I had to watch this a few more times... So powerful... I have a 18 year old son that I use to be his hero.. At 16 he lost a girl friend and other depression... I wish I could turn time around... I was inconsiderate to his feelings just as his ex girlfriend was... He fell into using meth... I came down on him like a hammer... It continued like this at 16 yrs at 17 yrs now 18 yrs old... Ive said I'm done with you so many times... Ive call the police on him.. Ive even beat him nearly to unconscious when he would challenge me in my own home... Im so ashamed of myself... Ive turned into such a hate filled father... I once was his hero... Now I'm a POS but he tells me he loves me still... God I need to surround him with so much love from who I use to be.... I hate our culture in America... I hate how we are so far behind other countries... I just stumbled upon this video... Now I'm hooked on try to change myself to prepare to show my son im his hero and I'm proud of him and will be here when he needs me as a father, and a man to man talk with no judgment on him. Thank you for your inspiring talk
+Dan Waits: The only thing - the ONLY thing - you can try to change is you. I know because I've been your son, and I've been you. In that time I had to accept that I'm not a POS because of how I have behaved at certain times or due to certain stressors. I'm not - and more importantly, YOU'RE not. We never need to be too proud to seek help when we feel overwhelmed. Bless you, Man.
+Dan Waits My sister has been an addict for 2 decades now. My advice to you is to support your son 100% when he is trying to get it together, but to protect yourself; your mental health, your home, your other family, and your possessions, you need to withdraw when he is on a tear. I know from personal experience, because I've tried many times with my sister, that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change them when your loved one is using. The only thing that happens is you suffer more. Use those times to take good care of yourself, so that when your loved one is ready you have the energy and mental strength to help them.
Yep..Raj is 1000% correct. Until we change our perceptions of addiction, nothing will change. The criminal aspect of addiction is preventing meaningful progress.
Yep, took me over 35 days to get in. Glad too see someone else from Michigan with similar stuggles talk about it so openly and truly explain it. Thank you.
GOD BLESS YOU!!! It is 1:13am and I'm laying in bed about to sleep and I listen to Ted talks or addiction videos (my two favs) while sleeping often, and this came on.I am literally wide awake now almost in tears. This video shook me to the core. You nailed everything man. I greatly appreciate your efforts to change the stigma, but MOST IMPORTANTLY the way of treatment (rather the LACK THERE OF ) for addicts. Sometimes I feel like in fifty years we will look back and this will be the "segregation"of this period. And we are all the few and far between that are ahead of our time. I'm rambling here, sorry I have so much to say. This was beautiful. Thank you so very much for having the courage to stand up and share your struggles. God bless!
This is a really well scripted all inclusive view of the disease. I can NOT thank you enough. I am excited to share this video with the high school community of teens and staff I work with on a daily basis.
Wow... and I almost shut it off after the first few sentences... and I am an addict The real kind .. 9:45 -- best description yet. I always say it’s like buying air
Danny Eugene Waits You are not a terrible father I know it hurts to have a lost child in drugs. I am with you. I know your frustration and pain. Don’t listen to people insulting you about your parenting. They are not in your shoes. It’s just easy to judge for others but, if anything you are a good father.
Fortune favors the bold-beautiful. You’re a lovely soul. As an old-timer/survivor/thriver of poly-chemical utilization I want to say thank you. I want to encourage the consideration of new linguistics. “Addict” itself would be a great place to begin.
Great talk my Indian brother For the 1st time, this has been explained so realistically true. I hope your message spreads and all that needs to be done is structured to your message . Tks Raj.
THANK YOU!!!! Being an Alcoholic/Addict "SOBER 3 months as of yesterday...*May 2nd 2016" :) I have been looking for a way to explain to family/friends "WHAT IS ALCOHOLISM" ;) How this is a DISEASE and this affects the BODY, MIND, SOUL!!* As well once you stop Drinking/Using it's not 'OVER' ;) BOHDI* Starr ********
Thank you for haveing courage to speak so honestly. The statisticks you gave are alarming. No politition is even touching this huge problem faceing our nation. They are no heros. You are a hero!
I had a good life and it's getting worse and worse, I don't want to be like this anymore and I don't know how to get help, I see people, strangers, and I feel like saying 'help me'
Thank you for having the motivation to attempt to educate, if at least one individual gains the knowledge your feeding them then your doing great. I know a person right now that your helping currently who fell back down after miles of climbing back up. Super powerful!
