Pathway Heaven hey I’m Muslim and you know Jesus is not the son of god why? Because in Jesus didn’t die and in muslim Jesus is a prophet and he didn’t die god put it in the sky but in the end of the word there’s monsters will come to earth so a good guy will send it god to earth to help us and he will control all the world he’s name is al mahdi al montadhar. And Jesus will be in earth also so in the end day of the world you will see and trump will see and you will return to my comment on a day and say all u say it became real help me . الحمد لله انني مسلمة و اخاف الله ❤️
Sunny king no it doesn't belong to Israel and there is no such a country named Israel Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and it will always stay the same
LEEN then invade Jewusasalem then and make the end times come true !! what are you waiting for ? fulfill your purpose - it is written .. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. " Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel" Jew USA salem Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. " Iran had planes leaving last week - unannounced " For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
Jerusalem was is and will be the capital of israel. I am not jew or israeli but i too know jerusalem as the capital of israel. Palestine can share with their muslim bros a new capital. Leave Israel alone or you ll be so fuck..that u ll regret forever...any1 who is against israel can go fuck themselves
Sunny King Jerusalem is not for Israel this problem was at December 6 today is 2018 how about trump will say Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine
I agree with President Trump that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. This move was long overdue. God Bless Israel and God bless United States Of America
the end is almost here.. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. " Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel" Jew USA salem Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. " Iran had planes leaving last week - unannounced " For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
C Twat - not a surprise reading ignorant comments from bigots like you. Regardless, it indeed would make sense for Jews and blacks to help each other and empathize with each other. Both groups have suffered terrible bigotry.
Communist twat - ignorant people like you have also suffered (deservedly, not bigotry). Ignorance is it's own reward. Your low level of discourse makes everyone realize who, and what, you are.
When my father retired many years ago as an officer in the military, he got a good job in Saudi Arabia, where we lived for almost 4 years. Because of our stay there, I met many people from all over the world, many who were Palestinians. Sadly, Trump's base supporters, most likely don't know any Palestinians, Muslims, Jews, or most who travel. They love Israel because they heard the words "Jews" or "Israel" from church, the only place where education meant anything to them. They support Israel because they saw the words in the Bible. They know nothing about the dynamics of the region, yet they fully support Israel. This President is just about as ignorant as his base supporters. I'm embarrassed for our country. What a shame that this happened. As an American, I feel like, because of decisions like this one, that I'm wearing a big L on my forehead.
God bless Jerusalem, Israel! Congratulations to you O the City of David and God chosen people! And stay blessed the USA, and Mr President Donald J Trump! God always be with you!
President Trump is the most intelligent, successful and competent leader the united states ever have since the last 40 years. What President Trump did to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, took nerve, clear eyes, bravery, and strong moral character. Thank God that he is not a typical politician to continue the failure of the past. He is a great leader, this is the kind of leadership that American needed for at least 3 terms. If American allows President Trump to govern without obstruction; he will turn America into pure gold. Black American this is the man that we need to support 100%.
+Hermann Fegelein ,Yes 3 false prophet religions of Babylon. All 3 have killed, enslaved,genocided conquered and landgrabbed and spread false prophecy claiming to do so in God's name , But he never asked them to. But they have done Gods will by Satanic doctrines. And they will shortly be judged. 400 years is almost over.
I'm no fan of Trump, but to blame or credit (depending on your view) for this is not entirely accurate. Congress voted to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel long before Trump happened. Trump is just the President who has decided to act on it, and break the stalemate. And for that, he does deserve some credit... It's not like US or Israel would in a million years accept any other 2 State Solution. With Jerusalem taken care off, we can hopefully move towards an actual 2 State Solution and end the current slaughter taking place.
@Evan Scammell that is stupid to hear, what the hell is in jesus name ? you israeli people insult jesus day and night, you hate him, you mock him like your ancestors we muslims we will never land jerusalem to his enemies and fake religious siding with his enemies, NEVER EVER, we ll die to our last man and wont be traitors to allah and jesus
@Evan Scammell i dkn why they are deleting my comments but it shows that israel still rules over usa, u keep defending them and they spit on your faces, you are less than humans for them, they are the ones who control your economy, braiwashed ppl...
@Evan Scammell mmm i dont think you understood any point from what i said , and i mean NONE.. lets start from zero: first of all: i started youtube years ago, my youtube was fifth in the world when the video evolution of dance was first. so basicaly. i said they deleted my comment, talking about the owner of the channel and i didnt say you were the one who did it, technicly they deleted 4 comments and i wasnt even insulting, secondo: my grandma is jewish who lived in jerusalem, and morocco, and my actual country morocco treat jews better than usa and europe, and they can make a distinction between jews and zionists. so lets start from zero
@Evan Scammell you know nothing about islam, thats a first, and you didn't understand what i say , plus, you are contradicting yourself so let me explain
Those who stand against the Israelites, stand against God and you would not want to choose that. So, Mr.DT is doing something right. Jerusalem was, is and always will be the capital of Israel. I stand with you, Israelites.
