ChrisPatten Last Speech

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @yinchungwong474
    @yinchungwong474 2 года назад +17

    A very sad occasion indeed. We miss His Lordship very much.

  • @vanessaseedlui2018
    @vanessaseedlui2018 9 лет назад +13

    moving speech followed by the most aptly chosen music which reflected the mood of the day. thank you for posting, klaus xx

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 2 года назад +12

    So sad to watch this 25 years later.

  • @hardliner6475
    @hardliner6475 Год назад +3

    Mr Pattern will always be remembered for his contributions to Hong Kong. But Hong Kong has fallen and there is no Hong Kong anymore!
    Who's good and who's bad we all know in our hearts!

  • @wendylam3768
    @wendylam3768 3 года назад +10

    Miss you so very much!! My favorite HK Governor!!

  • @minghuitsai1061
    @minghuitsai1061 5 лет назад +2

    Dear dear, hopefully you'll present us the history of the UK how the Kingdoms have been United through times and how 'human rights' are so important to us : for better conditions of lifes, better decent lifes and to fulfill the civic rights and be responsible for the future, our future. Even English foreign common wealth organisations of those times and nowadays... Be healthy, be responsible, be faithful, be happy...

  • @robertofranciscor.beltran5588
    @robertofranciscor.beltran5588 3 года назад +10

    The music was moving as the sun finally sets on the British Empire.

  • @samuelradin1543
    @samuelradin1543 8 лет назад +23

    why did they leave... it will never be the same...

  • @samfungcheung345
    @samfungcheung345 8 месяцев назад +1

    97 大限將至, 中英双方組織中英联合联絡小組, 在北京和伦敦幵会, 討論香港前途問題, 英方的立場不断退讓, 由最初的三条不平等条約有效論, 到以主权換取治权, 中英共管, 延續租借香港多50 年, 到最后, 同意一国两制, 資本主义維持五十年不変, 1984 年, 中英双方簽署中英联合声明, 中方代表是赵紫阳, 英方代表是戴卓尔夫人, 同日, 中英联合联絡小組宣布解散, 同时, 成立基本法咨詢委員會, 咨詢香港人的意見, 成立基本法起草委員會, 著手起草基本法的具体条文,

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 6 лет назад +8

    I most sincerely hope the people of Hong Kong is going to run Hong Kong. This is from the bottom of Chris heart.

  • @andysud9661
    @andysud9661 2 года назад +15

    Can you imagine a Chinese official delivering such an inspiring speech? Of course not…

    • @samfungcheung345
      @samfungcheung345 8 месяцев назад +1

      問君能有几多愁? 恰似一江春水向东流! (彭后主虞美人, )

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 2 года назад +5

    Sir Edward Elgar Nimrod will always be remembered by Hongkongers.

  • @ketinggiangurita.2295
    @ketinggiangurita.2295 3 года назад +5

    Chris patten sad.. Hong Kong...

  • @Nel-xb2gk
    @Nel-xb2gk Год назад +2

    Most people may not fully appreciated what Patten meant about those values unti recent years. He had foreseen then and introduced mechanism to protect HK people's civil rights, which unfortunately, were brutally demolished by the latest HK government.

  • @bubblefantastic7962
    @bubblefantastic7962 Год назад +2

    Can't stop crying ... 😭😭

    • @samfungcheung345
      @samfungcheung345 8 месяцев назад +1

      今文經學的經义口耳相傳, 古文經學的經义具体而微地記載在十三經注疏上, 今古文經學兼取, 今文經學認為六經皆偽, 刘向刘歆父子托古改制, 錢穆傾向这种學朮覌奌, 古文經學不輕疑古, 知道的就說知道, 不知道的就說不知道, 治學态度朴实可据, 章炳麟是古文經學最后一个大師, 康有為是今文經學最后一个大師, 章炳麟和康有為的傳人學生幵始采用西方學朮的覌奌研究, 排除了一切門戶之見, 舉例而言, 錢穆認為左傳是吴起的作品, 因為, 左傳記載的年份比春秋經長, 春秋經大約只記到鲁哀公十四年, 因此, 左傳不可据, 春秋公羊傳和谷梁傳才可据, 因為, 公羊傳和谷梁傳記載的年份和春秋經相同, 無可怀疑, 一般課本只会引述古文經學的說法, 說左傳是左丘明的作品, 左丘明可能姓左, 也有可能姓左丘, 待考, 知道的就說知道, 不知道的就說不知道, 學风嚴謹,

  • @allenduckburgermizmowitz7157
    @allenduckburgermizmowitz7157 5 лет назад +5

    Now the departure is becoming a disaster for both Mainland and the Island.

