r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Tries to Force a CUSTOMER to Serve Her! Gets EMBARASSED!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 467

  • @mbyerly9680
    @mbyerly9680 Год назад +26

    "Bob, I see you've got a scar." That OP gave him. Snicker.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Год назад +49

    First story.... If someone grabs me hard and spins me around, they WILL be eating floor! 😡

  • @Apolloscleric
    @Apolloscleric Год назад +251

    Story 3: I'm pretty sure the Karen acted deliberately as a strategy to get free food out of the restaurant. She seated herself without anyone knowing she was there, harassed someone who was very clearly busy and then complained to a manager, emphasizing how she felt like she was being discriminated against as a single mother. I'm pretty sure she's just a scumbag who wanted free food from the restaurant and didn't care if she got an innocent server fired for it.

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +25

      Sounds about right. Mark her effort down as a fail?

    • @amusing4me257
      @amusing4me257 Год назад +15

      I 100% agree. The whole single mother stuff is why

    • @wolf1066
      @wolf1066 Год назад +20

      That was crossing my mind, too. Too much "I'm being discriminated against for being something that you can't tell just by looking at me" in addition to "due to this, I'm not paying".
      I note she refused to answer who seated her - she'd have to admit that none of the staff had seated her and she'd gone into the empty section of her own choice.

    • @jalenc1997
      @jalenc1997 Год назад +11

      Oh man I have a stroy similar to this... I worked at a diner and one day a woman came in with her four kids ordered one 4 dollar value meal and one kids meal.. she was snippy and her kids were loud and messy but I'm pretty understanding and figured she was just having a bad day or something.. so she gets her food and after everyone starts eating she calls me over and very rudely accuses me of getting hair in her food and demands to talk to a Manager.. I call him over and she holds up the offending hair (very long and platinum blonde) all covered in pancake goop and as my hair is shoulder length, tightly braided and red, it's clearly not mine and the only other woman who came into contact with it was our brand new chef who had her dirty blonde hair in a tight bun and capped.. ya know who did have long platinum blonde hair? This lady 🙄.. my manager noticed but didn't say anything about it and offered to comp the kids meal that had the hair.. (couldn't just replace it like she asked him to cause they'd already eaten half of it) and let her be on her merry way cause why start a fight over 4 bucks... I'm pretty sure she was just trying to get another meal out of it cause that was NOT enough food for the five people...also they left a huge mess and didn't tip so that was fun... and yes I'm sure she could've been tight on cash and just trying to feed her kids but we did have a kids eat free night and she didn't have to be so stinking rude the whole time..

    • @flashstudiosguy
      @flashstudiosguy Год назад

      @@jalenc1997 Your Manager is a spineless idiot! I'd tell her "That's clearly your hair and if you can manage to pull your head out if your arse for a moment, you'll see I'm telling the truth, unlike some, because there's NO way THIS is your NATURAL hair colour!"

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +105

    Story 2: Bro did this racist just spray a customer in the eyes for "being a lazy worker"? I usually hear people being sprayed if they were aggressive or hostile, but OP was just confused.
    Unless Karen had the idea that OP just existing was intimidation or something

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 Год назад

      I hope that woman did some time for that assault, AND, I hope OP immediately went to an ER and had their eyes checked. She could have caused damage to his eyes.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +7

      That is Assault With A Deadly Weapon! 😡

    • @Mbriang
      @Mbriang Год назад

      I would've had my girlfriend beat her ass if she sprayed my eyes

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 Год назад +5

      @@lancerevell5979 Body Spray? Deadly weapon? Assault with the intent to cause bodily harm, yes. But, deadly? OK, maybe if you want to stretch the imagination that she was hoping that OP would be deathly allergic to the ingredients in the spray, but that would be a real stretch.

    • @wolf1066
      @wolf1066 Год назад

      Well, his skin was apparently "brown" so perhaps she felt that was "intimidating" to her delicate white arse.

  • @Panthera_pardus_
    @Panthera_pardus_ Год назад +61

    First story - I bet Bob ran out of the store after he recognized OP from Bob's first attack on OP that resulted in Bob's Assault conviction. Had law enforcement been called on Bob after he tangled with OP *again* , I bet he violated the terms of his parole. Bob most likely would have ended up in front of a judge facing some consequences he would not have liked. It's a shame Bob didn't learn the first time. It's a shame Bob thought he had the right to put hands on anyone ever. My dad was USMC, so Semper Fi OP.

    • @JohnH20111
      @JohnH20111 Год назад +7

      you got that right, and thanks to your dad for his service, from a Retired Army veteran

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +7

      In my own country, that would have led to a felony vendetta charge on top of the second assault as well as a parole violation...

    • @Some_Guy6
      @Some_Guy6 Год назад +5

      @@SonsOfLorgar In my country the same, also a case of s3xual harrasment (so probably put on a big nono list) for reaching her top.

    • @sharolynwells
      @sharolynwells Год назад +2

      Thank you both for your service, from an Air Force vet.

    • @jessicashannon4178
      @jessicashannon4178 Год назад +1

      PolyGone Semper Fi My Dad fought in the Vietnam War 1971-1975

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar Год назад +88

    Bob probably had to sell his expensive clothes and jewelry to get his life back on track after serving his jail time... and it's obvious he didn't learn anything from his prior experience.
    Someday, he'll probably meet someone who won't stop the beatdown until he's no longer moving.

