It seems to me that the First League chain is meant to parallel the Bronze Age collapse in our history, where all the Middle Eastern empires of around 1100 BCE were destroyed over a single generation. There's even a parallel between the Rakim nomads and the so called Sea Peoples that might have destroyed the Bronze Age empires.
Interesty thoery. I Thought it was due to all the sqaubling between the minor memebers causing all kinds of issues by not cooperating. This made it harder for the leagues institutions to function such as joint research, rule of law, trade, and then pirates were running around causing havoc to trade even more which lead to the grand navy collapsing because it didnt have enough money resources and people so larger empires finally had a shot at invading the league.
I feel like a multi species naval fleet would work more efficiently if each species had ships designed for them, instead of designing a ship that requires a half meter tall rat to try and work with a 4 meter tall bird
Have species specific fleeys such as the rats run the faster small strike craft while largers ships house the larger more slow craft or however they need to be built to specialize
No. They were a multi-species version of the Galactic or Trantorian Empire, from Isaac Asimov's Foundation or Galactic Empire series, which were written _long_ before Star Wars.
Good point. I've also just realized that the Trantorian Empire was more or less based on the Roman Empire, which means that expanded it's territory by conquering stuff, instead of joining together in a federation. But the planet-spanning city is an idea originally from Isaac Asimov's Galactic Empire series. Unless it was from an earlier book or other form of media from before then.
I once took part in a multiplayer game with some friends (about 12 of us altogether, along with 6-7 AI), and as most of us had gotten the first league precursor quest, we decided to found our own galactic federation, and unoriginally named it "the second league". What made it all the more fascinating was that it actually worked out, with about twenty primitive empires joining the new league over the first 300 years of it's existance. The galaxy remained at peace, until one of the few AI empires that refused to join us ended up summoning that massive psionic monstrosity that destroys their entire empire save for some exiles. Thankfully, the combined fleets of the second league were able to annihilate the creature with ease, since our combined fleet power was somewhere around 739k
There are plenty of stellaris groups on Steam if you're looking for a good multiplayer game! A good one in particular is the Voidfarers group, if you want to play non-competitively or RP (either or, depending on the host). I'll dollop a link here:
In some ways, the First League is an interesting reflection on the Federation of Star Trek - A society of many races that built themselves on mass co-operation between species and the facade of social unity. Except it is apparent that there was a major intrinsic flaw: Crippling amounts of overspecialisation. Consider the descriptions depicted by the founder species, one is a research race, one a warrior race, a race of diplomats, etc. All a wonderful mix that does bring balance to the League, but in the end, would be a catalyst in its own downfall, as each species would begin to feel their contributions to the League were greater than others, the warriors could boast how they keep the galaxy safe, the merchants could counter that without their economic backbone, the galactic fleets could not be maintained, etc. Therefore what you have is the clashing of multiple heads at the same time. And when that happens, all you'll get is everyone falling over. And then there's the darker aspects of the League, the economic and social coercion: The colony - a desperate attempt at propaganda to mask the crumbling facade, a claim of "The League is not suffering, we are all one, look at how we get along in this new colony!" - so not only does a developing colony have to maintain the difficulties of vastly different sized species with social hierarchies of their own, they are doing it under the watchful eye of both the League's leadership and the member citizens both. This would have added undue amounts of burden that would have exacerbated the struggles. In addition, the blockade is a demonstration of raw power and coercion, perhaps not just because they are species in League space that refuses to join (even the Federation has non-member species in its space) but it is likely there was an unlisted incident, either a major affront where a newly space borne empire did not just refuse the offer, but perhaps shot the messenger. Or maybe they were a species with a specific trait, technology, etc, that the League coveted greatly, but they would not share with. And the League, believing its own propaganda image of power and unity, decided to force them to heel. Had it worked, all they would have had is a species in their midst that was apprehensive of their actions. No amount of propaganda of "wondrous unity" would have made them believe otherwise. So why did the smugglers succeed where the League failed? Simple, the smugglers had a true common purpose. They all wanted to profit. Of course there were ulterior motives, we are talking about brigands after all, but knives were probably in front of each other, instead of behind each other. They also weren't picking people due to specialisations, they were accepting anyone who was involved.
