※This video does NOT include any paid promotion※ ※ 위 영상은 유료광고를 포함하지 않습니다 ※ 📦 제품문의(Product Inquiries): bit.ly/3V546qs (JIB, 제일베어링) 🎬 촬영문의(Filming Inquiries): factorymonster2021@gmail.com -I film for the company who are proud of showing how their products are made. -팩토리몬은 제품에 자신있는 소상공인 분들과 중소기업을 대상으로 무료촬영을 진행합니다. Copyrightⓒ 2021. Factory Monster. All Rights Reserved.
Came for the videos and stayed for the closed captions... Dude! Your comments are hilarious! Thanks for the great video and humor quality. Cheers from Brasil.
국내에서 유일무일 하게 유니트 베어링 제조업체입니다. 그만큼 노하우나 품질은 월등하죠 시중에 팔리는 기타 잡 브렌드에 비해 금액이 매우 높다는 점이 아쉽지만 그만큼 신뢰성이 있다는 것이죠 주물 자체는 중국에서 들여오는 것이겠지만 그래도 공차나 조도등이 나쁘지 않아서 조립시에 스트레스가 덜 합니다. 가끔씩 대량 주문시 셋트품으로 요청할때가 있는데 이렇게 조립해서 주셨구나 싶네요 베어링 유통업에 종사하는 사람으로써 매우 유익하고 좋은 영상입니다. 지금은 일산 및 유럽산의 베어링들이 국내의 점유율이 매우 높은건 맞습니다만 이런 기초 산업을 무시하고 배척한다면 국내 시장의 점유율은 여전히 외국계 회사들의 놀이터가 될 수 밖에 없습니다. 지난 50년 동안 노력하셨는 만큼 다음 50년 100년의 역사를 가진 S 사 및 N사 F사를 뛰어 넘을 수 있는 국내 브랜드의 파워와 저력을 가지시길 기원합니다.
I have worked on a few cnc machines and the process of automation and the genius behind a lot of it will never stop being amazing. I love the sounds of a factory, I also love the captions they are quite fun.
Thank god for CNC machines. When I started my apprenticeship in 1985 as a fitter & turner/machinist it was common to machine the same part up to 2000 times manually.
The captions were great (For those who don't turn them on, this is your hint you should haha)! Thank you for bringing us along on to so many industries!
Getting the bearing into the pillow block is easy as they go in or out with a twist,but the actual assembly of the inner and outer races and balls always puzzled me as they are such a close precision fit. Thanks for showing!😊
Not many people realize the importance of the humble ball bearing ring in modern life. Than you for sharing this video, it was interesting and very informative.
I really like the whole "just background noise in video, CC for narration" style, it's very relaxing for my internal monologue to narrate these kinda things compared to some (often hard to understand) voice talking.
*What I appreciate is the absence of unnecessary background music, allowing the serene rhythm of the machinery's dink...dink...dink to create a delightful ambiance.*
Very cool! I lived in Seoul for 4 years and I was always impressed with the industrial and manufacturing capabilities there. We used to joke that there were little shops in dark alleys making parts for the space shuttle.
One of my favorites thus far. Those are called Pillow Block bearings in the US. Most likely, they will be used on other machinery used in manufacturing. I'm curious to know the type of grease they are packed with. Thanks for another great video!
I always love your videos. I used to be an engineer, first in heavy industry, then in medical products, and I love seeing lots of different processes. :)
This'll be a only when people would want things going south is in their best interest.. 😉 nice video and keep updating more Korean manufacturing processing information on RUclips
I worked for a bearing and gearbox design company but never saw the manufacturing process. In my home town in the UK there is a bearing manufacturer (NSK) which was an old UK bearing company until taken over by NSK. The early stages of manufacture seem quite automated but final assembly is much more manual and using people. Thanks for sharing this. 👍😁😁😁
그냥 멍 때리면서 보게되는 명작이네요 어찌보면 한국 제조업의 일반적인 부분들도 보이고 예술적이기까지 함 학생때 야간까지 PLC라는걸 공부하며 대회도 나가시고 금상까지 타면 삼성에서 데려간다는 얘기도 들었는데 대단하다고 생각하고 존경스럽네요 반도체 공정 자동화 하는 사람은 진짜 신의 존재일듯
Dry-cleaning? The solvents used tend to remove fats and oils. Failing this, you’ll need to use a mixture of Sodium Carbonate and sodium hydroxide. I’ve used a mix like this to clean shop towels. Also, if you can get it, trisodium phosphate also. You’ll want to do this in a big stainless pot, and heat it to 90 C or so - just short of boiling. Stir it good. It might devour some kinds of cloth, so try a sample if you can. This will take a while - an hour or more. It might need repeated instances, also. The second means could be hazardous, so I’d try dry cleaning first.
