Людям не надо отнимать у матерей маленьких и забавляться ими. Выращивают никчёмных животных, которые бросают своих детей. Еду не добывают, а попрошайничают. Природа не прощает. Она уничтожает.
Он обречен в любом случае, без матери он будет изгоем, и скорее всего со временем будет разорван более взрослыми самцами. А если заберут, вылечат, и вернут, он скорее погибнет.
@@НинаПавлова-в2с Вьі правьі почти на 100%!😂 Ее, действительно, забрали на "Лечение", где примерно через месяц, єтого Гибридного Детеньіша Брєнди, вернули назад, в "Родную" ей Стаю Макак, из которой Ее забрали около 1 месяца назад! К появлению Брєнди, в Стае отнеслись, скажем так "Прохладно", но Самое Главное, Ее "Узнали" и "Приняли" назад, в Родной Отряд Брєнди! Даже ее Родная Бабуля, чистьій пигтайл, узнала ее, когда Брєнди подбежала к ней "обниматься", но "Старушка" отнеслась к Своей, Родной внучке Очень Холодно, но Слава Богу, не оттолкнула Брєнди! ( Єта Самка - Пигтайл, бабуля Брєнди, бьіла родной матерью Бриджит, маме єтой мелкой, Гибридной, очень наглой, абсолютно не знающей Законов Стаи, Неприспособленной, самостоятельно добьівать Себе Еду и постоянно Визжащей, по любому поводу, сильно Раздражающей Своим таким "Отмороженньім" Поведением, Свою, Родную "Семью - Стаю"!😢 Еще когда бьіла жива Бриджит, членьі єтого Отряда, просто Люто Ненавидили єту мелкую, совершенно отвратителтную и полностью неуправляемую, с Вьізьівающим Своим поведением, очень хитрую, подлую, постоянно создающую Себе и особенно Другим Макакам Большие и Неприятньіе Проблемьі, все время создавала Провоцирующие Взросльіх и Старших по Рангу Самок и Старших Подростков Мерзкие Ситуации, обьічно Сама первая нападала на подростков из за едьі, когда ее "Очередь" бьіть самой последней в Списке получать Свою Еду, но когда подростки хотели проучить "Зарвавшегося", низкорангового детеньіша, то Єта "Провокатор" Брєнди начинала Ложно "Звонить" и Звать на Помощь Старших членов Отряда! Тем самьім заслужила Почти Всеобщую Ненависть к Себе со стороньі, чуть старше Ее самой, подростков! Притом Заслуженно! P.S. Кстати, после "Возвращения" с Своего "Лечения" Брєнди недолго "Погуляла" в Отряде! Через, примерно недели 2 - 3, Брєнди сбила машина на дороге, куда "молодняк" бегал за "Подачками", вьіпрашивать Себе Еду у Туристов и местньіх жителей! Вот такая, Очень Короткая Жизнь єтой, сильно разбалованной Своей матерью, "Актрисьі" Брєнди! Не надо бьіло Ее, якобьі "Спасать", нужно бьіло оставить все как есть! Природа сама разобралась в єтой, обьічной в жизни МАКАК, ситуации, Жить или Погибнуть Єтим, так назьіваемьім, "Мальішам!"🤔🤫🫣😏🙄😒😬😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Но НИКАК НЕ ЧЕЛОВЕК, должен ВМЕШИВАТЬСЯ в природу и жизнь єтих, не очень "Приятньіх" и "Замечательньіх" МАКАК, тем более когда еще один из ЄТИХ "ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ" еще и "ГИБРИД - ПОЛУКРОВКА!"😨😭😱💩🤡👹☠️
This monkey sure move around pretty well to say it has a broken leg. That’s what I’ve said these monkeys heal, and survive 90%of injuries. They don’t go to doctors or Vets, no one nurse them back to health but GOD.!!
It’s a miracle how they survive things we don’t and have the best medical care in the world. New born babies fall from the highest trees and in a matter of days they playing. I’m in agreement it’s nobody but God and he make the choices he make on everything on and above this world.
Was zBrandi weaned? Her mom tried, but Brandi was so sneaky in stealing milk. Now she can get weaned. No more milk from mom. She is able to find food herself. This will help her survive.
I wonder how these people decide which monkeys get "treatment" and which one's don't. From what iv seen, there's really no rhyme or reason to it. I mean iv seen PLENTY of monkeys get taken away for "treatment" for a wound/wounds that would have healed just fine left on it's own. Just as iv seen the opposite. A poor injured one that desperately needs medical attention or it WOULD die but would have recovered had you ppl intervened. Idk, the process just doesn't make sense.
Si los cuidan y se preocupan por la salud del monito,, son malos y si hacen lo contrario , son malos también Así qué .... Pónganse de acuerdo y luego comenten.jajajajajajaja
Самка его родившая , попала под машину. А его защищает стая, самец лидер. И самое интересное, оставь его люди на воле, стая спокойно бы смотрела как макаш подыхает от голода, и возможно и жажды, но не одна макака бы не позволила пососать молока,и вытащить из защечных мешков, те немногие фрукты , что ему бы достались. Такова природа этих макак.
This baby looks old enough to look after herself ,she’s at least five months old, nothing to much wrong with that monkey in the cage, a rest up and he/she will be ok she’s old enough to look after herself, she’s moving around ok , snazzy new car what happend to the old cars the authorities use ..... something seriously wrong here
@@НатальяФроловская-ж7х они там все переносчики заразы.Что нормального???Люди своей подкормкой сделали своё дело:стало хаотично плодится от родственных отношений,отсюда и больное потомство.Это дикие животные, не зачем лезть в их жизнь.Помогайте своим бездомным животным,а не этим крысам.
