chug all this, designer and spriter of this mod here and I'd like to address some stuff that I've seen in this comment section first off, all of the longer minigames have been shortened and changed, especially the ground below frankly I didn't realize how ungodly long that one was until seeing this video lol does this pause the timer while playing? no. we want you to manage your time while you choose whether or not to play these minigames, just like you would with a boss challenge room most importantly, we've seen a lot of people get the wrong impression about our tmtrainer interactions, assuming they're just reskins, but actually, all of them have slightly (or wildly) different gameplay from their regular counterparts to make them harder! for example, glitched deadener will have zombies with double health or double speed every once in a while, and some flies in the boss' fly swarm be replaced by those jumpy dudes. I also wanna address the discontinuation of this mod, and also that discontinuation being broken today. this mod became a little bit too much pressure to bare for us, so we decided to put it on hold until we feel like working on it again, which happened to be today. we added all the missing music, did further reworks to tgb and even put all the music on RUclips, so you can bump the cabinet bangers in your free time if you'd like. that's all, thank you, chug out
I think my favorite is the Black Rune one. Simple, doesn't take too long and utilizes already existing mechanics so it's really easy to understand, although the Lucifer fight is cool as well. Quick question, how do the minigames affect the in-game timer? Is it paused while you're in one of them or does it continue?
@@rolandcsoli3889 Hey, and what happends with Cain's Birthright? Cain Birthright make arcades very likely spawn on almost every floor, and adds 10 new layouts to the acades (credits: isaac Guru)
15:27 the glitched version of the platforming minigame having you chased by a glitched-out PAC-Man is exactly what happens in one of the End is Nigh’s glitched cartridges. A nice reference to one of Edmund’s other platforming games (which the physics of the BoI modded platformer seem to mimic)
I think if they're going to be this long there should be more q4 items since it affects your timer. Its a awesome mod either way. They should also let you play some of them through the menu like a level select
What a refreshing take on the arcade machines! It's a nice change of pace from the regular gameplay and the attention to detail is really nice! I think also one thing that probably wasn't intentional but that I think is worth mentioning is that this is a good way to teach some of the game's mechanics to a newer player in a safer environment too. Imagine not having The Forgotten and learning how the bone club works from the minigame, or not having unlocked the Catacombs and realising from the black rune minigame "Oh wow, I need to be *really* careful of those rapid clawing enemies if I see them!" Again, probably not intentional, but cool nonetheless!
Incredibly baller mod, but some of the mini games feels like they take way too long, even fighting actual bosses feels like it takes less time than playing these games
@@JC__Denton i dont quite understand hush, ive beat him twice but i dont understand how to choose to fight him, im pretty new ti the game so adcive woul dbe appreciated
This reminds me of a character idea i had while back Basically the character would have litearly infinte damage (or at least an insanely high amount) but to shoot you have to do a mini game depending on which floor you are on and which boss you fight for ex. The minigame for the lamb could be like performing a ritual of some sorts, and dingle would have like a cleaning minigame etc.
I like how Night Light minigame is reference to Fnaf and kinda reminds me of Undyne fight in Undertale , don't know if those two were inspirations for this minigame but if yes then it's very cool.
I must say, these do provide an interesting change of pace, for those who are wanting it. And the way it's implemented feels like something Ed would have come up with, charm and execution. But GOD DAMN does that doll defending game look HARD!
This is great! Personally, I do think that the "tmtrainer" synergy should apply to all "glitch" items and trinkets (missing no, gb bug, error) or if the arcade spawns in the error room.
Holy smokes is definitely my favorite. The hell plus boss theme just seems like it would fit in with isaac so much. Also still in shock about how good this mod is.
Amazing mod. I always felt like this kind of thing was missing from the base game, especially considering the retro-style chiptunes that play in the arcades. Amazing work!
This is quite possibly one of the best mods out there, it's such a creative and well executed idea. Honestly it's a shock that nothing like this has been attempted before.
really thanks authors for that big amount of effort put into mod. But one thing I dont find that all minigames are equally hard. What I think would be cool its to bind minigame machine to item quality. So that you need to put more skill for better rewards
@@TheShut1 my only nitpick is that some don't feel isaac enought, by that i mean they don't realy fit with the games themes, but that is realy only a nitpicl
I like the idea behind this mod, only personal issue is the timer keeps counting while in a mini game, which makes people who are going for hush or boss rush to skip over these entirely
Tbh this makes me wonder if we're going to start getting some total conversion mods out of isaac in the near future. I'm personally looking forward to it.
