The only good thing to come out of the CRT debate is that more parents are now paying attention to the utter garbage public schools are teaching their children.
@@OpusTheLeftie Stop lying, or at least educate yourself. It is being taught to kids. The first thing you morons say is 1. You don't know what it is. and 2, They aren't teaching it. Both are lies. We know full well what it is, and they are teaching it. The largest teachers union just made it so. You're gonna have to find another lie
@@ARealPersonNotABot 1. tell me what it is! 2. Thank you for this link specifying it is being taught to college students and not children. keep bitchin.
@@ARealPersonNotABot CRT is the questioning of historical racism effect on the development of institutions and the role they have in modern society and that questioning isn't going anywhere. You don't want your kids to learn actual history and question society and make their own decisions? Thats pathetic at best.
@@aimlessbauer9082 Aimless, you know not of what you speak. MLK believed that a person should be judged NOT by skin color. Critical race theory is all about judging people by the color of their skin because "all blacks are good and all white are racists" He would never go for this garbage.
@@JamesCAsphalt8 Please, okay? He'd found out what it is thoroughly first before labelling it. And would all of you please stop involving MLK in your arguments. There's a reason why he's dead, and the same type of people arguing about CRT now are the same type of people that celebrated his death. You don't actually think MLK would disagree that there was/is systemic racism in America and that white people learned to hate bc of the systems they grew up in and have to abide by? He was a sociologist, too. He'd agree and I'm sure try to explain to you. But you wouldn't listen to him, either if he were still alive. You didn't like MLK then and you don't like him now!
@@aimlessbauer9082 the democrats are responsible for the ghettos and everything they cause. It is in their best interest to label black people as a group instead of individuals, and to keep them poor, uneducated and hooked on to welfare, drugs and crime, because it means votes in the short term for them. That's why all Democrat run cities are shitholes.
@@aimlessbauer9082 you are the ones telling black kids to hate their white classmates, you never cared about people living in misery, that's why all charity fundraising always comes from conservatives
@Ghost Six Bravo I'm not a failure and you just demonstrated why it needs to be taught not only to your kids but to you especially! I can only imagine what you tell them about us just by reading your comment behind closed doors in your house. What's wrong? Don't want your children to undermine your bullsh*t right in your f*cking face?!
@@OpusTheLeftie I'm sorry, but outside your little self-pitying world, no one gives a crap. People are much more concerned that their kids learn to read, write, do some math and prepare for the real world, than about the myth of systemic racism.
@@OpusTheLeftie Because what has happened in the past has happened and CRT prolongs the idea that white people are inherently racist and that black people cannot be racist. You create falsehood barriers which did not exist and you are teaching black people to be racist, which in turn is going to put black people under the microscope as not being equal.
Let's be clear. Teachers moved the culture wars into the classrooms, not parents. Teacher's unions did that. Teachers go to CRT training and it effects how they teach the classes. Those facts this guy brings are history but CRT teachers say it is in the present.
You know doing more than 1 comment doesnt make us want to read them anymore than if you were normal and just did 1 long comment. But hey I get that racist want to be heard. Your a **** but your an honest **** the same
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
@@alanfreemancriticalracethe524 Some quiet 14 year-old kid from Texas: Imma silence them Conservatives *Pulls out silenced M24A9 and kills Governor Greg Abbott and Donald "Discord moderator" Trump*
@@joehigashi3584 so tru ... They are so mad (for wat I kno not they got beer Walmart and guns) they will parrot anything ... All this hatefulness is pathetic ... We can do better for future generations
@@joehigashi3584 you kids are perpetuating the binary 1% BS, with the con/lib repub/dem, it's NOT red/'s the 1% and me and you. NOT left side right side. Occupy was pointed in the right direction. $$$$$ Your petty distractions are funded by Soros and Koch. They fund BOTH sides. Corporatocracy isn't an ism. Want me explain what it is to you?
@@joehigashi3584 The irony of extrapolating a moderate correlation of a larger than average amygdala (which controls more than just negative emotional responses) into "they are not programmed to think" Like you couldn't present your post in a more idiotic way, yet you are speaking with complete confidence about how 50% of the population is apparently incapable of critical thought. Step back from politics for a while and go outside.
