www.dashlane.com/whitelight for swerving those nerds trying to watch you through your webcam. So this Need For Speed review was a very experimental project, like many of my recent videos, tell me what you think. If it's received well, I might go on to do the same for as many recent releases as I can, including DOOM Eternal.
His writing is one of the reasons why I keep watching his videos. It's cheeky and genius at the same time. References might fly past you without even realizing.
I actually love the cruises to the races in this game. A big part of the car community is cruises like those along the streets, showing off cars and hooning a bit. I think it adds a nice bit of humanity to the game.
I have no idea why with this aesthetic they didn’t give it a synthwave/vapor wave/outrun soundtrack. That would have seriously elevated the game for me, luckily I can just use RUclips to do that and some eurobeat too.
Exactly! NFS HP had an AMAZING soundtrack compared to this game I was blown away by the amount of tracks they had in the game and I’d argue there were a few songs for everyone in that game!
The soundtrack is more fitting of a Miami setting though, lots of Latino artists in the sound track as well as rappers that are from Florida as well. I would’ve liked some heavier shit in the nighttime section but I’m happy we got Denzel Curry
Speaking as someone, who has no interest in racing games, I can tell you, that you succeeded in your endeavour to make the video interesting even for people who have no interest in the game itself. Cheers, mate.
Oh my Godspeed! The word play, the editing, the...EVERYTHING!! I didn't expect to be this entertained by a Need For Spleen review. Congrats, sir, you've created a masterpiece :hyperclap:
@Spider-Venom it just felt like a desperate attempt to bring up Epstein and capitalize on a recent joke. Not trying to take away from the severity of the actual case, clearly this writer didnt care about that, shoe horning it into his freaking need for speed review it just felt so out of place and random in an annoying way
This game introduced me to racing games and turned me into a gearhead. The story is cliche but good enough to keep you playing. The day/night cycle made you choose if you'll play it safe or take a risk. Cop chases were thrilling and fun, even though it may be too challenging for new players. NFS Heat wasn't a masterpiece, but it was good enough, which is why I'll always remember it fondly.
You get to choose between being a thot or a thot patrol officer Thot's main goal to be the biggest thot ever and they become more popular by how much simps they have. While thot patrol officers stop thots from achieving their main goal by arresting them for the greater good. *NFS Thot Pursuit* Which side will you choose?
What I like about Midnight Club and Tokyo Xtreme Racer series is that they give the opponents some sense of a character. They have backstories, personalities and their own reasons for street racing. They're all pretty simple, but when there's so many of these, together they end up forming this overall idea of what street racing, the main setting of the game, can mean to different people. That's how you portray the social aspect of street racing, how you give an impression of the overall setting to the player. It's a great way to show different sides of the culture, showing the different mindsets, age groups and backgrounds the people have and how this one interest of theirs brings them all together to create this interestingly varied whole.
“Need for Speed: Yeet” killed me Edit: yeah the joke/minute rate was incredible. I resisted the urge to quote each and every one of them. Your recent release format will definitely hook people not interested in the actual games.
The Run did something completely different, and people either loved it or hated it. It's crazy to see such a divide in players' opinions. Even though the gameplay was linear as fuck, it felt almost like you were playing a movie. There would probably only be like 12 people buying it, but I'd love them to make a sequel, with more of an open-world feel. It'd be cool if they could do something like The Crew, with a very scaled down version of the US.
Night racing is the backbone of this game, that and customization are the only reasons why my friends and I still play NFS Heat 3 years later. Hoping that Criterion doesn't take away this experience from us in their upcoming release.
God all I want ALL I want is a game that plays like the old Underground games, where your car becomes basically your avatar how people will know you, with it having the graphics of modern racers.
Regarding the music in the game, remember the GOOD o' days when the devs of a lot of racing games would add all sorts of different music genres into their games and give you the ability to customize the soundtrack's playlist? That way, you could actually CHOOSE what you wanted to listen to of all the songs that they provided? I sure do miss features like that. You'd think as technology and game quality gets better and better, more and more features such as that would be more prominent and refined, but now they're just nonexistent, it's a shame.
Overall my only real problem with the game (Meh Story Aside) is rather subjective, the music. There are some alright tunes but personally there was only about two that i liked to speed to. Hell, Payback (the mess it was) had some that made cruising the open world worthwhile. Again, a subjective issue but seems they went for what would compliment the setting which i guess i understand. Beside that Good Game Ghost.
