Because people were also people back then, they covered for their children. Didn't snitch on them. I would be stoned or burned because my father was a malignant narcissist 😢
I asked my brother in law if he would sacrifice his son to God. He answered that he hoped he would have faith to do it. Which means he means to obey! I, an atheist, told him, if I saw you sacrificing your son... my nephew, I would stop you.
Sad that people in this day and age still believe this mythology from millenia ago. And sacrifice the child? Do they even realize how absurd and horrible this is? I hope the son grows up and goes to college and never looks back!
If I caught my brother sacrificing his kid, I would sacrifice him to Satan. Of course none of it's real so his soul wouldn't be damned, but he wouldn't know that.
I used to wonder why the angels could not fight for themselves and allowed the girls to be abused. then I read the rest of the story and realised how nasty it was
Pastor, Preacher and the likes never did told the whole story in the church. But guess what "*they know the whole story and yet they omit the bad parts*" I might as well ask them if they enjoy deceiving the people during the sermons.
I remember in second grade the nuns telling us the story about this guy killing his daughter and I wondered why god didn't send an angel to save her like he did with Abraham and his son Isaac?
When we were under the spell of Christianity. ...we felt that these stories are the thorns that kept annoying us live with the pain of all these nagging questions we had to simply live in denial
Looking back at my life, i have to wonder, how the hell did every pastor i ever knew read and study their bible and completely ignored these things ?!?! They preach the wonderful sermons of love and justice but gods unimaginable genocide and slavery was all but ignored. Don't question God right ? He has a master plan after all! I just laugh my ass off now. But to be honest this entire story sounded so farfetched to me i used to laugh a little in my mind quietly, just quietly enough hoping God couldn't hear me. Most of the time i didn't really care though ... He's like the uncle who never shows up for family gatherings. You just kinda stop caring ...
Deutoronomy 32:39 "See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand. What a loving god
i'm with you. when i was a theist, i was proud that i stopped the sun. then i read the bible and found a little about science and then i was like...oh wait.
+Josh Pedrick If you really want, why not go with "Jay" as in J. JP as name your buddies call you by could also work. It's not the same as shedding the name completely but it works practically without anything but saying "hey, i'm sick of being Josh, can you call me that please". Officially changing the name would probably be a hassle with a shitload of paperwork included for all contracts and insurance policies you've ever subscribed to ;)
I know how you feel. You were named after the guy that slaughtered almost an entire city because his god told him to, I was named after the kid that was almost slaughtered by his own father because his god told him to. And they think these are admirable, pricks.
Even though I know the bible is allegorical and not a literal book, I still cannot read the old testament because of all the horrific bloody murder of people and animals
Except history has proven it's own facts. Nothing in the bible can be contributed to history because there is no event on the historical record outside of the bible or has been proven wrong such as the story of moses.
+Baby James "History is shrouded in violence! The fact it records things that make us uneasy is a good reason to have confidence in it." Not really... why would anybody honestly interested in morality and good living only celebrate the bloody bits of history and the moments when Israel behaved idiotically (going back to idol worshipping 20 or 30 years after god has rained fire and brimstone on them or sent the last powerrful enemy to punish them for it again and again and again) and not also record the good times and acts of mercy? The bible is a long tedious horror story of failure and god's temper tantrums, history would be far more balanced and spread out over good and evil.
when you mention about "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." i remember,back then at my third grade of elementary school,a priest read this passage out loud in a communio,i was too young back then,i cried because i was scared
This is the best podcast I've heard from you, Seth. You are on FIRE here! (That said, I've only heard a dozen or so, since I spoke to you on AXP last month.)
I have loved all your podcasts so far ! I don't know if you will see this, but a little town , Fredricksburg, Ohio, Church of Christ ( I think) is having an Atheist debate. With no Atheists present. I just thought that was too funny.
James Wright Boneheaded enough to believe the book I quoted? No, I'm not. I'm just putting that verse up to educate people who would try to claim that God is Good.
Hey, *****, I just looked at James Wright 's youtube page: It would seem he is a rational sort, but he must have been confused by my comment; thinking I was defending Christianity with my quote.
Xyander That is a very key scripture! One of my favs. Use it often. God admits ge created evil. If a believer tries to say the New Testament changes it, give them the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17-18 "Think not that I come to destroy the law..." He came to fulfill!
the story of Uzzah was the one that always made me doubt even when I was back in Bible school. No one could ever explain it to me acceptably why was that necessary... 😉
That song at the end was fuckin awesome - I was laughing so hard I was crying! Another awesome podcast - these are some of the best videos on RUclips. Keep up the good work Seth - we need more truth speakers like you if we're ever going to break free from the shackles of religion.