  • @alexfung9097
    @alexfung9097 2 года назад

    See the COLORS of the umbrellas!Blue/Yellow!!!

  • @samfungcheung345
    @samfungcheung345 8 месяцев назад +1

    今文經學的經义口耳相傳, 古文經學的經义具体而微地記載在十三經注疏上, 今古文經學兼取, 今文經學認為六經皆偽, 刘向刘歆父子托古改制, 錢穆傾向这种學朮覌奌, 古文經學不輕疑古, 知道的就說知道, 不知道的就說不知道, 治學态度朴实可据, 章炳麟是古文經學最后一个大師, 康有為是今文經學最后一个大師, 章炳麟和康有為的傳人學生幵始采用西方學朮的覌奌研究, 排除了一切門戶之見, 舉例而言, 錢穆認為左傳是吴起的作品, 因為, 左傳記載的年份比春秋經長, 春秋經大約只記到鲁哀公十四年, 因此, 左傳不可据, 春秋公羊傳和谷梁傳才可据, 因為, 公羊傳和谷梁傳記載的年份和春秋經相同, 無可怀疑, 一般課本只会引述古文經學的說法, 說左傳是左丘明的作品, 左丘明可能姓左, 也有可能姓左丘, 待考, 知道的就說知道, 不知道的就說不知道, 學风嚴謹,

  • @lesleymcshanemitchell9651
    @lesleymcshanemitchell9651 3 года назад +6

    Bet Hong Kong wish we together again. They will never knuckle under to the Red regi me

  • @samfungcheung345
    @samfungcheung345 8 месяцев назад +1

    問君能有几多愁? 恰似一江春水向东流! (彭后主虞美人, )

  • @christinelivesey9077
    @christinelivesey9077 2 года назад +3

    I can’t believe he didn’t know what would happen?

    • @carollyman4258
      @carollyman4258 2 года назад

      Hope springs eternal........

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 2 года назад

      The communist did not fully expose themselves at that time but only giving illusions after illusions to those who completely surrendered to them.

  • @hitleryu
    @hitleryu 4 года назад +2

    Chris! Plz come bk to be our leader again!

  • @ericwong3159
    @ericwong3159 2 года назад +5

    So sad they left HK !

  • @suitingtse2088
    @suitingtse2088 3 года назад +4

    God save the Queen !

  • @fafac7656
    @fafac7656 2 года назад +3

    Too painful to finish the whole speech

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 2 года назад

      I cannot thumb like but my heart feel exactly the same as yours. I watched Lord Patten speech on July 1 2022 on Hong Kong Watch.

    • @fafac7656
      @fafac7656 2 года назад

      @@canman5060 That's life. That's the natural cycle. Nothing can stay at all time high. Same goes the other way: nothing can stay at all time low. However, Hk is changed in the fundamental way forever.

  • @Symbolthingies
    @Symbolthingies 2 года назад +1

    "Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kong" remember that Xi Jinping.

    • @dantofl8811
      @dantofl8811 2 года назад +1

      And he said true democracy only started after the Brits left. What an a..h…

    • @deenagara9151
      @deenagara9151 Год назад

      The British never promise Democracy to HK!

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 6 лет назад

    Hong Kong is a very Hong Kong city.It is also a very Chinese (non communist) city.

  • @SzymonZeleznodaroznik
    @SzymonZeleznodaroznik 10 месяцев назад

    I love Hong Kong 🚩🚩🏴🏴

  • @altt-check1-2
    @altt-check1-2 Год назад

    HK should have stayed an overseas territory like Gibraltar

  • @deenagara9151
    @deenagara9151 2 года назад +1

    At 2:44, he did say that Hong Kong are Chinese!

    • @hiddenaccount5699
      @hiddenaccount5699 2 года назад +1

      He meant to say ethnic Chinese

    • @dantofl8811
      @dantofl8811 2 года назад

      @@hiddenaccount5699 no point to educate ppl like that.

    • @deenagara9151
      @deenagara9151 Год назад

      @@dantofl8811 Are you a troll?

    • @dantofl8811
      @dantofl8811 Год назад

      @@deenagara9151 are you a human?

  • @jesuslee8125
    @jesuslee8125 2 года назад +1

    Who know what's the song in the ending?

    • @chunyuitai2118
      @chunyuitai2118 Год назад

      ‘Nimrod’ from ‘Enigma Variations’ by Sir Edward Elgar

    • @h.k.623
      @h.k.623 Год назад

      Yes. Indeed. “Nimrod” is usually played on Remembrance Day or occasions of remembrance to the fallen. Was this chosen to signify that Britain has fallen by handing HK back or was it a foreboding for what was to come to HK?