I'm going to defend the story mode. yeah, it's cheesy as fuck (Just like every NFS from the BlackBox era, except The Run) but at least the characters are bearable. I couldn't get myself to play through payback and NFS2015 because of how fucking annoying and dislikable the characters were
I agree with the music. I mean heres the thing, alot of those rappers I've listened to and they range from meh to me liking their shit. BUT this soundtrack seems much better for driving around flexing and showing off not speeding around. Again its subjective because NFS has always had hip hop and from artists popular at the time and this times no different, they didnt change much but the flavours of hip hop has. They should honestly just let you import your own soundtracks like GTA5 did since the music preference for NFS is so disjointed now or diversify the tracks more.
This is one of the most compelling, clever, and strongly structured reviews I’ve ever seen. Hats off to you, sir. You’ve knocked it out of the park once again.
I been saying this for a while-- Rockstar NEEDS to make a horror game again! A return to Manhunt would be fucking amazing! Some of my favorite bits of GTAV and RDR2 are the eerie secretive scary bits. The bad publicity from the first two Manhunts has surely died off now, so just make a scary game you cowards!
NFS Most Wanted 2005 was very much "speaking to the youth" of its time though, everything from the soundtrack selection to the cheesy antics of the blacklist racers was made with the "How do you do fellow kids?" vibe. It is about as tacky as the NFS Heat influencer / making bank attitude but Heat is not engaging enough without the build up and story that MFS MW 2005 had. Also kids in 2005 weren't distracted by multiple apps for entertainment. Playing something like NFS MW or watching someone play it or talking about it was the best distraction they had. It is tempting to look at NFS MW 2005 through its special sepia filter and laugh at the cut scenes (if you will) but I suppose an almost 30 year old would have played it with wonder in its time since it was a leap in graphics and 'storytelling' (for arcade racers) in its time. NFS Heat, is presented with all the same accompaniments as NFS MW 2005, only that it doesn't bring much that is new and definitely is not as engaging as the blacklist progression. After many iterations of NFS stories, NFS Heat is a victim of its own series fatigue.
Since i discovered your content about 2 or 3 days ago, i have been NONSTOP binge watching you since! Your videos are amazing keep it the hell up my dude!
I wish I could get your amazing content in audio form in spotify as I am always on the go and never have enough time connected to wifi to watch your videos but love everything you do and all that is you're passionate about
This is the first video I saw on your channel and i just watched all 4 part of prototype that you have done. You really have a great channel and I will be waiting for more vids.
I would like to see Need for Speed go back and capitalize on some of their older ideas. For instance, the crew mechanic in Carbon. It gave your rivals more personality, and it made you feel like you were not doing everything on your own. The challenges for your territory was pretty fun too. I feel like there's already so many good ideas they could use if they just look back.
I know it's been a while but you're actually not restricted to keep the speed limit in those "follow the npc" missions, if you go very fast you get a marker on your map where you need to go, so you can get there in 1min if you don't wanna hear the conversation
I don't replay yt videos often, but I keep coming back to this video. This script is just amazing, I don't think I ever memorised lines from a review before
actually, for those following missions, I guess they knew they were being silly, because if you just speed ahead of the car you're supposed to follow, they eventually give in and send you the location they're going so you can drive there yourself lol
need for speed: thot pursuit (good subtitle but imagine this) Need speed for women: thot pursuit (keeping the subtitle but changing the franchise name for this individual entry it goes from nfs to nsfw)
Honestly the reason why I think Heat is great is because it follows the phrase IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT But hopefully Citierion will follow this games example by building on what worked While removing the shit that didn't
Great video, but seeing Criterion coming back to NFS doesn't really make me happy. They were EA's shiny star in the 2000's with Burnout. Even to the point that they had enough agency to make a game like 'Black'. But over the years they became a not-so-important asset for EA that took care of an NFS game/the driving mechanics of a DICE game once in a while. And I know that they're good at it. Hot Pursuit 2010 is an absolute gem to me. But I remember one of their leads saying that they were done making NFS games after Most Wanted 2012... I might be wrong, but seeing them getting the franchise back after years without officially working on a project of their own tells me that they pretty much have the same level of agency than Visceral before their shutdown.
It feels more like merger/reorganization to me. EA says that "Despite our best efforts to establish an independent development group in Gothenburg over several years, it's become clear that the breadth of talent we need to maintain a full AAA studio is just not available to us there". Most likely anyone from ghost who are willing to move will be offered position at criterion and continue to work on NFS. Also criterion now isn't the same people who made burnout, they were de facto closed in 2013 with developers moving to ghost and founders leaving shortly - they are now making some indie stuff(Three Fields Entertainment). Therefore I would expect the current trajectory to prevail with maybe some graphical advancements since criterion worked with dice and clearly understands frostbite well.
