Akhirnya kebiasaan orang Indonesia tertular ke kamu abang Rob...setiap kali mau ngomong selalu senyum seperti yang dilakukan orang Indonesia kalo ngomong disertai senyum....
Selain ramah banyak senyum… Ngomong bahasa inggrisnya harus pelan (slowly) biar mudah dimengerti dan bisa ikut belajar bahasa inggris olah penonton. Terima kasih abang Rob dan sukses selalu.
dude bahasa indonesianya bagus banget! 3 tahun sudah sebagus ini, keren banget bro! saya kalo jadi vendor makanan disitu trus ada bule ngomong lancar kaya gini, trus tau soal makanan indonesia (padahal saya lagi jauh dari indonesia) bisa nangis kali karna terharu.
Ini baru RUclipsr bule yg sebenarnya 👏👍👍😂 yg berusaha fasih bhs indonesia, yg eksplor banyak tempat bahkan yg lokal bgt (org asli indonesia aja gk pergi) pokoknya mantul bgt👍👏 👏
Your dad seems so kind and friendly! I really enjoyed this vlog, watched it with a wide smile on my face throughout the video. And I give you an 8 for your bahasa Indonesia
Lihat lah betapa cinta nya orang ini dengan indonesia, bahkan dia bener² belajar dengan keras supaya fasih berbahasa indonesia. Kami bangga punya orang luar yang sangat mencintai indonesia, teruslah sebarkan pesan positif rob agar orang² diluaran sana tau bahwa indonesia itu kaya, bukan hanya alam dan pemandangan nya, tapi juga budaya, adab, kultur dan pastinya makanan nya
Dude the world knows about indonesia!!! Thats why they invaded indonesia, n still is, skarang mreka mnjajah indo lewat ekonomi, USA dajjal menjajah dgn ngasih utang pake bunga yg ga ngotak, lebih jahat dri rentenir, just effin look at our debt, the intrest alone is goin to slave indo for many2 years, Smfh
The funny thing is, the Indonesians are exciting to trying speak english as good as they can while Rob is trying speak bahasa as fluently as he can lol. Good content man, keep it up
Hey Rob, for Bule .. i might say your Bahasa 7,5 outta 10.. but for Knowledge of Indonesian culture and cuisine.. its 11/10 ! 🔥🔥 You are more local than the local themselves. Cant be more Proud.. Bangga Banget Rob ! Makasih ya 🙏🏼
Thank you Rob for loving our country and culture. I think a lot of Indonesian people are being your fans. You are so kind and friendly. You look like Indonesian person right now. Your dad looks so young. We wait your content in Indonesia.
Rob, you and Cheyne should just be Indonesian Tourism Ambassadors. Thank you both for trying your best to promote tourist attractions, culture, food, cuisine and the hospitality of the people from Indonesia. I hope you two "The Lost Boys" stay healthy, keep up the spirit and see you at 'home'
Sangat terharu saat orang dari negara lain mereaksi dan memperkenalkan Indonesia kepada dunia. Thanks The Lost Boys. Actually u r not lost on Indonesia, but u are very welcome in our Country. Oh ya, sudah ke Danau Toba belum?
Welcome back Rob! I have seen some of your Indonesian adventures to places I never been and thank you for that! Im from Solo but retired near Vail Colorado due to be closed to grandchildren! Your contents always fun to watch , started watching during covid!
Your Indonesian language is spot on and of course some Indonesian spices are hard to find in the US. It's like eating Chinese food in India. Yet I hope it's still authentic enough since it's prepared by Moms and Grandmas. Glad you will be back to Indonesia to explore Sumatra.
hello, new subscriber here. thank you very much for referring to bahasa Indonesia as "Indonesian" and not just "bahasa" like most people. you know the difference and on the right path. it's an honor to know that our people host your journey and gives you great experience and memories. semoga keberuntungan selalu menyertai dan jangan lupa bahagia!
