Power Rangers SPD (Infinite Stratos 2)

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +16

    I can imagine scenes from the episode "A-Bridged" as follows:
    Ichika: Despite our all-out search, there's still no word on the A-Squad's fate. Until we find out the truth, they're listed as MIA.
    Houki: Send us, Ichika. We'll find 'em.
    Ichika: I appreciate that, Houki, but who's gonna defend Earth? Besides, we need you to be on the lookout for an intergalactic bank robber.
    Charlotte: That's it? No photo of the perpetrator?
    Rin: Is he white or red? Is he black or blue?
    Is he furry or scaly? Three arms or two?
    Cecilia: Rin, this is hardly the place and time for some ridiculous rhymes.
    Laura: Wunderbar! Rin, you must have taken that from my bath book.
    Ichika: Anyway, sorry, girls. No one knows what he looks like. Uh, Laura, could I speak to you for a moment?
    (Laura approaches him)
    Laura: Jawohl, Kommandant.
    Ichika: (whispers) You have... a bath book?
    Laura: Yes, Ichika. Doesn't everybody?
    (the Delta Squad Megazord is having difficulty subduing T-Top)
    Houki: No sell! Got any ideas, guys?
    Laura: Try super crime scene tape!
    Houki: What?!
    Rin: That never works.
    Laura: Trust me!
    Charlotte: Can't hurt.
    (the Megazord ties up T-Top w/the tape)
    Houki: (whips out her morpher) T-Top, on the charges of five counts of bank robbery, JUDGMENT!
    SPD Morpher: Judgment time!
    Houki: What the hell?! Not guilty?!
    Laura: I told you so!
    Houki: That can't be!
    T-Top: See?
    Cecilia: In that case, deploying shrink cuffs!
    (the Megazord slaps T-Top w/shrink cuffs, shrinking him back to his original size; the demorphed Rangers approach him)
    Houki: How come the scanner found you not guilty of robbing those banks?
    T-Top: Maybe because I didn't rob those banks! I'm a bounty hunter, working undercover, chasing Hydrax, the Fernovian bank robber. And if it wasn't for your meddling, I would've caught her, too!
    Laura: Ah! A Fernovian. A plant-based alien creature. Makes sense now.
    (Diane approaches)
    Diane: That's the guy! I saw him break into the bank! Arrest him!
    Laura: But he's not guilty!
    Diane: How is that possible?
    Laura: You should know. You framed him!
    Charlotte: Quoi?!
    Laura: She is clever. Perhaps even too clever. Or was it too clever-er. Nevertheless, she is the Fernovian bank robber!
    Diane: What are you getting at?
    Houki: Laura, are you sure about that?
    Laura: (approaches an empty car) Sure enough to do this!
    (she lifts the car up w/her Schwarzer Regen arms)
    Diane: What the hell are you doing?!
    (Laura tosses the car at Diane, who transforms back into Hydrax and slices the car in half w/a sharp, thin blast of water)
    Houki: Holy shit!
    Hydrax: Oh, crap.
    Laura: I knew it. She IS the robber! Like I said, she's a Fernovian, a plant-based being that has the ability to jettison water under an extremely high-pressured stream, enabling them to cut through any object, such as the car I threw at her. And you, Hydrax, tried to frame T-Top so we would apprehend him and get him off your tail. Or in your case, your root.
    Hydrax: Big deal. If you think you can beat me, let's go, then. I thought I'd fool you. After I beat you, I'll get my money back from Squall. I was followed to Earth by the bounty hunter T-Top. I paid Squall to get him off my tail. And you all fell for it. Well, except for the bitch in green.
    Laura: Then I am your problem. You may be able to fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, and some of all the people all some of the time, but you cannot fool Laura Bodewig! And I'm going to bring you in! SPD Emergency!
    (she morphs)
    (Laura has survived many a hit fighting Hydrax)
    Laura: Sehr ghut. Sehr sehr ghut. But not too ghut. In fact, not ghut enough! Hydrax, on the charges of five counts of bank robbery, one count of fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit murder, and one count of impersonating a witness, it's judgment time!
    SPD Morpher: Judgment time!
    Laura: And based on all the evidence I've gathered, there is absolutely no doubt that the scanner will find you...!
    All five Rangers: Guilty!