    • @Zeryurijin
      @Zeryurijin Год назад

      Fact that the dumb @$$ did it to the same person. Bob is a Darwin Contender cause his actions are going to get him removed from the life pool and he'll have no one but himself to blame for it.

    • @condorboss3339
      @condorboss3339 Год назад +11

      " _You can't teach an old Bob new tricks_ "

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +8

      @@condorboss3339 Unless the old Bob recognizes you.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +4

      I teach him how floor tastes. 🤨

    • @marshawargo7238
      @marshawargo7238 Год назад +9

      @@merlinathrawes746 Yes! Adding to what OP said "I see you still have the scar on your face" Should have added "I thought you'd have learned about accosting customers by now, having to look in the mirror everyday!" Before or after, it works both places. I mean come on, it's a daily reminder! Some people just never learn!

  • @citizenken7069
    @citizenken7069 Год назад +25

    OP in Story 2 is correct: not even employees have to put up with that kind of nonsense. I worked in retail for a year and a half, and I remember at least two of my coworkers threatening to call security on customers who were using foul language. They said they weren't getting paid enough to take that kind of treatment.

  • @tracygardner6318
    @tracygardner6318 Год назад +19

    I would love to call up her business and tell her how she acts in public and hopefully she gets fired. You can’t treat people this way and not have consequences.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar Год назад +125

    These stories from r/IDWHL have convinced me that saying "I don't work here" simply doesn't work on anyone who assumes you work there without asking first... if anything, it makes them angrier because they're too stubborn and prideful to accept that they made a mistake.

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +18

      I think the best response to a Karen who thinks you work somewhere it to demand of the Karen that she get HER manager. When she replies that she doesn't work there, THEN you can chip in that you don't either and to leave you alone.

    • @IlGreven
      @IlGreven Год назад +12

      @@merlinathrawes746 That tactic has been tried as well, to varying degrees of success...

    • @davidcox3076
      @davidcox3076 Год назад +9

      Um, your theory doesn't hold up. You're assuming that karens would ever believe they made a mistake. They are NEVER wrong.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 Год назад

      At least 7 times out of 10, the Karen demands something free, yes? So it's not about "misunderstandings" it's about making a fuss and getting something free. They're twigged onto the "Cause the problem, offer the solution". And sometimes wimpy supervisors/managers fall for it. If it even works once every fourth time, Karen is going to get something free, or discounted. Whether they really mistake another customer for staff, is irrelevant really. During early pandemic lockdown, in Australia, people started getting violent and abusive. Stores quickly went hard line on that behaviour. Out the door those disruptive to business drama creators went. The other thing I think goes on a lot, is called "distraction" while an accomplice robs the store blind.

    • @brianaschmidt910
      @brianaschmidt910 Год назад

      @@merlinathrawes746 keep on it. Screech like a banshee that you've been waiting for HOURS! And you're so damn tired of lazy-ass employees who think it's cute to make you wait and then assault you, an innocent customer! Well you won't stand for it and you DEMAND the manager NOW or by GOD! HEADS. WILL. ROLL!!!
      (same with conspiracy nuts, just out crazy the crazy. Army base on the moon? "XD. You believe in the moon?! The 'moon' is just a painting of provalone the aliens put up to keep you mortals occupied. We actually sent your *sniggers* spaceships to our training camp on mars"

  • @condorboss3339
    @condorboss3339 Год назад +9

    17:26 Paris deserved a standing ovation for that comment.

  • @RunnyBabbitMom
    @RunnyBabbitMom Год назад +114

    Story 3. It actually makes me angry when karens say they don't tip because they are a single mom, I'm a single mother and my low end tip is 20%. If you can't afford to tip don't eat out.

    • @marshawargo7238
      @marshawargo7238 Год назад +11

      She probably kept saying that because she Does get treated like the "that no tip lady is here again" at some places, Not the "single mom" reputation.

    • @RunnyBabbitMom
      @RunnyBabbitMom Год назад +3

      @@marshawargo7238 I didn't think of that.

    • @leemitchell7841
      @leemitchell7841 Год назад +6

      see this i dont agree with only because its not my job as a customer to pay the server a living wage thats their bosses job. Now im not saying not to tip but tipping is based off of affinity not just mandatory. If you suck at your job then im not tipping.

    • @marshawargo7238
      @marshawargo7238 Год назад +6

      @@leemitchell7841 US law has to change in order for what you suggested is able to happen. Other countries have this handled & the servers are less likely to accept tips, some even insist you not leave one.

    • @deandenise4
      @deandenise4 Год назад +6

      I am a single mother, and I always tip 20%. If you live in France, you don't tip because they actually pay a living wage. USA doesn't! I admit I have had waiters that gave lackluster service the first time my child and I came in, but we were friendly and tipped well so the next time, they were careful to make sure I was seated in their area.

  • @whiterabbit8982
    @whiterabbit8982 Год назад +314

    IfI we’re the supposed server, I would of told the “single” mom with her kids “now I know why your husband left you”. That would’ve floored her.