I personally really like this idea I normally don't do much in arcades unless there's a crane game with a worthwhile item But I think this is a really nice addition. Ngl though kinda surprised they didn't do snake but with Larry Jr, or a racing game where you play as one of horsemen
All of them are just the right difficultly where its like "Hmmm, wouldn't want to waste 5 coins and fail" but also "That is a good item though, and I think I could maybe do it"
This is pretty awesome! Some of the things I'd like to see added if the nod creator can is a "hard version" of each game that makes it harder somehow (less lives, more enemies, etc) but you get 2 items with increasd quality! And as another comment suggested and add one or two extra mini games when you have Expansion Pack!
im just gonna assume this but i think that the next couple months will see a lot of cool mods like this and even later on more mods like antibirth because repentance has a lot more modding support
this mod looks awesome, everyday the modding community makes me regret only having the switch version. are the green sad faces from getting hit an action 52 reference?? seems really random but iirc there was a game in that collection that did that
He seems to also like The End is Nigh as well, since the glitch version of Rickety Rackety at the end of the video features Pus Man from one of The End is Nigh’s glitch cartridges of the same name.
@@messiahofthefunny8453 the coder actually spent time messing with the variables for jump speed, runspeed, jump height, etc. to make sure it felt like playing the end is nigh, that entire minigame is a reference to it
thats one of the coolest mods ever and i wish, we can get this into isaac regular. But i think some of the game are to long like The Ground Below. It tooks over 2mins to finish it and if u die, u need it to repeat. A little bit faster and this mod is a 10/10.
This might be one of the best mods yet! Also I think it would be neat if there was a smol reward like a random penny or someting for a perfect/fast complecion of a minigame
I feel like a lot of these minigames are extremely hard. Especially the one where you fight lucifer. I'm already bad at dodging projectiles, but that's insane.
I have a smooth brain idea for this mod. How about the quality of item you get is based on the difficulty of the game/the amount of lives you get in game. (it could also effect the destruction chances, but that is abit too much admin XD)
Games are amazing but they should balance them more, the Lucifer fight seems slightly harder than the other minigames and lasts a lot, the fall minigame has the same problem in the sense its too long and the Zombie apocalypse is too fast and hard, should be slowed down just a little bit, this or the harder/longer ones should give better items as a reward
Really cool idea for a mod although the minigames themselfs could be better. Rickety Rackety is my favourite because it is truly different than isaac and moves smoothly. Most of the others are too long or just feel too much like isaac core gameplay in lower graphics.
now This a mod I really hope gets added to the game also I'm really glad that none of these mani games clash with my idea for a mod to add Mini game rooms on the womb floors
I noticed something When Slay was at 1 heart on “The Deadner,” he started to play, COMPLETELY. PERFECTLY. This happens a lot when there are people showcasing something, yet I don’t know HOW they do that.
chug all this, designer and spriter of this mod here and I'd like to address some stuff that I've seen in this comment section
first off, all of the longer minigames have been shortened and changed, especially the ground below
frankly I didn't realize how ungodly long that one was until seeing this video lol
does this pause the timer while playing? no. we want you to manage your time while you choose whether or not to play these minigames, just like you would with a boss challenge room
most importantly, we've seen a lot of people get the wrong impression about our tmtrainer interactions, assuming they're just reskins, but actually, all of them have slightly (or wildly) different gameplay from their regular counterparts to make them harder! for example, glitched deadener will have zombies with double health or double speed every once in a while, and some flies in the boss' fly swarm be replaced by those jumpy dudes.
I also wanna address the discontinuation of this mod, and also that discontinuation being broken today.
this mod became a little bit too much pressure to bare for us, so we decided to put it on hold until we feel like working on it again, which happened to be today.
we added all the missing music, did further reworks to tgb and even put all the music on RUclips, so you can bump the cabinet bangers in your free time if you'd like.
that's all, thank you, chug out
Glad to hear that
Good musical taste btw
Why has it beed discontinued? (Says that on steam page)
That TMTrainer interaction is so cool! Did you design it, by any chance, after the glitched carts in End is Nigh?
Quick Question: Where would we find the arcade music on youtube? I've tried searching for it but I cant find it
@@BML42 you can find it linked on the steam page
This is unreal. Huge props to the mod makers. Wow
It is real
This is peak Isaac modding right here! Just Awesome
Holy Smokes is really cool, reminds me of the Doom final boss!
Why is the music of "too underground" such a banger tho.
Like 🗿
Too underground. Kirby reference is good
Rickety rackety also epic for the Kirby reference
Definitely holy smokes!
