♡ Crochet Mini Sanrio Charms Tutorial | Cute & Easy ♡

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 265

  • @_ghostfly
    @_ghostfly Год назад +207

    0:00 intro + characters
    0:30 materials
    cinnamoroll, pompompurin, pochacco
    1:05 face base pattern , round 1
    2:08 round 2
    3:01 round 3
    3:57 round 4
    4:39 leave a tail to sew
    5:00 sewing two sides together
    6:28 ear pattern, round 1 & 2
    7:02 round 3
    7:56 round 4 & 5
    8:35 sew the ear onto the head
    9:35 hat for pompompurin
    10:55 sewing the hat on
    11:22 embroidering the face
    my melody & kuromi
    12:39 costume for my melody & kuromi (repeat round 1-3 from face base pattern)
    12:52 round 4
    13:24 round 5
    13:37 round 6
    14:07 my melody round 7
    14:19 kuromi round 7
    15:51 sewing ears onto my melody
    16:43 bow for my melody
    18:08 ears for kuromi, round 1
    18:46 round 2
    19:27 round 3 & 4
    20:43 face details for my melody & kuromi using felt
    20:57 chococat details using felt
    21:03 keroppi eyes pattern
    22:03 keroppis smile

  • @etmsstudio
    @etmsstudio  Год назад +44

    I tried to include as many characters as possible!
    But, if I didn't include your favourite characters, I am really sorry.
    I only made popular ones so I hope they cover your favourites too!
    Have a great time making them!♡

  • @lizling8024
    @lizling8024 Год назад +25

    Face x2
    R1: mr 8sc
    R2: 8inc
    R3: sc, inc
    R4: 24hdc
    R1: mr 8sc
    R2: 8sc
    R3: 2sc, dec
    R4-5: 6sc
    *add 2 more for cinnamonroll
    Hat for pompompurin
    R1: mr 8sc
    R2: 8inc
    R3: 16sc
    Suit for melody and kuromi
    R1-3: repeat of face pattern
    R4: 2sc, inc
    R5: 32sc
    R6: 2sc, dec
    R7: 24sc for melody
    R7: 10sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc9 for kuromi
    Kuromi ears
    R1: 4sc mr
    R2: 4inc
    R3-4: 8sc, leave tail, x stuff

  • @etmsstudio
    @etmsstudio  Год назад +7

    I tried to make them look exactly the same as the original.
    But, i'm still not satisfied with some .
    I'm sorry if I didn't make your fav character cute!:(

    • @lalainetanedo7552
      @lalainetanedo7552 Год назад

      Can I use your pattern and sell the product??🥰

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      @@lalainetanedo7552 yes, of course!🙆‍♀️💞

    • @lalainetanedo7552
      @lalainetanedo7552 Год назад

      @@etmsstudio omg thank you so much! This would help me earn money😭❤️

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1


  • @leoncervantes4276
    @leoncervantes4276 Год назад +13

    Omg I can't believe it, just YESTERDAY I was following your previous tutorial about the keychains and I thought to myself how would it look like if I made one like My Melody!! It's like you read my mind 🙈🫶🏼

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +4

      Oh My god!🤭💞
      Maybe I read your mind!♡♡

  • @CutesyDaisy
    @CutesyDaisy Год назад +7

    I think I’ll save this to try to knit when I’m bored! I don’t have crochet hooks haha
    I’ll use your adorable Sanrio character as references

  • @Noa-g1ex
    @Noa-g1ex Год назад +8

    This is so adorable, my favourite is cinnamon roll 💙

  • @littlelinn550
    @littlelinn550 Год назад +4

    im a big fan of cinnamoroll so i try to find some simple and easy crochet to make a cinnamoroll keychain but i found your video and it was awesome!

  • @worldsfastestcheetah-.d3es
    @worldsfastestcheetah-.d3es 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @paoct
    @paoct Год назад

    I have several brooches and I didn't know what to do. Thanks to your lively tutorial, I will make these cute charms! Thanks a lot for sharing and many greetings from Quito-Ecuador ❤

  • @nostalgicsamurai686
    @nostalgicsamurai686 Год назад +1

    You come up with the cutest patterns 😍

  • @evinekemalaolviana4645
    @evinekemalaolviana4645 7 месяцев назад +9

    15:49 how to sew pink part and white part?

