in my experience with people/MBTI, INTPs are the type that spends the most time in their dominant function, Ti. INTPs Ti Ne Si dynamic goes something like this: They get a subject, even it it's their own thoughts, or how they think about their own thoughts, or the universe, or whatever. Then they just keep breaking the subject down into it's parts and pieces and examining them over and over until finally they will have enough pieces together that they can see the subject as a whole... this is when they shift to their Ne and intuitively understand the subject as a single entity and how it fits with the other things they have built brick by brick in their lives. lastly, a funny thing about INTPs is that after they have laid all those Ti bricks, and then seen Ne the structure as a whole. they will almost always DO -Si- something tangible that cements/completes the process. If they have been going Ti on photography, once they "get it" Ne, they might go buy a camera and do it. Or they might just go tell somebody about it, or make a video about it... something Si, something they can do/experience that draws on the hdd files produced by their Ti program. so to speak. they think they "learn slow" because they learn so much more thorough than all the other types. they "don't believe" hardly anything someone tells them, because they just heard it. they have yet to Ti on it for days on end until they have their Ne moment and conduct their Si closure... so of course they believe little at first. excellent video INTP, sorry for rambling on here...
They say INTP's are hard to follow in their speech, and boy do you prove that. I believe I am one too and I'm trying to follow along. It's not easy though. You're so aware of the contexts which your thoughts are springing from but totally oblivious to how much of that context your audience is aware of.
That's how Ti works. It takes into consideration everything possible before making a decision. And since Ti is most dominant in INTPs, virtually everything is critically analyzed before action. That's why we are slowwww.
+FatherElectric Yes it's about accuracy, Ti does only what is required, not an ounce more, so it takes time to carefully measure everything before acting.
When he said "logical retardedness", a certain memory surfaced. I remember I arrived at class for a test and I was sure I was gonna pass easily. However, one of the first essay questions didn't sound right; the question being asked had a inconsistency somewhere. My brain stopped because the question didn't make sense. It was as if the line was blank. I literally could not read the sentence! I became dysfuntional because of a logical inconsistency in the question... I sat there for 6 stressed-out minutes trying to re-word a question I didn't write. FML. #thatINTPlifetho
Dear Lord, I hate this as well. Luckily, most test questions are specific enough for the inconsistencies to be less problematic, resulting in ease of implementing logical argumentsand therefore "exploit" our innate logical selves.
wade adakai That happens to me too. I remember a similar scenario couple years ago when I took a Chemistry test. It was about balancing chemical equations. Seems easy enough but I was taking so long on this one problem. I completed all the others, but this last one just wasn't making sense. I was the last person in the class taking the test, but I finally came to a conclusion: the equation was incorrect and thus impossible to complete given the multiple choice options. The equation itself was wrong, so there was no way to possibly fix it without adding different molecules. I told my Chem teacher and he just sighed. (I would often correct his mistakes in good nature of course, but this time he was just disappointed that he messed up. I told him the question was wrong, and since I was the very last student to take that test, he had to remove it from all the other tests he had given out. Apparently it takes about one hundred fifty kids to realize that the question itself was wrong-which kind of means that they all got it wrong for not paying attention. Anyway, I'm still on good terms with my Chem teacher, I'm glad I could help him out on his first year of teaching.
Literally 3 hours ago i forgot a basic principle of what i was doing in homework and felt like I had been red pilled until I realized I caught the dumb
Hahaha, dude your train of thought is so fucking identical to me. When I'm having a conversation like this, explaining something, I'm exactly like this. Good points, solid metaphors and examples, but rambling on and jumping around.
I think the greatest thing about INTPs is the kind of openness to ideas and all sorts of information, which believe me, as I've encountered lots and lots of people is an extremely rare thing for anyone, so regardless of defragmentation or other things that can become a problem or an issue is still great
I've been refusing to acknowledge that thought because I'm afraid that it will interfere with my perception and my thought processes and crash them. I am just keeping it separate from my main world model. So, yeah, that computer-like quality is certainly there. Good to know that someone else also has that thought. But I still have a problem with reconciling it with the main model since there is no surety to it as you cannot provide different entities with any intrinsic value that is not absolutely arbitrary or based upon our animal instincts. Also, the problem might be solved if I could decide for superiority between my animal instincts and my intellectual instincts but it is still another dead-end. So, yeah, cheers.