    • @MadameMeowth
      @MadameMeowth Год назад +59

      My old boss at the pizza shop had a guy get mad at counter service and demand she serve him. She told him, "your wife can serve you," and he said he didn't have one. She said right to his face "well I wonder why." 🤣🤣🤣

    • @althealee9375
      @althealee9375 Год назад +9

      I love this idea

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 Год назад +8

      Would have, not would of.

    • @whiterabbit8982
      @whiterabbit8982 Год назад +12

      @@tinydancer7426 what do you think “would’ve means? Would HAVE

    • @whiterabbit8982
      @whiterabbit8982 Год назад +5

      @@tinydancer7426 I apologies. I just reread my comment and realizied

  • @Ryujishida
    @Ryujishida Год назад +47

    From the reaction of the Karen in that last story after she saw the actual employee, I'm guessing she had genuinely not realized her own racism and was finally having it dragged before her eyes. I hope she is able to take it to heart and learn to be a better person from it.

    • @drakofox1362
      @drakofox1362 Год назад

      Unfortunately I don't think so Karen's are stupid so...

    • @PhoenixValkyrie
      @PhoenixValkyrie Год назад

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah learn

    • @totalldwarf640
      @totalldwarf640 Год назад +2

      Nothing at all she did was racist put the card back in the deck

    • @Ryujishida
      @Ryujishida Год назад +10

      @@totalldwarf640 Dude, she literally did the whole classic "you all look the same bit". She assumed he was the employee that was helping her, even though he was dressed completely different and looks completely different apart from the fact that they were both tall and black. Even if she didn't do it intentionally, it's still racist. It is more forgivable, in my opinion, as long as one works towards correcting their behavior in the future, but as they say ignorance of your actions not excuse you from the consequences they yield.

    • @PhoenixValkyrie
      @PhoenixValkyrie Год назад

      @@totalldwarf640 everything she did was racist.

  • @jalenc1997
    @jalenc1997 Год назад +5

    No. Story one is so freaking scary 😨 as someone who is also 5'4", 6'2" is gigantic.. imagine if she hadn't had any training?? She could've been so seriously injured!!

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +51

    Story 4: Not sure if her response to OP helping Paris was insecurity or identity crisis (as OP postulated), but dang was it unhinged

    • @kransp3874
      @kransp3874 Год назад +7

      I think the OP was confused by her mixed NFL fan look, which is just a Tom Brady fan thing

    • @meh2510
      @meh2510 Год назад +2

      Don't people usually have an identity crises because of their insecurity?

    • @flashstudiosguy
      @flashstudiosguy Год назад +4

      Yeah, I'm pretty sure telling me that men find you attractive even though I never asked is an insecurity thing..

  • @molliannstocks1709
    @molliannstocks1709 Год назад +25

    Fluff, Bob in story 1 needs to learn not to aggressively grab ANYONE, not just customers! It's not ok to grab employees, either. Assault is assault no matter where you work. Karen in story #2 needs to learn that, too

    • @tailfeather5213
      @tailfeather5213 Год назад

      I’d be pulling out my knife. I’m not capable of defending myself any other way.

    • @sebastianb.3978
      @sebastianb.3978 10 месяцев назад

      @@tailfeather5213 Youre a mental case then. Congrats?

    • @tailfeather5213
      @tailfeather5213 10 месяцев назад

      @@sebastianb.3978 I’d pulling a knife to protect my self if someone grabbed me and wouldn’t listen to let go and leave me alone.

  • @zdog3293
    @zdog3293 Год назад +3

    With these Karens getting physical, it’s only a matter of time before a Karen messes with the wrong person and get beaten to a bloody pulp.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +9

    Target story: And that's just one of the many reasons not to grab anyone you don't personally know. You simply don't know what they are capable of doing back to you or how willing they are to do it! I applaud OP for taking this moron down.
    Body spray to the eyes story: Glad you pressed charges, OP. Even if you had worked there, there is no excuse to physically assault an employee. I hope they banned her from the store on top of the charges!

  • @dharmawannab
    @dharmawannab Год назад +28

    Bob needs to learn to keep his hands to himself!

    • @paulagoeringer9466
      @paulagoeringer9466 Год назад +10

      I noticed that he only seems to attack females much smaller than him. What a coward.

  • @Tracy81258
    @Tracy81258 Год назад +11

    I’ll never understand the “single mom” card. I happen to be a single dad (widower), and never realized it was supposed to come with some kind of entitlement card. Do I have to apply for it somewhere?

  • @benjaminspencer6507
    @benjaminspencer6507 Год назад +6

    Story #1 sounds like Bob didn't want to dance anymore!!! lol

  • @corytracey8516
    @corytracey8516 Год назад +3

    It's absolutely insane how many people think it's ok to assault retail workers.

  • @bebbychad7607
    @bebbychad7607 Год назад +8

    Loving what Paris said to the Midlife Crisis female 🤣🤭😂

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +1

      Yup, and I hope Paris is less of a brat than her cousin alleges her to be, because nothing ruins gorgeous apperances than an ugly entitled personality.