A dónde se llevan al bb Brandi ya no regresaron a la bb Ale. Y dónde van a enterrar a la mamá Bridget??? En serio que injusticia tan grande hacen con los bbs
Grandma is sitting right by her and has her baby, but they accidental showed this at the end of one video. God forbid, they are going to show this, and Brandi is a girl.
That was the mother who was trying to charge after the baby jhustr after they went to put it in the cage, dipshit. You actually buy this cooked-up drama that the baby was "injured" when in reality it looks perfectly healthy? Or that it wasn't the mother trying to fiercely defend the infant?I've seen these vids nbefore where they steal a baby from a mother, and yes, that's what that was, and yes, that's what that monkey was, it's mother. They just caught the mother and baby when they werent right next to each other, and the baby, whcih really isn't that old anyway, can clinb higghher into the tree's thinner branche by itself where the mother can't follow becausr it ate too many damn twinkies at the temple. I woulda liked it more, though, if they'd just shot the mother and watched the baby starve. At least we know Rozzi's baby, whcih she rejected, was actually hers since we saw the rat come out of her tree rat monkey TWAT.
Aaaaaand yet they didn't do jack to stop it other than make a bunch of funny noises. A troop of over 100 monkeys let three humans take one of their own and just walk off with it. Because if anything in their loves isn't something they can put in their mouths and eat, they don't care about it at all. Them helong this monkey out would mean they'd have to stop eating for five seconds. These things are not only too dumb to live, they're defenseless. Seriously, how does an animal that has no natural defenses other than to show it's fear grimace in a show of submission make it this far into the evolutionary process?
absolutely troops don’t take care of orphans even if it’s family. If a infants mom died other troop members will not feed it will starve . It’s very rare.
Y, ahora que van a hacer???? Volveremos a ver a Brandi???? Ese bebé tiene que estar con la abuela!!!!! Que piensan hacer???? O abusen por favor,eso que planean no está bien!
Их там тысячи , они везде , какие ограничения? Видео было жуткое сотни обезьян через реку переправляются в город , там людям с детьми не выйти на прогулку , это вредители , что же там людям что ли в лес уйти !
Lo peor de todo llevan alos bebes al nomre de o n g y en el coche no habia ningun nomre ni señal de nada que sea ong. Ademas hay tantos bebe alli mismo avandonda por sus madres solo quero vendenalos bebes
She knew her mother was not going to move again. Notice like when babies lose their mother a few minutes...they call and call for her, and the mother (most of the time) will find it. She knew she was dead. Very sad.
Everyone's complaining about them taking the baby. Orphaned baby's are beat up and tortured daily by their own troop when they are orphaned. They are doing her a great service. Please stop talking about things you know nothing about.
Ok I don't understand why it's ok for you to kidnap that monkey and remove it for treatment. Not that I care for the maqrat, I am trying to grasp how it's determined when to interfere with a situation and when you to do nothing, because I've seen some that die and others are injured worse than that one I just saw you take., Why this situation and not the other ones? Again I am not asking in a negative way, I'm genuinely curious. Also I've watched a few interventions and this was the first time the blue shirt guy was involved, I assume he was the authority?
Most of the time it’s illegal to intervene. Licensed vets have to get a special case permit to treat wild animals here and they’re almost never granted if the injury or illness was a natural event. Even then the animal has to have a very optimistic prognosis and be able to be returned to the wild. Then someone has to pay for it all. Fully above board interventions are rare because it’s hard to make it all come together. It’s part of the population control measures the government introduced after systematic lethal culling practices were ended. There are far too many monkeys now.
I’m afraid you are right. Now this is funny, and I have not found this video again…one of the thumb nails said something like she was taken because her mind would not be right!!!!! 😉
@@Kimberly-dn4mc She will become "rescue monkey" where they bathe her, give bottle, bogus medical care from fake vet, etc. In other words, MONEY MAKER.
Um, so what's the name of the bullshit fake-assed NGO this time around? I want to see their web site and be able to look up just who they are, aside from four guys who have some kind of generic looking logo on their shirts. There's nothing wrong with that monkey at all anyway. Only 1 in 100 of these monkeys will not make it to adult hood due to disease, rejection by the mother, being "orphaned" or even captured by hunters. No idea what the hell a hunter would be hunting a monkey anyway, and why wopuldn't they just kill it? Hunters aren't going to giev a rat's ass about some baby monkey..unless they could sell it to some VO so they can exploit them on youtube. It is rather unusual how, though, with only 1 in 100 not making it to adulthood, well, there sure as hell seem to be a lot of sick, abandoned and "injured" monkeys that seem to pop up when these VOs coe around, now wouldn't you sa?. And that's the monkey's mother who is coming after it after you captured and took it from her. Female monkey, same species, being protective, as a mother should be. That's the baby's mother. ASnd if it's not, then why don't we see the nother's dead body anywhere? It's not odd that such evience is mising, it's just that it's ALWAYS missing. Look, you're cambodia, which means you live in a backwards country with low educaitonal standards as htough you live in the 17th century. So while you think anyone in the west is going to buy this nonsense, yuou're wring, because we're ultimately smarter and have the superior society, while you live in just another shithole southeast Asian country.
Id like some information please. And please if you don't know just don't answer. What is up with this NGO organization. I assume it's government sponsored? What exactly do they do? And how do they decide what they will respond to? Are they like the ASPCA in the U.S?