Critical Theory was a theory by Karl Marx to eradicate capitalists from Russia. Millions were killed. Critical Race Theory was invented by a Brazilian Marxist but never took hold. Now, BLM has revived it. They are Marxists who seek to destroy or as they have said, tear it all down, meaning our government. Our children are learning Marxist garbage in every University in this country because no one is paying attention. Well NOW they are.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
@@reshaevans4741 Some sort of holocaust against black people, eventually. They are being isolated too often, according to far too many statiscal metrics. Too many other ethnic groups seem to desire diverging from them on too many fronts. And they don't appear to be included in any groundbreaking, progressive visions of the future--particularly when it comes to scientific breakthroughs that improve the quality of human life. This is a terrifying scenario that's brewing.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
@Guy LeDouche since when? up until the end of WW2 european countries tried to dominate each other with brute force to say nothing of the regions of the world it enslaved,robbed and brutalized that were not European. Freedom was never very high on the agenda and that is objective reality even if it offends you.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
@@OpusTheLeftie because its racist. Therefore unconstitutional. Overriding any local or state laws. Plus introducing new curriculum without proper vetting is unprofessional.
If this CRT & 1619 Project is so good; where are the 100 or so peer reviewed studies that prove it? By peer reviewed meaning, half of the reviewers are conservative and half are liberal, from competing colleges.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
I disagree with the reporter. "It's not about teaching racism". It is ok to cover Jim Crow laws in history-that is a factual episode. It is not ok to label one person as an oppressor based on their melanin in their skin & another that they are a victim incapable of standing on their own feet because of the melanin in their skin.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
After years and years of people making an effort to find common ground and address wrongs of the past, we've now come to CRT which is a mass distortion of the truth targeted at the ignorant. The good news: Anyone who finds this country intolerable always has the option of leaving. There are plenty of people who would love to take your place without all the whining.
-- White Supremacists Neo-Nazis created Anti-Critical Race Theory as part of their effort to restore White supremacy to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
"Bring cultural wars into the classroom." "It's becoming an ideological battleground." ====================== Oh no it's not the parents who brought cultural wars into the classroom or made it an ideological battleground, it is the teachers union, school boards, and assorted "progressive groups." The parents are reacting to that, as is their right. And if they want to recall elected officials it's their absolute right. It's called DEMOCRACY.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
This is a sad state of not wanting to deal with the true history of this nation and how we go forward from here. The so called "concerned" parents of Critical Race Theory being taught to their young kids even through their teenage years reveals how they want their kids' mindset to be about this fairytale story of this nation's past and their position in the present and future status of their lives. Lord help us all!🙏
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
-- White Supremacists Neo-Nazis created Anti-Critical Race Theory as part of their effort to restore White supremacy to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
So which side is more racist, the liberal left or far right? Is it more racist to demand public schools include it in their curriculum, or to demand it is banned from public schools? As with any public entity, the government makes the rules, the elected board must follow them, and the electors may suit the board if they believe it is not acting in their best interest. Should be interesting to see how this works out across the country, but I suspect socialism will take precedence over democracy in the end.
Check yourself. Racist = intolerance based on race. Bigot = intolerance based on race, religion, ethnicity etc. This particular subject matter is about race. Critical Race Theory is about race, duh. Theory = supposition based on a set of particulars (NOT accurate history as in a law) Liberal = generous (NOT moderate) Socialism = an economic system which governments policies use to manipulate citizens (NOT democracy)
Wow dude, you have a lot of self righteous rage! You don’t sound rational at this point, just foolish since a lot of what you’re ranting about either have nothing to do with my comment or support it! Good grief, you’re not very good at trolling.
@@joehigashi3584 Oh yea, you’re trippin big time! I didn’t say anything about hatred, I didn’t say CRT shouldn’t be included in a curriculum. You’re so indignant about what you think I said, which isn’t what I said at all!
@@joehigashi3584 See my previously reply. You’re so off base in your interpretation of my comment that there’s no point in engaging you and your anger further.
What? You think Democrats want diversity of thought?🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's either you support CRT or you are racist according to democrats so how is that diversity?
@@cbeaucrawford and it's amazing that just 2 weeks ago Democrats were saying it wasn't being taught in schools and now the president of the largest teachers union said they are absolutely teaching it to kids....the irony
Ah, yes. Lessons on racism. Idk about y'all, but that's why I send my child to school every day. My child will one day rule the world and be a millionaire with all those lessons on racism.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
They don't want to deal with the atrocities of their past and present actions to poc they need to take accountability and deal with the elephant in the room it's definitely not going anywhere deal with your horrific past and present treatment of people of color
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
America doesn’t want to discuss its culture, it’s past and it’s discrimination against Africans and other people of color. So those who are against CRT should consider starting private schools to enroll their children in so they can teach the absolute truth above Amerikkka and it’s systems and it’s involvement in other countries affairs not indoctrinate their children into Western culture. There solves some issues.