Great talk you have here! Addiction will really break you to pieces. Fortunately there are lots of treatment centers across U.S. that may help break the addiction problems.
Hillary lies: go watch my video: Addiction DECODED. It explains the brain disease argument. I bet you'll see (hopefully) why people say it is a disease then. People like Harvard university and the psychiatric association.
Can I just voice, that after reading some of the responses to this "Talk", I notice a distinct lack of empathy, perhaps those of you who wish to be negative in each of your responses, and voice on the standards of ethics and morality, should take heed, as I also recall a tale of "a stone thrown without sin", by your very own standard, I s also a liar, Food for thought!!, Lets all hope so !!
Fellow Michigander here from escanaba michigan just got out of inpatient treatment for the 10 time pray for me got into a sober living house in Marquette
Thank you also, Your insight into addiction and macro life! are truly remarkable, and hearing you declare your triumphs in recovery are for me ,Inspiring ,so again "Thankyou, for taking the time to explore and share your experience.
Anyone who can overcome addiction and not hide it and speak it to the world in hopes of change is a real man. Bless him!! I agree too. Hes one heck of a guy to share that experience
AMEN!! THIS IS ONE OF TWO THAT EVER MADE ME LOOK TWICE. This one moved me to tears. Another great one: pleasure unwoven. Amazing documentary. Also moved me! This one is the topping of the cake
Devon Campbell , oh wow, did I strike a nerve? Sorry if I offended your complete incorrect way of thinking about what addiction truly is. You just go about your business, maybe have another relapse or two thinking you don’t have a choice in the matter. They do say the truth hurts so it’s obvious you’ve relapsed and most likely plan to relapse again. Anyway, good luck with that
Hillary Lies 5 years of addiction and now 9 months of sobriety no relapse and no plan to ever relapse. Keep being such a positive force for the human race you’re killing it.
Excellent! Question some of you know somebody like Raj Mehta, that can come and give a conference in the organization where i work. Which is a non-profit long term rehabilitation drugs residential...
They should NOT jail addicts!!!! They need to jail the dealers!!! The addicts need help not more shame. They need help - this hole system is messed up!!! Putting an addict in jail is NOT going to do anything but make the situation worse!!!
AMEN GIRL!!! I've been preaching this on deaf ears for years. My family rolls their eyes, coworkers say "they are junkies why do you care?" And anyone I discuss this MASSIVE ISSUE IN THE COUNTRY with, just thinks people need to be reprimanded and punished NOT HELPED AND TREATED. NOT TO MENTION ITS LIKE PUTTING A BANDAID OVER A GUSHING WOUND. give someone time in jail for an addiction issue, they will come out and continue to use (I know I have been that guy) because the UNDERLYING PROBLEM IS NOT FIXED. why do others not get this LIFEISAJOURNEY? sorry to ramble this is a very important subject close to my heart. Thanks for your comment!! Well said
Oh and one more thing!!! (Holy cow sorry lol) the shame comment here is BRILLIANT!!!!! Shame is one of the main reasons users continue to use!!! A lack of support and poor quality of environment (people, friends, family, etc.)
The Gerson Method book talk about lack of huge amount of minersl/vitamins 2000miligrams of pure vitamin c and vitamin b Iodine .where he says it stops your cravings of the drugs ..
The said part this - addicts competely understand and are compassionate to addicts - the rest of the wotld COULD NOT A GIVE A LESS OF A FUXK. Its so frustrating.
Maxwell Gerson daughter is in her 80s she has a medical practic in Mexico cause government didn't like what was being done natuslly but very high doses so seems her father is or was on the right track.
Hillary lies I m interested about the elevated recovery tips you offered to Dan Waits please let me know how to contact you. My son is the same condition and, I am desperate.
4.0 and you really think addiction is a disease? wow, what lobbyists paid you to get up there and say that. 10 years ago I made a choice to stop using and each day I get to recommit to that choice. Disease is the magic word when health insurance company's get the call from the rehab center askibg if they can pay an average $26.000 for a month stay in their center. But if they say their client has a problem making good choices the insurance company would say their not paying for it. ( is that making sense?) is that making sense? anyway thanks for giving power to the ENEMY.
Hillary Lies I think it's similar to OCD, you just need to break the habit and commit daily to not repeat the same mistake. Addiction definitely hijacks the brain.