@@user-cp3ju8mf3l 8:00 аппарат по измерению внутреннего диаметра по дорожке и сортировке по величине. Я так понял, что подбирают по нескольким градациям размеров с учётом погрешности производства
The finished units are called "pillow blocks". I spent part of my career designing factory automation machinery like you see in this presentation and do so miss it. Once industry left the US, I had to find other work as a designer.
@@Briguy1027 factory equipment mainly. Large augers or shafts somewhere along the production lines. We work on bearings as well but plastic/polymer stuff instead
@@yacht-responce The size of the bore and the fact that the pillow block is a solid casting leads one to believe that it's most likely going to be used to mount and align a drive shaft for an agricultural piece of machinery, perhaps a muck spreader.
One of the single biggest improvements in the 20th century. From bronze or white metal bushes to roller bearings was a big leap. I love a good, smooth bearing. Nice workmanship here.
제가 그 일 하고 있습니다... 어려운 문제 풀어나가는 과정이 참 재미있습니다만, 안되는 걸 되게 만드는 것이 너무 당연하게 되어버리니 힘들군요. 그리고 한국에서 쓰는 설계방식 대부분은 체계적으로 쌓아올린 것이 아니라, 그냥 경험과 모방으로 이어져 오고 있는 것입니다. 어찌보면 근본 없는 야매죠... 설계직들이 평생 대를 이어 설계업에 종사할만큼 대우도 좋아지고 자신의 일을 사랑할 수 있게 되었으면 좋겠네요.
Only recently came to your channel, great stuff. Would like to see how the balls that go in the bearing are made. Also, I wonder if you can help me to find out what has become of a Korean company that I have products from and I need spare parts. The products are gym machines, like treadmills, and the brand name is Motus. I suspect that they might no longer be in business, but if they are maybe you could produce a video showing how they put their products together.
Very interesting video. It just shows how bearings are assembled. They should also show how the balls and rings are produced, including their heat treatment. My knowledge about bearings was acquired when I worked at a bearing factory here in Brasil.
I've recently bought myself a cheap consumer 3d printer and started doing something right away, without having any prior experience in mechanical engineering or design. Eventually, a necessity to produce my own bearings appeared. This is where I went nuts. In next weeks, I've been trying, making mistakes, getting back to the CAD, to theory. Been researching thermal expansion of materials. Been researching dependence between final expansion and tension in quite unpredicted places. Pushed printer to print with tolerances hardly achievable by normal means, 30-50 microns, using tricks in expansion, external heating, introducing additional mass to facilitate expansion into other direction and so on. Also yes, sometimes this was "print in place", sometimes assembly (latter usually failed). Sometimes 2 identical setups with the same blueprint gave absolutely different results, just because temperature in the room was 2 degrees higher. Sometimes, worst item of ungreased collection of bearings would perform the best of all when oiled for whatever reason. And, I hardly could google anything on my problem, except "here's the blueprint" or some generic irrelevant table constants. In the end, I really started looking differently at such simple a thing as bearings. They're everywhere, always unnoticed, doing their job after a hundred years of evolution. But really, bearings as an application have a tremendous amount of science in them.
If there's one thing I like to see, it's the manufacturing process, of anything, and when it comes to objects related to mechanics and the machining industry, it makes me very entertained and excited to see this type of content. Really the manufacturing process of these bearings was very well done, you can see that it is of great quality. Watching directly from here in Brazil, from the State of São Paulo!
We are praying for you all in Brazil. You are heroes- never give up! You are blazing the trail for USA and the rest of the free world in taking our world back. God bless you from Essex, UK 🙏
Thank you so much@@robair67 from your words know that we are doing everything we can to fight for our freedom it is not being easy what is happening here but we will go to the end with our President Jair bolsonaro the fraud of what happened in the elections will not go unnoticed we will go to the last consequences to end organized crime in the country and change our nation for the better!
@@AngeloAugustoCS you guys have more support around the world than you can imagine. God is with us and our Victory, although hard, will be Biblical and wonderful. Thanks brother 🙏
Intresting to see the assembly end of the bearing life cycle. I'm a motor mechanic so I tend to see the installation and end of life stages of the bearing. Also that amount of grease could theoretically last decades but it really depends on the use they are put too. Grease life of a sealed bearing in ideal conditions is basically a product of the RPM's and load characteristics to get how many hours it will last. Contamination and damage to the bearing surfaces due to shock or vibration can drastically shorten that lifespan. Large heavy use bearings tend to not be sealed so more grease can be added over time. industrial electric motors normally have a grease schedule recommended by the manufacturer, X Grams of lubrication after Y hours of use at 100% load.