"Racism needs to be talked about so we can move forward." Uh, race has been talked about every day since the 1960s. Did you have a stroke or something??
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
@@seanhovan7426 -- "Explain how America is systemically racist?" -- Hi Sean. I see you want someone to explain how America is systemically racist. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "systemic racism?" Thanks.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s. The following is a quote from Horkheimer: The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” ― Max Horkheimer
The only good thing to come out of the CRT debate is that more parents are now paying attention to the utter garbage public schools are teaching their children.
Crt isn't being taught to children and you can't find one example of it. Grow up and just say you don't want your kids learning literal US history
@@OpusTheLeftie Stop lying, or at least educate yourself. It is being taught to kids. The first thing you morons say is 1. You don't know what it is. and 2, They aren't teaching it. Both are lies. We know full well what it is, and they are teaching it. The largest teachers union just made it so. You're gonna have to find another lie
@@ARealPersonNotABot 1. tell me what it is!
2. Thank you for this link specifying it is being taught to college students and not children. keep bitchin.
@Guy LeDouche Really! Which elementary, middle and high schools have it in the curriculum?
your argument *is* that it's being taught to children, no?
@@ARealPersonNotABot CRT is the questioning of historical racism effect on the development of institutions and the role they have in modern society and that questioning isn't going anywhere.
You don't want your kids to learn actual history and question society and make their own decisions? Thats pathetic at best.
Martin Luther Kind would be against this. Character not skin color.
No, he wouldn't.
@@aimlessbauer9082 Aimless, you know not of what you speak. MLK believed that a person should be judged NOT by skin color. Critical race theory is all about judging people by the color of their skin because "all blacks are good and all white are racists" He would never go for this garbage.
@@JamesCAsphalt8 Please, okay? He'd found out what it is thoroughly first before labelling it. And would all of you please stop involving MLK in your arguments. There's a reason why he's dead, and the same type of people arguing about CRT now are the same type of people that celebrated his death. You don't actually think MLK would disagree that there was/is systemic racism in America and that white people learned to hate bc of the systems they grew up in and have to abide by? He was a sociologist, too. He'd agree and I'm sure try to explain to you. But you wouldn't listen to him, either if he were still alive. You didn't like MLK then and you don't like him now!
@@aimlessbauer9082 the democrats are responsible for the ghettos and everything they cause. It is in their best interest to label black people as a group instead of individuals, and to keep them poor, uneducated and hooked on to welfare, drugs and crime, because it means votes in the short term for them. That's why all Democrat run cities are shitholes.
@@aimlessbauer9082 you are the ones telling black kids to hate their white classmates, you never cared about people living in misery, that's why all charity fundraising always comes
from conservatives
We already teach history. CRT is something else. Don't allow it in K-12.
I hope they do! History has never been taught properly in school.
@@Coletti-y1u You mean the majority of white constituents. Most African Americans such as myself love it.
@Ghost Six Bravo I'm not a failure and you just demonstrated why it needs to be taught not only to your kids but to you especially! I can only imagine what you tell them about us just by reading your comment behind closed doors in your house. What's wrong? Don't want your children to undermine your bullsh*t right in your f*cking face?!
@Ghost Six Bravo I made it despite it, not bc it isn't there and I'm only speaking for myself.
Talking about race is not a problem, it’s how you talk about it and spread more racism
How do you expect to have a society that disregards race if you refuse to acknowledge and analyze the root cause and history of it?
@Guy LeDouche Yes, it does. There's hard data that shows it.
@@OpusTheLeftie I'm sorry, but outside your little self-pitying world, no one gives a crap. People are much more concerned that their kids learn to read, write, do some math and prepare for the real world, than about the myth of systemic racism.
@@OpusTheLeftie Because what has happened in the past has happened and CRT prolongs the idea that white people are inherently racist and that black people cannot be racist. You create falsehood barriers which did not exist and you are teaching black people to be racist, which in turn is going to put black people under the microscope as not being equal.
