Hais tau zoo thiab yog kawg li lawm os. Yus niam yus txiv nthuas li ntawd Es yus thiaj li mus ua neej lwj siab rau nruab siab tsis muaj leejtwg ua yuav mloog los Paub yus txoj me kev txom nyem os.
Me nus koj hais yog kawg thaum ntuas ntxais mus neej yeej yog li koj hais thaum txim nyem rov tuaj tej neej tej nyab niam txiv tsi pab thiab ma tu tu siab tshaj li o
Koj hais tau zoo kawg. Kuv muaj kev tu siab ntau heev los vim yog niam thiab txiv tsis tau qhia kom yog luag heev ces yus heev thiab. Luag hais thiab cem yus li cas los kom ua siab ntev xwb.
Yog tshaj hais Txog husband on your side.. standing up for his wife is most important. Stand up for her but correct her in private to better her. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sharing!
kuv nco tau thaum ntawv kuv cov lau ntua kuv hai tia: luag nquag nrog luag nquag, luag sawv lig lo yu txhob ua li. luag ua tub sab tub nyiag lo txhob ua li luag qab. kav tsij mu yoog kom haum qhov zoo. mu kom hlub tu hlob dhau tu yau mu hlub cov lau.
Hais tau zoo heev bro. Tiam 21 no cov Nyab nrog niampog txivyawg nyob ces tsawg2 tus kawg li. Ua li peb hmoob lo lus hais os!!!! Suav tau, or suav tag. Vim yog txoj kev nyuajsiab li koj hais ces feem ntau nyias nyob nyias tag lawm xwb, es thiaj tsis tshua muaj teebmeem lawm. Tiam 21 no yog tus nyab twg nws nrog niampog txivyawg nyob tau 10+ years mas peb yuav tau muab credit rau tus ntswv vim txoj kev nrog niampog txivyawg nyob muaj ntau yam kev nyuajsiab thiab khwv heev. Txawm tus nyab mus ua haujlwm ntxov2 es npaj tsis tau tshais thiab tsu los pluas hmo (dinner) mas yeej yuav tau npaj tas li xwb. Tus nyab pab minyuam thiab niampog txivyawg noj different food so tus nyab has many responsibilities after work. The kids homework, dinner, and clean or sometimes even shopping or paying bills after work. However, thanks for this story. Learned a lots from this one😀😀😀😀😀.
Tij laug aw kj zaj lus no mam zoo li kv lub neej nyuaj nyuaj siab li os chim thaum twg muab kj zaj no los Daws Kev chim vim Yus tsis heev li luag es thiaj li nyuaj siab os
Tij laug a ua koj tsaug koj tau qhia rau kev ua nyab hnub no kuv twb khaw tau koj cov lug lo ua neej kuv kaj siab lawm ntau. Hnub no kuv tsi quaj tsi lwj siab li yab tag log lawm
Yg lm o peb tej laus yeej g tau hai li ko rau cov ntxhai li yg thaum mj ib tug mus tau lub neej g zoo lo lawv tsua hai tia kom uv yeej g tuag no xb tab si zoo li kv twb pom lo lm cov uas tuag rau txonj kev uv lm ho
Koj hais yog lawm.. Ua tsaug rau cov lus qhia. For Ntawm kv tus kheej thaum lub neej sib yuav li ob xyoos ntau ces kv tau ntsib kev txom nyem siab lo ntawm kv tu txij nkawm vim nws tsi ua zoo qhia thiab cem yus yuam yu ua qhev xwb . Tab sis los tau tom qab no kv laus zog thiab ua 2 mus ces yus txawj phem phim lawv lawm ces thaum ntawv lawv thiaj tsis kab hais kv lawm. Tab sis thaum no ua rau lawv saib yus yog ib tug nyab phem heev.
I really like this and these kind of subject. It really benefits the younger generation. Thank you and please share more videos like this one to help rebuild our community.
Brother aws niam pog yeej tsis kom tus txiv paub li los yog everyone paub li. Lawv ua kom u yuav tuag los tuag tsis tau xwb. Zoo li u ua neej nrog niam pog xwb vim nrog nws nyob heev dhua lawm.