Could you please start posting these podcasts in 240p resolution as well? I often like to browse or play game online while I listen, but my bandwidth isn't the best. Thanks for all you do, I never miss a show!
Yes, the god of the OT truly is horrendous, but I was sorry that Seth cut the young black gay man off so abruptly. Around 58:00, he had asked a question, which Seth completely ignored. It must have taken a lot of courage for the young man to get on a public radio and say that he was gay, and his question sounded to me like a sincere quest for information. I too would like to have heard Seth's answer. so need to compile a play list of song paradies and of topics like you played at the end.. that was hilarious. I needed that laugh today..thanks
I'd love to see signs at football games like EX 21:21 or Luke 14:26 (Jebus says hating your family is a prerequisite to follow him). John 3:16 is played out
Great show. Really enjoyed it. I defended these passages for almost 2 decades; but in the end, they were instrumental in my deconversion. I was a Pastor and Youth Pastor and have a degree in theology - the Bible was my life. But there really isn't a Christian alive (who isn't a sociopath) that can entirely excuse these verses. Now I'm making videos exposing the weaknesses and lies of creationism. When we make this info accessible, people will be able to see the chains that they revere so much.
This podcast was amazing and incredibly entertaining. Thank you! By the way, John Butler's song did wrap this up beautifully. Unfortunately, my son heard the song and with his selective memory has chosen to repeat it and sing it to everyone he meets.
Thank you, Seth, for doing this particular show. I can now reference it for those Christians I come across who claim that God is all about love, or that the God of the Old Testament is the the same as the God of the New Testament (to which I routinely point out how Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount, something you'd think they might have noticed before) or ask me "Where do you get morality if not from the Bible?"
That business about Lot giving his daughters over to rape to protect his guests - how do christians deal with this kind of crap? Probably through willful ignorance for those who have read their bible. It occurs to me that these christians forgive their god for a hell of alot more than it forgives them. How does having impure thoughts about that cute little redhead at work compare to this? Monstrous, the worse horror stories ever written don't begin to compare with this bible.
My girlfriend has two grandkids. They are being taught to say Jesus all the time. It sickens me. I see how insidious Christianity is. Children are being victimized by their own parents. Those parents were victimized and now they are perpetuating the cycle. I want to save those children from a lifetime of abuse being taught guilt, shame and fear. But if I said anything the entire family will attack me. Christianity is so destructive. I could stop fires from destroying a house but I can’t stop people from destroying their children.
Yeah, but at least we are collectively trying to grow out of our violent ways through modernism and reason. If God really was one of knowledge and love, he would teach his people how to better themselves to the highest degree, not sanction and regulate their barbarism. We are having to pull ourselves out of the mire, and we are slowly realizing as a whole that the way to reach new levels is not through an unchanging god.
Good show! I got into a discussion with a high school teacher about where we get our morals. I said we get them from reason. I went on to talk about the violence god perpetrated on tribes in the OT and he said "No, no..." shook his head and walked away.
Its so clear to me now! I lost my faith in August of this year (2012) because i kept asking the questions and receiving conflicting and often very contradictory answers. Can you please discuss the "unforgivable sin" as I was once described by a pastor in a Lutheran private school in the 5th grade. I looked it up and it is blaspheming the holy spirit but another website and minister told me that "oh that sin is forgivable as long as you are truly sorry for committing it"
I actually recently read a post on FB where someone claimed that the ordeal of the bitter water wasn't actually abortion. LOL. They also claimed that having the rapist marry his victim was actually a way to protect her from further harm.
This is probably the best in-depth explanation of the horrors of the Bible that I've yet to come across. Not only does it cover the majority of the issues involved, but it does so in a quick, clear and precise manner. Other explanations tend to tackle one subject at a time and get bogged down in details and lengthy explanations. Even the average christian can sit still long enough to take THIS one in. Definitely gonna use it against them in the future. :-)
You know Seth Andrews I was going to pull up an argument by William Lane Craig or another apologist to rebut this. However, after thinking about it I just decided to quote George Clooney when he was confronted by a Bernie Sanders supporter when the actor was hosting a fundraiser for Sen Clinton. When the protester shouted to Clooney that Batman and Robin was a crappy movie Clooney responded " Yeah okay you got me there"
You have made some great podcasts in your time, Seth, but without doubt, this is one of the very best ever. I am ACHING to hear any rebuttals / responses from apologists to you fantastic arguments.......