I learned most of that from a guy who complete body of work has been read by hardly anyone, and who declared anyone who has not read his complete works is unqualified to comment upon them. but many do so anyway(myself, for example) and most, if not all of them were wrong. Individuals who did so and were so we're not wrong because they were unqualified, they were unqualified by maintaining wrongness.
There are times when I need to let my brain (Computer) organize stuff so I just put my headphones on and listen to instrumental music to let my brain sort through everything. Kind of like shutting down your computer and letting it rest. Then when I reboot it I am all ready to go and every thought and idea is in its rightful place
This is my favorite video from you. Trust me, it makes a lot of sense. I like how you express yourself. It's actually expressing a thought and not being judgemental. I never thought about this so much. About an INTPs constant need to "think" through their environments and to be mentally stimulated: It does look like most people just adapt to a set behavior and then repeat these patterns throughtout life. The crux of your video, though, is that there is a need to provide a special type of psychological self support for those who need to constantly be intellectually engaged. I don't know what type of type of social supports INTPs need to engineer for themselves when they get stuck since it's so hard for them to be on automatic pilot. I think it's just a matter of taking it slow and taking care of yourself and letting inspiration happen in the moment and not trying to force things.
I literally feel like you are my male version. I'm watching your videos and learning a lot. Hope you are doing alright. Cheers! -another INTP with a lot of questions in her mind
I'm an INTP-t, and listening to you speak is so much more pleasing than listening to 'normal' people when they speak. I speak the exact same way, and had no idea it was THAT noticeable to people until I read some of the comments. I've always had people tell me this, and it's pretty obvious when I start combining/skipping/stuttering/or mispronouncing words (in like super unexpected ways; maybe we get so introverted, our muscles forget how to verbally function, lol. Although, I feel like I'm always talking to myself - so that's not too helpful of an explanation, either. Perhaps, we should continue the analogy, with our idiosyncrasies as our "Malwarebytes"/Defense system and just enjoy the often more over-looked whimsy of our characters. ) Still, it's nice to hear other people converse the way we actually think, it's so much faster -- if you follow the concepts in the thought process(s), it's always connected, and usually in an intriguing way, but perhaps our style of communication is equivalent to the various social clues many of us are hopelessly oblivious to. haha
Chinese INTP here.Maybe you don't exist either,but I love your videos. Maybe we are just some code in Matrix(wake up,Neo) I call myself dreamer,because I can not make sure what is reality.
So I recently met this insanely beautiful girl that, to my surprise, is also an INTP. Before knowing this, we talked for a couple weeks and hit it off incredibly well. I've got to say, I have never met someone so compatible. We're pretty much equally weird, our minds brilliantly compliment one another and we can just talk for hours on end. So y'know I gotta ask: 2 INTPs in a romantic relationship? Tips, Tricks, Pros, Cons ETC please do a video response! Just ran into your vids and love them keep it up! :D - CASMIC
I have watched nearly all of your videos ! I love them haha! It is rediculously surreal to watch/listen to another Intp! I'm an intp and have never known of another intp. i wish I did! So yeah love the videos and similarity I see in them of myself it's freakin spooky that most of the shiz you spew are some of the same things I've thought through and we come to the same agreement..but I have more to add/questions Id ask if I could talk back lol just to banter. Moar vids peas! ^.^
Nice dude. I'm an ENFP and totally envy INTPs' Ti. Then when you pulled out the suitcase metaphor I was like, "damn. spot on Fi description. I guess Fi is pretty important." Just throwing it out there, I'd like to Skype sometime and talk about Ne more; I'm best friends with a fellow INTP who's not as into MBTI, but I'm really curious about how differently it works in conjunction with Fi and Ti.
i really relate to this, it's uncomfortable to think of the many people living right now who do not know or understand themselves very much, who have not gone digging. i also tend to think of myself as both the scientist and the experiment.
The people who haven't been digging are basically sleepwalking and are easily manipulated. War is the cause of the unthinking masses. Carl Jung wrote a whole book about that actually.
+Tomacity(Rast) I feel like the majority of humanity is sleep walking, sadly. I think most of us INTP's have noticed this. I love reading jung! What book are you referring to?
On the free will part, (6:15) even if you notice why you do something, you didn't choose to notice it. Its no different than waking up already thinking about something.