    • @FiezaAmran-tj5tr
      @FiezaAmran-tj5tr Год назад


  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  6 лет назад +8

    Picture a scene from Insomnia like so:
    Laura: Girls, I have a question. Have you ever wondered why Phantom Task just hasn't destroyed Earth like they did Alandria?
    Cecilia: If they can destroy Earth from orbit, why don't they?
    Houki: They must need something.
    Rin: But what? They already have millions worth of diamonds.
    (she has a flashback of when the diamonds were stolen)
    Laura: Wait a minute. Remember when Phantom Task sent Green Eyes to steal all that gold? He only made it through with a few bars.
    (she has a flashback of when the gold depository was raided)
    Laura: That must be it! Phantom Task's ultimate scheme is to run the largest jewelry store on Earth!
    (the other six girls stare at her)
    Laura: Then again, maybe not.
    Charlotte: Phantom Task must be trying to build something lethal, like a new vessel.
    Cecilia: Can't be done with a few bars of gold. That sort of metal is much too soft.
    Laura: Unless they added iridium. Iridium is a hardening agent, even for all sorts of metal.
    (she has a flashback of when the iridium was stolen)
    Charlotte: Okay. So Phantom Task is looting Earth of our resources to build either IS units, a vessel, or a giant weapon.
    Kanzashi: Something of that magnitude would require radioactive material to drive through the reactor.
    Tatenashi: Hold on. Houki, remember that meteor you blew up?
    Houki: Uh-huh.
    Tatenashi: Phantom Task could have picked up a piece of it. The radiation would be more than enough!
    (she has a flashback of when Houki blew up the meteor)
    Rin: So Phantom Task has everything they need to build whatever it is they're building.
    Houki: Everything but a synthesizing agent to bring 'em all together.
    All seven girls: Hemotech synthetic plasma!
    Houki: The laboratory was raided.
    (she has a flashback of when the plasma was stolen)
    Charlotte: I don't like this. We have to warn Ichika.
    Ichika: (who had been eavesdropping on them) Warn me of what?

    • @neojay7522
      @neojay7522 Год назад

      (The girls all start talking over each other, making it hard for Ichika to understand them)
      Ichika: Wait... Slow down... Rangers, SILENCE!
      (The girls stop talking.)
      Ichika: What is this about?
      Houki: Ichika... We heard what you said to Ms. Yamada and Vice-Commander Orimura. You think if the A-Squad was here, we would've already defeated Grumm and Phantom Task.
      Ichika: Apparently, you didn't eavesdrop on my conversation long enough. If you had, you would've heard Ms. Yamada and I agree with my sister that if her A-Squad was that good, they wouldn't have fallen into Grumm's hands.
      (Ichika gives a proud smile)
      Ichika: As you all haven't.
      (The girls all blush from this statement while recognizing the truth in Ichika's words)
      Ichika: (Back to Commander Mode) Will that be all?
      Tatenashi: No, sir. While we were... Feeling sorry for ourselves, we realized that Phantom Task is using resources from this planet to build something very large. It is our job as Rangers to protect the planet, and--
      Ichika: Yes. I, too, believe that Phantom Task is using our resources against us. The time has come to act.
      (The girls smile at each other)
      Ichika: But we'll do it after you all get some sleep.
      All seven girls: Yes, sir!
      (The girls begin to go to their rooms before Ichika calls to them)
      Ichika: And Rangers...! Make no mistake; The fate of the world rests in your hands.
      (All seven girls nod at their commanding officer/crush's statement, determination burning in their eyes)

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +7

    Imagine a scene from SWAT like this:
    (Ichika enters while Yamada is making adjustments to SPD SWAT mode)
    Yamada: I'm going as fast as I can.
    Ichika: I didn't say anything.
    Yamada: You look like you were going to.
    Ichika: Well, I wasn't. I was thinking about the cadets. Miss Yamada, have you noticed how they've been bickering a lot lately?
    Yamada: Five teenage girls asked to protect the world under the command of the one guy they're in love with and forced to live in such tight quarters? I'm surprised they're even talking at all.
    (the quantum enhancer blows up)
    Yamada: Oh, my God! Please tell me I didn't fry the quantum enhancer. Please tell me I didn't fry the quantum enhancer!
    Charlotte: (enters) What happened?
    Ichika: Miss Yamada fried the quantum enhancer.