  • @LaisShinzato
    @LaisShinzato 7 месяцев назад +1

    Consegui fazer o Cinnamoroll, ficou tão fofo! Mas tive dificuldade em fazer as orelhas kkk obrigada pelo tutorial!

  • @smilesmile9678
    @smilesmile9678 Год назад +1

    Okie! I am gonna do homework later :) Thank you for this amazing tutorial !❤

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      Oh my ! Don't forget to study too!😅❤

  • @Sunyyy-
    @Sunyyy- Год назад +26

    Omg i can already feel the cuteness 🥹

  • @sapphireblue5018
    @sapphireblue5018 Год назад +3

    Omg thank you so much🥰 I just finished hello kitty and the frog one😆 I really want to make pompompurin or cinnamoroll, but i always failed making the ears, mine always turned out short and looks very wonky lol🥲 i need to learn more and try again😊

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      Try adding more sc rows if it is short.
      Glad that you didn't give up!♡♡

  • @crochetcrimeasmr4269
    @crochetcrimeasmr4269 Год назад +2

    Just found your channel and I am obsessed 😍😍😍

  • @Camila-uu8lq
    @Camila-uu8lq Год назад +1

    explicas muy bien todo, te quedaron muy tiernos💗 muchas gracias por compartir el patron, hace mucho tiempo queria hacer un pompompurin🫂

  • @XxsanaxX_playz
    @XxsanaxX_playz 10 месяцев назад +3

    I am making this for ALL my friends it’s soo pretty

  • @tingtinghuang1650
    @tingtinghuang1650 9 месяцев назад

    Nice. Thank you.

  • @dousafavourandkys9550
    @dousafavourandkys9550 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I just have a question.. at the end of rnd 3 the video just cut and i dont know if i should sc one more in the first one or not. IM SO SORRY IM NEW TO CROCHETING

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +4

      Yes you will have to make first sc for 4th round and put a stitch marker on it♡

  • @nashhhh_
    @nashhhh_ Год назад +5


  • @NicoleMargaretPCena
    @NicoleMargaretPCena Год назад +98

    Please make a beginner’s tutorial on how to make kuromi 😭. Please I wanna make it as a gift to my friend who’s transferring to another school. She likes kuromi

    • @annatoth1234
      @annatoth1234 11 месяцев назад +6

      I agree i want to make kuromi before winter break ends and i can t find a pattern

    • @twinkle8347
      @twinkle8347 11 месяцев назад +2

      Did you find any good kuromi tutorial?

    • @brefefef
      @brefefef 9 месяцев назад +3

      kuromi is at the end of this video tho

    • @kathleensnyder23
      @kathleensnyder23 9 месяцев назад +4

      I’m confused bc Kuromi is in this video lol, you do the face part from the beginning in white, then make the hood in black

    • @annalynignao178
      @annalynignao178 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@annatoth1234me too😊

  • @xxnotsafaxx
    @xxnotsafaxx Год назад +2

    thank you so much!
    because of you i know how to make a magic ring!

  • @LeahAlt235
    @LeahAlt235 Год назад +1

    i’ve been looking at your videos just to see what you have available, the first video i watched was your bouquet coasters, and omg, you have definitely earned a new subscriber, you’re amazing 💗💗

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Thank you so much!💖

    • @LeahAlt235
      @LeahAlt235 Год назад

      @@etmsstudio ofc, keep going i’ll support your channel forever 💗💗

  • @saasiljuditgomezreyes4199
    @saasiljuditgomezreyes4199 Год назад

    Thank you very much for this tutorial! They are so cute! ❤

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      Glad to know!💞🙆‍♀️

  • @Princess_Shanie
    @Princess_Shanie Год назад +1

    This is so amazing!! I absolutely love this tutorial! You did such an amazing job describing everything. I absolutely love these!!! ^.^! I can’t wait to make them!!!
    I am now in love with your channel and I will be following and watching every video lol!