The good news is that they have something they can build upon. It took ghost YEARS to make a well received NFS, just work with that formula. Please, no more butter on pan handling
I love the format! Great editing, an amazing script (as always) that kept me entertained with some great laughs along the way. Now that I think about it I don't even know how I spent the last 10 years without a good nfs. Thie series defined my childhood. I am just sad not to hear you talk about nfs for the next 5 hours. Have you thought about making a video about the whole nfs series? Their roots, maybe innovations in the genre and a little context on each game? It could be 48 hours long I wouldn't mind.
As a guy thats from Houston Texas were they street race every other day. I can confirm that either you have young people dressed like young people dress, or you have older guys that just bought a C8 corvette as a project to add to his 1k horsepower GTR/Lamborghini car collection.
My main issue with this game is how short the story is and once you’ve done that it doesn’t take long to collect everything unless you want all the cars . I bought an NSX pretty early on and been steamrolling got ultimate plus on everything .
Nothing spoils a racing game quite like forced social media mechanics. Tuner racing is supposed to be an escapist fantasy, owning the coolest cars and racing through the night with no regards for law and safety. It's like if Nathan Drake stopped halfway through climbing some ancient temple to take photos for his Instagram. Most Wanted was perfect in its stupid simplicity. This asshole took your car, get it back. That's all you need to keep players interested for +20 hours.
I loved that you stated your interest in Quantum physics and also loved every moment of this Review being upfront, brutally honest and unapologetically truthful about what happening within the NFS community as a whole. excellent job sir!!
This is my favorite video in your channel (This and CONTROL) , I always come back to it and watch it whole whenever I feel I wanna have a laugh, and then it compelled me to play the game and now it's even funnier than before after I know the game's short comings xD And every joke hits x10 better. I don't know if you're going to do NFS Unbound - But it would be interesting to see your take on it it's like the developers watched your video and then proceeded to improve the game based on your critique ! It's amazing to see that most of the points you made here are adressed in NFS Unbound. Please check the new NFS and if you feel it needs an analysis with the "whitelight" touch - That would be great - Looking forward to see how kinky cell shaded whitelight-chan can be xD Have a great day :D
oh my god what happened to you man, i started watching your video since your Prototype reviews and you used to be pretty calm and serious about the script but this time it is just fire lmao great work i loved it
I REALLY love how you did this video. I was entertained throughout the video. You presented the information I wanted, while making me laugh at HOW you presented it.
Jesus Christ, I don't know if I have dementia but I don't remember Whitelight spewing this amount of maymays and jokes in older videos. The density of humorous stuff is high. Not that I am complaining.
"I'm trying to get t a point where people would enjoy watching the review even if they didn't care about the game" you totally got there, this is great
As someone who quite enjoys shitty trap music and edm, I actually thought the soundtrack was pretty good. Also, "Bank" has been the designation of money in NFS for quite a few years. That aside, as always I do enjoy your review but I quite strongly disagree with some things, especially the complains about high heat. Level 5 police is manageable if you can plan where you go, the repairs that you have and obviously taking into account just how fast your car is. Ironically, this video feels a lot more fast paced and Zoomer appeasing than your other videos however, I don't quite like the new style, even though I still enjoyed it, I think what bothered me the most were the transitions.
The reducing music vol part is pretty much how i deal with most games. I find it's a very effective way to make a game more immersive and a fine too if the music sucks 😆.
I actually think Heat is a solid game. What upsets me the most about it, and where it's potential is wasted is on the story. They hype you up like there are extremely high stakes. I was terrified of what would happen if I got caught by the Police my first couple nights racing. And then I got busted. All the tension was gone when I realized that I only lost my money and my rep. They set it up like you are going to get offed by the Police. I was expecting to have to lose my car at the very least and have to race in a POS loaner car to pay to get my car unimpounded. Just like Most Wanted did over a decade and a half ago. And with that setup in the first mission, I was expecting a seriously heavy story. And then it became some campy BS that I couldn't get invested in, full of cliches and letdowns. At least NFS 2015's story had some charm. It seemed self aware and I liked the characters, no matter how cheesy they were. IDK man. As far as the core game, this is the best NFS we have had since 2010. But it really held back in areas that could have made this game truly great.
www.dashlane.com/whitelight for swerving those nerds trying to watch you through your webcam. So this Need For Speed review was a very experimental project, like many of my recent videos, tell me what you think. If it's received well, I might go on to do the same for as many recent releases as I can, including DOOM Eternal.
