Colonel-100-Loadout The AS Val is the last Weapon to unlock. Use it with the last accessories AS Val M145 sight Extended Mag Laserpointer Sidearme: .44 scoped Depending on Class: M26 Slug, Javaline and EOD-Bot, Mortar or MAV Granade-Perk Let's see what the hardest-to-get-stuff is worth
hi level. i dont know if you remember me, or if you even see this comment, but i was in that server yesterday when together with you. i even got to your your squad. it was a great experience. i was kinda having a fanboy moment in the chat, but i was just so exited to play with you! you are a great guy, and just the fact that you gave me a "thanks" was just so nice of you! thanks man! you are such a great inspiration to me! i've been around since 15K subs! damn that letter limit thing :( cya lvl!
"The gun that toppled the king" - M146 as it is now better than the m16A3 kobra sight, flash suppressor and an S-tac11 sidearm (as its the new gun) med pack, squad frag...This class is great because it shows people that the M16A3 isn't the only gun that can do really well. Love the vids as always, have a nice day :)
This is my favorite medium-long range loadout. I usually just stick with red dot sights, but this loadout has been very rewarding and fun as a change of pace. M416 with m345 scope and heavy barrel (you choose 3rd attachment, if any) m93r med kit (of course!) Squad specialization of your choice
End Game loadout: Any weapon, any attachment Any side arm Any class and any squad spec. End Game is finally here! And now that we have all the weapons, we want to hear your favorite! Who cares if its M16- this is your time to shine lvl!
The engineer sniper: SCAR-H 6x scope, Bipod, Heavy Barrel. Everything else is up to you! I love this class on rush defense in particular, and I've even out-sniped some recons with it, because of it's semi automatic accuracy with the bipod and damage output at range with the heavy barrel. I also love having the ability to play as engineer, pulling out my rocket launcher when I see a vehicle or repairing a friendly when he needs repairs. Have fun!
M60E4, Red dot, Foregrip, Extended Mag I love this setup. The M60 shoots only 20 rpm slower than the PKP, but has half the horizontal recoil. The foregrip allows you to run and gun with it at close to medium ranges. Make sure that you're standing still if you're firing at medium range, the spread gets crazy when you start moving. Extended Mags is also pretty much a must, it has such a long reload. Make sure you sometimes say YATATATATATA in your deepest, manliest voice for authenticity,
great play. noticed you using suppression to good affect where you'd then close the distance when player is healing. tip: this is a timing you can exploit against the assault class and get a nice swift counterattack when they heal up and get rid of supression efx, They expect you to be at your old spot during the exchange and you nail them from a wider angle of attack and hit them just as they peek - 9:18
Australian Defence Force Loadout: Primary - Aug A3 (closest gun to the F88) with any sights (traditionally it's an ACOG) , foregrip and flash suppressor. Secondary - M1911. Equipment - Medkit and Defibrillators. Specialisation - Squad suppression or sprint.
SVD / bipod, 8x rifle scope, supp. + m1911 supp.tac. Motion sensor and ammo perk. Use your motion sensor in close quaters and also use your supp. To sneak up to people and use the bipod for long range engagements
LSAT with US holo sight, bipod and laser sight. M1911 S-TAC if you have it, just TAC if you don't. C4 and Squad suppression. You won't be outshooting AEKs up close or M416s at range but this setup can do work in a wide variety of scenarios.
sks - silencer, bipod, any sight you like (i like the pka holo scope) 93r tugs spawn beacon squad ammo i dont use the bipod usually, only for longer ranges, stay within mid range. Enjoy! this class was fun for me
L86A2 w/ flash suppressor, bipod, and sniper scope. Good setup for rush because in short range the recoil and spread is manageable and long range the gun becomes an automatic sniper. Also because your support you can snipe and have claymores. Also the L86 is used as a DMR in real life so that goes with the various styles in the past few episodes
I want to make a note on the long range bit. I sniped someone with the M27 IAR from across the map on Kargh Island. It only took three small bursts to do it. The guy I was shooting at was a recon class, and he was shooting back, so he did have the advantage of one-shoting me in the head, as well as a significant height advantage as he was on a mountain. What I'm getting at is that the M27 IAR is actually pretty good at long range, even against other targets that aren't recon snipers.
I recently made the switch to PC after 200 console hours and it's like a whole new game. Way more chaotic, jets have the ability to take out infantry (that's EXTREMELY rare on console), more vehicles in maps and not to mention the masskve learning curve of the mouse and keyboard.
The Kleptomaniac: Kit switch as often as possible. - Highlights the ability to revive team mates while having T-UGS and other gadgets down simultaneously. - A peak at what sort of kits the typical player is running with. - Keep you on your toes.
Best magazine LMG: L86A2 w/ PK-A sight-Foregrip-Extended Mag-93R-Crossbow-Squad Ammo This loadout is freaking awesome. I dare Levelcap and other ppl to use this loadout
¤FLASHLIGHT + SUPPRESSOR LOADOUT¤ 1: QBZ-95B - Kobra/RDS - Suppressor - Flashlight 2: M1911 - Suppressor - Flashlight 3: Xbow, since you'll be more anti-infy than anti-vehicle. 4: Any gadget. Perk: Whatever your squad needs. Camo: Black ninja camo. These are the only two weapons able to use the suppressor and flashlight at the same time. I found that this works good in nightmaps or maps with lots of buildings.
Tactical Engineer loadout. AKSU74 Heavy Barrel + Kobra RDS (use foregrip if you feel like it's needed) G18 Silenced Crossbow Ammo Sq AK is good mid range fights, and is a very powerful gun, as it gives you a little more recoil awarding you with given precise accuracy. However, low RPM makes it not as efficient in CQC, so while approaching fights face-to-face in CQC use G18 for quick and silent kill. Use crossbow for silent takedowns if enemies are unaware of you.
