I love this! This man who dressed as a woman. God delivered him. If you are bored about this somethings wrong. That's a miracle. A lot of churches cant say that this has happen because they are too important to take time with people who are bound and want/need to be set free. Thank God for this pastor and Prophet Brian Carn.
Hallelujah praise Jesus for delivering and filling him with the Holy Ghost. He has everything he needs to go to heaven. That's what it's all about seeing souls being born into the kingdom of God.
Hallelujia!!!! To God Be The Glory!!!! Hallejuia!!! My God I'm so in love with you....Thank you my God!!! God continue to bless this man whom belongs to you!!!!
I was in a revival 2 years ago and he prophesied that several people would get checks in the mail within a week. Me and my aunt both got checks in the mail. People have to understand that even if he is a false man of God its still not your job to talk about him but pray for him because you can curse yourself.
When they speak to a crowd and generalize it is bound to happen to someone in the room. He was just guessing and who would know if it didn't come true since he wasn't specific. A real prophet would have known who when and how much. He is just a fortune teller.
No you are wrong and you cannot show that in the bible. The false prophet was to be avoided that is in the scripture. Elijah said take them and kill them. We do not do it physically in the new testament but we kill their influence. Real prophets were not sent to talk about checks in the mail. The man literally called himself a physic and then had to come back and correct himself. No prophet would ever make that mistake. What was in his heart came out. Its on you tube. Brian Carn calls himself a physic. And a real prophet reveals sin. A real prophet turns people back to holiness. You will not find one real prophet in the bible who caused scandal in the church. The problem is some of you people believe another gospel. You dont believe the bible. Thats crazy to me. How people can call themselves Christian but totally go against the bible but then again thats what the catholic church brought. Cultural Christianity. They comverted because they did not want to be killed and persecuted but they never had a heart towards God. So people are just “ born” into Christianity and have never been born again. They believe everything but the real bible.
The fearful and unbelievers wll have their part in the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone -- I have been a partaker of this same gospel anddemonstation of the Holy Ghost since 1973 and I love it. I find all I need in the Holy Ghost! The City Wide Crusades, revivals, and tent meetings have done great things for me, have prospered me to new levels in Christ Jesus, and have strengthened me in all weaknsses!!! PLEASE NOTE: The carnal mind cannot receive the spiritual things of God. Prophet Carn is operating in the spiritual things of God and knows all things through the Spirit of God -- God is well pleased and has no greater joy than to know that His children walk in the Truth
I pray that you don't get discouraged and stop letting God use you for even here at home it is like you can feel the power of God moving in and through you
everydevil is mad because his first order of business is making sure folks are baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Spirit, and repented. Now if that aint truth.... I love it! SOULS!!!
Our Blessed Everlasting Father in Jesus name, Please release some miracles, helps, and blessings. I need an apartment speedily SOS in a quiet, clean, with businesses, churches, and restaurants and not too far from hospitals, and doctors. Also I need healing and deliverance from demonic activity and criminals activities. Thanks again for being so faithful and liberal in Christ Almighty. I agree with you in prayer that it is done ✅ Amen Amen Amen 🙏❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Princess Bee
Meu sonho é pregar nos EUA alguém aí da América pode me agendar pra pregar na América? Deus abençoe grandemente. O que é impossível aos homens é possível para Deus.
This Prophet is on Point! If we don't pursue our soul salvation with much focus, cause the Love, for the Christ Jesus is alive in us, how shall you be considered to be sinecure- Christ will only take you, if you deny yourself to follow Him- lifestyle and all! Be Saintified- and manfest the fruits of His Spirit.
No he is not "on point." Did you hear some of the things he said about the people in the "money portion" of the sermon. Those things made no sense, and in one part, he actually encouraged the lady to commit theft and bank fraud, both which are felonies.
casius caligula I gave my statement only upon the words that I wrote in the comment above. Yes I saw some flaws but I choose as a wise viewer to take out the valuable point and live from that. I decern flaws in most preachers but I can just turn my nose up, cause I notice some error- leaders most grow and develope too. I just know who is safe enough to be my pastor. No man has it allllllllll together. So I must humble my self cause Jesus has patience with each one of them- so I keep my ears and attention open to Jesus. We walk by faith leaning on the Lord- ever trusting Him.