  • @wendybenson5903
    @wendybenson5903 Год назад +7

    I worked as a server when in college and I had a woman and her son sneak into the restaurant and seat herself into my section. I was in the kitchen getting food so I didn't see her come in but as soon as I set the food down that I was getting I got a very loud complaint from this woman about being rude for ignoring her and why didn't she even have menus yet. This was always done by the hostess so I was confused but got her menus. Then she freaks out because I got her son a kids menu and not a full adult menu and how rude I was for assuming that her son couldn't read an adult menu. So I exchange the menu just in time to have her yell at me for no silverware (another thing done by the hostess) She then started screaming for the manager who immediately came out and identified her as someone looking for a free meal. The other customers in my section jumped up to defend me against what the woman was telling my manager. Needless to say, the lady and her son were asked to leave the restaurant and my manager apologized to me.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +3

      Sounds like you had found a respectable establishment to work at😁

    • @wendybenson5903
      @wendybenson5903 Год назад +1

      @@SonsOfLorgar yes thankfully! Great managers!

  • @philiptownsend4026
    @philiptownsend4026 Год назад +4

    The single mother had a very big chip on her shoulder, probably lives her life in confrontation mode. Pity those poor children.

  • @lindaouellette6656
    @lindaouellette6656 Год назад +7

    “I’m going to assault you till you help me”😂😂 is that really how it works?

  • @dizzysdoings
    @dizzysdoings Год назад +11

    Last story, I have 2 nieces that were adopted from India. My son can't stand them. But, they're still his cousins. One of his friends made the mistake of referring to them as dot heads. I don't know what my son did. He was already out of the house. But, his friend did learn NOT to make that comment around my son.

  • @GrenzGengar13
    @GrenzGengar13 Год назад +3

    5:28 anybody else thinking of spraying Karen(s eyes) with Bodyspray when she said she did nothing wrong while yelling "I'm doing nothing wrong Karen, Bodyspray in your eyes feels AMAZING doesn't it?"


    The first story is why I carry pepper spray.

      @SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS Год назад +5

      And I live with my dad who is a licensed carrier.

    • @og_3rd_st_saint_gat
      @og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад +1

      1st story is why you shouldn't trust cops

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +1

      Tbh, a good flathead or pozidrive screwdriver would be more effective ;)

    • @Maelael
      @Maelael Год назад

      I'd like to see a Karen's smugness go down to zero after getting a face full of bear spray

  • @stephanien6237
    @stephanien6237 Год назад +6

    I honestly wonder how often (if ever) an actual employee lies and says they don’t work there…. I have only heard of these insane stories where entitled people assume this.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +1

      My brother had a job working at Target. He worked in the back of the store unloading trucks. He didn't have to wear the uniform. Someone asked him if he worked there and he said, "No".

  • @tinydancer7426
    @tinydancer7426 Год назад +4

    Not that it pertains to any of the stories here, but I had an appointment with my orthopedist today for my progressive degenerative arthritis in my knees, and I told him that my primary care physician prepared the form for me to get a handicap hang tag so that I could use a handicap parking space if I was having a particularly bad day. It cracked me up when he said, "if you park in a handicap space, just make sure you take your cane with you when you get out of your car. Wouldn't want you having someone getting in your face about parking there and them not thinking that you are handicapped enough to use it." Truth is though, I could have a prosthetic leg, and half an arm missing, both fully visible, and a fully functioning Karen is going to Karen if she believes she has more rights to the use of a handicap space than a legitimately handicapped individual. But the doctor's comment made my day. It gave me a good laugh after having a rather painful injection into my knee joint.

    • @antoinettejohnson6251
      @antoinettejohnson6251 Год назад

      “…a fully functioning Karen…”😂😂😂

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 Год назад

      @@antoinettejohnson6251 Happy I made your day. 😄

    • @tinydancer7426
      @tinydancer7426 8 месяцев назад

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I really pulled a boner with that one. If that is not an oxymoron I don't know what would be! Fully functioning Karen! OMG! 😂😂😂

  • @clifffischer4409
    @clifffischer4409 Год назад +2

    People who run around trying to get people fired should be reported to their jobs as being a poor representative of their company.

  • @Nightlingbolt
    @Nightlingbolt Год назад +2

    She rails against OP that they think they’re not getting a tip because she’s a single mom, when anyone and their mother can see plain as day that she would use being a single mom as an excuse NOT to tip!

  • @michaelterrell
    @michaelterrell Год назад +39

    No, we don't serve single moms! They are tough, stringy and too gamey for our customers taste! 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Panthera_pardus_
      @Panthera_pardus_ Год назад +4

      LOL 😂

    • @wolf1066
      @wolf1066 Год назад +1

      Your chef is clearly not cooking them properly. If marinaded overnight and then sauteed in light white wine, they can be quite tender and subtly flavoured...

    • @donnarupert4926
      @donnarupert4926 Год назад


    • @michaelterrell
      @michaelterrell Год назад +2

      @@wolf1066 The price for doing all of that would drive away your diners and still be toxic!

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад

      @@michaelterrell seriously dude, you clearly are getting ripped off by your long pork supplier.
      Are you sure you're getting the actual single moms and not the Entitled aunt posing as mom when babysitting nieces and nephews?
      Because your description sure sounds more like the latter.

  • @NicholasGeschke
    @NicholasGeschke 5 месяцев назад

    Props to that Manager in story 3 for being cool as a cucumber. The world needs more people like that.