Scott Laperriere , what does that mean though, hijacks the brain?? now be careful with your thoughts to this question. When you make a decision to take the same route to work every single day or eat the same thing every day for breakfast, it's doesn't mean you've made a decision simply because your brain is hijacked. It's 100% because you decided to because of many reasons... so when an addict continues making the same negative choices over and over, its simply because they've decided to chase that high or whatever their addiction gives them. We as a recovery community need to start to rethink the messages we're giving others. Having almost 11 years of recovery with zero relapses, I truly feel, think, and know that what we have as addicts is simply an inability to make good choices. And this can be changed by how bad we want recovery.. Nothing to do with a Disease or our brains being hijacked.
Hillary Lies I respect your opinion, but everyone's story and journey is different. There is no one size fits all when it comes to recovery. I battled for years and I am doing the correct thing now. But it took me years off and on to break my cycle. My brain was hijacked for sure, it was a compulsive obsession for me.
Hot air and toxic mascilulinity. End of the day that's what Rajen Vinod Mehta will push. It's too bad because people need legitemate help. He spends too much time making up titles "a master's level therapist" 😨 Whatever helps you cash checks I suppose. We all live in the same reality and see the same aspects of life. Tan is always the smartest person in the room; so don't try to have an independent thought. Outside of a completely unofficial "ted talk" he is as pushy and condescending as anyone you could imagine. As someone who works in the healthcare community; I speak freely when people choose to be negative or dishonest. It's genuinely unsettling. Great facts! You can bet no one's work was cited.
Wait a minute, did he actually just say, finance issues and legal issues are a symptom of drug and alcohol Disease ??? oh my hell. so I guess when a person gets divorced because of their addiction and their negative choices,, it's because of a symptom of a diesese?? WOW, well that's good news for that addict monster that lives with-in every addict.. That completely gives power to that addict monster.. After all it's not his fault, it's just a symptom.. So in other words, what this guy is saying is that everything negative we as addicts cause to those we love, is not our fault because they are all a symptom that we're not In control of happening?? Now, does that make sense? who ever reads this post, please please give this some thought and if you want You can call me for further info.
Brianne Hadley , wow you've definitely not read my post as slow as it appears you should have. I'm an addict in recovery, almost 11 of clean honest sobriety. Anyway, please read my post again. and this time try and pay attention. Be neutral. You must be one who believes addiction is a Disease, right?
He's not saying to pity an addict "because it's a disease." He is saying that addiction is a disease, the same way influenza is a disease, the same way COPD is a disease. There are signs and symptoms of a disease, and a disease is treatable. The signs and symptoms for influenza can be a runny nose, fever, headache. The signs and symptoms for COPD can be shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up pink sputum, etc. And the signs and symptoms of addiction can be financial issues (because an addict will prioritize buying drugs over everything else), legal issues ("men into bank robbers, women into prostitutes."). And Yes, when a person gets a divorce, that can be a sign and symptom of addiction. You can deduce that the partner is done putting up with the addict and that is why they are getting divorced.
Ok so I've looked at your original post and your responses to the comments on here. Firstly what he is saying is that people have financial issues and legal issues because of their addiction, WHICH IS A DISEASE, and you should know this as an addict yourself. If you have been in addiction you should know that the monster you refer to takes over, your ability to make correct choices. If you've also been through treatment admitting to what has gone on because of your addiction isn't an excuse its an opening to admit that while you may not have been in control, it happened and you need to deal with it. It seems like what your asking of him is to say yeah I'm an addict and everything that happened is my fault. Do you think that if every addict who went through recovery just said well its my fault I give up anyone would get recovery. You need to let go of your superior attitude, because part of having recovery in life it to help others, not judge them
disease not the same as addiction cuz addiction is a CHOICE and CHOOSING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY HOW BAD UR GONA GET...and if u have cancer and dying from it u have WAY LESS TO NO CONTROL...addiction is MAKING yourself first VS GETTING sick...BIG DIFFERENCE
Karma K - please will you make the CHOICE to become less ignorant and more informed? because right now you are so ill-informed that I almost feel pity for you.