I've discovered an interesting combination for CQB: Assault Class Spaz-12 w/ IRNV and whatever else you want M1911 Supp. M320 Smoke Whatever perk you want Play on noshahr canals for the CQB, do a lot of play in the center of the map by concealing yourself with the Smoke and picking off guys with your ability to see using the IRNV scope, and if neccessary going quite with the supp. M1911.
Anti-sniper medic Gun: G3A3 with Acog and heavy barrel Sidearm of choice (I use a suppressed M1911) M26 Mass Squad perk of choice I use this on maps with heavy sniper infestations like Damavand peak. Single fire the G3 and use the mass for close range engagements. Its a very balanced and adaptable build
Dude this def helped. Ran 27 and 4 earlier with M27 IAR iron sights, bipod and flash suppressor. Absoulutely awesome. Would love to see a good loadout for ACWR or G35. Thanks and love the show.
*Engineer Flag Courier* Primary weapon: ACW-R Attachements: your sight of choice foregrip laser sight or heavy barrel "Your choice" Side arm: G18 Gadget 1: Any ground to air lock on launcher Gadget 2: M15 AT-Mines Perk: SQD Covr Use the guns to cover the flag carrier on his bike. Use the Gadget 1 to eliminate the helicopters on you tail. And use the M15 AT-Mines to defend your motorbike by putting it down at a perfect timing or use them to defende the flag from other captures.
Recon: M417 [ any sight, laser or heavy barrel, fore grip] M1911 S. TAC, MAV, Radio beacon. Remember to maintain control your shots if you shoot too rapidly it bounces everywhere. Good luck!
Hi level, hope you see this! Dishonoured Loadout RECON Do not use primary. Magnum XBOW Squad sprint (instead of the blink power) Try to stay as stealthy as possible and go for as much knife kills as possible, like corvo would. Try to find stealthy ways around the map, avoiding any frontline fighting. Play the objective and have fun.
Interesting loadout Aug with 6x scope/foregrip/supressor m1911 silenced medpack defib sprint perk i saw someone useing this and thought it was rediculous but when i tried it it turned out to be okay. The hip fire is good on the aug for CQ and the 6x scope with low recoil of the supressor allows you to hit those extra shots you need at longer ranges if you play sneaky its quite a bit of fun to use especially on the new maps with lots of foliage and foresty areas
Long Range Style! -M98B (Bipod and 12x Ballistic) -44.Magnum (Scoped) -T-UGS or MAV -Radio Beacon. -Squad Ammo Go to map -> Kharg Island -> Conquest or Rush. Go up to the mountains far away and try to snipe people down! (Sniping a jet pilot or helicopter pilot would be BONUS) -Goodluck ! :)
Automatic Sniper rifle load out for Rush defense: Assault class: G3A3 w/ ACOG scope, bipod and heavy barrel Any sidearm of your choice Med Kit Squad Suppression I run ACOG instead of the 6x Rifle Scope because if someone's rushing you, you at least have a better chance at aiming at them up close with the ACOG than you would with the 6x scope.
Close Quarters LMG M249, Holo, Laser, Bipod M9 Ammo C4 Squad Supperssion If you look into the history of the M249, or the FN Minimi, it was designed as an urban LMG able to go in and clear buildings as opposed to the heavy M60 and M240B. The laser sight improves this LMG's effectiveness at close range while the holographic sight and bipod allow it to hold down choke points. The M249 is one of my favorite weapons in the game because of its high ROF, controllable recoil, and relatively fast TTK.
Crazy snipers solution M98-B- ACOG, Straight pull, Laser sight 1911 S-TAC XBOW (default) squad suppression/squad cover I use this load out all the time in medium/close range gunfights. The M98-B makes a great medium ranged weapon in my opinion and the 1911 is just a total beast. use the XBOW to keep people away from you when all else fails. (this works best on hardcore bolt action only servers)
CQB Sniper SKS -Kobra Sight -Laser 93R Ammo specialy Spawn Beacon SOFLAM I personally use this class for fun and is proven quite effective for me. The Kobra provies better accuracy while keeping visibility open. If you get in real messy situations the 93R really comes into paly. This is a very versital sniper rifle but this loadout is based on one thing CQB!
Here is a great loadout that I use all the time Qbu-88 Holo, fore grip, and suppressor G18 T-UGS Squad cover. The hit mark detection was really iffy but u kinda forget about it after u see how many kills u get. I recommend nosh air canals
Swap Loadout Start out with whatever kit you want. When you kill an enemy, pick up their kit and use it until you kill another enemy and pick up their kit and so on. The idea of this loadout is to be able to constantly adapt to new weapons and gadgets in an instant and dominate the enemy team no matter what they throw at you.
Hey lvlcap! I call it vampyr ghost. What: Use L85A2 with berkut camo, heavy barrel + bipod + IRNV scope. Team: Russian + premium 2. camo suit. (berkut) Where: Caspian border TDM Side arm: M1911 or Magnum 44. It's ready for some work!
All-Range Power Loadout. Spas-12 buckshot, extended mags, scope of your choice..44Magnum scoped. Any class and squad spec. Shotgun usefull for CQ engagements and scoped magnum helps in long range firefight. Hope this is helpful, good luck:)
MTAR-21 with American HOLO, foregrip, and suppressor. Sidearm of M1911 S-TAC. Squad ammo perk (or another useful one if your squad already has it). I've found this to be a very effective weapon, though a bit wild. There's definitely a bit more recoil than foregrip and heavy barrel, and it takes more bullets over range to kill, but I think that the stealthiness of the suppressor makes up for it.
(Two Load out's) Terrorist load out 1: Engineer AKS-74u no attachment MP412 Squad explosive, And RPG and AT mine (for IED's be creative) Terrorist load out 2: Support RPK no attatchment M1911 no attachment Squad Explosive C4 (oh yah!) The reason why I chose this was to test skill and your inner terrorist. Being smart with the C4 and the AT-Mines can be something crucial to your team. Best places to play this is Op. Firestorm, and Grand Baz. Try this and use it! G'Luck :D
Assault M416 Grip, Kobra, Flash Suppressor .44 Magnum I use this class for mostly Noshahr Canals TDM its really good for close range fighting . You can also use the light to get a slight advantage at close quarters.