  • @PiousWildcarde
    @PiousWildcarde Год назад +5

    Story 2 can be very likely classified as a hate crime, since she made a racial remark towards the OP prior to assaulting them. Depending on the location, that could weigh heavily against her if it goes to a trial

  • @dealwithit9772
    @dealwithit9772 Год назад +4

    Why would you pull someone's hair even if they are a worker? I've seen workers and patiently wait to ask for something if they look busy. Like what possess you to grab someone

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 Год назад +7

    Story 1: Obviously Bob did not learn his lesson about keeping his damn hands off of other people. A refresher course is certainly needed...along with another round of jailtime.
    Story 2: Assault with a caustic chemical w/ a hate crime modifier. Karen might be headed to prison for that one.
    Story 3: This Karen is what I call a Perma-Victim. She makes herself out a victim for any reason...in this case trying to get free food.
    Story 4: Krazy Khunt Karen.

    • @alflyover4413
      @alflyover4413 11 месяцев назад

      Where I live, any assault that requires medical care -- such as spraying a random person in the face with a caustic substance -- is automatically elevated to a felony.

  • @norman-de-plume
    @norman-de-plume Год назад +5

    Story 3: “You’re not wearing the single mom uniform”
    “What the f*** are you talking about?”
    “Well, it makes as much sense as thinking I’m wearing their uniform”

  • @carmencarlton1445
    @carmencarlton1445 Год назад +5

    Thank you thank you for making sure she got arrested this will teach her a great lesson

  • @EarthboundMisfit1274
    @EarthboundMisfit1274 Год назад +3

    My response to the single mom attempt? "So what? I was a single dad after his mother died."

  • @iononcantomascrivo
    @iononcantomascrivo Год назад +2

    I worked in customer service for several years and the number of tactics that people will stoop to to scam a business is staggering. That single mom knew damn well what she was doing. It's one thing I've noticed about working with the public: it shows both the best and the worst humanity has to offer.

  • @TheJudiBambiPurrsParadox
    @TheJudiBambiPurrsParadox Год назад +11

    On the body spray one...if he'd been allergic to perfumes, he could have prosecuted her on attempted manslaughter/murder or at least assault...maybe with a deadly weapon. LOL

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +2

      That would have been sweet, as long as he'd survive the attack.

    • @flashstudiosguy
      @flashstudiosguy Год назад +1

      It's incredibly unlikely Karen would know OP had an allergy if they did so, if OP reacted badly, it'd be a Manslaughter charge at best. As it is, just a simple Assault charge.
      Store might also try to claim on the spray because it doesn't sound like she paid for it if it was still in her basket.
      Going off UK Legislation, Karen is looking at at least three months inside and a forfeit of £3.50

    • @Skrulzie
      @Skrulzie Год назад +1

      I remember working with a coworker who made it a point that she was allergic to artificial body sprays. One day someone did not heed her warning. They wore body spray (like axe or old spice) and walked next to her.
      Funny enough nothing happened. She instead smelled it and complained to the manager.
      Turned out that she was lying because she just does not like the fragrance of axe or old spice.
      Manager was absolutely furious because it was a rule they enforced for 2 years and made sure every new hire was aware of it. She was basically forced to resign.
      Not saying people are not allergic to it but damn...I hear so many stories of people faking allergies because no one wants to accidentally find out if they are true or not.

  • @crypticghost21
    @crypticghost21 Год назад +79

    I bet the Karen in the third story just walked right into the restaurant with her kids with no servers to take her order and then she just wanted to harass some random person, in this case OP

    • @f687sNFM
      @f687sNFM Год назад +1

      And i bet op was black and shes a racist tbh

    • @hollyn9649
      @hollyn9649 Год назад +16

      Right? It sounds like she was looking for trouble, or at the very least, trying to bully a free meal out of the restaurant.

    • @raarasunai4896
      @raarasunai4896 Год назад +13

      @@hollyn9649 Given she jumped to “I’m not paying!” as soon as the manager entered the scene, that is very very likely

    • @MuffinHunterX
      @MuffinHunterX Год назад +9

      Especially considering she hadn't ordered anything yet anyway.

    • @raarasunai4896
      @raarasunai4896 Год назад +9

      @@MuffinHunterX If you believe her story, no one took her order because they were discriminating against her(the audacity! The absurdity!)

  • @xaldrexane
    @xaldrexane Год назад +4

    With story 1 I'm a little surprised he's still keeping up with that shtick considering he has to see the consequences for it multiple times a day for the rest of his life

  • @josephpavone4574
    @josephpavone4574 Год назад +2

    Heard the single mom one before she sat in a closed section without waiting to be seated and wants to know why nobody was tending to her

  • @larrygilbert7273
    @larrygilbert7273 Год назад +2

    “I’ll have your job!”
    “Lady, you’re not smart enough to do my job, even if all I do is operate a shovel.”

  • @cj-ace
    @cj-ace Год назад +5

    Ok... So story 4 could have been a innocent mistake if she didn't go Karen mode. It occurs to me a lot where I work were there's a guy that looks nearly like me due to height, skin color and hair color (apparently), and our body sizes (I'm guessing for how common the mistake is). Our voices, facial structure, and hair style are completely different. And we get mistaken for each other. Example: he shaved his beard off and I don't. They ask me how I grew the beard out so fast since I shaved the day before. Lol.
    So from a distance it could have been innocent or if you don't actually pay attention. But the way she handle it made it racist.

