You are very kind. There is a bunch more coming. I’m heading to India in a few weeks then off to the uk, but a bunch of stuff in between. Most of it over on the gram.
Now here’s an interesting fact. I grew up in the in a huge pacific island community, my school was predominantly Samoan and Tongan guys. I remember fire at some events and thought about them when making these images. Cool aye.
Magical as always young man 🤗🎖️
Thanks mate. It was a lovely night.
Love love love it.
Thanks mate. This video is basically you guys!!!
Totally awesome Denis, I love the results
Thanks mate!
awesome work Den
Thank you. 🙏
you perform some of the coolest lightpainting... i want to see more please..?
You are very kind. There is a bunch more coming. I’m heading to India in a few weeks then off to the uk, but a bunch of stuff in between. Most of it over on the gram.
Superb, inspires me to rush out & make some images.
Well there you go, job done, I hope you have a blast.
Getting some Polynesian 'firedancers' in front of your camera would look pretty cool!
Now here’s an interesting fact. I grew up in the in a huge pacific island community, my school was predominantly Samoan and Tongan guys. I remember fire at some events and thought about them when making these images. Cool aye.
Thank you.