Weapons roll out: Choose either Assault or Eng class, start using from the first gun, then if you die, you have to pick the next weapon from same class (eg. M4a1, die, M416, die, AEK,die etc.) - HOLO sight and Heavy B on every gun (the other one accessory is your choice) - secondary weapon you can pick any pistol - med kits for Assault, rocket for Eng - Any TDM map you like See how many weapons you will be using at the end of match, of course, the fewer, the more skilled you are, have fun :)
Triple Sniper Sks heavy barrel sight of Your choice .44 w/ scope scoped xbow perk of your choice. I love the sks with heavy barrel. I wonder if You will love it too
Here is the thing i call 'Ghost Warrior" Assault Kit: M16A4 - Heavy Barrel, Suppressor or Bipods, 6x Scope. M9 SUP. M320 Smoke Sprint Perk. Silent death machine. Ambush some guys, and if they fire back, shoot M320 beneath you and get disappeared like a freakni ninja lol. Then use advantage of Sprint to quickly flank 'em and finish with M9. Works perfectly, specially on urban maps.
Black Hawk down heroic sniper: M39 (he actually uses m14 but thats closest to it) -Acog only M9 tac light TUG-S or MAV use to see where enemys are attacking from. Squad cover Play rush and defend objectives by standing really close to them to get that epic 'last stand' feeling like in black hawk down.
FAMAS with kobra, foregrip and supressor M1911 (any of them unless you unlock the S-TACT in time) Med kit Defibs The FAMAS is better that it has been, and is now usable on really CQC maps like Canals TDM and CQ maps (haven't tried out the EG TDM maps to know which this would be good for) Don't play too aggressive or the reload will catch you out, and make sure you find a safe place to reload. The reload is where the suppressor comes in useful.
Battle Recon M417: American Holo and Laser sight Rex for a side arm Spawn beacon and tugs Squad suppression This is my loadout when my squad needs a spawn beacon or need a motion sensor. It lets me be effective in normal combat situations while also providing them with that beacon to use. Use the red dot sight for close range situations as the m417 is a two shot kill and turn it off when engaging long range targets.
MongolFPS Loadout M1911 suppressed (use this to stealthily travel to positions that give you an advantage over the enemy) M40A5 sniper rifle 8x scope straight-pull bolt Laser sight (which can be turned off depending on whether you're in a close range scenario) T-ugs to protect your dog tags Spawn Beacon to allow you to get behind enemy lines I think this loadout should be completed on Operation Metro CQ because it offers great flanking and a variety of different battle scenarios! goodluck :)
Juggernaut Loadout PKP Kobra Foregrip Extended Mags MP412 SQD Suppression advancing slowly or crouching with this class allows you to maintain accuracy with this beast and put a ridiculous amount of damage down range. You won't be winning any precision awards anytime soon but dishing out so much damage is quite an awesome feeling! Have Fun
Primary - M98B with straight pull bolt and IRNV scope ,play on Sharqi peninsula for secondary run the .44 scoped and equipment go with t-Gus motion sensor. Please you guys like this it would be interesting to see lvlcap use this setup
Alright here is a good one. Batman Load out (use recon-looks the most like batman) X-Bow (kind of like batarangs, use all bolts like batman's gadgets) Grenades (bat bombs) squad grenades (for those extra bat bombs) Play on TDM 2 get the most kills, but play in conquest 2 feel the full potential of batman because you can use the buggy and attack heli as your bat mobile and bat chopper. Remember to use the spawn beacon to "swoop" down on enemies as batman would. Have fun!
Forget the mainstream setups. Assault Elite Sniper class Scar-L with HB, Bipod and 12X SCOPE! Medkit Ammo and Cover perks Nebandan Flats is the ideal map for this setup since most fights are behind long range covers. And trust me, they wont expect the Assault sniper and its very devastating and challenging for even Recons to take you out with this setup.
Hi LvLcap, i remember when you were reviewing SAIGA 12K, you said it's pretty useless to have a Flash suppressor on the Shotgun, but try this out: Saiga 12 K [Slugs] Cobra sight Flash suppressor Pick a support class ,because you will be running out of ammo alot and sort of stay back from the enemy 20 meters, you will be packing a punch yet the enemy most likely not gonna realise that you there, I've tried it and it worked excellent for me .
ACW-R Suppresor No grip This is one of the only guns that works well with the suppressor because of its damage down range. It's always a 6 bullet kill outside of Close Quarters. This is really good on maps like Talah Market or any TDM maps.
Infiltration loadout G36c Silencer Grip pk-as sight i think its called. 44 magnum Rpg repair torch perks suitable to your squad. Try to run this as a lone wolf in rush, use the silencer to your advantage and flank and out-maneuver the enemy. My favourite setup besides the M16 :)
Lockdown Support: M240B w/ US Holo Sight, Bipod, Flash Suppressor M9 Tactical C4 Squad Suppression The M240B is a bit more difficult to use on the move or standing, but use it supported on a choke or overwatching an objective in Rush/CTF (or smaller CQ maps) and it so long as you are there none shall pass (or arm/defuse, or cap the flag)!
To Fast For U Class: AEK 971 Heavy Barrel, Foregrip, and Kobra sight. Barrel and foregrip to help with the accuracy, and M1911, Medic Kit, Defibrillator, and any specialization you want.
Assassin Loadout Recon Class: use the m1911 s-tac as your primary and try to play in nightime maps. m416 suppressed with everthing else regular(try to only use ur m416 when necessary). have the spec ops camo on with the squad ammo perk. make your enemies see the white light of your s-tac before they die
With all the dlc out, I decided to make a load out featuring aspects from different dlcs. I call it, futuristic killer Main gun: m5k(empty 5k) with a suppressor and a red dot.(NO EXT MAGS) Side arm: s.tac Trimary: crossbow(scoped for a challange) recon with spawn b. Perk(dosnt matter) You must play on original bf3 maps(no dlc maps) and after every kill you MUST swap weapons(unless you die) that way it incorporates some gunmaster like game play.
