A testing time indeed in more ways than one. Shepherding. Whio ... rare fast water duck. You are lucky to see them. Sometimes not until the experience is done - do you know the benefits of your decisions. Onward and upward! Take in the stunning scenery. Spag bog is our dinner tonight too - with TAs in the house - woohoo!
Well done on that achievement! I can stop biting my nails now. A few weeks ago I watched a video of the Coast to Coast multi sport race competitors leaping from boulder to boulder all the way up the Deception River. It's a 2 day event involving cycling, boulder hopping/running and kayaking from Kumara on the West Coast to Christchurch, except for elite competitors who do it in a single day called The Longest Day. No comment! I'm glad you had a chat with the Whio, our endangered Blue Duck. They have a breeding territory and nursery near that spot so there's an alternative 'route' (scramble) around it in the breeding season.
Again thank you for showing the real details of the journey. The cold water, the clear air, the recalcitrant boulders and all. Very much enjoying a full understanding of the TA. For the goat pass hut. A blue goat.
Well done on getting to Goat Hut. The boulder section must have been extremely hard on Judy's sore ankle. A terrific feat on getting through that section. I hope the trail ahead is easier ladies. Best wishes.
Maggie went through this section a couple of weeks ago and messaged me with her in reach saying it was a terrible day, she almost got swept away in the river, and asked me to try and find her accommodations in Arthur's Pass. Looks like it's really difficult, kudos to the both of you for getting through it.
Fantastic effort Nikki and Judy. I haven't done that section as boulder hopping is not my strong point. 70 now and balance not what it was. However I have returned from Oz to complete some of the sections I didn't finish last year. I did Stag Saddle a couple of weeks ago but went up Forest Creek instead of Bush Stream as it seems an easier route and rejoinsTA near Royal hut. No issues getting up to the Saddle, then if you want to walk the ridgeline which was great, you have to find your way across the boulder field to reach the ridge. Took me a while but worth it. I think the sections coming up will be easier for you for a while. It was a good decision to stay together. Well done.
One of my favourite sections.. although challenging! Well done with the boulder scrambling and negotiating the river 😀 How wonderful to see whio 🎉
A testing time indeed in more ways than one. Shepherding.
Whio ... rare fast water duck. You are lucky to see them.
Sometimes not until the experience is done - do you know the benefits of your decisions. Onward and upward! Take in the stunning scenery.
Spag bog is our dinner tonight too - with TAs in the house - woohoo!
Well done on that achievement! I can stop biting my nails now. A few weeks ago I watched a video of the Coast to Coast multi sport race competitors leaping from boulder to boulder all the way up the Deception River. It's a 2 day event involving cycling, boulder hopping/running and kayaking from Kumara on the West Coast to Christchurch, except for elite competitors who do it in a single day called The Longest Day. No comment! I'm glad you had a chat with the Whio, our endangered Blue Duck. They have a breeding territory and nursery near that spot so there's an alternative 'route' (scramble) around it in the breeding season.
Oh my goodness, I think I would've cried upon reaching the hut! What a hell of a track! Well done.
Again thank you for showing the real details of the journey. The cold water, the clear air, the recalcitrant boulders and all. Very much enjoying a full understanding of the TA. For the goat pass hut. A blue goat.
Well done on getting to Goat Hut. The boulder section must have been extremely hard on Judy's sore ankle. A terrific feat on getting through that section. I hope the trail ahead is easier ladies. Best wishes.
You two are amazing! Well done on successfully completing this challenge.
It's a beautiful area as well as rugged. 🥰🌿🙋🏻♀️
Amazing ladies. Toughness is you!
Maggie went through this section a couple of weeks ago and messaged me with her in reach saying it was a terrible day, she almost got swept away in the river, and asked me to try and find her accommodations in Arthur's Pass. Looks like it's really difficult, kudos to the both of you for getting through it.
Fantastic effort Nikki and Judy. I haven't done that section as boulder hopping is not my strong point. 70 now and balance not what it was. However I have returned from Oz to complete some of the sections I didn't finish last year. I did Stag Saddle a couple of weeks ago but went up Forest Creek instead of Bush Stream as it seems an easier route and rejoinsTA near Royal hut. No issues getting up to the Saddle, then if you want to walk the ridgeline which was great, you have to find your way across the boulder field to reach the ridge. Took me a while but worth it. I think the sections coming up will be easier for you for a while. It was a good decision to stay together. Well done.
Love boulder hoping, could all that cold water therapy been good for Judy's foot ? Toughest day for you Nikki after yesterday's emotional turmoil.
Well done! We were so pleased to see you post and that you made it injury free!!!
Nice one mum, keep on keeping on x
Just keep stepping! Will be back before you know it Buba Tom ❤️x
Take it one boulder at a time 😊 you’ll still arrive at some point
Why do you not cross together?
Interesting…I didn’t see any TA walkers crossing together.
Well done Ladies. All that cold water would have frozen/ numbed Judy ‘s injured ankle