Please have that intro in every video you make in the future. It's hilarious. You mentioned in one of the first videos to us to suggest topics for new videos so I would like to know more about the Kostel sv. Jakuba and the insides of it that shows that time period and the changes through the years (if it's possible to film inside) because you mentioned it's the only building that stayed relatively the same since the first golden age of Kutna Hora.
Thank you! I´m glad I´m not the only one, who think it´s funny! :D I have a really nice 50 pages article about history of St James (sv. Jakub) church, so it´s a great idea to look just at this building. I will try to keep that in mind :)
Love your content! Im watching all your content this morning. Make me ever more hyped for Kcd2. You just got another subscriber. Love to see Kutna Horna again. I was there this year in May on vacation. Greetings from the Netherlands
12:51 These are my favourite kind of details, that they made use of a gothic doorway that is still there. I can imagine that after the release people will be going to Kutna Hora and taking a picture in front of German's shop will be part of the experience.
Great video! Thanks for making it. It is neat to have someone from the city explain the city along with side by side views of in-game and present day views.
Love your channel. It shows that the gameplay is based on history not fantasy. I think Warhorse did a great job in historical immersion. And with your channel you open a window into the past and connect it with today. Feels like time travel. Thank you. 🙏
Thank you for putting this together, so it's easy to follow along. I hope that you would play the game, and make videos about important (due to quest or something else) ingame sites / buildings, and compare it to how it looks today. Maybe a short summary about the history of the site/ building. And even give your opinion about stuff that WarHorse placed in the game, but didn't exist in real life (ever). And if you find something silly, have a interview with WH, to get their point of view? :)
A co teprve, až hra výjde, to bude materiálu😁 Díky za tyhle videa, opravdu mě baví. Mám tu radost pracovat na KCD, KCDII jako character animátorka. Takže se těšte a já se budu těšit na videa o historii😉⚔
Také jste si všimli té podobnosti? 1:18 Sázava a Sázavský klášter, 2:36 jedeme do Ratají od mlýna. 2:44 Ta brána. Měla by tam být cedule "Jezdče sesedni!" protože tohle je o nepěkný úraz. Opět super video! Martine, slyšel jste už někdy jméno František Vysekal (1882-1947)?
@@Kuttenberger_Martin Přesně tak ;-) Když se již více než 20 let zabýváte historií Kutné Hory co kdybych i já Vám odhalil jedno tajemství a řekl Vám, že příjmení Vysekal má co do činění s herní tvorbou?. Zní to zvláštně, já vím, ale je tomu tak. Kdysi totiž existovala desková hra která se jmenovala Kutnohorská hra havířská jejíž herní deska byla malovaná právě Vysekalem . Je však otázkou zda tímto Františkem, nebo jeho otcem Janem popřípadě dědem Františkem kteří byli rovněž malíři a restaurátoři historických obrazů. Herní deska byla složená ze čtverců kdy každý z nich obsahoval nějaký výjev z Kutné Hory. Jedno pole třeba obsahovalo odkaz na Dekret kutnohorský s letopočtem který by se dal přečíst jako 1809, ale ve skutečnosti je 8 stejná číslice jako je na Kamenné kašně tedy správně 1409. Tato hra by se dnes dala svým způsobem přirovnat k létajícímu kolu Jana Tleskače. Upřímně by mě zajímalo jestli tato informace pro Vás bude nová nebo nikoliv.
To tear down* (tear rhymes with scare; not to be confused with "crying tears" which rhymes with beers) He wants to tear the building down soon. (Present tense) He tore the building down recently. (Past Tense) He has already torn the building down. (Past Perfect tense)
Děkuji za zpětnou vazbu :) Češtinu u budoucích videí plánuji alespoň formou titulků. Pokusím se je během tohoto týdne doplnit i do těch stávajících. Pro opravdové fajnšmekry budeme v češtině dělat "procházky" po herním městě s mým tátou na kanále "Kutnohorské klábosení". Ale to očekávejte spíš až po vydání hry a předpokládám, že to z hlediska produkce bude velmi jednoduché (prostě gameplay videa s minimem střihů).
Great video but i have a question. Were medieval settlements really that dirty? Like mud and dung everywhere, because I would imagine that at least an important and rich city like Kuttenberg would try to keep its streets cleaner. Also great work, can't wait for more, and keep using that intro!
