 25, 1884, par. 24 }