Hillary Lies Its such a shame that your mind is too myopic to understand this. If you weren't so buried in self-loathing you would be able to actually learn something tremendous. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself once in a while to look beyond your own nose; it's usually very rewarding. ;)
BKKdoesItBetter , so I take it you truly do believe what he's saying? If I've offended you, I'm sorry. I guess it just amazes me how grown adults can think they don't need to take ownership of their choices. After all, aren't we taking about making choices to continued giving into our individual addictions??
if you think we don't take ownership, you've missed the entire point. You've said your an addict but it was your choice and if you've said that during active addiction it was a conscious choice, that you continued addiction to the level he's talking about then you are a liar
Hello, real quick. my Wife has MS, a real disease. Sometimes she can't walk to well, gets headaches, can't think all that good, gets very tired, and has numbness throughout her body. There is no cure for her legitimate disease. If my Wife could simply choose to stop her symptoms, she would. You ask anybody you want who has cancer, if they had the ability to stop their symptoms just by choosing to have them stop if they would. they would look at you and say, are you crazy of course I would. It's a complete slap in their face for us addicts to go around professing to the world that we have a disease. We most definitely do not have a disease, but more so, an inability to make correct decisions. Thats Why All Addiction Is Simply A choice. Thank you:
I understand you're upset about your wife's condition. I knew someone with MS. It sucks. This video is about something else...addiction. Don't lash out because you and your wife are hurting. Seek therapy if you haven't already. It's not fair for you to go around hating on everyone else because you're in pain.
suzy cheezecake,, oh wow, I've been missundetstood once again. I'm not at all complaining I regards to my Wife's condition at all. She does have MS but she also does not let it didtate her life to the least digree. She is doing awesome and her health is great.. She does however have legitimate disease. I was simply letting those know who have been in trapped or fooled into thinking that addiction was a Disease,,, that's it's NOT.. if you go back and read my post you will see.. anyway, have a great and happy day.
I had to watch this a few more times... So powerful... I have a 18 year old son that I use to be his hero.. At 16 he lost a girl friend and other depression... I wish I could turn time around... I was inconsiderate to his feelings just as his ex girlfriend was... He fell into using meth... I came down on him like a hammer... It continued like this at 16 yrs at 17 yrs now 18 yrs old... Ive said I'm done with you so many times... Ive call the police on him.. Ive even beat him nearly to unconscious when he would challenge me in my own home... Im so ashamed of myself... Ive turned into such a hate filled father... I once was his hero... Now I'm a POS but he tells me he loves me still... God I need to surround him with so much love from who I use to be.... I hate our culture in America... I hate how we are so far behind other countries... I just stumbled upon this video... Now I'm hooked on try to change myself to prepare to show my son im his hero and I'm proud of him and will be here when he needs me as a father, and a man to man talk with no judgment on him.
Thank you for your inspiring talk
Stay strong, brother.
+Dan Waits: The only thing - the ONLY thing - you can try to change is you. I know because I've been your son, and I've been you. In that time I had to accept that I'm not a POS because of how I have behaved at certain times or due to certain stressors. I'm not - and more importantly, YOU'RE not. We never need to be too proud to seek help when we feel overwhelmed. Bless you, Man.
+Dan Waits My sister has been an addict for 2 decades now. My advice to you is to support your son 100% when he is trying to get it together, but to protect yourself; your mental health, your home, your other family, and your possessions, you need to withdraw when he is on a tear. I know from personal experience, because I've tried many times with my sister, that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change them when your loved one is using. The only thing that happens is you suffer more. Use those times to take good care of yourself, so that when your loved one is ready you have the energy and mental strength to help them.
+Dan Waits you're a terrible father
+The Liberal Hunter and your a piece of shit "liberal hunter"
Yep..Raj is 1000% correct. Until we change our perceptions of addiction, nothing will change. The criminal aspect of addiction is preventing meaningful progress.
Yep, took me over 35 days to get in.
Glad too see someone else from Michigan with similar stuggles talk about it so openly and truly explain it.
Thank you.
I am an LCDC in Texas. This is spot on! Great job! I plan to share this in my groups. Thank you!
I have seen a lot of TED Talks but this is by far the best video I have ever seen
The part about children's rehab was especially powerful. Great talk!
GOD BLESS YOU!!! It is 1:13am and I'm laying in bed about to sleep and I listen to Ted talks or addiction videos (my two favs) while sleeping often, and this came on.I am literally wide awake now almost in tears. This video shook me to the core. You nailed everything man. I greatly appreciate your efforts to change the stigma, but MOST IMPORTANTLY the way of treatment (rather the LACK THERE OF ) for addicts. Sometimes I feel like in fifty years we will look back and this will be the "segregation"of this period. And we are all the few and far between that are ahead of our time. I'm rambling here, sorry I have so much to say. This was beautiful. Thank you so very much for having the courage to stand up and share your struggles. God bless!