Let's be clear. Teachers moved the culture wars into the classrooms, not parents. Teacher's unions did that. Teachers go to CRT training and it effects how they teach the classes. Those facts this guy brings are history but CRT teachers say it is in the present.
That's bc it is.
@@aimlessbauer9082 - There is nothing in America's laws that is stopping anyone from any race or gender from succeeding today.
@UCwd9n-wPqafAlqkq23qYMsg Read my comment above this one. It's for you. Lord knows you need a history lesson.
@UCwd9n-wPqafAlqkq23qYMsg Oh, so you're gonna run now? Figures.
-- Hi Stephen. I like your comment. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?" Thanks.
George Floyd doesn’t deserve a statue
You know doing more than 1 comment doesnt make us want to read them anymore than if you were normal and just did 1 long comment. But hey I get that racist want to be heard. Your a **** but your an honest **** the same
So I dont get it? Tell me what your views are of people of color in this country?
@@brendan5065 What do people of color have to do with a George Floyd statue?
@@freeindeed8416 avenge individual with a smartphone is nothing but a no-good rotten troll. If you don't like my personal comment deal with it
In other news, the Pennsylvania state senate has voted to do a full forensic audit of the 2020 election.
we voted for 2 in our HOA, never happened
Which is a waste of time and tax payer's money.
@@aimlessbauer9082 not if if finds millions it can recover, that's why they have them, and to prosecute the thieves.
@@pohakumana They aren't going to find jack! Just like they didn't find anything when they went to court 60 times.
@@aimlessbauer9082 well went they audited the Pentagon is failed by billions, doesn't make I difference in my life.
I get mine.
There is absolutely no intelligent conversation on this subject because it’s a desperate lie.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Some quiet 14 year-old kid from Texas:
Imma silence them Conservatives
*Pulls out silenced M24A9 and kills Governor Greg Abbott and Donald "Discord moderator" Trump*
Please research on Critical Theory which is akin to CRT. CRT is slanted towards Marxism?
@@joehigashi3584 lol crickets
@@joehigashi3584 so tru ... They are so mad (for wat I kno not they got beer Walmart and guns) they will parrot anything ... All this hatefulness is pathetic ... We can do better for future generations
@@joehigashi3584 you kids are perpetuating the binary 1% BS, with the con/lib repub/dem, it's NOT red/'s the 1% and me and you.
NOT left side right side. Occupy was pointed in the right direction. $$$$$ Your petty distractions are funded by Soros and Koch.
They fund BOTH sides. Corporatocracy isn't an ism. Want me explain what it is to you?
@@joehigashi3584 The irony of extrapolating a moderate correlation of a larger than average amygdala (which controls more than just negative emotional responses) into "they are not programmed to think"
Like you couldn't present your post in a more idiotic way, yet you are speaking with complete confidence about how 50% of the population is apparently incapable of critical thought. Step back from politics for a while and go outside.
Critical Theory was a theory by Karl Marx to eradicate capitalists from Russia. Millions were killed. Critical Race Theory was invented by a Brazilian Marxist but never took hold. Now, BLM has revived it. They are Marxists who seek to destroy or as they have said, tear it all down, meaning our government. Our children are learning Marxist garbage in every University in this country because no one is paying attention. Well NOW they are.
find an alternative to public schools
@@richietavarez6030 yes so true
Should we also stop paying taxes and make public schools to find alternative funding sources.
@@anatolylukyanov6072 that would be a good idea
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Something really awful is going to happen in America.
Divide and conquer
@@reshaevans4741 Some sort of holocaust against black people, eventually. They are being isolated too often, according to far too many statiscal metrics.
Too many other ethnic groups seem to desire diverging from them on too many fronts. And they don't appear to be included in any groundbreaking, progressive visions of the future--particularly when it comes to scientific breakthroughs that improve the quality of human life.
This is a terrifying scenario that's brewing.
Civilized society is going to clash with the rightwing.
It already has we have an idiot for a president
leshyoi got that right
Nothing more racist than judging another by the color of skin
You don't actually know what crt is do you
Those who choose violence as a first option will typically be confronted by somebody else using violence as a last resort
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
If they want to reach historical facts does that mean that they are going to teach about the Abolitionist Movement too.
Yes, children will be taught about Abolition and all of American History. Not Critical Marxist race theory racist garbage.
@@JamesCAsphalt8 -- Hi James. I like your comment. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?" Thanks.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Critical race theory is about teaching people how race is all that matters… pathetic reporting
Good luck to the people trying to stop this wokeness in America's education system!