israel hates god and hate muslim and whoever hate muslims or hate god then nobody will love them and by the way israel is not even country to have a capital jerusalem was and will always stay for palestine edit:if i have any wrong words or grammar im sorry but im not that good in english i guess
Zainab news Woah woah woah Do not say Israel hates God, that is like asking a meteor to strike down one's house and let it burn. Do not let your deepest deepest faith doubt you. God already gave them that land, who can stand against Him. You think we had it ok? The Israels also hate Christians. Christians are hated by the world; Jewish, Muslims, Catholics and more-but that is not the point. Even if the Israelites don't support other people but them, we have to support them. Even if the Israelites hate all of us, we have to love them. Let everything we do are out of love. Having to have war against the Israelites is having to have war against God. The Israelites are God's chosen people. Kill any one of them will bring doom to one. Jerusalem will stand at its full glory until God cracks open the sky. Thank you for your opinion though. Nice debate hahahaha. P.S. The Israelites will learn to love the Messiah until now let them do what they want. (Do not read as if I'm angry xD I never was. I get angry very seldom. Also, your English is quite good *thumbs up* )
Amirul Amin My God? No, do not ever say my God ! For we have only one God ! For my God is also your God. The same God that created Adam and Eve. The same God that created the world. The same God that created the sky. But people turn against Him ! Worship other gods ! Bear false witness ! When did He ever ask or lead us to kill? For one of His 10 commandments saying You shall not murder. Murdering is a very wrong thing. It is because they turn against God that God told them to fight. Who do you want to blame? God?! I tell you, if you do, I suggest you to pray for righteous. Who stand against Israel stand against God. For the Israelites are God's children. We all are God's children but sadly people turn against Him ! Have you ever thought the whole history why the anti-Israel tried to destroy Israel but is still standing and the name is there ! Unlike Sodom and Gomorrah for these have burn and no more. God loves Israel so much. He disciplines His children (Israel) but never lets anyone destroys it till it crumbles to ashes. God protects the Jewish and it always be. Who dares to even kill any Israelites, any Jewish, in return times even more they that did. I heard now that people wants war against the Israelites. I tell you this have a war on Israelites meaning have a war against God. God has always protect His people ever since Pontius Pilate or before it. How did the Israelites escape Egypt? It is because God leads them. They will and always have risen up. People will ask now Who will stand with the Israelites for everyone now hates them? I say I will. Why do you love the Israelites so much and choose to stand with them? Fools, I will tell them. It is as if they are asking me why do I love the ABC song so much. It is because my love for them is like the love God has for them. Repent therefore and do not hurt His heart for you are His children too. I tell this not only for you to hear and read but for all. For I love all of you and I pray for all.
Trump is not a man he is Satan he's doing what YAH is telling him to do. Once the third Temple is builted Trump will go in and say that he is God time to wake up
@Evan Scammell Christian say non Christian will go to hell whereas Muslim's say non Muslim will go to hell but science say there is no such thing as hell and heaven.... so chilll.
@Evan Scammell dude do you learn and repeat that to everyone, am i speaking to a human being ? i think i said you people sided with zionist people against muslims. let jesus loves me or i love him apart. anything to say about what i claimed ?
God bless America and please pray for trump he came thorough on his promise and now god can build his last temple in Israel 🇮🇱 now the capital of Jerusalem its was god wish for his people to call Israel 🇮🇱 their home
He's done something that the vast majority of Americans have supported for decades! This means he's truly an American First president and doesn't cave in to underhanded pressure from the Amaleks of Europe to the Ayatollahs of Afghanistan.
Bossasbee, explain how it is breaking international Law. And national politics superceeds international Law. The alliance With Israel is bigger than the UN. And the UN is a total failure, so no need to listen to them bozos. Also the fact, that "palestinians" breaks every war-law the UN has made. So can't really argue With international Law, in favour of such People.
Absolutely beautiful. By any standard this man should win the Nobel Prize, his achievements are outstanding. Yet I do not think it is going to be his Lot, he deserves it, yet he will never get recognised like he should.. he's a tragic figure. But beautiful.. God Bless Donald Trump
@Evan Scammell the isrealites and isreal is different there was no isreal inly Arabia inhabited by people called isrealites that doesn't mean it was Israel 🙄🙄
@Evan Scammell Egypt In first book of the Pentateuch, the Book of Genesis, the Israelites had come to live in Egypt in the Land of Goshen during a famine due to the fact that an Israelite, Joseph, had become a high official in the court of the pharaoh.
Love this president! He is doing a fantastic job...he makes the hard pragmatic decisions in America's best interest over self serving political interest of lessor professional politicians.
This matter (about Jerusalem) is already written in the bible. Even in the days of David and Salomon, Jerusalem belonged to Israel (evidence 2 Samuel 5:5). Also look at:1 King 11:36 : "Yet to his son I will give one tribe, that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen to put my name. "1 King 11:13:" However, I will not tear away all the kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen."Here are the jewish kings who were rulers over Jerusalem. Bible verses:2 Kings 12:1, 2 Kings 14:2, 2 Kings 15:2, 2 Kings 16:2, 2 Kings 18:2, 2 Kings 21:1, 2 Kings 22:1, 2 Kings 24:8Even God said in the bible that Jerusalem belongs to Israel and God also says what will happen to Jerusalem. Zechariah 8:3 "Thus says the LORD: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts, the holy mountain."Zechariah 12:9 " "And the LORD will give salvation to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not surpass that of Judah."Zechariah 14:2-4: 2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle. 4 On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward. God mentioned also Jerusalem in the new Testament. Luke 21:20: "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. There are much more bible verses about Jersualem belonging to Israel. Read the bible if you want evidence.So pray for Jerusalem. Weniger anzeigen
The Truth, you are so biblically correct on this matter. God will NEVER be through with Israel! Israel has always been and still is God's Covenant people, and Jerusalem has ALWAYS belonged to the nation of ISRAEL! No one can ever change that. God WILL NEVER allow it!!! GOD IS SOVEREIGN AND HE, ALONE, IS IN CONTROL, NOT MERE MAN!!! God bless the nation of Israel! May America continue to defend and befriend her. May America NEVER turn her back on Israel.
