Линия жизни. Канал Культура. Светлана Захарова

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 129

  • @irinairina6778
    @irinairina6778 Год назад +6

    Много лет назад довелось увидеть ее в "Лебеде". Это было настоящее потрясение от ее невероятной, волшебной красоты и гармонии. Но еще большее потрясение произошло после, когда совершенно случайно нам посчастливилось проводить ее после спектакля до гостиницы. Поразила невероятная скромность, отсутствие всякой звездности, добрый интерес к нам, к городу... Только переживала за свою пачку, которую мы напросились помочь донести: "Осторожнее, пожалуйста, вы несете "Лебедя" Настоящая Звезда и в искусстве, и в жизни.

  • @user-qw7qf6nl7x
    @user-qw7qf6nl7x 5 лет назад +17

    И еще я хотела добавить , Светлана уникальный человек ! Ей даже завидовать нет смысла! Она единственная ! ОНА вне времени и пространства !

  • @user-xc4xg4gd4j
    @user-xc4xg4gd4j 2 года назад +2

    Как это самоотверженно и гуманно -- ОТКАЗАЛАСЬ танцевать дь....вольщину!!! Браво!! Светлана -- Светлая и Прекрасная и телом и Душой! БРАВО!! Здоровья и Всяческих Благ, и Долгие Лета в Любви и Счастье!!

  • @user-ht5rw9oi3m
    @user-ht5rw9oi3m 9 месяцев назад

    Сейчас - уникальная, элегантнейшая, блистательная прима Большого! Самый высокий класс и красота! Помню хорошо, когда она, почти девочкой, завершив обучение в Вагановке, начинала у нас в Мариинке. Тогда еще многое у неё не получалось, ее ругали, но она столько работала, росла как балерина , и вот.... Браво - браво - браво, Вам, Светлана, Светочка, гордость русского балета !!!!❤❤❤

  • @user-gq9hy1jg7d
    @user-gq9hy1jg7d 3 года назад +5

    мега талант!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Quelle domeniche da solo in un cortile a passegiar, ora mi annoio più di allore neanche un prete a passegiar... TI AMO!

  • @maxnaturamour7200
    @maxnaturamour7200 8 лет назад +4

    Simply a queen in both ballet and life

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    AMORE la cosa più pericolosa nel combattere i mostri è quella di non trasformarsi in mostri...SPACIBA!

  • @user-gh1hb8mz8q
    @user-gh1hb8mz8q 6 лет назад +4

    briefly in English
    Svetlana Zakharova was born in Lutsk, Ukraine. As a child, she did not dream of becoming a ballerina, she was engaged in circles - sports and artistic gymnastics, folk dances ... At the age of 10, together with her mother decided to try to enter the Kiev Choreography School. Svetlana said that she does not want to live outside the house, but her mother replied: "You started from the beginning." There was a big competition. It was 30 people in a place, she went through 4 rounds, she liked how the students of the school looked and moved, she hit Kiev (and this is really a very beautiful city), and she very much wanted to study. The relationship between the teachers was very good, but still she was jealous, because she was an excellent pupil. She lived in a boarding school, on the weekend she was invited by the families of her friends from Kiev, her mother lived far away.
    It is very difficult to learn ballet, but she loves her profession very much, she gives her a lot of emotions. Its advice to children - if there are abilities, to engage in this profession, because it gives many opportunities.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 3 года назад +1

    Questa lunga attesa imprimerà nel nostro cuore un sigillo per l'eternità!

  • @user-gh1hb8mz8q
    @user-gh1hb8mz8q 6 лет назад +6

    At the age of 15 she took part in the Vaganova Prize. From the Kiev school she was alone, in her group there were contestants aged 17-18. She received 2 prizes, and she was offered to continue studying in the most prestigious ballet school of the world - the Vaganova Ballet Academy. She immediately agreed and thought that she would study for another 2 years, but she was offered only one year to study, given the high level of her preparation.
    When she began to study at the Vaganovа School, she was surprised to find that she had been taught a lot in Kiev, and her level was higher than most students.
    Back in the school she successfully debuted at the Mariinsky Theater in the party of the Lady Dryads in Don Quixote. At the rehearsal ran to see the miracle girl half of the troupe.
    She worked at the Mariinsky Theater for 7 years, and the moment came when she realized that she had stopped in her development, and just at that moment she received another invitation to the Bolshoi Theater troupe in Moscow. She went to the Bolshoi Theater, and she does not regret it. Only regrets his teacher at the Mariinsky Theater, an outstanding ballerina and teacher Olga Moiseeva.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Ad acconpagnarti in giappone c'era MISHA Michail Barisnikof MY compliments!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 3 года назад +1

    2015-2021 Una eternità. Tu però sei sempre la stessa. TI AMO TANTISSIMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    TU e solo TU mi accendi la SPERANZA! TI AMO!