This is a really well scripted all inclusive view of the disease. I can NOT thank you enough. I am excited to share this video with the high school community of teens and staff I work with on a daily basis.
Wow... and I almost shut it off after the first few sentences... and I am an addict
The real kind ..
9:45 -- best description yet. I always say it’s like buying air
Dennis Cox same
Danny Eugene Waits
You are not a terrible father I know it hurts to have a lost child in drugs. I am with you.
I know your frustration and pain. Don’t listen to people insulting you about your parenting. They are not in your shoes. It’s just easy to judge for others but, if anything you are a good father.
Just watched this in my IOP program this morning, now here I am rewatching again, very informative, inspiring and thought provoking.
You nailed it bro. I've been through all the same shit. Our stories are almost a mirror image. Happy to see you made it.
Good for you!!! Stay strong!!
Fortune favors the bold-beautiful. You’re a lovely soul.
As an old-timer/survivor/thriver of poly-chemical utilization I want to say thank you.
I want to encourage the consideration of new linguistics. “Addict” itself would be a great place to begin.
You're making sense.
He's not, though.
Mitchell Delmar ha! I just commented this as well lol
Great talk my Indian brother
For the 1st time, this has been explained so realistically true. I hope your message spreads and all that needs to be done is structured to your message . Tks Raj.
THANK YOU!!!! Being an Alcoholic/Addict "SOBER 3 months as of yesterday...*May 2nd 2016" :) I have been looking for a way to explain to family/friends "WHAT IS ALCOHOLISM" ;) How this is a DISEASE and this affects the BODY, MIND, SOUL!!* As well once you stop Drinking/Using it's not 'OVER' ;) BOHDI* Starr ********
Please come share your story on Facebook @ No Addict Left Behind. Your story could change lives.
great talk Raj just what I needed to hear, right when I needed to hear it.
Thank you for haveing courage to speak so honestly. The statisticks you gave are alarming. No politition is even touching this huge problem faceing our nation. They are no heros. You are a hero!
No E in Having
statisticks politition these are not words
There's an "E" in douchbag..........oh wait.
I made it. I'm clean. Thanks for the email and the book.
Great topic and powerful honesty
I had a good life and it's getting worse and worse, I don't want to be like this anymore and I don't know how to get help, I see people, strangers, and I feel like saying 'help me'
I hope you found help ❤
Please try going to church or a house of faith
Could you find an addictions counsellor , mabe referred by a GP ?
very well said. Thank you
Thank you for having the motivation to attempt to educate, if at least one individual gains the knowledge your feeding them then your doing great. I know a person right now that your helping currently who fell back down after miles of climbing back up. Super powerful!
😨Absolutely BRILLIANT!! Thank you sooooo much ✌
He is sharing about the stigma. We are the solution. The people in recovery that can share how they did it one day at a time.
"Is that making sense?" - Raj Mehta
Thanks for being brave and putting your story out there.
Well said. I thought the same thing. Especially after turning his life around. Amazing!!
thanks i used some of this info in my papers as a trainee drug counselor in the uk.
Such a powerful talk
That made a lot of sense.
Great Ted Talk! Fortune favors the bold!
Wow. This hit home.
Great talk you have here! Addiction will really break you to pieces. Fortunately there are lots of treatment centers across U.S. that may help break the addiction problems.
+Recovery Experts "may" as in might (not) ? And yet they will be paid either way.
Recovery Experts ,, do you think then that addiction is a disease?
Hillary lies: go watch my video: Addiction DECODED. It explains the brain disease argument. I bet you'll see (hopefully) why people say it is a disease then. People like Harvard university and the psychiatric association.
Interesting. He is making A LOT of sense.
Yes it's making sense
Powerful Message
Can I just voice, that after reading some of the responses to this "Talk", I notice a distinct lack of empathy, perhaps those of you who wish to be negative in each of your responses, and voice on the standards of ethics and morality, should take heed, as I also recall a tale of "a stone thrown without sin", by your very own standard, I s also a liar, Food for thought!!, Lets all hope so !!
You made a lot of sense thank you
“Makes sense” to me!!
