- Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025
- [PL/ENG]
Organizator flashmoba:
Pomoc przy organizacji:
S.P.Y Dance Crew
Tokyo Studio
Nagranie z góry:
Tokyo Studio ( tokyostudio)
Nagranie reakcji zespołu:
Majk's Exposure Lab ( majksexp...)
Data i lokacja:
Warszawa, klub Progresja, 6 maja 2017
Flashmob organiser:
With the help of:
S.P.Y Dance Crew
Tokyo Studio
Tokyo Studio
Band's reaction recording:
Majk's Exposure Lab
Date and location:
Warsaw, Progresja Club, 6th May 2017
My respect for the whole team that made this happen. It really was spectacular, B.A.P deserves this and more. Polish babyz are amazing!
Youngjae and Himchan looked so proud :D
French Babyz were on fire during the concert, but honestly, Poland Babyz, you rocked !
Hey ! i'm French and I attended the polish concert and yes that was awesome
I think both French and Polish Babyz did an amazing job (unfortunately, I couldn't go in Paris, but i nearly saw the whole show on periscope, so I could make a comparison between the two concerts)
I'm really proud of European Babyz
Haha I see ! I hope they will come back soon :o
i love how youngjae stayed to the end! even if they had to go, he still stayed out of respect for you guys, thats great
He is so precious
youngjae watched until the end. such a chivalrous gentleman
2 minutes is a good amount of time for this sort of thing,they (B.A.P) do have to work/get rest.
I got literal goosebumps when I saw this for the first time on Daehyun's instagram. Mad respect for all of you. thank you so much. COOLEST BABYZ EVER!!!
I'm so proud of us Polish BABYZ, I was worried a lot that I will make a mistake while dancing but everything was perfect. I'm so happy that I danced with other BABYZ
Youngjae legit looks like an CEO and gracefully stay till the end. LOVE THIS!!!!
I'm so proud to be a part of any fandom, the most peaceful fandom ever
i'm a Romanian baby but i'm so proud of you my Polish baby...it was awesome...good for you
As a Hungarian baby fanboy I must say THIS WAS AMAZING!
BIG RESPECT for all of you!
Youngjae jaki slodziak zostal do konca ^^
Youngjae so sweet stayed till the end ^^
B.A.P stood there watching like proud parents, especially YJ 😂
Amazing job Babyz ♥
대박! 영재 끝까지 호응해주는거 귀엽다! 역시 해외베이비들에게 인기실감함 😙
im so proud of our fandom
I love the fact that Youngjae stayed till the very end and got to see the cartwheel :)
At that time I was somewhere lost in Warsaw, so I missed this amazing flashmob!!!! But even druing the concert Babyz were so lound and guys were so shocked by our loudeness xD
Jestem dumna z naszego polskiego fandomu! Mam nadzieję, że chłopaki szybko do nas wrócą. :)
K pop wciągnął mnie jakieś 4 lata temu. Na początku byłam święcie przekonana, że w Polsce jest mało popularny, a takich osób jak ja, zafascynowanych tą muzyką jest jeszcze mniej. A tu nic bardziej mylnego. Za każdym razem kiedy odwiedzają nas chłopaki z Korei polscy fani robią coś kreatywnego i zaskakującego. Oby więcej takich niespodzianek dla naszych Idoli :)
as a german/polish baby living in germany i have to say that i am so so incredibly proud of you guys, this was amazing and the Organisation looks so smooth and well planned! the boys really look stunned and proud of you :) polish babyz are so super nice and i can't wait to attend a bap concert in poland with you guys! Fantastyczna praca! :)
Props to Polish babies...this was awesome. Great job!
Yoo Youngjae feeling the glory
I'm honestly feeling emotional over this TT
Thank You
Yongguk must be really happy and I can already imagine the warm little smile on his face...Youngjae tho, he looks like a proud papa...Himchan and Uppie were a giggling mess all the time...If it were not for his blonde hair, I might think Dae is one of the cameraman...and baby Zelo is also a giggling mess but still cute with that giant height...😊😊😊😊
Polish BABYz...😭 Thank you so much from the bottom of my BABY heart! =,) You guys are Amazing for making B.A.P feel Amazing! And yes I am really crying my eyes out and singing along. I know many went to see the concert too! B.A.P are Life! BABYz are Life! B.A.P 2017 World Tour ‘Party Baby!’ 🌹...Polish BABYZ, you are Life!!! 🌹🌟...B.A.P looked so happy! =,) My complete respect and admiration Polish BABYZ!!! Yes Sir!!! 🙏🏻
wow.thats amazing.proud of warsaw babys.thank you fellow babys
대박!! Respect👍👍
U guys we're amazing! Good job!! Love from a Romanian BABY!!
Chłopakom się podobało i to jest najważniejsze. warte każdego wysiłku ♡. wielki respekt dla organizatorów i K.T., która stworzyła tytoriale. cały czas żałuję, że nie wzięłam autografu, bo jest teraz moją idolką :D.