While this can't be verified, I think the League's history probably went something like this: i) The start of the 2 million years BC galactic cycle, with the various member races expanding across the galaxy and fighting each other at various points. ii) The small and diminutive Mgir-Yan, who presumably at various points were the victims of the recurrent interstellar wars, established the League with a number of other races. This could have happened at the end of a particularly devastating interstellar war or because of a major external threat, similar to the formation of the European Union and the United Nations. iii) Over the next few centuries/millennia, the League expands across the galaxy, using its massive resources to dominate/influence/incorporate other worlds. At this point, with the seemingly endless expansion, the League is able to mediate the disputes between its member races and functions extremely effectively. iv) The trouble starts when the League reaches the limit of its natural expansion. This was probably on the fringes of the galaxy, when the distance between the stars and the issues with policing it mean expansion is not worth it. Manifest destiny probably carries the League a bit over the distance but eventually easy expansion grinds to a halt. In previous centuries, the League had left many 'non-compliant' powers alive within its territory as long as they accepted the League's hegemony. However possibly for the same reason that tax havens that not popular on Earth or because of militarism, the League starts annexing these worlds. However the League is not able to effectively police these territories as effectively, especially as more races who don't want to be part of the League are incorporated and become liabilities instead of assets. v) At the same time, the League's policies are causing problems on the Galactic rim. As with Rome and other empires, the League found it convenient to pay client states to police the frontier. However as happened in Germania between the 1st and 4th centuries, the League's subsidies causes considerable consolidation among the peoples of the rim, making them even more dangerous. At some point, maybe due to overpopulation or extra-galactic invaders, one of these groups decide to migrate into the League, leading to a serious interstellar war. This does not cause the collapse of the League but it severely degrades the economy, exacerbating the political problems and creating new ones. This is similar to the effect the Sea People invasions had on the Egyptian New Kingdom. vi) It is at this point, that the signs of internal decay really become apparent. Demagogues of various shades incite racial tensions, damaging the League's foundations as internal stagnation continues to grow. Assuming the Rim nomads were not completely destroyed, they would continue to strain the League's resources. As galactic civilization implodes, the League's races start running for cover and retreating to their home territories, likely enacting ethnic cleansing to get rid of 'subversive elements'. Perhaps much as the Galactic Empire in Foundation disintegrated, the League homeworld was violently sacked or maybe it suffered a death more comparable to Constantinople in the latter stages of the Byzantine Empire, with the population dwindling as the League collapses, albeit on a much smaller time scale. vii) This leaves an interesting question though. What precisely what happened to the races of the First League? Unlike with the Irrassians and the other precursors, there is nothing here that actually serves as a way of eradicating all sentient life in the galaxy. Of course we know that there is an 800,000 time gap between the First League and the Irassians, so maybe another catastrophe overtook the League's cycle. But that raises the question of why there is no trace of such a disaster. Or maybe one of the League's species actually became the Xenophobic Fallen Empire, but I personally think two million years is far too long. I personally think there are two possibilities; either the Irassians and their various subject races and enemies were in fact remnants of the League's cycle, having recovered from a plummet back to the Stone Age. The one that appeals to me most is that in spite of the retreat into populist demagoguery, the League's species found that they had become too dependent on each other and the end of the League meant the effective end of the trade networks that had sustained the galaxy. (There are theories, for instance, that modern humans could not survive in a stone age environment because our digestive systems aren't resistant enough to bacteria, to use one example of how even our relatively primitive civilization has left us unable to return to nature.) Maybe the League homeworld was not the only place to plummet into the abyss and within a few thousand years at most, the League's races had all died or dwindled to such an extent that they were vulnerable to relatively minor natural disasters such as asteroid impacts or climate change.
Thomas Goodwin The first league was like the Federstion from Star trek but more militaristic, forcing species in. After some harsh wars and some league members finishing their exploitation of the League it started falling apart More and more members leaving, combining that with the wars outside it probably shattered in to possibly hundreds of small empires which all ended up killing each other until as you said, the Irassians came, stumbeled upon this broken alliance filled with hate for each other and so they easilly could of picked them apart 1 by 1.
Dank God -Carlo- Zamasu i prefer goodwin's analysis since he not only put a lot of thought into it, he also understands the dynamics of civilizations and how they grow and collapse and applied it to the first league in an interesting way.
"There are theories, for instance, that modern humans could not survive in a stone age environment because our digestive systems aren't resistant enough to bacteria, to use one example of how even our relatively primitive civilization has left us unable to return to nature." This is abit off topic but that is an absolutely idiotic theory. Unless you live your whole life inside and constantly cover everything in anti bacterial soap modern people have far stronger immune systems not just from vaccines but from being densely packed in compared to stone age people. Your basically 50/50 being around someone whos sick with somthing. Or covered in germs. That's not even to mention probably more then a millenia of ancestors who lived in Even worse conditions then today. Europeans didn't deliberately bring plague to the Americas they where covered in that fuckin shit 24/7 from living in extreme filth compared to hunter gatherers and it showed when that shit turned into deadly plagues that wiped out entire populations.
The precursors teach you that being peaceful is bad and that you should just kill everything like the cybrex planned to before they changed their mind which caused their downfall ;D
Because the "First League" is nothing more than an imperialist superpower coalition. It's thirst for more power via dominion over all was also it's primary downfall due to internal infighting for supremacy among it's races within the league it's self.