GOD prophesied this event a long time ago - FOD said it was gong to happen, and so it would happen one day, and it did today. - read the Bible - Book of Jeremiah Chapter 29. GOD loves all of us, HE created men and woman in HIS image and likeness, HE wants us to know HIM, the evil in this world does NOT come from GOD but from the enemy of our soul: satan.
Book of Nanda JERUSALÉM IT WAS ALWAYS FROM ISRAEL. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist kills people inocent is religion terrorist and ant-Crist. Islam lies and kills people inocent.
VIDA REAL Originally Palestinian land for 2000 years and was just stolen 70 years years ago, now Palestinians live under oppression in gruesome occupation where they are dying in multitude from poor health, starvation, and Israeli soldiers, Hamas was created by Israel as well. Sociopaths.
Why all The word so hate the Israelis people it’s a Hatred . You don’t even know half of them It's just not fair! Stop with the Hatred and be more love in your heart.❤️ just love can change the world
@@khaayiraalmarevian1125 And Palestinians killed Israelis too and rejected any peace treaties with them while the Israelis have always agreed. How about that?
@Ali They weren't. It's probably Jewish civilians / IDF soldiers. Israel loses less people because it works very very hard to defend its people, look at the Iron Dome that intercepts Hamas missile on air
May God president Trump's for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel we the Christians all over the world recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel we know that Jerusalem is a holy Land of Israel .
No, the travel-ban is over. Don't you remeber, it was to be for Three months, while the vetting was being revised. They blocked it, and the vetting has become better, so that pointless tantrum is over. Hillary got revenge over Trump, and you leftist lost on it.
mick readdin It makes sense if you take the view that Trump is a fascist. Escalate/instigate war as a pretext for consolidating power. Scary times await.
Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC, though he recounts events in the first eleven chapters of the Bible that occurred long before his time (such as the creation and the flood). These earliest accounts were handed down from generation to generation in songs, narratives, and poetry. The Quran was gradually compiled over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 AD, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 AD, the year he died. In short, the bible is far older than the Quran by almost 2000 years and the city Jerusalem is mentioned many times in the bible as the place where the Jews lived. Where in the Quran is the word Jerusalem even found? What page, what chapter, what verse?
For anyone who is saying that Jerusalem was not mentioned in the Qur’an I have proof سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ (1 Qur’an 17:1 May Allah Guide Everyone الله يهدي الجميع
Jersalum has Always been the Capitol of Judea not israel..the first time "jews" are mentioned in the Bible they-jews are at war with israel. The land of Israel is not called “Israel” in the Bible. The land is referred to as “the land of Canaan” when the Canaanites lived there.
When he Said : CONFLITCT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE PALASTINIANS... I understood that hi's speech is not serving peace. ( Jerusalem - القدس is always will be the capital of Palastine. Ended
Jerusalem has been and always will be the capital of Israel. It has been written and the prophecy will unfold right before our very eyes. It's the beginning of the end.
Oh yes, and people can not even imagine what's happening and what's about to happen. World War III, a succession of wars in the East, a shock in the American economy after some events, the Rapture, and finally, the New World Order. Maybe a simulated extraterrestrial invasion, but it's their Z plane.
Judith Arnett JERUSALÉM IT WAS ALWAYS FROM ISRAEL. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist and ant-Crist. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist.
@Skrooge Lantay native ? 3000 years ago ? how much civilisations have come ? that s the stupidest thing people keep repeating, you dont want someone to kick you from your home you and your mother and your kids, maybe put you to jail or shot you, because he lived in your area 100 years ago we are now talking about people coming from france , usa, kenya, korea, all over the world, kicking people from their homes coz they claim they lived there 3000 years ago . that is crazy
Did anyone else noticed the weird way he said United States as his last two words? I was an odd shush like sound. In fact all his s sounds were a bit shushy... Was I hearing things?
i noticed that aswell... and after watching again closely it seem that especially a the end he is about to lose his dentures i think... the bottom ones... what do you think ?
The president of America Donald J Trump we Jewish and Christian we never forget you in our book you our # 1 and there won’t be another god bless you and give you life like Abrham & Matusala “ America First next is the others “
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Payton grogin that obviously doesn't work, or it would've happened.
It hasn't happened YET.....but it WILL
@@jeremyhilton6 It worked before Zionists started stealing land
I pray for the peace of Palestine
Pathway Heaven hey I’m Muslim and you know Jesus is not the son of god why? Because in Jesus didn’t die and in muslim Jesus is a prophet and he didn’t die god put it in the sky but in the end of the word there’s monsters will come to earth so a good guy will send it god to earth to help us and he will control all the world he’s name is al mahdi al montadhar. And Jesus will be in earth also so in the end day of the world you will see and trump will see and you will return to my comment on a day and say all u say it became real help me . الحمد لله انني مسلمة و اخاف الله ❤️
Jerusalem belongs to Israel ... I'm not Jewish and even I know that.