  • @adamguymon7096
    @adamguymon7096 Год назад +12

    Story Three: From what I am seeing is that KAREN knew that OP didn't work there and KAREN wanted OP to serve her and then she wanted to walk out of the joint without paying. She figured if none of the regular staff noticed her there and she ate and she could slip out without paying beings she just sat herself KAREN knew what she was doing.

  • @kevanfoster
    @kevanfoster Год назад +2

    Stories about people getting physical always makes me nervous.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +1

      Well then you would probably have an all out anxiety attack if you listened to the song "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John.

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 Год назад +1

    The only way idiots like that possibly learn their lesson is to be convicted of assault serve time in jail get sued and banned from the buisness.

  • @albertgongora6944
    @albertgongora6944 Год назад +38

    Man I'm not going to lie on their first story I would have done the exact same thing to Bob by kicking his ass as well but that part where he ran out of the store I would have called the cops and actually reported his ass to the police because I'm pretty sure somewhere in his parole and says that he's not supposed to be touching anybody like that again

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +3

      Yup, and I'd add that I wanted to press charges for assault and battery, repeat offense... (idk how it is in the US, but in my own country attacking someone that's a previous victim of the same perp is seen as a vendetta and is a severely aggravating circumstance)

    • @goawayplease6456
      @goawayplease6456 Год назад

      That girl has PATIENCE. I would have kicked him in the nuts the moment he pulled my hair

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 Год назад +1

      @@SonsOfLorgar Sensible country you live in, then.

    • @SeanBZA
      @SeanBZA Год назад +2

      @@SonsOfLorgar Second assault is going to result in his suspended sentence coming into play, and also him getting the same sentence added on, serially, and with no parole option at all. Plus denied bail as well, so he will sit till the trial.

  • @xaldrexane
    @xaldrexane Год назад +6

    My only I don't work here lady story is very short because when she started to go off on me I yelled that I don't work here and if she touches me again she's going to eat her whole shopping cart
    She did try to get me kicked out but the manager she complained to had already seen her grabbing me so he knew she was lying
    Simple short and unoriginal but hearing my voice echo in a Walmart like that and then silence after was cool and a bit eerie (she was stunned for a couple seconds since a giant guy just bellowed aggressively inches from her face)
    Honestly people need to keep their hands to themselves

  • @matthewmcdaid7962
    @matthewmcdaid7962 Год назад +2

    "I've been trying to get your attention for ten f*cking minutes!"
    "What? Are you trying to pick me up?"

  • @tracygardner6318
    @tracygardner6318 Год назад +12

    Bob deserved everything he got next time. Let’s hope he learned his lesson but I don’t think he’s going to.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +4

      I think he needs a refresher serving of floor with a side of shelving...

  • @savvystarfire6667
    @savvystarfire6667 Год назад +5

    Can't teach an old dog new tricks, but apparently you can teach an old BOB new tricks like manners and how to effing RUN

  • @tranz2deep
    @tranz2deep Год назад +1

    "Chewing a bunch of bees" is going to stick in my mind for a good long while!

  • @kerribottriell-baxter7345
    @kerribottriell-baxter7345 Год назад +4

    Story 1... Bob is the kind that would beat a wife... ugh! People like that need to be just gone!

  • @nikereebokpuma3406
    @nikereebokpuma3406 Год назад +1

    If that happened to me, I'd definitely serve her.....Then I would ask if I could go to her house to continue to serve her!

  • @crimsonmaelstrom573
    @crimsonmaelstrom573 Год назад +1

    Story 4: I’d like to think that that particular incident helped strengthen OP and Paris’ relationship

  • @joeybabybaby5843
    @joeybabybaby5843 Год назад +2

    story 3 - The manager should have pointed out to the Karen that SHE'S NOT CLAREVOYANT!
    Lord knows what's going through the minds of other people. WHY you were ignored is unknown, all you know is that you were ignored. Don't accuse.

  • @Weird_Stealth
    @Weird_Stealth Год назад +4

    I swear, every time I hear "You're doing this because I'm a single mom" the first and ONLY thought that pops up is "HOW THE FUCK DOES A RANDOM PERSON KNOW RATHER OR NOT A COMPLETELY STRANGER IS A SINGLE MOM OR NOT!?" A woman with her kids, doesn't automatically mean that people think that she's a single parent, and either A: she's self conscious of the fact that she's a single parent, or B: she's a Karen and uses that tired excuse as a "get out of jail free" card to cause trouble when she meets resistance. Honest if I ran into a woman pulling that card on me, I'd say "Lady, I don't care if you're a single parent or not, I don't even give enough shits to question on rather or not you are a single parent, because that's the last thought to even pop up, like rather or not I'm going to run for ruler of Pluto is a more pressing thought than rather or not you're a single parent."

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +1

      Probably due to the fact that she doesn't have a wedding ring on.

  • @michellelemmons5157
    @michellelemmons5157 Год назад +1

    I ❤️ the last story... Thank you, Fluffy!! 😍

  • @onepieceisking5493
    @onepieceisking5493 Год назад +6

    Story 2, a Karen always thinks they didn't do anything wrong when in reality they did. You would think getting arrested and charged pressed against them would tell them that.
    Story 3, Karen probably thought she won with all the threats she made. It was karma and on her that she got so humiliated. She probably also wanted to show that she has power to get people fired that's why she kept being insistent about Op being "fired". Only to get mad because she's not being obeyed and believes her "power" is being taken away from her. More than likely she at least embellished what happened or lied because she can't handle that she was wrong. She probably didn't count on them contacting op to get the actual story and I'm betting that she was banned. I wouldn't be surprised if she threw a fit and argued over that.