One of my favorite things now is to see all the wild mental gymnastics that Christians attempt whenever they are confronted with these verses. They cannot get themselves to admit that "God's word" is filled with effed up garbage. NO! MUST DEFEND GOD'S WORD! Just recently I hit a Christian who was telling me the usual drivel about how 'MERIKA needs to get back to the Bible and "biblical values." So I throw Deuteronomy 22:28-29 at him and asked him if we need to change our laws concerning rape to accommodate "God's word." Like almost all Christians, he had no idea what Deuteronomy 22:28-29 says, so I read it to him. (Sidenote: isn't it funny how Christians are so adamant that they have GOD'S WORD ....yet the vast majority apparently haven't read it?!) He did the usual shuck and jive about how I was reading it "out of context" (gotta love that dodge); I asked, then, to give it IN context. He, of course, could not. But then, somehow, he heard the bit about the 50 shekels of silver and said: "50 shekels of silver was thousands of dollars back then!!! See!! This is a DETERRENT to rape!!! HUH!?!?! Again, the mental gymnastics!!
I love ya Seth...but I couldn't help it...I laughed my ass off through this whole podcast! I couldn't help it! Lol a god of love my ass! You made my day Seth!
Actually, that's how I found your channel in the first place. I was perplexed by Alan Feduccia's rather curious views on bird evolution (and the shameless abuse of said views by creationists) so I searched RUclips and your video came up. I gave it a go and was very impressed by your arguments. I think you may have found your niche on RUclips!
I'd like to make a villain in a story based on either Moses or Jahve. After all the evil of said biblical characters is greater than that or Emperor Palpatine or Sauron.
Referrencing at 48:00 : The 10 plagues... I loved these lines from Hillary Swank in "The Reaping" about scientific answers to the 10 plagues in Egypt: "1400 BC a group of nervous Egyptians see the Nile turn red. But what they thought was (1) blood was, in fact, an algae bloom which (2) killed the fish who, prior to that, had been living off the eggs of frogs. Those uneaten eggs turned into (3) record numbers of baby frogs, who subsequently, fled to the land and died. There little rotting frog bodies attracted (4) lice and flies---the lice carrying the "Blue Tongue Virus" which (5) killed 70% of Egypt's livestock. The flies carried glanders, a bacterial infection, which in humans causes (6) boils. Soon thereafter, The Nile River Valley was hit with a 3 day sandstorm, otherwise known as (7) the Plague of Darkness. During the sandstorm, intense heat combined with an approaching cold front which produced not only hail, but also intense electrical storms, which would have looked to the Egyptians like (8) "Fire from the sky". The subsequent winds would have blown the Ethiopian locust population off course and (9) right into downtown Cairo. Hail is wet, locusts leave droppings, spread both on your grain and you have micro-toxins. Dinner-time in ancient Egypt meant the (10) first born got the biggest portions, which in this case, meant he ate the most toxins so he died." Ten scientifically verifiable explanations to the fairytales of the bible.
This is also the same book (well, collection of such) which specifies that you need to sprinkle the blood on the east side of the altar first (the altar of which must be exactly 3x5x4 cubits) and other such micromanagement details. Or all those long lists of begats. I don't know who wrote Jepthahs book, but if it's the same kind of people who wrote the Pentateuch, I don't feel they would leave out such a detail.
Every religious person PERIOD needs to listen to this, but especially the moderates, who try to justify the crazy and batshit insane stories in the bible
The Adam and Eve mythology sends a powerful message. Its tells you to respect your gut instinct. It tells you that you must use your own volition, in order to avoid abusive gods. However Christians have twisted this myth backassward. As they portray the snake metaphor as evil. Not true. It's god that does not not have your best interest at heart. Only his own. God doesn't care about you. He only wants power and control over you. Don't give it to him. Make a garden of your own.
I have been an atheist for a little while now. But it still sickens me when I hear this side of the "holy" book. How and why are people still convinced that this is a good idea even after claiming to have read it?! HOW?!!!!!
One of my favorite musicals growing up in the church was Children of Eden. I still find the music enjoyable, though the story still reminds me of exactly why I left the faith. It is truly lamentable that religion punishes the intellectual and the curiosity of man.
I was raised in a pentecostal home all my life. In high school. I was a 'jesus freak' and attended all church services and all church gatherings. I was also very active in the youth group, choir and the human video group. At age 22 I became an Atheist. I started questioning christianity before then, but at 22 I became Atheist. I am now 28 and very happy in my beliefs. Also, I live in Alabama and get looked down upon for my beliefs by the same 'christians' that I used to attend church with....
And the "payments" you make during your life are in the form of your time and energy you could be spending enjoying being alive and experiencing life fully--your ability to sell this same product to others, etc. All for some carrot you don't even get to see--you just get to be promised it exists and one day you'll get it so long as you believe
The fact that we are all destined to die is enough to make us doubt the existence of a God. ...what a cruel sadistic god is this? the tragedy of humanity is you got to spend your life with your parents and then see them dying and then your children will have to go through the same trauma of losing you.....utmost cruelty .... We have each other to love and care about guys.