Jake also, just because there is "randomness" in the universe (quantum fields), it does not necessarily equate to free will. Our actions are determined by a chain of effects, HOWEVER all that occurs right now was not determined at the beginning of the universe (since it is random). ALTHOUGH there is this thing about quantum time where the present interacts with the past (that the present and past is connected) thus giving more proof towards the idea that the past , present and future was already determined (could also be that they are already determined in an infinite number of multi-universes... or an infinite number of possibilities). BUT there are also many other factors (used by determinism and also by libertarianism) that would make this reply really long, so I will just stop here. The illusion of free will is ENOUGH for me, since at the end of the day, there is a determined future... one chosen at random... from an infinite number of possibilities... and that is pretty close to free will to me (knowing that an infinite number of determined possibilities exist in front of me...INFINITE).
Ti brows hahaha intp here and i have them too, it must be a thing!! * eyebrow wiggly wiggles* having learnt this, finding intp friends will be easier in the future...
Good metaphor for this may be: Others seem to be running an old closed-source codebase, where tech support has no direct access to user issues in order to determine what's causing them. Instead they have to listen to any complaints that users bring in and then send out patches which get picked up piecemeal. Data goes in, and how much is retained will depend on what that codebase was set up to handle. INTPs (and probably polymaths in general) would be more like an open-source codebase working with a live dataset. Where the first example requires data to be inserted, data in this codebase constantly floods in. Tech support not only have direct access to the data themselves, but they are active users and know what should be occurring. Like the example above, the data that's retained still depends on how the codebase is made, however the difference is by being open source, users/techs are capable of making changes in order to store and reference more of the incoming data in a more fluid-like system. Said system can also lead to serious down periods, of course, since you're working with live datasets but that's just part of the system.
I smoked pot a few months ago and I had an illogical thought. It was as if red lights were flashing and alarms were sounding. I had a panic attack and couldn’t remember what the illogical thought was.
(ENFP) I just pile up all the information and hope before I forget it again, that either my Ne finds a way to find a connection or my Si finds time to write it down. Ne without Ti is like saving only the structure of information, not the contents.
yes, it's really sad that there's lots of people talking about their favourite celebrity/ stars etc like it's their everything and there's almost nothing they have to say about themselves and are like puppets born to be carpets for those celebrities and stars, which being a fan is one thing but completely lose the self for just yet another human being on this planet is just sad, it's a life without testing and trial and makes it somewhat wasted
I've always felt so lonely, like no one understood or if I tried to explain it they just couldn't understand, couldn't see the web that connected it all. I'd love to talk to you one day man and get you on my stream just to talk one day for the viewers
Nothing is regular . Mount up Regulators! That's from Young Guns. Iydnk . If you did not know... making inventing all the time. Cool flick showing difference of personality ,depicted by writer, how pals are. Rules are guidelines unless its real law. Law that never change. Ie ,water is wet,fire is hot. And here my brain is , that would depend on observation and interaction. Always questioning the most basic for validity of cause. Is or isn't ,are words , . Feel the consensus is too locked down . . So much more just to be.
I totally get what you mean when you say you can't really know something unless you've seen it yourself. but be careful not to slip into nihilism, it leads you nowhere.
You were bound to compare synthetic computers systems to biological mental systems sooner or later. Besides its part of that modern pondering over the general compatability between machine and man. Just taking from different angle, the more mankind understands themselves the more "beautifully" human the machines can be, besides machines if you really ponder them are an undeniable expression of humans handiwork anyhow.
i wouldn't say everyone is equal, i would agree that everyone has somewhat similar potentials but someone who chooses to lead an ignorant life on a daily basis and follow every trend that comes there way without question is in no way equal to someone who questions everything and gets answers so that those people can continue to lead their lifestyle as a program. no matter what a sheep does it can never be a Shepard i am beginning to realize that maybe there are breeds of humans which are designed by the architect or creating force of this universe to unlock and decode the underlying meaning of things, maybe we are antennas but only a few are on an high frequency. anyways my point is that we are all created as we are to be, But we are not all equal. is Joe blow who sits in his trap house shooting up heroin equal to stephen hawkings who has als and is arguably the most inteligent man walking the face of this planet? or even better is that heroin addict equal to the scientist who created it? in other words is the ferrari equal to the honda civic? equality rewards ignorance and allows people to do nothing with their lives while the others use their force (energy) to create in this wonderful gift we call life. if people felt as small as they are then they would work harder to be something more
why tho not to take away from all of the great points you made in this video btw. i apreciate you taking time to make these videos and its cool to know that there are other young people in the world who dont just care about that next iphone
why tho How are you coming up with this value system? Only humans can place value on things through their subjective preferences. You can place objective measurements of attributes. Like the speed of the ferrari or the IQ of Stephen Hawking but value is something completely different. Maybe Joe's wife values him more than Stephen Hawking. Humanity cannot even place a value on anything because each human values different things. I am terrible at explaining this for some reason. Basically each person is the most valuable person to themselves because without a self, you can't place value. Sorry this was so jumbled.