BF3 Campaign style M416(AGOG x4, underslung, heavy barrel) woodland camo M9 M320 ammo perk Play rush on Damavand peak or Kiasar railroad I used this set-up, had a lot of fun. This set up looks like the mission "Rock and a hard place"
Rambo Style! 1. Support class 2. M60e4 - iron sight - no other perks for your weapon 3. Pistol of your choice (you are not gonna need it! :D) 4. Ammo pack And Thats it! Shoot most of the time no scope, waste more bullets then you actually need, dont't use the pistol, knife is welcome, be selffish and have fun! :D
Hey levelcap. I love playing the AUG A3 with red dot sight, heavy barrell, and m320 buckshot on the underslung rail. Use the M1911 or 44 magnum (your choie). This has worked very well for me in rush on metro and close quarter maps. Lets see what you can get done.
modern NAVY seal style ACW-R - Holo - foregrip - suppressor m1911 S-TAC javelin/stinger repair tool use the ammo or suppression to get more kills good luck man this is my class KEEP THE VIDS COMIN THERE BEAST!!!
no, if you put os and games on an ssd it means u load much faster, os will stat up in a few seconds, and games (like BF3) will load much faster so I recommend getting an SSD
Infantry Automatic Rifle actually. And its more like an LSW "light support weapon" just like the L86. It is used for sustained automatic fire where as an assault rifle isnt. There is a big difference.
Service Star Loadout recon AS-VAL w/ 3.14 scope, extended mags and laser MAV I chose recon as in my opinion it is the hardest to level as you cannot heal, resupply, destroy etc... And as you know, the AS-VAL is the last gun you unlock, and the attachments I chose are the last attachments you get for the gun. So this is basically the oppisite of what you used in this video.
The first map he plays on is 100% my new favorite map. for TDM i love it!!! such a good map. i cant wait to get it. i played it with my friend on his ps3.
Ctf squad player loadout Recon P90 - IRNV, suppressor, laser .44 magnum Mav Spawn beacon Sq. Frags Recon has gotten so much more useful in ctf. Use the beacon to parachute into the enemy flag. Mav the area first to see all the enemies present. P90 is great weapon close quarters and the IRNV will help spot players hiding and mines as well. .44 magnum to blow up the mines near players. Really useful in the new snow map pipelines Enjoy
Gangsta loadout. Weapon: m9 or M9 supp gadget: Ammo box Specialication: sqaud sprint Play on a small map with houses and hide behind houses so you can kill the enemys while they dont see you
Ghost Recon - Future Soldier Base Loadout M417 - Holo Sight Foregrip and Supressor M9 - Variation if you want MAV Squad Supp Based on the base weapons on the first mission of Ghost Reacon - Future Soldier, NF3 don't have the 45T pistol but the M9 is the closet since has the same magazine. Ghost Recon is a game thats push much more for stealth tactics, so i will ask you to be less agressive using this loadout.
Bad Company 2 Engineer Loadout: AKS-74u PK-A(3.4x) scope (closes looking one to the 4x scope in BC2) Foregrip (your choice) Suppressor (all engineer weapons were suppressed) MP443 (no attachments) Repair Tool Specialization: Explosives (since there's no Magnum ammo to give you that extra damage for suppressed guns) Enjoy! It will be fun to someone else use this loadout to bring BC2 memories! :')
M1911 S-TAC Primary I really enjoy using this sidearm. It's great for flanking, with the silencer, and does reasonably well in all situations. That tac. light really help, especially when you used up your actual primary, people would get a dose of insta-sun. Even with the small size and suppressor, it still packs a wallop. I would like to know your thoughts LvlCap about this weapon. Thanks.
close quarters engineer load out G53 w/ any RDS sights, foregrip & silencer any silenced sidearm xbow eod bot ammo or sprint perk I find this loadout amazing for those cq-based maps or modes, such as TDM or Metro. The amount of silenced awesomeness and the addition of the bot for pure scouting purposes makes this engineer load out a safe alternative for cq-based encounters engineer class leveling.
Ump-45 iron sights, laser, flash suppressor with the g17c. Also use squad ammo because it seems I run out fast and it doesn't matter what class it's used with
Small gungame: Play on Close Quarters M5K - no atatchments M1911 No Perks Each time you kill someone you have to pick up their kit. If you kill someone before you pick up the kit you have to get the next kill with a pistol.
Dead Island style! - AK74M w/ no scope/sights - M1911 - Squad sprint This loadout is one of the basics in dead island game, let's see if you can get a well done job with this. The squad sprint is for run to scape from the "zombies". Have Fun!!
This gun should have been in bf4
The g3 and mp5 should’ve been in battlefield 4
dbenson31 m27 beats the QBB-95-1 any day.
The M416 is the M27
Cameron McElwee the m416 is an H&K-416, same brand different gun
While the 416 is similar it has a slightly shorter barrel thats the only pretty noticeable change
The AS Val is the last Weapon to unlock. Use it with the last accessories
AS Val
M145 sight
Extended Mag
Sidearme: .44 scoped
Depending on Class: M26 Slug, Javaline and EOD-Bot, Mortar or MAV
Let's see what the hardest-to-get-stuff is worth
I know LCG won't see this, but there are people watching from the Baltic States, so US servers are not ideal for us
hi level. i dont know if you remember me, or if you even see this comment, but i was in that server yesterday when together with you. i even got to your your squad. it was a great experience. i was kinda having a fanboy moment in the chat, but i was just so exited to play with you! you are a great guy, and just the fact that you gave me a "thanks" was just so nice of you! thanks man! you are such a great inspiration to me! i've been around since 15K subs! damn that letter limit thing :( cya lvl!