Hello Rob, senang bertemu dengan Anda kembali ! Bahasa Indonesia Anda sudah tambah lancar dan bagus! Terima kasih, ya? Salam buat diaspora Indonesia di NY! Mereka ramah dan baik hati semua! Dear Rob, Indonesia bulan Januari ini masih musim hujan. Pls bring your rain coat or umbrella when you return to Indonesia&welcome back ! Salam hangat untuk kedua orang tuamu di NY dan Cheyne! Terima kasih banyak atas video menarikmu dari NY ini. Enjoy your lovely time there! See you..
Glad to hear you are not lost, you found the place you call home. Indonesia. **_I've watched some Indonesian RUclipsrs in US covered this bazaar_ amazing
Thanks for putting me on the the Food Bazar in Elmhurst. Just returned from a 1 month trip in Indonesia and I'm craving the food. Reverse culture shock on the price but worth it to support my people👍
Thanks guys for choosing Indonesia as your place for exploring journey and share it to the world. Can't wait to your journey to Sumatera Island since I'm Bataknese (a tribe from Tapanuli, North Sumatera). I'm sure you'll find something new compare to Java, Bali & Nusa Tenggara Island ;) the culture, people, food, landmark. There's Lake Toba with Samosir Island in the middle of it which is famous with its nature & legend. Wish you will have a great and nice journey to Sumatera Island.
Terima kasih buat The Lost Boys yang sudah memperkenalkan negara saya INDONESIA kepada negara negara lain tentang budaya,makanan,suku dan lain2, MATURNUWUN SANGET 😊
Keren Rob..👍👍.. suka liat bule yang pinter banget bahasa Indonesia…baru 3 thn di Indonesia tapi udah banyak tau bbrp bahasa daerah dan tempat2 wisata keliling jawa, bali, sumbawa dll bukan saja di bali. Keren..kereen.. Proud of you!!👍👍💕
The lost boys tulus mencintai Indonesia dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya terbukti dari nama-nama daerah yg dia ingat dan makanan-makanan tradisionalnya hampir semua dia mengingatnya, respect untuk the lost boys semoga selalu tulus cintanya untuk Indonesia. Terimakasih 🙏
Sukses selalu Mas Rob..., sangat bangga ..melihat nya..., demi cinta kpd Indonesia....sampai betah tinggal 3 thn.... Semoga chanel nya tambah sukses dgn memperkenal kuliner, budaya, suku / etnis Indonesia..
I Love your energy dude. I can see youre so exited make this vlog. Cool dude, cant wait you both back to Indonesia, maybe you can bring your fam or friends back here 🤣
it seems that you have more experience in exploring Indonesia than me as the citizen. your Bahasa and knowledge about Indonesian's food are good, salute
Terima kasih Bang Rob,lost boys (daya ingat Abang Rob ini bagus)...begitu indah ya kala hidup harmoni begini...dalam suasana yg indah... Kenapa juga di luar sana masih saja ada perang saling menghancurkan...ini th sudah 2023 sejarah manusia sudah begitu panjang...kebencian,keserakahan kok masih saja menyelimuti.. sebagian dari kita...semoga semakin banyak orang hidup dalam kesadaran...
Keren Rob 👍👍👍 Vlog yg sangat menarik dan membanggakan, bukan hanya buat Kami orang Indonesia 🇮🇩, tapi bagi Diri Anda dan mungkin juga Kedua Orang Tua Anda. Salam Hormat buat Kedua Orang Tua Anda. Salam juga buat Keluarga serta Saudara2ku di Perantauan (USA). Semoga Semua Selalu Sehat, Dimudahkan Rejekinya, Sukses, Dilindungi dan Diberkahi Allah SWT. Aamiin 🙏🙏🙏 Tetap Semangat+Terus Berkarya. Luv U All ❤️❤️❤️
I have to be honest....that you are good, bring positive vibe, after I watch several your youtube contents, your attitude is proved in and out Indonesia, and your Indonesian is 7+ of 10, you deserve to be Indonesia, good luck bro, succeed.