isnt that the beauty of being a human? isnt that same value system the way u came up with the idea that we are equal? its not about the speed of the ferrari but the engineering that produces that speed not about stephen hawkings iq but what he chose to do with it. my point is that i understand and agreed that our potentials are all quite similar but some people choose to use their potentials through focus and hard work while others choose to neglect them because they believe that they are in someway equal to the one who works his/her ass off to achieve goals. the simplest way i think i can put it is like this.. 2 lions in the wild both stumble upon the same and only zebra in sight. both lions need to eat but only one can have the zebra (which is already dead we'll say) a challenge will then take place and the lions will fight for the food, only one lion can win.. was the one who lost equal to the one who won the zebra? did that lion beat the other one by watching family guy every night at 6 or did that lion work his ass off to be the biggest and baddest lion in the jungle. at the end of the day the dead lion can be of all the value it want to its lioness but it didn't bring food home so they all died. if you see the environment which those lions live in as a body then 2 cells just competed for a top position but only one cell achieved that position.Is the victorious cell equivilent to the dead cell? only in the sence that they were both cells. like i said i agree with you that we are all humans but not all humans are equal some humans simply play a more important role. call it what you want but the point is you placed value when u said we are equal, as far as im concerned as long as that value exists we arent equal and thinking that we are equal. its not about how valuable each person is to themself its about how valuable each person is compared to the next. u said all humans are equal not all humans are indiviually the most valuable to themselves. u compared one human to another when u said that we are all equal. equal meaning being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value. i was simply placing that value in relation to the larger picture at hand being the body which we all create together not individually
in my experience with people/MBTI, INTPs are the type that spends the most time in their dominant function, Ti.
INTPs Ti Ne Si dynamic goes something like this: They get a subject, even it it's their own thoughts, or how they think about their own thoughts, or the universe, or whatever. Then they just keep breaking the subject down into it's parts and pieces and examining them over and over until finally they will have enough pieces together that they can see the subject as a whole... this is when they shift to their Ne and intuitively understand the subject as a single entity and how it fits with the other things they have built brick by brick in their lives.
lastly, a funny thing about INTPs is that after they have laid all those Ti bricks, and then seen Ne the structure as a whole. they will almost always DO -Si- something tangible that cements/completes the process. If they have been going Ti on photography, once they "get it" Ne, they might go buy a camera and do it. Or they might just go tell somebody about it, or make a video about it... something Si, something they can do/experience that draws on the hdd files produced by their Ti program. so to speak.
they think they "learn slow" because they learn so much more thorough than all the other types.
they "don't believe" hardly anything someone tells them, because they just heard it. they have yet to Ti on it for days on end until they have their Ne moment and conduct their Si closure... so of course they believe little at first.
excellent video INTP, sorry for rambling on here...
that was beautifully accurate
Silver Rings INFP lurker here, but that gives me some insight to my attachment to Si, thank you
You're welcome. I have done much in-depth analysis of INFPs. One of my fav types, and definitely one of the most complex.
thanks for the note!
They say INTP's are hard to follow in their speech, and boy do you prove that. I believe I am one too and I'm trying to follow along. It's not easy though. You're so aware of the contexts which your thoughts are springing from but totally oblivious to how much of that context your audience is aware of.
That's how Ti works. It takes into consideration everything possible before making a decision. And since Ti is most dominant in INTPs, virtually everything is critically analyzed before action. That's why we are slowwww.
+Syed Tariq Asghar
I didn't know it was my personality. So i'm not the only one that's slowwww.
+FatherElectric Yes it's about accuracy, Ti does only what is required, not an ounce more, so it takes time to carefully measure everything before acting.