"True test of skill"
So pretentious
"The gun that toppled the king" - M146 as it is now better than the m16A3 kobra sight, flash suppressor and an S-tac11 sidearm (as its the new gun) med pack, squad frag...This class is great because it shows people that the M16A3 isn't the only gun that can do really well. Love the vids as always, have a nice day :)
This is my favorite medium-long range loadout. I usually just stick with red dot sights, but this loadout has been very rewarding and fun as a change of pace.
M416 with m345 scope and heavy barrel (you choose 3rd attachment, if any)
med kit (of course!)
Squad specialization of your choice
End Game loadout:
Any weapon, any attachment
Any side arm
Any class and any squad spec.
End Game is finally here! And now that we have all the weapons, we want to hear your favorite! Who cares if its M16- this is your time to shine lvl!
The engineer sniper:
SCAR-H 6x scope, Bipod, Heavy Barrel.
Everything else is up to you!
I love this class on rush defense in particular, and I've even out-sniped some recons with it, because of it's semi automatic accuracy with the bipod and damage output at range with the heavy barrel. I also love having the ability to play as engineer, pulling out my rocket launcher when I see a vehicle or repairing a friendly when he needs repairs. Have fun!
M416/M27IAR are by far the best two iron sights that you can get.
M60E4, Red dot, Foregrip, Extended Mag
I love this setup. The M60 shoots only 20 rpm slower than the PKP, but has half the horizontal recoil. The foregrip allows you to run and gun with it at close to medium ranges. Make sure that you're standing still if you're firing at medium range, the spread gets crazy when you start moving. Extended Mags is also pretty much a must, it has such a long reload. Make sure you sometimes say YATATATATATA in your deepest, manliest voice for authenticity,
great play. noticed you using suppression to good affect where you'd then close the distance when player is healing. tip: this is a timing you can exploit against the assault class and get a nice swift counterattack when they heal up and get rid of supression efx, They expect you to be at your old spot during the exchange and you nail them from a wider angle of attack and hit them just as they peek - 9:18
Australian Defence Force Loadout: Primary - Aug A3 (closest gun to the F88) with any sights (traditionally it's an ACOG) , foregrip and flash suppressor. Secondary - M1911. Equipment - Medkit and Defibrillators. Specialisation - Squad suppression or sprint.
SVD / bipod, 8x rifle scope, supp. + m1911 supp.tac. Motion sensor and ammo perk. Use your motion sensor in close quaters and also use your supp. To sneak up to people and use the bipod for long range engagements
LSAT with US holo sight, bipod and laser sight. M1911 S-TAC if you have it, just TAC if you don't. C4 and Squad suppression. You won't be outshooting AEKs up close or M416s at range but this setup can do work in a wide variety of scenarios.
Glad you mentioned heavy barrel. My absolute #1 gun on support. I don't like grip on this, even on short ranges.
sks - silencer, bipod, any sight you like (i like the pka holo scope)
spawn beacon
squad ammo
i dont use the bipod usually, only for longer ranges, stay within mid range. Enjoy! this class was fun for me
Hey there Levelcap.
Capture the flag
Sniper class
- The S-tac (if you have it yet)
-pka3.4x scope
- t-tugs or mav
"Good, tight, infantry action"
L86A2 w/ flash suppressor, bipod, and sniper scope. Good setup for rush because in short range the recoil and spread is manageable and long range the gun becomes an automatic sniper. Also because your support you can snipe and have claymores. Also the L86 is used as a DMR in real life so that goes with the various styles in the past few episodes
I want to make a note on the long range bit. I sniped someone with the M27 IAR from across the map on Kargh Island. It only took three small bursts to do it. The guy I was shooting at was a recon class, and he was shooting back, so he did have the advantage of one-shoting me in the head, as well as a significant height advantage as he was on a mountain. What I'm getting at is that the M27 IAR is actually pretty good at long range, even against other targets that aren't recon snipers.
I recently made the switch to PC after 200 console hours and it's like a whole new game. Way more chaotic, jets have the ability to take out infantry (that's EXTREMELY rare on console), more vehicles in maps and not to mention the masskve learning curve of the mouse and keyboard.
The Kleptomaniac: Kit switch as often as possible.
- Highlights the ability to revive team mates while having T-UGS and other gadgets down simultaneously.
- A peak at what sort of kits the typical player is running with.
- Keep you on your toes.
Best magazine LMG: L86A2 w/ PK-A sight-Foregrip-Extended Mag-93R-Crossbow-Squad Ammo This loadout is freaking awesome. I dare Levelcap and other ppl to use this loadout
levelcap loadout
-your favourite class
-your favourite weapons
1: QBZ-95B
- Kobra/RDS
- Suppressor
- Flashlight
2: M1911
- Suppressor
- Flashlight
3: Xbow, since you'll be more anti-infy than anti-vehicle.
4: Any gadget.
Perk: Whatever your squad needs.
Camo: Black ninja camo.
These are the only two weapons able to use the suppressor and flashlight at the same time. I found that this works good in nightmaps or maps with lots of buildings.
Congratulations! This is your 600th video!
Tactical Engineer loadout.
AKSU74 Heavy Barrel + Kobra RDS (use foregrip if you feel like it's needed)
G18 Silenced
Ammo Sq
AK is good mid range fights, and is a very powerful gun, as it gives you a little more recoil awarding you with given precise accuracy. However, low RPM makes it not as efficient in CQC, so while approaching fights face-to-face in CQC use G18 for quick and silent kill. Use crossbow for silent takedowns if enemies are unaware of you.
I've discovered an interesting combination for CQB:
Assault Class
Spaz-12 w/ IRNV and whatever else you want
M1911 Supp.
M320 Smoke
Whatever perk you want
Play on noshahr canals for the CQB, do a lot of play in the center of the map by concealing yourself with the Smoke and picking off guys with your ability to see using the IRNV scope, and if neccessary going quite with the supp. M1911.