Thank you Rob for promoting the beautiful of Indonesia. Your bahasa is good so you can interactive with people around. Many blessing to you and family. Happy holiday 👍
So nice to meet you bro😇 we are so proud of you, spreading the good news about Indonesian food. We always miss it when we travel abroad! Especially when we live abroad. Unfortunatelly some ingredients are hard to find, thus make it more valued and pricy when you eat outside Indonesia. Surely the local food is much better when you eat in the original place, because they have the original recepies 🤩 Bravo Indonesia, hope to see more Indonesian restaurant in the world🌏
Selalu ada nilai baik jika bisa berbaur dg tulus dg masyarakat Indonesia.. Rob anda sdh seperti orang Indonesia. Selamat..! 👍 Semoga anda menjadi duta rakyat Indonesia yg santun, ramah dan bersahaja.
Sudah tidak sabar melihat video-video dari The Lost Boys menjelajahi lebih banyak tempat-tempat di Indonesia. Semoa mereka bisa segera ke Sumatra dan jalan-jalan ke kota-kota di sana yang tentunya banyak makanan Sumatra yang enak-enak dengan budaya yang luar biasa. Cheers from Yogyakarta.
Its funny that for the 1st interview, rob make an english and when he started to ask in bahasa that bapak still answer with English, he doesnt realized rob can speak bahasa but then finaly he answer with bahasa 😂
I just found your channel, and you are amazing. If I owned a network, you would have a travel show. That was loads of fun for me, God bless you and keep you both safe
I hope They subscribe to your RUclips channel, I know They gonna love It, to see a glimpse of their home country, after leaving abroad for such a long time, bisa jadi "pengobat rindu"
IDK Why but I got goosebumps when Rob started to speak Bahasa and they're surprised.. Rob & Cheyne, enjoy your Holiday in the US and don't forget to comeback HOME!
Itu orang indonesianya pada ga nyadar klo mas Rob ngomong bahasa Indonesia.. Mereka masih aja nyerocos pake bahasa Inggris.. Sementara Rob pake Bahasa Indonesia... 😄😄😄
Sudah lama di Amerika ngomongnya masih "Do you interesting with Indonesian lady?" 🤔 Buat teman2 Indo jangan takut ngomong bahasa Inggris yaa, yg penting lawan bicaramu ngerti 😁😁😁👍👍👍
@@AntonKento jika maksudnya adalah "apakah kamu tertarik dengan wanita Indonesia?" ...... maka bahasa Inggris yg paling tepat adalah "Are you interested in Indonesian women?"
Next, go to Philadelphia PA bro, there is a "village" of Surabaya people, there are even shops, lots of food stalls, even a big church of Surabaya people is also there. You can explore Indonesia there(Philly)👍👍 👍👍
We always come to the Indonesian food festival which is held at the Indonesian Embassy in L.A. By holding this event, we can release our longing for Indonesian food. Greetings from San Jose, CA 👋🇮🇩 🇺🇸
9/10 Salut sama Rob bahasa nya juga lumayan lancar ,dan mengerti banyak hal tentang indonesia,terlebih apa yang di bicarakan orang indo Rob paham ,ngerti makanan sama pulau serta kota di indo ,mantap dehh! baru tiga tahun apa lagi kalo lebih, udah kaya orang indo banget pastinya,,
Abang Rob selalu smiling all the time... it brings pleasant atmosphere around him!!!! and tak satupun orang bakal menyangka, Rob dibalik wajah yg ramah ia adalah sang penakluk cabe!!!
Sorry I was speaking so fast and sporadic guys! I was a bit nervous filming this different style of content. But how was my Indonesian 1 - 10?
For the foreigner speaks bahasa , You've got 7 Bro ! Nice
8,5 bahasa Indonesia sudah lumayan bagus rob
We miss you here! 10/10 🔥
Keep Explorer boy ayooo 🤣
Your dad looks like such a nice person! 😭 protect them at all costs!
Akhirnya kebiasaan orang Indonesia tertular ke kamu abang Rob...setiap kali mau ngomong selalu senyum seperti yang dilakukan orang Indonesia kalo ngomong disertai senyum....