***** But you see, that does not make any sense [to me], and that is my problem with "church people". If the god who whispers messages to you in your ear to impart to others (in his name) can't give you the details and the correct information, then He, She, or It is a weak god, deserving of no attention or obedience. I never understood why a god who created an actual universe filled with stars, planets, animals, people, and millions of other discovered and undiscovered crap can't let his "prophet' hear clear, concise, and provable information/instructions. A true "god" could; therefore, these people can't be hearing from one. I fathom myself a highly-effective instructor, but if half of the things a tell my students are great and "on point" and half of them are either undeceivable, can't be explained or proven, or just plain wrong, then my students should not only refuse to listen to me, but run in the opposite direction. Why in the world would someone hold a "messenger of God" to a lower standard than that of a high school English teacher? ...and to your [logic] of a spiritual leader "having flaws, making errors and growing": Just suppose he was having one of his "moments of error" when he advised that woman to give her money away, and then she ended up homeless because the message actually did not come from and real god [that day]. Will he be around to refund her money, buy her a new house, or fix her circumstance, or will he offer her one of the tried and true come-backs of the "religiously off" preachers, "My sister, you did not receive your blessing yet because your faith wasn't strong enough." I've heard it all before.
casius caligula Well you are taking the discussion, to where your itch is, I'm not making your arena of sight, my concern. I have stated what point of his speaking inspired me, and from there I will have a good day, living with Jesus. I will have other things to be concerned about, that God has given me responsibility to change, that's good enough for me. Other people will answer your concerns, if you can't go directly to the minister or person, whom you differ with.
Praise God . The Holy Ghost can be our mirror for our convictions of how God want us Women and Men to cover up. That's why God want us as women to cover up the top and the bottom. And men especially pastors, Use to wear a Robe type attire or suit jackets to cover their private bottoms front part and back. So people could hear God and Spirtually see his presence of Jesus.❤ Let's get back to that. God charged the priest to wear britches to cover their body before his people. How.much more do God charge us to cover the private body parts UP.. ❤
God dont play he is mighty and powerful the homesexual is being set free dont tell me my God is not real he is doing great things............... aewsome move of God
Isaiah 53:5, he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed. For salvation, we just need to follow the way they did it in Acts? They were baptized in water for the removal of sins and filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38! Here's why! The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If we are to follow him, we must do the same thing. Death= repentance, Burial = baptism, and resurrection = being filled and rising again from the dead. That's what Acts 2:38 is. We must obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ... Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven. St John 3:3-5, EXCEPT a man, be born of WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD. We can't come up with our own gospel. Galatians 1:8-9, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Don't be cursed. One way for all people. Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. Our salvation has to match up with the scriptures and no scriptures on the subject can be taken away. Eternity is TOOO long to be WRONG! st, John 5:39, Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. The gospels show what Christ has done on the cross for us. The book of Acts shows us the beginning of Christ's Church and how to enter the Church, obeying Acts 2:38. The letters were written to the Church to show us how to behave now that we are born again into the Church. It's better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd going in the wrong direction. Are we supposed to follow the teachings of the apostles? Acts 2:42, And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrines. Ephesians 2:20, We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. Don't get Titus 3:5 mixed up with James 2:14-26, about WORKS. One is a WORK of your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS OR GOOD DEEDS and the other is a WORK OF FAITH. Titus 1:16, They profess that they know God; but in WORKS they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. God bless you
The language that ya'll using tell who you belong to and no wonder ya'll posting bad comments about the man of God. People get a life and you better watch what you say about Gods Prophet!! And I didn't speak in tongues that is American English don't get in trouble with God by attacking this man
Ya'll so jealous of this man its funny.what is God doing through ya'll ?????? put your video up. who will listen or who will follow you? ain't nobody mad but the devil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Jesus said...Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. He preach like a slave master preaching to his slaves, cause they do not read...
What if someone in that place truly believed God for their need. Just because this man may or may not be what he says does that mean God won't honor that person's faith. We must never forget that some people go to hear God not the man. Just like God made the false Prophet bless the people of Israel he can do the same thing today.Remember to God it's about his people.
There is no way I could or would listen or watch over three hours of this; HOWEVER, I was bored tonight, so I ran through a few sections. From the "money part", if he could give me the contact information of just two of those new millionaires, then I wouldn't think that this was 3 hours of bullshit. That lady who supposedly gave him all of her money but $10 (1:48:00), then saw a million dollars in her account, as per his "prophesy"... WOW. He said he told her to get as much of it out of the bank as she could. If that did happen, I know that lady was arrested within 48 hours. By the way, he said, "In seven days, you'll be a multi-millionaire." $1,000,010.00 is not a multi-millionaire, but he told her to commit bank fraud and steal the money from a bank mistake anyway....and the ignorant, emotional people in the audience cheered. Where is that lady that got 40 million dollars? If she is real and can confirm that to me, I will donate all of the money I have to the poor besides $10. This I swear.