Christians have spent thousands of years coming up with excuses for a loving god that would allow or create such evil. Christians will argue that this was the OT god and that he’s different in the NT. His wrath was quenched with Jesus’ sacrifice. How does one counter? I like to say that saying that was the OT god is like saying he changed his mind from then till the NT. So…if he changed his mind that would be admitting he was wrong originally. If he was wrong, then he is not a god.
We are told an all-knowing God designed the incredible complexities of all life, yet was so unimaginative & primitive it could only resolve issues by killing people.
when I was going to private school, they used to tell us that Christianity was more respectful towards women than any other religion. WHAT THE FUCK GUYS HOW DID I FALL FOR IT
There were a lot of these stories I had heard as a believer and excused, but there are also a lot I didn't hear that I know I wouldn't have excused either. Its weird the way your mind works once you start with the answer that "God's always right and has his reasons." Looking at it objectively changes EVERTHING.
Really like your videos. I went through just about the same re catholic school from grade four through grade ten before I realised that not one of their teachings(courses) on religion, was believable. It came to the point that I had to make a change for the better. Atheism was my choice and to this day, my life is a lot better.
I'd read the Bible probably three times at least, front to back, during my childhood and teen years. When I sat down with it again in 2008 in an attempt to renew my decaying faith, I noticed that I had... overlooked several things. I was reading it without the "god glasses" at that time. I wondered how in the world I had missed all that horror those other times! Funny how that works... The end song is hilarious!
The premises are sound and the conclusion follows. If you look closely enough at a tree (with its information, organization, and design) it does contribute the the argument for God; the second argument: 1. Design suggests a designer. 2. The universe has evidence of design. 3. Therefore the universe has a designer.
PART 2: Limited-time access to land IS an evolutionary advantage (a part of a lung doest just apear, as you implied, there are fishes TODAY that can walk on land for a few minutes, NOT with " A partial lung" but with gills that can also get oxygen from the air, which is probably similar to what eventually developed into early lungs)
Listened to this live back in the day. Listening again in 2023.
What I want to know is how anyone survived adolescence without being stoned to death.
Because people were also people back then, they covered for their children.
Didn't snitch on them.
I would be stoned or burned because my father was a malignant narcissist 😢
I asked my brother in law if he would sacrifice his son to God. He answered that he hoped he would have faith to do it. Which means he means to obey! I, an atheist, told him, if I saw you sacrificing your son... my nephew, I would stop you.
Sad that people in this day and age still believe this mythology from millenia ago. And sacrifice the child? Do they even realize how absurd and horrible this is? I hope the son grows up and goes to college and never looks back!
@@violettaloughnane6604 "children deserve to die" -Rev 2016
If I caught my brother sacrificing his kid, I would sacrifice him to Satan. Of course none of it's real so his soul wouldn't be damned, but he wouldn't know that.
and then I would put you into solitary confimend for breaking the law
I would kick him and beat the hell out of him, and then hand him over to the law for attempting infanticide and ritual human sacrifice.
Seth's "good ole boy" impression makes me laugh.
Seth's "southern church lady" impression made me lose my breath in laughter.
I used to wonder why the angels could not fight for themselves and allowed the girls to be abused. then I read the rest of the story and realised how nasty it was
well its because they died to Azazel duh
Gods Love is equal with low selfesteem and fear.
What Christians call "Love" is nothing that a logical, rational, sensible, and scientifically informed mind would recognize as "love".
Pastor, Preacher and the likes never did told the whole story in the church. But guess what "*they know the whole story and yet they omit the bad parts*"
I might as well ask them if they enjoy deceiving the people during the sermons.
Well, there is murder, rape, and mayhem in this world, so i guess god did make man in his own image.
Great comment! :) I agree.
Dogdamn46 I think it's more likely that man made god in his own image.
Kevin Luna lol, couldn't agree with you more. Well said.
god is good...... god is great.......... RIGHT
Dogdamn46 very well stated👍 sad. but true.
I remember in second grade the nuns telling us the story about this guy killing his daughter and I wondered why god didn't send an angel to save her like he did with Abraham and his son Isaac?
When we were under the spell of Christianity. ...we felt that these stories are the thorns that kept annoying us live with the pain of all these nagging questions we had to simply live in denial
Looking back at my life, i have to wonder, how the hell did every pastor i ever knew read and study their bible and completely ignored these things ?!?! They preach the wonderful sermons of love and justice but gods unimaginable genocide and slavery was all but ignored. Don't question God right ? He has a master plan after all! I just laugh my ass off now. But to be honest this entire story sounded so farfetched to me i used to laugh a little in my mind quietly, just quietly enough hoping God couldn't hear me. Most of the time i didn't really care though ... He's like the uncle who never shows up for family gatherings. You just kinda stop caring ...