Those unable to control their emotions and actions that follow will be subject to an incredible injustice
The only lives that truly matter are those who respect the lives of others
I'm confused. Why can't I have a 3rd taco? That guy took four and you never said anything? Don't touch me and call me Randy.
History should be taught objectively even if it offends the Karens
"Objectively"= the lies that I like
Your use of the Karen meme shows how far your maturity goes. You literally have no clue why parents are upset
@@Eliyahu-ow8lm What lies? Give me one, please. I only need one.
@@ARealPersonNotABot do YOU? Please tell me honestly
@Guy LeDouche since when? up until the end of WW2 european countries tried to dominate each other with brute force to say nothing of the regions of the world it enslaved,robbed and brutalized that were not European. Freedom was never very high on the agenda and that is objective reality even if it offends you.
What a biased segment especially the interviewer?
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Democrats do a huge amount of trolling to Retardicans 🇩🇪🪖🤷
@@alanfreemancriticalracethe524 👍🏾
except critical race theory is not being taught in any public grade school in america.
Shame on you CBSN! You will be held responsible for what you're helping to create!
Fight back. Our kids future is at stake here
@@OpusTheLeftie because its racist. Therefore unconstitutional. Overriding any local or state laws. Plus introducing new curriculum without proper vetting is unprofessional.
What do you mean? You think it's a problem for every white kid in the US to be told he/she is inherently evil based on their skin color?
Lol just read this. God bless the internet.
If this CRT & 1619 Project is so good; where are the 100 or so peer reviewed studies that prove it? By peer reviewed meaning, half of the reviewers are conservative and half are liberal, from competing colleges.
-- Hi Cliff. I like your comment. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?" Thanks.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
yes irrespective of whether CRT is right or wrong it can be taught in college, not public schools
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
It's about boards ignoring parents.
I disagree with the reporter. "It's not about teaching racism". It is ok to cover Jim Crow laws in history-that is a factual episode. It is not ok to label one person as an oppressor based on their melanin in their skin & another that they are a victim incapable of standing on their own feet because of the melanin in their skin.
Good for them. They are been good parents
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Critical Race theory isn't nor ever was a controversy.
Explain how the laws we have right now are racist?
@Vann Siggi I'm not the on saying America laws are systemically racist, that's your side
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
My parents were talking about human bondage. They stopped when I walked by. Thats how I know it's a bad thing.
After years and years of people making an effort to find common ground and address wrongs of the past, we've now come to CRT which is a mass distortion of the truth targeted at the ignorant.
The good news: Anyone who finds this country intolerable always has the option of leaving. There are plenty of people who would love to take your place without all the whining.
-- White Supremacists Neo-Nazis created Anti-Critical Race Theory as part of their effort to restore White supremacy to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
@@alanfreemancriticalracethe524 How did I know your comment was going to be on here.
"Bring cultural wars into the classroom."
"It's becoming an ideological battleground."
Oh no it's not the parents who brought cultural wars into the classroom or made it an ideological battleground, it is the teachers union, school boards, and assorted "progressive groups." The parents are reacting to that, as is their right. And if they want to recall elected officials it's their absolute right. It's called DEMOCRACY.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
Parent have no right, government knows what's best for them
This is a sad state of not wanting to deal with the true history of this nation and how we go forward from here. The so called "concerned" parents of Critical Race Theory being taught to their young kids even through their teenage years reveals how they want their kids' mindset to be about this fairytale story of this nation's past and their position in the present and future status of their lives. Lord help us all!🙏
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
I'm 61 years old. I'm never to old to learn. We need to know the true history in order to move forward as a people.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
Culture belongs at home doesn't need to be in the classroom
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
the belief systemic racism is the modern day religion
Every white person who supports CRT wears glasses 🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
-- White Supremacists Neo-Nazis created Anti-Critical Race Theory as part of their effort to restore White supremacy to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
If it's not CRT and it not being taught, explain to me then why my white kids think they did something wrong and feel guilty?
Critical Race Theory 😂 Now that’s a joke!
So which side is more racist, the liberal left or far right? Is it more racist to demand public schools include it in their curriculum, or to demand it is banned from public schools? As with any public entity, the government makes the rules, the elected board must follow them, and the electors may suit the board if they believe it is not acting in their best interest. Should be interesting to see how this works out across the country, but I suspect socialism will take precedence over democracy in the end.