Selalu senyum 😃 Makasih ya!
Selain ramah banyak senyum…
Ngomong bahasa inggrisnya harus pelan (slowly) biar mudah dimengerti dan bisa ikut belajar bahasa inggris olah penonton.
Terima kasih abang Rob dan sukses selalu.
Rob orang nya ramah lingkungan 😂😂
Terlihat tulus dari senyum nya😊
@@thelostboys.travel harga new york broo...😁😁
Sangat ramah
dude bahasa indonesianya bagus banget! 3 tahun sudah sebagus ini, keren banget bro! saya kalo jadi vendor makanan disitu trus ada bule ngomong lancar kaya gini, trus tau soal makanan indonesia (padahal saya lagi jauh dari indonesia) bisa nangis kali karna terharu.
Makasih! Terus belajar 👌
Ini baru RUclipsr bule yg sebenarnya 👏👍👍😂 yg berusaha fasih bhs indonesia, yg eksplor banyak tempat bahkan yg lokal bgt (org asli indonesia aja gk pergi) pokoknya mantul bgt👍👏 👏
Your dad seems so kind and friendly! I really enjoyed this vlog, watched it with a wide smile on my face throughout the video. And I give you an 8 for your bahasa Indonesia
I feel the same way about the dad 👍
Same with me dude 😂
Makasih 🙏 I'll take an 8 out of 10 wkwkw
Lihat lah betapa cinta nya orang ini dengan indonesia, bahkan dia bener² belajar dengan keras supaya fasih berbahasa indonesia. Kami bangga punya orang luar yang sangat mencintai indonesia, teruslah sebarkan pesan positif rob agar orang² diluaran sana tau bahwa indonesia itu kaya, bukan hanya alam dan pemandangan nya, tapi juga budaya, adab, kultur dan pastinya makanan nya
Krna Indonesia konten bgnian paling laku kalo negara lain kurang 😂
Karna manusia over proud kayak loe yang cuma bisa jadi sapi perah ad sense para youtuber bule..
Kasian masi dijajah..
Keknya gak juga, negara lain buktinya juga gitu cuman di pinter aja bisa dapet uang sambil nyeritain pengalamannya
Dude the world knows about indonesia!!! Thats why they invaded indonesia, n still is, skarang mreka mnjajah indo lewat ekonomi,
USA dajjal menjajah dgn ngasih utang pake bunga yg ga ngotak, lebih jahat dri rentenir, just effin look at our debt, the intrest alone is goin to slave indo for many2 years,
lihat betapa lugunya orang ini
Nothing feels better when you’re far away from home and suddenly someone speaks your mother tongue ❤
This is so true!
The funny thing is, the Indonesians are exciting to trying speak english as good as they can while Rob is trying speak bahasa as fluently as he can lol. Good content man, keep it up
It was a funny interaction lol
its just a natural instinct to want to respect the other ppl u talk to in their mother language i guess
Hey Rob, for Bule .. i might say your Bahasa 7,5 outta 10.. but for Knowledge of Indonesian culture and cuisine.. its 11/10 ! 🔥🔥 You are more local than the local themselves.
Cant be more Proud.. Bangga Banget Rob ! Makasih ya 🙏🏼
Apa itu BAHASA?
@@LEX4N1 bahasa itu bahasa indonesia
@@ioprasetyo8646 bahasa ya language, bukan penyebutan untuk bahasa Indonesia
Couldn't agree more mate!
Thank you Rob for loving our country and culture. I think a lot of Indonesian people are being your fans. You are so kind and friendly. You look like Indonesian person right now. Your dad looks so young. We wait your content in Indonesia.
Thanks for the kind words Wayan, makasih 🙏
Rob, you and Cheyne should just be Indonesian Tourism Ambassadors.
Thank you both for trying your best to promote tourist attractions, culture, food, cuisine and the hospitality of the people from Indonesia.
I hope you two "The Lost Boys" stay healthy, keep up the spirit and see you at 'home'
They already are, they had a meeting with sandiaga uno last time in bali
We were lucky enough to meet Pak Sandiaga Uno last year, but we hope to continue promoting Indonesia through our channel. Thanks for watching!
