你還喜歡哪些電影配樂呢? 歡迎留言告訴我,我會做成影片唷❤ Let me know what other music or movies you want to know! 📕謝世嫻2023最新力作「樂來越愛電影配樂」實體書: 🏆博客來:bit.ly/3YSXDR0 🏆誠品:bit.ly/3JzavXY 📕謝世嫻2023新書電子版: 🏆博客來:www.books.com.tw/products/E050155569?sloc=main 🏆讀墨:readmoo.com/book/210266298000101 🏆Kobo: www.kobo.com/tw/zh/ebook/CjjH6QQnfTKE_EBmvm2SNg 🏆Google Play: pse.is/4ruw4g
perhaps you could try to introduce Newman's another masterpiece in "Meet Joe Black", it was truly a good example of what you called "Newman's style". If you do, his music presented at that movie might even animate and shed light to understand more about his inner world of creativity. Being arwarded or not does not diminish his talent and composition quality. Thanks for your kind work.
你還喜歡哪些電影配樂呢? 歡迎留言告訴我,我會做成影片唷❤ Let me know what other music or movies you want to know!
🏆Kobo: www.kobo.com/tw/zh/ebook/CjjH6QQnfTKE_EBmvm2SNg
🏆Google Play: pse.is/4ruw4g
Legends of the fall(1994真愛ㄧ世情)
"Por una Cabeza" is really breathtaking 😍. I love it so much.
Thanks for your video again. It does enlighten me a lot. 😊
Thank you Lawrence. It’s perfect for this timeless masterpiece movie!
Great video as always! Everyone should watch your videos and read your book to know more about film music!
Thank you but did you read it yet 😂❤️
我最喜歡帕爾曼拉 的 por una cabesa
perhaps you could try to introduce Newman's another masterpiece in "Meet Joe Black", it was truly a good example of what you called "Newman's style". If you do, his music presented at that movie might even animate and shed light to understand more about his inner world of creativity. Being arwarded or not does not diminish his talent and composition quality. Thanks for your kind work.
Yes certainly- Meet Joe Black’s one of my favorite movies and music is underrated. Glad you mentioned it! 😃
可以說說為 Forrest Gump 和 Cast Away 配樂的 Alan Silvestri 嗎?我覺得两首主題樂曲都寫得隽永, 雅俗共賞.
👍 來研究排程
Love your article, great work.
Thank you 😊
The shawshank Redemption 到目前為止還是我的最愛,
當然他不顧愤怒的典嶽長把"Marriage of Figaro -Canzonetta Sull'aria "開到最大聲的畫面最為經典難忘 .
非常高興妳與我有同感. 我愛電影更愛音樂.
10:07 這裡的 cabeza 是西班牙語的唸法對嗎,就是 C 會帶有一點 G 的音、Z 會帶有一些 TH 的音,哈哈
13:22 發覺 Thomas Newman 和 Tom Cruise 的容貌還確實有點像,都是帥哥型的
Of course 但15次也太慘了