yer yang txawm Yog li ko Es Kuv thiaj li hais tias Yog nrog tus zoo no ces yuav tsum xyaum coj kom zoo hos Yog nrog tus phem ces coj kom phim nws no tiag
kuv xav mas kev sau nqi mis nqis hno or nqi tshoob ntawv mas tsis yog txiv neej hmoob xub pib nawb, kuv twb mus mloog ntau rooj tshoob negotiation mas some case, txiv neej yeej tsis kam sau nqi ntxhais, txiv neej tsis xav muag ntxhais rau luag, tab sis thaum leejniam ua niag rhuavplhu ntsuav, cem nthe nqho tias, kuv yug mob kuv plab nav, yog nej cov nyuag txiv neej no yuav cia li muab kuv tus ntxhais pub dawbdawb rau luag xwb mas kuv tsis txaus siab li ntag, ces tus leejniam yog tus muab ntxhais muag nqi tau hau ntag nawb, hos txiv neej mas hais txog kev ua neej ua tsa, sib hlub sib pab, koj qaib pw kuv cooj kuv os pw koj nkuaj, which mean that our clans had been related for long time. hos pojniam mas tsis yuav cai, yog rhuav cai, ua kom poob ntsej muag, yog tsis muab ib pob nyiaj los them leejniam ces leejniam yuav ua lwj ua liam kom small problem grows bigger to ruin the whole thing. thov qhia rau nej cov girls tias your mom or you woman are the one who demand the bride price. donot blame on the man
tij laug muaj qee tus niam txiv tsis sau nqi vim lawv tsis xav kom lawv tus ntxhais tshuav luag nuj luag nqi.tim sis lwm hnub mus ua neej lawv niaj hnub cem tias tau dawb kom mus dawb no.tu siab tshaj plaws os tij laug.thov peb txhob muab peb cov mi nrxhais saib tsis muaj nqi es muab pub luag es luag tsis xav hlub nawb.
Tij laug kj hs yg kawg li lm kj zaj lus no tawm los ntev kawg lm tiam si kv tseem mloog g tau txog hnub no kv mam mloog txog tiam si mak Tshuav nqi ntawm kj hs tias:mus tau tus z kom coj kom ms tau tus nyaum tsiv tsaim kom nyaum tsiv tsaim li luag thiaj li nyb taus yg li koj ho g cais hs tias kom nyaum tsiv tsaim rau tus sab rauv xb es yg li ces kom ms ua nyaum tsiv tsaim rau nws tus txiv thiab njam pog txiv yawg los ms nrog lawv sib cav sib ceg es puas yv zooo mk yg z li no mk tej zaum kv xv tias yv g haum lm yom Thiab kv xv tias kj yg ib tuag tham tau ncha moo lus ms rau txhua leej txhua tus nyb hauv lub qab ntuj no rau peb ib tsoom hmoob tau kawm tau xyaum yg li kv xv kom kj ms tshawb fawb txog rau ntawm cov ntxhais los ms ua luaj nyab nak los ms nyb luag vaj luag tsev thaum ua tshoob twb ntua tias ms nyb kom ms yooj luag uv luag tiam si mk ms nrog luag nyb kiag li ntawm 1_2 lub xyoo tej tug twb g tau nto xyoo nas mas twb kom tus txiv mas coj kom zoo li nws nyob nrog nws njam nws txiv xwb thiab nws los txog mas los ua tus khooj nws tus txiv thiab tsev neeg nws los nrog nyb ntv kom es yg nws yg cas ces nqia dub mk tseev kom ua kom tau li xb thiab g tag li ls nws los ua kiag tus loj los nyb hauv tsev khooj kom tau tus txiv thiab tsev neeg ntv kom ua dab tsi los yg yv tsum kom yg nws txaus siab xb yg g txaus siab thiab tseem cav nws ces phone rov les rau niam tais yawm txiv thiab tej dab laug yg g li ces npav ntau thiab qa riam qa txuas caum tus txiv tua. Muaj tej tus ces twv li twv kom tus txiv ntau nws thiab yg tus txiv tawm rooj nplaws yv ms khwv nyiaj los nws g kam cem li cem xb yg thaum g muaj nyiaj yv siv los yg npaj rau tej me tub nyuam ms kawm ntaub km ntv yv ris ntso rau me nyuam ces muab xyeeb los rau tus txiv tias yus njam g xv khwv nyias kom tej me nyuam hais yus nws li nws g paub no thiab mk koj ua tij koj hs tau xyov tej no kj twb hs lm los g tau kv g tau hnov thiab kj ua tij koj ho ms tshawb fawb kom tau cov ntsiab lus coj llos tham kom ib tsoom poj njam los yg ib tsoom ntxhais tseem yv ms ua nyb kom tom ntej no ms ua nyb txhb coj thiab ua li ntv lm thiaj g muaj pj nrauj coob2 njam no cov poj njam tiam 21 no ces 30% lub neej g z los nyb ua khab ua khuav ls ua poj nrauj poj tso los vim yg luag tuaj yv yus ms nrog luag nyb es g yoog g ua li luag hais npav yuav mus ua luag tus tswv tsev npav yv mus ua tus khooj luag ms ua tus thawj coj hauv tsev xb mk tej no kv yeej pom ntau heev es kj ua tij yg kj g tau tham los kj ho ms rhiav coj los tham kom ib tsoom me ntxhais txij no lm yav tov tau txhb ua li lm es ms ua luag ib tug nyb los thiaj g hs tias luag phem2 lm yg yus ms hs luag g ua li yus hs ces luag txawm yg tus phem xb
kuv xav mas txheej laus yav thaum ub mas los lug hais tias muag mas tseem yog thiab kuas kuv xav mas 3 tiam hmoob nyob tsau tiam 21 no mas tsi yog muag lawm yeej yog 2 leeg sib yeem lawm mam sib sau los ua txij nkawm xwb es cia yav tas dhau los lawm 3 tsi txhob hais lo dawv lawm (yog tsua peb cov kws mus nyob tsau cov teb chaws thib 3 xwb ov )lawv cov kws tseem nyob 6 yav ntuj qub qab mas kuv xav niaj hnub no lawm tseem muaj ib txhia tsaug mag yuam li yav thaum ub thiab.