When he said "logical retardedness", a certain memory surfaced. I remember I arrived at class for a test and I was sure I was gonna pass easily. However, one of the first essay questions didn't sound right; the question being asked had a inconsistency somewhere. My brain stopped because the question didn't make sense. It was as if the line was blank. I literally could not read the sentence! I became dysfuntional because of a logical inconsistency in the question... I sat there for 6 stressed-out minutes trying to re-word a question I didn't write. FML. #thatINTPlifetho
Dear Lord, I hate this as well. Luckily, most test questions are specific enough for the inconsistencies to be less problematic, resulting in ease of implementing logical argumentsand therefore "exploit" our innate logical selves.
wade adakai That happens to me too. I remember a similar scenario couple years ago when I took a Chemistry test. It was about balancing chemical equations. Seems easy enough but I was taking so long on this one problem. I completed all the others, but this last one just wasn't making sense. I was the last person in the class taking the test, but I finally came to a conclusion: the equation was incorrect and thus impossible to complete given the multiple choice options. The equation itself was wrong, so there was no way to possibly fix it without adding different molecules. I told my Chem teacher and he just sighed. (I would often correct his mistakes in good nature of course, but this time he was just disappointed that he messed up. I told him the question was wrong, and since I was the very last student to take that test, he had to remove it from all the other tests he had given out. Apparently it takes about one hundred fifty kids to realize that the question itself was wrong-which kind of means that they all got it wrong for not paying attention. Anyway, I'm still on good terms with my Chem teacher, I'm glad I could help him out on his first year of teaching.
wade adakai same. i just drop out of high school gr.9 and went into business i stead. my god what a breakthrough and relief.
Literally 3 hours ago i forgot a basic principle of what i was doing in homework and felt like I had been red pilled until I realized I caught the dumb
Hahaha, dude your train of thought is so fucking identical to me. When I'm having a conversation like this, explaining something, I'm exactly like this. Good points, solid metaphors and examples, but rambling on and jumping around.
Drew lol u r still listening i just went to comment
Drew same he that’s exactly how my train of thought is as well.
I think the greatest thing about INTPs is the kind of openness to ideas and all sorts of information, which believe me, as I've encountered lots and lots of people is an extremely rare thing for anyone, so regardless of defragmentation or other things that can become a problem or an issue is still great
So I've finally come to the realization that we INTP's are a masterrace
I've been refusing to acknowledge that thought because I'm afraid that it will interfere with my perception and my thought processes and crash them. I am just keeping it separate from my main world model. So, yeah, that computer-like quality is certainly there. Good to know that someone else also has that thought. But I still have a problem with reconciling it with the main model since there is no surety to it as you cannot provide different entities with any intrinsic value that is not absolutely arbitrary or based upon our animal instincts. Also, the problem might be solved if I could decide for superiority between my animal instincts and my intellectual instincts but it is still another dead-end. So, yeah, cheers.
Jack Greendal I wouldn't say masterrace since we are not masters over anyone. It's more like we are outside the system more than most.
Jack Greendal seed for master but depend if u water n grow ur seed
I learned most of that from a guy who complete body of work has been read by hardly anyone, and who declared anyone who has not read his complete works is unqualified to comment upon them. but many do so anyway(myself, for example) and most, if not all of them were wrong. Individuals who did so and were so we're not wrong because they were unqualified, they were unqualified by maintaining wrongness.
I fucking love that "defrag" analogy! I need to use that more because I've always had problems with explaining how my mind works lmao.
Wow. "That's why they're called stars. Coz you're always looking up, and never in here." So profound my friend.
There are times when I need to let my brain (Computer) organize stuff so I just put my headphones on and listen to instrumental music to let my brain sort through everything. Kind of like shutting down your computer and letting it rest. Then when I reboot it I am all ready to go and every thought and idea is in its rightful place
Now I just realised being an INTP is like living in hell
This is my favorite video from you. Trust me, it makes a lot of sense. I like how you express yourself. It's actually expressing a thought and not being judgemental. I never thought about this so much. About an INTPs constant need to "think" through their environments and to be mentally stimulated: It does look like most people just adapt to a set behavior and then repeat these patterns throughtout life. The crux of your video, though, is that there is a need to provide a special type of psychological self support for those who need to constantly be intellectually engaged. I don't know what type of type of social supports INTPs need to engineer for themselves when they get stuck since it's so hard for them to be on automatic pilot. I think it's just a matter of taking it slow and taking care of yourself and letting inspiration happen in the moment and not trying to force things.