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Oh thank you so much for your support!♡

  • @roxymary1037
    @roxymary1037 Год назад


    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Thank you for your support!💞🙆‍♀️

  • @connilu7096
    @connilu7096 Год назад +4

    hiii i love it, but i dont understand how knit the white part of the melody, same as the pink part?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      The same as pompompurin head base♡

  • @yuamaze
    @yuamaze Год назад

    this is soooo cute>< i love it so much !! thankyou for the tutorial ❤️❤️❤️

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      My pleasure!💞🙆‍♀️

    @AMARMOHATTA 5 месяцев назад

    I am like sóooooooo jealous. I love sanerio alot

  • @angelachen8550
    @angelachen8550 Год назад +3

    Can you plz make tutorials for sanrio plushies too🥺❤️
    I want the tutorials from you cuz your explanation is so good❤

  • @dandanboy8554
    @dandanboy8554 10 месяцев назад +1

    I got to say you have a creative mind and good ideas.i got my ideas from you❤❤❤❤❤

  • @saku_raii
    @saku_raii Год назад +2

    It's so cute ❤ I made my melody but I wanted to know how to make the ears for hello kitty

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      It is included in previous tutorial. I also mentioned it in after Materials♡

  • @Joyful_butterfly
    @Joyful_butterfly Год назад

    your tutorials are the best ❤

  • @Elmocookie123
    @Elmocookie123 Год назад +6

    Hi so I’m trying to make the kuromi I made the white and black part but idk how to attach them without the colours bleeding through please help or sugest a tutorial for it 😭

  • @Idkhgfgggxfhgsfeyyscnkopnmc
    @Idkhgfgggxfhgsfeyyscnkopnmc Год назад +7

    You should make a separate video for each character😁
    Also, when you were making purin, you got 24 from 16. I don’t get it and I keep messing up on it 😅😅😅 3:53

  • @furball7u748
    @furball7u748 Год назад +1

    I'm going to try to make a kuromi purse with your pattern, let's hope it turns out well and thank you very much for the pattern, I was looking so hard for a sanrio one ❤😊😊

  • @charleneloke3382
    @charleneloke3382 Год назад +2

    Hi, do you have any technique for sewing the pompompurin ears? You sew it so nice

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      I sew like the way I mentioned in video!
      I sew the last round then I sew it on the head♡

  • @lauraporras1566
    @lauraporras1566 Год назад

    So cute! Thanks for the tutorial. Un saludo desde Colombia 🥰🌷

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      You're warmly welcome!♡♡

  • @pekjii
    @pekjii Год назад

    This is soo cute❤❤ thank you!!

  • @nicole_zero4bhabad611
    @nicole_zero4bhabad611 Год назад +3

    Hello, can you share which color of yellow yarn you use in making pompompurin? Thank you so much ❤

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      It's pastel yellow. I used 4 ply milk cotton yarn with the black label ♡

  • @yelissearias5751
    @yelissearias5751 Год назад +4

    It's so cute.💕 Please can you make your version of BT21 keychains 💕🥰

  • @Iqraaa._imran
    @Iqraaa._imran Год назад +2

    Omgg thank you so much I demanded for that❤❤❤

  • @jasmineescolar8542
    @jasmineescolar8542 7 месяцев назад +8

    Help I can't understand and i can't find kerropi's head tut and chococat's :((

    • @fischw
      @fischw 5 месяцев назад +1

      It's from another video! The part 1. I was confused too, but she explains how to do in part 1. The ear's part were the hardest for me 😭😭

  • @forfun6851
    @forfun6851 Год назад

    Omg soooo cute thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @ishikagaire1520
    @ishikagaire1520 Год назад

    i love this channel sm 💗

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      Thank you!💞🙆‍♀️

  • @ThuVanNguyen-ts5xu
    @ThuVanNguyen-ts5xu 8 месяцев назад +1

    the kuromi white part is a full ball or just the face

  • @PickledCobblestone
    @PickledCobblestone 3 месяца назад +3

    How were you supposed to make the ears for chococat?