***** Thank you for the reply and blessings to you also. While I read what you said, I do not want to wait to "get to Heaven" to get many of the answers I seek and feel like I need. That makes no sense to me. Why can't the millions of people like I have some concrete answers [now]? What makes us intellectually frustrated is that when we ask direct questions (questions that could actually have real answers) we rarely get them. Questions like: Where is that lady that got the 40 million dollars? If she is a real person like he said, then her identity and "testimony" would help to convince a lot of people, including me. These "miracles" need some evidence and proof in order to help keep [religion] from continuously being seen as merely two to three hour performances one or twice a week. While studying and researching for the book I am currently writing, I have transcribed many sermons from these "preachers and prophets" into actually text. When many of them were read and analyzed as a text document, much of what was said had little to no realistic, and in some cases, no Biblical significance or connections. Rarely do people want to address these issues/problems. The cliche responses are things like; "You need to just trust God", "Have faith", Just believe", or the age-old gem "The answers will come by and by, when we get to Heaven." I can't/wont accept that cop-out. I want my answers now, damnit. If these specific and easily answered questions can't or wont be answered or discussed when asked, then what is the purpose of it all anyway? Consequently, then preachers and/or religious leaders/teachers can say or prophesy anything. In the Bible story, even Jesus' boys said, "No, wait a minute, let me see some holes, some scars, some bruises, something, before I believe this incredible story of you getting up out of your own grave." Much props to the disciples; and like Cuba Gooding, Jr. said in his Oscar-winning role, "Show me the Money!" (preacher pun intended)
Pamela Birungi Question #1 What did i say that was nonsensical? Be specific please. Question #2 Who am I to judge? No need to answer; I'll answer that for you. I am a person with [a brain], ability to question AND reason, as well as common sense, someone who actually listens (sometimes) to the bullshit some of these preachers are saying. Some of this stuff needs to be evaluated and judged, and some of the "preachers" need to be checked, regularly. Just because someone says, "I speak the word of God and "He told me to tell you these things" does NOT mean all of it should be believed, followed, or eternalized. [I] believe there is a higher power telling me to call out bullshit people say or MIS-represent as words or instructions from a spiritual guider, wether it be from my co-workers, my friends or family, or even some of the so-called prophets or tele-communicators of God. I say to you also, if he gets me in contact with the lady that received 40 millions dollars from his prophesy, I swear to God (wherever this god,he or she is) that I will give all of my money to the poor and work entirely for the church. The right reverend can contact me through Google, get me in touch with the 45 million dollar lady, and as quick as both my banks can transfer all of accounts (probably only two days tops), I will hold up my end of the agreement and start to testify to people about the accuracy and realness of this thing called prophesy and telling of the future. I have made similar promises/challenges to preachers for years, and not ONCE has any one of them supplied me with one shred of proof of these grandiose prophetic claims. NOT ONCE. There, my dear madam, is you non sense.
***** First I would like to thank you for your words and your thoughts. I believe they were sincerely meant, and believe me, they were sincerely received. With that being said, I would like to proffer this thought. It is not my intention “to prove God” with my questions in this instance, I merely seek proof of the existence of the lady who, by the Reverend’s prophetic instructions, came into a windfall of 40 million dollars. I would humbly state that we don’t even need a god for this [one]. We only need a few clicks of a computer keyboard and maybe a phone call to get this done. As stated before, if this woman does exist and her identity (and bank account status) can be verified, I will relinquish all of my worldly financial benefits. You see, one of the problems many people (I included) have with the way others approach a discussion about God, is that when even simple things are asked to be explained or dare I say “proven” at times, a stock answer is, "God is beyond our understanding." If people believe that, that’s fine with me; however, I do not. If that were the end-all response to every challenge, then I submit this: Far older and longer than the Christian God, it was believed that Zeus created and ruled the universe. There is no way to prove that he does not or did not exist either, but people on Earth who are said to be tied to prophesies delivered by man, supposedly under the direction of a god, [can] be proven. We do not need a god here. I am sure if the woman does exist, she is extremely happy about the bump in her finances and would be more than willing to testify to the validity of the prophet as well as the goodness of her god to anyone who wants to listen and believe. In fact, according to the Bible, that is exactly what she is ordered to do. In the book of Malachi, God did say, “Prove Me.” Well Prophet Carn, please to prove Him to me, as it relates to His speaking directly to you about these messages and instructions concerning peoples futures and the inceredible things that will happen or have happened, that I may also believe, fall down and worship him, and surrender all of my worldly goods towards the poor and needy, as I have humbly promised. While the complexities of the universe are far beyond the comprehension of even the most learned of us, I get that. [This] discussion is not that. I do not believe that people hear voices that help them foretell people’s future. The Bible also says that if one is to evangelize to the weak or even the non-believer, that he is to be wise and careful in doing so. What would be wiser and have a bigger "bang" than to produce this new multi-millionaire so that all who see her can rejoice and marvel at the wonder of God. Now [that] would help fill those pews, and more importantly to some minsters, those offering plates up a lot faster…Just sayin’
Prophet Carn is incorrect when he says that you can speak things into existence or that God has called us to speak things into existence. We are created to worship God and proclaim the Gospel to a lost world. Being able to speak into existence the things you want is not God's will. Scripture shows us that we have been called to take our crosses and follow Christ.