Sunny king no it doesn't belong to Israel and there is no such a country named Israel Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and it will always stay the same
LEEN then invade Jewusasalem then and make the end times come true !! what are you waiting for ? fulfill your purpose - it is written .. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. " Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel" Jew USA salem Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. " Iran had planes leaving last week - unannounced " For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
Jerusalem was is and will be the capital of israel. I am not jew or israeli but i too know jerusalem as the capital of israel. Palestine can share with their muslim bros a new capital. Leave Israel alone or you ll be so fuck..that u ll regret forever...any1 who is against israel can go fuck themselves
Sunny King Jerusalem is not for Israel this problem was at December 6 today is 2018 how about trump will say Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine
Sunny King I'm Persian and I also believe Jerusalem does belong to Israel no doubt , but I still am disgusting with how they are treating Palestines.
Long live Israel
what a creative response
Neptune it’s a correct one
um yisrael chai
Israel 4 ever!
Thank you President Trump! We love you from Chicago! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸MAGA
I agree with President Trump that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. This move was long overdue. God Bless Israel and God bless United States Of America
Jonathan Gwara what the reason?
and u.s become dead man walking now
the end is almost here.. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. " Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel" Jew USA salem Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. " Iran had planes leaving last week - unannounced " For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
Trump made the right decision
Fuck trump
Congratulations, Mr. President! we in Brazil support this decision!
C Twat - not a surprise reading ignorant comments from bigots like you. Regardless, it indeed would make sense for Jews and blacks to help each other and empathize with each other. Both groups have suffered terrible bigotry.
Communist twat - ignorant people like you have also suffered (deservedly, not bigotry). Ignorance is it's own reward. Your low level of discourse makes everyone realize who, and what, you are.
C Twit - Bigots and haters can't be taken seriously. If they believe such lies, it is impossible for them to know the truth.
Zvi Benari I can assure you I haven't suffered, my grandparents aren't ashes in German ovens m8. #2
@@tvzbladedancer383 I come from the future to say: now we are.
This is Biblical, we are truly living the last days...
Awesome . God bless you, and everyone.
We support Israel and Israeli
Jesus, is God All-Powerful.
Donald Trump... he didn't get killed nor died... Jesus our Lord resurrected on the 3 day! God bless you sir
It does not matter who killed him because Jesus forgave them and their sins.
Farhan Rahman. Kuran is book of Satan. Kuran chapter 4 verse 121. Kuran is book of Satan.
All praises to our Lord, Savior, Master and God, Jesus Christ -------- TITUS 2:13.
When my father retired many years ago as an officer in the military, he got a good job in Saudi Arabia, where we lived for almost 4 years. Because of our stay there, I met many people from all over the world, many who were Palestinians. Sadly, Trump's base supporters, most likely don't know any Palestinians, Muslims, Jews, or most who travel. They love Israel because they heard the words "Jews" or "Israel" from church, the only place where education meant anything to them. They support Israel because they saw the words in the Bible. They know nothing about the dynamics of the region, yet they fully support Israel. This President is just about as ignorant as his base supporters. I'm embarrassed for our country. What a shame that this happened. As an American, I feel like, because of decisions like this one, that I'm wearing a big L on my forehead.
Israel is not even a country lol dickhead
@@idrisshafie9591 you are right
@@idrisshafie9591 It is, do your research.
Are jews now like childerns of israel in the past ?
palestians lived more the them
God bless Jerusalem, Israel! Congratulations to you O the City of David and God chosen people!
And stay blessed the USA, and Mr President Donald J Trump!
God always be with you!
Albert Lawrence *Hallelujah*
Oy vey
Albert Lawrence 💯
@@SalemAlhuwaiti Fuck you from Israel. God bless the USA from Israel🇮🇱❤🤝🇺🇸
"god chosen people" said like a true nazi
"Fantastic"! Marvellous decision,! Well done Mr President.
Trump is awesome
haHAA fuck off idoit
Veego von DOOM- Reviews! Trump is a bitch
Veego von DOOM- Reviews! Trump not Awesome!!!
nice comment
Trump is a zionist
Jerusalem has always been Israel capital. That will never change.
A Man the Lord is using to fullfill prophecy.
Amen to that, jay D!
Amen God's wards true
President Trump is the most intelligent, successful and competent leader the united states ever have since the last 40 years. What President Trump did to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, took nerve, clear eyes, bravery, and strong moral character. Thank God that he is not a typical politician to continue the failure of the past. He is a great leader, this is the kind of leadership that American needed for at least 3 terms. If American allows President Trump to govern without obstruction; he will turn America into pure gold. Black American this is the man that we need to support 100%.
Great President of America. Praise the Lord
+Hermann Fegelein ,Yes 3 false prophet religions of Babylon. All 3 have killed, enslaved,genocided conquered and landgrabbed and spread false prophecy claiming to do so in God's name , But he never asked them to. But they have done Gods will by Satanic doctrines. And they will shortly be judged. 400 years is almost over.
Praise our lord...who was crucified by a jew!
What lord, Marmon ??
Paul Durai *i agree* just ignore Atheist because don't understand god because weknow christian know better understanding one real true god!