You can check about them "wildlife conservation and prevention organization" on google. As I'm monkey film maker I'm so happy that they can come urgently to rescue all lovely monkeys here when they get injury if compare about a few years ago we cannot help them because need a long processing to approve of official agreement to take them out from the public wild park here.
@@AboutMonkey so the laws were fairly recently updated? I have a great appreciation for film makers so long as they are not creating situations to make dishonest videos. Thank you for your response.
Eles disseram que esses macacos pequenos estavam caindo de uma árvore muito alta, pq tinha um macho grande perseguindo eles, mas eu não acredito nessa história.
@@EE-rg1xv Что тьі за существо, человеком тебя назвать не могу, что оскорбляешь незнакомого тебе человека, да еще его семью?😮 Тьі наверное или скорее всего больная особь, которая ненавидит всех людей вокруг и " обожает" только таких вот вонючих, очень агрессивньіх, зльіх, хитрьіх, злопамятньіх и тупьіх макак ( макаки стоят на самом низком уровне среди других обезьян по интеллекту) , но скорее всего тьі и их не любишь, так, просто делаешь вид!😮 Наверное єто твои ближайшие родственники, раз тебя так задел комментарий незнакомого тебе человека, да еще и на семью его наехал! Тьі из дурдома " капаешь" своим ядом, небось врачи перекололи галаперидолом, что злой такой и кидаешься на людей?😅 Обидели тебя, " бедненького", чувствуешь свою неполноценность среди обьічньіх, здоровьіх людей, может плачешь по ночам в подушку?😢 Но все равно, кто тебе давал право оскорблять людей, тем более тьі их не знаешь?😮 Знаешь ли тьі єтих макак, их поведение, среду обитания, законьі и правила стаи, может помогаешь єтим " бедньім" животньім?😢 В Азии, кроме некоторьіх стран, где их считают почему то " святьіми", єтих макак уничтожают физически, так как они являються паразитами, разносчиками очень опастньіх болезней, вредителями, они уничтожают цельіе поля урожая местньіх фермеров, принося єтим людям огромньій вред! Убивают как у нас обьічньіх крьіс за их " полезность", ничего хорошего и полезного от макак природе, а тем более человеку нет!😢 Так что, ограниченно - ущербньій недочеловек или " супер чело макака" ( вьібирай как тебя назьівать из предложенного😅) сделай доброе дело, залезь на крьішу рядом находящегося дома и спрьігни вниз головой с криком " макака" и просто СДОХНИ!😂
@@dootdoot94xo44 Looks like we got another lil baby who gets the hurt feelings over simple truths. The baby is going to have to grow up one of these days. Don’t cry little baby.
Он явно еще молоком питается, и не может обычной пищей. Обезьяны его защищают, но никто молоком не покормит. Сдох бы там, если люди не взяли бы. Но думаю что лучше бы сразу сдох, ведь не пройдя социализацию в группе , выращенный и выпущенный он будет изгоем и все равно будет убит.
Porque son tan crueles ustedes con los monkeys???? Mom Brandy necesita ayuda y ustedes NO ayudan ..que mal ejemplo dan a otros paises ver como su gente no proteje y cuida sus animales que son una belleza
Those awful poachers Need to leave all those Monkeys alone and not Go snatching all the baby monkeys from their Own inviro. Don’t they have anything else better to do then doing evil to These baby. Monkeys Leave them alone in their Natural habitat where they belong. They can Get up and down on from these trees on their own They know how that are strong enough they don’t Need your help what’s so ever. Leave them alone!!!
These nasty, disgusting rats aren't "sweet"! They are nasty, vile, useless, disgusting wild animals! I would torture her to death and laugh my ass off as she died!!
@@Kimberly-dn4mc this monkey is in agony, not making a ruckus. She is about 3 1/2, first baby at 3. She doesn’t draw attention to herself or troupe because that could bring danger to her family. She is a first time mom, and has been a great mother, she is dying because of this. Big male monkey was trying to kill Brandi, baby, he wasn’t Brandi’s father, and Alpha knows who is his baby. Yes, Alpha knows by the smell, and kills the babies that are not his to bring mom back into heat, thus spreading his DNA. She was jumping to another branch and her weight and his brought on the fall. Bridget is a hybrid, half pig tail, who are taller, and skinnier and long tails are much heavier, unfortunately, fat genes trump her mom’s skinny genes. She is bigger than most, and of course, she hasn’t lost her baby weight, but maybe you have never been pregnant or knew someone who has been, so I guess you wouldn’t understand about how hard it is to take off baby weight. Men wouldn’t understand that either. Now she lays dying for 2 days, baby has been crying for 2 days, just barely can hear. Grandma has been with Brandi in the trees, but you won’t see it. Grandma has a baby about 2 months younger. For 2 days the VOs have let her lay there, they want to get as many views as possible, so she succumbs, they did bury her, way because the authorities get there. If a monkey dies in the park, they come to make sure they haven’t been killed by poison/shot, etc. The next video show the baby being forced out of the tree to land in a blanket, if baby Brandi has hurt limbs, they don’t give a rat’s a#%. What you are gonna see: someone(won’t show face,) will give Brandi some fruit/milk, etc. they will take Brandi back to troupe and see if one of the older females will run and get her. Brandi is about 7 months old, equivalent of a toddler. They want that video very much, they will show it over, and over, and over, BUT since they removed her, troupe might see her differently, their smell will be all over her. Grandma was a dumped pig tail, had everything going against her on being a bad mother, but she isn’t and has helped other babies that have been dumped. All the VOs are just waiting for a misfortune. Bridget could probably been saved, broken legs mend sometimes, if internal injuries were that bad, would she would have made it if the NGO(fat chance) would have come in one day? Oh my I have digressed, I want to know what was happy! I want to laugh too, so what is sooo funny?