I would think there was more pavement, but it's more just a feeling. I would have to ask archeologists next time I meet one, if they encounter any older pavements in their research. In my opinion the "muddy feeling" is stronger because of the puddles on the ground. I think if they disappear over time with no rain, it will also feel better. :) And the dirt and dung... well, there lived thousands of people and there were no sewers... I mean... it probably wasn't as clean as today. :)
Question: What would the population of Kutna Hora have been in 1403, in your estimates? Closest census information is in the 1800's, and this game is set close to the aftermath of the Black Death. We're having this debate on the subreddit right now. Some believe the population would have been around 4000 people and some closer to 10000. Like to hear what you think it would have been?
According to the latest literature it was around 8000. Maybe higher. With 1000-1500 people working in the mines. In my opinion it quite depends, what is considered as Kutná Hora in that time period. There were many mining settlements in the vicinity of the town like a ring of satellites. With different methods came people to different results, I saw numbers as low as 5000. On the other side of a scale highest someone ever dared to publish 60000. I don't feel, I can give any educated guess myself, so I would go with the 8000. :)
There is a video on a german youtube/TV-Channel with much more footage/gameplay inside Kutná Hora witch comparisons between the game and the RL locations. Maybe you could do a breakdown of some of the things shown. For example, there is a much better view of the italian court building, Here is the link, they show about an hour of Kuttenberg gameplay:видео.html
Please have that intro in every video you make in the future. It's hilarious.
You mentioned in one of the first videos to us to suggest topics for new videos so I would like to know more about the Kostel sv. Jakuba and the insides of it that shows that time period and the changes through the years (if it's possible to film inside) because you mentioned it's the only building that stayed relatively the same since the first golden age of Kutna Hora.
Thank you! I´m glad I´m not the only one, who think it´s funny! :D
I have a really nice 50 pages article about history of St James (sv. Jakub) church, so it´s a great idea to look just at this building. I will try to keep that in mind :)
Your channel came out of NOWHERE lol... LOVE it all so far!! All the cheers to you!
Jesus Christ be praised
Přesně takhle jsem si představoval že někdo trailer vezme a reálně ho projde, moc dobrá práce. Nedaleko Kutné Hory bydlím a nemůžu se dočkat vydání 🙃
This was the exact type of video i was looking for. Perfect.
And people think it's cool when they make New York City look good in a Spider-Man game, this is way cooler. Great job man.
It’s KCD2, of course we are interested in your videos.
Love your content! Im watching all your content this morning. Make me ever more hyped for Kcd2. You just got another subscriber. Love to see Kutna Horna again. I was there this year in May on vacation. Greetings from the Netherlands
12:51 These are my favourite kind of details, that they made use of a gothic doorway that is still there. I can imagine that after the release people will be going to Kutna Hora and taking a picture in front of German's shop will be part of the experience.
Very good and interesting.
Dobrá práce!
It`s impressive how much work has been done by you so that I undestand the map.
Great video! Thanks for making it. It is neat to have someone from the city explain the city along with side by side views of in-game and present day views.
Love your channel. It shows that the gameplay is based on history not fantasy. I think Warhorse did a great job in historical immersion. And with your channel you open a window into the past and connect it with today. Feels like time travel. Thank you. 🙏
I've just subscribed and hope to see more detailed "before/after" videos when the game is released.
Very interesting, keep it up 👍
I feel quite hungry.
Looking forward to your next video! Thanks for sharing your knowledge of the area!
Great Video 🎉
Thank you for putting this together, so it's easy to follow along.
I hope that you would play the game, and make videos about important (due to quest or something else) ingame sites / buildings, and compare it to how it looks today. Maybe a short summary about the history of the site/ building. And even give your opinion about stuff that WarHorse placed in the game, but didn't exist in real life (ever). And if you find something silly, have a interview with WH, to get their point of view? :)
@@chrismartin223 Thanks! I am planning to do all of that :)
Excellent job going through the gameplay video, extra points for the real life recordings. I've subscribed!
A co teprve, až hra výjde, to bude materiálu😁 Díky za tyhle videa, opravdu mě baví. Mám tu radost pracovat na KCD, KCDII jako character animátorka. Takže se těšte a já se budu těšit na videa o historii😉⚔
Mám radost, že se Vám to líbí! A že se na Vaši tvorbu neskutečně těšíme snad ani nemusím psát :)
very cool video
Hi bro you should stream KCD2 during your free time, we all would love to watch for sure
Great job sinking up the locations on the two videos and map!
syncing* like in synchronization. "Sinking up" sounds like a euphemism for floating lol
It's really incredible your videos ! I love to hear someone who live in the city where it's happen the game (:
Be proud of your new subscribers ^^
Také jste si všimli té podobnosti?
1:18 Sázava a Sázavský klášter, 2:36 jedeme do Ratají od mlýna.