God Bless you.
keep your head up.
I really like the video. Thank for taking your time explaining the Video. It really does make sense.
Nice talk. Nice cardigan.
Great talk.
thanks for the video
Very nice talk.
Love love this ! Thx Raj ❤
Fellow Michigander here from escanaba michigan just got out of inpatient treatment for the 10 time pray for me got into a sober living house in Marquette
I found these 3 P's videos more helpful than AA THEY MAKE YOU RELIVE PAST 3P'S GIVES YOU AND HELPS YOU TO A NEW FUTURE
Seems like he's making sense.
Awesome talk brother..
thank u brother
whoa amazing speech
very good message
Thank you also, Your insight into addiction and macro life! are truly remarkable, and hearing you declare your triumphs in recovery are for me ,Inspiring ,so again "Thankyou, for taking the time to explore and share your experience.
The ones with the most knowledge are the ones that been there and over came!..No Dr or therapist can give you..
Anyone who can overcome addiction and not hide it and speak it to the world in hopes of change is a real man. Bless him!! I agree too. Hes one heck of a guy to share that experience
Hit it right on the spot man
Very very powerful! It matters to the ones I throw back in! Where can I follow this man??
Great Video.
I don’t believe it’s a felony charge, however I do agree with and appreciate what you are doing
Well said
That what it is thanks for sharing..
Brilliant, incisive talk. I've watched too many talks on addiction, full of platitudes, cliches, and no real solution.
AMEN!! THIS IS ONE OF TWO THAT EVER MADE ME LOOK TWICE. This one moved me to tears. Another great one: pleasure unwoven. Amazing documentary. Also moved me! This one is the topping of the cake
"who walked across broken glass" wow, fucking beautiful
u r making sense loads of!!
I would have liked to hear more about how family members can approach the person addicted to get help ?
Hi5 for this dude's Storytelling.
The government will never help to solve this crisis. It would crush this country economically
Devon Campbell , oh wow, did I strike a nerve? Sorry if I offended your complete incorrect way of thinking about what addiction truly is. You just go about your business, maybe have another relapse or two thinking you don’t have a choice in the matter. They do say the truth hurts so it’s obvious you’ve relapsed and most likely plan to relapse again.
Anyway, good luck with that
Hillary Lies 5 years of addiction and now 9 months of sobriety no relapse and no plan to ever relapse. Keep being such a positive force for the human race you’re killing it.
Love the pebble and ripple analogy! Does the liquid nature of drug addiction classify as a medical or cultural issue?
Loved this as well!!! Very genius! This man is absolutely brilliant.
Excellent! Question some of you know somebody like Raj Mehta, that can come and give a conference in the organization where i work. Which is a non-profit long term rehabilitation drugs residential...
You are so right!!!! Thank you for this video!!!
They should NOT jail addicts!!!! They need to jail the dealers!!! The addicts need help not more shame. They need help - this hole system is messed up!!! Putting an addict in jail is NOT going to do anything but make the situation worse!!!
AMEN GIRL!!! I've been preaching this on deaf ears for years. My family rolls their eyes, coworkers say "they are junkies why do you care?" And anyone I discuss this MASSIVE ISSUE IN THE COUNTRY with, just thinks people need to be reprimanded and punished NOT HELPED AND TREATED. NOT TO MENTION ITS LIKE PUTTING A BANDAID OVER A GUSHING WOUND. give someone time in jail for an addiction issue, they will come out and continue to use (I know I have been that guy) because the UNDERLYING PROBLEM IS NOT FIXED. why do others not get this LIFEISAJOURNEY? sorry to ramble this is a very important subject close to my heart. Thanks for your comment!! Well said
Oh and one more thing!!! (Holy cow sorry lol) the shame comment here is BRILLIANT!!!!! Shame is one of the main reasons users continue to use!!! A lack of support and poor quality of environment (people, friends, family, etc.)
"Is that making Sense?"
The Gerson Method book talk about lack of huge amount of minersl/vitamins 2000miligrams of pure vitamin c and vitamin b Iodine .where he says it stops your cravings of the drugs ..
A disease also has to affect an organ. Which addiction does. It affects the brain.
Politicians lie..who would have thought
The said part this - addicts competely understand and are compassionate to addicts - the rest of the wotld COULD NOT A GIVE A LESS OF A FUXK. Its so frustrating.
