Successes and failures of the NDIS | ABC News

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @FionaEm
    @FionaEm Год назад +15

    A good overview of the NDIS for those on the scheme. However, many more disabled people can't access the scheme because of flawed assumptions and incorrect advice from so-called medical experts. ME/CFS is a key example. 25% of us are bedbound/housebound and require help with shopping, cleaning etc, yet ME/CFS is not on the NDIS list of approved conditions. What's more, the sole ME/CFS medical advisor to the NDIS runs a clinic that promotes graded exercise therapy as a treatment, even though this has been expressly discredited by US, UK and some European govt health authorities. Thousands of Australians with this condition are being left out by the NDIS, while providers for ppl in the scheme are overcharging and wasting public money. Please speak with the Parliamentary Friends group co-chaired by Jordon Steele-John and Maria Vamavinkou.

  • @joshuajames1610
    @joshuajames1610 Год назад +13

    Ndis have completely ignored my physical disabilities and just keep asking for more and more evidence it goes nowhere. Then it costs me to get the evidence. At the moment I need 3 MRIs and as a disability pensioner there's no way I can afford that. There's so far no help from Medicare, Ndis or anyone. This plus the constant pain I'm in is the cause of any mental health issues I have. It's all stress related. Take away the stress and I'll have no mental health issues it's simple.

    • @jennadee6761
      @jennadee6761 Год назад +1

      Amen to your point about evidence & reports. I’d like to stop spending most of my funding doing more assessments, preparing for early reviews and fighting the NDIA to simply meet my basic human rights. All of these reports & professional recommendations go completely ignored & are never read prior to the planning meetings!

    • @trish5111
      @trish5111 3 месяца назад

      So sorry to hear. What state are u in ?
      If you are referred by a specialist for an MRI it can be bulk billed.
      If u can find a rheumatologist or similar specialist with a low gap it will be cheaper than paying for the MRIs.

    • @joshuajames1610
      @joshuajames1610 3 месяца назад

      ​@@trish5111I'm in Victoria and really tried everything to try and find somewhere that will bulk bill for me no one will. And now there's no point in trying because I know that they will just hold onto the results if I was to get the MRIs or lose them then say that I have to do them all over again at my own cost. So I've just given up on the whole thing.

  • @CoreyChallis
    @CoreyChallis Год назад +12

    The initial ideas behind the scheme were made in good faith and were supposed to give the diabled person the autonomy and freedom to "shop around" for services - in turn, this private model was supposed to create healthy competition, but instead a poorly regulated and inconsistent "market" where NDIS participants are overcharged and under-supported by a poorly qualified workforce.
    NDIS registration needs to focus on participant safety, accountability and consistency across service providers. At the moment, buisness owners only bother to become NDIS registered because it allows them to charge from more expensive line-items from participants' plans. Us providers need to be working outselves out of a job, as in creating independnence and dependence on our service. Some practices and "business models" are disgusting and leech off of the most vulnerable people in our communities..

    • @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp
      @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp 3 месяца назад

      I have scars on my hands from working ndis, worker are physically attacked amount of money can replace the injuries workers have sustained by working NDIS

  • @constancescholl450
    @constancescholl450 Год назад +12

    I want to see support workers regulated with training and certification. Too many support workers are looking at clients as cash cows and not doing their job

    • @resurrectingand
      @resurrectingand 10 месяцев назад

      It might increase the cost to have support workers and reduce the number of available support workers too.

    • @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp
      @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp 3 месяца назад

      No one want to work NDIS, it hard work, your criticised publicly, your assaulted by clients verbally and physically and under paid thank you. No one wants these jobs
      That's just the tip of a very large ice burg

    • @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp
      @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp 3 месяца назад

      No one wants these jobs

  • @Michelle_Emm
    @Michelle_Emm Год назад +20

    The level of waste and lack of care I've witnessed in the NDIS is a national disgrace.

    • @FaridShahidinejad
      @FaridShahidinejad Год назад +2

      I wouldn't be surprised if supplier companies are ripping off the government blind with overzealous billing.