Greatest president ever. God bless Israel
I'm no fan of Trump, but to blame or credit (depending on your view) for this is not entirely accurate. Congress voted to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel long before Trump happened.
Trump is just the President who has decided to act on it, and break the stalemate. And for that, he does deserve some credit... It's not like US or Israel would in a million years accept any other 2 State Solution. With Jerusalem taken care off, we can hopefully move towards an actual 2 State Solution and end the current slaughter taking place.
God bless president Trump and protect for everywhere in Jesus name
@Evan Scammell that is stupid to hear, what the hell is in jesus name ? you israeli people insult jesus day and night, you hate him, you mock him like your ancestors
we muslims we will never land jerusalem to his enemies and fake religious siding with his enemies, NEVER EVER, we ll die to our last man and wont be traitors to allah and jesus
@Evan Scammell
stand with america not agressors, where is your honor that we see in movies ?
@Evan Scammell
i dkn why they are deleting my comments but it shows that israel still rules over usa,
u keep defending them and they spit on your faces, you are less than humans for them, they are the ones who control your economy, braiwashed ppl...
@Evan Scammell
mmm i dont think you understood any point from what i said , and i mean NONE..
lets start from zero:
first of all: i started youtube years ago, my youtube was fifth in the world when the video evolution of dance was first.
so basicaly. i said they deleted my comment, talking about the owner of the channel and i didnt say you were the one who did it, technicly they deleted 4 comments and i wasnt even insulting,
secondo: my grandma is jewish who lived in jerusalem, and morocco, and my actual country morocco treat jews better than usa and europe, and they can make a distinction between jews and zionists.
so lets start from zero
@Evan Scammell
you know nothing about islam, thats a first, and you didn't understand what i say , plus, you are contradicting yourself so let me explain
Those who stand against the Israelites, stand against God and you would not want to choose that. So, Mr.DT is doing something right. Jerusalem was, is and always will be the capital of Israel. I stand with you, Israelites.
israel hates god and hate muslim and whoever hate muslims or hate god then nobody will love them and by the way israel is not even country to have a capital jerusalem was and will always stay for palestine
edit:if i have any wrong words or grammar im sorry but im not that good in english i guess
Zainab news Woah woah woah Do not say Israel hates God, that is like asking a meteor to strike down one's house and let it burn. Do not let your deepest deepest faith doubt you. God already gave them that land, who can stand against Him. You think we had it ok? The Israels also hate Christians. Christians are hated by the world; Jewish, Muslims, Catholics and more-but that is not the point. Even if the Israelites don't support other people but them, we have to support them. Even if the Israelites hate all of us, we have to love them. Let everything we do are out of love. Having to have war against the Israelites is having to have war against God. The Israelites are God's chosen people. Kill any one of them will bring doom to one. Jerusalem will stand at its full glory until God cracks open the sky. Thank you for your opinion though. Nice debate hahahaha.
P.S. The Israelites will learn to love the Messiah until now let them do what they want.
(Do not read as if I'm angry xD I never was. I get angry very seldom. Also, your English is quite good *thumbs up* )
Ruran Rae im not saying this from my own words like the whole arabic world knows about this
anyway thanks for the thumbs up
Yeah and your god teach you to chase people out of their land and kill their kids...
Amirul Amin My God? No, do not ever say my God ! For we have only one God ! For my God is also your God. The same God that created Adam and Eve. The same God that created the world. The same God that created the sky. But people turn against Him ! Worship other gods ! Bear false witness ! When did He ever ask or lead us to kill? For one of His 10 commandments saying You shall not murder. Murdering is a very wrong thing. It is because they turn against God that God told them to fight. Who do you want to blame? God?! I tell you, if you do, I suggest you to pray for righteous. Who stand against Israel stand against God. For the Israelites are God's children. We all are God's children but sadly people turn against Him ! Have you ever thought the whole history why the anti-Israel tried to destroy Israel but is still standing and the name is there ! Unlike Sodom and Gomorrah for these have burn and no more. God loves Israel so much. He disciplines His children (Israel) but never lets anyone destroys it till it crumbles to ashes. God protects the Jewish and it always be. Who dares to even kill any Israelites, any Jewish, in return times even more they that did. I heard now that people wants war against the Israelites. I tell you this have a war on Israelites meaning have a war against God. God has always protect His people ever since Pontius Pilate or before it. How did the Israelites escape Egypt? It is because God leads them. They will and always have risen up. People will ask now Who will stand with the Israelites for everyone now hates them? I say I will. Why do you love the Israelites so much and choose to stand with them? Fools, I will tell them. It is as if they are asking me why do I love the ABC song so much. It is because my love for them is like the love God has for them. Repent therefore and do not hurt His heart for you are His children too. I tell this not only for you to hear and read but for all. For I love all of you and I pray for all.
Great... God Is Great😍 Jehová, Jesús and Holly Spirit. The Lord'S JEHOVÁ The Lord JESÚS and The Lord Holy Spirit. #AllGloryAndHonnorBelongs2God
Moises Laclaustra stfu your a gentile
@@anthonyhunter6597 fuck off
You are actually less than us chosen
@@shaunibabe1 stfu
U praise jehova this is satanic religion .
Looking at this in retrospect makes me want to throw up. Trump just said Netanyahu wasn’t even interested in peace.
Wish Donald Trump internal life in Christ Jesus.