Saya sangat terharu melihat anda begitu mencintai Indonesia. Terimakasih
Sangat terharu saat orang dari negara lain mereaksi dan memperkenalkan Indonesia kepada dunia.
Thanks The Lost Boys.
Actually u r not lost on Indonesia, but u are very welcome in our Country.
Oh ya, sudah ke Danau Toba belum?
Your knowledge bout Indonesia is amazing Rob. Tahu banyak tentang kuliner, suku, pulau dll menunjukkan kamu mencintai budaya kami. Salut
Makasih Mbak! I've learned a lot in the last 3 years.
Rob is charming when he is talking to people.
Thanks so much Dayu, that means a lot 🙏🏼
@@thelostboys.travel Terimakasih telah mencintai ayam woku Manado👍🏻🙏🏻
So proud of you Rob... You always promote Indonesia every where....
God bless you bro
Makasih Victor! We do our best ya 👌
Welcome back Rob! I have seen some of your Indonesian adventures to places I never been and thank you for that! Im from Solo but retired near Vail Colorado due to be closed to grandchildren! Your contents always fun to watch , started watching during covid!
Thank you so much for promoting Indonesian food & Bahasa. It's much appreciated. Wish you all the best.
Thanks so much Nicolas!
Wow Rob, bahasa indonesia kamu sudah lancar. Terima kasih banyak Rob, kamu sudah kerja keras supaya bisa fasih bahasa Indonesia.
Makasih ya! Masih belajar 👌
Amazing journey with amazing people. NGL, meeting new people who radiates such enthusiasm is something I love to see.
Your Indonesian language is spot on and of course some Indonesian spices are hard to find in the US. It's like eating Chinese food in India. Yet I hope it's still authentic enough since it's prepared by Moms and Grandmas. Glad you will be back to Indonesia to explore Sumatra.
Makasih Andre! We can't wait to start our trip in Sumatra 👌
hello, new subscriber here. thank you very much for referring to bahasa Indonesia as "Indonesian" and not just "bahasa" like most people. you know the difference and on the right path. it's an honor to know that our people host your journey and gives you great experience and memories. semoga keberuntungan selalu menyertai dan jangan lupa bahagia!
Udah dari lama ngikutin channel ini,emang mantep dah membawa positif vibes dan terus ngaish tau orang2 kalo Indonesia tu bagus
8 !!
Reason : it will take years and years for 'bule' to speak so fluent like native indonesian people, and you are two steps ahead to become one 👌
I'll take an 8 out of 10!
Hello Rob, senang bertemu dengan Anda kembali ! Bahasa Indonesia Anda sudah tambah lancar dan bagus! Terima kasih, ya? Salam buat diaspora Indonesia di NY! Mereka ramah dan baik hati semua! Dear Rob, Indonesia bulan Januari ini masih musim hujan. Pls bring your rain coat or umbrella when you return to Indonesia&welcome back ! Salam hangat untuk kedua orang tuamu di NY dan Cheyne! Terima kasih banyak atas video menarikmu dari NY ini. Enjoy your lovely time there! See you..
Masih belajar Tri! Makasih 🙏
Glad to hear you are not lost, you found the place you call home. Indonesia.
**_I've watched some Indonesian RUclipsrs in US covered this bazaar_ amazing
that was class my guy, you are radiating your love towards indonesia and it's awesome to see! you have a home here buddy!
Thanks for putting me on the the Food Bazar in Elmhurst. Just returned from a 1 month trip in Indonesia and I'm craving the food. Reverse culture shock on the price but worth it to support my people👍
Thanks guys for choosing Indonesia as your place for exploring journey and share it to the world. Can't wait to your journey to Sumatera Island since I'm Bataknese (a tribe from Tapanuli, North Sumatera). I'm sure you'll find something new compare to Java, Bali & Nusa Tenggara Island ;) the culture, people, food, landmark. There's Lake Toba with Samosir Island in the middle of it which is famous with its nature & legend. Wish you will have a great and nice journey to Sumatera Island.