That Lucifer is kinda fine
Is it possible to disable certain minigames arcade machines? Some of the look pretty boring and annoying
This very much reminds me of the Warp Zones from Super Meat Boy, so this really fits in with Edmund!
Now arcades can live up to their name , instead of being casinos
I think my favorite is the Black Rune one. Simple, doesn't take too long and utilizes already existing mechanics so it's really easy to understand, although the Lucifer fight is cool as well.
Quick question, how do the minigames affect the in-game timer? Is it paused while you're in one of them or does it continue?
they do indeed count towards the ingame timer
@@rolandcsoli3889 Hey, and what happends with Cain's Birthright?
Cain Birthright make arcades very likely spawn on almost every floor, and adds 10 new layouts to the acades (credits: isaac Guru)
@@josemendonca2318 Tainted or not tainted?
@@potionoffireresistance9901 think he means tainted
@@tonoto24 no, i mean normal Cain's Birthright
15:27 the glitched version of the platforming minigame having you chased by a glitched-out PAC-Man is exactly what happens in one of the End is Nigh’s glitched cartridges. A nice reference to one of Edmund’s other platforming games (which the physics of the BoI modded platformer seem to mimic)
nice, i'm not the only one who thought of it
i was thinking the same lol
I think if they're going to be this long there should be more q4 items since it affects your timer. Its a awesome mod either way. They should also let you play some of them through the menu like a level select
Q4 would be ridicilous lol, maybe q3
Finally, the arcade actually functions like it's namesake.
My eyes began to heart in a falling down game. I think that slowing the speed or changing background would be perfect
I think that if these are rare enough that they don't get old quickly they probably serve as a neat addition to the game
AN ACTUAL Arcade wow
Sorry it's "an*"
i love how these still use elements of isaac and integrate them into the games
things like isaac protecting mr dolly and all that, it's a nice touch
From that car mod to this makes me very impressed about the game on how modable it is.
What a refreshing take on the arcade machines! It's a nice change of pace from the regular gameplay and the attention to detail is really nice!
I think also one thing that probably wasn't intentional but that I think is worth mentioning is that this is a good way to teach some of the game's mechanics to a newer player in a safer environment too. Imagine not having The Forgotten and learning how the bone club works from the minigame, or not having unlocked the Catacombs and realising from the black rune minigame "Oh wow, I need to be *really* careful of those rapid clawing enemies if I see them!" Again, probably not intentional, but cool nonetheless!
Think you meant mausoleum but yeah.. pretty cool if intentional...
@@starshot8842 I did, it's been a while since I've even done that route lmao 😅
Saw this mod in the works for about a year, awesome to see it in action now
Do they have a twitch or a RUclips channel?
@@Hollowedden no, I posted thw original concept on reddit like a year back
@@rolandcsoli3889 Ah sweet, haven't checked on reddit in a hot sec, like could I get a link to the thread?
This feels a lot like the warp zones in Super Meat Boy, really cool! Also the ammount of work put into this mod is ungodly, gotta respect that.
6:43 Aww, Guppy is sleeping on Isaac... So cute
Incredibly baller mod, but some of the mini games feels like they take way too long, even fighting actual bosses feels like it takes less time than playing these games
Question : When playing the arcade,does the time froze or still moving?
It goes 100X speed because the time goes fast when you are playing
it still goes on, you gotta think about time management
If u want win hush just dont play arcade
@@JC__Denton i dont quite understand hush, ive beat him twice but i dont understand how to choose to fight him, im pretty new ti the game so adcive woul dbe appreciated
@@squarewunder1159 beat mom's heart within 30 minutes and the hush door will open
This reminds me of a character idea i had while back
Basically the character would have litearly infinte damage (or at least an insanely high amount) but to shoot you have to do a mini game depending on which floor you are on and which boss you fight for ex. The minigame for the lamb could be like performing a ritual of some sorts, and dingle would have like a cleaning minigame etc.
sooo litterally another game...?
Fly rooms would take 40 minutes
@@muginc2668 a game inside a game inside a game
@@Popcorn_Pillow the tear would also be massive, like entire room massive
@@MrDawid06 I'd also have to have peirce or just also have an insanely high damage aura to it
I like how Night Light minigame is reference to Fnaf and kinda reminds me of Undyne fight in Undertale , don't know if those two were inspirations for this minigame but if yes then it's very cool.
This is also a reference to a cut challenge from antibirth
@@danielflorez1678 I hope they will implement the night watchers in some future update, given they are in the game's code but just not functional.
Also kinda reminds me of cursed pac man, with the ghost that is floating after you from out of where you can aim
Reminds me of a game named ghost mayeuker
This is one of the impressive Isaac mod's I have ever seen!