So: when the different peoples on the colony were forced to try and cooperate without much in it for them, they didn't. When they had something to gain by working together like the smugglers, it was smooth sailing. Lesson: if you want people to get along, make it so they all benefit from doing so. If you try to force people to get along they won't.
Nah. Stellaris isn't grimdark enough. Now if it could be modded into Stellaris that all nations are fanatical purifiers and the shroud was actively malevolent we would have some progress with that.
This First League lore might not be the most viewed but is one of your best videos!! I think your research and own words would not be subject to copyright or all lore books would need approval, while unauthorised biographies exist.
I guess all that's left is the Yuht, whom in my opinion are the most boring of the pre-cursors, but that's just my mind XD Great job nonetheless ya spiffing British gentleman!
Kaiser Wilhelm XX there is also the Vultaum,which im guessing are rare because I have only found them once out of the forty or so games I've started(most never completed,a few rendered incompatible by updates,and one lost.)
Thanks for doing this The league is my favorite of the precursors because of the lore and potential for mechanics that could be added to the game based of the actions they took.
I believe that the problem with the first league was control, they had to have it. however, control, on the receiving end, feels more like exploitation and insult.
So your saying I'm ALWAYS justified in committing genocide on everyone either factionless or betraying my federation once I get powerful enough with an army of vassals?
Cruiser at the beginning sounds forced being so unnecessary. Like someone saying all boards or important positions must have a member of every race and gender regardless of anything else. Unity symbolism, for the greater good, just do it. No actual exchange, getting along, or true efforts. Just stick together, intermingle and get along because it's the right thing and we are enlightened. Everyone is the same regardless of station or situation in life. That's what comes to mind. Forced social "progress" without true thought or effort. Sticking a bunch of big machines together without calibrating or modifying the internals or programming to make sure they function so much as decently together. Expecting little to no issues.
Question: In stellaris lore, was there multiple leagues? Is there a empire in the game that is supposed to be the second or third league or a successor to it?
I always rename their system after the Coruscant system from Star Wars, then add the terraforming candidate to the homework planet and establish a super colony there. Is that weird?
It would be cool if the endgame crisis's were a part of some precursor story like a precursor was meddling with a certain tech and the unbidden came around and once life was eliminated they left
In one of my play throughs I haven't found more than one info about the league until very late in the game, because my neighbors blocked me out of the galaxy and I had just 3 star systems under my control, until I made them my vasalls. When I was controlling a reasonable part of the galaxy, the game started and continued to spawn quests on the one single planet, where I found the first colony of one of their founding species. Appearently, in my game, 4 species came from the same home planet . . .
you tell tales just like oxhorn from fallout lore really lucky people like you guys exist with great educated commentary and opinions...!!!!
I love the idea that the capitol is basicly Trantor from the Foundation books, an all encompassing admenistative planet that began to collapse from the empire's weight and how specialized it was
Uh so that's what happened to the League, couldn't find out myself since the Fen Habaris (the home system) was always bugged out and unscanable. Anyway good work Spiffing Brit! Keep the videos coming!
I know the current series is about the precursor species, but, I would like to see you do a lore episode about the Worm-In-Waiting/Dimensional Horror. There's definitely enough there for a video and I would like to see your theories about where it comes from, and what it means by "What was, will be, what will be, was".
This storyline is why I never even attempt to make federations, even if our ideals align perfectly. It is actually easier to spoof fleet strength to have other be subjects and then integrate as soon as possible, especially when the population's living conditions generally improve as a result.
The First League operated like the Greek City States and Roman Republic in our history, "Encouraging" membership of the League by any means and by borrowing from surrounding cultures to get as powerful as it became. Like Rome and Greece, it fell through infighting and overextension creating a 2 million years old dark age.
Dominique Martinez Except the EU is made upp of the same species, and if Stellaris has taught us anything it's that if it's made upp of the same species it's going to last.
Meme Machine so your life is multi-species and/or multiculural? What kind of being are you, a blorg whom failed at finding friends and therefore collapsed?
The grand battle feels very much like a homage to the battle of the Catalaunian Plains when the forces of the Roman empire and various tributary Gothic peoples fought Attilla and some other Gothic peoples. In fact the first league itself feels like it has a lot of late classical influence along the 'decline and fall of the roman empire' theme.
may you do an episode on the yuht and on "The End Of Cycles" both are fascinating stories (yuht being alone then destroyed quickly by first contact, TEOC with how it is the 4th end game crises)
European Union, really? I saw far more parallels with the Delian League/First Athenian Empire, especially the expansionism and using a combination of military and economic pressure to force other city-states into their League/Empire.