    • @heyemmyboo9477
      @heyemmyboo9477 3 месяца назад

      I think she’s just glued some yellow felt on, however, with some precision you could probably embroider it on

  • @roseisiconic_
    @roseisiconic_ Год назад +3

    for the pompompurin ear, do I make 5 rows?. I'm asking cause you have 7 rows and I'm confused

    • @WhoKilledLily4
      @WhoKilledLily4 7 месяцев назад

      You make 5 for pompompurin and 7 for cinamorol

  • @yasuu8885
    @yasuu8885 Год назад +5

    how do you do hello kitty's ears?

    • @kayleedelay4232
      @kayleedelay4232 8 месяцев назад +1

      I did 4sc in mr , Inc around (8), sc Inc (12)

  • @ClaudiaRodriguez-lf6ul
    @ClaudiaRodriguez-lf6ul 11 месяцев назад +4

    Me encantaron quisiera hacerlos ,pero no se inglés 😢 podrias hacer el tutorial con subtítulos en español, gracias ❤

    • @camilaaw
      @camilaaw 9 месяцев назад +2

      8pb anillo mágico
      8aum [16
      1pb 1 aum
      24 medios puntos altos
      hacer dos iguales y luego unirlos

  • @Tarable02
    @Tarable02 Год назад +2

    Did you slip stitch at the end of tbe HDC round of 24 before cutting the tail?

  • @viridianaarreola3642
    @viridianaarreola3642 Год назад

    Ahhhhh, qué bonitos están! ♡♡♡♡♡✨

  • @jake_.0
    @jake_.0 11 месяцев назад +3

    I love your videos, and they came up so cute! 💗
    But i have a question, how did u do the ears of hellow kitty?

    • @wendybird3107
      @wendybird3107 7 месяцев назад

      Round 4.) 1 sc,[ (1 dc, 2 Tr, 1 dc) in the same stitch] hope this helps

  • @kevinyang6676
    @kevinyang6676 Год назад +7

    how do you crochet keroppi?

  • @ronda9317
    @ronda9317 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for writing all the information down, I am so excited they are so cute I want them all.❤❤
    Sending love from Washington State

  • @melisarenoj1639
    @melisarenoj1639 7 месяцев назад +1

    At minute 0:43 you can do a tutorial on how to make the little boat

  • @stevannypadmaputri8673
    @stevannypadmaputri8673 11 месяцев назад +5

    i think the kuromi ear wrong...
    i try to make it and it become cat ear
    i think need to add round 5,6
    round 5 add 8sc = 8
    round 6, 2sc and 1 dec = 6
    i already cut my yarn, unfortunately😭😭

    • @stevannypadmaputri8673
      @stevannypadmaputri8673 11 месяцев назад

      so i continue more round...
      i think add more 4 round(?) haha i just using insting to do not stich marker for the rest. and now it looks like kuromi ear. not cat ear

    • @jessicag3419
      @jessicag3419 10 месяцев назад

      @@stevannypadmaputri8673 can you write down the pattern that you used for the ears? mine are looking like cat ears also lol

    • @stevannypadmaputri8673
      @stevannypadmaputri8673 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@jessicag3419 sorry
      Dont remember the pattern
      I just continue the loop by insting haha until it more longer and look like kuromi ears

    • @jessicag3419
      @jessicag3419 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@stevannypadmaputri8673 ah kay, thanks for replying!

    • @kathekz5446
      @kathekz5446 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​​​@@jessicag3419maybe its late but here's the pattern i used
      Rnd 1. Magic ring 4 Sc
      Rnd 2. 4 inc (8)
      Rnd 3. 8sc
      Rnd 4. 8sc
      Rnd 5. 8sc
      Rnd 6. 2sc, 1 dec* 2 times (6)

  • @laney271
    @laney271 Год назад +2

    When doing the first side of the head do you fasten it off?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      It's ok if leave one long tail from first side or second side ♡

  • @shereemaevillanueva9367
    @shereemaevillanueva9367 Год назад +2

    Thank you for the tutorial🥰 i only have 2 left to make. Can i ask if you sew the white part and the balaclava or not?

  • @nahiaramartin5601
    @nahiaramartin5601 Год назад +5

    Como haces las orejas de hello kitty?