What happened to the Jedi fallen order? It won in the poll
Nice video but did you really have to use the shitty content cop theme? It kinda makes your channel feel generic and bland.
Too many jokes. Prefer your fair yet passionate tone.
ur gay
Rap more like crap
My god... the writing of the script was just.... * _chef's kiss_ *
His writing is one of the reasons why I keep watching his videos. It's cheeky and genius at the same time. References might fly past you without even realizing.
I wasn't ready for it.
I was laughing my ass off throughout the whoole fucking video! XDDD
@@wolfboy20 ahahaha same dude, this was hilarious
I love it.
I actually love the cruises to the races in this game. A big part of the car community is cruises like those along the streets, showing off cars and hooning a bit. I think it adds a nice bit of humanity to the game.
"She got a need for speed, and i'm not talking about cars"
Increase your pace
"No one cared till she put on the mask"
"And, just like Whitelight-chan, has alot of kinks"
Oh you liked that? You enjoyed that? You thought it was funny?
I have no idea why with this aesthetic they didn’t give it a synthwave/vapor wave/outrun soundtrack. That would have seriously elevated the game for me, luckily I can just use RUclips to do that and some eurobeat too.
at least music wise, if there aint rock or metal, it aint NFS or its definitely less NFS without it.
Exactly! NFS HP had an AMAZING soundtrack compared to this game I was blown away by the amount of tracks they had in the game and I’d argue there were a few songs for everyone in that game!
@@cody3504 Rivals soundtrack was legendary and it wasn't even rock or metal.
@@ryze9153 I’ll have to look it up!
The soundtrack is more fitting of a Miami setting though, lots of Latino artists in the sound track as well as rappers that are from Florida as well. I would’ve liked some heavier shit in the nighttime section but I’m happy we got Denzel Curry
Speaking as someone, who has no interest in racing games, I can tell you, that you succeeded in your endeavour to make the video interesting even for people who have no interest in the game itself. Cheers, mate.
Butzebär mit Hut Quit after 3 minutes. Duse trying too hard. Even though i have to admit i briefly smirked at the Need for speed yeet remark.
@@Senokone that's your loss
there doesnt have a car
Oh my Godspeed!
The word play, the editing, the...EVERYTHING!!
I didn't expect to be this entertained by a Need For Spleen review.
Congrats, sir, you've created a masterpiece :hyperclap:
“And just like Jeffery Epstein, not suicidal.”
Lmao this script is fire
i honestly rolled my eyes at that, trying a little too hard to be topical and hip with the references
@Spider-Venom it just felt like a desperate attempt to bring up Epstein and capitalize on a recent joke. Not trying to take away from the severity of the actual case, clearly this writer didnt care about that, shoe horning it into his freaking need for speed review it just felt so out of place and random in an annoying way
@@Zezinizzle Yeah dude, i think he was really HIP by saying that
@@Spooksy_ let's be honest, some kid will unironically think that
@@Zezinizzle I unironically think that
This game introduced me to racing games and turned me into a gearhead. The story is cliche but good enough to keep you playing. The day/night cycle made you choose if you'll play it safe or take a risk. Cop chases were thrilling and fun, even though it may be too challenging for new players. NFS Heat wasn't a masterpiece, but it was good enough, which is why I'll always remember it fondly.
"NFS Thot Pursuit" lol. Excellent review, as always.
You get to choose between being a thot or a thot patrol officer
Thot's main goal to be the biggest thot ever and they become more popular by how much simps they have.
While thot patrol officers stop thots from achieving their main goal by arresting them for the greater good.
*NFS Thot Pursuit*
Which side will you choose?
Need for seed twat pursuit
"Now like Whitelight-Chan, there are some kinks here..." I--I need and adult...
@@Dravis0101 No, no you're not
Juan Palomo Whitelight-Chan is an adult... and that scares me...
It's treason, then...
"It's been done more than Mia Khalifa"
She honestly hasn't been done that much... on camera anyways.
done more than Lisa Ann you mean
Or your mum, same really
@@bigboydancannon4325 that's a low blow man.
@@joshuacannar607Lisa Ann is way better than Mia Khalifa
Ghost: Making finally good nfs
EA: *Im gonna destroy their careers*
I thought great they are finally back on track, now I learn they are gone for good
@@not1716 nfs yeet?