They know what u acclaim, but they lie themselfs first .
Well said!
@@johnybravo1873 What??
Well said, Eddy, well said!
They have to dance in circles for them selve first and than for the others to ignore it.
I cal that do some mental gymnastic on a high level.
Deutoronomy 32:39 "See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.
What a loving god
I have done my research. I am 100% with you. Yes, yes and yes. The church only teaches what they WANT us to know. Thank you so much for sharing!
Holy shit! (no pun intended) The bible is one barbaric piece of literature, the more i learn about it the more i dislike it.
You should turn into an atheist.
the muslim book is full of hate too...
@@franciscosustek7249 Yeah, i know but i was talkimg about the bible in this case
And to think my folks named me after the biblical Joshua. Can I change my name now?
i'm with you. when i was a theist, i was proud that i stopped the sun. then i read the bible and found a little about science and then i was like...oh wait.
+Josh Pedrick If you really want, why not go with "Jay" as in J.
JP as name your buddies call you by could also work.
It's not the same as shedding the name completely but it works practically without anything but saying "hey, i'm sick of being Josh, can you call me that please". Officially changing the name would probably be a hassle with a shitload of paperwork included for all contracts and insurance policies you've ever subscribed to ;)
Josh Pedrick i want a cool Klingon name👍
I know how you feel. You were named after the guy that slaughtered almost an entire city because his god told him to, I was named after the kid that was almost slaughtered by his own father because his god told him to. And they think these are admirable, pricks.
Even though I know the bible is allegorical and not a literal book, I still cannot read the old testament because of all the horrific bloody murder of people and animals
The new testament isnt eny better.
A book full of cruelty and disgusting psychopathic horror things.
Same experience I had when trying to read the Bible from cover to cover. There was so much violence in the OT that I couldn't get through it.
History is shrouded in violence! The fact it records things that make us uneasy is a good reason to have confidence in it.
Except that the Bible isn't a history book.
Except history has proven it's own facts. Nothing in the bible can be contributed to history because there is no event on the historical record outside of the bible or has been proven wrong such as the story of moses.
+Baby James
"History is shrouded in violence! The fact it records things that make us uneasy is a good reason to have confidence in it."
Not really... why would anybody honestly interested in morality and good living only celebrate the bloody bits of history and the moments when Israel behaved idiotically (going back to idol worshipping 20 or 30 years after god has rained fire and brimstone on them or sent the last powerrful enemy to punish them for it again and again and again) and not also record the good times and acts of mercy? The bible is a long tedious horror story of failure and god's temper tantrums, history would be far more balanced and spread out over good and evil.
when you mention about
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
i remember,back then at my third grade of elementary school,a priest read this passage out loud in a communio,i was too young back then,i cried because i was scared
This is the best podcast I've heard from you, Seth. You are on FIRE here! (That said, I've only heard a dozen or so, since I spoke to you on AXP last month.)
Seth, I wish I had discovered your podcasts when they first came out!
I wish I could get a Christian to sit in the room and listen to this all the way through.
"Oh he gives her 30 days! (god is love)"
I laughed and cried.
Thank you for doing this important podcast Seth!!
This has provided great help to me in my study - thank you. Post-its and highlighters are go.
I have loved all your podcasts so far ! I don't know if you will see this, but a little town , Fredricksburg, Ohio, Church of Christ
( I think) is having an Atheist debate. With no Atheists present. I just thought that was too funny.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
- Isaiah 45;7
I'm sure you are this Bonehead. Writing and doing are completely different skills...
James Wright Boneheaded enough to believe the book I quoted? No, I'm not.
I'm just putting that verse up to educate people who would try to claim that God is Good.
Hey, *****, I just looked at James Wright 's youtube page: It would seem he is a rational sort, but he must have been confused by my comment; thinking I was defending Christianity with my quote.
Xyander oh wow! so the fucker admitted it! 😂 glad that fucker dont really exist. sadly his followers do.
Xyander That is a very key scripture! One of my favs. Use it often. God admits ge created evil. If a believer tries to say the New Testament changes it, give them the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17-18 "Think not that I come to destroy the law..."
He came to fulfill!
Way to lay it down Seth. I think this may be one of my fav of your podcast! Thank you!
the story of Uzzah was the one that always made me doubt even when I was back in Bible school. No one could ever explain it to me acceptably why was that necessary... 😉
“He appears to Noah in the form of a burning bush” 48:08
Wait, what? Ooops 😂
Seth. I learned soooo muuuch listening to you, You are THE BEST. Thanks.
