I can 100% use my glutes more effectively and not overuse my lower back after doing these types of activation exercises. I was always the type that felt my lower back more than anything in deadlifts. after incorporating side plank clamshells and glute bridges I can finally actually feel my glutes in deads and squats. my lower back feels much less taxed as well.
I would get laughed at for always doing banded lateral walks pre squat and deadlift but cmon the prof is in the pudding baby. Anything that keeps back pain at bay is my friend
@yoeyyoey8937 I wouldn't say my lifts are progressing any faster or slower than before, but my lifts feel a lot better and I don't end up with painful hip flexors or lower back anymore. I feel like im actually working the muscles I'm supposed to be working lol.
@@NoNono-o3hhip thrusts are pretty stupid. I was able to do them with 4 plates after maybe a month, and then they got so tedious to set up and painful even with a pad. I had to start doing 405 for sets of 15. No carryover to any of my lifts. A little glute hypertrophy, that's it. Hip hinges and deep stretched single leg movements are so much better bang for your buck. If you can RDL 405 for volume sets, you'll have a big butt, likely bigger and stronger than if you did hip thrusts for 5 plates, but also strong back, brace, and hamstrings to go along with it. You need the deep stretch to maximize hypertrophy, and hip thrusts are an end range movement. They're mostly so hard because that end range contraction is uncomfortable for pretty much every muscle, but it's also much less hypertrophic than full ROM or lengthened partials. Plus, barbell hip thrusts are annoying for everyone else in the gym unless by some miracle there's a dedicated station for them. Most of the time you're occupying a barbell and bumper plates at a busy commercial gym. They're an ego lifting exercise more often than not.
@user-jr3zr2mp9c they are kinda dumb tho. Elevated front foot lunges/ stepups are much better. Also anything Dr. Mike from RP puts out about glutes is great.
a chiropractor told me ...."if u have weak glutes & weak hamstrings....u put the majority load on the lower back"....!...VERY important to hit both equaly....thank u great video on a neglated part for guys..
1st this is a real good video! There is something that help my glutes and athletism a lot. It's one week of walking, running, moving around and NOT sitting! No joke. I went on vacation and was very active every day. Morning workout consisting of sprinting, jumping, calisthenics. Daily activity ~15000 steps. I was rarely sitting! Maybe 1,5 hours a day (eating included). But lots of walking! On top i ate a lot of food and drink but lost weight/fat. After one week of that my movements especially hips was so much better/smoother.
My easy glute tips: please read. Thanks & hope this helps too! I live for GLUTES. Will forever Break my neck to 👀 a well built muscular 🍑!!Glute activations &opening the hips is CRUCIAL prior to doing any lower body work. Tight hip flexor, weak glutes, core are some of the main driver to lower back pain & why you can’t lock out in your deadlift. It’s what produce rounding of the lower back. Proper core bracing & breathing teaching is IMPORTANT as it can leads to breakdown in form if not done correctly. Minimize tendons training as opposed to targeting the actual muscle group w/ Activation-> Leads to better mind muscle connection & you see beautiful muscle development,proportion, symmetry!! ***Glute activations: Hip Abductor(sitting positions- a.) leaning forward slightly &b.)back fully on pad as I find this activate the glute Maximus & medius), glute kickbacks, banded glute bridge, banded walks,etc. Main exercises: compounds HINGING movement like RDLS( normal stance, deficit, staggered stance*). Hinging will give you great Hamstrings &glute tie ins to keep that ass up&high😮💨& the shape is just 🤌. When hinging, think breaking at the hips by pushing that ass back like your looking back at it & naturally feel a nice soft bent in the knees as your chest becomes parallel to the floor as you reach full range of motion. Next, squats(pay attention at the bottom of the movement to see if Glutes/quads are the main driver of the movement so you can tweak your foot placements, keep core brace). I like front squat(dumbbell/barbell),you have to squat LOW, at the bottom, pause 2-3 secs to flex your glutes to feel them fire. Tempo matters(play around with pauses at the negative/bottom to demand more work from your glutes). To get LOW in squat; you need great hip mobility(dynamic hip opener work like frog squats, wipers, side lunges, prayer squats, hip flexor active stretches ). You need single leg work to build stability within the glutes(piriformis muscle). Exercises like Reverse lunge w/leaning on front bent knee, split squats w/ lean on front knee w/2-3 secs squeeze at the top (shifting the weight between front & back leg thru out the movement). Step ups&cable kickbacks works great too! Finish off with Hyperextension(start laying bent over on the machine, cross your hands on your chest, use your quads as stabilizers & remain on the pad at all times, keep your head down as you come up from bottom of movement, drive your hips into the pad as you say hi to your 😸/🍆 & pause for 2-3 secs betweeen reps. * exercise selection & progression matters during your workout. Tempo is key. self myofascial release for the glutes before a workout can be added to your activation warm up. Wrap up glutes w/ stretches & more foam rolling/tennis ball rolling to keep them soft. - I sprinkle moderately heavy hip thrust into my training but it’s not a go too. I have enough history of bruises on my hips 😂.