So it was strong enough to run from you. And seems perfectly fine. So why did you take her ? Wonder how Long they took to bring her back. If they brought her back.
Hot News...!! Brandi is Back After Rescue By NGO 👉ruclips.net/video/SINq5qNR5uo/видео.html
Is this at Angor Wat or somewhere else?
why doesn't the NGO sterilize the monkeys so they don't reproduce? Over population is the problem.
Oh mann glad to hear that ngo staff took care of the baby like that you all are hereo cute little monkey
werden fie kleinem Affen weggenommem???
Сдался он им. Сам шмякнется с этой лестницы
Людям не надо отнимать у матерей маленьких и забавляться ими. Выращивают никчёмных животных, которые бросают своих детей. Еду не добывают, а попрошайничают. Природа не прощает. Она уничтожает.
Мать сбила. Машина
Сколько каналов развелось? И матерей обезьян сбивают на каждом шагу, совсем не верю.
Добывать себе еду не научился погибнет или стая порвет
Он обречен в любом случае, без матери он будет изгоем, и скорее всего со временем будет разорван более взрослыми самцами. А если заберут, вылечат, и вернут, он скорее погибнет.
@@НинаПавлова-в2с Вьі правьі почти на 100%!😂 Ее, действительно, забрали на "Лечение", где примерно через месяц, єтого Гибридного Детеньіша Брєнди, вернули назад, в "Родную" ей Стаю Макак, из которой Ее забрали около 1 месяца назад! К появлению Брєнди, в Стае отнеслись, скажем так "Прохладно", но Самое Главное, Ее "Узнали" и "Приняли" назад, в Родной Отряд Брєнди! Даже ее Родная Бабуля, чистьій пигтайл, узнала ее, когда Брєнди подбежала к ней "обниматься", но "Старушка" отнеслась к Своей, Родной внучке Очень Холодно, но Слава Богу, не оттолкнула Брєнди! ( Єта Самка - Пигтайл, бабуля Брєнди, бьіла родной матерью Бриджит, маме єтой мелкой, Гибридной, очень наглой, абсолютно не знающей Законов Стаи, Неприспособленной, самостоятельно добьівать Себе Еду и постоянно Визжащей, по любому поводу, сильно Раздражающей Своим таким "Отмороженньім" Поведением, Свою, Родную "Семью - Стаю"!😢 Еще когда бьіла жива Бриджит, членьі єтого Отряда, просто Люто Ненавидили єту мелкую, совершенно отвратителтную и полностью неуправляемую, с Вьізьівающим Своим поведением, очень хитрую, подлую, постоянно создающую Себе и особенно Другим Макакам Большие и Неприятньіе Проблемьі, все время создавала Провоцирующие Взросльіх и Старших по Рангу Самок и Старших Подростков Мерзкие Ситуации, обьічно Сама первая нападала на подростков из за едьі, когда ее "Очередь" бьіть самой последней в Списке получать Свою Еду, но когда подростки хотели проучить "Зарвавшегося", низкорангового детеньіша, то Єта "Провокатор" Брєнди начинала Ложно "Звонить" и Звать на Помощь Старших членов Отряда! Тем самьім заслужила Почти Всеобщую Ненависть к Себе со стороньі, чуть старше Ее самой, подростков! Притом Заслуженно! P.S. Кстати, после "Возвращения" с Своего "Лечения" Брєнди недолго "Погуляла" в Отряде! Через, примерно недели 2 - 3, Брєнди сбила машина на дороге, куда "молодняк" бегал за "Подачками", вьіпрашивать Себе Еду у Туристов и местньіх жителей! Вот такая, Очень Короткая Жизнь єтой, сильно разбалованной Своей матерью, "Актрисьі" Брєнди! Не надо бьіло Ее, якобьі "Спасать", нужно бьіло оставить все как есть! Природа сама разобралась в єтой, обьічной в жизни МАКАК, ситуации, Жить или Погибнуть Єтим, так назьіваемьім, "Мальішам!"🤔🤫🫣😏🙄😒😬😷🤒🤕🤢🤮 Но НИКАК НЕ ЧЕЛОВЕК, должен ВМЕШИВАТЬСЯ в природу и жизнь єтих, не очень "Приятньіх" и "Замечательньіх" МАКАК, тем более когда еще один из ЄТИХ "ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ" еще и "ГИБРИД - ПОЛУКРОВКА!"😨😭😱💩🤡👹☠️
This monkey sure move around pretty well to say it has a broken leg. That’s what I’ve said these monkeys heal, and survive 90%of injuries. They don’t go to doctors or Vets, no one nurse them back to health but GOD.!!
if god is healing these monkeys why doesn't it heal all the sick children in the world or stop wars , cause most of the wars are in it's name?
It’s a miracle how they survive things we don’t and have the best medical care in the world. New born babies fall from the highest trees and in a matter of days they playing. I’m in agreement it’s nobody but God and he make the choices he make on everything on and above this world.
don't bring God in this mess
1:40 @@patriciaperry-higgins6269 Выходит, что Богу дело только до обезьян.
Остальное его не интересует..
Хоть думайте иногда, когда пишите..
Не спасает, а для лабораторных исследований, зачем здорового детёныша вылавливать
Don’t be a jackass. Nobody catches baby monkeys one at a time for research. The government catches them by the cage full and they are “relocated”.
Туда ему и дорога.
Может какой-нибудь блогер попросил обезьяну.