We can't wait to visit Sumatra, especially the north so we can learn about the Batak culture. Thanks for watching 🙏
Terima kasih buat The Lost Boys yang sudah memperkenalkan negara saya INDONESIA kepada negara negara lain tentang budaya,makanan,suku dan lain2,
dear Rob,
you are officially amazing
thanks for being such a wonderful man
Indonesia mencintai kalian berdua
Thanks so much Donny! Really appreciate that 🙏
Keren Rob..👍👍.. suka liat bule yang pinter banget bahasa Indonesia…baru 3 thn di Indonesia tapi udah banyak tau bbrp bahasa daerah dan tempat2 wisata keliling jawa, bali, sumbawa dll bukan saja di bali. Keren..kereen.. Proud of you!!👍👍💕
Terima kasih for promoting Indonesia, my friend. A highly appreciated for that. Greetings from Jakarta
Thank you Rob for promoting Indonesia & Indonesian food. Can’t wait for your next adventure in Indonesia. Buruan balik sini!
Sama2, we can't wait to get back and start our trip in Sumatra!
Where u come from
I guest you are from italy?
@@tuswanti3339 dari benderanya itu Meksiko bu, bukan Italia 👍
@@tuswanti3339 its Mexico flag not Italy
You are not just speak bahasa but understand all of the things from indonesia. Keep your good work👍
The lost boys tulus mencintai Indonesia dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya terbukti dari nama-nama daerah yg dia ingat dan makanan-makanan tradisionalnya hampir semua dia mengingatnya, respect untuk the lost boys semoga selalu tulus cintanya untuk Indonesia. Terimakasih 🙏
Terima kasih rob, big appreciate.. for knowing more and introducing about Indonesian culture and food.
Indonesia is a wonderland
ayah anda sangat ramah dan suka senyum sama kaya orang Indonesia hehe 😄
New content unlocked. You guys awesome 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Thank you and respect sir!!! Happy new year The Lost Boys!! I hope you guys have a wonderful journey ahead
THIS IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING EVER!!! Your Indonesian is sooooo good!! Youre getting more fluent!! Looking forward to your Sumatra trip!!!
Sukses selalu Mas Rob..., sangat bangga ..melihat nya..., demi cinta kpd Indonesia....sampai betah tinggal 3 thn....
Semoga chanel nya tambah sukses dgn memperkenal kuliner, budaya, suku / etnis Indonesia..
I love how you already switch to indo yet they still reply in english. I would probably do that too.. don't know why.. 🤣
Yes most people replied in English hahah but it’s okay still made it fun 👍🏼
Waktu di imgrasi JFK petugasnya ajak berbahasa Indonesia, dia bilang istrinya dari Bandung dan Gw tetap bales ngomong dalam bahasa Inggris
Sehat selalu buat rob dan keluarga...🙏🏻
Salam hangat dari Indonesia 🇮🇩
I Love your energy dude. I can see youre so exited make this vlog. Cool dude, cant wait you both back to Indonesia, maybe you can bring your fam or friends back here 🤣
it seems that you have more experience in exploring Indonesia than me as the citizen. your Bahasa and knowledge about Indonesian's food are good, salute
Terima kasih Bang Rob,lost boys (daya ingat Abang Rob ini bagus)...begitu indah ya kala hidup harmoni begini...dalam suasana yg indah...
Kenapa juga di luar sana masih saja ada perang saling menghancurkan...ini th sudah 2023 sejarah manusia sudah begitu panjang...kebencian,keserakahan kok masih saja menyelimuti..
sebagian dari kita...semoga semakin banyak orang hidup dalam kesadaran...
Keren Rob 👍👍👍
Vlog yg sangat menarik dan membanggakan, bukan hanya buat Kami orang Indonesia 🇮🇩, tapi bagi Diri Anda dan mungkin juga Kedua Orang Tua Anda.