hmm I wonder! yes we r called to speak n things work out,what faith do you faith religious faith or voilent faith(empowerment faith through Jesus christ.\
@Roger Gambrel- Your comment appears to indicate a baby Christian, new to the faith, novice, and despise prophecy -- Faith wihout work is dead -- You cannot separate faith from work -- faith and work are inseparable and interchangable -- I am a living witness that we Can SPEAK THINGS INTO EXISTENCE DAILY -- Roger, you can be enlightened and opened in your understanding as you pray and study daily -- If any lack wisdom, let him ask God who giveth freely -- You will know as you follow on to know -- definitely an ongoing learrning process for a lifetime journey with Jesus
Nowhere in Scripture are we given power to speak anything into existence. That is a prerogative that the Creator alone possesses. I am despising prophetic utterances. First Thessalonians 5 teaches us to not despise prophetic utterances, but in the verse following verse 21, we are warned to test all things. The Apostle John warns the church to test the spirits (1st John 4). It is baby-like or highly immature to not test what the prophet is saying. Acts 17 tells us that the Berians were commended for searching the Scriptures. I don't you have searched any Bible passages to verify if Prophet Carn is 100% accurate in his prophetic utterances. According to Deuteronomy 13 and 18, any prophet that gives a false prophet is to be stoned. READ YOUR BIBLE!
MsSasa2013 What have you spoken into existence? Are you saying that you can create out of nothing? Understand my point. In Genesis, when God speaks things appear or happen. Are you saying that human beings have the same power that God the Creator possesses? This is the same lie Satan introduced to Eve in the garden. Be reminded that Satan told Eve that she could be just like God if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God governs us by His word (the Bible). We don't govern God. He don't command Him; He commands us. We have to be extremely careful in allowing mysticism and witch craft to confuse our understanding.
@rogergambrell49 --keep reading your Bible, ask God to endow you with power from on high, ask for wisdom Prophet Carn speaks God's Word and I have heard the same Words all my life
You're going to name call me after reading this but that's ok. His father was in prison most of his life, he was raised by his mother and was saved under a female pastor. Both my mother, father, and 2 uncles were crack-addicts, I was raised by my grandmother and also got saved under a strict female pastor. I choose to remain celibate in honor of the Word of God. I date women but chose not to have sex. If I have feminine tendencies from being celibate and people label me as gay (which some do) then I'm willing to take such persecution and name-calling. But I love God, practice abstinence and am far from gay.
sjparker541 why would I call you names? My comments were directed at Carn. My anger is cus he exploited that guy he perceived as gay, and embarrassed him. I don't even know who you are. Are you the long haired dude Carn was calling out? Whoever you are or aren't; its not a preacher's place to put you on blast during a service. I just thank God I am Roman Catholic and am not subjected to suck foolery and fuckery.
UHC4LYFE LOL, Am I the long-hair dude, that was funny. Ok I was referring to something else before seeing the long-hair guy and apologize for not watching the entire video before responding. But since we're on the subject, there's nothing wrong with the spirit calling someone out like that, especially if the person's soul is at stake. But you're Roman Catholic so I can understand how you'd disagree. There are a lot of things God did in scripture which made no human sense, but it does not take away from him doing it to accomplish a goal.
sjparker541 I do disagree. Worshipping God has nothing to do with man. To call someone out puts the focus on man, it embarrasses, humiliates, demeans and belittles. What if the minister is wrong? Then an innocent person is now labeled a faggot. You should not agree with this type of foolishness as a Christian, Catholic or otherwise.
sjparker541 I do disagree. Worshipping God has nothing to do with man. To call someone out puts the focus on man, it embarrasses, humiliates, demeans and belittles. What if the minister is wrong? Then an innocent person is now labeled a faggot. You should not agree with this type of foolishness as a Christian, Catholic or otherwise.