  • @Catti003
    @Catti003 Год назад +2

    Being a Karen to others? Pull out the single parent card.. and Karens we instantly know why your a single..... poor kids.

  • @amichaelford8868
    @amichaelford8868 Год назад +3

    Story 2 - I don't know who comes up with the scents for those body sprays. Most of them smell like a well used cat box. I have a real problem being around body sprays, colognes, perfumes and aftershave because they will cause severe respiratory distress to the point I can't breathe if I don't get away from it quickly. I can usually handle it if people use it sparingly, but too many people smell like they bathe in it and saturate their clothes with it.

  • @degen83
    @degen83 Год назад +1

    Ive been asked if I worked at various stores Ive been in but after I say no the person has always moved on and accepted that I don't work there. These people in these stories are insane.

    • @129140163
      @129140163 Год назад

      Ikr! Stuff like that has never happened to me!
      The closest experience I’ve had to stories like these was to be asked twice, on the same visit, by the same person, if I worked there. And even that only happened once.

  • @donnarupert4926
    @donnarupert4926 Год назад +1

    You go girl!!! Damn Paris, I spit out my coffee ☕️🤣

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 Год назад +2

    I would never apologize. I would say I will get the manager and just walk away to get the manager and say I'm being harassed. I would ask the manager to handle it and keep my distance.

  • @markmatzeder6208
    @markmatzeder6208 Год назад +2

    I’m 100% certain mother in story 3 sat herself and her kids, probably thinking she was clever doing so

  • @neo84401
    @neo84401 Год назад +3

    Just when the body spray story ended, I've gotten an old spice commercial.

  • @MrJonnySL
    @MrJonnySL Год назад +1

    Not only should "Bob" learn ....not.... to aggressively grab customers, "Bob" should also learn not to .....think..... he can aggressively grab store workers too, or anyone for that matter.

  • @flashstudiosguy
    @flashstudiosguy Год назад +2

    Police Me:"OK, now I KNOW you've done something.."

  • @acehanson823
    @acehanson823 Год назад

    The OP of the last story was able to keep a leveled head and not lose their composure by getting angry. That's surprising

  • @earlinejackson8151
    @earlinejackson8151 Год назад +2

    Since I’m not the only one who is deathly allergic to many perfumes and colognes, if it was scented she could very well have endangered his life. It would definitely have thrown me into anaphylactic shock and if I didn’t get help in time(roughly 5 minutes) I’d die. So I hope the B got at least five years.

  • @mherrmann81687
    @mherrmann81687 Год назад

    When I worked retail and the customers were rude, I say to them "I hope you have the day you deserve"... never got spoken to about it

  • @marinam.2293
    @marinam.2293 Год назад +4

    This is about the guy getting sprayed in the face with body spray - that woman is very, VERY lucky that he didn't have an allergy, or asthma! A friend and I were walking through a large department store, trying to find the handbag and purse section, when we blundered into the perfume department. My friend is asthmatic, so I grabbed her arm and yanked her to the closest isle out; unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough - a woman with a perfume spray, without asking, sprayed some on my friend (and a little bit on me). So there we are: my friend clutching her throat, eyes bugging out, her overstuffed shoulder bag turned over on the floor, grabbing her inhaler; me, yelling "Are you INSANE?? She has asthma!!" at the perfume woman; she is white as a ghost, stammering "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sor...I'm sorry!" I yelled for her get the manager, but by then my friend had already taken a puff or two from her inhaler and was just sitting on the floor, eyes and nose running. It all turned out ok, no trip to ER necessary. (And we both got $100 store gift cards as an apology; maybe as incentive to not sue.)
    It was a scary experience, and my friend and I made a deal after that: anytime we had plans to go out, I always had one of her extra inhalers on me. Because you never know when you'll be attacked by a crazy perfume lady.

    • @shanerasmussen5225
      @shanerasmussen5225 Год назад +2

      I've been there, my Mom has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, it can make things interesting.

    • @PhantomQueenOne
      @PhantomQueenOne Год назад

      I don't understand they think that they have the right to spray perfume on you without asking. I have asthma too, as well as COPD now. At some large department store in Metro Center the perfume lady sprayed me got her ass chewed. I have a 'parade ground bellow' when angry. EVERYONE turned around and looked at us. Even the manager came running. Suddenly, no more perfume spraying was allowed without asking. Spraying anyone with anything without permission is basically assault.

  • @wfcoaker1398
    @wfcoaker1398 Год назад +1

    Bob is an unstable, violent man. There's 2 types of guys: those who go out on the weekend looking for a woman, and those who go out on the weekend looking for a fight. I think Bob falls in the latter group.

  • @jerichogarry
    @jerichogarry Год назад +7

    I like the ones where Karens try that you work here on people but get it in reverse to just confuse them.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +2

    I'm betting that not only did she just walk in and seat herself and her kids, she very likely sat in a CLOSED Section...
    Which neatly explains why she wasn't served...no one was supposed to be in that area so no Servers looked there to see if anyone needed anything...

