I really enjoyed this vlog and talk video. Thank you! 😊 I am 35 years old and my parents still want to force me to be an artist. Til i was about 20 years old I really enjoyed painting and drawing and it was my biggest hobby. I studied graphic design because of that. I stopped drawing when I was like 24 or so, because it wasnt fun anymore. I tried it from time to time again but I really don't liked it anymore. So I haven't drawn for YEARS now but they still want me to be an artist, because "I am talented". Its annoying thata they dont stop. 😑
Thank you for watching and commenting!! It's funny because I'm the exact opposite! I wanted to become an artist badly when I was younger, but I didn't get to study art/design since it's not considered "money making" in HK. I picked up drawing again in recent times and still love it! You're right, it's so important that you love (or at least enjoy) what you do. I'm sure your parents will understand that some day. And may be by that time, you'll fall in love with drawing again (who knows)! 😆
唯有同自己講, 不太熟嘅親戚唔駛成日見, 聽佢地講幾分鐘就當聽高官講幾分鐘, 聽完就算哈哈
I really enjoyed this vlog and talk video. Thank you! 😊 I am 35 years old and my parents still want to force me to be an artist. Til i was about 20 years old I really enjoyed painting and drawing and it was my biggest hobby. I studied graphic design because of that. I stopped drawing when I was like 24 or so, because it wasnt fun anymore. I tried it from time to time again but I really don't liked it anymore. So I haven't drawn for YEARS now but they still want me to be an artist, because "I am talented". Its annoying thata they dont stop. 😑
Thank you for watching and commenting!! It's funny because I'm the exact opposite! I wanted to become an artist badly when I was younger, but I didn't get to study art/design since it's not considered "money making" in HK. I picked up drawing again in recent times and still love it! You're right, it's so important that you love (or at least enjoy) what you do. I'm sure your parents will understand that some day. And may be by that time, you'll fall in love with drawing again (who knows)! 😆
睇住妳整野食分享人生哲學真係好開心,多謝kristentry 妳既心靈雞湯🙂。之前既片得字幕;後來既都有聲音宜家可以重溫聽多幾次,妳分享既觀點好有道理
多謝你啊:) 唔敢講係心靈雞湯, 但好開心有人鍾意
@@kristentry 中意啊中意妳分享嘅人生哲學👍🏻
錯重點:其實讀語言嘅出路應該更闊 (利申:都係因為興趣而讀語言出身😜)
應該係幼教搵錢D, 語言多工種D HAHAHA
Support 👍👍🥰
我父母都有問我同男朋友幾時結婚,我都係答唔打算生小朋友唔急,我父母話你再拖落去就會分手ga la😂😂
咁你唔好分比佢地睇!! HAHAHA
@@kristentry 我同你一樣漏水漏到驚
好彩你冇讀幼教 而家少子化 幼稚園好難生存 我朋友間學校炒左勁多老師呀 同埋幼兒教育收生好濫 呀豬呀狗都收入去 出面邊有咁多學生比佢地教 到時係咪叫班長輩養包底出糧比自己😂😂
好彩你無揀幼教,而家行情都好差 :P