KittyFaerie until 11:18 it sounded like the League of Nations ( even the name was similar) but the unregulated travel is clearly a refference to Schengen.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire would also fit in some way(but in a more monarchy way) It united not primarily with wars but due to marriage of the rulers It ended from one day to the other and the capital city Vienna was also (in the first years) too big for the small Austria to survive, Austria had lost the agriculture areas in Hungary and the industrial areas in Bohemia,... The austrians didn't knew how Austria could survive without them. (That was one big reason for the votes to unify with the German Reich at that time) The solution for the vienna problem was to make vienna an own state and give them the highest amount of the federal budget. Even today Vienna gets more money per citizen than every other austrian state.
great video but i have a question... ¿ what happen to the original species ? so the league falls and then every other species who were members just drop dead? the homeworlds of the specis you mentioned what happen to the species living there they were like " well the league fell time to commit massive suicide" ? there must be something more to it than well we couldn't get along so a good portion of the life galaxy has now perished... there is a missing link somewhere maybe when the original species saw what was happening the activated a superweapon of some kind that wipe out all life in a sector of the galaxy (except fo the league's homeworld) or they migrated or something, if this has happened in the more recent past i might even have said that the cybrex killled them but the time breach between the two doesn't fit jmmm a mistery indeed
I just think they need to redo federations as a whole. I hate how the president of the federation is rotated and not elected, federation fleets are a nightmare when your fellow members can't build them yet have full control of technology hundreds of years ahead of there's, and association status should actually mean some thing instead of being meaningless.
It seems to me that the First League chain is meant to parallel the Bronze Age collapse in our history, where all the Middle Eastern empires of around 1100 BCE were destroyed over a single generation. There's even a parallel between the Rakim nomads and the so called Sea Peoples that might have destroyed the Bronze Age empires.
Jorg the Mercenary Spearman you saw the extra credit vid too didn't you
No, shhh. People won't think I'm smart now.
Interesty thoery. I Thought it was due to all the sqaubling between the minor memebers causing all kinds of issues by not cooperating. This made it harder for the leagues institutions to function such as joint research, rule of law, trade, and then pirates were running around causing havoc to trade even more which lead to the grand navy collapsing because it didnt have enough money resources and people so larger empires finally had a shot at invading the league.
Only Egypt survived, but likely only because they had been warned
And they were also the richest of the Bronze Age Empires, although the New Kingdom was already in decline by the 12th century BC.
I feel like a multi species naval fleet would work more efficiently if each species had ships designed for them, instead of designing a ship that requires a half meter tall rat to try and work with a 4 meter tall bird
My man you would be a level 11 scientist in Stellaris
yeah like the citadels navy system in mass effect
Have species specific fleeys such as the rats run the faster small strike craft while largers ships house the larger more slow craft or however they need to be built to specialize
"The first world is almost one entire city covering the planet"
Alright, these precursors were the Old Republic. Filthy Jedi, ruining good things.
No. They were a multi-species version of the Galactic or Trantorian Empire, from Isaac Asimov's Foundation or Galactic Empire series, which were written _long_ before Star Wars.
They can be inspired by both
Good point. I've also just realized that the Trantorian Empire was more or less based on the Roman Empire, which means that expanded it's territory by conquering stuff, instead of joining together in a federation.
But the planet-spanning city is an idea originally from Isaac Asimov's Galactic Empire series. Unless it was from an earlier book or other form of media from before then.
@@elliotlea5457 I am sure that two people can have the same idea without copying each other
I once took part in a multiplayer game with some friends (about 12 of us altogether, along with 6-7 AI), and as most of us had gotten the first league precursor quest, we decided to found our own galactic federation, and unoriginally named it "the second league". What made it all the more fascinating was that it actually worked out, with about twenty primitive empires joining the new league over the first 300 years of it's existance. The galaxy remained at peace, until one of the few AI empires that refused to join us ended up summoning that massive psionic monstrosity that destroys their entire empire save for some exiles. Thankfully, the combined fleets of the second league were able to annihilate the creature with ease, since our combined fleet power was somewhere around 739k
Pintroll300 I like that story
Pretty cool.
I wish I had friends.
There are plenty of stellaris groups on Steam if you're looking for a good multiplayer game! A good one in particular is the Voidfarers group, if you want to play non-competitively or RP (either or, depending on the host).
I'll dollop a link here:
Sounds like a good multi game. GG
First League: Join us
Unidentified aliens: No
First League: *_There's no second option_*
In some ways, the First League is an interesting reflection on the Federation of Star Trek - A society of many races that built themselves on mass co-operation between species and the facade of social unity. Except it is apparent that there was a major intrinsic flaw: Crippling amounts of overspecialisation.
Consider the descriptions depicted by the founder species, one is a research race, one a warrior race, a race of diplomats, etc. All a wonderful mix that does bring balance to the League, but in the end, would be a catalyst in its own downfall, as each species would begin to feel their contributions to the League were greater than others, the warriors could boast how they keep the galaxy safe, the merchants could counter that without their economic backbone, the galactic fleets could not be maintained, etc. Therefore what you have is the clashing of multiple heads at the same time. And when that happens, all you'll get is everyone falling over.