@@not1716 ea shut them down
Consolation is Criterion is picking up the reigns again
@9600GTMAN it was until ea took heat with in a few month of release if it had more content it wud hv been soo good i still enjoy the game
7:52 WTF right mirror doin
Holding on for dear life.
Finally someone who noticed it
Yeah i really don't want that to be a thing good god. It happened more than once in this video too.
I didn’t remember it had a soundtrack. It was so bad I turned the music volume down in the first 5 minutes of playing.
night music was bearable, but the day music was like a playlist from a 10 year old Latino kid’s birthday party playlist
I feel like whitelight is slowly being overwhelmed by madness
Aren't we all? :-)
@@igorthelight subtly
When you get to heat five, take some jumps. The cop AI just cannot handle jumps. It’s like an instant escape as long as you don’t screw it up.
I like how whitelight has torn down the facade of professionalism and now just produces honest and scathing critques
"moving slower than tectonic plates" wow.... I never thought I'd live to hear an earth science based joke. That is true elegance. Subbed
Now introducing a new boost mechanic. YEET yourself ahead of the competition, or take down other opponents with a sudden NEED FOR SPEED. XD
Ofcourse someone using "XD" unironically found that funny
Can’t wait to see your thoughts on Unbound
What I like about Midnight Club and Tokyo Xtreme Racer series is that they give the opponents some sense of a character. They have backstories, personalities and their own reasons for street racing. They're all pretty simple, but when there's so many of these, together they end up forming this overall idea of what street racing, the main setting of the game, can mean to different people. That's how you portray the social aspect of street racing, how you give an impression of the overall setting to the player. It's a great way to show different sides of the culture, showing the different mindsets, age groups and backgrounds the people have and how this one interest of theirs brings them all together to create this interestingly varied whole.
Well said this is aspect I wish were in more racing games
I would sit and read all the racer bios
Someone gives respect to goddamn TXR! Cheers mate!
Great comment, I absolutely agree!
Im gonna boot up my tokyo extreme racer on ps2 now.
“Need for Speed: Yeet” killed me
Edit: yeah the joke/minute rate was incredible. I resisted the urge to quote each and every one of them. Your recent release format will definitely hook people not interested in the actual games.
Don't resist the urge, quote every single one. We know the best comments section is one full of quotes from the video everyone just watched
@@Jamie-tx7pn word mate, I love sifting through text flashbacks of a video
I love this channel but didn't find the jokes funny at all
The jokes didn't.land for me, I much prefer the white light vids where the scripts are actually well written, like the death stranding one
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on NFS The Run.
That was one hell of a NFS game for me. The best to this day.
The Run did something completely different, and people either loved it or hated it. It's crazy to see such a divide in players' opinions. Even though the gameplay was linear as fuck, it felt almost like you were playing a movie. There would probably only be like 12 people buying it, but I'd love them to make a sequel, with more of an open-world feel. It'd be cool if they could do something like The Crew, with a very scaled down version of the US.
@@exlibrisas Amen brother. Black Box got it so right with The Run
@@EminentLine it's better than heat imo
I never had more fun online in nfs then in the run. The game is hated far more than it deserves to be
Night racing is the backbone of this game, that and customization are the only reasons why my friends and I still play NFS Heat 3 years later. Hoping that Criterion doesn't take away this experience from us in their upcoming release.
God all I want ALL I want is a game that plays like the old Underground games, where your car becomes basically your avatar how people will know you, with it having the graphics of modern racers.
Why is this video so short (not even five hours long)
Regarding the music in the game, remember the GOOD o' days when the devs of a lot of racing games would add all sorts of different music genres into their games and give you the ability to customize the soundtrack's playlist? That way, you could actually CHOOSE what you wanted to listen to of all the songs that they provided? I sure do miss features like that. You'd think as technology and game quality gets better and better, more and more features such as that would be more prominent and refined, but now they're just nonexistent, it's a shame.
I absolutely adore the snark in the commentary. Would love to see more videos like this!
"Just call it Need for Speed : yeet and be done with it"
Overall my only real problem with the game (Meh Story Aside) is rather subjective, the music. There are some alright tunes but personally there was only about two that i liked to speed to. Hell, Payback (the mess it was) had some that made cruising the open world worthwhile. Again, a subjective issue but seems they went for what would compliment the setting which i guess i understand. Beside that Good Game Ghost.