I'm one of those guys that totally negletced any glute work for ages. When I finally got around to it and started to FEEL my glutes because I never had any before I gotta say, I absolutely noticed a strength increase. Having glutes now feels kinda like I have a slingshot cocked and ready to fire. hope that analogy makes sense
I've always struggled with trying to engage my glutes while doing OHP. Just finished week three-day four of bullmastiff, and my overhead presses felt amazing because I was finally able to engage my glutes hard. I feel like the higher volume RDL's were key.
@@Iheartlifting I've always had an issue with anterior pelvic tilt. So for me, a lot. It helps me lock my hips under me. Otherwise my thoracic bends a lot and I lose about 15%.
I was paralyzed on the left side of my body in an accident, and I find that some unilateral glute activation work like single leg RDLs before and kind of hip hinge movement helps me activate that sleepy left side a lot more in the following bilateral movement. Otherwise my unaffected side will do ALL of the work.
Just did hip thrusts yesterday. Hit 6 sets of 20 reps short rest in between. You don't have to use a lot of weight. It blows them up 🦍 A great exercise to add for glute gains.
In the Westside vid, with Steffi Cohen, Simmons shows Steffi a exercises that targets glutes and upper hamstrings. In my experience, going for a walk up a hill or a grade, after a heavy glute workout, if your glutes aren't on fire, then you didn't work out hard enough.
Bromley could have made a best seller book with all the key points that he makes in every video, I'm not even complimenting I'm dead serious , I had no idea that this video would help me in the bench press which I had a problem with tightness and stability, I was so deep in the small details that I was thinking about the roof tiles being aligned with the barbells starting position(my vision/pov nothing practical and necessary)that I forgot the basics like locking in and focusing up for mind muscle connection Thanks Bromley
Former Steelers James Harrison proved we can hip thrust more than we squat&pull. I def thrust more weight. He pushed a monster sled too. I mean stimulating the largest muscle as well as the largest group (quads) produces more test, naturally, that can linger for a couple of days
This vid came at a good time for me, glute recruitment is something I've always struggled immensely with. I've had a big bubble butt since I was a kid, just good fat distribution, but my glutes are by far the most underdeveloped and weak muscle group in my kinetic chain. I've worked up to a 700+ SSB squat and 800+ deadlift for reps, but the problem remains and persists. My back and hams take over at every chance they get, glutes get some work but they're not being utilized anywhere near as well as they could be. Even after fixing my APT, I still struggle feeling them on glute bridges. I'm at the point now where I'm just trying to play the long game and rebuild from the ground up. Lots of glute med work, copenhagen planks, and third world squats with a hip circle around my legs has INFINITELY improved my mind muscle connection with my glutes as well as highlighted some bad habits I have with squats, the main one is my adductors being so tight/weak that my knees get pulled inward thus pronating my feet on squats. I believe this is what caused my IT band injury earlier this year, thankfully it wasn't serious. Training for powerlifting and one rep maxes really made me get sloppy with my technique, being so focused on being as explosive as possible. I've ditched all supportive equipment except elbow sleeves to really re-dial in my bracing cues and am a lot more controlled and deliberate with my squats and deadlifts now, seems to be making a world of a difference. No more lower back pumps, getting sore in places I haven't been sore in in forever, and I'm really able to get a lot more stimulus out of less weight which makes my training less taxing on my CNS. Super excited to see what happens over the next 6ish months :) Also anyone who doesn't believe in gluteal amnesia or whatever, try bulking to almost 300lbs at 5'10", train the ever living shit out of your lower back and quads/hip flexors and then try to do glute bridges or really do any glute exercise. You will ONLY feel that shit in your hams, quads, and lower back lol
After having knee pain when squatting and eventually hurting my back, I went to see a physio I liked. Left the office with a bunch of glute work to do, and pain in knee when squatting (at this point, even without load) and back went away within two weeks. To this day, before squats, I still do a few sets: -Glute bridge, then alternate legs by lifting one off the ground ever so slightly. Helps with core and avoiding hip shift. -On my back, I stick the soles of my feet together, as close to my butt as possible, and then do glute bridges with a dumbell on my crotch/lower abs. Might be placebo, but it helps me.
It’s not placebo. I’ve had a similar experience. Glute bridges and banded monster walks always brings my glutes back online and help eliminate knee pain.
From day 1 I had the feeling just to lift with my glutes und hamstrings on the deadlift ^^ It seemed very wrong to me, it grew so much more than any other muscle xD Back then I didn't know that deadlifts are for lower body and not for back.
You're a goddamn mind reader. Literally 5 minutes ago I recorded, that my glute activation sucks, after failing miserably at hip thrusts after a long break
I've been starting my workouts with hip thrusts and my ass has grown like crazy . I can finally feel them in my squats. I have yet to retest my 1RM though.