And then there's the darker aspects of the League, the economic and social coercion: The colony - a desperate attempt at propaganda to mask the crumbling facade, a claim of "The League is not suffering, we are all one, look at how we get along in this new colony!" - so not only does a developing colony have to maintain the difficulties of vastly different sized species with social hierarchies of their own, they are doing it under the watchful eye of both the League's leadership and the member citizens both. This would have added undue amounts of burden that would have exacerbated the struggles.
In addition, the blockade is a demonstration of raw power and coercion, perhaps not just because they are species in League space that refuses to join (even the Federation has non-member species in its space) but it is likely there was an unlisted incident, either a major affront where a newly space borne empire did not just refuse the offer, but perhaps shot the messenger. Or maybe they were a species with a specific trait, technology, etc, that the League coveted greatly, but they would not share with. And the League, believing its own propaganda image of power and unity, decided to force them to heel. Had it worked, all they would have had is a species in their midst that was apprehensive of their actions. No amount of propaganda of "wondrous unity" would have made them believe otherwise.
So why did the smugglers succeed where the League failed? Simple, the smugglers had a true common purpose. They all wanted to profit. Of course there were ulterior motives, we are talking about brigands after all, but knives were probably in front of each other, instead of behind each other. They also weren't picking people due to specialisations, they were accepting anyone who was involved.
A Sometimes RUclipsr or eu
While this can't be verified, I think the League's history probably went something like this:
i) The start of the 2 million years BC galactic cycle, with the various member races expanding across the galaxy and fighting each other at various points.
ii) The small and diminutive Mgir-Yan, who presumably at various points were the victims of the recurrent interstellar wars, established the League with a number of other races. This could have happened at the end of a particularly devastating interstellar war or because of a major external threat, similar to the formation of the European Union and the United Nations.
iii) Over the next few centuries/millennia, the League expands across the galaxy, using its massive resources to dominate/influence/incorporate other worlds. At this point, with the seemingly endless expansion, the League is able to mediate the disputes between its member races and functions extremely effectively.
iv) The trouble starts when the League reaches the limit of its natural expansion. This was probably on the fringes of the galaxy, when the distance between the stars and the issues with policing it mean expansion is not worth it. Manifest destiny probably carries the League a bit over the distance but eventually easy expansion grinds to a halt. In previous centuries, the League had left many 'non-compliant' powers alive within its territory as long as they accepted the League's hegemony. However possibly for the same reason that tax havens that not popular on Earth or because of militarism, the League starts annexing these worlds. However the League is not able to effectively police these territories as effectively, especially as more races who don't want to be part of the League are incorporated and become liabilities instead of assets.
v) At the same time, the League's policies are causing problems on the Galactic rim. As with Rome and other empires, the League found it convenient to pay client states to police the frontier. However as happened in Germania between the 1st and 4th centuries, the League's subsidies causes considerable consolidation among the peoples of the rim, making them even more dangerous. At some point, maybe due to overpopulation or extra-galactic invaders, one of these groups decide to migrate into the League, leading to a serious interstellar war. This does not cause the collapse of the League but it severely degrades the economy, exacerbating the political problems and creating new ones. This is similar to the effect the Sea People invasions had on the Egyptian New Kingdom.
vi) It is at this point, that the signs of internal decay really become apparent. Demagogues of various shades incite racial tensions, damaging the League's foundations as internal stagnation continues to grow. Assuming the Rim nomads were not completely destroyed, they would continue to strain the League's resources. As galactic civilization implodes, the League's races start running for cover and retreating to their home territories, likely enacting ethnic cleansing to get rid of 'subversive elements'. Perhaps much as the Galactic Empire in Foundation disintegrated, the League homeworld was violently sacked or maybe it suffered a death more comparable to Constantinople in the latter stages of the Byzantine Empire, with the population dwindling as the League collapses, albeit on a much smaller time scale.
vii) This leaves an interesting question though. What precisely what happened to the races of the First League? Unlike with the Irrassians and the other precursors, there is nothing here that actually serves as a way of eradicating all sentient life in the galaxy. Of course we know that there is an 800,000 time gap between the First League and the Irassians, so maybe another catastrophe overtook the League's cycle. But that raises the question of why there is no trace of such a disaster. Or maybe one of the League's species actually became the Xenophobic Fallen Empire, but I personally think two million years is far too long. I personally think there are two possibilities; either the Irassians and their various subject races and enemies were in fact remnants of the League's cycle, having recovered from a plummet back to the Stone Age. The one that appeals to me most is that in spite of the retreat into populist demagoguery, the League's species found that they had become too dependent on each other and the end of the League meant the effective end of the trade networks that had sustained the galaxy. (There are theories, for instance, that modern humans could not survive in a stone age environment because our digestive systems aren't resistant enough to bacteria, to use one example of how even our relatively primitive civilization has left us unable to return to nature.) Maybe the League homeworld was not the only place to plummet into the abyss and within a few thousand years at most, the League's races had all died or dwindled to such an extent that they were vulnerable to relatively minor natural disasters such as asteroid impacts or climate change.