Prophet carn, every word he says is true! Have to follow jesus all the way. He is a true prophet. Wish I could be there. Jesus is good every day. Hey
God really uses this man of God thank you Jesus for his teaching
I love this! This man who dressed as a woman. God delivered him. If you are bored about this somethings wrong. That's a miracle. A lot of churches cant say that this has happen because they are too important to take time with people who are bound and want/need to be set free. Thank God for this pastor and Prophet Brian Carn.
The power of God is real!!! Gays & Lesbians are STILL being delivered and transformed back to who God created them to be! !!! GLORY BE TO GOD!!!
Hallelujah praise Jesus for delivering and filling him with the Holy Ghost. He has everything he needs to go to heaven. That's what it's all about seeing souls being born into the kingdom of God.
I just love this man of God may God continue to bless and increase him in every good work.
This is what God can do friends, my eyes are tearful, Glory be to God
There is nothing my God can't fix
@@kimhogan2266n. 😊amen we thank u lord for your blessings and your grace and mercy
May GOD continue to bless this young man of GOD, for he's obedience of the call . GLORY TO GOD!!!
Omie Love God bless.
Hallelujia!!!! To God Be The Glory!!!! Hallejuia!!! My God I'm so in love with you....Thank you my God!!! God continue to bless this man whom belongs to you!!!!
Awesome Service.📖📖📖
I was in a revival 2 years ago and he prophesied that several people would get checks in the mail within a week. Me and my aunt both got checks in the mail. People have to understand that even if he is a false man of God its still not your job to talk about him but pray for him because you can curse yourself.
When they speak to a crowd and generalize it is bound to happen to someone in the room. He was just guessing and who would know if it didn't come true since he wasn't specific. A real prophet would have known who when and how much. He is just a fortune teller.
Patrice McCarty you got a chevk
@@dianabaskin1944 you ARE A WITCH
God is real
No you are wrong and you cannot show that in the bible. The false prophet was to be avoided that is in the scripture. Elijah said take them and kill them. We do not do it physically in the new testament but we kill their influence.
Real prophets were not sent to talk about checks in the mail. The man literally called himself a physic and then had to come back and correct himself. No prophet would ever make that mistake. What was in his heart came out. Its on you tube. Brian Carn calls himself a physic. And a real prophet reveals sin. A real prophet turns people back to holiness. You will not find one real prophet in the bible who caused scandal in the church.
The problem is some of you people believe another gospel. You dont believe the bible. Thats crazy to me. How people can call themselves Christian but totally go against the bible but then again thats what the catholic church brought. Cultural Christianity. They comverted because they did not want to be killed and persecuted but they never had a heart towards God. So people are just “ born” into Christianity and have never been born again. They believe everything but the real bible.
Got delivered from perversion and filled with the Holy Spirit, that’s to good to be true
Good Word...Hallelujah for Souls! Hallelujah!!! Good Word to learn from and grow by in the name of Jesus.
God bless you man of God sisasia
The. Lord isgoodall the time
Without Christ we can. Do nothing
The fearful and unbelievers wll have their part in the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone -- I have been a partaker of this same gospel anddemonstation of the Holy Ghost since 1973 and I love it.
I find all I need in the Holy Ghost! The City Wide Crusades, revivals, and tent meetings have done great things for me, have prospered me to new levels in Christ Jesus, and have strengthened me in all weaknsses!!!
PLEASE NOTE: The carnal mind cannot receive the spiritual things of God. Prophet Carn is operating in the spiritual things of God and knows all things through the Spirit of God -- God is well pleased and has no greater joy than to know that His children walk in the Truth
I pray that you don't get discouraged and stop letting God use you for even here at home it is like you can feel the power of God moving in and through you
Praise God for the Souls!
When god wants to bless you... He adds a person to your life...the New surrounds you.... Your season has changed.
A Devine -connection allows the new person to tell you about yourself.
San Diego.....
Sunday.... Monday.....tuesday
Review... San Diego...... Tuesday.
Now that's what I'm talking about....PRAISE GOD!
Omg what a blessing. Thank you for sharing.
I wish this ceremon was daily in tz I would have been one amongst all to attend his sermon
everydevil is mad because his first order of business is making sure folks are baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Spirit, and repented. Now if that aint truth.... I love it! SOULS!!!