Wouldn't you say that a few super-sets of abduction and glute activation drills at the beginning of your lower body training days are enough for the week?
There IS such a thing as over analysing and over thinking the situation. I got to doing 5 reps with 320kg on a narrow legged high bar squat at 110kgs (242lbs) by squatting 5's and 3's and then focusing on singles for a few weeks before compeettion to achieve a 360kg in compeition 32 years ago.
Glutes have been a weak point in my lifts and physique. Started adding different movements during my warm ups. I use Matt wennings style of wenning warm ups to attack weak points. Since adding them in and also focusing on them as accessories, I have noticed a difference in my Deadlift lockouts but also I feel them more. 45 degree back raises help me to understand how to properly use my glutes, and I imagine I am deadlifting to help my mental connection.
its one of thouse things that izometrik training helps with, take diferent positions and clinch muscle til U get a cramp in a targeted area.I do that for maintnence when I dont have akces to any equipment. I got so good at it that once I almost passed out when I got all my belly muscles cramped so hard that I had trouble breathing...
I'm no expert, but has anyone seen an elite Olympic weightlifter with underdeveloped glutes? Watching their training sessions suggest they don't do much glute activation stuff. Their answer seems to be to do your snatch and clean and jerk work, then get under the bar and squat. Notable also that even the top lifters start each exercise with just the bar. And of course all squats are ATG. And training occurs at least daily, twice or even three sessions a day at times. All that suggests the answer is simple: just squat, ATG. Low reps, many sets. Max out rarely, unless you are Bulgarian, in which case expect a short career.
I need to do banded lateral walks/clamshells or glute Bridges before deadlifting or squatting, otherwise my lifts feel really wonky, and i get hip pain.
I came back from a week long vacation. Even made sure to do squats at the resort gym to make sure I didn’t lose strength. When I came back I maxed out at 325 for 2. A week after that and now I can barely do 300. Anyone know why this is? I put in so much work these last two months striving towards 405lbs. My max was 350lbs. My most impressive day I did 315x5. I had been doing mostly 5x5 but mixed in some smolov days but not the full program. like 5x7 at 75% for example. I squatted 4 days a week. Why did I lose so much strength???? It’s like I’m back where I started. So bummed out.
probably squat only 1 or twice a week. and train other accessory movements that will help your squat more frequently, like leg press and leg curls etc and make sure tor recover. you gain msucle when you rest. so make sure your resting a few times a week as well. things liks squat and deadlifts tax yoru cns so doing them more than 1-2 times a week can make you do more poorly on them.
I think Glute Activation stuff is usually great to combat hip or knee pain but can't tell it if actually benefits hypertrophy and development, might be placebo
The glute activation fascination is what now, about 10 years out of date? Where's the smoking gun? It's pretty much impossible to squat a lot of weight to depth without your glutes firing. Glute activation drills are largely a waste of time. I bought into that craze when it first started getting hype and honestly it did nothing to make my hips stronger or move better under load. Just like I wasted time getting strong at hip thrusts a few years after that to see no carryover to my other barbell compound moments. There was a lot of training economy wasted that I could have used deadlifting, squatting, or lunging. It wasn't until I got into bodybuilding and mixed in some big 3 that I actually felt good all the time with my training. Bodybuilding work is still so underrated for strength athletes, you're exposing yourself to the deep stretched position under load with control on so many movements. As your connective tissues adapt, you'll be so much more resilient on the big 3. I'm with Mike Israetel when it comes to glute training, and I'll put it this way. Have you ever seen a great squatter with lagging glutes? Hamstrings are often the lagging area in strength athletes, not glutes. I'll also add that just training your hip flexors with leg raises and GHD situps, amongst other core exercises, will take care of any tightness you might have from sitting. I sit at a computer for my job for long hours and have had no ill effects since I put actual effort into core training. If you're a strength athlete, this might be a blind spot you don't know you have, if you're still living by the "squats and deadlifts give me all the core strength I need" mantra.
I’m not sure this is the correct interpretation of Dr. McGill. My understanding of his statement was that when people suffer a low back injury, they develop movement compensation patterns to avoid triggering the pain. overtime they develop an engram. The result is that they learn to move without using their glutes, because they are purposely moving in that manner to avoid triggering the back pain. Eventually, that movement pattern becomes their default.
Glute amnesia is certainly real. I used to have a better butt than my gf, who had a great butt 😂 Something happened after i took a while off lifting. Idk what, but my glutes have never recovered the mmc. No. Matter. What. I just tried to do weightless hip thrusts after this video, and literally even with no weight, the surrounding muscles take over for my glutes, my right glute specifically. My left still has great mmc. The problem is so deep that it effects how i walk, and people have commented on it. It feels like my muscles around myhip socket have tightened to the point that they're like a boot on a car, but around my hip. Yet, even after I took on a stretching and mobility routine that basically fixed that entirely, the glute still would not fire. Idk what it is. I KNOW how to flex muscles, I KNOW how to consciously feel muscles during lifts and carry the tension where I want it. This glute will not fire. My right knee and ankle are screwed, and after literally years of this, I've decided I'm riding this sucker til the wheels fall off. Idc. If one leg snaps and I can't use it anymore, or it gets horribly imbalanced and all that, I guess that's one less limb i have to worry about. I've done EVERYTHING I know how to do.