When I got married I was young and its hard so time for my daughter all I tell them is be mature before go marry and they did and it work out fine handled everything like a real nyab
brother cheng...koj hais tau YOG TSHAJ PLAWS. peb haiv hmoob nyob thoob qab ntuj ces yeej xa tus ntxhais mus ua neej zoo li tej lus koj tau piav ntawv. peb haiv hmoob yuav tau hloov txoj kev ntuas leejntxhais mus ua nyab.... THIAB... yog hais tias yuav ntuas leejntxhias mus ua nyab... yuav TSUM ntuas leejvauv los hlub tus ntxhais thiab leejniam tais yawmtxiv. li no thiaj yog ntuas rau txoj kev zoo. peb haiv hmoob lub siab dub dub thiab ruam heev... tsuas yog muaj niamtais yawmtxiv ntuas tus ntxhais xwb... tab sis ntawm tus vauv yeej TSIS MUAJ 1 tug los ntuas nws kom nws ua tus zoo vauv thiab ua 1 tug zoo txivtsev.
kuv ces zoo li twb Tsis must UA Nyab yog muag mus ua qhev rau hauv luag tsev hmoob xwb twb yog nyiam2 thiab ntshaw2 thiaj Sib yuav uas cas hnub no ho ua Tsis tau hlub Tsis tau is lawv
Mus Ua nyab saum luag es yog luag heev kom Yu heev li luag thiab no yuav heev li cas na tij laug es? Kuv ces niam pog hai yog tsis yog Lo kuv yeej teb tsis thee li hlwb nqeeb dhau os
That’s My Girl thaum ub peb cov nyab siab ntev dhau lawm ces Niam Pog cem cem Ces cia li khiav Ua Nkauj fa mus noj tshuaj dai tuag lawm naw yog li no ces Cov mus ua nyab tshiab tamsim no Mas yuav tsum heev kom sib phim thiaj li Nyob taus nawb
Yus li ces yus yuav txiv yus yeej tsis tau muaj leej twg qhuav ntuas yus li as yus li mam los xyaum yus tus kheej xwb los ua neej tau 37 lub xyoo no los tseem xyaum tas zog li os tus saib tsi taus yus los muaj tus tsi nyiam yus los muaj Tab si yus khwv yus noj xwb ces tus saib taus yus los yus kuj saib tau lawv hos tus saib tsi taus yus los yus kuj ua kom phim lawv thiab xwb vim yus twb Tsi thov lawv noj lawv haus ne👍
I agreed with everything you said except the bride price. The bride price is such a small amount and only has a ceremony meaning. To truly pay for a human life, no other living being can afford. When I left home to marry my husband, my father who was an educated person, a school teacher back in Laos, told me to get an education, build my life, be kind to others, and most of all, demand and expect love from my husband. He told me that I'm not a second class citizen. Today, I am an educated person who has a successful career, have properties, and own my own successful business. Although I am the educated one in our marriage, my husband and I are equal partners. We each have the right to spend our money; however, we do inform each other of our spendings if the the amount is over a thousand. My most successful accomplishments is to leave a legacy of education in my husband's family. My children are aiming for higher education, some are done with their degrees and others are working towards.
I never pay attention to those words or/and use them (if your are mature enough, you wouldn’t use them, these “words” are just an old phrase that Hmong use at wedding. If you use them you are not wise). I just do me. I like to stay clean, but I got married to a family that kind of messy. However, my parents in-law still think that they are the best and so judgmental and critical despite the fact that they are the messy and their own children are so immature. When I (I was 18) first got married to my husband (who was 27), he still acted like a kid sometimes and kind of lazy. He made me felt regret marrying him because I don’t want a childish husband and critical in-laws. However, I decided to stay marry to him and teach him to a man (he used to yell and argue with his family in front of people, but now he doesn’t do anymore). Now, he thanks to. I also made him quit smoking! I helped him change his life style. Now he has become a great man and a hard-working father. I had a very hardship childhood; my father passed away when I was 8 and my mother remarried. My grandma raised me and my siblings. I am the oldest child, and I had to go work in the field to help my grandma take of us kids. My grandma is a shaman and I also learned to SAIB NEEB, since I was 8 years old. I became a mother to my younger siblings, so I was very mature at a young age. We still lived in Thailand back then. We came to the USA in 2005. I got married on 2010. We date for only 4 month and got married. I decided to married a man that I hardly knew. After we got married and went to live with his family. I was shock by the way he and some of siblings act, because all of them are over 20. By the way, he is all-good now!
Best advice ever given to me by me to avoid all of this bs....is......for the ladies...marry a men who already have a place of his own and is not reliant on his parents. The DUDES. have a place of your own before you get married so that you dont have to deal with all this bs
GG YY, it doesnt matter if the dude you married is independent and has his own place...if he's not man enough to stand by you and if he's a mama's boy then theres problems onw way or another. he will side with his family and not with you. eventhough you and him are not living with them they can move in anytime because your husband will allow them to.
i think you don't get his point. he did not intentionally compare us girls to animals as an animal. it's hard to elaborate in English writing so i'm not gonna try.