Was zBrandi weaned? Her mom tried, but Brandi was so sneaky in stealing milk. Now she can get weaned. No more milk from mom. She is able to find food herself. This will help her survive.
Разок из ружья бы пальнули бы да и всё, вот страдают ерундой
Я согласна нужно пальнуть по ворам которые воруют малышей садисты твари издеватели
I wonder how these people decide which monkeys get "treatment" and which one's don't. From what iv seen, there's really no rhyme or reason to it. I mean iv seen PLENTY of monkeys get taken away for "treatment" for a wound/wounds that would have healed just fine left on it's own. Just as iv seen the opposite. A poor injured one that desperately needs medical attention or it WOULD die but would have recovered had you ppl intervened. Idk, the process just doesn't make sense.
Vocês colocam o vídeo e temos que tentar adivinhar o que aconteceu
Y porque a todos los bebés que abandonan las madres no vienen a recogerlos porque nomás a este
Varför släpps de inte ut på ett lugnt ställe långt inne i en skog ???
Si los cuidan y se preocupan por la salud del monito,, son malos y si hacen lo contrario , son malos también Así qué .... Pónganse de acuerdo y luego comenten.jajajajajajaja
Dificil rescatarlos y encima la madre cerca.🇪🇦.no pueden ayudar a todos es conplicado...
Самка его родившая , попала под машину. А его защищает стая, самец лидер. И самое интересное, оставь его люди на воле, стая спокойно бы смотрела как макаш подыхает от голода, и возможно и жажды, но не одна макака бы не позволила пососать молока,и вытащить из защечных мешков, те немногие фрукты , что ему бы достались. Такова природа этих макак.
This baby looks old enough to look after herself ,she’s at least five months old, nothing to much wrong with that monkey in the cage, a rest up and he/she will be ok she’s old enough to look after herself, she’s moving around ok , snazzy new car what happend to the old cars the authorities use ..... something seriously wrong here
It is all just a bit too staged! We have seen too many of these.
Rescue them?
So they go live in a little cage?
BS, leave them alone!!
Какой умный спрятался и молчит не истерит знает что его ожидает ничего хорошего
Все у нее нормально будет понаблюдают и вернут в стаю она такая умненькая самочка будет сама себя воспитывать
@@НатальяФроловская-ж7х Если может бы там оставили ,то возможно и жива бы осталась. Лумаю на её смерть они тоже повлияли,забрав её из стаи.
@@bellavolgina622 а зачем забирали ? Она же не повредилась . да все равно потом сдохла
@@НатальяФроловская-ж7х они там все переносчики заразы.Что нормального???Люди своей подкормкой сделали своё дело:стало хаотично плодится от родственных отношений,отсюда и больное потомство.Это дикие животные, не зачем лезть в их жизнь.Помогайте своим бездомным животным,а не этим крысам.
@@Татьяна-с3я1п, точно так.
A dónde se llevan al bb Brandi ya no regresaron a la bb Ale. Y dónde van a enterrar a la mamá Bridget??? En serio que injusticia tan grande hacen con los bbs
Idiots the lot of them and it out check their names. You will see what they are
Oh I hope she will be ok... I love watching all these monkey videos, find watching them better than the soaps hahha hope little Brandi will be ok ♥️
Update About Brandi --> ruclips.net/video/-mHfrNVhA2A/видео.html
These are gang members, don't be fooled.
@@crystalhollingsworth8575 é muito amor 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 será ?
They should've just left it alone. Let the group take care of it. Why do the humans have to go interfere?
God bless you 🙏
my sweet baby Brandi💖💝💞
Your weird
don't bring God in this stupid mess
That was so cool The Way that they cought The baby monkey It really Pissed off the Big one Great Job you guys
It looks like the troop would have taken care Of the Baby monkey. By the way they were ready to attack to Defend the little guy.
Grandma is sitting right by her and has her baby, but they accidental showed this at the end of one video. God forbid, they are going to show this, and Brandi is a girl.
That was the mother who was trying to charge after the baby jhustr after they went to put it in the cage, dipshit. You actually buy this cooked-up drama that the baby was "injured" when in reality it looks perfectly healthy? Or that it wasn't the mother trying to fiercely defend the infant?I've seen these vids nbefore where they steal a baby from a mother, and yes, that's what that was, and yes, that's what that monkey was, it's mother. They just caught the mother and baby when they werent right next to each other, and the baby, whcih really isn't that old anyway, can clinb higghher into the tree's thinner branche by itself where the mother can't follow becausr it ate too many damn twinkies at the temple. I woulda liked it more, though, if they'd just shot the mother and watched the baby starve. At least we know Rozzi's baby, whcih she rejected, was actually hers since we saw the rat come out of her tree rat monkey TWAT.
Aaaaaand yet they didn't do jack to stop it other than make a bunch of funny noises. A troop of over 100 monkeys let three humans take one of their own and just walk off with it. Because if anything in their loves isn't something they can put in their mouths and eat, they don't care about it at all. Them helong this monkey out would mean they'd have to stop eating for five seconds. These things are not only too dumb to live, they're defenseless. Seriously, how does an animal that has no natural defenses other than to show it's fear grimace in a show of submission make it this far into the evolutionary process?
Do u see how orphans are treated by the troops? They are the lowest of the low. Most of the time they starve to death because they never get to eat
absolutely troops don’t take care of orphans even if it’s family. If a infants mom died other troop members will not feed it will starve . It’s very rare.
Hope Brandi comes back 🙏😢😔😪
Yes I wish too...
Her Mother is dead, so probably not!!
Y, ahora que van a hacer???? Volveremos a ver a Brandi???? Ese bebé tiene que estar con la abuela!!!!! Que piensan hacer???? O abusen por favor,eso que planean no está bien!
