Christian Sundberg: You have the Power

  • Опубликовано: 14 фев 2021
  • Thank you, Christian Sundberg, for speaking at Unity in Edinboro. Christian shared advice and a challenge to be the love we are and to use this power we all pocess to change the world around us.
    All are welcome to join Unity in Edinboro

Комментарии • 30

  • @eileenmelrose2281
    @eileenmelrose2281 13 дней назад

    Thank you Christian.

  • @MrSimonw58
    @MrSimonw58 2 дня назад

    I'm not afraid of anything ... I'm just sensible .... people can't be trusted and everyone needs money

  • @imwrong...7669
    @imwrong...7669 3 года назад +25

    This man has such a beautiful spirit.

  • @trishjones9852
    @trishjones9852 2 года назад +8

    Oh Christian if only I could convey in words how much your insights help me , thank you so much

  • @eileenm9406
    @eileenm9406 2 года назад +7

    Christian, Your authenticity is as striking as it t is rare !

  • @JimHabash
    @JimHabash 3 года назад +24

    What Christian said about our one collective consciousness, my friend who died , and was revived in the hospital where he worked, told me the same thing.

  • @Icandrawastickman
    @Icandrawastickman 2 года назад +5

    I love you Christian Sundburg

  • @SoNiels
    @SoNiels Год назад

    Immensely powerful wisdom share here ❤

  • @gunasundarymuniandy3608
    @gunasundarymuniandy3608 3 года назад +6

    Very beautuful message. Love you Christian.

  • @annemercer162
    @annemercer162 2 года назад +7

    You have put words to how I feel about God and Love. Thank you. And, thank you for prayers and meditation to close your address.

  • @kerimw14v
    @kerimw14v 3 года назад +7

    Thank you, wonderful.

  • @maha77
    @maha77 3 года назад +7

    Amazing talk, thank you

  • @sadequrrohman
    @sadequrrohman 3 года назад +9

    Great video Christian!

  • @AbundantLeigh
    @AbundantLeigh 3 года назад +3

    Thank You.

  • @zechjoya
    @zechjoya 3 года назад +8

    Consciousness = Energy = Matter
    Consciousness = Being
    Change of Consciousness = Change in Energy = Change in Matter = Change of Being = Change of World
    "According to spiritual and occult knowledge, consciousness precedes form, consciousness by self-concentration produces its forms. Whereas, according to the materialist idea, it is form which precedes consciousness and makes it possible for consciousness to manifest. For those who have some knowledge of the invisible worlds and a direct perception of the play of forces, there is no possible doubt: it is necessarily consciousness which produces a form in order to manifest. The way things are arranged on earth, it is quite certainly a consciousness of a higher order which penetrates a form and helps to transform it, so that this form may become - either immediately or through successive generations - capable of manifesting that consciousness. For those who have the inner vision and knowledge, this is absolutely beyond doubt. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. But those who start from the other end, from below, will not admit it. But, all the same, it is not for ignorance to dictate knowledge to wisdom! ... Conception precedes manifestation and expression." - The Mother
    "A theory of spiritual evolution is not identical with a scientific theory of form-evolution and physical life-evolution [e.g. the Darwinian theory]; it must stand on its own inherent justification: it may accept the scientific account of physical evolution as a support or element, but the support is not indispensable. The scientific theory is concerned only with the outward and visible machinery and process, with the detail of Nature’s execution, with the physical development of things in Matter and the law of development of Life and Mind in Matter; its account of the process may have to be considerably changed or may be dropped altogether in the light of new discovery, but that will not affect the self-evident fact of a spiritual evolution,
    and evolution of Consciousness, a progression of the soul’s manifestation in material existence." - Sri Aurobindo
    The above quotes are from Preparing for the Miraculous, Eleven Talks at Auroville by Georges Van Vrekhem. The book in pdf is available free for download:
    . . .
    Evolution Fast-forward at the vantage point of Integral Yoga:
    . . .

    • @simonharry7442
      @simonharry7442 2 года назад

      Yo i like your train of thought you make a lot of valid points but I think consciousness is beyond human compression because it is all possibilities no limitations but matter has limitations it is unreal this reality is a grand illusion design to control us it is a holographic 3d virtual reality a sophisticated complex simulation which is designed to control you a manufactured dream world designed to control you

  • @andreaaufmuth351
    @andreaaufmuth351 2 года назад +1

    I love his chuckle ☺️❤️

  • @specificchou2868
    @specificchou2868 2 года назад

    Thank you for telling the messages to encourage people to love bravely.

  • @fuqupal
    @fuqupal 3 года назад +6

    END G L O B A L T Y R A N N Y NOW!!!

  • @simonharry7442
    @simonharry7442 2 года назад

    Yo i like your train of thought you make a lot of valid points but I think consciousness is beyond human compression because it has no limitations matter is unreal a holographic 3d virtual reality a sophisticated complex simulation which is designed to control you a manufactured dream world

  • @Pyramid_Meditation_Patriji
    @Pyramid_Meditation_Patriji 3 года назад +1

    The law of attraction?

    • @denysepaul6985
      @denysepaul6985 2 года назад

      I wish he would comment on LOA because it fails me.

  • @glennbergstrom2893
    @glennbergstrom2893 2 года назад +1

    I thought I could affect the roll of the dice in an online backgammon game.

    • @MrSimonw58
      @MrSimonw58 2 года назад

      I thought i could get a better life with positive thinking

  • @propman3523
    @propman3523 2 года назад

    Once again, Wayne Dyer's Power Of Intention. Contemplate the manifestation of Peace, not Conflict.

  • @regulusmine2336
    @regulusmine2336 2 года назад

    This was pretty good until he went collectivism. It would still be good because he's right, it's not about democrats vs republican , or race vs race ,or us vs them, ...but it's not about forcing kumbaya either.
    There are two unassailable and empiracle truths that are at dissonance to each other in this life.
    Simply: you're physica lexistence is the most important thing in the universe, AND your physical existence is but a speck of sand amongst untold trillions of specks of sand that is the universe.
    Two pockets. Look it up..
    The American doctrine of personal liberty is the only political document that gives respect to both of these truths.
    I'm saying this because spirituality of oneness or higher consciousness tends to bend towards the collective mindset..
    There's a new authoritarianism on the horizon and they will attempt to hijack the teachings of higher consciousness.
    I just wanted to put this forth.