Thomas Goodwin The first league was like the Federstion from Star trek but more militaristic, forcing species in.
After some harsh wars and some league members finishing their exploitation of the League it started falling apart
More and more members leaving, combining that with the wars outside it probably shattered in to possibly hundreds of small empires which all ended up killing each other until as you said, the Irassians came, stumbeled upon this broken alliance filled with hate for each other and so they easilly could of picked them apart 1 by 1.
Dank God -Carlo- Zamasu i prefer goodwin's analysis since he not only put a lot of thought into it, he also understands the dynamics of civilizations and how they grow and collapse and applied it to the first league in an interesting way.
is it weird that i read it all?.... and i agreed with it all?.....
How does a comment with this much effort have 47 likes while "I want Stellaris someday" has so much love?
"There are theories, for instance, that modern humans could not survive in a stone age environment because our digestive systems aren't resistant enough to bacteria, to use one example of how even our relatively primitive civilization has left us unable to return to nature."
This is abit off topic but that is an absolutely idiotic theory. Unless you live your whole life inside and constantly cover everything in anti bacterial soap modern people have far stronger immune systems not just from vaccines but from being densely packed in compared to stone age people. Your basically 50/50 being around someone whos sick with somthing. Or covered in germs.
That's not even to mention probably more then a millenia of ancestors who lived in Even worse conditions then today.
Europeans didn't deliberately bring plague to the Americas they where covered in that fuckin shit 24/7 from living in extreme filth compared to hunter gatherers and it showed when that shit turned into deadly plagues that wiped out entire populations.
I like how all the precursor/fallen empires tell a story about what the player is likely to do and how it can lead to the players downfall
The precursors teach you that being peaceful is bad and that you should just kill everything like the cybrex planned to before they changed their mind which caused their downfall ;D
The paralells to the galatic republic are uncanny. Especially with the Central system being a city world.
anyone ever feels bad for these species
Meme Machine I do especially the peaceful ones
ydo man same ;_;
i wish you could possibly get games where they spawn and you can watch them slowly die off
Meme Machine I wish you could have a game where you can become a member of the league
Start a game and create a Federation, name it "The Second League" or "League Legacy".
I love how at first the League sounded like a nice nation but as you continued they looked worse and worse
As they say a empire always looks good on the cover but build with Dead people and lies
Because the "First League" is nothing more than an imperialist superpower coalition. It's thirst for more power via dominion over all was also it's primary downfall due to internal infighting for supremacy among it's races within the league it's self.
Vitriol Squared PRAISE THE WORM
The worn loves us.
This was one of the first precursor events I got in my stellaris career.
Was interested in the lore of the game and wanted to know more. finding your channel was a gift from God I love these videos
cristian almanza His voice is great
So: when the different peoples on the colony were forced to try and cooperate without much in it for them, they didn't. When they had something to gain by working together like the smugglers, it was smooth sailing.
Lesson: if you want people to get along, make it so they all benefit from doing so. If you try to force people to get along they won't.
That is a lesson we all should take into consideration. We were never meant to travel our world alone.
Who wants the Yuht?... No one? I'm the only who likes sublight travel? Ok....
sounds lile the history of the dark age of technology of humanity from 40k
God Emperor Of Mankind
Stellaris is basically a 40k simulator.
Nah. Stellaris isn't grimdark enough. Now if it could be modded into Stellaris that all nations are fanatical purifiers and the shroud was actively malevolent we would have some progress with that.
God Emperor Of Mankind Yeah as in my game I tried to create Custom Empire's Simliar to certain Factions from Warhammer 40k, Minus the Human Government
This First League lore might not be the most viewed but is one of your best videos!!
I think your research and own words would not be subject to copyright or all lore books would need approval, while unauthorised biographies exist.
I guess all that's left is the Yuht, whom in my opinion are the most boring of the pre-cursors, but that's just my mind XD Great job nonetheless ya spiffing British gentleman!
The Spiffing Brit Take you're Time man, I'm not saying you should rush into these, I'm just saying your doing a great job with each of these so far!
Kaiser Wilhelm XX there is also the Vultaum,which im guessing are rare because I have only found them once out of the forty or so games I've started(most never completed,a few rendered incompatible by updates,and one lost.)
the Yuht had it coming lol
@@mansamusa1743 really? Got them in my first game and appeared right after
Thanks for doing this The league is my favorite of the precursors because of the lore and potential for mechanics that could be added to the game based of the actions they took.