Check yourself. Racist = intolerance based on race. Bigot = intolerance based on race, religion, ethnicity etc. This particular subject matter is about race. Critical Race Theory is about race, duh. Theory = supposition based on a set of particulars (NOT accurate history as in a law) Liberal = generous (NOT moderate) Socialism = an economic system which governments policies use to manipulate citizens (NOT democracy)
Wow dude, you have a lot of self righteous rage! You don’t sound rational at this point, just foolish since a lot of what you’re ranting about either have nothing to do with my comment or support it! Good grief, you’re not very good at trolling.
@@joehigashi3584 Oh yea, you’re trippin big time! I didn’t say anything about hatred, I didn’t say CRT shouldn’t be included in a curriculum. You’re so indignant about what you think I said, which isn’t what I said at all!
@@joehigashi3584 See my previously reply. You’re so off base in your interpretation of my comment that there’s no point in engaging you and your anger further.
@@joehigashi3584 And its dissonance.
what's next: teaching critical hip hop theory presenting rappers are actual musicians lmao!!!
So much for right-wingers wanting "diversity of thought"
You think Democrats want diversity of thought?🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's either you support CRT or you are racist according to democrats so how is that diversity?
They cancel stuff they don't like but are against "cancel culture". Irony...
@@cbeaucrawford and it's amazing that just 2 weeks ago Democrats were saying it wasn't being taught in schools and now the president of the largest teachers union said they are absolutely teaching it to kids....the irony
You misunderstand. We want diversity of truth, not some myth about systemic racism.
@@lobbyskids2 CRT is flat earth theory.
What happened to math, English science etc. Your not going to indoctrine my child. Don't f with people's kids
Ah, yes. Lessons on racism. Idk about y'all, but that's why I send my child to school every day. My child will one day rule the world and be a millionaire with all those lessons on racism.
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
This guy is "coming for your children". He is wearing pink tho.
They don't want to deal with the atrocities of their past and present actions to poc they need to take accountability and deal with the elephant in the room it's definitely not going anywhere deal with your horrific past and present treatment of people of color
Iim not conservative but i dont want this b.s. tought to my kids.
"Conservative push" ........... CBS "news"
Teachers are bored. CRT adds colors to their life.
-- Hi Michelle. I like your comment. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?" Thanks.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
Is this wasted time?
America doesn’t want to discuss its culture, it’s past and it’s discrimination against Africans and other people of color. So those who are against CRT should consider starting private schools to enroll their children in so they can teach the absolute truth above Amerikkka and it’s systems and it’s involvement in other countries affairs not indoctrinate their children into Western culture. There solves some issues.
Racism needs to be talked about so we can move forward.
@@richietavarez6030 I don't hate this country. I believe in equality for all people.
"Racism needs to be talked about so we can move forward." Uh, race has been talked about every day since the 1960s. Did you have a stroke or something??
That's what they're trying to do 😂
@@Wolfe-zl4ld I'm talking about the media response to it silly. Don't play me for a fool💪
Damn the Sista is gorgeous
-- Anti-Critical Race Theory was created by White Supremacists Neo-Nazis who want to see White Supremacy restored to the status it held prior to the Civil War.
light weights
cbs you are a joke,,,
This this white people running scared
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
CRT is crucial information to know about living in this country.
A false flag from Trump supporters 🙄
Explain how America is systemically racist?
Which laws are racist?
Lol simple questions Democrats can't answer
@@seanhovan7426 -- "Explain how America is systemically racist?"
-- Hi Sean. I see you want someone to explain how America is systemically racist. Can you tell me what you mean when you use the term "systemic racism?" Thanks.
A little thoughtful research into “Critical Theory” and the “Frankfurt School” may be enlightening to everyone. Yes, “Critical Theory” does exist. Yes, it is based on Marxist philosophy, and is the foundation of Critical Law Studies, Critical Race Theory, and numerous other “Critical Theories”. It has been an influence in the US for more than 60 years. One of its principal founders, Max Horkheimer was associated with Columbia University starting in the 1940’s.
The following is a quote from Horkheimer:
The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.”
― Max Horkheimer
People are scared of leaning new things, if its not in the bible I dont want to "reed" it. I voted for Trump as President.
Thus you have no credibility.
@@davidellis5141 You are fraid of leaning new things with liberal words. LOLZ
@The D-Man I never learn that in college. Where did you get that revisionist history from?