Bravoooo. Omul e caracterizat dupa fapta nu vorba . Vorba fara fapta e nimic respect primar si cei care au zidit acest oras . Frumos. Pace si prosperitate. Binecuvantare la toti cetateni Romaniei .care zidesc construiesc o Romanie mai buna
sadly, you don´t even mentioned the oldest church, wich is located in the center of the city and wich was dedicated to the founder of the city.: the Szent László church. Well, times are changing, but history remains history, it cannot be concealed.
Oradea orasul viztato in anul 1978 cind eram student la timsoara...iubesc rominia salut cu mult drag din iordania 🇯🇴❤🖐
Ce frumos! Salurati calduroase din tara! Speram ca filmuletele noastre sa va trezeasca numai amintiri frumoase 😊
Salutare și tie Adeb și poate o să mai vii în România!
@@travellingcapture genial
Bravoooo. Omul e caracterizat dupa fapta nu vorba . Vorba fara fapta e nimic respect primar si cei care au zidit acest oras . Frumos. Pace si prosperitate. Binecuvantare la toti cetateni Romaniei .care zidesc construiesc o Romanie mai buna
Multumim pentru aceste vorbe frumoase! cu adevarat o binecuvantare❤️
Been to Romania 2017 and it is a beautiful country. I'd like to go back someday to explore more. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your kind words! Hope you will get to see more of this great country! Until then, stay tuned, we have plenty more to share😊
Gyönyörű szép !! Köszönöm szépen ☺️
Nagyon szeretjük🥰
Frumos oraș, e o viitoare destinație de vacanță 🥰
Tez mi podoba Sie oradea jest ladne miasto w rumunia
Este superb! merita vizitat si sunt sigura ca intre timp au aparut si alte locatii de vizitat 🥰
Sunt mandra de orasul meu !
asa si trebuie! E un exemplu de luat pentru toata tara 🥰🥰
Coming soon
Hope you had the chance to visit Oradea, or perhaps it's still on the bucketlist.
sadly, you don´t even mentioned the oldest church, wich is located in the center of the city and wich was dedicated to the founder of the city.: the Szent László church. Well, times are changing, but history remains history, it cannot be concealed.
which is it? Very sorry how could we have missed it..this was not intentional :(