I think you misunderstood his making example, you have to re listen again and open your positive mind, not too quick to feel offense. we love our hmong trophy wife more than anything on earth including sacrifice our life for our beloved wife, many good men out there who tread their wife like special queen, only some not so good. this story teller made a very good point but you just jump to the negative point of story.
we hmog married for life not just use for pleasure term by term like western style marriage, to what I know white, black or brown all have family issue between niam pog and nyab, mostly other races they don't share house with their parent, that's why they don't have much family feud, hmong cultuer is abit tight, once married, the newly tub nyab have to stay with parent for few years before moving out, it's depend, if the parent paid full bride price for the son, he has to stay with parent to serve them enough before he move out, but if he paid his own bride, he only stay depend on his parent up to the time he and his new bride had save some money to go live on their own, some time parent tread their tub nyab very good, that they just got married, their life drop too low, they need to catch up little bit before going live on their own, hmong tub nyab are lucky some that parent still let them share house for as long as the tub nyab still need support. I think hmong family culture is kind good in some way.
Hais tau zoo thiab yog kawg li lawm os. Yus niam yus txiv nthuas li ntawd Es yus thiaj li mus ua neej lwj siab rau nruab siab tsis muaj leejtwg ua yuav mloog los Paub yus txoj me kev txom nyem os.
Koj hais yog lawm peb cov lus qhuab ntuas. Kuv tseem nco ntsoov peb muaj ib li lu "koj coj ncaj ces peb coj ncaj, koj coj nkhaus ces peb coj nkhaus".
Me nus koj hais yog kawg thaum ntuas ntxais mus neej yeej yog li koj hais thaum txim nyem rov tuaj tej neej tej nyab niam txiv tsi pab thiab ma tu tu siab tshaj li o
I love listening to all your stories and everything I would love to hear more about life lesson stories
Nghe xong cảm động vô cùng cảm ơn chú cháu sẽ nhặt lời của chú đi xây dựng cuộc sống gia đình cháu thật tốt cảm ơn chú xin chú ra nhiều video hơn nhé
ua tsaug os koj piav tau heev li os tij laug cheng vang thankyou
Koj hais tau tu siab heev li o
Koj hais tau zoo kawg. Kuv muaj kev tu siab ntau heev los vim yog niam thiab txiv tsis tau qhia kom yog luag heev ces yus heev thiab. Luag hais thiab cem yus li cas los kom ua siab ntev xwb.
Tij laug koj hais yog tshaj li os kuv mas nyiam tshaj li qhov koj hais
koj hais tau zoo kawg li lawm os. I wish my parents taught me like that. kuv mus ua neeg lwj lwj siab vim yog tsis heev heev li lawm.
Kuv nyiam koj cov neej neeg thiab dab neeg heev
Yog tshaj hais Txog husband on your side.. standing up for his wife is most important. Stand up for her but correct her in private to better her. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sharing!
tij laug kj hais tau zoo heev.
hais tua zoo heev li os, even generations now still go through that hardship
Kuv Pom zoo li cov lus koj hais tau yog kawg nkaus
zoo mloog heev li tij laug
Lầu thị mỷ ❤️
Thov koj hloov koj lub siab Puag tau 🥺
tij laug koj hai yeej yog lawm os hai tau zoo heev li
yog kawg li maj zaj dab neeg no naj
Hai tau zoo kawg lm yuav khaw mu ua neej kom zoo o
kuv nco tau thaum ntawv kuv cov lau ntua kuv hai tia:
luag nquag nrog luag nquag, luag sawv lig lo yu txhob ua li. luag ua tub sab tub nyiag lo txhob ua li luag qab. kav tsij mu yoog kom haum qhov zoo. mu kom hlub tu hlob dhau tu yau mu hlub cov lau.
koj mus yuav txiv tau tsawg hnub dhau los no xwb es koj cov laus thiaj ntuas koj li ntawv.
hlub ibtxhis tau ntau xyoo os
Koj hais Yog lawm os
Tij laug
Hais tau zoo heev bro. Tiam 21 no cov Nyab nrog niampog txivyawg nyob ces tsawg2 tus kawg li. Ua li peb hmoob lo lus hais os!!!! Suav tau, or suav tag. Vim yog txoj kev nyuajsiab li koj hais ces feem ntau nyias nyob nyias tag lawm xwb, es thiaj tsis tshua muaj teebmeem lawm. Tiam 21 no yog tus nyab twg nws nrog niampog txivyawg nyob tau 10+ years mas peb yuav tau muab credit rau tus ntswv vim txoj kev nrog niampog txivyawg nyob muaj ntau yam kev nyuajsiab thiab khwv heev. Txawm tus nyab mus ua haujlwm ntxov2 es npaj tsis tau tshais thiab tsu los pluas hmo (dinner) mas yeej yuav tau npaj tas li xwb. Tus nyab pab minyuam thiab niampog txivyawg noj different food so tus nyab has many responsibilities after work. The kids homework, dinner, and clean or sometimes even shopping or paying bills after work. However, thanks for this story. Learned a lots from this one😀😀😀😀😀.
zoo heev li os tij laug
koj hais yog kiag lub tseem ntsiab lawm yog lawm os ua tsaug nawb py.
so true.... going through that now... can totally relate
Ua tsaug rau koj zaj story no os brother Fuiji. Right on point.