Anti-sniper medic
Gun: G3A3 with Acog and heavy barrel
Sidearm of choice (I use a suppressed M1911)
M26 Mass
Squad perk of choice
I use this on maps with heavy sniper infestations like Damavand peak. Single fire the G3 and use the mass for close range engagements. Its a very balanced and adaptable build
choose your favorite loadout from whichever episode and use it again
SVD / bipod, 8x scope, supp. Make use of the supp. To sneak up to people and also use the bipod for long range engagements
Dude this def helped. Ran 27 and 4 earlier with M27 IAR iron sights, bipod and flash suppressor. Absoulutely awesome. Would love to see a good loadout for ACWR or G35. Thanks and love the show.
*Engineer Flag Courier*
Primary weapon: ACW-R
your sight of choice
laser sight or heavy barrel "Your choice"
Side arm: G18
Gadget 1: Any ground to air lock on launcher
Gadget 2: M15 AT-Mines
Perk: SQD Covr
Use the guns to cover the flag carrier on his bike. Use the Gadget 1 to eliminate the helicopters on you tail. And use the M15 AT-Mines to defend your motorbike by putting it down at a perfect timing or use them to defende the flag from other captures.
Recon: M417 [ any sight, laser or heavy barrel, fore grip] M1911 S. TAC, MAV, Radio beacon. Remember to maintain control your shots if you shoot too rapidly it bounces everywhere. Good luck!
Hi level, hope you see this!
Dishonoured Loadout
Do not use primary.
Squad sprint (instead of the blink power)
Try to stay as stealthy as possible and go for as much knife kills as possible, like corvo would. Try to find stealthy ways around the map, avoiding any frontline fighting. Play the objective and have fun.
Interesting loadout
Aug with 6x scope/foregrip/supressor
m1911 silenced
sprint perk
i saw someone useing this and thought it was rediculous but when i tried it it turned out to be okay. The hip fire is good on the aug for CQ and the 6x scope with low recoil of the supressor allows you to hit those extra shots you need at longer ranges if you play sneaky its quite a bit of fun to use especially on the new maps with lots of foliage and foresty areas
Long Range Style!
-M98B (Bipod and 12x Ballistic)
-44.Magnum (Scoped)
-Radio Beacon.
-Squad Ammo
Go to map -> Kharg Island -> Conquest or Rush. Go up to the mountains far away and try to snipe people down! (Sniping a jet pilot or helicopter pilot would be BONUS)
-Goodluck ! :)
Automatic Sniper rifle load out for Rush defense:
Assault class:
G3A3 w/ ACOG scope, bipod and heavy barrel
Any sidearm of your choice
Med Kit
Squad Suppression
I run ACOG instead of the 6x Rifle Scope because if someone's rushing you, you at least have a better chance at aiming at them up close with the ACOG than you would with the 6x scope.
Close Quarters LMG
M249, Holo, Laser, Bipod
Squad Supperssion
If you look into the history of the M249, or the FN Minimi, it was designed as an urban LMG able to go in and clear buildings as opposed to the heavy M60 and M240B. The laser sight improves this LMG's effectiveness at close range while the holographic sight and bipod allow it to hold down choke points. The M249 is one of my favorite weapons in the game because of its high ROF, controllable recoil, and relatively fast TTK.
Crazy snipers solution
M98-B- ACOG, Straight pull, Laser sight
1911 S-TAC
XBOW (default)
squad suppression/squad cover
I use this load out all the time in medium/close range gunfights. The M98-B makes a great medium ranged weapon in my opinion and the 1911 is just a total beast. use the XBOW to keep people away from you when all else fails.
(this works best on hardcore bolt action only servers)
Congrats on 600 videos! :D
CQB Sniper
-Kobra Sight
Ammo specialy
Spawn Beacon
I personally use this class for fun and is proven quite effective for me. The Kobra provies better accuracy while keeping visibility open. If you get in real messy situations the 93R really comes into paly. This is a very versital sniper rifle but this loadout is based on one thing CQB!
Here is a great loadout that I use all the time Qbu-88 Holo, fore grip, and suppressor G18 T-UGS Squad cover. The hit mark detection was really iffy but u kinda forget about it after u see how many kills u get. I recommend nosh air canals
Swap Loadout
Start out with whatever kit you want.
When you kill an enemy, pick up their kit and use it until you kill another enemy and pick up their kit and so on.
The idea of this loadout is to be able to constantly adapt to new weapons and gadgets in an instant and dominate the enemy team no matter what they throw at you.
Hey lvlcap!
I call it vampyr ghost.
What: Use L85A2 with berkut camo, heavy barrel + bipod + IRNV scope.
Team: Russian + premium 2. camo suit. (berkut)
Where: Caspian border TDM
Side arm: M1911 or Magnum 44.
It's ready for some work!
All-Range Power Loadout. Spas-12 buckshot, extended mags, scope of your choice..44Magnum scoped. Any class and squad spec. Shotgun usefull for CQ engagements and scoped magnum helps in long range firefight. Hope this is helpful, good luck:)
I agree with you I have been using this gun with those attachments and I love it!
MTAR-21 with American HOLO, foregrip, and suppressor. Sidearm of M1911 S-TAC. Squad ammo perk (or another useful one if your squad already has it).
I've found this to be a very effective weapon, though a bit wild. There's definitely a bit more recoil than foregrip and heavy barrel, and it takes more bullets over range to kill, but I think that the stealthiness of the suppressor makes up for it.
(Two Load out's)
Terrorist load out 1:
no attachment
Squad explosive,
and AT mine (for IED's be creative)
Terrorist load out 2:
no attatchment
no attachment
Squad Explosive
C4 (oh yah!)
The reason why I chose this was to test skill and your inner terrorist. Being smart with the C4 and the AT-Mines can be something crucial to your team. Best places to play this is Op. Firestorm, and Grand Baz. Try this and use it!