I'm going to defend the story mode. yeah, it's cheesy as fuck (Just like every NFS from the BlackBox era, except The Run) but at least the characters are bearable. I couldn't get myself to play through payback and NFS2015 because of how fucking annoying and dislikable the characters were
I silenced the music and put my own Eurobeat playlist while playing Heat. Far better than whatever's in the OST.
@@adnvdn Play with the Hotline Miami soundtrack. Feels badass
I agree with the music. I mean heres the thing, alot of those rappers I've listened to and they range from meh to me liking their shit. BUT this soundtrack seems much better for driving around flexing and showing off not speeding around. Again its subjective because NFS has always had hip hop and from artists popular at the time and this times no different, they didnt change much but the flavours of hip hop has. They should honestly just let you import your own soundtracks like GTA5 did since the music preference for NFS is so disjointed now or diversify the tracks more.
I recommend Swapping it out with the Prostreet soundtrack makes racing and cruising a lot better.
This is one of the most compelling, clever, and strongly structured reviews I’ve ever seen. Hats off to you, sir. You’ve knocked it out of the park once again.
I ask you, sincerely, to draw up a hypothetical Manhunt 3 as you did [PROTOTYPE]. It would be both harrowing and spectacular.
A Manhunt years later series would also be great
@@gabbyprincip1575 fuck ywah it would!
I been saying this for a while-- Rockstar NEEDS to make a horror game again! A return to Manhunt would be fucking amazing! Some of my favorite bits of GTAV and RDR2 are the eerie secretive scary bits. The bad publicity from the first two Manhunts has surely died off now, so just make a scary game you cowards!
@@TimDownsAnimation Agony came out, publisher's can't say shit to a new Manhunt game now.
Yessir, new Manhunt please.
4:07 OH MY GOD FINALLY SOMEONE HAS SAID IT, the atmosphere in NFS 2105 is hands down the best in my opinion
doesn’t make the game good. 2015 was dogshit.
@@ladysovereign2878 brev, when did i ever say 2015 is a good game? i just said the atmosphere is still the best out of all the nfs games
19:33 I don't think I've ever given something 100% of my attention so quickly
NFS Most Wanted 2005 was very much "speaking to the youth" of its time though, everything from the soundtrack selection to the cheesy antics of the blacklist racers was made with the "How do you do fellow kids?" vibe.
It is about as tacky as the NFS Heat influencer / making bank attitude but Heat is not engaging enough without the build up and story that MFS MW 2005 had. Also kids in 2005 weren't distracted by multiple apps for entertainment. Playing something like NFS MW or watching someone play it or talking about it was the best distraction they had.
It is tempting to look at NFS MW 2005 through its special sepia filter and laugh at the cut scenes (if you will) but I suppose an almost 30 year old would have played it with wonder in its time since it was a leap in graphics and 'storytelling' (for arcade racers) in its time.
NFS Heat, is presented with all the same accompaniments as NFS MW 2005, only that it doesn't bring much that is new and definitely is not as engaging as the blacklist progression. After many iterations of NFS stories, NFS Heat is a victim of its own series fatigue.
Definitely looking forward to Whitelight reviewing the latest Need for Speed game made by Criterion Games.
Whitelight: Physics aren't trying to be realistic...
Me: 7:31 yeah, i can see that (right door mirror having a stroke)
Best in-depth review channel. Thanks man, keep up the good work!
Since i discovered your content about 2 or 3 days ago, i have been NONSTOP binge watching you since! Your videos are amazing keep it the hell up my dude!
I wish I could get your amazing content in audio form in spotify as I am always on the go and never have enough time connected to wifi to watch your videos but love everything you do and all that is you're passionate about
This is the first video I saw on your channel and i just watched all 4 part of prototype that you have done. You really have a great channel and I will be waiting for more vids.
Most entertaining review I've watched in ages, instant sub. Good work!
God I love the fact that your reviews are getting more and more filled with memes
I would like to see Need for Speed go back and capitalize on some of their older ideas. For instance, the crew mechanic in Carbon. It gave your rivals more personality, and it made you feel like you were not doing everything on your own. The challenges for your territory was pretty fun too. I feel like there's already so many good ideas they could use if they just look back.