Yog tshaj lawm nawb peb yuav tau Kawm ua Li zaj lus no nawb!
zoo kawg mag tij laug kj tham zaj tưg twb zoo nploog li og
Yeej yog lawm tab sis kev qhuab ntuas ntxhais mus ua neej.kuv yeej hnov dua lawm lawv tsuas ntuas rau qhov zoo xwb.Me ntxhais hnub no koj tawm rooj plaws mus ua luag nyab luag nquag nrog luag nquag..luag ua zoo nrog luag ua zoo...es ua neej tsim2 txiaj es niam txiv thiab tau chaws ntoj chaws thuv nawb mog es ua neej sib2 hlub ib tug mloog ib tug hais nawb mog....hais li no xwb
Hais tseem heev lis!!! Yeej muaj tiag os lawm!!!
thanks uncle
Very good point, it is make sense
Lis Xyooj lol..but ur Eng. makes no sense.
it not k, it not english classroom. it k
Zoo heev li os tij lau
Tij laug aw kj zaj lus no mam zoo li kv lub neej nyuaj nyuaj siab li os chim thaum twg muab kj zaj no los Daws Kev chim vim Yus tsis heev li luag es thiaj li nyuaj siab os
zoo heev li os
🥺🥺😔😭😭😔🙏🙏🥺🥺😔😔😔😔😔 tug siab heev o 😭😭😭😭😭 aib 😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏
zoo tiag2 li o
hais yog tshaj plaws lis os
Tij laug a ua koj tsaug koj tau qhia rau kev ua nyab hnub no kuv twb khaw tau koj cov lug lo ua neej kuv kaj siab lawm ntau. Hnub no kuv tsi quaj tsi lwj siab li yab tag log lawm
Yg lm o peb tej laus yeej g tau hai li ko rau cov ntxhai li yg thaum mj ib tug mus tau lub neej g zoo lo lawv tsua hai tia kom uv yeej g tuag no xb tab si zoo li kv twb pom lo lm cov uas tuag rau txonj kev uv lm ho
Koj hais yog lawm..
Ua tsaug rau cov lus qhia.
For Ntawm kv tus kheej thaum lub neej sib yuav li ob xyoos ntau ces kv tau ntsib kev txom nyem siab lo ntawm kv tu txij nkawm vim nws tsi ua zoo qhia thiab cem yus yuam yu ua qhev xwb .
Tab sis los tau tom qab no kv laus zog thiab ua 2 mus ces yus txawj phem phim lawv lawm ces thaum ntawv lawv thiaj tsis kab hais kv lawm.
Tab sis thaum no ua rau lawv saib yus yog ib tug nyab phem heev.
Quá chuẩn chú ạ 😢
Koj kawg li og txiv ntxawm aw kj tham tau yog kawg li og... Cv yua mu ua ngab ce mloog zaj nov nb
Zoo heev li
i wanna hear more stories of life learning like this. It actually helps a lot!
I really like this and these kind of subject. It really benefits the younger generation. Thank you and please share more videos like this one to help rebuild our community.
Favorite Comment thanks I will do more
Brother aws niam pog yeej tsis kom tus txiv paub li los yog everyone paub li. Lawv ua kom u yuav tuag los tuag tsis tau xwb. Zoo li u ua neej nrog niam pog xwb vim nrog nws nyob heev dhua lawm.
yer yang txawm Yog li ko Es Kuv thiaj li hais tias Yog nrog tus zoo no ces yuav tsum xyaum coj kom zoo hos Yog nrog tus phem ces coj kom phim nws no tiag
Koj hais yog kawg li lawm nawb.. Vim cov laus tsis txawj ntuas cov ntxhais mus ua nyab.. Niam txiv tsis hais rau tus ntxhais tias koj mus nrog luag nyob koj tus txiv nkees Los yog niam pog txiv yawg nquag koj yuav tsum qhuag niam pog txiv yawg thiaj nyiam koj.. Tsis yog yuav yoog tus txiv xwb.. Yuav tsum tau yoog niam pog txiv yawg Thiab thiaj zoo
kuv xav mas kev sau nqi mis nqis hno or nqi tshoob ntawv mas tsis yog txiv neej hmoob xub pib nawb, kuv twb mus mloog ntau rooj tshoob negotiation mas some case, txiv neej yeej tsis kam sau nqi ntxhais, txiv neej tsis xav muag ntxhais rau luag, tab sis thaum leejniam ua niag rhuavplhu ntsuav, cem nthe nqho tias, kuv yug mob kuv plab nav, yog nej cov nyuag txiv neej no yuav cia li muab kuv tus ntxhais pub dawbdawb rau luag xwb mas kuv tsis txaus siab li ntag, ces tus leejniam yog tus muab ntxhais muag nqi tau hau ntag nawb, hos txiv neej mas hais txog kev ua neej ua tsa, sib hlub sib pab, koj qaib pw kuv cooj kuv os pw koj nkuaj, which mean that our clans had been related for long time. hos pojniam mas tsis yuav cai, yog rhuav cai, ua kom poob ntsej muag, yog tsis muab ib pob nyiaj los them leejniam ces leejniam yuav ua lwj ua liam kom small problem grows bigger to ruin the whole thing. thov qhia rau nej cov girls tias your mom or you woman are the one who demand the bride price. donot blame on the man
Hi nyb zoo os tij yg li kj ua tij hais lawm os mog.