I literally feel like you are my male version. I'm watching your videos and learning a lot. Hope you are doing alright. Cheers! -another INTP with a lot of questions in her mind
I'm an INTP-t, and listening to you speak is so much more pleasing than listening to 'normal' people when they speak. I speak the exact same way, and had no idea it was THAT noticeable to people until I read some of the comments. I've always had people tell me this, and it's pretty obvious when I start combining/skipping/stuttering/or mispronouncing words (in like super unexpected ways; maybe we get so introverted, our muscles forget how to verbally function, lol. Although, I feel like I'm always talking to myself - so that's not too helpful of an explanation, either. Perhaps, we should continue the analogy, with our idiosyncrasies as our "Malwarebytes"/Defense system and just enjoy the often more over-looked whimsy of our characters. ) Still, it's nice to hear other people converse the way we actually think, it's so much faster -- if you follow the concepts in the thought process(s), it's always connected, and usually in an intriguing way, but perhaps our style of communication is equivalent to the various social clues many of us are hopelessly oblivious to. haha
I think I’m in love - intp
Chinese INTP here.Maybe you don't exist either,but I love your videos.
Maybe we are just some code in Matrix(wake up,Neo)
I call myself dreamer,because I can not make sure what is reality.
dreamer I don’t even think the Chinese exist.
You're so awesome! Please come back and post more intp material.
Dude, you have a very beautiful mind.
Lol you got pretty deep out of nowhere. I was expecting this video to just be one of your parodies as soon as you said cuss xD
i love this. i've been matrix unplugged for a while now too :) (infp)
Adelle Ramcharan I like your vids btw.
Tomacity(Rast) Ditto. Thanks so much, Computer Brain! hehe :)
So I recently met this insanely beautiful girl that, to my surprise, is also an INTP. Before knowing this, we talked for a couple weeks and hit it off incredibly well. I've got to say, I have never met someone so compatible. We're pretty much equally weird, our minds brilliantly compliment one another and we can just talk for hours on end.
So y'know I gotta ask: 2 INTPs in a romantic relationship? Tips, Tricks, Pros, Cons ETC
please do a video response!
Just ran into your vids and love them keep it up! :D
Spot on video. Another INTP here. Keep it up man, it has been to long since your last vid.
I have watched nearly all of your videos ! I love them haha! It is rediculously surreal to watch/listen to another Intp! I'm an intp and have never known of another intp. i wish I did! So yeah love the videos and similarity I see in them of myself it's freakin spooky that most of the shiz you spew are some of the same things I've thought through and we come to the same agreement..but I have more to add/questions Id ask if I could talk back lol just to banter. Moar vids peas! ^.^
Nice dude. I'm an ENFP and totally envy INTPs' Ti. Then when you pulled out the suitcase metaphor I was like, "damn. spot on Fi description. I guess Fi is pretty important."
Just throwing it out there, I'd like to Skype sometime and talk about Ne more; I'm best friends with a fellow INTP who's not as into MBTI, but I'm really curious about how differently it works in conjunction with Fi and Ti.
I really thought I was crazy because I have that same thought process. Wow, I'm so happy I'm not the only one 😅
Megan Wike u r crazy :)
"its the crazy one who change the world"
Megan Wike u r crazy :)
"its the crazy one who change the world"
haha you are fine just the way you are bro. good luck with the matters of what really matters. I found much value in your rant.
Totally agree with you, listening to you is like listening to myself. Keep it up, great vid.
i really relate to this, it's uncomfortable to think of the many people living right now who do not know or understand themselves very much, who have not gone digging. i also tend to think of myself as both the scientist and the experiment.
The people who haven't been digging are basically sleepwalking and are easily manipulated. War is the cause of the unthinking masses. Carl Jung wrote a whole book about that actually.
I feel like the majority of humanity is sleep walking, sadly. I think most of us INTP's have noticed this. I love reading jung! What book are you referring to?
Kaleb vanfosson The Undiscovered Self
:) This is great. I have noticed a lot of similarities to a computer, with my processes (As an INTP), too. :) Thanks for this.
You've got to be one of my favorite people.
Everything you've said: true.