  • @user-gh1hb8mz8q
    @user-gh1hb8mz8q 6 лет назад +3

    continuation part 4
    She considers Moscow and Bolshoi to be her home. But he loves and is very happy to dance in Milan, and the La Scala Theater. In Milan, only 3 dancers receive the highest rank - the star. She became the first Russian to be honored with this honor. She got a star after the outstanding Italian ballerina Alessandra Ferry retired by age. The other two stars are also Italians - Massimo Murru and Roberto Bolle.
    Svetlana is happy in her marriage to the famous violinist Vadim Repin in Moscow, live in Moscow, but toured a lot and often meet abroad, they fly to each other on tour. Both love Japan. Their daughter Anna loves to dance, she began to dance as soon as she began to walk (at the time of the transfer, Anna was 4 years old). Svetlana said that, perhaps, one day she will go on stage with her daughter.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Sono passati ormai 3 anni da quando con la violenza di un tornado sei entrata nei miei pensieri. Per me è sempre come ti vedessi per la prima volta. A volte penso che questo sia solo un sogno...ho passato la vita a credere nell'impossibile,se TU esisti ,siccome TU esisti esiste anche l'AMORE!

  • @user-xc4xg4gd4j
    @user-xc4xg4gd4j 2 года назад +1

    "Чистейшейи прелести Чистейший Образец!" -- это Александр Сергеевич о Наталье Николаевне. Но и наверное, в Будущее -- и о Светлане Захаровой(?)!.. Мне одной привиделось сходство?...??

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Il sole a mezzanotte... AMORE! che bel film....

  • @user-gh1hb8mz8q
    @user-gh1hb8mz8q 6 лет назад +4

    continuation part 3
    In Bolshoi, she danced the same classics as at the Mariinsky Theater, but in the editorial office of Grigorovich, the "Daughter of the Pharaoh", which only goes to the Bolshoi Theater, Raymond in the editorial office of Grigorovich, was stained. She admires Grigorovich and his exactingness, very much appreciates his opinion about his work in his ballets. He loves "Spartacus" and Aegina. Svetlana told about her favorite ballet roles. Gisselle, she danced the first time in 17 years, had no life experience and listened to her teacher in everything. Now she dances Giselle in a different way. She never tires of dancing Swan Lake, Odette's role is more difficult for her than the role of Odile, as in the nature of every woman - to seduce a man, and for Odette you need to find tenderness and compassion in yourself.
    In the show, a fragment of the rehearsal with Grigorovich of the party Mehmenе-banu from the ballet "The Legend of Love" (partner - Denis Rodkin) was shown.
    Party Death of the famous ballet by Roland Petit "The young man and death" she rehearsed at the Bolshoi Theater with the choreographer and dance together with Ivan Vasiliev, but she stopped her dance because strongly worries that her character - Death pushes the Youth to suicide.
    One of the favorite parties is Margarita from Neumeier's ballet The Lady with the Camellias. She embodied Margarita's image three times - first in Japan in a ballet staged by a Japanese choreographer, then in Frederic Ashton's Margarita and Arman ballet, but the image of Margarita from John Neumeier's ballet "The Lady with camellias "for her most beloved, especially since she rehearsed it along with an outstanding choreographer.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Li june homme e la mort...uno dei film più belli che ancora ricordo.
    Amare TE è amare la VITA! SPACIBA!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    Vorrei tanto riuscire a cancellarti completamente dai miei pensieri. Ci vorrà un pò di tempo-Intanto spaciba per il tuo inganno davvero grande!

  • @user-qw7qf6nl7x
    @user-qw7qf6nl7x 5 лет назад +3

    Такие как Светлана Захарова это люди дтугого мира !

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 7 месяцев назад

    Il fiore ed il profumo del coraggio crescono solo sul albero del amore!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Quanto sei e sarai sempre BELLA!

  • @user-wd6qo6tm7i
    @user-wd6qo6tm7i 9 лет назад +9

    Первый балет:"Баядерка"-постановка М.Петипа

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Nel 1978 a Zackaro un mio collega di lavoro in ITALTEL dicevo: mi sento come un due di picche a briscola! AMORE TU MI FAI SENTIRE UN JOLLY O MEGLIO ANCORA UN ASSO. Tutto posso SPERARE grazie al tuo AMORE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Quanto sei bella!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Più TI conosco, più TI AMO.!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Se son Rose fioriranno! La tua meravigliosa Rosa è sbocciata nel 2011!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Quando Tu ci sei tutto diventa luminoso ,in TUA assenza TUTTO è buio.!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Il FIORE del coraggio cresce solo sull'albero dell'AMORE! SPACIBA BOSCH MIR MIR MIR

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Il TUO AMORE per davvero ci fa sentire tutti fratelli figli di un UNICO PADRE!

  • @irinahincu2460
    @irinahincu2460 5 лет назад +1

    На Санцу из "Игры престолов" очень похожа) Такая талантливая и такая скромная

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Penso a quando TI VEDRO'! TU SOSTANZA dei pensieri miei!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Tu sei TU più qualche cosa che ti viene da lassù! TI AMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Il Cigno mi fa pensare allo spirito che combatte in ognuno di noi!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Se sarà sarà con TE o con nessuno! TU che mi hai preso il cuore!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Forse ancora oggi potrò dirti SPACIBA TU mi hai salvato dal abisso!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Penso a quando TI VEDRO'!!!!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    La prima Luce Il primo pensiero. TU solo e sempre TU!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Quando mi sembra di capire che sei felice, per me non potrebbe esserci gioia più grande!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Penso a quando TI vedrò! BOSCH!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Forse il mio sogno è troppo bello per essere vero. Se cosi sarà grazie comunque per avermi fatto sognare. Spaciba!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    Ho bisogno di TE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    TU SOSTANZA dei pensieri miei!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    Il Grande Vecchio!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    💘 ❤️ 💚

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    Anzichè immaginare la realtà preferisco avere il coraggio di guardarla in faccia!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад


  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Amore il diavolo fa le pentole manon i coperchi... TI AMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Il nostro AMORE asiugherà ogni lacrima!