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +10

    Picture the SPD episodes as follows (w/a few changes/ideas of my own based on inexplicably unused plots from Dekaranger):
    Pt. 1:
    A year after their downfall, a few members of Phantom Task have escaped from their imprisonment and have chosen to join in cahoots with the Troobians, led by the evil Emperor Gruumm.
    Meanwhile, at the Space Patrol Delta branch of IS Academy, B-Squad Red Ranger Ichika Orimura has just completed a mission. However, his older sister, Commander Chifuyu Orimura, informs her brother that she has been promoted to Supreme Vice Commander of SPD. With the A-Squad Rangers on a very important assignment, Ichika, the only B-Squad Ranger available, is the only one available to step in. Ichika reluctantly turns in his morpher and assumes command. His first assignment: Prepare new recruits Cecilia Alcott and Rin Fan to become Power Rangers for his new B-Squad.
    After a rigorous training exercise, Cecilia and Rin happen upon Charlotte Dunois and Laura Bodewig who had been accused of stealing from rich muggers and giving to the needy. All four suddenly get surrounded by Gruumm's Krybots.
    Pt. 2:
    Cecilia and Rin morph into the Blue and Pink SPD Rangers (respectively) and fight off all the Krybots, then take Charlotte and Laura into custody. Ichika offers them a deal: Join the B-Squad in exchange for dropping the charges, or serve their time. The duo agrees to the former and become the Yellow (Charlotte) and Green (Laura) Rangers.
    Their first assignment: Assist Cecilia and Rin in battling Gruumm's elite guard: A Bluehead, to prevent it from acquiring a one-of-a-kind proton accelerator. Just as they are cornered, Ichika sends in a surprise recruit: Houki Shinonono, to save her team as the Red Ranger.
    While Gruumm leads the A-Squad into deep space, Houki lets being leader of the B-Squad go to her head. This causes the other four Rangers to revolt against her, which leads Ichika to reluctantly relieve Houki of her Ranger status. The other four Rangers battle Gruumm's newest monster, but without Houki, the Rangers can't combine their Delta Runners to form the Delta Squad Megazord to fight off the monster's giant robot. Ichika starts to have second thoughts about his decision and reinstates Houki.
    Maya Yamada adds the Red and Green SPD Patrol Cycles to the B-Squad's arsenal. The Rangers later receive a transmission from the A-Squad, who had been under attack on their mission. Cecilia is assigned to guard millions of dollars worth of diamonds, but she refuses to let Houki hog all the glory.
    The robotic dog of SPD: RIC (Robotic Interactive Canine), is badly malfunctioning, but after Rin finds him in the junkyard, Laura and chief gadget tester Kaoruko Mayuzumi decide to repair him with some useful upgrades. Meanwhile, the Rangers investigate missing persons in the industrial district.
    Abridged (changed title because there is no Bridge in Infinite Stratos):
    While the Rangers are on a manhunt for a Fernovian bank robber, they run into T-Top (whose ability to slice even the hardest substances with ease matches the MO of the bank robber), but Laura has doubts. She consults with Diane, a "witness" to a recent bank robbery, who claims T-Top did it. But Laura's suspicions grow further.
    It turns out that Diane is actually Hydrax, the Fernovian bank robber, who is paying Squall Meusel (ex-leader of Phantom Task) to get T-Top, who is really a bounty hunter, off her back.
    Pt. 1:
    Charlotte befriends a young boy named Sam, who is being used by Autumn's monster Bugglesworth to steal buildings and turn people into dolls for his collection.
    Pt. 2:
    Sam tells Charlotte that the only way to break Bugglesworth's spell is to capture or destroy him before his spell on the dolls becomes irreversible.
    An old friend of Cecilia's from the United Kingdom drops by, but it turns out he is really Giganes, a monster hired by Squall to infiltrate and attack SPD.
    Houki and Rin are assigned to a stakeout (with a little help from Piggy) to stop an escaped convict from kidnapping a scientist, much to Rin's dismay, since the stakeout conflicts with her birthday plans.
    Pt. 1:
    Ichika starts having nightmares of his childhood, such as a horrifying attack on his old elementary school that claimed the lives of numerous students and faculty. He soon receives a disturbing message from General Benaag, the criminal responsible for the attack (and the destruction of five planets). Yamada is soon kidnapped by Benaag while the Rangers are occupied by Squall and Autumn.
    Pt. 2:
    Ichika receives a call from Chifuyu on Benaag's whereabouts. She sends him the Patrol Morpher. While the other Rangers deal with Benaag's robot, Ichika locates Benaag, morphs into the Shadow Ranger, and fights him and an army of 100 Krybots to save Yamada.
    Since the arrival of the Shadow Ranger, the B-Squad has begun to take Ichika for granted.
    Pt. 1:
    While training new recruits, Laura befriends one of them: Sophie, who has the team buzzing. It turns out that Gruumm's monster Valko intends to use her to control the deadly robot Goradon.
    Pt. 2:
    Sophie, who is really a cyborg, has been suspended, but Ichika demands the B-Squad return her to SPD promptly. They discover that she is being held prisoner by Valko, who uses her programming to use Goradon to attack the Delta Squad Megazord. Ichika rushes to the rescue and captures Valko, but Goradon is still on the rampage, so all six Rangers return to the base to convert the base into the Delta Command Megazord to destroy it.
    Mayuzumi's parents visit, thinking their daughter is a Ranger, but Mayuzumi can't find it in her heart to tell them the truth.
    A dangerous alien criminal switches bodies with Cecilia in order to frame her and get off scot free.
    Gruumm abducts a noble warrior from the past and tricks him into fighting the Rangers in Kyoto. With all six Rangers out of town, Gruumm raids the iridium plant.
    Supreme Vice Commander Chifuyu Orimura arrives at the IS Academy branch of SPD with Supreme Commander Fowler Birdy, who clashes with Ichika and relieves him of duty. The B-Squad can't adjust to Birdy taking over, and Chifuyu is suddenly attacked by Gruumm. Only Ichika (riding his new Delta ATV) can save his sister.
    After capturing Gruumm's Green-Eyes monster, the Rangers each give Ichika a different story as to what happened, until satellite surveillance is repaired.