On the free will part, (6:15) even if you notice why you do something, you didn't choose to notice it. Its no different than waking up already thinking about something.
Jake also, just because there is "randomness" in the universe (quantum fields), it does not necessarily equate to free will. Our actions are determined by a chain of effects, HOWEVER all that occurs right now was not determined at the beginning of the universe (since it is random).
ALTHOUGH there is this thing about quantum time where the present interacts with the past (that the present and past is connected) thus giving more proof towards the idea that the past , present and future was already determined (could also be that they are already determined in an infinite number of multi-universes... or an infinite number of possibilities).
BUT there are also many other factors (used by determinism and also by libertarianism) that would make this reply really long, so I will just stop here.
The illusion of free will is ENOUGH for me, since at the end of the day, there is a determined future... one chosen at random... from an infinite number of possibilities...
and that is pretty close to free will to me (knowing that an infinite number of determined possibilities exist in front of me...INFINITE).
aww he thinks he's robot
Those Ti eyebrows...
always with the fucking eyebrows! I laughed though haha
i know quite a few Ti doms that have the same ridiculous bushy caterpillars, myself included.
Bio-Sexual Interface I'm an ENTP and I do as well. Apparently they're quite "mobile" as well from what I've heard. I'm pretty animated when I talk.
Ti brows hahaha
intp here and i have them too, it must be a thing!! * eyebrow wiggly wiggles*
having learnt this, finding intp friends will be easier in the future...
I know i'm three years late... but I'm INTP and I have caterpillars too rofl!
I think it's fun how can I relate with you (and others INTP)
Wow great video. I'm an intp and I definitely can identify with this.
i fucking love the healthy intps who aren't all mean and dark. you're quite charming I'd so hang out with you
By "brain" do you mean that thing which we use to process information?
If so, that's not the brain but *THE MIND.*
Aren't both the same?
Intp here bro. Everything is really spot on; good video.
Sam Floyd Thanks INTP bro..haha
Good metaphor for this may be:
Others seem to be running an old closed-source codebase, where tech support has no direct access to user issues in order to determine what's causing them. Instead they have to listen to any complaints that users bring in and then send out patches which get picked up piecemeal. Data goes in, and how much is retained will depend on what that codebase was set up to handle.
INTPs (and probably polymaths in general) would be more like an open-source codebase working with a live dataset. Where the first example requires data to be inserted, data in this codebase constantly floods in. Tech support not only have direct access to the data themselves, but they are active users and know what should be occurring. Like the example above, the data that's retained still depends on how the codebase is made, however the difference is by being open source, users/techs are capable of making changes in order to store and reference more of the incoming data in a more fluid-like system. Said system can also lead to serious down periods, of course, since you're working with live datasets but that's just part of the system.
I smoked pot a few months ago and I had an illogical thought. It was as if red lights were flashing and alarms were sounding. I had a panic attack and couldn’t remember what the illogical thought was.
Yep, that's some of the INTP nutty shit we saw at the end.
OH my God I so know what you mean when you say "become part of the environment"!! Wow.
(ENFP) I just pile up all the information and hope before I forget it again, that either my Ne finds a way to find a connection or my Si finds time to write it down. Ne without Ti is like saving only the structure of information, not the contents.
Wow you put a lot of thought into this. Very nice video.
Omg I love you dude ! This was awesome (: is there somewhere u have discussions of anything? I would love to talk about ideas and shit with you lol
you are really smart.
My crush level on you just went from 0 to 100 real quick
yes, it's really sad that there's lots of people talking about their favourite celebrity/ stars etc like it's their everything and there's almost nothing they have to say about themselves and are like puppets born to be carpets for those celebrities and stars, which being a fan is one thing but completely lose the self for just yet another human being on this planet is just sad, it's a life without testing and trial and makes it somewhat wasted
notice the inability to keep eye contact even when there is a camera lens between him and the audience.
I've always felt so lonely, like no one understood or if I tried to explain it they just couldn't understand, couldn't see the web that connected it all. I'd love to talk to you one day man and get you on my stream just to talk one day for the viewers
Im actually writing a song about this sorta thing, cheers for some thoughts to bounce off
good talkig style.
Always wanted to have a x86 CPU in my head but I lack the processing power and memory speed... I hope the biohackers solve that problem lol
Not an INTP thing specifically but rather Ti dom, I'd venture to say
um yes
I think this is a trend with INTP's and INTJ's.
