in the 80s and 90s Bournemouth was a very nice place. today its just a ran down dump. a dumping ground for people from all over the place. it has been ruined. all it has going for it today it the university and the money from the students that it brings in. the rest looks not that great despite all the building that has been going on.
I went to Bournemouth once in 2004, ie 20 years ago and it has changed a lot
Yeah, there has been a lot of change in the last 20 years.
Changed for the worse unfortunately.
You should ask people what they think of Bournemouth would add a bit more to the video
Okay thanks 😊
5 minutes in I felt seasick, camera shake was unbearable !!
in the 80s and 90s Bournemouth was a very nice place. today its just a ran down dump. a dumping ground for people from all over the place. it has been ruined. all it has going for it today it the university and the money from the students that it brings in. the rest looks not that great despite all the building that has been going on.