На 1ГПЗ в начале 90-х стояло оборудование по сравнению с этим, космическое. Автомат сборки подшипников (АКС) собирал подшипники исходя из размеров колец и 11-ти размеров шариков. Линии окончательной сборки подшипников, то же изумительные, линии сборки со сварными сепараторами, и линии с клёпанными сепараторами, защитные кольца и пластмассовые и металл, с одной или с двух сторон, и без защиты, автомат маркировки в конце линии, только ОТК ручная, затем в бункер упаковки, заворачивались в промасленную бумагу, и по ящикам. Кольца обрабатывались на автоматах с ЧПУ. Причем изготавливались не только универсальные подшипники, но и для повышенной нагрузки, нефтехима и добычи, 26-я серия, это которые генераторные, точность обработки была 7-8 класса. Рабочие следили за подачей колец и вовремя замена инструмента (шлифовальных камней и алмазов их правки), все основные станки не позже 1988 г/в. Вот такое производство разбазарили, разворовали и продали за бесценок. А на нашей старой площадке был Шинный завод, который первый выпусти зимнюю шипованную резину НИИШП, Снежинку...
в ссср была отличная выбраковка шариков, те что не проходили ОТК шли в шрапнельную боевую осколочную рубашку поражающих элементов боевой части зенитных ракет с-75 с-125 с 200 , итд итп... Так что шарики в подшипники шли идеально круглокатанные...
@@Pashken11, а поподробнее можно? Это какие заводы остались, если кругом Польша, Китай, Febest, Koyo, SKF, которые, похоже не Шведские, а Китайские. Из наших заводов мелькает только СПЗ - 4, это, если не ошибаюсь, Самарский завод, а остальные 23???
This is my favorite factory channel, and I love your sense of humor. I actually subscribed when you said, "Press the subscribe button" while the press was working 😆
Decades ago blind people were employed by bearing company's to test for defects and roughness. They had developed superior sense of touch and hearing. Thank you much for not putting loud terrible music in your video.
I'd imagine these are made in a swiss type CNC lathe, but I'm by no means sure. I work at a small scale semi-precision bearing manufacturer and we use acme/davenport multi spindle screw machines, and Swiss CNC lathes.
As someone who is in the bearing business, its amazing that we still see bearings being assembled by hand. All of our bearings are assembled by machines. More efficient that way!
Watching assembly workers who do the same job repeatedly is a real study in efficiency. They make procedures that we would struggle with ourselves look so simple!
Gracias por el video, ese tipo de rodamientos, con su soporte (aca en argentina le llamamos "muñeco"), se utilizan en ejes de maquinaria industrial, son muy versatiles por que el buje interno tiene "juego" y absorbe cualquier desperfecto que pueda haber entre los soportes del eje.
no necesariamente deben estar 100% alineados,,,,lastima aqui en peru no fabricamos rodamientos ,,,, y asi nos engañan que podremos ser pais industrializados,,,,
@@jandrocartagenaalca7834 lo ideal es que este alineado, pero me ha pasado de reparar maquinas con varios años de trabajo y siempre aparece alguna diferencia y estos soportes con rodamientos van muy bien... En argentina creo que solo queda una planta de skf, pero solo se hacen algunos tipos de rodamientos, la mayoria vienen de afuera, aqui el menemismo y despues los k han destruido la industria pesada y media, todo viene de china o brasil.
These are Baldor style pillow block bearings popular for agricultural applications as you can see by the metal flinger on top of the seals. This is a solid manufacturer here and even though a lot of the processes are manual it is very profitable because these units can cost up to $100 if you need one. That’s a retail price.
Tip for getting oil/grease stains off clothes: Use industrial hand cleaner, apply to the oily area, rub in with a nail brush, leave to soak for 30 minutes, machine wash as normal. I've even managed to shift graphited grease this way.
※This video does NOT include any paid promotion※
※ 위 영상은 유료광고를 포함하지 않습니다 ※
📦 제품문의(Product Inquiries): bit.ly/3V546qs (JIB, 제일베어링)
🎬 촬영문의(Filming Inquiries): factorymonster2021@gmail.com
-I film for the company who are proud of showing how their products are made.
-팩토리몬은 제품에 자신있는 소상공인 분들과 중소기업을 대상으로 무료촬영을 진행합니다.
Copyrightⓒ 2021. Factory Monster. All Rights Reserved.
This video very low quality. China bearing much superior in every way.
Ni ni
Came for the videos and stayed for the closed captions... Dude! Your comments are hilarious! Thanks for the great video and humor quality. Cheers from Brasil.
Parabéns pelo trabalho isto é um grande incentivo pra pequenas empresas.
국내에서 유일무일 하게 유니트 베어링 제조업체입니다.