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +6

    Imagine a scene from Robotpalooza like this:
    (Ichika notices Laura sleeping in the command center)
    Ichika: Laura? Laura?
    Laura: Five more minutes, Charlotte.
    Ichika: All right. You just sleep as long as you want.
    Laura: Danke.
    Houki: You've gotta be shitting me.
    (10 seconds of silence)
    Ichika: Cadet Bodewig, on your feet! NOW!
    (Laura wakes up)
    Laura: Jawohl, Kommandant!
    Ichika: Do you honestly believe the command center is a place for you to take a nap?!
    Laura: Nein, mein herr!
    Ichika: You think fighting two robots is exhausting?!
    Laura: Nein, mein herr, but fighting five is.
    Ichika: And how is it that you fought five and everyone else here fought only two?
    Cecilia: (under her breath) Don't say it, Laura.
    Laura: Dream fighting, Ichika.
    Charlotte and Rin: She did.

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +9

    List 2:
    Pt. 1:
    Mayuzumi receives a distress signal from the Russian branch of SPD of a recent attack by the deadly Devastation and his brother Shorty (the two most violent criminals in the galaxy). All of their cadets are out of commission, except for Omega and Nova, who are already on their way to the IS Academy branch.
    Devastation pays Squall for a deadly new robot while Shorty and Autumn battle the Rangers.
    Pt. 2:
    Just as a giant Shorty has the Rangers and the Delta Command Megazord cornered, a surprise rescue from the Omegamax Megazord, which successfully destroys Shorty.
    When the Rangers regroup, they meet their saviors: The Omega and Nova Rangers. Their identities are revealed to be Tatenashi Sarashiki (Omega) and Kanzashi Sarashiki (Nova). Ichika is surprised to see his upperclassman and her sister back after a long time away.
    Later, Devastation decides to do battle with Tatenashi to get revenge on her for killing his brother while Kanzashi battles Autumn.
    With eight Rangers at SPD now and Devastation and Autumn dead, Gruumm is even madder than ever before. He hires Mysticon, a critically-panned magician, to capture a scientist. Mysticon can't afford one of Squall's robots, so Gruumm orders her to give him one for free, much to her disgust (ever since the dissolution of Phantom Task, Squall's primary goal has been money).
    Pt. 1:
    Yamada designs a new Battlizer for the Red Ranger while the Rangers investigate a copycat criminal (one who takes the forms of monsters the Rangers had already captured or killed prior).
    Tatenashi interrogates Mirloc, a highly-elusive criminal who is serving a life sentence in a dark cell for multiple murders (among other crimes). Because he has ways of escaping into reflective objects, Tatenashi has to wear dark sunglasses with everything reflective on her uniform covered up. In addition to information on Slate, Mirloc tells Tatenashi a disturbing story about his finest accomplishment that got him locked up in the first place: Killing the commander (a Red Ranger) of the Russian branch of SPD while Devastation annihilated everyone else (except Tatenashi and Kanzashi). When the Omega Ranger hears this, she tears up, giving Mirloc the opportunity to escape through a teardrop.
    With the information in mind, the other seven Rangers take on Slate and destroy his robot, then on the ground, Slate multiplies into the numerous monsters whose disguises he had taken. Houki gets equipped with her new Battlizer and weakens them with Cyber Mode, then annihilates them with Sonic Mode, confining Slate.