I sure wish I would’ve met you sooner Prophet, Brian, carn🙏🏽
Our Blessed Everlasting Father in Jesus name, Please release some miracles, helps, and blessings. I need an apartment speedily SOS in a quiet, clean, with businesses, churches, and restaurants and not too far from hospitals, and doctors. Also I need healing and deliverance from demonic activity and criminals activities. Thanks again for being so faithful and liberal in Christ Almighty. I agree with you in prayer that it is done ✅ Amen Amen Amen 🙏❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Princess Bee
Did anyone hear the lady say put the mic down, listen closely around 1:37:15 and then it echoes maybe its just me.
the homosexuals are getting delivered ! ! ! haleluYAH ! ! !
Thank you Lord for
Great old school song great praise porphet!
To God be the Glory 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Great are you oh lord
This is soooooooooo TRUE!!! AMEN AMEN!!!
Meu sonho é pregar nos EUA alguém aí da América pode me agendar pra pregar na América?
Deus abençoe grandemente.
O que é impossível aos homens é possível para Deus.
God be the glory
Amen miracles and deliverance God is good
Let’s rejoice!
This Prophet is on Point! If we don't pursue our soul salvation with much focus, cause the Love, for the Christ Jesus is alive in us, how shall you be considered to be sinecure- Christ will only take you, if you deny yourself to follow Him- lifestyle and all! Be Saintified- and manfest the fruits of His Spirit.
No he is not "on point." Did you hear some of the things he said about the people in the "money portion" of the sermon. Those things made no sense, and in one part, he actually encouraged the lady to commit theft and bank fraud, both which are felonies.
casius caligula I gave my statement only upon the words that I wrote in the comment above. Yes I saw some flaws but I choose as a wise viewer to take out the valuable point and live from that. I decern flaws in most preachers but I can just turn my nose up, cause I notice some error- leaders most grow and develope too. I just know who is safe enough to be my pastor. No man has it allllllllll together. So I must humble my self cause Jesus has patience with each one of them- so I keep my ears and attention open to Jesus. We walk by faith leaning on the Lord- ever trusting Him.
***** But you see, that does not make any sense [to me], and that is my problem with "church people". If the god who whispers messages to you in your ear to impart to others (in his name) can't give you the details and the correct information, then He, She, or It is a weak god, deserving of no attention or obedience. I never understood why a god who created an actual universe filled with stars, planets, animals, people, and millions of other discovered and undiscovered crap can't let his "prophet' hear clear, concise, and provable information/instructions. A true "god" could; therefore, these people can't be hearing from one. I fathom myself a highly-effective instructor, but if half of the things a tell my students are great and "on point" and half of them are either undeceivable, can't be explained or proven, or just plain wrong, then my students should not only refuse to listen to me, but run in the opposite direction. Why in the world would someone hold a "messenger of God" to a lower standard than that of a high school English teacher? ...and to your [logic] of a spiritual leader "having flaws, making errors and growing": Just suppose he was having one of his "moments of error" when he advised that woman to give her money away, and then she ended up homeless because the message actually did not come from and real god [that day]. Will he be around to refund her money, buy her a new house, or fix her circumstance, or will he offer her one of the tried and true come-backs of the "religiously off" preachers, "My sister, you did not receive your blessing yet because your faith wasn't strong enough." I've heard it all before.
casius caligula Well you are taking the discussion, to where your itch is, I'm not making your arena of sight, my concern. I have stated what point of his speaking inspired me, and from there I will have a good day, living with Jesus. I will have other things to be concerned about, that God has given me responsibility to change, that's good enough for me. Other people will answer your concerns, if you can't go directly to the minister or person, whom you differ with.
I am Interested IN FACT THAT HE
BRING THE Word From GOD 🙏.
And THE Light So There's Recion
Praise God . The Holy Ghost can be our mirror for our convictions of how God want us Women and Men to cover up. That's why God want us as women to cover up the top and the bottom. And men especially pastors, Use to wear a Robe type attire or suit jackets to cover their private bottoms front part and back. So people could hear God and Spirtually see his presence of Jesus.❤
Let's get back to that. God charged the priest to wear britches to cover their body before his people. How.much more do God charge us to cover the private body parts UP.. ❤
Pray 🙏 for them in the Holly Ghost yes you have to open your to God
True Man of God 😊
Praise him!!! Preach
God dont play he is mighty and powerful the homesexual is being set free dont tell me my God is not real he is doing great things............... aewsome move of God
in the name of Jesus
Watching in 2024. Did the young man stay delivered from homosexuality and stay clean? Anyone know this?