그만큼 노하우나 품질은 월등하죠
시중에 팔리는 기타 잡 브렌드에 비해
금액이 매우 높다는 점이 아쉽지만
그만큼 신뢰성이 있다는 것이죠
주물 자체는 중국에서 들여오는 것이겠지만
그래도 공차나 조도등이 나쁘지 않아서
조립시에 스트레스가 덜 합니다.
가끔씩 대량 주문시 셋트품으로 요청할때가 있는데
이렇게 조립해서 주셨구나 싶네요
베어링 유통업에 종사하는 사람으로써
매우 유익하고 좋은 영상입니다.
지금은 일산 및 유럽산의 베어링들이 국내의 점유율이 매우 높은건 맞습니다만
이런 기초 산업을 무시하고 배척한다면
국내 시장의 점유율은 여전히 외국계 회사들의
놀이터가 될 수 밖에 없습니다.
지난 50년 동안 노력하셨는 만큼
다음 50년 100년의 역사를 가진 S 사 및 N사 F사를
뛰어 넘을 수 있는 국내 브랜드의 파워와
저력을 가지시길 기원합니다.
베어링 써보면 셰플러랑 nsk랑 skf가 좋더라구용
@@단팥크림-q2t 그 메이커들이 세계 3대장 ㅋㅋ
직업귀천이 없음을 교육시켜 인력이 확보되어야 하는데 정치인들이 탁상공론이나 하니..
물론 대우도 해줘야 하고
@@단팥크림-q2t: Dont forget the TIMKEN brand!...❤❤
What I love is the fact that there’s no silly background music, just the calm dink…dink…dink of the machinery. Lovely.
agreed, no royalty free music, no voice over natatioin
@@TheMcooper17 'Natation' is swimming in french, so I surely hope not hahahahaha!
@@InservioLetum narration lol typo there forever
Nerd asmr
Obviously its "ting" and not "dink"
I have worked on a few cnc machines and the process of automation and the genius behind a lot of it will never stop being amazing. I love the sounds of a factory, I also love the captions they are quite fun.
but do you love to work on a CNC machine that is making the same thing hundreds of times?
Thank god for CNC machines. When I started my apprenticeship in 1985 as a fitter & turner/machinist it was common to machine the same part up to 2000 times manually.
@@heyyo162 das nicht....
@@Onz70 warum hast du es nicht gleich anständig gemacht ??? (das war ein Scherz...)
Excellent camera work, sharp clear images, I felt like I was right there. Compliments to the camera man! Thank you for the great video!
Best commentary for a Factory Visit's channel, always fun, never boring, and really good filming angles !
Wow, thanks!
As a maintenance worker in the USA I have used this brand of bearings several times. Thank you very much for this video.
They go on many US cars, holding the wheels up.
@@Drottninggatan2017 No sh!t.
What do you use it for sir
@@vivektiwari709 shafts and rollers
감회가 새로울듯
People perfecting work in various industries and producing is very humble
Great coverage !
The captions were great (For those who don't turn them on, this is your hint you should haha)! Thank you for bringing us along on to so many industries!
Glad you enjoyed!
Somebody has to stop the oil from going home.
Google translate strikes again
@@aarongreenfield9038 Dust is annoyed !
영상에 부가적인 자막처리가 내용을 이해 하는데 많이 유용하네요 값진영상 잘 보고 갑니다 수고 하세요~~
Getting the bearing into the pillow block is easy as they go in or out with a twist,but the actual assembly of the inner and outer races and balls always puzzled me as they are such a close precision fit. Thanks for showing!😊
Not many people realize the importance of the humble ball bearing ring in modern life. Than you for sharing this video, it was interesting and very informative.
We spent a lot of blood and treasure in WWII trying to knock out Germany's ball bearing factories.
@@gpweaver Well you failed.
@@tomasrikona4021 so did the nazis
@@tomasrikona4021 Not really, the Nazis went to Sweden to steal bearings,
that's how desperate they were...
@@patverum9051 Your comment went to the wrong person. I'm not interested in Colonial warfare, I'm interested in engineering.
Whoever does the machine automation in these Korean factories is a straight-up genius.
You got a new subscriber. Thanks for keeping the music out and the sound of the machinery in.
Thanks for the sub!
I really like the whole "just background noise in video, CC for narration" style, it's very relaxing for my internal monologue to narrate these kinda things compared to some (often hard to understand) voice talking.
*What I appreciate is the absence of unnecessary background music, allowing the serene rhythm of the machinery's dink...dink...dink to create a delightful ambiance.*
Excellent, this is really a well-done production process, compliments to the videomaker and compliments to the company.
Very cool! I lived in Seoul for 4 years and I was always impressed with the industrial and manufacturing capabilities there. We used to joke that there were little shops in dark alleys making parts for the space shuttle.
hhohohoho so funny
thats true 진짜임 청계천가면 돈만주면 우주선 만들어줌
산업 현장을 직접 볼 수 있는 좋은 기회네요 정말 좋은 컨텐츠 입니다. 우리나라 산업도 자랑스럽기도 하네요. 구독 꾹 박고 갑니다!