  • @constancescholl450
    @constancescholl450 Год назад +5

    My experience ( based on my son) has been very unreliable. He has had 5 years of funding with no services or supports available in our area. Any resources he/we buy aren’t refunded based on an individual assessment of what he needs even though they don’t live in his skin. He has a serious scoliosis condition that’s not adequately supported with resources, support and medical care. Too many professionals say they can help but the waiting lists are horrendous and then the care is based on minimal knowledge and training. The plan manager has too much say in what supports he is refunded for. To change the team and management are long winded and uncooperative let alone controlling of their jobs. I want to be able to change management without complicated documentation and procedures

    • @justrandombro4092
      @justrandombro4092 Год назад

      my plan manager are australia wide i believe and are very good with approving funds i wouldnt know about refunds but thats tricky as if it needs to be stated a certain way on the invoice you cant get it changed.

  • @user-fed-yum
    @user-fed-yum Год назад +6

    The NDIS is supposed to bring in more money to the economy than it costs. So it should be looked at as an investment, not a cost center. So if this is still the case, why would anyone (especially the treasurer) be concerned about how much it costs? In fact, the more you spend, the more money you get back; was what we were told. Is this still true?

    • @KayAteChef
      @KayAteChef Год назад +2

      Depends how they are spending. Not all spending is equal. Generally we find that efficiency needs to be boosted every so often. We see it in the public sector and we see it in the private sector; a low level of corruption slowly takes over and whether we measure productivity or whether we measure how many people are being helped per million dollars spent, we will find that a shake up is needed every so often because otherwise it is the administrators and vendors who are the moochers and customers get less.
      I have seen it in my workplace. Over time we start wondering what so and so actually does. People ask "hey what is his job?" And then eventually there is a round of layoffs and the business seems much busier. And then they realise that they need someone to help here and there and they hire people and the money is spent better but there is a gradual decay that needs to be tended to in all organisations.
      It may be the case that NDIS needs a sharp blade to cut the fat off. We can't reasonably expect to fix every problem through spending so there is a limit to how much we should spend. Someone will be left without. And that is okay. It may be the case that there is diminishing returns to spending.
      Labor don't possess such a sharp knife. The Liberal Party learned after Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey's budget that Australia had no appetite for lean spending. So we have had 10 years of cowardly governance. We need the razor gangs to go in and cut the NDIS back like a rose bush so it can grow back better.

    • @user-fed-yum
      @user-fed-yum Год назад

      @@KayAteChef Nicely formatted paragraphs. Well spaced grammar and spelling. Bereft of relevance and fact. What about. What about. What about. 🤦

  • @micopanel2778
    @micopanel2778 2 месяца назад +1

    As a person that cares about people I wanted to join the NDIS to help people and make a difference … joining the NDIS is made so hard for genuine people

  • @historychannel365
    @historychannel365 Год назад +5

    Well done, Nas! There is still a long way to go until the plan comes to fruition, but it is encouraging to hear some of the success stories.

  • @andrewattenboroughtwothumb4697
    @andrewattenboroughtwothumb4697 Год назад +2

    I have heard of so many stories of the help it had done and given to others and the fraud and other problems including those who can’t get funding or support they need under the care they needed

  • @OGMillwood
    @OGMillwood Год назад +4

    Great job Nas! Definitely a long way to go to see the scheme working as intended, but great to hear some of the positive stories too.

  • @paulinetan9085
    @paulinetan9085 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great neutral overview of the scheme. I think there is a difference between success because of funding, rather than success of the scheme and ndia

  • @angeladean9980
    @angeladean9980 Год назад +7

    Well they did not help me im left in a bed with urine not showered in 6 months ndis has rejected me

    • @noramaddy4409
      @noramaddy4409 Год назад +1

      😒 Yes, this is the experience of many. Sorry for your circumstance.

    • @CoreyChallis
      @CoreyChallis Год назад +3

      Please report this to the Quality and Safeguards Commission Angela, that's awful.