Tij laug yg kj tseem tso lub zuab kho siab thb mas nploog ces quaj txua tus li os😢😢😢😢
tij laug muaj qee tus niam txiv tsis sau nqi vim lawv tsis xav kom lawv tus ntxhais tshuav luag nuj luag nqi.tim sis lwm hnub mus ua neej lawv niaj hnub cem tias tau dawb kom mus dawb no.tu siab tshaj plaws os tij laug.thov peb txhob muab peb cov mi nrxhais saib tsis muaj nqi es muab pub luag es luag tsis xav hlub nawb.
Sydney Thao txawm Yog li ko Es Kuv thiaj li hais Ntag
Tij laug kj hs yg kawg li lm kj zaj lus no tawm los ntev kawg lm tiam si kv tseem mloog g tau txog hnub no kv mam mloog txog tiam si mak
Tshuav nqi ntawm kj hs tias:mus tau tus z kom coj kom ms tau tus nyaum tsiv tsaim kom nyaum tsiv tsaim li luag thiaj li nyb taus yg li koj ho g cais hs tias kom nyaum tsiv tsaim rau tus sab rauv xb es yg li ces kom ms ua nyaum tsiv tsaim rau nws tus txiv thiab njam pog txiv yawg los ms nrog lawv sib cav sib ceg es puas yv zooo mk yg z li no mk tej zaum kv xv tias yv g haum lm yom
Thiab kv xv tias kj yg ib tuag tham tau ncha moo lus ms rau txhua leej txhua tus nyb hauv lub qab ntuj no rau peb ib tsoom hmoob tau kawm tau xyaum yg li kv xv kom kj ms tshawb fawb txog rau ntawm cov ntxhais los ms ua luaj nyab nak los ms nyb luag vaj luag tsev thaum ua tshoob twb ntua tias ms nyb kom ms yooj luag uv luag tiam si mk ms nrog luag nyb kiag li ntawm 1_2 lub xyoo tej tug twb g tau nto xyoo nas mas twb kom tus txiv mas coj kom zoo li nws nyob nrog nws njam nws txiv xwb thiab nws los txog mas los ua tus khooj nws tus txiv thiab tsev neeg nws los nrog nyb ntv kom es yg nws yg cas ces nqia dub mk tseev kom ua kom tau li xb thiab g tag li ls nws los ua kiag tus loj los nyb hauv tsev khooj kom tau tus txiv thiab tsev neeg ntv kom ua dab tsi los yg yv tsum kom yg nws txaus siab xb yg g txaus siab thiab tseem cav nws ces phone rov les rau niam tais yawm txiv thiab tej dab laug yg g li ces npav ntau thiab qa riam qa txuas caum tus txiv tua. Muaj tej tus ces twv li twv kom tus txiv ntau nws thiab yg tus txiv tawm rooj nplaws yv ms khwv nyiaj los nws g kam cem li cem xb yg thaum g muaj nyiaj yv siv los yg npaj rau tej me tub nyuam ms kawm ntaub km ntv yv ris ntso rau me nyuam ces muab xyeeb los rau tus txiv tias yus njam g xv khwv nyias kom tej me nyuam hais yus nws li nws g paub no thiab mk koj ua tij koj hs tau xyov tej no kj twb hs lm los g tau kv g tau hnov thiab kj ua tij koj ho ms tshawb fawb kom tau cov ntsiab lus coj llos tham kom ib tsoom poj njam los yg ib tsoom ntxhais tseem yv ms ua nyb kom tom ntej no ms ua nyb txhb coj thiab ua li ntv lm thiaj g muaj pj nrauj coob2 njam no cov poj njam tiam 21 no ces 30% lub neej g z los nyb ua khab ua khuav ls ua poj nrauj poj tso los vim yg luag tuaj yv yus ms nrog luag nyb es g yoog g ua li luag hais npav yuav mus ua luag tus tswv tsev npav yv mus ua tus khooj luag ms ua tus thawj coj hauv tsev xb mk tej no kv yeej pom ntau heev es kj ua tij yg kj g tau tham los kj ho ms rhiav coj los tham kom ib tsoom me ntxhais txij no lm yav tov tau txhb ua li lm es ms ua luag ib tug nyb los thiaj g hs tias luag phem2 lm yg yus ms hs luag g ua li yus hs ces luag txawm yg tus phem xb
Yus yuav hais zoo paub li cas rau yus tes ntxhais lom yog yus tu ntxhai mus yuav tau ib tsev neeg siab phem thiab siab dub, tsis hlub nws ces nws yuav nyiam ua zoo npau lis cas los, lawv yeej tsis pom. Nyob ntawd nws txoj hmoov xwb.