The League Capital World reminds me of Trantor from the Foundation series.
Since u made that vid im going to gove it a like and watch the whole thing
I believe that the problem with the first league was control, they had to have it. however, control, on the receiving end, feels more like exploitation and insult.
So your saying I'm ALWAYS justified in committing genocide on everyone either factionless or betraying my federation once I get powerful enough with an army of vassals?
I wish we could get some new Stellaris lore videos, I love these; I revisit from time to time.
these videos are so beautiful. they bring a tear to my eye.
These lore videos are really cool !
Cruiser at the beginning sounds forced being so unnecessary. Like someone saying all boards or important positions must have a member of every race and gender regardless of anything else.
Unity symbolism, for the greater good, just do it. No actual exchange, getting along, or true efforts. Just stick together, intermingle and get along because it's the right thing and we are enlightened. Everyone is the same regardless of station or situation in life.
That's what comes to mind. Forced social "progress" without true thought or effort. Sticking a bunch of big machines together without calibrating or modifying the internals or programming to make sure they function so much as decently together. Expecting little to no issues.
Now at the propaganda colony part. Ffs.
@@michaelscotts3949yup- just as much external pressures collapsed the League, internal decay did so to.
Question: In stellaris lore, was there multiple leagues? Is there a empire in the game that is supposed to be the second or third league or a successor to it?
whenever i play a xenophile build with tons of different species i rename myself "Second League" in the midgame
@@Rhinoiron I wish you could rename empires in console edition
@@christophersalinas2722 make a federation
I always rename their system after the Coruscant system from Star Wars, then add the terraforming candidate to the homework planet and establish a super colony there. Is that weird?
Is it wierd to destroy there planet, to show your supremacy?
@@MouldMadeMind Yes Yes it is
WE WANT THE BLORG! Awesome videos BTW.
Thank you soo much for this amazing video, it's realy fascinating to learn about the lore of this amazing game. Keep up the amazing work!
I love these man! You're the best
Another great vid. Hope to one day see you make your own lore to add to this universe.
As much as I love your Exploit videos I think you've a voice perfect for these lore videos!
Please keep these videos coming. I will like every one you make
yes an upload of lore
It would be cool if the endgame crisis's were a part of some precursor story like a precursor was meddling with a certain tech and the unbidden came around and once life was eliminated they left
These guys failed in the beginning by calling themselves The FIRST League implying that this one will fall or be changed in some way
Never managed to ever come close to completing the First League event chain. Thanks for this video.
a league of zerg, ouroboros, mickey mouses and ostriches
In one of my play throughs I haven't found more than one info about the league until very late in the game, because my neighbors blocked me out of the galaxy and I had just 3 star systems under my control, until I made them my vasalls. When I was controlling a reasonable part of the galaxy, the game started and continued to spawn quests on the one single planet, where I found the first colony of one of their founding species. Appearently, in my game, 4 species came from the same home planet . . .
Terrkas0 maybe same plante different ages
you tell tales just like oxhorn from fallout lore really lucky people like you guys exist with great educated commentary and opinions...!!!!
I love the idea that the capitol is basicly Trantor from the Foundation books, an all encompassing admenistative planet that began to collapse from the empire's weight and how specialized it was
Uh so that's what happened to the League, couldn't find out myself since the Fen Habaris (the home system) was always bugged out and unscanable. Anyway good work Spiffing Brit! Keep the videos coming!
Nice vid spiff
I know the current series is about the precursor species, but, I would like to see you do a lore episode about the Worm-In-Waiting/Dimensional Horror. There's definitely enough there for a video and I would like to see your theories about where it comes from, and what it means by "What was, will be, what will be, was".
Ha, just noticed the ad for the Cutlass Red. Nice.
Imagines the long snake people fought against the 0.6 m tall herbivores
This storyline is why I never even attempt to make federations, even if our ideals align perfectly. It is actually easier to spoof fleet strength to have other be subjects and then integrate as soon as possible, especially when the population's living conditions generally improve as a result.
Nice! I never found their home world or administry thingy, so nice to know how the event chain looks!
The First League operated like the Greek City States and Roman Republic in our history, "Encouraging" membership of the League by any means and by borrowing from surrounding cultures to get as powerful as it became. Like Rome and Greece, it fell through infighting and overextension creating a 2 million years old dark age.
When ever I find super strong primitives in my games, I invade and use rhem as shock troops.
3:38 im just thinking of how cute these things could be! :D
Whoever did the population counting really did not wanna get it wrong
love these vids and music.