Rickety rackety gives me major vibes of both super meat boy and big tower tiny square from coolmathgames. And ground below reminds me of battletoads
This is unbelievably huge! What a masterpiece that fits the game perfectly! This moder guy rocks!
Genuinely had no idea you could do a lot of this stuff modding isaac, this is awesome!
this need to b added in game
is such a high quality mod with a extremely fun ideia that even remembers me of meat boy and the WARP ZONES!
I must say, these do provide an interesting change of pace, for those who are wanting it. And the way it's implemented feels like something Ed would have come up with, charm and execution.
But GOD DAMN does that doll defending game look HARD!
I like Orbsaac in Too Underground and Rickety Rackety.
This is great! Personally, I do think that the "tmtrainer" synergy should apply to all "glitch" items and trinkets (missing no, gb bug, error) or if the arcade spawns in the error room.
it does actually apply in error rooms!
@@rolandcsoli3889 neat
They should make a bonus level for an extra item if you are holding Expansion Pack
@@asierx7047 You are 2000% correct
@@rolandcsoli3889 Good to know! I still think all the "error"/"glitch" themed items and trinkets should also make it apply, though.
imagine if the games with health would give item with quality of hp you have left
Holy smokes is definitely my favorite. The hell plus boss theme just seems like it would fit in with isaac so much.
Also still in shock about how good this mod is.
love how much effort put some modders into the game, even if the rewards for doing this is only the appreciation of the community.
Amazing mod. I always felt like this kind of thing was missing from the base game, especially considering the retro-style chiptunes that play in the arcades. Amazing work!
Finally. A single reason to go to arcades.
This is quite possibly one of the best mods out there, it's such a creative and well executed idea.
Honestly it's a shock that nothing like this has been attempted before.
that's probably because making this sucked lmao
really thanks authors for that big amount of effort put into mod. But one thing I dont find that all minigames are equally hard. What I think would be cool its to bind minigame machine to item quality. So that you need to put more skill for better rewards
This kinda reminds me of journey of the prairie king lol
Edit: this should be added in base game: change my mind.
Eh, i don't have arguments
Argument against: some minigame take too long and after playing them for 4-5 times you'll be more annoyed than excited to play them.
@@TheShut1 my only nitpick is that some don't feel isaac enought, by that i mean they don't realy fit with the games themes, but that is realy only a nitpicl
It needs to
I like the idea behind this mod, only personal issue is the timer keeps counting while in a mini game, which makes people who are going for hush or boss rush to skip over these entirely
This mod is insane. The fact that all these minigames were able to be modded using isaac is very impressive
Tbh this makes me wonder if we're going to start getting some total conversion mods out of isaac in the near future. I'm personally looking forward to it.
Isaac modding is absolutely insane
I like the blanck stone welder
I personally really like this idea
I normally don't do much in arcades unless there's a crane game with a worthwhile item
But I think this is a really nice addition. Ngl though kinda surprised they didn't do snake but with Larry Jr, or a racing game where you play as one of horsemen
All of them are just the right difficultly where its like "Hmmm, wouldn't want to waste 5 coins and fail" but also "That is a good item though, and I think I could maybe do it"
It would be really cool if there was an addition of golden arcade machines that while they give a quality 4 item the arcade is much harder then before
i think my eyes would not handle tmtrainer minigames.
This is pretty awesome! Some of the things I'd like to see added if the nod creator can is a "hard version" of each game that makes it harder somehow (less lives, more enemies, etc) but you get 2 items with increasd quality! And as another comment suggested and add one or two extra mini games when you have Expansion Pack!
Maybe Expansion Pack is what would make the games harder.
@@ChaseVaccaro-ge3gk I love that as an interaction!
love how it uses the little boss start jingle from Wario Land 2.
Those mini games where Isaac looks like a small pink ball is like a crying kirby
Kinda feels like these should be shorter and more difficult. And also have randomization, so that the same strategy won’t work every time
incredible mod!!! luv the cute little Isaac bean in rickety rackety and too underground
Dude, i didn't know TMTRAINER summoned a glitched Blue Baby pacman
This is awesome! My favorite mini game is The Deadener!
Isaac really went full Will Wood with the first one.
Another AWESOME mod. Those Modders are INCREDIBLE!
im just gonna assume this but i think that the next couple months will see a lot of cool mods like this and even later on more mods like antibirth because repentance has a lot more modding support
I couldn't help but notice the Wario Land 2 boss sound, which gave me a massive wave of nostalgia
this mod looks awesome, everyday the modding community makes me regret only having the switch version. are the green sad faces from getting hit an action 52 reference?? seems really random but iirc there was a game in that collection that did that
as the guy who drew them: yes
the zombies in the deadener also have a 1% chance to show text that says "Time?" instead of the blood splat
@@rolandcsoli3889 damn, thats a pretty deep-cut reference. great work on the mod btw!