Isaiah 53:5, he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed.
For salvation, we just need to follow the way they did it in Acts? They were baptized in water for the removal of sins and filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38!
Here's why! The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If we are to follow him, we must do the same thing. Death= repentance, Burial = baptism, and resurrection = being filled and rising again from the dead. That's what Acts 2:38 is.
We must obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ... Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven. St John 3:3-5, EXCEPT a man, be born of WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD.
We can't come up with our own gospel. Galatians 1:8-9, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Don't be cursed.
One way for all people. Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. Our salvation has to match up with the scriptures and no scriptures on the subject can be taken away.
Eternity is TOOO long to be WRONG! st, John 5:39, Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
The gospels show what Christ has done on the cross for us. The book of Acts shows us the beginning of Christ's Church and how to enter the Church, obeying Acts 2:38. The letters were written to the Church to show us how to behave now that we are born again into the Church.
It's better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
Are we supposed to follow the teachings of the apostles? Acts 2:42, And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrines. Ephesians 2:20, We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.
Don't get Titus 3:5 mixed up with James 2:14-26, about WORKS. One is a WORK of your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS OR GOOD DEEDS and the other is a WORK OF FAITH. Titus 1:16, They profess that they know God; but in WORKS they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. God bless you
Praise God for deliverance of the homosexual!
great message but volume too low
CuthDee i heard it just fine
Turn it up lol
Are NOT. Your WAYS.
The language that ya'll using tell who you belong to and no wonder ya'll posting bad comments about the man of God. People get a life and you better watch what you say about Gods Prophet!! And I didn't speak in tongues that is American English don't get in trouble with God by attacking this man
When I'm in the Spirit Realm. I speak in tongues different languages very. I love you Lord God...🙏🙏🙏❤
Ya'll so jealous of this man its funny.what is God doing through ya'll ?????? put your video up. who will listen or who will follow you? ain't nobody mad but the devil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jealous of a fake? Don't think so.
Amen nobody mad but the devil! This man is genuine!
Does anyone have the website or contact information for this Church?
Thank YOU Very Much ❤️🙏.
Praised. GOD For the holy ghost.
Sing Prophet Brian Carn !!!!!!!!
This is a true man of God.
God has advanced greatly beyond his age. The anointing is older than everybody.
God was there ,,He's real.
There is a strong hindrance in the spirit at this service
Your Right ON PONT.
But. How. WELL DO. YOU
HIs sense of humor reminds me of bernie mac. Its like berny mac's son became a preacher lol.
awesome was spell wrong
God Said YES And A MEN.
And Jesus said...Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. He preach like a slave master preaching to his slaves, cause they do not read...
Yes And A MEN 🎉😊.😊😊
ME .
The computer caught Amnesia two times in my favor
Thank you Jesus
What if someone in that place truly believed God for their need. Just because this man may or may not be what he says does that mean God won't honor that person's faith. We must never forget that some people go to hear God not the man. Just like God made the false Prophet bless the people of Israel he can do the same thing today.Remember to God it's about his people.
Amen-Do Christ!
Where is the tears brian
LMAO...He was doing okay until he stood in the black church and started shouting about "niggas" at around 2:00. And no, we don't all say it :-P
Hi brain
There is no way I could or would listen or watch over three hours of this; HOWEVER, I was bored tonight, so I ran through a few sections. From the "money part", if he could give me the contact information of just two of those new millionaires, then I wouldn't think that this was 3 hours of bullshit. That lady who supposedly gave him all of her money but $10 (1:48:00), then saw a million dollars in her account, as per his "prophesy"... WOW. He said he told her to get as much of it out of the bank as she could. If that did happen, I know that lady was arrested within 48 hours. By the way, he said, "In seven days, you'll be a multi-millionaire." $1,000,010.00 is not a multi-millionaire, but he told her to commit bank fraud and steal the money from a bank mistake anyway....and the ignorant, emotional people in the audience cheered. Where is that lady that got 40 million dollars? If she is real and can confirm that to me, I will donate all of the money I have to the poor besides $10. This I swear.