Does any other country support Israel? Serious question
Rafael Arandas No
Yes! Norway! I love Israel 4 ever!
God Victory God Used President Trump God Blessed you Mr Trump I Love You. God Protection upon Jerusalem in Mighty Jesus Name Amen Hallelujah.......
Amen to that, Gopi Jinnuri!
Trump is not a man he is Satan he's doing what YAH is telling him to do. Once the third Temple is builted Trump will go in and say that he is God time to wake up
@@apostlegladysjohnson618 you're delusional, maybe go study your bible prophecy
JERUSALEM is the capital of Palestine
hiba Jerusalem will always belong to Israel.
"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."
-Barack Obama
Thank you!
to God be the glory
It is about time ,praise the lord Jesus and His city Jerusalam ❤❤❤❤
Fuck jesus
@Evan Scammell christians will regret siding with these evil zionists against us muslims, they all hate jesus
@Evan Scammell Christian say non Christian will go to hell whereas Muslim's say non Muslim will go to hell but science say there is no such thing as hell and heaven.... so chilll.
@Evan Scammell What do you mean I don't have much time left???
@Evan Scammell
dude do you learn and repeat that to everyone, am i speaking to a human being ? i think i said you people sided with zionist people against muslims.
let jesus loves me or i love him apart.
anything to say about what i claimed ?
God bless America and please pray for trump he came thorough on his promise and now god can build his last temple in Israel 🇮🇱 now the capital of Jerusalem its was god wish for his people to call Israel 🇮🇱 their home
douglas bagshaw thank you very much
Welldone Mr. President!! God Bless America and Isreal
He's done something that the vast majority of Americans have supported for decades! This means he's truly an American First president and doesn't cave in to underhanded pressure from the Amaleks of Europe to the Ayatollahs of Afghanistan.
I love God ! I love President Trump. ! God Bless America 🇺🇸!
About Time! Jerusalem has always been the Capital.
Finally a president who has the balls to do it!!!
Good job Donald!
He has no right to do that
Sarina Hecht he has every right to do this.
free speech u guys r idiot... u think that donald duck is a world president??? It break the international law..
Bossasbee, explain how it is breaking international Law. And national politics superceeds international Law. The alliance With Israel is bigger than the UN. And the UN is a total failure, so no need to listen to them bozos. Also the fact, that "palestinians" breaks every war-law the UN has made. So can't really argue With international Law, in favour of such People.
Ummm, we're American so we'll do pretty much whatever we want. You can cry about it, but we're still going to do it. Thanks, and have a great day. :)
Love this! Thank you!
Dear President of America,
Proceed on,please as God's righteous Hand is on you.
The stage is set for the Antichrist
أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأنا محمدا رسول الله
Yeah, Allah is the one who after all said that Jews should be persecuted and Israel driven into the sea, eh?
*clap clap*
@@lizgoldstein4256 sister la ilaha ilallah muhammadur rasulu-llah
Thank you trump
Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine forever
Absolutely beautiful. By any standard this man should win the Nobel Prize, his achievements are outstanding. Yet I do not think it is going to be his Lot, he deserves it, yet he will never get recognised like he should.. he's a tragic figure. But beautiful.. God Bless Donald Trump
@ 6:20 one of the most important parts of his speech that seems to be overlooked.
Pray for jerusalem to be the capital of palestine not isreal
Palestine did not and does not exist. The Jews didn't steal this land, they released what belonged to them 3500 years ago.
@@sabre3923 shut up
@Evan Scammell the isrealites and isreal is different there was no isreal inly Arabia inhabited by people called isrealites that doesn't mean it was Israel 🙄🙄
@Evan Scammell Egypt
In first book of the Pentateuch, the Book of Genesis, the Israelites had come to live in Egypt in the Land of Goshen during a famine due to the fact that an Israelite, Joseph, had become a high official in the court of the pharaoh.
Yes, thank you Mr. President
Love this president! He is doing a fantastic job...he makes the hard pragmatic decisions in America's best interest over self serving political interest of lessor professional politicians.
Now am a great fan of trump
This matter (about Jerusalem) is already written in the bible. Even in the days of David and Salomon, Jerusalem belonged to Israel (evidence 2 Samuel 5:5). Also look at:1 King 11:36 : "Yet to his son I will give one tribe, that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen to put my name. "1 King 11:13:" However, I will not tear away all the kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen."Here are the jewish kings who were rulers over Jerusalem. Bible verses:2 Kings 12:1, 2 Kings 14:2, 2 Kings 15:2, 2 Kings 16:2, 2 Kings 18:2, 2 Kings 21:1, 2 Kings 22:1, 2 Kings 24:8Even God said in the bible that Jerusalem belongs to Israel and God also says what will happen to Jerusalem. Zechariah 8:3 "Thus says the LORD: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts, the holy mountain."Zechariah 12:9 " "And the LORD will give salvation to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not surpass that of Judah."Zechariah 14:2-4: 2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle. 4 On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward. God mentioned also Jerusalem in the new Testament. Luke 21:20: "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. There are much more bible verses about Jersualem belonging to Israel. Read the bible if you want evidence.So pray for Jerusalem.