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад

      It sounded like a self-serve place. I'm not completely sure if that was the case or not.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад

      @@Kelle0284 Unlikely as OP mentioned one of the questions asked was who seated Karen at that table which suggests to me there's a sign near the front door asking people to "Please Wait To Be Seated"...

  • @rebeccacoleman3341
    @rebeccacoleman3341 Год назад

    The implication that it's only wrong because the person you attacked wasn't an employee...it's not okay to attack ANYONE.

  • @WillWilsonII
    @WillWilsonII Год назад +2

    For some, "I have kids" is a magic talisman

  • @rpurdy4821
    @rpurdy4821 Год назад +1

    Gee, I cant imagine why she's a single mother....🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @sharolynwells
    @sharolynwells Год назад

    "I'm gonna have your job."
    "You will. Wow! Thanks. Even though you're working my job, will I still get paid?"

  • @jamesweekley1087
    @jamesweekley1087 Год назад +4

    Story 3: It's actually easy to guess that she's a single mom. After all, who would stay married to a Karen like her?

  • @jimmiemurvin1871
    @jimmiemurvin1871 4 месяца назад

    Poor Bob. A victim of his own hubris.

  • @leannes1083
    @leannes1083 Год назад +1

    I don't work in hospitality anymore, so I'm happy to say that depending on how the kids are acting, you might actually try to serve the family first, to keep the kids (and the parent/parents) as calm and quiet as possible. Plus, if they are disruptive, the quicker they are served, the quicker they will leave! And who automatically assumes a mum and her kids are a single parent family? Sounds like mum has more of an issue about being a single mum than, well, everyone else. Makes me wonder how long she's been a single mum, and WHY she's a single mum in the first place. Could it have something to do with her attitude? Possibly. Or should that be probably/definitely?

  • @luvkkimoneypennie5131
    @luvkkimoneypennie5131 Год назад +2

    There are certain scents I am deathly allergic to, including Lavender and Pine (not that pine is a body spray that I am aware of) as well as I am deathly allergic to capsaicin (hot peppers & pepper spray) I live in fear because of it.

  • @Galaxy1001D
    @Galaxy1001D Год назад

    "Do you think I'm stupid?"
    "Yes ma'am, I do. Keep going and I'll think you're crazy. This that what you want?"

  • @karensmith6557
    @karensmith6557 Год назад +1

    I have just had a great idea, let's all get TShirts made that say " I don't work here lady!".

  • @ABOB1111
    @ABOB1111 Год назад +3

    If Bob did this in Scotland, things would be more hitty than this went down....

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar Год назад +1

      Yeah, never grab someone in a country with cultural custom to carry a dagger with their traditional dress 🤣

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +1

      Maybe Bob would be wearing a kilt.

    • @ABOB1111
      @ABOB1111 Год назад

      @@SonsOfLorgar a good rule of thumb! 😂😂😂

    • @ABOB1111
      @ABOB1111 Год назад

      @@Kelle0284 and it would be swinging about as he got flung about 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣

  • @sylviajones6745
    @sylviajones6745 Год назад

    Everyone needs to get a "I don't work here, KAREN Shirt" ! Lol after hearing so many stories, geeeze.

  • @alicewilloughby4318
    @alicewilloughby4318 Год назад +1

    Story 3 - With the woman's comments about "you brown people" and "monkeys," it's pretty obvious that the "uniform" she claimed OP was wearing was brown skin.

  • @MarkLangdahl
    @MarkLangdahl 10 месяцев назад

    Story 4: F*** me that Paris was SAVAGE...

  • @MrXemrox
    @MrXemrox Год назад +1

    Story 3: Karen and others like her should be immediately banned and trespassed from the store just for thinking OP was employee when staff knows regulars' names and having a stupid smug.
    Karen, OP is a regular, and staff know regulars by name. For that smug face and harassment of another customer, you should be banned.

  • @DragonicGamer32
    @DragonicGamer32 7 месяцев назад

    Story 2 has me baffled. Even after she realizes OP Was not an employee she starts crying and saying she did nothing wrong, which tells me she thinks it was okay no matter if OP was a worker or not just because of the color of his SKIN. She didn't even have the guts to apologize, she just kept crying that she was not doing anything wrong and shouldn't be arrested. The nerve.

  • @spartan078ben
    @spartan078ben Год назад +3

    Story 1: I don't work here...I DID work for the United States Marine Corps! Dont' screw with me

    • @JohnH20111
      @JohnH20111 Год назад

      thank you for your service, Brother
      and i know that us Veterans will just completely destroy any karen that chooses to engage us

  • @mef2101
    @mef2101 Год назад +1

    story 1, Bob is apparently a very slow learner, with poor impulse control. Bob has not learned to NOT put hands on people in stores, whether customers or sales associates. Bob needs remedial lessons --- both in a good face pummeling, and even more jail time.
    Moral: Don't be a Bob.

  • @tomheinle1049
    @tomheinle1049 Год назад +1

    All Karen's should be given the "Bob" treatment.

  • @Zulonix
    @Zulonix Год назад

    I once walked into a Red Robin restaurant with my family and we sat at a table. A server came by and told us we needed to wait in the foyer until one of them seated us.
    I excused myself mentioning the sign in the window that said “walk right in, sit right down “. 😊