Mr. Kim would never have such a wonderful bearing factory, South Korea best Korea.
One of my favorites thus far. Those are called Pillow Block bearings in the US. Most likely, they will be used on other machinery used in manufacturing. I'm curious to know the type of grease they are packed with. Thanks for another great video!
Thanks for sharing!
Or equipment, such as farm or construction equipment.
@@6800Alex Great point! Anything with roller assemblies or pto shafts. I was thinking locally because I use giant versions on machines at work.
@@FaceFaceMan I grew up on a farm so that's why I thought of that. They are so many applications for bearings, and so many sizes to choose from.
grease from Blocked Drain Korea channel
진심 저런 자동화라인 설계하는 사람들이 진짜 대단하다 아이디어 직이네 ㄷㄷ...
시청해주셔서 감사합니다:)
똑똑한 사람 인듯!ㅎㅎ
I always love your videos. I used to be an engineer, first in heavy industry, then in medical products, and I love seeing lots of different processes. :)
Kinda reminds me of the balls hardened meme
This'll be a only when people would want things going south is in their best interest.. 😉 nice video and keep updating more Korean manufacturing processing information on RUclips
대한민국 기업인 여러분 고마워요 😄
I worked for a bearing and gearbox design company but never saw the manufacturing process. In my home town in the UK there is a bearing manufacturer (NSK) which was an old UK bearing company until taken over by NSK. The early stages of manufacture seem quite automated but final assembly is much more manual and using people. Thanks for sharing this. 👍😁😁😁
RHP 😂😂
Did my work experience in 1994 RHP bearings Ferrybridge 👍😉
Another enjoyable experience 😊the audio is always on point
I've used JIB bearing's. Nice products. They do the job. - now I was able to see how they were made. Thanks!
North Korea bearing superior to South Korea bearing always.
Thanks for watching :)
유튜브 추천 영상에 올라와서 봤더니 흥미롭네요. 베어링 제조과정 잘 봤습니다.
그냥 멍 때리면서 보게되는 명작이네요 어찌보면 한국 제조업의 일반적인 부분들도 보이고 예술적이기까지 함
학생때 야간까지 PLC라는걸 공부하며 대회도 나가시고 금상까지 타면 삼성에서 데려간다는 얘기도 들었는데 대단하다고 생각하고 존경스럽네요
반도체 공정 자동화 하는 사람은 진짜 신의 존재일듯
반도체 공정 일부의 자동화는 소니에서 이미 80년대부터 했었던 것 같은데..
It's good that you include the factory details for buyers :)
Tip for removing oil stain from cloths. Just oil stain the whole thing so it all matches.
LOL...on a serious note, put talc powder on the stains and leave it overnight, then wash
Great idea ;)
Dry-cleaning? The solvents used tend to remove fats and oils.
Failing this, you’ll need to use a mixture of Sodium Carbonate and sodium hydroxide. I’ve used a mix like this to clean shop towels. Also, if you can get it, trisodium phosphate also. You’ll want to do this in a big stainless pot, and heat it to 90 C or so - just short of boiling. Stir it good. It might devour some kinds of cloth, so try a sample if you can. This will take a while - an hour or more. It might need repeated instances, also.
The second means could be hazardous, so I’d try dry cleaning first.
Dawn dishwashing soap
Классное видео! Не показал только как сами шарики изготавливают, полируют и калибруют, очень на это хочется посмотреть
Похоже что шарики делают в другом месте, видно было из пакетов вручную засыпает в бункер.
Проверка радиального и осевого зазора не показана.
вот именно, как будто с середины начали показывать, всегда хотел увидеть как шарики делаются(
@@user-cp3ju8mf3l 8:00 аппарат по измерению внутреннего диаметра по дорожке и сортировке по величине. Я так понял, что подбирают по нескольким градациям размеров с учётом погрешности производства
Никогда не покажут.
자동차 허브 베어링 제조업에 10년 근무 중입니다. 내경연마,SF공정까지 베어링 공정은 다 똑같네요. ㅎㅎ잘 봤습니다.
The finished units are called "pillow blocks". I spent part of my career designing factory automation machinery like you see in this presentation and do so miss it. Once industry left the US, I had to find other work as a designer.
What do you design now?
What do they use them for? They are such big bearings.
@@Briguy1027 factory equipment mainly. Large augers or shafts somewhere along the production lines. We work on bearings as well but plastic/polymer stuff instead
@@yacht-responce The size of the bore and the fact that the pillow block is a solid casting leads one to believe that it's most likely going to be used to mount and align a drive shaft for an agricultural piece of machinery, perhaps a muck spreader.