Weniger anzeigen
The Truth, you are so biblically correct on this matter. God will NEVER be through with Israel! Israel has always been and still is God's Covenant people, and Jerusalem has ALWAYS belonged to the nation of ISRAEL! No one can ever change that. God WILL NEVER allow it!!! GOD IS SOVEREIGN AND HE, ALONE, IS IN CONTROL, NOT MERE MAN!!! God bless the nation of Israel! May America continue to defend and befriend her. May America NEVER turn her back on Israel.
If somebody believes in the bible they will know that jerusalem is belong to israel... this is for all christians...
11:11 BROUGHT ME HERE😭 Be hold He comes! I can't believe the blinds are believing this living man! We will all be judged!! God Bless everyone!💕
2 years later he's meme'd.
So what doggy?? Us is probably Israel. Biden will be more pro Israel
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
Great President
Brainwashed people
@@alisalam2309 you are brainwashed watch danny ayalon
The Kingdom of God is inside of us! Glory to God!
God bless America 🇮🇱🇺🇸
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel🇮🇱🇮🇱
From Azerbaijan🇦🇿🇦🇿
Oh really?
We all know it is Palestine!
Love trump ❤🥺
I love Putin, how are you while you are in the Russian occupation, congratulations 💕
God bless the United Schates
He is the man!
What? He is the worst president in us history GET IT RIGHT
@@Waltz986 I'd beg to differ with James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce.
GOD prophesied this event a long time ago - FOD said it was gong to happen, and so it would happen one day, and it did today. - read the Bible - Book of Jeremiah Chapter 29. GOD loves all of us, HE created men and woman in HIS image and likeness, HE wants us to know HIM, the evil in this world does NOT come from GOD but from the enemy of our soul: satan.
Book of Nanda Amen!
Book of Nanda JERUSALÉM IT WAS ALWAYS FROM ISRAEL. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist kills people inocent is religion terrorist and ant-Crist. Islam lies and kills people inocent.
There is no God! The action of creating is caused by desires and EGO!
Obama's speech in 2008 aipac said Jerusalem is the undivided Capital of Israel.
but obama did nothing as always.
I agree with President Trump that Jerusalem be the capital of Israel
VIDA REAL Originally Palestinian land for 2000 years and was just stolen 70 years years ago, now Palestinians live under oppression in gruesome occupation where they are dying in multitude from poor health, starvation, and Israeli soldiers, Hamas was created by Israel as well. Sociopaths.
Jerusalem has always belonged to the nation of Israel.
writing NWO no he's not making peace he's just making peace with Israel
writing NWO He did the false thing ... trump never want the peace with world
Nope. It's the world who doesn't want peace with Trump. He is doing the right thing. God bless Donald Trump.
No peace
He just fuelled the hate.
Why all The word so hate the Israelis people it’s a Hatred . You don’t even know half of them It's just not fair! Stop with the Hatred and be more love in your heart.❤️ just love can change the world
Beacuse Israel kill palestina
@@khaayiraalmarevian1125 And Palestinians killed Israelis too and rejected any peace treaties with them while the Israelis have always agreed. How about that?
@Ali They weren't. It's probably Jewish civilians / IDF soldiers. Israel loses less people because it works very very hard to defend its people, look at the Iron Dome that intercepts Hamas missile on air
May God president Trump's for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel we the Christians all over the world recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel we know that Jerusalem is a holy Land of Israel .
Would explain why the supreme court accepted the travel ban a week ago!!!
No, the travel-ban is over. Don't you remeber, it was to be for Three months, while the vetting was being revised. They blocked it, and the vetting has become better, so that pointless tantrum is over. Hillary got revenge over Trump, and you leftist lost on it.
Isaiah 52:09: "Break forth together into singing, you waste places of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem."
Trump will get his way, even if the liberals hate it. Its bitter truth and not up for petty debates.
Why would ANYONE of sound mind poke a tiger with a sharp stick?
mick readdin It makes sense if you take the view that Trump is a fascist. Escalate/instigate war as a pretext for consolidating power. Scary times await.
And therein lies the rub.
mick readdin JERUSALÉM IT WAS ALWAYS FROM ISRAEL. Islam lies and kills people inocent. Islam lies and kills people inocent.
well said trump, i didnt vote for you (or anyone else) but you amazed me with this move, well played
Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC, though he recounts events in the first eleven chapters of the Bible that occurred long before his time (such as the creation and the flood).
These earliest accounts were handed down from generation to generation in songs, narratives, and poetry.
The Quran was gradually compiled over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 AD, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 AD, the year he died.
In short, the bible is far older than the Quran by almost 2000 years and the city Jerusalem is mentioned many times in the bible as the place where the Jews lived.
Where in the Quran is the word Jerusalem even found? What page, what chapter, what verse?
Thank you Trump
Now he can't even take coronavirus seriously
Job well done DJT for recognizing this.
Nah man this guy is going to fail us.
@@cxarhomell5867 you are the fail.
@@tony.r8039 Looks like he's doing lawsuits lol.
Also, that doesnt make any sense, reword your sentence.
@@cxarhomell5867 I'm french.
@@tony.r8039 Oh, cool.
One of the only things Trump has done right! שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד
Me, myself and I did this,and I am great.
Thats disgusting.
an he is the greatest president ever !
@@tony.r8039 No doubt that he believes it,,,best business man, lover, scientist, and most of all con person
For anyone who is saying that Jerusalem was not mentioned in the Qur’an I have proof
سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ (1
Qur’an 17:1
May Allah Guide Everyone
الله يهدي الجميع
me heretoday out of curiosity how do you know he supports manifest destiny? And by that last sentence how can you prove he is American?