  • @tallitamartins276
    @tallitamartins276 8 лет назад +4

    please, translate it !!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    TU mi hai salvato l'anima. TI AMERO' IN ETERNO!

  • @user-ru8vy1uz7c
    @user-ru8vy1uz7c 3 года назад

    Bravo bravo bravo super genial fantastic ballerina

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Penso a quando ti vedrò!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 3 года назад


  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    TI amerò per l'eternità!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    E' il mese delle rose, è il mese dei fiori e del loro profumo.
    L'odio non riuscirà a dividere ciò che l'AMORE unisce. TI AMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Nel 2016 al Grimaldi forum di Montecarlo TU ed il tuo amico avete creato un nuovo pensiero! Di giorno si ballava e di notte si,,,dormiva...

  • @user-gn4cr2gv4n
    @user-gn4cr2gv4n 8 лет назад +4

    гениальная дама!

  • @Dinalistan
    @Dinalistan 8 лет назад +1

    why does RUclips only have option for Russian captions but not English. that makes no sense!

    • @pediatrapaola
      @pediatrapaola 8 лет назад

      +Shachachti Ekh-Koreem-Li l know is not satisfating for us not russians ,but the uploaders takes this kind of interwiews and programs from russian tv ,so .....

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    La mia felicità sarà solo e soltanto saperti felice.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    Tratto dal film il sole a mezzanotte...per qualcuno non brillerà più nemmeno a mezzogiorno!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    La lontananza è come il vento...spegne i fuochi piccoli ma accende quelli grandi!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Penso a quando ti vedrò? Perchè ti vedrò..vero? Unica e sola mia speranza.

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 3 года назад

    17 febbraio. 22 agosto 127 giorni, VI AMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Dono di DIO all'UOMO. La tua bellezza à pari alla tua grazia.

  • @momodustychinchilla868
    @momodustychinchilla868 9 лет назад +2

    Anyone can translate in eng?

  • @ingridcardoso
    @ingridcardoso 9 лет назад +2

    can someone translate? please!!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Guarda gli occhi di chi ha pianto, di chi non ti ha mai tradito.. MIR MIR MIR

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Una cosa soltanto:Spaciba! AMORE! SPACIBA AMORE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    TU mi hai salvato la ANIMA!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Scusami se continuo a romperti le scatole...ho bisogno di capire...

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад


  • @EMOEMO-uq6ep
    @EMOEMO-uq6ep 2 года назад

    Ну, откололи при монтаже передачи! Какая это "Легенда о любви" в начале? Это "Баядерка"!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Per un punto Martin prese la Kappa! Buon compleanno AMORE! TI PENSO! Domani ti vorrei regalare 43 rose colore amaranto ,il colore della passione e del nostre eterno AMORE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Indubbiamente ha preso tutto da TE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    A proposito di questo film...chi era il ballerino...non ricordo bene...

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    A proposito ...si tratta sempre del bello e tenebroso Rodkin?

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    A proposito di oro argento e mirra vale di più il rublo o il dollaro ?

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    2015-2022 and beyond?........

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Evidentemente Anja ha preso molto dalla madre!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Mi accorgo che il solo pensarti mi fa tremare...

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    AMORE TU sei la VITA!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Il sole a mezzanotte! Una piroetta un rublo...dieci piroette dieci rubli...

  • @lena_lenka
    @lena_lenka 2 года назад

    0:25 ошибка это не "Легенда о любви " это "Баядерка"

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    AMORE non capisco niente,questo è normale....però TI AMO!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад


  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    E regnerà da mare a mare finchè la LUNA non entrerà nel SOLE,saranno un solo corpo ed una sola ANIMA!

  • @aaraspensor
    @aaraspensor 4 года назад +1

    Was she born in Ukraine?

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    50.6 51.6 Un anno Uma vita"

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад


  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 3 года назад

    Teatro Bolscoi 2011 Aurora variation

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад


  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    Amor che nullp amato amar perdona mi prese di costei piacer si forte che come vedi ancor non mi abbandona. TI AMO TI AMO TI AMO

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    Al peggio c'è o non c'è limite?

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 8 месяцев назад

    TUTTO ha un LIMITE!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 9 месяцев назад

    E' una catena ormai....che scioglie il sangue nelle vene...

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 2 года назад

    TU sei TU più qualcosa che ti viene da lassù!

  • @flavioclamer1910
    @flavioclamer1910 Год назад

    Il TUO NOME è DESIDERIO,desiderio che si espande continuamente...