    • @seleminiee
      @seleminiee 11 месяцев назад +1

      Quekor saber igual

    • @kayleedelay4232
      @kayleedelay4232 8 месяцев назад

      I did 4sc in mr , Inc around (8), sc Inc (12)

  • @arianne1627
    @arianne1627 11 месяцев назад +6

    pls make a written pattern

  • @yellowlemonade3729
    @yellowlemonade3729 Год назад


  • @Nataly_games
    @Nataly_games Год назад +4

    It’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute but how did you make the face of kuromi ???👾

    • @areyouok5822
      @areyouok5822 Год назад

      Looks like she cut up felt and just glued or sewed it on

  • @briellahuang1717
    @briellahuang1717 Год назад

    yours is very neat 😭

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Sew properly and attach the details patiently and you will get a great result♡

  • @lisa_crochet
    @lisa_crochet 11 месяцев назад +1

    good idea 🙂

  • @TheArtsAndCraftsClub
    @TheArtsAndCraftsClub 7 дней назад

    What can I use instead of felt paper?

  • @krystalannawilliams2653
    @krystalannawilliams2653 Год назад +4

    16:45 like a rabbit?

  • @cristal3747
    @cristal3747 Год назад +2

    Thank youu 💕

  • @kittygirlsamara
    @kittygirlsamara 4 месяца назад +1

    How Did you make my melody head?? ( the white part)

  • @gabipsiechelon
    @gabipsiechelon 4 месяца назад

    Hello, thank you so much for the tutorial ❤ I have a question: where can I find the tutorial for my melody ears?

    • @kealanifaulkner8376
      @kealanifaulkner8376 3 месяца назад +1

      The pinned comment has timestamps and it’s just the regular ears and then the way she sews it is how it’s my melody. Also listed in the timestamps

  • @Wonyoung_IVE_
    @Wonyoung_IVE_ Год назад


  • @AhRi17
    @AhRi17 Год назад +2

    Hard or soft felt

  • @Totally_Kay
    @Totally_Kay Год назад +1

    Thank you so much

  • @edlynslitya6343
    @edlynslitya6343 Год назад +1

    can this also be used as a keychain? I'm sorry i just didn't understand "mini charm" means

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Yes! You can use as keychain♡ I don't really understand about charms too😅 That word is just frequently used in crochet videos..so i used it

    • @edlynslitya6343
      @edlynslitya6343 Год назад

      @@etmsstudio oo thank you for your information heheh💓💓

  • @koskal4352
    @koskal4352 Год назад

    Where did you buy that yarn? I can't find the shop that sold 5ply yarn with the dark cover. pls help 🥺💕

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      For me, I buy all the material from my local market🤕

  • @roblox_.chaine_.
    @roblox_.chaine_. Год назад

    c'est trop beau je veut les faire tous! et je viens de découvrir ta chaine ... JE M'ABONNE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @AuxieStar
    @AuxieStar Год назад

    Im new to this could you recommend me what size and what type of yarn to use?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Use thick yarn and its appropriate hook!
      5 ply milk cotton with 3.5 mm hook

  • @CarmelaMarie-vu5km
    @CarmelaMarie-vu5km 4 месяца назад +6

    Where's the kerropi?

  • @kitkatkatia007
    @kitkatkatia007 Год назад +2

    Hi, I love your makes, they are so cute. I wanted to ask permission to use your patterns on your youtube to sell the finished items on my depop page. I would of course credit you 💗

  • @Leem._.00
    @Leem._.00 Год назад

    Your tutorials are so well explained thankk you!💗 Btw how do you do the ears for Kuromi?

  • @14.uchoangjz65
    @14.uchoangjz65 Год назад

    so cute

  • @TheArtsAndCraftsClub
    @TheArtsAndCraftsClub 9 дней назад

    How do you make keropi's ears?

  • @sL4y3r444
    @sL4y3r444 Год назад +1

    hi how do i sew on the my melody costume to the head?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      For the blaclava I just put the head inside it.
      I only sew the ears♡

    • @sL4y3r444
      @sL4y3r444 Год назад

      @@etmsstudio ohh it doesn’t come out??