Yo creo se los llevan para hacer videos o alimentar otros animales también se los llevan a laboratorios para experimentos
Вы совсем идиоты ополоумели? ! Какой ребенок! Какая в жопу бабушка! Ты дура безмозглая! Это КРЫСЫ!
Ой, ржу не могу, ну и уровень IQ, зашкаливает в минус, сирота должна быть с бабушкой! 😂😂😂
Теперь в памперсы детские испражняться будет... 😂если суп не сварят...
Почему не сделать знаки ограничения скорости,где живут приматы? Сколько будут их калечить?
Оно на калеку не похоже.
Потому, что бесполезно.
Их там тысячи , они везде , какие ограничения? Видео было жуткое сотни обезьян через реку переправляются в город , там людям с детьми не выйти на прогулку , это вредители , что же там людям что ли в лес уйти !
А почему вы не озабочены тем,что в вашей стране сбивают кошек и собак, лосей, медведей,тигров и т.д. Какие же вы лицемеры!
Да- да.
И светофор поставить 😂
Yes the police checked to make sure that the baby was stolen legally from its troop. God job Ali baba +40 thieves... I mean NGO!!👍
Who knew monkeys grow on trees! 🌴🐒😂😂
Even with a broken leg and scared out of its mind it's gonna out climb you in that tree
The monkey is in the tree, that is part of home. Why bother him? From the way he’s trying to hide he don’t want you to mess with him.!
Poor baby is grieving bad😭😭😭
Wow! Boy, she is! We share 93.7%DNA with these monkeys, and it is showing, whimpering just like a child.
@@diannebuckley8948 yes ❤️
Bien hecho.🤗
Lo peor de todo llevan alos bebes al nomre de o n g y en el coche no habia ningun nomre ni señal de nada que sea ong. Ademas hay tantos bebe alli mismo avandonda por sus madres solo quero vendenalos bebes
She knew her mother was not going to move again. Notice like when babies lose their mother a few minutes...they call and call for her, and the mother (most of the time) will find it. She knew she was dead. Very sad.
That thing has the cognitive abilities of a boiled potato. Don’t project too much.
Ótimo conteúdo
QUE PENA POBRE BEBÉ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👑
Ты идиотка! Это крыса инфекция и вредитель! Какой на хрен ребенок?! Ты дура!
Everyone's complaining about them taking the baby. Orphaned baby's are beat up and tortured daily by their own troop when they are orphaned. They are doing her a great service. Please stop talking about things you know nothing about.
And if they didn't take it they would still complain
What they do is 👍 I'm all for a successful rescues
Internet Karens lead a very sad life.
What you know? Shut up
Com tantas pessoas pobre em seu país mesmo assim eles preferem ajudar esses ratos de árvore que só causa danos a eles! Essas pessoas são estúpidas....
She didn't even fight for her rat xdd
Ok I don't understand why it's ok for you to kidnap that monkey and remove it for treatment. Not that I care for the maqrat, I am trying to grasp how it's determined when to interfere with a situation and when you to do nothing, because I've seen some that die and others are injured worse than that one I just saw you take., Why this situation and not the other ones? Again I am not asking in a negative way, I'm genuinely curious. Also I've watched a few interventions and this was the first time the blue shirt guy was involved, I assume he was the authority?
Most of the time it’s illegal to intervene. Licensed vets have to get a special case permit to treat wild animals here and they’re almost never granted if the injury or illness was a natural event.
Even then the animal has to have a very optimistic prognosis and be able to be returned to the wild. Then someone has to pay for it all.
Fully above board interventions are rare because it’s hard to make it all come together. It’s part of the population control measures the government introduced after systematic lethal culling practices were ended. There are far too many monkeys now.
Unreal now all the sudden bridget falls from a tree and breaks her back, there is some seriously hokey shit going on in Ankhor Wat!
Always negative suspicious
@@alimohamad2182 Gee I wonder why ???
@@rochellephillips2180 I also wonder why. Possibly Paranoid Schizophrenia or some other mental health crisis gone unchecked and unmedicated.
@@dr.killmoretreeratologist8848 You know what they say takes one to know one!!!
@Monkey vs Chicken How does it work for you than?
when they fell out of the tree baby ran straight back up i didnt think she was hurt but obviously she is bless her
Сироту Бренди спасут. 👍
Mało tam mają małp? Tylko po drzewie latają za jedynym osobnikiem
So sad about Bridget
I like her so much because she is very friendly monkey and always make us easy to film about her.
@@AboutMonkey I really liked Bridget 😔😢😭
The guy should have taken a SAW, up in the tree, with him...a few seconds, working on that branch, would have been FAR EASIER on him!!!
We will not see her again
I’m afraid you are right.
Now this is funny, and I have not found this video again…one of the thumb nails said something like she was taken because her mind would not be right!!!!! 😉
Para que los casan y los sacan de su abitad malda dosos ya lo agarraron que ban a aser con el bebe macsco respuesta en español
Brandi's mother is whisky😁😁
Bet you will listen next time i d ont feel sorry for anh of them.they never listen
Poor little Brandi.
Зачем убивать мамачку и забирать малыша
A mãe e o bebê caíram da árvore.A mãe morreu e o bebê foi levado para tratamento
Он упал вместе матерью.
Aito sin chapa identificatoria- faltan logos de la adociacio . Conoce a los motociclistas que esperan su oportunidad....💔
What's wrong with her? Her mom died but that's it.
They are falling from a big high tree because a big male monkey was chasing them...