Yeah i've noticed that as well. Makes me wonder lol
Maybe the dude is avgn fan, so its possible or just had a history with Action 52 in person lol
He seems to also like The End is Nigh as well, since the glitch version of Rickety Rackety at the end of the video features Pus Man from one of The End is Nigh’s glitch cartridges of the same name.
@@messiahofthefunny8453 the coder actually spent time messing with the variables for jump speed, runspeed, jump height, etc. to make sure it felt like playing the end is nigh, that entire minigame is a reference to it
thats one of the coolest mods ever and i wish, we can get this into isaac regular. But i think some of the game are to long like The Ground Below. It tooks over 2mins to finish it and if u die, u need it to repeat. A little bit faster and this mod is a 10/10.
0:03 don't blow my mid please. I have to lane
This has such a huge retrogaming feeling. I'm crying, it's so beautiful 😭
These are amazing.
There is NO reason for 1:34 to hit SO HARD
This is really amazing. I want to try this. The minigame rewards are attached to each machine or they are random?
This is so cool, maybe it should be in the game
I love all these mini-games because you can have fun playing them and win an item
That was awesome.
Guess I have a reason to do my own Isaac Mega Modded now.
This might be one of the best mods yet! Also I think it would be neat if there was a smol reward like a random penny or someting for a perfect/fast complecion of a minigame
Honestly would be awesome to see in base game
I feel like a lot of these minigames are extremely hard.
Especially the one where you fight lucifer.
I'm already bad at dodging projectiles, but that's insane.
All these games were absolutely delightful, kudos to the author
My only gripe is that the freefall minigame goes on for way too long
Plot twist: Isaac is actually not in basement and he is fine with his family while his mom and dad bought him a NES so he could play games.
So nice to have a mini-game actually SKILL based to get an extra item.
Just wish I played on computer, and not just switch
As a console player, mods like these make me wish that mods were available on console.
all that work in the ghost undyne minigame to get "Mr. Me!" lmao
Based Candlemass reference
Glitched Rickety is a reference to Pusman from The End is Nigh and to Pac-man
1:35 i got an SCP foundation ad right as you put a nickel in the arcade machine... you scared the shit out of me 😭
I have a smooth brain idea for this mod. How about the quality of item you get is based on the difficulty of the game/the amount of lives you get in game. (it could also effect the destruction chances, but that is abit too much admin XD)
Black stone wielder: Bomberman
Too underground: Dig Dug
Night light: DDR
I love the Lucifer game specifically because it reminds me of the Pilot’s past of enter the gungeon.
0:01 maggots are flexing in left up corner so hard
This 100% needs to be in the game
Games are amazing but they should balance them more, the Lucifer fight seems slightly harder than the other minigames and lasts a lot, the fall minigame has the same problem in the sense its too long and the Zombie apocalypse is too fast and hard, should be slowed down just a little bit, this or the harder/longer ones should give better items as a reward
Really cool idea for a mod although the minigames themselfs could be better. Rickety Rackety is my favourite because it is truly different than isaac and moves smoothly. Most of the others are too long or just feel too much like isaac core gameplay in lower graphics.
I wish these machines could also give out trinkets since those would be pretty balanced. But this is overall amazing
just thought it was an easter egg, i was about to scream, anyway this is an absolutelly GREAT mod!
Lucifer have no business having nice bonkers, but he does and I'm okay with it
This mod is the The New Order of Binding of Isaac
now This a mod I really hope gets added to the game also I'm really glad that none of these mani games clash with my idea for a mod to add Mini game rooms on the womb floors
The lucifer one is the best
Its like a mega satan fight
I hope they will add more mini games soon!
If you think about it, since this is possible in issac, there can possibly be a wario ware inspired issac mod in the future
I've been playing a bit of Stardew Valley recently and I really like these, they give me Prairie King vibes
very cool mod, my favorite minigame is the one underwater
This is so cool it's like WarioWare, but the Undertale influence is a little bit on the nose.
I noticed something
When Slay was at 1 heart on “The Deadner,” he started to play, COMPLETELY. PERFECTLY.
This happens a lot when there are people showcasing something, yet I don’t know HOW they do that.
Probably either some form of miniature adrenaline dose, or holding back for content's sake.
The isaac haunted minigame is just me looking for the bathroom at 3 am
that is so freakin cool! what a great mod!