2:44 Ta brána. Měla by tam být cedule "Jezdče sesedni!" protože tohle je o nepěkný úraz.
Opět super video! Martine, slyšel jste už někdy jméno František Vysekal (1882-1947)?
Podle jména neznám, ale myslím, že některé ty obrazy už jsem někde viděl. :)
@@Kuttenberger_Martin Přesně tak ;-) Když se již více než 20 let zabýváte historií Kutné Hory co kdybych i já Vám odhalil jedno tajemství a řekl Vám, že příjmení Vysekal má co do činění s herní tvorbou?. Zní to zvláštně, já vím, ale je tomu tak. Kdysi totiž existovala desková hra která se jmenovala Kutnohorská hra havířská jejíž herní deska byla malovaná právě Vysekalem . Je však otázkou zda tímto Františkem, nebo jeho otcem Janem popřípadě dědem Františkem kteří byli rovněž malíři a restaurátoři historických obrazů. Herní deska byla složená ze čtverců kdy každý z nich obsahoval nějaký výjev z Kutné Hory. Jedno pole třeba obsahovalo odkaz na Dekret kutnohorský s letopočtem který by se dal přečíst jako 1809, ale ve skutečnosti je 8 stejná číslice jako je na Kamenné kašně tedy správně 1409. Tato hra by se dnes dala svým způsobem přirovnat k létajícímu kolu Jana Tleskače. Upřímně by mě zajímalo jestli tato informace pro Vás bude nová nebo nikoliv.
O takové hře slyším poprvé.
To tear down* (tear rhymes with scare; not to be confused with "crying tears" which rhymes with beers)
He wants to tear the building down soon. (Present tense)
He tore the building down recently. (Past Tense)
He has already torn the building down. (Past Perfect tense)
Oh, thanks! I will try to keep that in mind :)
I really like your video , very interesting
Very good video, this will be good to help me steal all NPCs in Kutenberg in the game.
Tento konál má potencional jak bude hra venku, a prochazel by jsi přimo město. Určitě bych rád takové video i v češtině
Děkuji za zpětnou vazbu :) Češtinu u budoucích videí plánuji alespoň formou titulků. Pokusím se je během tohoto týdne doplnit i do těch stávajících.
Pro opravdové fajnšmekry budeme v češtině dělat "procházky" po herním městě s mým tátou na kanále "Kutnohorské klábosení". Ale to očekávejte spíš až po vydání hry a předpokládám, že to z hlediska produkce bude velmi jednoduché (prostě gameplay videa s minimem střihů).
@@Kuttenberger_Martin Byl jsem se tam teď taky podívat takže budu rád když bude pokec i v češtině o tom
Keep using the intro
Hey, Martin's come to see us!
Great video but i have a question. Were medieval settlements really that dirty? Like mud and dung everywhere, because I would imagine that at least an important and rich city like Kuttenberg would try to keep its streets cleaner. Also great work, can't wait for more, and keep using that intro!
I would think there was more pavement, but it's more just a feeling. I would have to ask archeologists next time I meet one, if they encounter any older pavements in their research.
In my opinion the "muddy feeling" is stronger because of the puddles on the ground. I think if they disappear over time with no rain, it will also feel better. :)
And the dirt and dung... well, there lived thousands of people and there were no sewers... I mean... it probably wasn't as clean as today. :)
Question: What would the population of Kutna Hora have been in 1403, in your estimates? Closest census information is in the 1800's, and this game is set close to the aftermath of the Black Death. We're having this debate on the subreddit right now. Some believe the population would have been around 4000 people and some closer to 10000. Like to hear what you think it would have been?
According to the latest literature it was around 8000. Maybe higher. With 1000-1500 people working in the mines.
In my opinion it quite depends, what is considered as Kutná Hora in that time period. There were many mining settlements in the vicinity of the town like a ring of satellites.
With different methods came people to different results, I saw numbers as low as 5000. On the other side of a scale highest someone ever dared to publish 60000.
I don't feel, I can give any educated guess myself, so I would go with the 8000. :)
@@Kuttenberger_Martin Fantastic! Thank you for taking the time to look into it.
@@Jabsy101 no problem! :)
Hi martin!
There is a video on a german youtube/TV-Channel with much more footage/gameplay inside Kutná Hora witch comparisons between the game and the RL locations.
Maybe you could do a breakdown of some of the things shown.
For example, there is a much better view of the italian court building,
Here is the link, they show about an hour of Kuttenberg gameplay:видео.html
Thank you! I have already seen that (luckily I speak German and it helped a lot) and I'm planning to breakdown exactly this video next! :) Spoiler! :D
Jesus Christ be praised