Hi Understanding Life
Maxwell Gerson daughter is in her 80s she has a medical practic in Mexico cause government didn't like what was being done natuslly but very high doses so seems her father is or was on the right track.
Hillary lies
I m interested about the elevated recovery tips you offered to Dan Waits please let me know how to contact you. My son is the same condition and, I am desperate.
Mireya McCarthy
Hello, how are things?
Wait. What are your views here Hillary Lies? I'm so confused....
I coined that lecture he discusses as a full time job “Buzz Management” if you good at it you can manage that buzz to your grave...
Kind of odd that for in an addictions video they at first have a commercial of a chinese guy drinking wine...
I got high successfully. She’ll drive me to the conect, at home I’ll leave on her sink my paycheck signed. “Just don’t let anyone know”
Only a few hundred thousand views... Humanity is unfortunately doomed.... Too many horrid people out there. I am afraid to live.
PLUS someone getting cancer or MS etc doesnt make them throw their morals out the window, unlike addiction, NO COMPARISON
all the more reason that person needs your empathy understanding help and not your bitterness and distain.
4.0 and you really think addiction is a disease? wow, what lobbyists paid you to get up there and say that. 10 years ago I made a choice to stop using and each day I get to recommit to that choice. Disease is the magic word when health insurance company's get the call from the rehab center askibg if they can pay an average $26.000 for a month stay in their center. But if they say their client has a problem making good choices the insurance company would say their not paying for it. ( is that making sense?)
is that making sense?
anyway thanks for giving power to the ENEMY.
Hillary Lies I think it's more of a compulsion.
Scott Laperriere ,, definitively not a disease.
Hillary Lies I think it's similar to OCD, you just need to break the habit and commit daily to not repeat the same mistake. Addiction definitely hijacks the brain.
Scott Laperriere , what does that mean though, hijacks the brain?? now be careful with your thoughts to this question. When you make a decision to take the same route to work every single day or eat the same thing every day for breakfast, it's doesn't mean you've made a decision simply because your brain is hijacked. It's 100% because you decided to because of many reasons... so when an addict continues making the same negative choices over and over, its simply because they've decided to chase that high or whatever their addiction gives them. We as a recovery community need to start to rethink the messages we're giving others. Having almost 11 years of recovery with zero relapses, I truly feel, think, and know that what we have as addicts is simply an inability to make good choices. And this can be changed by how bad we want recovery.. Nothing to do with a Disease or our brains being hijacked.
Hillary Lies I respect your opinion, but everyone's story and journey is different. There is no one size fits all when it comes to recovery. I battled for years and I am doing the correct thing now. But it took me years off and on to break my cycle. My brain was hijacked for sure, it was a compulsive obsession for me.
We know what the problem is! What is your solution?!
a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent)....mine is chocolate milk
MrFuckhed Listen Fuckhead! Lol
Hot air and toxic mascilulinity. End of the day that's what Rajen Vinod Mehta will push. It's too bad because people need legitemate help. He spends too much time making up titles "a master's level therapist" 😨 Whatever helps you cash checks I suppose.
We all live in the same reality and see the same aspects of life. Tan is always the smartest person in the room; so don't try to have an independent thought.
Outside of a completely unofficial "ted talk" he is as pushy and condescending as anyone you could imagine.
As someone who works in the healthcare community; I speak freely when people choose to be negative or dishonest. It's genuinely unsettling.
Great facts! You can bet no one's work was cited.
Hi My Med TALK = Pharmageddon
Wait a minute, did he actually just say, finance issues and legal issues are a symptom of drug and alcohol Disease ??? oh my hell. so I guess when a person gets divorced because of their addiction and their negative choices,, it's because of a symptom of a diesese?? WOW, well that's good news for that addict monster that lives with-in every addict.. That completely gives power to that addict monster.. After all it's not his fault, it's just a symptom.. So in other words, what this guy is saying is that everything negative we as addicts cause to those we love, is not our fault because they are all a symptom that we're not In control of happening?? Now, does that make sense? who ever reads this post, please please give this some thought and if you want You can call me for further info.
Brianne Hadley ,, so are you replying to my remarks? your talking to me or you agree with me?