@@Briguy1027 Industrial applications, often big rollers and shafts on industrial ovens, printing presses, heavy duty conveyors and so on.
진짜 이 채널의 핵심은 자막인듯! 다른 여타의 프로세서 채널보다 자막에 공을 들이는듯합니다요 ^^
좋은 말씀 감사합니다!
그런듯! ^^
Nice work here. I'm familiar with bearing mfg and it looks like you have a built a good quality process here. Great work.
Nice video. The process is very interesting. Thanks for a video without music. Only the natural music of the manufacturing.
thanks for the video! this was fun and interesting to watch. i also like that you respected your worker's privacy in not showing their faces.
Glad you enjoyed it!
중간중간 설명이 있어서 이해하기 넘 좋네요~^^
좋게 봐주셔서 감사해요!
One of the single biggest improvements in the 20th century. From bronze or white metal bushes to roller bearings was a big leap. I love a good, smooth bearing. Nice workmanship here.
e y yeye
Isn't it hard to trim metal bushes. Metal bushings, though, are another thing.
When was this recorded? Working for SKF Sweden 30 years ago things look rather primitive, especially the assembly of the bearings.
촬영 한다고 고생하셨어여~
잘 봤습니다.
한때 제조업에 종사하면서 느꼈던 건 제품 설계나 개발도 대단하지만 저런 자동화 설비를 설계하시는 분들이 더 대단하다 생각이 들었습니다. 저런 것을 설계하고 만드는 분들이 있기에 우리가 편하게 살고 있는 것 같습니다😉🙂
일본이 업계 최고고 세계 점유율 가장 높음..한국 공장에서 대부분 쓰는게 일본꺼임
제가 그 일 하고 있습니다... 어려운 문제 풀어나가는 과정이 참 재미있습니다만, 안되는 걸 되게 만드는 것이 너무 당연하게 되어버리니 힘들군요.
그리고 한국에서 쓰는 설계방식 대부분은 체계적으로 쌓아올린 것이 아니라, 그냥 경험과 모방으로 이어져 오고 있는 것입니다. 어찌보면 근본 없는 야매죠...
설계직들이 평생 대를 이어 설계업에 종사할만큼 대우도 좋아지고 자신의 일을 사랑할 수 있게 되었으면 좋겠네요.
Only recently came to your channel, great stuff. Would like to see how the balls that go in the bearing are made.
Also, I wonder if you can help me to find out what has become of a Korean company that I have products from and I need spare parts. The products are gym machines, like treadmills, and the brand name is Motus. I suspect that they might no longer be in business, but if they are maybe you could produce a video showing how they put their products together.
Very interesting video. It just shows how bearings are assembled. They should also show how the balls and rings are produced, including their heat treatment. My knowledge about bearings was acquired when I worked at a bearing factory here in Brasil.
깔끔한 작업장이 참 촣아요. 정성을 다한 제품을 구입해 잘 사용한답니다
78yr old mechanic. Love watching manufacturing process.
I've recently bought myself a cheap consumer 3d printer and started doing something right away, without having any prior experience in mechanical engineering or design. Eventually, a necessity to produce my own bearings appeared. This is where I went nuts. In next weeks, I've been trying, making mistakes, getting back to the CAD, to theory. Been researching thermal expansion of materials. Been researching dependence between final expansion and tension in quite unpredicted places. Pushed printer to print with tolerances hardly achievable by normal means, 30-50 microns, using tricks in expansion, external heating, introducing additional mass to facilitate expansion into other direction and so on. Also yes, sometimes this was "print in place", sometimes assembly (latter usually failed). Sometimes 2 identical setups with the same blueprint gave absolutely different results, just because temperature in the room was 2 degrees higher. Sometimes, worst item of ungreased collection of bearings would perform the best of all when oiled for whatever reason. And, I hardly could google anything on my problem, except "here's the blueprint" or some generic irrelevant table constants.
In the end, I really started looking differently at such simple a thing as bearings. They're everywhere, always unnoticed, doing their job after a hundred years of evolution. But really, bearings as an application have a tremendous amount of science in them.
Dear sir Have a nice day ! Do you have any plan to purchase bearings recently? Please let me provide you with a specification plan and quotation
The world runs on bearings. The need for bearings will be there long after climate change has been forgotten.
If there's one thing I like to see, it's the manufacturing process, of anything, and when it comes to objects related to mechanics and the machining industry, it makes me very entertained and excited to see this type of content. Really the manufacturing process of these bearings was very well done, you can see that it is of great quality. Watching directly from here in Brazil, from the State of São Paulo!