Any exercise is gonna help fire up muscles that have not been used for a long time.. Key is consistently do it and feel the muscle contraction.. The rest is from the evil one.. Just do the damn work.. I am so sick and tired of everyone being oh i need this advanced exercise to help me do this or progress that.. Fuuuuck, people before u even get to that point where anything even remotely advanced gonna do u any good u must build some general foundation by spending significant amount of time doing the good all around work.. Work out by doing basics for like at least 6 to 8 months.. Learn to listen to and hear ur body and how it responds to basic diets and training stimulus.. That means simple workouts and simple diet changes.. Then when u got into a habit of working consistently and feel how ur body responds.. Like 3-4 months into it tweak something.. Like try to lower the basic exercises in sets and add something small and new to experiment and see how it feels for like 3-4 weeks if it works great analyze and test it by tweaking something else and see how that works.. If it doesnt retract and try some other way.. Slow and gradual changes over consistently training and constant analysis.. Dont be like oh i added this new exercise last week and i see no progress so they suck😂 unless u feel that u may get injured u need to try for a significant time to know for sure. Same with diets.. Start with foundation.. Eat clean, eat enough for ur goals.. Wether to lean out or get big or whatever it may be then tweak that by eliminating this type of foods or add that and track progress over time.. Do not hop on scale and get upset that today u are 0.5 lb heavier then yesterday.. Hop on it daily and write down weight then calculate weekly average by adding all daily weights and dividing it by 7..then u get fairly correct number and see how it flactuate week to week.. Good luck and cheers to you all
Even if it's placebo effect, placebo activities can make a difference in any competitive sport. Track, strength games, football, volleyball. All of it.
Imma say this. There’s enough ppl that benefit from glasses compared to those that can see. Enough guys that measure something doesn’t mean that the margin of error has been decreased by the amount of workers. I mean McDonald’s will still get your order wrong no matter how you rationalize it. Fact of the matter, some DOMI needed to watch past 2 mins to think. My point forward is that calisthenics bring you towards uniformity in activation of your muscles. Resistance training gives you the edge over your base level formed around your lowest yield past body weight. We are all filled with enough subcutaneous tissue and cells to fool the next fat fuk. Whole fact is that consistency across both measures will bring you to your peak point of efficacy.
10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (The Great I AM, YHVH, El Shaddai, Adonai, God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham). John 3:10-18
@@stevefromchicago8277man i feel that. i love hip thrusts bc you can load the bar UP but i use a cheap bar pad from amazon and my hips are permabruised
Get my programs and more FREE programs on Boostcamp: 👇👇👇
Bromley Merch from Barbell Apparel HERE! 👇👇👇
I can 100% use my glutes more effectively and not overuse my lower back after doing these types of activation exercises. I was always the type that felt my lower back more than anything in deadlifts. after incorporating side plank clamshells and glute bridges I can finally actually feel my glutes in deads and squats. my lower back feels much less taxed as well.
I would get laughed at for always doing banded lateral walks pre squat and deadlift but cmon the prof is in the pudding baby. Anything that keeps back pain at bay is my friend
Are your lifts better though or just feel better?
@yoeyyoey8937 I wouldn't say my lifts are progressing any faster or slower than before, but my lifts feel a lot better and I don't end up with painful hip flexors or lower back anymore. I feel like im actually working the muscles I'm supposed to be working lol.
I love how you condense so much info in your videos. It shows you put a lot of time and effort to make them.
Please bromley dont tell me i have to do hip thrusts
You need a dumptruck to lift more
Whats wrong with them, its a good exercise, nobody will think any exercise is stupid if you do it with 4 plates
@@NoNono-o3hhip thrusts are pretty stupid. I was able to do them with 4 plates after maybe a month, and then they got so tedious to set up and painful even with a pad. I had to start doing 405 for sets of 15. No carryover to any of my lifts. A little glute hypertrophy, that's it.
Hip hinges and deep stretched single leg movements are so much better bang for your buck. If you can RDL 405 for volume sets, you'll have a big butt, likely bigger and stronger than if you did hip thrusts for 5 plates, but also strong back, brace, and hamstrings to go along with it. You need the deep stretch to maximize hypertrophy, and hip thrusts are an end range movement. They're mostly so hard because that end range contraction is uncomfortable for pretty much every muscle, but it's also much less hypertrophic than full ROM or lengthened partials.