G'Luck :D
M416 Grip, Kobra, Flash Suppressor
.44 Magnum
I use this class for mostly Noshahr Canals TDM its really good for close range fighting .
You can also use the light to get a slight advantage at close quarters.
Grats on 600 vids LC!
Weapons roll out: Choose either Assault or Eng class, start using from the first gun, then if you die, you have to pick the next weapon from same class (eg. M4a1, die, M416, die, AEK,die etc.)
- HOLO sight and Heavy B on every gun (the other one accessory is your choice)
- secondary weapon you can pick any pistol
- med kits for Assault, rocket for Eng
- Any TDM map you like
See how many weapons you will be using at the end of match, of course, the fewer, the more skilled you are, have fun :)
Triple Sniper
heavy barrel
sight of Your choice
.44 w/ scope
scoped xbow
perk of your choice.
I love the sks with heavy barrel. I wonder if You will love it too
Here is the thing i call 'Ghost Warrior" Assault Kit:
M16A4 - Heavy Barrel, Suppressor or Bipods, 6x Scope.
M320 Smoke
Sprint Perk.
Silent death machine. Ambush some guys, and if they fire back, shoot M320 beneath you and get disappeared like a freakni ninja lol. Then use advantage of Sprint to quickly flank 'em and finish with M9. Works perfectly, specially on urban maps.
Black Hawk down heroic sniper:
M39 (he actually uses m14 but thats closest to it)
-Acog only
M9 tac light
TUG-S or MAV use to see where enemys are attacking from.
Squad cover
Play rush and defend objectives by standing really close to them to get that epic 'last stand' feeling like in black hawk down.
M60, Iron Sights, Extended Mag, Bipod. Pwnstar invented this Rambo loadout months ago, and it is awesome.
FAMAS with kobra, foregrip and supressor
M1911 (any of them unless you unlock the S-TACT in time)
Med kit
The FAMAS is better that it has been, and is now usable on really CQC maps like Canals TDM and CQ maps (haven't tried out the EG TDM maps to know which this would be good for)
Don't play too aggressive or the reload will catch you out, and make sure you find a safe place to reload. The reload is where the suppressor comes in useful.
Battle Recon
M417: American Holo and Laser sight
Rex for a side arm
Spawn beacon and tugs
Squad suppression
This is my loadout when my squad needs a spawn beacon or need a motion sensor. It lets me be effective in normal combat situations while also providing them with that beacon to use. Use the red dot sight for close range situations as the m417 is a two shot kill and turn it off when engaging long range targets.
MongolFPS Loadout
M1911 suppressed (use this to stealthily travel to positions that give you an advantage over the enemy)
M40A5 sniper rifle
8x scope
straight-pull bolt
Laser sight (which can be turned off depending on whether you're in a close range scenario)
T-ugs to protect your dog tags
Spawn Beacon to allow you to get behind enemy lines
I think this loadout should be completed on Operation Metro CQ because it offers great flanking and a variety of different battle scenarios!
goodluck :)
Juggernaut Loadout
Extended Mags
SQD Suppression
advancing slowly or crouching with this class allows you to maintain accuracy with this beast and put a ridiculous amount of damage down range. You won't be winning any precision awards anytime soon but dishing out so much damage is quite an awesome feeling!
Have Fun
Primary - M98B with straight pull bolt and IRNV scope ,play on Sharqi peninsula for secondary run the .44 scoped and equipment go with t-Gus motion sensor. Please you guys like this it would be interesting to see lvlcap use this setup
Alright here is a good one.
Batman Load out (use recon-looks the most like batman)
X-Bow (kind of like batarangs, use all bolts like batman's gadgets)
Grenades (bat bombs)
squad grenades (for those extra bat bombs)
Play on TDM 2 get the most kills, but play in conquest 2 feel the full potential of batman because you can use the buggy and attack heli as your bat mobile and bat chopper.
Remember to use the spawn beacon to "swoop" down on enemies as batman would.
Have fun!
Forget the mainstream setups.
Assault Elite Sniper class
Scar-L with HB, Bipod and 12X SCOPE!
Ammo and Cover perks
Nebandan Flats is the ideal map for this setup since most fights are behind long range covers. And trust me, they wont expect the Assault sniper and its very devastating and challenging for even Recons to take you out with this setup.
Pp2000,IRNV,Tac light,and suppressor your choice of sidearm etc.
Hi LvLcap, i remember when you were reviewing SAIGA 12K, you said it's pretty useless to have a Flash suppressor on the Shotgun, but try this out:
Saiga 12 K [Slugs]
Cobra sight
Flash suppressor
Pick a support class ,because you will be running out of ammo alot and sort of stay back from the enemy 20 meters, you will be packing a punch yet the enemy most likely not gonna realise that you there, I've tried it and it worked excellent for me .
No grip
This is one of the only guns that works well with the suppressor because of its damage down range. It's always a 6 bullet kill outside of Close Quarters. This is really good on maps like Talah Market or any TDM maps.
Infiltration loadout
pk-as sight i think its called.
44 magnum
repair torch
perks suitable to your squad.
Try to run this as a lone wolf in rush, use the silencer to your advantage and flank and out-maneuver the enemy.
My favourite setup besides the M16 :)
Lockdown Support:
M240B w/ US Holo Sight, Bipod, Flash Suppressor
M9 Tactical
Squad Suppression
The M240B is a bit more difficult to use on the move or standing, but use it supported on a choke or overwatching an objective in Rush/CTF (or smaller CQ maps) and it so long as you are there none shall pass (or arm/defuse, or cap the flag)!
Rifle man m39 emr acog foregrip laser,93r,Xbox, And squad frag, I love this because it can be aggressive and defensive
I love the new TDM versions of the end game maps too :)
gangster style:
class: support
MP5K with extended mag.
glock 17.
squad perk: sprint
To Fast For U Class: AEK 971 Heavy Barrel, Foregrip, and Kobra sight. Barrel and foregrip to help with the accuracy, and M1911, Medic Kit, Defibrillator, and any specialization you want.
for the l86a2 you also get improved hip fire and faster movement when aimed down sights over the m27.