Some support for Spiff. :)
Reminds me of the EU
Dominique Martinez Except the EU is made upp of the same species, and if Stellaris has taught us anything it's that if it's made upp of the same species it's going to last.
roman empire Byzantium empire Macedonia empire the bronze age collapse soviet union my life and all of those things have collapsed
Meme Machine so your life is multi-species and/or multiculural? What kind of being are you, a blorg whom failed at finding friends and therefore collapsed?
alessandro Donadi i was making a list of all things that are the same as others that has collapsed
Meme Machine yes, I knew that, I just wanted to try and crack a joke ; )
I'm falling asleep from your soothing voice
basically Space rome 🤔 , and like rome , it imploded on itself
The grand battle feels very much like a homage to the battle of the Catalaunian Plains when the forces of the Roman empire and various tributary Gothic peoples fought Attilla and some other Gothic peoples. In fact the first league itself feels like it has a lot of late classical influence along the 'decline and fall of the roman empire' theme.
Wit just a touch of Foundation obviously
Bengal famine, Irish famine, some more famines ... The first league was clearly a tea based empire.
good stuff bro
Reminds me of the
ha u thought i was gonna say EU
but nah for real the league is based on the EU
wow, I just started this event chain and then I get recommended a video about it
It would be cool if there was like a small group still alive
The Worm next please
Great story tailing !!!
i really miss his old videos
Rest in pieces First League
So The First League is the space EU?
Yup, apart for the downfall thingy
Leurquin François The EU must and will fall ;)
wtNiles Wait did I miss the EU collapsing overnight or are you full of shit?
They are more like the Galactic Republic
It's more like space League of Nations
may you do an episode on the yuht and on "The End Of Cycles" both are fascinating stories (yuht being alone then destroyed quickly by first contact, TEOC with how it is the 4th end game crises)
Woot! Woot! More Lore!
I did just think so it's the EU in space, without going into the comments.
Miss the lore videos
The first league sound like a hybrid of the Federation and Dominion put together. That or something like the Covenant.
The question is: who make's the space brexist?
this is space yugoslavia
European Union, really? I saw far more parallels with the Delian League/First Athenian Empire, especially the expansionism and using a combination of military and economic pressure to force other city-states into their League/Empire.
KittyFaerie until 11:18 it sounded like the League of Nations ( even the name was similar) but the unregulated travel is clearly a refference to Schengen.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire would also fit in some way(but in a more monarchy way)
It united not primarily with wars but due to marriage of the rulers
It ended from one day to the other and the capital city Vienna was also (in the first years) too big for the small Austria to survive, Austria had lost the agriculture areas in Hungary and the industrial areas in Bohemia,... The austrians didn't knew how Austria could survive without them. (That was one big reason for the votes to unify with the German Reich at that time)
The solution for the vienna problem was to make vienna an own state and give them the highest amount of the federal budget. Even today Vienna gets more money per citizen than every other austrian state.
are these videos selling like a Godchurch???
100 billion to 1 trillion? For a PLANET sized city? Multiply that population by a thousand at least.
You should also make the Vultaum , which has a realistic ending and might happen in real life in some scale.
great video mate, but what's your graphic mod ? Or is this vanilla version?
great video but i have a question... ¿ what happen to the original species ? so the league falls and then every other species who were members just drop dead? the homeworlds of the specis you mentioned what happen to the species living there they were like " well the league fell time to commit massive suicide" ? there must be something more to it than well we couldn't get along so a good portion of the life galaxy has now perished... there is a missing link somewhere maybe when the original species saw what was happening the activated a superweapon of some kind that wipe out all life in a sector of the galaxy (except fo the league's homeworld) or they migrated or something, if this has happened in the more recent past i might even have said that the cybrex killled them but the time breach between the two doesn't fit jmmm a mistery indeed
yes exactly!!!
i would think they were stuck with an agreement so... as it fell... some poe- species committed suicide out of fear????? i don't know!! :(
emm asari-diplomats tutians-wariors volus-bank salarians-saientist mass effect hmm
This is -EU- Late Bronze Age Collapse.
Why is your voice so good. It's not fair. Please, talk more.
They should have taken the Xeno Compatibility Perk.
The rodents were mainly politicians ha
So basically space Yugoslavia.
nyok nyok nigguh
Feels like a space Austria-Hungary
Will you ever do a Unbidden lore video?
This is the Delian League
@The Spiffing Brit awesome vid, can we have a music list? The one in the beginning is hypnotizing me...
What if we're one of those primitive species and were being protected by a league
@12:00 reminds me of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series
Does this story remind anyone else of the Twilight Imperium lore?
I hope paradox expands federations in a future update or dlc
I just think they need to redo federations as a whole. I hate how the president of the federation is rotated and not elected, federation fleets are a nightmare when your fellow members can't build them yet have full control of technology hundreds of years ahead of there's, and association status should actually mean some thing instead of being meaningless.
I think the music is too loud. It's hard to hear brit ;/