kuv xav mas txheej laus yav thaum ub mas los lug hais tias muag mas tseem yog thiab kuas kuv xav mas 3 tiam hmoob nyob tsau tiam 21 no mas tsi yog muag lawm yeej yog 2 leeg sib yeem lawm mam sib sau los ua txij nkawm xwb es cia yav tas dhau los lawm 3 tsi txhob hais lo dawv lawm (yog tsua peb cov kws mus nyob tsau cov teb chaws thib 3 xwb ov )lawv cov kws tseem nyob 6 yav ntuj qub qab mas kuv xav niaj hnub no lawm tseem muaj ib txhia tsaug mag yuam li yav thaum ub thiab.
kv xav thov kj hais kv zaj dab neeg thiab o vim nov kj tham zaj dab neeg li no ma kv tu siab heev li o vim kv lub neej zoo li no thiab o txiv ntxawm
Thank you for your world.
When I got married I was young and its hard so time for my daughter all I tell them is be mature before go marry and they did and it work out fine handled everything like a real nyab
zoo kawm os cov lus no kuv los paub
Me kwv kuv lub neej ces yog ib tug uas raug tus txiv thiab niam pog txiv yawg tsim los laus li no tuag tsis tau es lam ua neeg nyob xwb
Yog lis koj hais kawg
zoo heev koj cov lus thov qhuas
Yog li koj hais. That's why yus mus ua neej, tsis rov qab mus qhia niam thiab txiv.
Txiv ntxawm kj pab qhia txoj kev uas tug nus ntuag tug muam mug ua neej og
$15,000 rov los tsis yog nqi taub hau nws tsuas yog nqi tshoob nqi kos xwb, ib lub taub hau tib neeg tsis yog 10 tawm nyuag phav nyiaj xwb txawm yuav tau os hmoob kwv tij.
brother thanks you
Zoo hv li os tij
brother cheng...koj hais tau YOG TSHAJ PLAWS. peb haiv hmoob nyob thoob qab ntuj ces yeej xa tus ntxhais mus ua neej zoo li tej lus koj tau piav ntawv. peb haiv hmoob yuav tau hloov txoj kev ntuas leejntxhais mus ua nyab.... THIAB... yog hais tias yuav ntuas leejntxhias mus ua nyab... yuav TSUM ntuas leejvauv los hlub tus ntxhais thiab leejniam tais yawmtxiv. li no thiaj yog ntuas rau txoj kev zoo. peb haiv hmoob lub siab dub dub thiab ruam heev... tsuas yog muaj niamtais yawmtxiv ntuas tus ntxhais xwb... tab sis ntawm tus vauv yeej TSIS MUAJ 1 tug los ntuas nws kom nws ua tus zoo vauv thiab ua 1 tug zoo txivtsev.
yeej yog li zaj lus no
Koj hais yeej yog Kawg li os tij laug aw
tell ghost story
more love story
kuv ces zoo li twb Tsis must UA Nyab yog muag mus ua qhev rau hauv luag tsev hmoob xwb twb yog nyiam2 thiab ntshaw2 thiaj Sib yuav uas cas hnub no ho ua Tsis tau hlub Tsis tau is lawv
tij laug kj hais yog lawm kv kiag los yeej tsis xav ov leej twg kiag li lawm
Mus Ua nyab saum luag es yog luag heev kom Yu heev li luag thiab no yuav heev li cas na tij laug es? Kuv ces niam pog hai yog tsis yog Lo kuv yeej teb tsis thee li hlwb nqeeb dhau os
That’s My Girl thaum ub peb cov nyab siab ntev dhau lawm ces Niam Pog cem cem Ces cia li khiav Ua Nkauj fa mus noj tshuaj dai tuag lawm naw yog li no ces Cov mus ua nyab tshiab tamsim no Mas yuav tsum heev kom sib phim thiaj li Nyob taus nawb
Mean tias Yu tau cav lawv sometimes thiab yog lawv too much no lob? Sorry tsis tau taub li
คํารัก ที่เธอไม่เคยฟัง muaj lus nug dabtsi sau Email tuaj rau Kuv os
Cov lus ko yog lus piv txiv xwb tsis yog hais tiag tiag yog yug mus ua nyab rau saum luag lawm ce luag hais li cas yug yuav tsum tau ua li ntawm
Yus li ces yus yuav txiv yus yeej tsis tau muaj leej twg qhuav ntuas yus li as yus li mam los xyaum yus tus kheej xwb los ua neej tau 37 lub xyoo no los tseem xyaum tas zog li os tus saib tsi taus yus los muaj tus tsi nyiam yus los muaj Tab si yus khwv yus noj xwb ces tus saib taus yus los yus kuj saib tau lawv hos tus saib tsi taus yus los yus kuj ua kom phim lawv thiab xwb vim yus twb Tsi thov lawv noj lawv haus ne👍
txiv ntxawm ob peb nub no koj nyob licas lawm
I agreed with everything you said except the bride price. The bride price is such a small amount and only has a ceremony meaning. To truly pay for a human life, no other living being can afford. When I left home to marry my husband, my father who was an educated person, a school teacher back in Laos, told me to get an education, build my life, be kind to others, and most of all, demand and expect love from my husband. He told me that I'm not a second class citizen. Today, I am an educated person who has a successful career, have properties, and own my own successful business. Although I am the educated one in our marriage, my husband and I are equal partners. We each have the right to spend our money; however, we do inform each other of our spendings if the the amount is over a thousand. My most successful accomplishments is to leave a legacy of education in my husband's family. My children are aiming for higher education, some are done with their degrees and others are working towards.