Brianne Hadley , wow you've definitely not read my post as slow as it appears you should have. I'm an addict in recovery, almost 11 of clean honest sobriety. Anyway, please read my post again. and this time try and pay attention. Be neutral. You must be one who believes addiction is a Disease, right?
oh wow, a nerve was struck.. Open your eye's and truly see what's going on.. oh wait, you chose to walk with blinders on don't you? k
He's not saying to pity an addict "because it's a disease." He is saying that addiction is a disease, the same way influenza is a disease, the same way COPD is a disease. There are signs and symptoms of a disease, and a disease is treatable. The signs and symptoms for influenza can be a runny nose, fever, headache. The signs and symptoms for COPD can be shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up pink sputum, etc. And the signs and symptoms of addiction can be financial issues (because an addict will prioritize buying drugs over everything else), legal issues ("men into bank robbers, women into prostitutes."). And Yes, when a person gets a divorce, that can be a sign and symptom of addiction. You can deduce that the partner is done putting up with the addict and that is why they are getting divorced.
Ok so I've looked at your original post and your responses to the comments on here. Firstly what he is saying is that people have financial issues and legal issues because of their addiction, WHICH IS A DISEASE, and you should know this as an addict yourself. If you have been in addiction you should know that the monster you refer to takes over, your ability to make correct choices. If you've also been through treatment admitting to what has gone on because of your addiction isn't an excuse its an opening to admit that while you may not have been in control, it happened and you need to deal with it. It seems like what your asking of him is to say yeah I'm an addict and everything that happened is my fault. Do you think that if every addict who went through recovery just said well its my fault I give up anyone would get recovery. You need to let go of your superior attitude, because part of having recovery in life it to help others, not judge them
disease not the same as addiction cuz addiction is a CHOICE and CHOOSING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY HOW BAD UR GONA GET...and if u have cancer and dying from it u have WAY LESS TO NO CONTROL...addiction is MAKING yourself first VS GETTING sick...BIG DIFFERENCE
It's not a choice? Wtf
Karma K - please will you make the CHOICE to become less ignorant and more informed? because right now you are so ill-informed that I almost feel pity for you.
Um, yeah I don't want to take ownership of my choices so I think I'll continue watching this video. Wow. There are idiots all around us
Hillary Lies Its such a shame that your mind is too myopic to understand this. If you weren't so buried in self-loathing you would be able to actually learn something tremendous. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself once in a while to look beyond your own nose; it's usually very rewarding. ;)
BKKdoesItBetter , so I take it you truly do believe what he's saying? If I've offended you, I'm sorry. I guess it just amazes me how grown adults can think they don't need to take ownership of their choices. After all, aren't we taking about making choices to continued giving into our individual addictions??
Hillary Lies How privileged are you....probably own a gun ...now there is a sick american
sandra simmonds , oh wow, what are you implying exactly?
if you think we don't take ownership, you've missed the entire point. You've said your an addict but it was your choice and if you've said that during active addiction it was a conscious choice, that you continued addiction to the level he's talking about then you are a liar
Hello, real quick. my Wife has MS, a real disease. Sometimes she can't walk to well, gets headaches, can't think all that good, gets very tired, and has numbness throughout her body.
There is no cure for her legitimate disease. If my Wife could simply choose to stop her symptoms, she would. You ask anybody you want who has cancer, if they had the ability to stop their symptoms just by choosing to have them stop if they would. they would look at you and say, are you crazy of course I would.
It's a complete slap in their face for us addicts to go around professing to the world that we have a disease. We most definitely do not have a disease, but more so, an inability to make correct decisions. Thats Why All Addiction Is Simply A choice.
Thank you:
whoa. you must be really smart.
cassl14 , so are you implying addiction is disease?
no dude sounds like you got the whole thing figured out mate, the world thanks you, you fixed it. carry on.
I understand you're upset about your wife's condition. I knew someone with MS. It sucks. This video is about something else...addiction. Don't lash out because you and your wife are hurting. Seek therapy if you haven't already. It's not fair for you to go around hating on everyone else because you're in pain.
suzy cheezecake,, oh wow, I've been missundetstood once again. I'm not at all complaining I regards to my Wife's condition at all. She does have MS but she also does not let it didtate her life to the least digree. She is doing awesome and her health is great.. She does however have legitimate disease. I was simply letting those know who have been in trapped or fooled into thinking that addiction was a Disease,,, that's it's NOT.. if you go back and read my post you will see.. anyway, have a great and happy day.
😨Absolutely BRILLIANT!! Thank you sooooo much ✌
Great talk