Salam Hormat buat Kedua Orang Tua Anda. Salam juga buat Keluarga serta Saudara2ku di Perantauan (USA). Semoga Semua Selalu Sehat, Dimudahkan Rejekinya, Sukses, Dilindungi dan Diberkahi Allah SWT.
Aamiin 🙏🙏🙏
Tetap Semangat+Terus Berkarya.
Luv U All ❤️❤️❤️
I have to be honest....that you are good, bring positive vibe, after I watch several your youtube contents, your attitude is proved in and out Indonesia, and your Indonesian is 7+ of 10, you deserve to be Indonesia, good luck bro, succeed.
Senyum papanya Manis 😊❤ terima kasih sudah suka indonesia..
Salam dari Maluku, Pulau Kei🙏😇❤
Just the intro of this video alone earns you guys a subscription! So wonderful.
Anyway congrats to had promoting Indonesian cultures and food..we have really 2 apreciate and thanksfull.❤
Your bahasa was very nice rob!! Its funny to see how foreign speak bahasa and the indonesian people speak english🤣
Yes it was hard to edit and find the parts where people spoke Bahasa Indonesia back to me wkwkw But it was a fun experience!
wohoooo! it's really nice to find a lot of indonesian food in New York 🪐🤍🌟
Thank you Rob for promoting the beautiful of Indonesia. Your bahasa is good so you can interactive with people around. Many blessing to you and family. Happy holiday 👍
12:10 hi Rob's dad.. nice to see you. btw, Rob, hopefully someday you can travelling in Indonesia with your father. stay healthy
So nice to meet you bro😇 we are so proud of you, spreading the good news about Indonesian food. We always miss it when we travel abroad! Especially when we live abroad. Unfortunatelly some ingredients are hard to find, thus make it more valued and pricy when you eat outside Indonesia. Surely the local food is much better when you eat in the original place, because they have the original recepies 🤩 Bravo Indonesia, hope to see more Indonesian restaurant in the world🌏
Rob, you definitely know the differences of the prices for 1 portion of Sate 😁. That's why Indonesia is heaven for having good food and cheap.
Iya harganya mahal bngt di Amerika wkwkw
🤣🤣🤣bg rob keren sekali bela2in sampe ke bazar warung Indonesian 😭❤️
Rob, daya ingat kamu kuat tentang indonesia, ayah kamu juga orang yg ramah, terimakasih telah membuat video yg bagus 👍
Selalu ada nilai baik jika bisa berbaur dg tulus dg masyarakat Indonesia..
Rob anda sdh seperti orang Indonesia.
Selamat..! 👍
Semoga anda menjadi duta rakyat Indonesia yg santun, ramah dan bersahaja.
Thanks for you rob,sdh mau menjadi bagian dari kami love you,from Palembang
Sudah tidak sabar melihat video-video dari The Lost Boys menjelajahi lebih banyak tempat-tempat di Indonesia. Semoa mereka bisa segera ke Sumatra dan jalan-jalan ke kota-kota di sana yang tentunya banyak makanan Sumatra yang enak-enak dengan budaya yang luar biasa. Cheers from Yogyakarta.
Its funny that for the 1st interview, rob make an english and when he started to ask in bahasa that bapak still answer with English, he doesnt realized rob can speak bahasa but then finaly he answer with bahasa 😂
Terima kasih MR anda telah memperkenalkan keanekaragaman Indonesia 👍👍👍
Always love foreign people coming to Indonesia and make a content about our Food, Culture and People! Thanks Lost Boys... keep it up!
Really loved the way you hang out with your dad..
Orang Indo sampai gk bisa membedakan Rob orang Indo atau Bule hhh luar biasa👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This Lad is hilarious. Rob is more Indonesian than the abroad Indonesian in my POV. 😀👍👍
Terimakasih rob sudah mempromosikan Indonesia 🙏🙏🙏
I just found your channel, and you are amazing. If I owned a network, you would have a travel show. That was loads of fun for me, God bless you and keep you both safe
glad to r
glad to Rob introduce your dady to audience...hope take your parents to Bali for Holiday
I hope They subscribe to your RUclips channel, I know They gonna love It, to see a glimpse of their home country, after leaving abroad for such a long time, bisa jadi "pengobat rindu"
Bro Rob's father must be surprised to see this and must be proud of bro
IDK Why but I got goosebumps when Rob started to speak Bahasa and they're surprised.. Rob & Cheyne, enjoy your Holiday in the US and don't forget to comeback HOME!