Pena que B0lsonaro e a Lava Jato do Marrec0 Moro destruiram a indústria nacional... 😂😂😂
We are praying for you all in Brazil. You are heroes- never give up! You are blazing the trail for USA and the rest of the free world in taking our world back. God bless you from Essex, UK 🙏
Thank you so much@@robair67 from your words know that we are doing everything we can to fight for our freedom it is not being easy what is happening here but we will go to the end with our President Jair bolsonaro the fraud of what happened in the elections will not go unnoticed we will go to the last consequences to end organized crime in the country and change our nation for the better!
@@AngeloAugustoCS you guys have more support around the world than you can imagine. God is with us and our Victory, although hard, will be Biblical and wonderful. Thanks brother 🙏
As always, the subtitles are great and make me feel better after a bad day... or maybe it's just been a bad decade... or two 😂😂😂
Thanks for watching!
really interesting. Thanks for the video, and for keeping it simple and instructive ^^
Спасибо за видео 👍
Интересно глядеть, как делают подшипники. Но вот вопрос - подшиников сотни разных!!! Это нужно столько заводов?
Intresting to see the assembly end of the bearing life cycle. I'm a motor mechanic so I tend to see the installation and end of life stages of the bearing. Also that amount of grease could theoretically last decades but it really depends on the use they are put too. Grease life of a sealed bearing in ideal conditions is basically a product of the RPM's and load characteristics to get how many hours it will last. Contamination and damage to the bearing surfaces due to shock or vibration can drastically shorten that lifespan. Large heavy use bearings tend to not be sealed so more grease can be added over time. industrial electric motors normally have a grease schedule recommended by the manufacturer, X Grams of lubrication after Y hours of use at 100% load.
Good info from a pro .. 😉☺️
На 1ГПЗ в начале 90-х стояло оборудование по сравнению с этим, космическое. Автомат сборки подшипников (АКС) собирал подшипники исходя из размеров колец и 11-ти размеров шариков. Линии окончательной сборки подшипников, то же изумительные, линии сборки со сварными сепараторами, и линии с клёпанными сепараторами, защитные кольца и пластмассовые и металл, с одной или с двух сторон, и без защиты, автомат маркировки в конце линии, только ОТК ручная, затем в бункер упаковки, заворачивались в промасленную бумагу, и по ящикам. Кольца обрабатывались на автоматах с ЧПУ. Причем изготавливались не только универсальные подшипники, но и для повышенной нагрузки, нефтехима и добычи, 26-я серия, это которые генераторные, точность обработки была 7-8 класса. Рабочие следили за подачей колец и вовремя замена инструмента (шлифовальных камней и алмазов их правки), все основные станки не позже 1988 г/в. Вот такое производство разбазарили, разворовали и продали за бесценок. А на нашей старой площадке был Шинный завод, который первый выпусти зимнюю шипованную резину НИИШП, Снежинку...
Были же времена. А теперь нет производства.
СССР масштабы знак качества
в ссср была отличная выбраковка шариков, те что не проходили ОТК шли в шрапнельную боевую осколочную рубашку поражающих элементов боевой части зенитных ракет с-75 с-125 с 200 , итд итп... Так что шарики в подшипники шли идеально круглокатанные...
@@РамонВоронов производство подшипников , есть и не одно
@@Pashken11, а поподробнее можно? Это какие заводы остались, если кругом Польша, Китай, Febest, Koyo, SKF, которые, похоже не Шведские, а Китайские. Из наших заводов мелькает только СПЗ - 4, это, если не ошибаюсь, Самарский завод, а остальные 23???
This is my favorite factory channel, and I love your sense of humor. I actually subscribed when you said, "Press the subscribe button" while the press was working 😆
Thanks a lot :)
Love the commentary. Good sense of humor in the CC. =P
저도 항상 그런 생각을 합니다. 이런 부품 생산하는 기계들을 만드는 사람들은 도대체 얼마나 천재들일까..
Que satisfacción ver los procesos que se hacen para fabricar productos de la vida cotidiana 10/10*
the sound work is perfect 👌🏻
Glad you think so!
Bless the bearing makers of the world for nothing would move without them !!
Decades ago blind people were employed by bearing company's to test for defects and roughness. They had developed superior sense of touch and hearing. Thank you much for not putting loud terrible music in your video.
Корейцы МОЛОДЦЫ! ВСЕ хорошо делают. 👍
이야 저 과정을 자동화 할려고 얼마나 많은 돈과 시간이 투자 됐을까 대단해요 👍
Amazing machinery and precise work. I'd love to see how the actual races and balls are made.
I'd imagine these are made in a swiss type CNC lathe, but I'm by no means sure. I work at a small scale semi-precision bearing manufacturer and we use acme/davenport multi spindle screw machines, and Swiss CNC lathes.
Coming soon!