Plus, barbell hip thrusts are annoying for everyone else in the gym unless by some miracle there's a dedicated station for them. Most of the time you're occupying a barbell and bumper plates at a busy commercial gym. They're an ego lifting exercise more often than not.
@user-jr3zr2mp9c they are kinda dumb tho. Elevated front foot lunges/ stepups are much better. Also anything Dr. Mike from RP puts out about glutes is great.
Holy Dude the video quality has been extraordinary for the past few vids. Kudos to you and your editor for putting up such good content.
a chiropractor told me ...."if u have weak glutes & weak hamstrings....u put the majority load on the lower back"....!...VERY important to hit both equaly....thank u great video on a neglated part for guys..
1st this is a real good video!
There is something that help my glutes and athletism a lot. It's one week of walking, running, moving around and NOT sitting!
No joke. I went on vacation and was very active every day. Morning workout consisting of sprinting, jumping, calisthenics. Daily activity ~15000 steps.
I was rarely sitting! Maybe 1,5 hours a day (eating included). But lots of walking! On top i ate a lot of food and drink but lost weight/fat.
After one week of that my movements especially hips was so much better/smoother.
My easy glute tips: please read. Thanks & hope this helps too! I live for GLUTES. Will forever Break my neck to 👀 a well built muscular 🍑!!Glute activations &opening the hips is CRUCIAL prior to doing any lower body work. Tight hip flexor, weak glutes, core are some of the main driver to lower back pain & why you can’t lock out in your deadlift. It’s what produce rounding of the lower back. Proper core bracing & breathing teaching is IMPORTANT as it can leads to breakdown in form if not done correctly. Minimize tendons training as opposed to targeting the actual muscle group w/ Activation-> Leads to better mind muscle connection & you see beautiful muscle development,proportion, symmetry!! ***Glute activations: Hip Abductor(sitting positions- a.) leaning forward slightly &b.)back fully on pad as I find this activate the glute Maximus & medius), glute kickbacks, banded glute bridge, banded walks,etc. Main exercises: compounds HINGING movement like RDLS( normal stance, deficit, staggered stance*). Hinging will give you great Hamstrings &glute tie ins to keep that ass up&high😮💨& the shape is just 🤌. When hinging, think breaking at the hips by pushing that ass back like your looking back at it & naturally feel a nice soft bent in the knees as your chest becomes parallel to the floor as you reach full range of motion. Next, squats(pay attention at the bottom of the movement to see if Glutes/quads are the main driver of the movement so you can tweak your foot placements, keep core brace). I like front squat(dumbbell/barbell),you have to squat LOW, at the bottom, pause 2-3 secs to flex your glutes to feel them fire. Tempo matters(play around with pauses at the negative/bottom to demand more work from your glutes). To get LOW in squat; you need great hip mobility(dynamic hip opener work like frog squats, wipers, side lunges, prayer squats, hip flexor active stretches ). You need single leg work to build stability within the glutes(piriformis muscle). Exercises like Reverse lunge w/leaning on front bent knee, split squats w/ lean on front knee w/2-3 secs squeeze at the top (shifting the weight between front & back leg thru out the movement). Step ups&cable kickbacks works great too! Finish off with Hyperextension(start laying bent over on the machine, cross your hands on your chest, use your quads as stabilizers & remain on the pad at all times, keep your head down as you come up from bottom of movement, drive your hips into the pad as you say hi to your 😸/🍆 & pause for 2-3 secs betweeen reps. * exercise selection & progression matters during your workout. Tempo is key. self myofascial release for the glutes before a workout can be added to your activation warm up. Wrap up glutes w/ stretches & more foam rolling/tennis ball rolling to keep them soft. - I sprinkle moderately heavy hip thrust into my training but it’s not a go too. I have enough history of bruises on my hips 😂.
Bromely's glute activation is crucial for my growth😏
I'm one of those guys that totally negletced any glute work for ages. When I finally got around to it and started to FEEL my glutes because I never had any before I gotta say, I absolutely noticed a strength increase. Having glutes now feels kinda like I have a slingshot cocked and ready to fire. hope that analogy makes sense
Cocked ass, got it
Great way to describe it keep up the good work
The background music sounds like you’re trying to solve a mystery case of two missing hikers in the woods
Wind River style music.
Thank you for mentioning the studies!
Actively driving the hips forward instead of just standing up improved my deadlift form and prevented the barbell swinging out.
"Hamstrings and lower back and hips with glutes and grip make you a strong motherf@cker" Mary Poppins 2023
I've always struggled with trying to engage my glutes while doing OHP. Just finished week three-day four of bullmastiff, and my overhead presses felt amazing because I was finally able to engage my glutes hard. I feel like the higher volume RDL's were key.
Ok but how much can your glutes really hold you back on a shoulder press?
@@Iheartlifting I've always had an issue with anterior pelvic tilt. So for me, a lot. It helps me lock my hips under me. Otherwise my thoracic bends a lot and I lose about 15%.