I know it's been a while but you're actually not restricted to keep the speed limit in those "follow the npc" missions, if you go very fast you get a marker on your map where you need to go, so you can get there in 1min if you don't wanna hear the conversation
Thats a good tip
Whitelight you're an amazing reviewer, dont give up, review some newer titles and you'll surge in popularity
ok this is the single best review video i have ever seen, laughed so hard, while you are right about what u say too. gold!
that antony dyatlov joke was so damn obscure i love it
I don't replay yt videos often, but I keep coming back to this video. This script is just amazing, I don't think I ever memorised lines from a review before
2015's vibe was the shit. You really felt underground. You felt illegal. The best nfs game out there.
too bad the handling and physics were atrocious
@@Im__Andy-f6x Yeah it was dog doo doo
Your script is incredible! This is the first video of yours I've seen and I love it!
Is this video not a 7 hour long review?
@@TuriGamer I digress
@@TuriGamer no
actually, for those following missions, I guess they knew they were being silly, because if you just speed ahead of the car you're supposed to follow, they eventually give in and send you the location they're going so you can drive there yourself lol
This might be one of the most one liner dense reviews I've ever watched, well done. 😂
Love the choice of shot 7:26 to 7:55 the right wing mirror is brilliant! Great review.
need for speed: thot pursuit (good subtitle but imagine this)
Need speed for women: thot pursuit (keeping the subtitle but changing the franchise name for this individual entry it goes from nfs to nsfw)
Honestly the reason why I think Heat is great is because it follows the phrase
But hopefully Citierion will follow this games example by building on what worked
While removing the shit that didn't
All it needed to add was ranked matchmaking like Forza online adventure.
Great video, but seeing Criterion coming back to NFS doesn't really make me happy. They were EA's shiny star in the 2000's with Burnout. Even to the point that they had enough agency to make a game like 'Black'. But over the years they became a not-so-important asset for EA that took care of an NFS game/the driving mechanics of a DICE game once in a while.
And I know that they're good at it. Hot Pursuit 2010 is an absolute gem to me. But I remember one of their leads saying that they were done making NFS games after Most Wanted 2012...
I might be wrong, but seeing them getting the franchise back after years without officially working on a project of their own tells me that they pretty much have the same level of agency than Visceral before their shutdown.
It feels more like merger/reorganization to me. EA says that "Despite our best efforts to establish an independent development group in Gothenburg over several years, it's become clear that the breadth of talent we need to maintain a full AAA studio is just not available to us there". Most likely anyone from ghost who are willing to move will be offered position at criterion and continue to work on NFS.
Also criterion now isn't the same people who made burnout, they were de facto closed in 2013 with developers moving to ghost and founders leaving shortly - they are now making some indie stuff(Three Fields Entertainment). Therefore I would expect the current trajectory to prevail with maybe some graphical advancements since criterion worked with dice and clearly understands frostbite well.
The good news is that they have something they can build upon. It took ghost YEARS to make a well received NFS, just work with that formula. Please, no more butter on pan handling
One of the best reviews I've seen in a while. Subscribed!
The music transitions made me think I was watching a content cop for a hot second.
ngl most hilarious review i've heard in a long time, keep it up
1:32 "this is where you select what drugs you are addicted to and how many ass bones you've got" really got me laughing badly. So much yeets 😂😂👍🏻
Morgan Taylor Oates thanks for the clarification 👍🏻
The soundtrack quick rant was pure satisfaction
6:25 "I Heard Jesus Used To Play It After He Got Done Turning Ball Sweat Into Dr. Pepper Or Whatever"
LMAO that really got a laugh outta me, good one.
I come back to this review once in a while to just appreciate the writing. Superb !
I love the format! Great editing, an amazing script (as always) that kept me entertained with some great laughs along the way. Now that I think about it I don't even know how I spent the last 10 years without a good nfs. Thie series defined my childhood.
I am just sad not to hear you talk about nfs for the next 5 hours. Have you thought about making a video about the whole nfs series? Their roots, maybe innovations in the genre and a little context on each game? It could be 48 hours long I wouldn't mind.
First time im watching a video by Whitelight, really liking this format!
these character models look like they are out of some dysgenic mixer.
Forced devolution virus
Finally! I found you! My ideal channel with a real opinion that matches mine. It is a pity that I didn't see your videos before buying Crew 2.
Where's the Darksiders 3 review?
As a guy thats from Houston Texas were they street race every other day. I can confirm that either you have young people dressed like young people dress, or you have older guys that just bought a C8 corvette as a project to add to his 1k horsepower GTR/Lamborghini car collection.
My main issue with this game is how short the story is and once you’ve done that it doesn’t take long to collect everything unless you want all the cars . I bought an NSX pretty early on and been steamrolling got ultimate plus on everything .