As someone who is in the bearing business, its amazing that we still see bearings being assembled by hand. All of our bearings are assembled by machines. More efficient that way!
마지막에 나오는 공정이 모두 자동으로 일반 베어링이고 손으로 하는것은 고급 베어링의 제조과정이다.
와..신기하고 놀랍네요..
방문 감사합니다 :)
Probably the most satisfying thing I've ever heard in my life
Fascinating. Love your videos. No music, informative English translation, and a great funny humour. I've subscribed for more 🤗👍🙏🙏
베어링이 기계 사이를 굴러다니는게 웬지모르게 시원하네요
맞아요 :)
Eu amo processo de produção!
Saúde à todos os trabalhadores e ao dono do canal!
Saudações do Brasil ❤
uso rolamentos ´pra maquinas de lavar...e parecem que sao deste tamanho........
А ведь когда-то одни из лучших подшипниковых заводов были именно в России(
До прихода приватизаторов!
Не путай россию и СССР.
베어링은 기계공업에 가장 중요한 필수 부품입니다. 베어링은 너무나 다양한데 아직도 국산화 못한 종류가 너무나 많죠! 기계공업에 척도는 부품 제조업에 달렸지만 수 많은 대기업이 외산을 콕 찝어서 지목하니 점유율을 올리기가 쉽지 않죠
i was wondering what those bearings were for! looks like ultimately a center bearing for heavy duty drive shafts. very cool vid!!!!!
I've always been fascinated with bearings and wondered how they were made...at last I know, fantastic video .
Thank you very much!
How is the ball made?
Arranging and grabbing those bolts just after the 7 minute mark is freaking genius...
Watching assembly workers who do the same job repeatedly is a real study in efficiency. They make procedures that we would struggle with ourselves look so simple!
They are not called rings....They are outer race and inner race.
Came for the factory tour. Subscribed for the closed captions.
That was a fantastic video. Just the machinery and the conveyors, is astonishing. Thank you for the video and continued success.
Gracias por el video, ese tipo de rodamientos, con su soporte (aca en argentina le llamamos "muñeco"), se utilizan en ejes de maquinaria industrial, son muy versatiles por que el buje interno tiene "juego" y absorbe cualquier desperfecto que pueda haber entre los soportes del eje.
no necesariamente deben estar 100% alineados,,,,lastima aqui en peru no fabricamos rodamientos ,,,, y asi nos engañan que podremos ser pais industrializados,,,,
@@jandrocartagenaalca7834 lo ideal es que este alineado, pero me ha pasado de reparar maquinas con varios años de trabajo y siempre aparece alguna diferencia y estos soportes con rodamientos van muy bien...
En argentina creo que solo queda una planta de skf, pero solo se hacen algunos tipos de rodamientos, la mayoria vienen de afuera, aqui el menemismo y despues los k han destruido la industria pesada y media, todo viene de china o brasil.
Adoro ver vídeos de produção e esse é muito bom, parabéns... Falo de São Paulo / Brasil
Muito obrigado 😃
i replace a lot of bearings of many types and sizes, i love seeing how they are made
Thanks for watching ;)
Excellent video. Made with passion and understanding. Thanks!
A little bit of audio information would be nice
Почему охлаждающая жидкость вода а не эмульсия, как должно быть, все же там про ржавеет.
베어닝도 신기한데. 그걸 자동화로 생산하는게 진짜 신기하네요.
It takes a lot of balls to do that.
Yeah it does :)
very intresting video , can i use some part of that to make another video ??
I really like your video style, high quality. For example when you follow-focus the outer part as it drops towards the camera. Good work!
Awesome, thank you!
Замечательно делает свою работу.
These are Baldor style pillow block bearings popular for agricultural applications as you can see by the metal flinger on top of the seals. This is a solid manufacturer here and even though a lot of the processes are manual it is very profitable because these units can cost up to $100 if you need one. That’s a retail price.
Tip for getting oil/grease stains off clothes: Use industrial hand cleaner, apply to the oily area, rub in with a nail brush, leave to soak for 30 minutes, machine wash as normal. I've even managed to shift graphited grease this way.
Great tip!
Professional rolling bearing production process, attracts attention, congratulations 👌.
Wonderful. Please keep 'em coming.
But how do they make the balls?
May be from other vendor
Оборудование 30 летней давности. Такое было у нас, пока его не продали на лом. А корейцы молодцы, берегут что им построили американцы.
А где наш Шарикоподшипниковский завод в Москве? Осталось только название улицы.
@@ИВАНВАСИЛЬЕВ-у4ы4ц Время банкиров а не промышленников. ((
기름냄새 오지겠다 일하시는분들
When repacking a bearing, should I put oil before greasing it?
absolutely appreciate video,, it is good to know i can get parts for my mill's to built wooden projects.