The chat is hilarious! "Prove that's levelcap" LOL
Assassin Loadout
Recon Class: use the m1911 s-tac as your primary and try to play in nightime maps. m416 suppressed with everthing else regular(try to only use ur m416 when necessary). have the spec ops camo on with the squad ammo perk. make your enemies see the white light of your s-tac before they die
With all the dlc out, I decided to make a load out featuring aspects from different dlcs.
I call it, futuristic killer
Main gun: m5k(empty 5k) with a suppressor and a red dot.(NO EXT MAGS)
Side arm: s.tac
Trimary: crossbow(scoped for a challange)
recon with spawn b.
Perk(dosnt matter)
You must play on original bf3 maps(no dlc maps) and after every kill you MUST swap weapons(unless you die) that way it incorporates some gunmaster like game play.
BF3 Campaign style
M416(AGOG x4, underslung, heavy barrel) woodland camo
ammo perk
Play rush on Damavand peak or Kiasar railroad
I used this set-up, had a lot of fun. This set up looks like the mission "Rock and a hard place"
Rambo Style!
1. Support class
2. M60e4 - iron sight - no other perks for your weapon
3. Pistol of your choice (you are not gonna need it! :D)
4. Ammo pack
And Thats it!
Shoot most of the time no scope, waste more bullets then you actually need, dont't use the pistol, knife is welcome, be selffish and have fun! :D
Hey levelcap. I love playing the AUG A3 with red dot sight, heavy barrell, and m320 buckshot on the underslung rail. Use the M1911 or 44 magnum (your choie). This has worked very well for me in rush on metro and close quarter maps. Lets see what you can get done.
modern NAVY seal style
- Holo
- foregrip
- suppressor
m1911 S-TAC
repair tool
use the ammo or suppression to get more kills
good luck man this is my class
no, if you put os and games on an ssd it means u load much faster, os will stat up in a few seconds, and games (like BF3) will load much faster so I recommend getting an SSD
Infantry Automatic Rifle actually. And its more like an LSW "light support weapon" just like the L86. It is used for sustained automatic fire where as an assault rifle isnt. There is a big difference.
Service Star Loadout
AS-VAL w/ 3.14 scope, extended mags and laser
I chose recon as in my opinion it is the hardest to level as you cannot heal, resupply, destroy etc... And as you know, the AS-VAL is the last gun you unlock, and the attachments I chose are the last attachments you get for the gun.
So this is basically the oppisite of what you used in this video.
The first map he plays on is 100% my new favorite map. for TDM i love it!!! such a good map. i cant wait to get it. i played it with my friend on his ps3.
Ctf squad player loadout
P90 - IRNV, suppressor, laser
.44 magnum
Spawn beacon
Sq. Frags
Recon has gotten so much more useful in ctf. Use the beacon to parachute into the enemy flag. Mav the area first to see all the enemies present. P90 is great weapon close quarters and the IRNV will help spot players hiding and mines as well. .44 magnum to blow up the mines near players. Really useful in the new snow map pipelines
Gangsta loadout.
Weapon: m9 or M9 supp
gadget: Ammo box
Specialication: sqaud sprint
Play on a small map with houses and hide behind houses so you can kill the enemys while they dont see you
Ghost Recon - Future Soldier Base Loadout
M417 - Holo Sight
Foregrip and Supressor
M9 - Variation if you want
Squad Supp
Based on the base weapons on the first mission of Ghost Reacon - Future Soldier, NF3 don't have the 45T pistol but the M9 is the closet since has the same magazine.
Ghost Recon is a game thats push much more for stealth tactics, so i will ask you to be less agressive using this loadout.
600 videos ! Congratulations :)
Bad Company 2 Engineer Loadout:
PK-A(3.4x) scope (closes looking one to the 4x scope in BC2)
Foregrip (your choice)
Suppressor (all engineer weapons were suppressed)
MP443 (no attachments)
Repair Tool
Specialization: Explosives
(since there's no Magnum ammo to give you that extra damage for suppressed guns)
Enjoy! It will be fun to someone else use this loadout to bring BC2 memories! :')
M1911 S-TAC Primary
I really enjoy using this sidearm. It's great for flanking, with the silencer, and does reasonably well in all situations. That tac. light really help, especially when you used up your actual primary, people would get a dose of insta-sun. Even with the small size and suppressor, it still packs a wallop.
I would like to know your thoughts LvlCap about this weapon. Thanks.
British Army Sniper Loadout-L96 with 10x zoom, bipod. Sidearm-G17. Any other equipment. Post up in a tree or bush and snipe from there.
close quarters engineer load out
G53 w/ any RDS sights, foregrip & silencer
any silenced sidearm
eod bot
ammo or sprint perk
I find this loadout amazing for those cq-based maps or modes, such as TDM or Metro. The amount of silenced awesomeness and the addition of the bot for pure scouting purposes makes this engineer load out a safe alternative for cq-based encounters engineer class leveling.
Grats on the 600th vid
Ump-45 iron sights, laser, flash suppressor with the g17c. Also use squad ammo because it seems I run out fast and it doesn't matter what class it's used with
Small gungame: Play on Close Quarters
M5K - no atatchments
No Perks
Each time you kill someone you have to pick up their kit.
If you kill someone before you pick up the kit you have to get the next kill with a pistol.
Dead Island style!
- AK74M w/ no scope/sights
- M1911
- Squad sprint
This loadout is one of the basics in dead island game, let's see if you can get a well done job with this. The squad sprint is for run to scape from the "zombies".
Have Fun!!
ive wanted to see someone thats a beast use this shotgun loadout.
I just wanna let you know I kick major ass at BF3 because of you lol. You have showed me a lot
The congressman loadout: just start with a knife and pick up the kits your fallen enemies were using then complain about obama in the chat