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid Год назад +2

    This has been enlightening. My experience getting support has made me hesitant to even ASK QUESTIONS, because on numerous occasions i'd gotten kicked outof "the system" (Centerlink etc) due to paperwork or even clerical error. Once i'd successfully jumped through the NDIS hoops & i finally stopped being asked for things, i am left in a state where i'm terrified of daring to mess with it. i fear that anything that draws attention to my file (i have no idea) may throw me back into that Kafkaesque "do i deserve to exist?" soul grinder.
    I still don't understand how the system works, it'll forever be a hard subject to think about, & most TV shows dealing the matter literally trigger panic attacks. This one was ok tho! 👍🏻

  • @protectusplease9833
    @protectusplease9833 Год назад +4

    Once again it was scheme that looked good on the surface though became too top heavy ie to many public servants to pay with the people the scheme was supposed to help being left out of the care decision making, left out of joining the scheme due to being told they weren’t “disabled enough” & too many unscrupulous providers using the system as their own cash cow.

  • @constancescholl450
    @constancescholl450 Год назад +1

    As my sons advocate, the lack of care in keeping that voice attached to my son’s profile is disgusting and he recently lost it. Terrible for him because someone didn’t process the paperwork. Complicated to retrieve. He is basically mute and needs a voice. Initial planning meetings are disgusting, don’t attach relevant documents and don’t update changes adequately. Regional/rural care is based on metropolis and IS NOT WORKING

  • @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp
    @LizVENVILLE-ti8mp 3 месяца назад +1

    John Dardo, obviously has the best possible life, with no children that have life changing or challenging disabilities. Anyone that thinks NDIS is a hole that tax dollars fall into, has no clue who it actually supports or why. [ Ukraine and Gaza are holes we throw our tax dollars into, but you want that support ,but dont want to support your own back yard, disgraceful] They have no understanding because they are lucky enough to have no one in their lives or radar that needs such a support. What an inhumane conversation to have.

  • @tonyrandall3146
    @tonyrandall3146 6 месяцев назад

    Nas is my favourite newsreader on the ABC

  • @user-do3qz7kt2m
    @user-do3qz7kt2m Год назад +2

    What about people with mental disability,almost impossible to get ndis

  • @constancescholl450
    @constancescholl450 Год назад +1

    Also need support workers that can understand specific needs of teenagers…. That’s not happening and very irresponsible

  • @leonie563
    @leonie563 Год назад +1

    It should be means tested and anyone with a Disability Trust or Family Unit Trust nedd to be audited immediately.

  • @Paochinblog
    @Paochinblog Год назад +1

    NDIs should be provided for people have no way of surviving, I've witnesse mothers managed to put both kuds on NDIS with subtle signs of Austulism with her persistent, there must be some guidelines regardless persistence

  • @BenDover-zp4pv
    @BenDover-zp4pv Год назад +1

    ndis only made it worse for others who were rejected

  • @roxannedacey7880
    @roxannedacey7880 10 месяцев назад

    And it been a load of crap

  • @gabrielleshaw4865
    @gabrielleshaw4865 Год назад

    Why isn't kidney failure covered?

    • @trish5111
      @trish5111 3 месяца назад

      Because it is a medical condition and considered to be covered by Medicare/public hospital system.
      I'm not saying that it is adequately covered, but that is the policy.

  • @thomasschmutter469
    @thomasschmutter469 Год назад

    I understand the The National Disability Insurance Scheme from Thomas Schmutter Registered ®️ person in the Industry.

  • @Whoisthis1111
    @Whoisthis1111 Год назад +4

    The NDIS is growing unsustainably in cost. We need to fix cost issues so that it does provide equitable and fair outcomes for Australians with disabilities. The scheme has done wonders and it needs to be feasible so that it can continue to do wonders.
    Both the Coalition and Labor want it to continue and before the election Labor had refused to work with the coalition to keep the NDIS feasible and now that labor is in, the coalition is happy to work with labor now as well. We will see the scheme continue no matter who is in.

    • @tauIrrydah
      @tauIrrydah Год назад

      You are disgusting using the word cost the way you do as if it wasn't peoples lives. Neanderthals could keep people they loved alive, how disgraceful, our race can't manage the same without catcalling about COST.

  • @samanthajepsen7697
    @samanthajepsen7697 Год назад +1

    Just commenting so I can recieve some points on an app I use so pls carry on

  • @aaronaaron6569
    @aaronaaron6569 Год назад

    Another rort!

  • @flebafide
    @flebafide Год назад

    Ndis is and always has been an abject failure (as intended by design).

  • @goldcoasttime
    @goldcoasttime Год назад +1

    cash grab