I've never heard so much laid out in a row like that. I teared up during the Joshua part. That's horrific
I wonder if the people who claim to be “pro-life” would excuse abortion because the unborn babies will be taken straight up to heaven?
Can't believe I'm just hearing this now. One of the best ever, by far.
Me too.
That song at the end was fuckin awesome - I was laughing so hard I was crying! Another awesome podcast - these are some of the best videos on RUclips.
Keep up the good work Seth - we need more truth speakers like you if we're ever going to break free from the shackles of religion.
It is so sad to hear these verses being justified by good people.. Like parents.. It breaks my heart.
"Give her 30 days, you know, to get over it"
that is exactly the attitude depicted. truly horrific.
Could you please start posting these podcasts in 240p resolution as well? I often like to browse or play game online while I listen, but my bandwidth isn't the best.
Thanks for all you do, I never miss a show!
Seth: please be skeptics of everything I say tonight.
Seth: hello my name is Seth.
Yes, the god of the OT truly is horrendous, but I was sorry that Seth cut the young black gay man off so abruptly. Around 58:00, he had asked a question, which Seth completely ignored. It must have taken a lot of courage for the young man to get on a public radio and say that he was gay, and his question sounded to me like a sincere quest for information. I too would like to have heard Seth's answer.
I love listening to this video: it's very informative and entertaining. so need to compile a play list of song paradies and of topics like you played at the end.. that was hilarious. I needed that laugh today..thanks
I'd love to see signs at football games like EX 21:21 or Luke 14:26 (Jebus says hating your family is a prerequisite to follow him). John 3:16 is played out
Great show. Really enjoyed it. I defended these passages for almost 2 decades; but in the end, they were instrumental in my deconversion. I was a Pastor and Youth Pastor and have a degree in theology - the Bible was my life. But there really isn't a Christian alive (who isn't a sociopath) that can entirely excuse these verses.
Now I'm making videos exposing the weaknesses and lies of creationism. When we make this info accessible, people will be able to see the chains that they revere so much.
This podcast was amazing and incredibly entertaining. Thank you! By the way, John Butler's song did wrap this up beautifully. Unfortunately, my son heard the song and with his selective memory has chosen to repeat it and sing it to everyone he meets.
Thank you, Seth, for doing this particular show. I can now reference it for those Christians I come across who claim that God is all about love, or that the God of the Old Testament is the the same as the God of the New Testament (to which I routinely point out how Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount, something you'd think they might have noticed before) or ask me "Where do you get morality if not from the Bible?"
That business about Lot giving his daughters over to rape to protect his guests - how do christians deal with this kind of crap? Probably through willful ignorance for those who have read their bible.
It occurs to me that these christians forgive their god for a hell of alot more than it forgives them. How does having impure thoughts about that cute little redhead at work compare to this?
Monstrous, the worse horror stories ever written don't begin to compare with this bible.
Look to Kitty Boo Boo's post at the top for one answer to that question. Quite shocking.
Internet connection was down for 4 days. Waited that long to hear this excelent show. Keep it up TTA.
After this podcast I just want to throw my Bible out the window. I knew there were dark bits that helped to turn me off from faith, but damn.
My girlfriend has two grandkids. They are being taught to say Jesus all the time. It sickens me. I see how insidious Christianity is. Children are being victimized by their own parents. Those parents were victimized and now they are perpetuating the cycle. I want to save those children from a lifetime of abuse being taught guilt, shame and fear. But if I said anything the entire family will attack me. Christianity is so destructive. I could stop fires from destroying a house but I can’t stop people from destroying their children.
Yeah, but at least we are collectively trying to grow out of our violent ways through modernism and reason. If God really was one of knowledge and love, he would teach his people how to better themselves to the highest degree, not sanction and regulate their barbarism. We are having to pull ourselves out of the mire, and we are slowly realizing as a whole that the way to reach new levels is not through an unchanging god.
Good show! I got into a discussion with a high school teacher about where we get our morals. I said we get them from reason. I went on to talk about the violence god perpetrated on tribes in the OT and he said "No, no..." shook his head and walked away.
This one episode is my all time favorite thing on You Tube.
Its so clear to me now! I lost my faith in August of this year (2012) because i kept asking the questions and receiving conflicting and often very contradictory answers. Can you please discuss the "unforgivable sin" as I was once described by a pastor in a Lutheran private school in the 5th grade. I looked it up and it is blaspheming the holy spirit but another website and minister told me that "oh that sin is forgivable as long as you are truly sorry for committing it"
Ahhh, TTA and Two of my favorite things in one podcast
I actually recently read a post on FB where someone claimed that the ordeal of the bitter water wasn't actually abortion. LOL. They also claimed that having the rapist marry his victim was actually a way to protect her from further harm.