Nothing spoils a racing game quite like forced social media mechanics. Tuner racing is supposed to be an escapist fantasy, owning the coolest cars and racing through the night with no regards for law and safety. It's like if Nathan Drake stopped halfway through climbing some ancient temple to take photos for his Instagram. Most Wanted was perfect in its stupid simplicity. This asshole took your car, get it back. That's all you need to keep players interested for +20 hours.
I was just waiting for that Prototype reference when I read the subtitles for the murder cop-out scene.
Amazing video! Probably my favorite whitelight video ever
7:30 - Must be hard for that right door mirror to sit still
I notched it too and was wondering if anybody else did.
I see many reviews and this one is the best of all Need For Speed Heat Reviews
I loved that you stated your interest in Quantum physics and also loved every moment of this Review being upfront, brutally honest and unapologetically truthful about what happening within the NFS community as a whole.
excellent job sir!!
This is my favorite video in your channel (This and CONTROL) , I always come back to it and watch it whole whenever I feel I wanna have a laugh, and then it compelled me to play the game and now it's even funnier than before after I know the game's short comings xD And every joke hits x10 better.
I don't know if you're going to do NFS Unbound - But it would be interesting to see your take on it
it's like the developers watched your video and then proceeded to improve the game based on your critique ! It's amazing to see that most of the points you made here are adressed in NFS Unbound.
Please check the new NFS and if you feel it needs an analysis with the "whitelight" touch - That would be great - Looking forward to see how kinky cell shaded whitelight-chan can be xD
Have a great day :D
I like to play my Spotify music while playing.
oh my god what happened to you man, i started watching your video since your Prototype reviews and you used to be pretty calm and serious about the script but this time it is just fire lmao great work i loved it
I REALLY love how you did this video. I was entertained throughout the video. You presented the information I wanted, while making me laugh at HOW you presented it.
Jesus Christ, I don't know if I have dementia but I don't remember Whitelight spewing this amount of maymays and jokes in older videos. The density of humorous stuff is high. Not that I am complaining.
Finally someone who understood what's goin' on with this game!
Dude I would watch anything you make a video about. Your writing is insane, both the hilarious parts as well as the purely passionate parts
"Need For Speed: Thot Pursuit" I fucking love it 19:56
"I'm trying to get t a point where people would enjoy watching the review even if they didn't care about the game"
you totally got there, this is great
"dabbing nonces" and "cardigan b" are the only two things you need in life
i agree
Wish they hire Rom di Prisco again for the soundtracks. That was the golden OST era for NFS.
As someone who quite enjoys shitty trap music and edm, I actually thought the soundtrack was pretty good. Also, "Bank" has been the designation of money in NFS for quite a few years.
That aside, as always I do enjoy your review but I quite strongly disagree with some things, especially the complains about high heat. Level 5 police is manageable if you can plan where you go, the repairs that you have and obviously taking into account just how fast your car is.
Ironically, this video feels a lot more fast paced and Zoomer appeasing than your other videos however, I don't quite like the new style, even though I still enjoyed it, I think what bothered me the most were the transitions.
It still makes it to the "best selling games on PS4" list every now and then
Try the UNITE mod for this game, I think you might really like it. It brings back the 2015 vibe you were talking about.
This is some of the best writing ive heard in a while. Great way to start the day!
The reducing music vol part is pretty much how i deal with most games. I find it's a very effective way to make a game more immersive and a fine too if the music sucks 😆.
you really stepped it up with this video, nice work man - looking forward to more
This script was seriously amazing! had me hooked the whole time.
I actually think Heat is a solid game. What upsets me the most about it, and where it's potential is wasted is on the story. They hype you up like there are extremely high stakes. I was terrified of what would happen if I got caught by the Police my first couple nights racing. And then I got busted. All the tension was gone when I realized that I only lost my money and my rep.
They set it up like you are going to get offed by the Police. I was expecting to have to lose my car at the very least and have to race in a POS loaner car to pay to get my car unimpounded. Just like Most Wanted did over a decade and a half ago.
And with that setup in the first mission, I was expecting a seriously heavy story. And then it became some campy BS that I couldn't get invested in, full of cliches and letdowns. At least NFS 2015's story had some charm. It seemed self aware and I liked the characters, no matter how cheesy they were.
IDK man. As far as the core game, this is the best NFS we have had since 2010. But it really held back in areas that could have made this game truly great.
Given that marathon of Deathstand i'm supprised you could make another video so soon. Good work on you.