Wilson "C Hing", very well said and absolutely correct. WordStar, WordPerfect, Novell, DOS etc...., bring back a lot of my good memory. Mingling well with colleagues is always one of the keys to success in every workplace. My first job in Australia was a one year contract to substitute a member of staffs who was away for a year. Taking a sabbatical leave out of the workplace is very common in western culture. By the time my contract was nearly finished, I was told another post was pre-arranged and my supervisor sent me to meet the new boss in another division. At that time, I was overwhelmed as I never would have thought that this could happen. Word of mouth is always a rule of thumb in every workplace. To be honest, you could imagine, how well would you be able to judge the ability of a person in a 10 to 15 minutes interview, it would be a lot easier to look for a suitable person from your own network. Lack of local working experience is a big hurdle not getting a job offer, once that door is open, how far can you go is completely in your hand. Good luck everyone.
Hi, Wilson 兄,因兒子去年移民回了澳洲,我是最近才睇到你的 Channel. 覺得你是成功人士,分享你寶贵的經驗,值得尊敬。
我亦是曾經一家人在 1990 移民雪梨工作了兩年,記得當年當地生活環境沒有现在那麽方便,事事都需要親力親為,工作生活上遇上困難都是自已找方向尋出路。你的無私分享經驗,做福後來者,敬佩。敬佩。
客氣了😊, 我只是平凡人盡力做好遇到的平凡事而矣。
你不愧為一位資深IT人,做事、敘述有條理,心思細膩。在拍video方面,想audience所想, 每一集都資訊性豐富、詳細。 非常喜歡你的video,請多拍一些。
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
講得好好 知識同技巧唔會由天跌落黎
90年代初是極難找工時間, 銀行interest rate 可以高到去20%, Pyramid financial institution, Annset airline倒閉, Wilson真是自已實力win番來, 當時考novell certificates 邊有咁多brainstorm係internet, 一本實體參考書for exam分分鐘過百蚊, 找工分析細致, 只要你有實力, 冇人會歧視你, 只有你歧視佢哋, 大多數澳洲人比香港或大人友善
Eder 似乎都係過來人喎!
@@HKAussie Wilson講工作上嘅事項好到point, 我識D朋友, 只是生活在自己民族圈子或現在叫平行空間, 成日叫歧視乜乜, 好似去JB HiFi出來, 今啱食蕉要check你袋又話歧視你, 去佢屋企連電視機公共天線都冇插, 我家就日日定時睇7或9 news,佢哋屋企電視一開就是CCTVB, 咁樣點容入社會, 講多幾講就會人哋歧視佢, 對我咁樣生活好辛苦㗎
Eder, 同意, 澳洲的自由生活方式亦確實提供了讓人不接觸當地群體亦可生活的模式。
@@HKAussie Wilson你在雪梨是否做基督教有關事項, 如是, 我朋友在雪梨做牧師, 你可能識佢
純粹希望contribute 自己的經驗與有需要的人。😊
Very positive experience
Thanks 😊
我都是NSW IT 畢業, 不知回來容不容易找份IT job
Gary, 你需要有特別技能,例如Oracle DBA, network CCNP 或CCIE, very good programming skill 或者好熟VM, Unix. 單純學歷及一般經驗難找IT 工,因為大部分工種已經 out source 到印度和菲律賓。
澳洲香港人 明白,很高興認識你,我回sydney會找你飲茶先
你後面既plantation shutters搵邊間整?
是朋友介紹再介紹,已找不到exactly 是誰人做的了(好幾年前的事)。但我有D門窗和窗簾是幫襯在Regent’s Park 的工場鋪頭,幾交帶,平過西人公司,你可以打電話去格吓價:
1. 朝陽門窗:0430 398 998
2. David Lu: 0403 104 358
價錢約一千至千二一幅大窗, 要留意,做得多嘢就平,單做一樣就貴,因為他們要上門度尺。
Thanks 😊
Wilson "C Hing", very well said and absolutely correct. WordStar, WordPerfect, Novell, DOS etc...., bring back a lot of my good memory.
Mingling well with colleagues is always one of the keys to success in every workplace. My first job in Australia was a one year contract to substitute a member of staffs who was away for a year. Taking a sabbatical leave out of the workplace is very common in western culture. By the time my contract was nearly finished, I was told another post was pre-arranged and my supervisor sent me to meet the new boss in another division. At that time, I was overwhelmed as I never would have thought that this could happen.
Word of mouth is always a rule of thumb in every workplace. To be honest, you could imagine, how well would you be able to judge the ability of a person in a 10 to 15 minutes interview, it would be a lot easier to look for a suitable person from your own network. Lack of local working experience is a big hurdle not getting a job offer, once that door is open, how far can you go is completely in your hand.
Good luck everyone.
Martin, Thanks for your wholehearted sharing.
IT 人💪