Don't forget they ruined Persia, the Byzantine Empire and Egypt.
Allah isn't real and the prophet muhammad (May penis be upon him) is a pedifile
i'm just a spectator لعنة الله عليك
Jerusalem as the capital of palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇹🇳 after 3 years ago
الحرية لفلسطين وعاصمتها القدس
إسرائيل أمة بغيضة وغير شاكرة. يطلبون مليارات الدولارات من بولندا لأنها وفرت مئات الآلاف منهم في الحرب العالمية الثانية
عاشت فلسطين🇵🇸🥺🤲🏻✨❤️
Spoke like a boss. May God give him wisdom, compassion and courage!
Trump wanted to name the new capitol of Israel Scarsdale, N.Y. but Rex Tillerson told him that the capitol had to actually be in Israel.
When was Jerusalem not the capital of Israel?
Jersalum has Always been the Capitol of Judea not israel..the first time "jews" are mentioned in the Bible they-jews are at war with israel.
The land of Israel is not called “Israel” in the Bible. The land is referred to as “the land of Canaan”
when the Canaanites lived there.
Nothing called Israel existed in middle east it's just #Jerusalem The Capital of Palestine
Finally a president with balls of steel.
When he Said : CONFLITCT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE PALASTINIANS... I understood that hi's speech is not serving peace. ( Jerusalem - القدس is always will be the capital of Palastine. Ended
Best president since kennedy
Whoever is doing his makeup needs to get fired immediately!!! Why is there highlighting around his eyes it looks f----ing crazy!
Jerusalem has been and always will be the capital of Israel. It has been written and the prophecy will unfold right before our very eyes. It's the beginning of the end.
Let The End of The World Begin!
Oh yes, and people can not even imagine what's happening and what's about to happen. World War III, a succession of wars in the East, a shock in the American economy after some events, the Rapture, and finally, the New World Order. Maybe a simulated extraterrestrial invasion, but it's their Z plane.
The Only One God's coming back
The Only One
Ehh the issue blew over in less than a week
Thats what im saying Jesus coming
Can you remind me again why he became President.
Hillary Clinton
due to something called an election i think...
The lesser of two evils I guess...
because he wants to keep the muslims out of the USA and the majority of American's want that too
Electoral college (which is just as stupid as Trump University)
Brave decision.
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of1995 is a public law of the United States passed by the 104th Congress on October 23, 1995.
Judith Arnett JERUSALÉM IT WAS ALWAYS FROM ISRAEL. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist and ant-Crist. Islam lies and kills people inocent is religion terrorist.
A W E S O M E ! ! 💙 🇮🇱 ✅ 🇺🇸
Jerusalem is capital of Palestine forever the is no country called Israel
From Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@@اسودالأطلس-ب4د shut up
@@اسودالأطلس-ب4د extremely
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, it always was and it'll always be get over yourself all of you
mad dog listen Muhammad, Ahmed or wherever you are I heard you getting married with your sisters so stfu
unworthylive I'll definitely go celebrate Hanukkah, hope you'll find life soon
Never . Bitch
Love you girl
idiot girl
Oh oh. He is using the term; "Both Sides" again. You know what that means.
Praise God. With this declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, President Trump has brought God's blessings on the
Who came here after the muslims converted the Hagia Sophia to a mosque?
me, so what ? most of churches in spain and portugal were mosques
All other religions do the same. Don’t single one out
@Skrooge Lantay native ? 3000 years ago ? how much civilisations have come ? that s the stupidest thing people keep repeating, you dont want someone to kick you from your home you and your mother and your kids, maybe put you to jail or shot you, because he lived in your area 100 years ago
we are now talking about people coming from france , usa, kenya, korea, all over the world, kicking people from their homes coz they claim they lived there 3000 years ago .
that is crazy
Damn, he had a hard time at the end there. Looks like he "doesn't have the stamina".
Just a wee TIA.
He has done more today, than your entire bloodline has done in history.
God Bless all of Humanity
Did anyone else noticed the weird way he said United States as his last two words? I was an odd shush like sound. In fact all his s sounds were a bit shushy... Was I hearing things?
Kyla Luv i notice that. Maybe he needs some water again and is afraid of backlash....again!
He is scared of what the fallout will be. But he shouldn't worry. Arabs are busy fighting each other and won't do anything. Its all good.
i noticed that aswell... and after watching again closely it seem that especially a the end he is about to lose his dentures i think... the bottom ones... what do you think ?
TheViciousVince I believe you are right.
Its the new country that will be made the new world power
Trump is a great president. The American people love him. He has my vote for the future.
It's time to wake up
The president of America Donald J Trump we Jewish and Christian we never forget you in our book you our # 1 and there won’t be another god bless you and give you life like Abrham & Matusala “ America First next is the others “
Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine
Tell that to Jesus christ
Clay Palestine is Arab land
randy gerardo Israel a One of people. Name. Palestine is the land of Palestinian. History says. Read history
ANWAR D think what you think
Jerusalem is the capital of the tribes of God, Donald made a mistake by doing this, it will lead to a never ending war.
I just wanna know, What does that decision has to do with US futur or growth? Anyone.
Read the Bible.All the answers you are looking for is there.