Nothing is regular . Mount up Regulators! That's from Young Guns. Iydnk . If you did not know... making inventing all the time. Cool flick showing difference of personality ,depicted by writer, how pals are. Rules are guidelines unless its real law. Law that never change. Ie ,water is wet,fire is hot. And here my brain is , that would depend on observation and interaction.
Always questioning the most basic for validity of cause. Is or isn't ,are words , . Feel the consensus is too locked down . . So much more just to be.
I totally get what you mean when you say you can't really know something unless you've seen it yourself. but be careful not to slip into nihilism, it leads you nowhere.
Why not?
...because it leads you nowhere.
***** No worries - it'll sort itself out. the US has a top secret response that I can't talk about here:-)
***** Yes; but then I'd have to k -
***** they all have security clearance
truthy falsey foo!
You were bound to compare synthetic computers systems to biological mental systems sooner or later. Besides its part of that modern pondering over the general compatability between machine and man. Just taking from different angle, the more mankind understands themselves the more "beautifully" human the machines can be, besides machines if you really ponder them are an undeniable expression of humans handiwork anyhow.
i wouldn't say everyone is equal, i would agree that everyone has somewhat similar potentials but someone who chooses to lead an ignorant life on a daily basis and follow every trend that comes there way without question is in no way equal to someone who questions everything and gets answers so that those people can continue to lead their lifestyle as a program. no matter what a sheep does it can never be a Shepard i am beginning to realize that maybe there are breeds of humans which are designed by the architect or creating force of this universe to unlock and decode the underlying meaning of things, maybe we are antennas but only a few are on an high frequency. anyways my point is that we are all created as we are to be, But we are not all equal. is Joe blow who sits in his trap house shooting up heroin equal to stephen hawkings who has als and is arguably the most inteligent man walking the face of this planet? or even better is that heroin addict equal to the scientist who created it? in other words is the ferrari equal to the honda civic? equality rewards ignorance and allows people to do nothing with their lives while the others use their force (energy) to create in this wonderful gift we call life. if people felt as small as they are then they would work harder to be something more
why tho not to take away from all of the great points you made in this video btw. i apreciate you taking time to make these videos and its cool to know that there are other young people in the world who dont just care about that next iphone
why tho How are you coming up with this value system? Only humans can place value on things through their subjective preferences. You can place objective measurements of attributes. Like the speed of the ferrari or the IQ of Stephen Hawking but value is something completely different. Maybe Joe's wife values him more than Stephen Hawking. Humanity cannot even place a value on anything because each human values different things. I am terrible at explaining this for some reason. Basically each person is the most valuable person to themselves because without a self, you can't place value. Sorry this was so jumbled.
isnt that the beauty of being a human? isnt that same value system the way u came up with the idea that we are equal? its not about the speed of the ferrari but the engineering that produces that speed not about stephen hawkings iq but what he chose to do with it. my point is that i understand and agreed that our potentials are all quite similar but some people choose to use their potentials through focus and hard work while others choose to neglect them because they believe that they are in someway equal to the one who works his/her ass off to achieve goals. the simplest way i think i can put it is like this.. 2 lions in the wild both stumble upon the same and only zebra in sight. both lions need to eat but only one can have the zebra (which is already dead we'll say) a challenge will then take place and the lions will fight for the food, only one lion can win.. was the one who lost equal to the one who won the zebra? did that lion beat the other one by watching family guy every night at 6 or did that lion work his ass off to be the biggest and baddest lion in the jungle. at the end of the day the dead lion can be of all the value it want to its lioness but it didn't bring food home so they all died. if you see the environment which those lions live in as a body then 2 cells just competed for a top position but only one cell achieved that position.Is the victorious cell equivilent to the dead cell? only in the sence that they were both cells. like i said i agree with you that we are all humans but not all humans are equal some humans simply play a more important role. call it what you want but the point is you placed value when u said we are equal, as far as im concerned as long as that value exists we arent equal and thinking that we are equal.
its not about how valuable each person is to themself its about how valuable each person is compared to the next. u said all humans are equal not all humans are indiviually the most valuable to themselves. u compared one human to another when u said that we are all equal. equal meaning being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.
i was simply placing that value in relation to the larger picture at hand being the body which we all create together not individually
OH my God I so know what you mean when you say "become part of the environment"!! Wow.