So god chose to allow evil to occur, rather than prevent it from occurring.
This is probably the best in-depth explanation of the horrors of the Bible that I've yet to come across. Not only does it cover the majority of the issues involved, but it does so in a quick, clear and precise manner. Other explanations tend to tackle one subject at a time and get bogged down in details and lengthy explanations. Even the average christian can sit still long enough to take THIS one in.
Definitely gonna use it against them in the future. :-)
Standing ovation!! Love this show!!!
one of the best ones yet, KEEP EM' COMING!
You know Seth Andrews I was going to pull up an argument by William Lane Craig or another apologist to rebut this. However, after thinking about it I just decided to quote George Clooney when he was confronted by a Bernie Sanders supporter when the actor was hosting a fundraiser for Sen Clinton. When the protester shouted to Clooney that Batman and Robin was a crappy movie Clooney responded " Yeah okay you got me there"
You have made some great podcasts in your time, Seth, but without doubt, this is one of the very best ever. I am ACHING to hear any rebuttals / responses from apologists to you fantastic arguments.......
Revelations was like some kind of acid trip! Wow! LMFAO
they were all tripping not knowing they were hallucinating thus religon.
One of my favorite things now is to see all the wild mental gymnastics that Christians attempt whenever they are confronted with these verses. They cannot get themselves to admit that "God's word" is filled with effed up garbage. NO! MUST DEFEND GOD'S WORD!
Just recently I hit a Christian who was telling me the usual drivel about how 'MERIKA needs to get back to the Bible and "biblical values."
So I throw Deuteronomy 22:28-29 at him and asked him if we need to change our laws concerning rape to accommodate "God's word."
Like almost all Christians, he had no idea what Deuteronomy 22:28-29 says, so I read it to him. (Sidenote: isn't it funny how Christians are so adamant that they have GOD'S WORD ....yet the vast majority apparently haven't read it?!) He did the usual shuck and jive about how I was reading it "out of context" (gotta love that dodge); I asked, then, to give it IN context. He, of course, could not. But then, somehow, he heard the bit about the 50 shekels of silver and said: "50 shekels of silver was thousands of dollars back then!!! See!! This is a DETERRENT to rape!!!
Again, the mental gymnastics!!
Thank god I'm not religious.
In the description can you include all the Chapters and verses you used? Thanks
The best bible part (new testament) is the book after Revalation, part 28 "jesus in wonderland"!
I love ya Seth...but I couldn't help it...I laughed my ass off through this whole podcast! I couldn't help it! Lol a god of love my ass! You made my day Seth!
Jephthah was probably expecting his dog.
Or his wife, maybe?
So dog turns priest.....
Actually, that's how I found your channel in the first place. I was perplexed by Alan Feduccia's rather curious views on bird evolution (and the shameless abuse of said views by creationists) so I searched RUclips and your video came up. I gave it a go and was very impressed by your arguments. I think you may have found your niche on RUclips!
I'd like to make a villain in a story based on either Moses or Jahve. After all the evil of said biblical characters is greater than that or Emperor Palpatine or Sauron.
Referrencing at 48:00 : The 10 plagues...
I loved these lines from Hillary Swank in "The Reaping" about scientific answers to the 10 plagues in Egypt:
"1400 BC a group of nervous Egyptians see the Nile turn red. But what they thought was (1) blood was, in fact, an algae bloom which (2) killed the fish who, prior to that, had been living off the eggs of frogs. Those uneaten eggs turned into (3) record numbers of baby frogs, who subsequently, fled to the land and died. There little rotting frog bodies attracted (4) lice and flies---the lice carrying the "Blue Tongue Virus" which (5) killed 70% of Egypt's livestock. The flies carried glanders, a bacterial infection, which in humans causes (6) boils.
Soon thereafter, The Nile River Valley was hit with a 3 day sandstorm, otherwise known as (7) the Plague of Darkness. During the sandstorm, intense heat combined with an approaching cold front which produced not only hail, but also intense electrical storms, which would have looked to the Egyptians like (8) "Fire from the sky". The subsequent winds would have blown the Ethiopian locust population off course and (9) right into downtown Cairo. Hail is wet, locusts leave droppings, spread both on your grain and you have micro-toxins. Dinner-time in ancient Egypt meant the (10) first born got the biggest portions, which in this case, meant he ate the most toxins so he died."
Ten scientifically verifiable explanations to the fairytales of the bible.
This may have been remarked upon before, but I can't help but think of Jonestown.
It always amazes me how gullible and unquestioning people can be.
I posted THIS on my facebook. 1 friend liked this. 100+ ignored...
Seth this is your best podcast. The proof is in the book!