@@stoneman006 interesting. That makes sense then
My glutes are cake
I was paralyzed on the left side of my body in an accident, and I find that some unilateral glute activation work like single leg RDLs before and kind of hip hinge movement helps me activate that sleepy left side a lot more in the following bilateral movement. Otherwise my unaffected side will do ALL of the work.
Just did hip thrusts yesterday. Hit 6 sets of 20 reps short rest in between. You don't have to use a lot of weight. It blows them up 🦍
A great exercise to add for glute gains.
Silverback glutes????🧐🫢🤨🫣
Heavy lunges and heavy box steps are really great at stretching and recruiting more tissue in glutes
In the Westside vid, with Steffi Cohen, Simmons shows Steffi a exercises that targets glutes and upper hamstrings.
In my experience, going for a walk up a hill or a grade, after a heavy glute workout, if your glutes aren't on fire, then you didn't work out hard enough.
Bromley could have made a best seller book with all the key points that he makes in every video, I'm not even complimenting I'm dead serious , I had no idea that this video would help me in the bench press which I had a problem with tightness and stability, I was so deep in the small details that I was thinking about the roof tiles being aligned with the barbells starting position(my vision/pov nothing practical and necessary)that I forgot the basics like locking in and focusing up for mind muscle connection
Thanks Bromley
Thanks for the informative vid!
Former Steelers James Harrison proved we can hip thrust more than we squat&pull. I def thrust more weight. He pushed a monster sled too. I mean stimulating the largest muscle as well as the largest group (quads) produces more test, naturally, that can linger for a couple of days
This vid came at a good time for me, glute recruitment is something I've always struggled immensely with. I've had a big bubble butt since I was a kid, just good fat distribution, but my glutes are by far the most underdeveloped and weak muscle group in my kinetic chain. I've worked up to a 700+ SSB squat and 800+ deadlift for reps, but the problem remains and persists. My back and hams take over at every chance they get, glutes get some work but they're not being utilized anywhere near as well as they could be. Even after fixing my APT, I still struggle feeling them on glute bridges. I'm at the point now where I'm just trying to play the long game and rebuild from the ground up. Lots of glute med work, copenhagen planks, and third world squats with a hip circle around my legs has INFINITELY improved my mind muscle connection with my glutes as well as highlighted some bad habits I have with squats, the main one is my adductors being so tight/weak that my knees get pulled inward thus pronating my feet on squats. I believe this is what caused my IT band injury earlier this year, thankfully it wasn't serious. Training for powerlifting and one rep maxes really made me get sloppy with my technique, being so focused on being as explosive as possible. I've ditched all supportive equipment except elbow sleeves to really re-dial in my bracing cues and am a lot more controlled and deliberate with my squats and deadlifts now, seems to be making a world of a difference. No more lower back pumps, getting sore in places I haven't been sore in in forever, and I'm really able to get a lot more stimulus out of less weight which makes my training less taxing on my CNS. Super excited to see what happens over the next 6ish months :)
Also anyone who doesn't believe in gluteal amnesia or whatever, try bulking to almost 300lbs at 5'10", train the ever living shit out of your lower back and quads/hip flexors and then try to do glute bridges or really do any glute exercise. You will ONLY feel that shit in your hams, quads, and lower back lol
Tbf ssb squats take out a lot of the posterior chain, and I’m assuming you meant conventional deadlift right?
@@yoeyyoey8937 yea sumo is gay lol
Holy shit ur huge
bet daddy
Front foot raised lunges beat the bridges. Great video!
After having knee pain when squatting and eventually hurting my back, I went to see a physio I liked.
Left the office with a bunch of glute work to do, and pain in knee when squatting (at this point, even without load) and back went away within two weeks. To this day, before squats, I still do a few sets:
-Glute bridge, then alternate legs by lifting one off the ground ever so slightly. Helps with core and avoiding hip shift.
-On my back, I stick the soles of my feet together, as close to my butt as possible, and then do glute bridges with a dumbell on my crotch/lower abs.
Might be placebo, but it helps me.
It’s not placebo. I’ve had a similar experience. Glute bridges and banded monster walks always brings my glutes back online and help eliminate knee pain.
Sounds good. If it works, it works. Keep at it, boss.
@@Egoliftdailythis wisdom here is the key, honestly. Everything else is just static, if it works just do it!
Probably your mechanical leverage. Congrats on figuring it out. You've described my bench press dilemma exactly
From day 1 I had the feeling just to lift with my glutes und hamstrings on the deadlift ^^ It seemed very wrong to me, it grew so much more than any other muscle xD Back then I didn't know that deadlifts are for lower body and not for back.
You're a goddamn mind reader. Literally 5 minutes ago I recorded, that my glute activation sucks, after failing miserably at hip thrusts after a long break
I've been starting my workouts with hip thrusts and my ass has grown like crazy . I can finally feel them in my squats.
I have yet to retest my 1RM though.