Reakcja Youngjae na końcówkę ♡♡♡♡
Nie jestem kimś sławnym, aby brać ode mnie autografy xDD
Zachowaj sobie zbieranie podpisów na idoli
Karolaychu dla mnie jesteś wielka xD
timetoforgive A weź xDDDD ale dziękuję za miłe słowa zią
respect and love from BABYz all over the world!!
My respect and pride for Babyz goes to you guys. I am so speechless and I think BAP are so proud to have such amazing and dedicated fans ♥️ Polish Babyz you guys were amazing and are so beautiful thank you for doing this.
Amazing. Truly inspiring and heartwarming
WOW gratulacje polskie dziewczyny !!! Pracowałem przy tegorocznej trasie B.A.P. i w żadnym mieście: Paryż, Frankfurt, Budapeszt nie było takiego show jak u nas na pewno zapamiętają to na długo.
no cóż...powiem tyle-polskie babyz są najwspanialsze!! KOCHAM WAS MOCNO!!
As a Baby living in the other half of the world, thank you. You made me cry, this was awsome. YOU ROCKED BABYZ!!!
p.s. Youngjae you little shit, you love this more than anyone.
omg idk why I cry watching this. omgggg thank you so much BABYs. thank youuuuuuuu
soooo beautiful #Respect and I bow to all of u😘🙏
most beautiful baby 😩😩
this was super awesome 😊👍
You guys are soooo DAEBAAAK #MuchLove
Omg more Kpop groups need to come to Europe, you guys are amazing
Wow, po prostu wow... Kawał dobrej roboty
Jestem taka dumna z polskich Babyz, wyszło naprawdę super XDD
DAEBAK!!!!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
hands down u guys are the best babys ever.
u are ao worth of being on their list again !!!
thank u soo much
i teared up at ur awesome performance
Kau yg menunggu hingga akhir
Kau lah yg mendapat kejutan terbesarnya
Youngjae love u soooooooooo much
i respect and love you babyz !!!!
Holy shit that was so cool!
I'm proud of Babys!!!
GUYS! Let's tweet #BAPforVMAs on Twitter. Our kings need us.
Merinding jir liatnya 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 hebat ihh asli
Reakcja Youngjae na gwiazdy pod sam koniec
CEO yoo youngjae!!! that was so cool
amazing loved it they did so well 👏👏👏
BABYZ JJANG!!! this is so awesome. (president yoo approves) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
YOU ALL DID SUCH A GOOD JOB !! damnit !!! I'm A PROUD BABY HEREE 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
DOPE CONGRATS!!! im crying 😭😭😭
Poland B.A.B.Y'z are freaking awesome!!! Im so proud of you guys😊😉 you made B.A.P's day😙❤💚❤💚❤💚
you guys are super daebak i was speechless
you rocked!! thank you for did this!!!
Omg! It's amazing!!! Good job, Polish Babyz!!!!!
Pozdrowionka z Rosji)
Jestescie wspaniali! Chlopaki w szoku. zrezszta ja tez))) Jestem dumna z Polskich fanow) Jestescie super!!!👍
Ps. U nas 9 maja byli. chodzilam na koncert)))
babyz are so awesome 😍😍😍
I'm actually crying
You guys are amazing!!!
Youngjae felt like a president at the last part ahahahaha
I started to cry when they screamed b.a.p 😢😭 so much welcoming and that shocked faces I love it. This is so much love.
uwah that was amazing!
udało się nam! warto było się postarać dla B.A.P
The fandom and B.A.P are equally awesome
look at that youngjae stay watching them until the end of song, aw
ohmygod thank you for doing this :"
Nie mogło mnie tam być, ale jestem tak cholernie dumna.. Cudowna akcja. Mega ♥
PS. wcale nie płacze xD
나도 B.A.P 팬인데 폴란드 팬들도 장난 아니네
Salute ! Zzzzzangggg BABY! Proud of you all!
ślicznie wam to wyszlo (niestety nie zdazylam na czasXD) jestem z was dumna kochane!
thank you Babyz
This makes me so happy
This is amazing
I tak ma być zawsze :3
Fans: "Yoo Youngajae!! Yoo Youngjae!!"
YJ: "Whaaaaat?"
😂😂😂 guys, was Yongguk there?? didn't see him. And My bias just went from Yongguk to Youngjae 😂❤ idk why but YJ has been giving me the feels lately 😂
yup! he is the first from the left, hiding his face behind his pink iphone
polish babyz jjinja daebak 👍👍👍 amazing
Good job Polish BABYz!!!
Woah, les quedó bien el Flashmob♡
真好^ ^
wow awesome 😍😘😘😘😘
polish Babyz are AMAZING
goosebumps ... woww
Rewarding this and crying 😭😭😭 omg i miss them so much 😭😭😭😭
szkoda ze nie poszłam na koncert :'(
Często tu wracam żeby sobie poprawić humor XD
New President Yoo Youngjae ? xDD