Even i wanna cry when rob ask to the food seller: do you accept rupiah?.damn ...its really2 make thats Indo woman suddenly wanna cry
Mantap terimakasih sudah membantu memperkenalkan budaya dan tradisi indonesia... Goodluck.. Bro
Senang sekali melihat orang Indonesia mempromosikan masakan Indonesia di sana. Keep up the good work guys. Terima kasih Rob untuk videonya.
Your dad looks like a friendly guy 👍✅
Gak bisa berhenti senyam-senyum nonton ini 😂
sama, nonton tipe video gini senyam-senyum, biasanya kalo video touring sambil rebahan ga pernah senyum wkwk
Itu orang indonesianya pada ga nyadar klo mas Rob ngomong bahasa Indonesia.. Mereka masih aja nyerocos pake bahasa Inggris.. Sementara Rob pake Bahasa Indonesia... 😄😄😄
Dan itu yg bikin lucu di video ini 😂 ngomong nya tertukar 🤣
love the content guys! waiting for u guys to come back!
Nge-vlog bareng Ayahnya anda anak yg baik bisa membahagiakan, luar biasa......salute.
Hi Rob just take me out I'm ready 😁😅 you have to get Indonesian women
Sudah lama di Amerika ngomongnya masih "Do you interesting with Indonesian lady?" 🤔
Buat teman2 Indo jangan takut ngomong bahasa Inggris yaa, yg penting lawan bicaramu ngerti 😁😁😁👍👍👍
harusnya apa? are you like Indonesian lady? gitu ya
@@AntonKento jika maksudnya adalah "apakah kamu tertarik dengan wanita Indonesia?" ......
maka bahasa Inggris yg paling tepat adalah "Are you interested in Indonesian women?"
Mantap Rob…. 3 tahun sudah bisa lancar Bahasa Indonesia itu amazing 🤩 setelah lihat konten ini jadi lapar deh 😂😂😂
Salam kenal dan sukses selalu
Thx .. this is refreshing... u re so kind
Next, go to Philadelphia PA bro, there is a "village" of Surabaya people, there are even shops, lots of food stalls, even a big church of Surabaya people is also there. You can explore Indonesia there(Philly)👍👍 👍👍
Wow banyak orang Surabaya di situ?
We always come to the Indonesian food festival which is held at the Indonesian Embassy in L.A. By holding this event, we can release our longing for Indonesian food. Greetings from San Jose, CA 👋🇮🇩 🇺🇸
No skip iklan pokoknya buat the lost boys ❤️
thank you for introducing things about Indonesia to the world through your video
i really respect you
9/10 Salut sama Rob bahasa nya juga lumayan lancar ,dan mengerti banyak hal tentang indonesia,terlebih apa yang di bicarakan orang indo Rob paham ,ngerti makanan sama pulau serta kota di indo ,mantap dehh! baru tiga tahun apa lagi kalo lebih, udah kaya orang indo banget pastinya,,
Thanks you sir, you always promote the wonderful of Indonesia
Abang Rob selalu smiling all the time... it brings pleasant atmosphere around him!!!! and tak satupun orang bakal menyangka, Rob dibalik wajah yg ramah ia adalah sang penakluk cabe!!!
mungkin ini jd video favorit saya di channel ini...ketika anda makan bersama dengan ayah anda, mengenalkan hidangan Indonesia...👍👍👍
i love rob's dad smile.. like chering me when i see it
Nice to look your dad's smile, you good bro to introduce 🇲🇨👍
saya senang sekali, kalau ada orang luar Indonesia yang menghargai Indonesia dari segi: makanan, budaya, bahasa, dan lain-lain. :)