Wouldn't you say that a few super-sets of abduction and glute activation drills at the beginning of your lower body training days are enough for the week?
muscle activations have changed the way i lift and how i dont feel weak in most lifts
Big dreams and bad genes, love it! As a woman, 44, I am trying to lift weights and build more strength. 👏🏻⭐️
Big dreams and bad genes is an amazing tag line it makes me smile every time lol
There IS such a thing as over analysing and over thinking the situation. I got to doing 5 reps with 320kg on a narrow legged high bar squat at 110kgs (242lbs) by squatting 5's and 3's and then focusing on singles for a few weeks before compeettion to achieve a 360kg in compeition 32 years ago.
Perfect hank clip
Anatomy trains and fascial pathways must be in the picture somewhere
Glutes have been a weak point in my lifts and physique. Started adding different movements during my warm ups. I use Matt wennings style of wenning warm ups to attack weak points. Since adding them in and also focusing on them as accessories, I have noticed a difference in my Deadlift lockouts but also I feel them more. 45 degree back raises help me to understand how to properly use my glutes, and I imagine I am deadlifting to help my mental connection.
its one of thouse things that izometrik training helps with, take diferent positions and clinch muscle til U get a cramp in a targeted area.I do that for maintnence when I dont have akces to any equipment. I got so good at it that once I almost passed out when I got all my belly muscles cramped so hard that I had trouble breathing...
I'm no expert, but has anyone seen an elite Olympic weightlifter with underdeveloped glutes? Watching their training sessions suggest they don't do much glute activation stuff. Their answer seems to be to do your snatch and clean and jerk work, then get under the bar and squat. Notable also that even the top lifters start each exercise with just the bar. And of course all squats are ATG. And training occurs at least daily, twice or even three sessions a day at times.
All that suggests the answer is simple: just squat, ATG. Low reps, many sets. Max out rarely, unless you are Bulgarian, in which case expect a short career.
I wish it was “big dreams bigger jeans” ngl
What song was that in the beginning?
Bro no way I'm at elite fts right now and Dave just told me my glutes are my weakness 😂
This is a good vid and question. Ultimately I think lifters with impressive numbers with Hank Hill glutes just ain't got it in the genetics lottery.
Lower back extension with 10 or 15lb kettle bell with a tight squeeze of the glutes at the top will get them burning real quick.
I need to do banded lateral walks/clamshells or glute Bridges before deadlifting or squatting, otherwise my lifts feel really wonky, and i get hip pain.
4:31 🍑🪦🫨🤣
I came back from a week long vacation. Even made sure to do squats at the resort gym to make sure I didn’t lose strength. When I came back I maxed out at 325 for 2. A week after that and now I can barely do 300. Anyone know why this is? I put in so much work these last two months striving towards 405lbs. My max was 350lbs. My most impressive day I did 315x5. I had been doing mostly 5x5 but mixed in some smolov days but not the full program. like 5x7 at 75% for example. I squatted 4 days a week. Why did I lose so much strength???? It’s like I’m back where I started. So bummed out.
probably squat only 1 or twice a week. and train other accessory movements that will help your squat more frequently, like leg press and leg curls etc and make sure tor recover. you gain msucle when you rest. so make sure your resting a few times a week as well. things liks squat and deadlifts tax yoru cns so doing them more than 1-2 times a week can make you do more poorly on them.
Hell yeah bro
I think Glute Activation stuff is usually great to combat hip or knee pain but can't tell it if actually benefits hypertrophy and development, might be placebo
The glute activation fascination is what now, about 10 years out of date? Where's the smoking gun?
It's pretty much impossible to squat a lot of weight to depth without your glutes firing.
Glute activation drills are largely a waste of time. I bought into that craze when it first started getting hype and honestly it did nothing to make my hips stronger or move better under load. Just like I wasted time getting strong at hip thrusts a few years after that to see no carryover to my other barbell compound moments.
There was a lot of training economy wasted that I could have used deadlifting, squatting, or lunging.
It wasn't until I got into bodybuilding and mixed in some big 3 that I actually felt good all the time with my training. Bodybuilding work is still so underrated for strength athletes, you're exposing yourself to the deep stretched position under load with control on so many movements. As your connective tissues adapt, you'll be so much more resilient on the big 3.
I'm with Mike Israetel when it comes to glute training, and I'll put it this way. Have you ever seen a great squatter with lagging glutes? Hamstrings are often the lagging area in strength athletes, not glutes.
I'll also add that just training your hip flexors with leg raises and GHD situps, amongst other core exercises, will take care of any tightness you might have from sitting. I sit at a computer for my job for long hours and have had no ill effects since I put actual effort into core training. If you're a strength athlete, this might be a blind spot you don't know you have, if you're still living by the "squats and deadlifts give me all the core strength I need" mantra.
Ive done hip thrusts and they never seemed to do much for me. I get more out of squats and bulgarians
4:15 🤣🤣
Whats your personal go to glute exercise?