    Pt. 2:
    When Tatenashi returns to headquarters, she informs the gang of Mirloc's escape and berates Ichika for not telling her about what Mirloc did to her former commander, but still blames herself for Mirloc's escape and believes she should be dismissed, but Houki refuses. The Rangers comb the city to find Mirloc, who imprisons the Rangers one by one in his reflective dimension, except Tatenashi, who Mirloc intends to kill himself.
    After a long battle, Mirloc is about to capture Tatenashi, when the vengeful pilot of the Mysterious Lady IS punches the monstrous criminal in the chest, shattering his mirrors and setting all his victims free.
    Houki hands Tatenashi her morpher, believing that it is only appropriate that Tatenashi bring down her old commander's killer as the Red Ranger. Tatenashi agrees and morphs into the Red Ranger, then successfully kills Mirloc with the Battlizer.
    Pt. 1:
    The core team begins to fall apart, so Ichika sends them to the planet Zentor to meet with Sergeant Silverback, who trains them rigorously to teach them how to reaccept one another.
    Pt. 2:
    The Rangers' training on Zentor continues, this time, without their Ranger powers or their IS units. The Rangers grow tired, and Silverback threatens to send them back with a recommendation of dismissal from SPD and IS Academy, but they protest and convince him otherwise. While Silverback thinks about it, he sends the Rangers on a 20-mile run through the short course, which the Rangers handle individually.
    During this run, the Rangers somehow hear each other's voices, but as they all regroup, they discover that Silverback may have tricked them. When dozens of Krybots attack them, they use teamwork to strike them with all they've got.
    Silverback congratulates the Rangers and gives them back their morphers and IS units, along with the equipment for their new SWAT Mode and the SWAT Truck.

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +7

    Imagine a scene from Samurai like so:
    Houki: Well, the Shadow Saber is all mine.
    Ichika: Actually, Houki, that's not the Shadow Saber. (whips out the Shadow Saber from his scabbard) This is the Shadow Saber.
    Houki: But there's only one. If that's the real one, then what's this?
    (her Shadow Saber is revealed to be an ordinary SPD sword)
    Ichika: Just an ordinary sword I found in the closet.
    Houki: (gasps) Ichika! Are you telling me that I fought the most powerful swordsman in the world with just a plain sword?!
    Ichika: And won!
    Houki: But I could've lost!
    Ichika: But you didn't. A sword is only as good as the one who wields it.
    Houki: (growls, morphs, and charges at Ichika) YOU TRICKED ME!
    Ichika: (also morphs) Now you're gettin' it!
    (both start sparring with their swords)

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +10

    Here's what I picture for a roll call:
    Houki: 1! SPD Red Ranger!
    Cecilia: 2! SPD Blue Ranger!
    Laura: Drei! SPD Green Ranger!
    Charlotte: Quatre! SPD Yellow Ranger!
    Rin: 5! SPD Pink Ranger!
    Tatenashi: 6! SPD Omega Ranger!
    Kanzashi: 7! SPD Nova Ranger!
    Ichika: SPD Shadow Ranger!
    All eight: Defenders of Earth! Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta!