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +4

      @@sL4y3r444 I made the blaclava tight. It will be a bit hard to put the head inside it. But the head doesn't fall becoz of the hat is tight ♡

  • @arissatheaferreras7748
    @arissatheaferreras7748 Год назад +1

    How do we make the ear using 4ply yarn?

    • @pugsbunny3264
      @pugsbunny3264 Год назад

      I used a smaller hook and it worked pretty well

  • @CharleneLoke-og9mi
    @CharleneLoke-og9mi Год назад +1

    What hook size do you use?

  • @MadDog1996
    @MadDog1996 Год назад

    Cute love those

  • @mayslee2011
    @mayslee2011 4 месяца назад +1

    Can you do Care Bears pls

  • @RosarioCastro-x5v
    @RosarioCastro-x5v Год назад +1

    Hermosos Tejidos crochet y me gusta mucho para hacer llaveros

  • @fv_Cha
    @fv_Cha Год назад +2

    Hii , i just wanted to askk permission to use yr patterns to sell the finished itemss . And ofc i will credit youu ~

    • @fv_Cha
      @fv_Cha Год назад

      Wtaa , how do you crochet the keroppi yea ?

    • @w_i_d_o_w
      @w_i_d_o_w 11 месяцев назад

      heyy, i'm not the owner of the pattern but I just read the description for you and it says that you can sell them you just have to give them full credit.

  • @shamalamabingbong3690
    @shamalamabingbong3690 Год назад

    hi for the r3, what do you mean by increase stitch? is it 2 single crochet in one stitch? so the first stitch 2 SC then 2nd 3 Sc? and like 2+3+4+….? but how come u said 24 stiches in total? SORRY IM NEW😅

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      For round 3, make 1 single crochet(sc) and then make an increase stitch in second stitch. (Increase= 2 sc together in 1 stitch)
      Then repeat this pattern (1 sc in one stitch, inc in next stitch) until you reach the start♡

  • @ale_aponte4577
    @ale_aponte4577 8 месяцев назад +4

    Cómo le hace las orejas a Chococat? 😿

    • @joscelyn4779
      @joscelyn4779 6 дней назад

      1 sc, (1 dc, 1 tr, 1 dc), 1 sc, 15 hdc, 1 sc, (1 dc, 1 tr, 1 dc), slst
      Lo que está en () es en un solo punto

  • @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839
    @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839 Год назад +2

    hi, how did you do the rest of kuromi's ear after 4th round?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад

      Rnd 3 and 4, make 8 sc in each round. And then cut the yarn by leaving a long tail for sewing ♡

    • @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839
      @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839 Год назад

      ​@@etmsstudioand by sewing i extend the ear to be longer or just attach it to the head?

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +1

      Mm.. both!

    • @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839
      @zofuiaisntyourhomie4839 Год назад

      @@etmsstudio thank you very much

  • @kittty1110
    @kittty1110 Год назад +3

    i did the cinnamonroll one it came out so bad😭 the holes are so visible and i just made some bad job doing the face. i’m done with amigurumi bye

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +3

      Try using smaller hook or recommended hook size♡
      Don't give up! Keep practising!♡

  • @XrishMpelezh
    @XrishMpelezh Год назад +1

    Something went wrong with the cinamonroll.Can you give me instructions??

  • @pearlnicolereyes9451
    @pearlnicolereyes9451 Год назад +2

    how did you do the face of kurumi and melody, the white one. You didn't explain it.

    • @etmsstudio
      @etmsstudio  Год назад +2

      00:58 "They have the same face base pattern" ( including my melody, kuromi, pompompurin, pochacco, cinnamonroll l )

    • @sarah_calista
      @sarah_calista Год назад

      @@etmsstudio So we redo the MR, the INC of cinamorol in white and we attach?

  • @-linoubee5320
    @-linoubee5320 Год назад


  • @rebeccaterao7018
    @rebeccaterao7018 8 месяцев назад +3

    How tf did you attach the face of kuromi and the face of melody?

    • @immintyfresh
      @immintyfresh 5 месяцев назад

      This might be too late but, I saw the creator's previous comment and she said she didn't sew it and put the head in the hoodie part. I was struggling with that part too I was confused.

  • @itzymidzy3044
    @itzymidzy3044 Год назад

    Just in time !!