I’m not sure this is the correct interpretation of Dr. McGill. My understanding of his statement was that when people suffer a low back injury, they develop movement compensation patterns to avoid triggering the pain. overtime they develop an engram. The result is that they learn to move without using their glutes, because they are purposely moving in that manner to avoid triggering the back pain. Eventually, that movement pattern becomes their default.
That’s my butt in the thumbnail😂
i can flex my bicep and tricep at the same time..
Glute amnesia is certainly real. I used to have a better butt than my gf, who had a great butt 😂 Something happened after i took a while off lifting. Idk what, but my glutes have never recovered the mmc. No. Matter. What. I just tried to do weightless hip thrusts after this video, and literally even with no weight, the surrounding muscles take over for my glutes, my right glute specifically. My left still has great mmc. The problem is so deep that it effects how i walk, and people have commented on it. It feels like my muscles around myhip socket have tightened to the point that they're like a boot on a car, but around my hip. Yet, even after I took on a stretching and mobility routine that basically fixed that entirely, the glute still would not fire. Idk what it is. I KNOW how to flex muscles, I KNOW how to consciously feel muscles during lifts and carry the tension where I want it. This glute will not fire. My right knee and ankle are screwed, and after literally years of this, I've decided I'm riding this sucker til the wheels fall off. Idc. If one leg snaps and I can't use it anymore, or it gets horribly imbalanced and all that, I guess that's one less limb i have to worry about. I've done EVERYTHING I know how to do.
Did you try postural restoration techniques
Have you tried hitting it with a hammer?
I feel glutes doing leg presses and deadlifts... good enough for me.
2023 the year men went from "snake-ass" to "ANACONDA-DONK"
Will this video get viral? Maybe.
For the algorithm
I still haven’t found a so-called definition of “activation” in fitness. That makes any sense to me.
This is one big overthink. Just squat
Okay, but how do I build a bodacious badonkadonk?
Any exercise is gonna help fire up muscles that have not been used for a long time.. Key is consistently do it and feel the muscle contraction.. The rest is from the evil one.. Just do the damn work.. I am so sick and tired of everyone being oh i need this advanced exercise to help me do this or progress that.. Fuuuuck, people before u even get to that point where anything even remotely advanced gonna do u any good u must build some general foundation by spending significant amount of time doing the good all around work.. Work out by doing basics for like at least 6 to 8 months.. Learn to listen to and hear ur body and how it responds to basic diets and training stimulus.. That means simple workouts and simple diet changes.. Then when u got into a habit of working consistently and feel how ur body responds.. Like 3-4 months into it tweak something.. Like try to lower the basic exercises in sets and add something small and new to experiment and see how it feels for like 3-4 weeks if it works great analyze and test it by tweaking something else and see how that works.. If it doesnt retract and try some other way.. Slow and gradual changes over consistently training and constant analysis.. Dont be like oh i added this new exercise last week and i see no progress so they suck😂 unless u feel that u may get injured u need to try for a significant time to know for sure. Same with diets.. Start with foundation.. Eat clean, eat enough for ur goals.. Wether to lean out or get big or whatever it may be then tweak that by eliminating this type of foods or add that and track progress over time.. Do not hop on scale and get upset that today u are 0.5 lb heavier then yesterday.. Hop on it daily and write down weight then calculate weekly average by adding all daily weights and dividing it by 7..then u get fairly correct number and see how it flactuate week to week.. Good luck and cheers to you all
Even if it's placebo effect, placebo activities can make a difference in any competitive sport. Track, strength games, football, volleyball. All of it.
Glutes kick ass
Imma say this. There’s enough ppl that benefit from glasses compared to those that can see. Enough guys that measure something doesn’t mean that the margin of error has been decreased by the amount of workers. I mean McDonald’s will still get your order wrong no matter how you rationalize it. Fact of the matter, some DOMI needed to watch past 2 mins to think. My point forward is that calisthenics bring you towards uniformity in activation of your muscles. Resistance training gives you the edge over your base level formed around your lowest yield past body weight. We are all filled with enough subcutaneous tissue and cells to fool the next fat fuk. Whole fact is that consistency across both measures will bring you to your peak point of efficacy.
Also also 😂😂
10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (The Great I AM, YHVH, El Shaddai, Adonai, God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham). John 3:10-18
… this was meant as a joke, right? Right?!
🫤 🫤 so yes to hip thrusts?
It helped me with squats
Hey man, it's okay we all get stared at when doing em
Hip thrusts are the cornerstone of a good physique.
Ok ok, I’ll use more padding next time
@@stevefromchicago8277man i feel that. i love hip thrusts bc you can load the bar UP but i use a cheap bar pad from amazon and my hips are permabruised
Added glute isolation on the "booty builder" machine at least once a week. My squat and deadlift improved.
I absolutely love this video and can't wait to see more videos like this on other topics.
This is great work man.
🍑 🦵 🍗 lol