This is also the same book (well, collection of such) which specifies that you need to sprinkle the blood on the east side of the altar first (the altar of which must be exactly 3x5x4 cubits) and other such micromanagement details.
Or all those long lists of begats.
I don't know who wrote Jepthahs book, but if it's the same kind of people who wrote the Pentateuch, I don't feel they would leave out such a detail.
Every religious person PERIOD needs to listen to this, but especially the moderates, who try to justify the crazy and batshit insane stories in the bible
What is the podcast name of the episode where seth says what dictators did then says it was god? I cant find it but that episode was brilliant
I listen to these every Sunday before my parents force me to go to church.
The Adam and Eve mythology sends a powerful message. Its tells you to respect your gut instinct. It tells you that you must use your own volition, in order to avoid abusive gods. However Christians have twisted this myth backassward. As they portray the snake metaphor as evil. Not true. It's god that does not not have your best interest at heart. Only his own. God doesn't care about you. He only wants power and control over you. Don't give it to him. Make a garden of your own.
This is pure gold XD
I have been an atheist for a little while now.
But it still sickens me when I hear this side of the "holy" book.
How and why are people still convinced that this is a good idea even after claiming to have read it?!
I love this.
One of my favorite musicals growing up in the church was Children of Eden. I still find the music enjoyable, though the story still reminds me of exactly why I left the faith. It is truly lamentable that religion punishes the intellectual and the curiosity of man.
Which means god is ultimately responsible for evil.
I was raised in a pentecostal home all my life. In high school. I was a 'jesus freak' and attended all church services and all church gatherings. I was also very active in the youth group, choir and the human video group. At age 22 I became an Atheist. I started questioning christianity before then, but at 22 I became Atheist. I am now 28 and very happy in my beliefs. Also, I live in Alabama and get looked down upon for my beliefs by the same 'christians' that I used to attend church with....
The song made me laugh out loud.
And the "payments" you make during your life are in the form of your time and energy you could be spending enjoying being alive and experiencing life fully--your ability to sell this same product to others, etc. All for some carrot you don't even get to see--you just get to be promised it exists and one day you'll get it so long as you believe
lol that song.
The fact that we are all destined to die is enough to make us doubt the existence of a God. ...what a cruel sadistic god is this?
the tragedy of humanity is you got to spend your life with your parents and then see them dying and then your children will have to go through the same trauma of losing you.....utmost cruelty ....
We have each other to love and care about guys.
I'm so tempted to share this.
Christians have spent thousands of years coming up with excuses for a loving god that would allow or create such evil.
Christians will argue that this was the OT god and that he’s different in the NT. His wrath was quenched with Jesus’ sacrifice. How does one counter? I like to say that saying that was the OT god is like saying he changed his mind from then till the NT. So…if he changed his mind that would be admitting he was wrong originally. If he was wrong, then he is not a god.
Thank you for that awesome podcast! And the song in the end... well it took me some years back thx for that :) !!!
We are told an all-knowing God designed the incredible complexities of all life, yet was so unimaginative & primitive it could only resolve issues by killing people.
when I was going to private school, they used to tell us that Christianity was more respectful towards women than any other religion. WHAT THE FUCK GUYS HOW DID I FALL FOR IT
I like the apologist idea that if it had indeed been Jephta's cat that came out the door, then he would have sent it to a convent or something. :)
There were a lot of these stories I had heard as a believer and excused, but there are also a lot I didn't hear that I know I wouldn't have excused either. Its weird the way your mind works once you start with the answer that "God's always right and has his reasons." Looking at it objectively changes EVERTHING.
Really like your videos.
I went through just about the same re catholic
school from grade four through grade ten before I
realised that not one of their teachings(courses) on religion,
was believable. It came to the point that I had to make
a change for the better.
Atheism was my choice and to this day, my life is
a lot better.
I'd read the Bible probably three times at least, front to back, during my childhood and teen years. When I sat down with it again in 2008 in an attempt to renew my decaying faith, I noticed that I had... overlooked several things. I was reading it without the "god glasses" at that time. I wondered how in the world I had missed all that horror those other times! Funny how that works...
The end song is hilarious!
The premises are sound and the conclusion follows. If you look closely enough at a tree (with its information, organization, and design) it does contribute the the argument for God; the second argument: 1. Design suggests a designer. 2. The universe has evidence of design. 3. Therefore the universe has a designer.
They should have DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY after reading the book.
Limited-time access to land IS an evolutionary advantage (a part of a lung doest just apear, as you implied, there are fishes TODAY that can walk on land for a few minutes, NOT with " A partial lung" but with gills that can also get oxygen from the air, which is probably similar to what eventually developed into early lungs)