@@Kimberly-dn4mc She will become "rescue monkey" where they bathe her, give bottle, bogus medical care from fake vet, etc. In other words, MONEY MAKER.
@@Kimberly-dn4mc dang, where is that video? Why hasn’t one of the other monkeys taken her? Her mother and new baby is right near her.
All VOs Doesn't have this falling clip because it's too fast to fall and we just already see them when they are on the ground.
Um, so what's the name of the bullshit fake-assed NGO this time around? I want to see their web site and be able to look up just who they are, aside from four guys who have some kind of generic looking logo on their shirts. There's nothing wrong with that monkey at all anyway. Only 1 in 100 of these monkeys will not make it to adult hood due to disease, rejection by the mother, being "orphaned" or even captured by hunters. No idea what the hell a hunter would be hunting a monkey anyway, and why wopuldn't they just kill it? Hunters aren't going to giev a rat's ass about some baby monkey..unless they could sell it to some VO so they can exploit them on youtube. It is rather unusual how, though, with only 1 in 100 not making it to adulthood, well, there sure as hell seem to be a lot of sick, abandoned and "injured" monkeys that seem to pop up when these VOs coe around, now wouldn't you sa?. And that's the monkey's mother who is coming after it after you captured and took it from her. Female monkey, same species, being protective, as a mother should be. That's the baby's mother. ASnd if it's not, then why don't we see the nother's dead body anywhere? It's not odd that such evience is mising, it's just that it's ALWAYS missing. Look, you're cambodia, which means you live in a backwards country with low educaitonal standards as htough you live in the 17th century. So while you think anyone in the west is going to buy this nonsense, yuou're wring, because we're ultimately smarter and have the superior society, while you live in just another shithole southeast Asian country.
You guys are fucking smooth with it ... he flung that thing right into a yoga mat 😂😂😂 and then it was handed off to emit smith for the touchdown 😂😂😂
Wtf LMAO!!
😂 LMAO! Freaking hilarious comment 🤣
How bout them Cowboys! Opps sorry Emmitt Smith reference.
Id like some information please. And please if you don't know just don't answer. What is up with this NGO organization. I assume it's government sponsored? What exactly do they do? And how do they decide what they will respond to? Are they like the ASPCA in the U.S?
You can check about them "wildlife conservation and prevention organization" on google. As I'm monkey film maker I'm so happy that they can come urgently to rescue all lovely monkeys here when they get injury if compare about a few years ago we cannot help them because need a long processing to approve of official agreement to take them out from the public wild park here.
@@AboutMonkey so the laws were fairly recently updated? I have a great appreciation for film makers so long as they are not creating situations to make dishonest videos. Thank you for your response.
Também não sei o que houve,alguém pode nos falar?
Eles disseram que esses macacos pequenos estavam caindo de uma árvore muito alta, pq tinha um macho grande perseguindo eles, mas eu não acredito nessa história.
What's Brandi's story ?
Why’d he wear dress loafers if he planned on climbing a ladder and tree?! Jeeez these people!!
Because that’s the dude in town that has a car so he is “NGO” for video
I'm glad that they took her, but I just wish that they hadn't sat her right there at her moms body. Bless her heart.
Brandi está ferido ? Não parece pq levar ele ?
Это 5мес.назад . Спасли сироту Бренди?
Бренди погибла, попала под мотобайк.
Туда ей и дорога
@@ТатьянаСавченко-з7йВместе с тобой и твоей семьей
@@EE-rg1xv Что тьі за существо, человеком тебя назвать не могу, что оскорбляешь незнакомого тебе человека, да еще его семью?😮 Тьі наверное или скорее всего больная особь, которая ненавидит всех людей вокруг и " обожает" только таких вот вонючих, очень агрессивньіх, зльіх, хитрьіх, злопамятньіх и тупьіх макак ( макаки стоят на самом низком уровне среди других обезьян по интеллекту) , но скорее всего тьі и их не любишь, так, просто делаешь вид!😮 Наверное єто твои ближайшие родственники, раз тебя так задел комментарий незнакомого тебе человека, да еще и на семью его наехал! Тьі из дурдома " капаешь" своим ядом, небось врачи перекололи галаперидолом, что злой такой и кидаешься на людей?😅 Обидели тебя, " бедненького", чувствуешь свою неполноценность среди обьічньіх, здоровьіх людей, может плачешь по ночам в подушку?😢 Но все равно, кто тебе давал право оскорблять людей, тем более тьі их не знаешь?😮 Знаешь ли тьі єтих макак, их поведение, среду обитания, законьі и правила стаи, может помогаешь єтим " бедньім" животньім?😢 В Азии, кроме некоторьіх стран, где их считают почему то " святьіми", єтих макак уничтожают физически, так как они являються паразитами, разносчиками очень опастньіх болезней, вредителями, они уничтожают цельіе поля урожая местньіх фермеров, принося єтим людям огромньій вред! Убивают как у нас обьічньіх крьіс за их " полезность", ничего хорошего и полезного от макак природе, а тем более человеку нет!😢 Так что, ограниченно - ущербньій недочеловек или " супер чело макака" ( вьібирай как тебя назьівать из предложенного😅) сделай доброе дело, залезь на крьішу рядом находящегося дома и спрьігни вниз головой с криком " макака" и просто СДОХНИ!😂
Мамку убили??? Бэби прячется на деревьях
Man that was risky! 😆 He just tosses her out of the tree to be hopefully caught by the 4 dudes. I can only imagine if they missed
Would’ve been easier to cut the tree down. I don’t know why they’d want to catch vermin anyhow.