I never pay attention to those words or/and use them (if your are mature enough, you wouldn’t use them, these “words” are just an old phrase that Hmong use at wedding. If you use them you are not wise). I just do me. I like to stay clean, but I got married to a family that kind of messy. However, my parents in-law still think that they are the best and so judgmental and critical despite the fact that they are the messy and their own children are so immature. When I (I was 18) first got married to my husband (who was 27), he still acted like a kid sometimes and kind of lazy. He made me felt regret marrying him because I don’t want a childish husband and critical in-laws. However, I decided to stay marry to him and teach him to a man (he used to yell and argue with his family in front of people, but now he doesn’t do anymore). Now, he thanks to. I also made him quit smoking! I helped him change his life style. Now he has become a great man and a hard-working father.
I had a very hardship childhood; my father passed away when I was 8 and my mother remarried. My grandma raised me and my siblings. I am the oldest child, and I had to go work in the field to help my grandma take of us kids. My grandma is a shaman and I also learned to SAIB NEEB, since I was 8 years old. I became a mother to my younger siblings, so I was very mature at a young age. We still lived in Thailand back then. We came to the USA in 2005.
I got married on 2010. We date for only 4 month and got married. I decided to married a man that I hardly knew. After we got married and went to live with his family. I was shock by the way he and some of siblings act, because all of them are over 20. By the way, he is all-good now!
Mya Xiong good to hear your life story and hope you have a wonderful life...BTW I’m thank you for listening
Zoo kg os py
qia li no thiaj li yog qhia neeg txawj qhuab qhia neeg nawb kj yog ib tus nus us txawj qhuab qhia
what about us men
Caskjhaistau tukvsiab ua luajli os
ua tsuag ua koj tseem qhia os
Best advice ever given to me by me to avoid all of this bs....is......for the ladies...marry a men who already have a place of his own and is not reliant on his parents. The DUDES. have a place of your own before you get married so that you dont have to deal with all this bs
Tus brother kuv nyiam mloog koj cov stories heev li.
GG YY, it doesnt matter if the dude you married is independent and has his own place...if he's not man enough to stand by you and if he's a mama's boy then theres problems onw way or another. he will side with his family and not with you. eventhough you and him are not living with them they can move in anytime because your husband will allow them to.
thats a 'if' and 'what' answer...what im giving is a standard people should do before they get married
That being said. Learn to cook in the kitchen then.
Mình không biết viết chữ hmong nhưng ông này nói vậy thì con dâu ghê hơn cả bố mẹ rồi....nâng con dâu lên làm bố mẹ luôn đi....next
Txiv ntxawm aw koj tham tau zoo kg Li o
yog kawg kj hais yog lawm txiv ntxawm
Tij laug tej zaum yaj no koj hais tau tsis yog lawm os
i understand your good intention of advice but when you compare us women as animals is just wrong! i find this very offensive.
ehehe, dont be so sensitive, once u a mom n a grandma u will see it all make sense
i think you don't get his point. he did not intentionally compare us girls to animals as an animal. it's hard to elaborate in English writing so i'm not gonna try.
I think you misunderstood his making example, you have to re listen again and open your positive mind, not too quick to feel offense. we love our hmong trophy wife more than anything on earth including sacrifice our life for our beloved wife, many good men out there who tread their wife like special queen, only some not so good. this story teller made a very good point but you just jump to the negative point of story.
we hmog married for life not just use for pleasure term by term like western style marriage, to what I know white, black or brown all have family issue between niam pog and nyab, mostly other races they don't share house with their parent, that's why they don't have much family feud, hmong cultuer is abit tight, once married, the newly tub nyab have to stay with parent for few years before moving out, it's depend, if the parent paid full bride price for the son, he has to stay with parent to serve them enough before he move out, but if he paid his own bride, he only stay depend on his parent up to the time he and his new bride had save some money to go live on their own, some time parent tread their tub nyab very good, that they just got married, their life drop too low, they need to catch up little bit before going live on their own, hmong tub nyab are lucky some that parent still let them share house for as long as the tub nyab still need support. I think hmong family culture is kind good in some way.