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +3

    Imagine a scene from Messenger like so:
    (the Delta Squad Megazord charges at Devastation's robot; suddenly, the Omegamax Cycle comes up beside it)
    Houki: Hey!
    Tatenashi: Beat ya there, Houki!
    Houki: We'll see about that!
    (the Megazord hops on top of the cycle)
    Tatenashi: Hey! No free rides!
    Houki: Just shut up and drive!

  • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
    @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +10

    Imagine a scene from Wormhole like so:
    Ichika: It's true we're outnumbered, but keep in mind that it's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog! No one gets inside our circle!
    Houki: No one gets inside!
    Takashi: No one gets inside!
    Tatenashi: No one gets inside!
    Kanzashi: No one gets inside!
    Saya: No one gets inside!
    Cecilia: No one gets inside!
    Alice: No one gets inside!
    Charlotte: No one gets inside!
    Saeko: No one gets inside!
    Laura: No one gets inside!
    Rin: No one gets inside!
    Rei: No one gets inside!
    Ichika: No one gets inside!
    Houki: You got it, Ichika!

    • @FiezaAmran-tj5tr
      @FiezaAmran-tj5tr Год назад

      Sbd d.snxdbxmdbdbavaamsj0bddhchxjxodidhdsbsas
      Dgagssnsosbdvsmsododdbsvdmsd9dndbqq+diycjfd gcmcockdbdi7cjfd xmcyxnf

    • @FiezaAmran-tj5tr
      @FiezaAmran-tj5tr Год назад

      Ejfucjf9djdherj'$(_+''?_)'+'+_;_!vuvkvf0dnvmdc98cfjrbvrjr7cfjfp verkycjc

  • @neojay7522
    @neojay7522 Год назад +1

    A scene from "Shadow Pt. 2" like so:
    Ichika: (Facing down Benaag's 100 Krybots, pulls out the Patrol Morpher) Thank you, Chifuyu-nee. Hah! S.P.D. Emergency!
    (With that, Ichika Orimura morphs into the...)
    Ichika: Shadow Ranger! You've caused me great pain before, Benang, but that has only made me stronger! I am Shadow Ranger!
    (Ichika then draws and activates the...)
    Ichika: Shadow Saber! Hyah! Hah! With this, the truest sword in the galaxy, and the best swordsmanship in the universe, I will right all wrongs.

    • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
      @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  Год назад

      Actually, it's more like this:
      Ichika: (faces *Benaag* and 100 Krybots; extracts his Patrol Morpher) Thanks, Sis. SPD Emergency!
      (he gets suited up)
      Ichika: SPD Shadow Ranger! Benaag, all the pain you caused me in the past has only made me stronger! (whips out his saber) And with my Shadow Saber, the truest sword in the galaxy, and the universe's greatest swordsmanship, I will right all that was wrong!

  • @NepCarbon43
    @NepCarbon43 3 года назад +3

    Cool bro

  • @haziqdani4997
    @haziqdani4997 7 лет назад +7

    Is it a little weird it just only one male hero on the team

    • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
      @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +4

      Well, seeing as Ichika was the only competent and capable male, not to mention the only male at his school, he truly was the only male Ranger in this opening.

    • @IanRomErv
      @IanRomErv 6 лет назад

      That's what u have to expect from Harem animes.

  • @ghostreader3692
    @ghostreader3692 7 лет назад +4

    Hey, where's the Cat Ranger?

    • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
      @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  7 лет назад +2

      I'm saving that for season 3 (if ever there will be one), if there are any new combat-capable characters and/or Chifuyu finally goes into combat more often.
      Anyway, there weren't enough worthy characters in season 2 to be the Cat Ranger.

    • @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite
      @PowerRangersandAnimeUnite  6 лет назад +3

      So far, Chifuyu is the best I've got. But if SPD had actually adapted the short-lived DekaGold from one of Dekaranger's films, it would have been a lot easier.

    • @yamigivo2693
      @yamigivo2693 6 лет назад +1

      Just really hope they make a season 3