@@dootdoot94xo44 Looks like we got another lil baby who gets the hurt feelings over simple truths. The baby is going to have to grow up one of these days. Don’t cry little baby.
Он явно еще молоком питается, и не может обычной пищей. Обезьяны его защищают, но никто молоком не покормит. Сдох бы там, если люди не взяли бы. Но думаю что лучше бы сразу сдох, ведь не пройдя социализацию в группе , выращенный и выпущенный он будет изгоем и все равно будет убит.
AWE not bridget. 😢😢😢
How sad 😥
Now take it far far 100 miles away and let it It go to new group to be beat up daily.
Gıcık olsalarda kafeste görünce içim acıyo
Is she ok now
They will feed her well then go to orphan Savanah group
Net this tree rat up & lets goooooo
что они хотят его скушать ?
Just leave the rat in the tree! Its old enough and others can take care of it!
Put you in a tree and set fire to it!!!
@@nicholaschristodoulou5766 I agree 👍.
@@nicholaschristodoulou5766 😄😄😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😆🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Porque son tan crueles ustedes con los monkeys???? Mom Brandy necesita ayuda y ustedes NO ayudan ..que mal ejemplo dan a otros paises ver como su gente no proteje y cuida sus animales que son una belleza
Por isso que são pessoas que vivem na miséria. A maldade tem seu preço.
Мамаша уже мертва, видимо. Она лежит, не двигается
That's so cruel.taking babies
What happened to the big monkey laying beside the crate?
Sky diving accident 😢
Oh my gosh what happened to mom?
Don't be filled the vo cause this stuff and should be arrested
Puteți sã mi spuneți şi mie în lb română ce s a întâmplat cu Brandy dacă a murit mama lui de ce şi cine e
Vă mulțumesc!!!
Awe, thañkful
Pero no es tan bebe,ya sobrevive en ka selva
Those awful poachers
Need to leave all those
Monkeys alone and not
Go snatching all the baby monkeys from their
Own inviro. Don’t they have anything else better to do then doing evil to
These baby. Monkeys
Leave them alone in their
Natural habitat where they belong. They can
Get up and down on from these trees on their own
They know how that are strong enough they don’t
Need your help what’s so ever. Leave them alone!!!
Rest in Peace Brigett......Hope Brandi can make it on her own now she's sweet baby.....
Brandi is dead now!
These nasty, disgusting rats aren't "sweet"! They are nasty, vile, useless, disgusting wild animals! I would torture her to death and laugh my ass off as she died!!
could they rescue Vigas and Vigo?
Yes! Where have these people been, but I think they are in an whole another place!
Vigas and Vigo have been dead for a couple of years now. Their videos keep getting recycled.
Wow people just wow, these guys are trying to help mind your own business
No entendí que pasó con Mom Bridgit. Murió? 😳🙄
Sorry im ignorant I see it typed alot what does N G O stand for?
non government official
@@kathyparker7626 thanks!
@@Kimberly-dn4mc that made me laugh
@@kathyparker7626 actually Non-Government Organization, that is a little different, as in their is more than 1.
@@Kimberly-dn4mc this monkey is in agony, not making a ruckus. She is about 3 1/2, first baby at 3. She doesn’t draw attention to herself or troupe because that could bring danger to her family. She is a first time mom, and has been a great mother, she is dying because of this. Big male monkey was trying to kill Brandi, baby, he wasn’t Brandi’s father, and Alpha knows who is his baby. Yes, Alpha knows by the smell, and kills the babies that are not his to bring mom back into heat, thus spreading his DNA. She was jumping to another branch and her weight and his brought on the fall. Bridget is a hybrid, half pig tail, who are taller, and skinnier and long tails are much heavier, unfortunately, fat genes trump her mom’s skinny genes. She is bigger than most, and of course, she hasn’t lost her baby weight, but maybe you have never been pregnant or knew someone who has been, so I guess you wouldn’t understand about how hard it is to take off baby weight. Men wouldn’t understand that either.
Now she lays dying for 2 days, baby has been crying for 2 days, just barely can hear. Grandma has been with Brandi in the trees, but you won’t see it. Grandma has a baby about 2 months younger. For 2 days the VOs have let her lay there, they want to get as many views as possible, so she succumbs, they did bury her, way because the authorities get there. If a monkey dies in the park, they come to make sure they haven’t been killed by poison/shot, etc. The next video show the baby being forced out of the tree to land in a blanket, if baby Brandi has hurt limbs, they don’t give a rat’s a#%.
What you are gonna see: someone(won’t show face,) will give Brandi some fruit/milk, etc. they will take Brandi back to troupe and see if one of the older females will run and get her. Brandi is about 7 months old, equivalent of a toddler. They want that video very much, they will show it over, and over, and over, BUT since they removed her, troupe might see her differently, their smell will be all over her. Grandma was a dumped pig tail, had everything going against her on being a bad mother, but she isn’t and has helped other babies that have been dumped. All the VOs are just waiting for a misfortune. Bridget could probably been saved, broken legs mend sometimes, if internal injuries were that bad, would she would have made it if the NGO(fat chance) would have come in one day?
Oh my I have digressed, I want to know what was happy! I want to laugh too, so what is sooo funny?
So much crap over them disgusting animals
So it was strong enough to run from you. And seems perfectly fine. So why did you take her ? Wonder how Long they took to bring her back. If they brought her back.
Começou o inferno na vida do macaquinho inocente
Gestohlenes baby
Omg right next tonits momma. She trying to get out geez!
Poor baby.. Why his mother die?
اريد لقطات فيلم في تعنيف للقرود الصغار
What happened to her mom ?