***** Thank you for the reply and blessings to you also. While I read what you said, I do not want to wait to "get to Heaven" to get many of the answers I seek and feel like I need. That makes no sense to me. Why can't the millions of people like I have some concrete answers [now]? What makes us intellectually frustrated is that when we ask direct questions (questions that could actually have real answers) we rarely get them. Questions like: Where is that lady that got the 40 million dollars? If she is a real person like he said, then her identity and "testimony" would help to convince a lot of people, including me. These "miracles" need some evidence and proof in order to help keep [religion] from continuously being seen as merely two to three hour performances one or twice a week. While studying and researching for the book I am currently writing, I have transcribed many sermons from these "preachers and prophets" into actually text. When many of them were read and analyzed as a text document, much of what was said had little to no realistic, and in some cases, no Biblical significance or connections. Rarely do people want to address these issues/problems. The cliche responses are things like; "You need to just trust God", "Have faith", Just believe", or the age-old gem "The answers will come by and by, when we get to Heaven." I can't/wont accept that cop-out. I want my answers now, damnit. If these specific and easily answered questions can't or wont be answered or discussed when asked, then what is the purpose of it all anyway? Consequently, then preachers and/or religious leaders/teachers can say or prophesy anything. In the Bible story, even Jesus' boys said, "No, wait a minute, let me see some holes, some scars, some bruises, something, before I believe this incredible story of you getting up out of your own grave." Much props to the disciples; and like Cuba Gooding, Jr. said in his Oscar-winning role, "Show me the Money!" (preacher pun intended)
casius caligula
stop yo no sense words on the man of God,who r you to judge anyway!
Pamela Birungi Question #1 What did i say that was nonsensical? Be specific please. Question #2 Who am I to judge? No need to answer; I'll answer that for you. I am a person with [a brain], ability to question AND reason, as well as common sense, someone who actually listens (sometimes) to the bullshit some of these preachers are saying. Some of this stuff needs to be evaluated and judged, and some of the "preachers" need to be checked, regularly. Just because someone says, "I speak the word of God and "He told me to tell you these things" does NOT mean all of it should be believed, followed, or eternalized. [I] believe there is a higher power telling me to call out bullshit people say or MIS-represent as words or instructions from a spiritual guider, wether it be from my co-workers, my friends or family, or even some of the so-called prophets or tele-communicators of God. I say to you also, if he gets me in contact with the lady that received 40 millions dollars from his prophesy, I swear to God (wherever this god,he or she is) that I will give all of my money to the poor and work entirely for the church. The right reverend can contact me through Google, get me in touch with the 45 million dollar lady, and as quick as both my banks can transfer all of accounts (probably only two days tops), I will hold up my end of the agreement and start to testify to people about the accuracy and realness of this thing called prophesy and telling of the future. I have made similar promises/challenges to preachers for years, and not ONCE has any one of them supplied me with one shred of proof of these grandiose prophetic claims. NOT ONCE. There, my dear madam, is you non sense.
***** First I would like to thank you for your words and your thoughts. I believe they were sincerely meant, and believe me, they were sincerely received. With that being said, I would like to proffer this thought. It is not my intention “to prove God” with my questions in this instance, I merely seek proof of the existence of the lady who, by the Reverend’s prophetic instructions, came into a windfall of 40 million dollars. I would humbly state that we don’t even need a god for this [one]. We only need a few clicks of a computer keyboard and maybe a phone call to get this done. As stated before, if this woman does exist and her identity (and bank account status) can be verified, I will relinquish all of my worldly financial benefits.
You see, one of the problems many people (I included) have with the way others approach a discussion about God, is that when even simple things are asked to be explained or dare I say “proven” at times, a stock answer is, "God is beyond our understanding." If people believe that, that’s fine with me; however, I do not. If that were the end-all response to every challenge, then I submit this: Far older and longer than the Christian God, it was believed that Zeus created and ruled the universe. There is no way to prove that he does not or did not exist either, but people on Earth who are said to be tied to prophesies delivered by man, supposedly under the direction of a god, [can] be proven. We do not need a god here. I am sure if the woman does exist, she is extremely happy about the bump in her finances and would be more than willing to testify to the validity of the prophet as well as the goodness of her god to anyone who wants to listen and believe. In fact, according to the Bible, that is exactly what she is ordered to do.
In the book of Malachi, God did say, “Prove Me.” Well Prophet Carn, please to prove Him to me, as it relates to His speaking directly to you about these messages and instructions concerning peoples futures and the inceredible things that will happen or have happened, that I may also believe, fall down and worship him, and surrender all of my worldly goods towards the poor and needy, as I have humbly promised.
While the complexities of the universe are far beyond the comprehension of even the most learned of us, I get that. [This] discussion is not that. I do not believe that people hear voices that help them foretell people’s future. The Bible also says that if one is to evangelize to the weak or even the non-believer, that he is to be wise and careful in doing so. What would be wiser and have a bigger "bang" than to produce this new multi-millionaire so that all who see her can rejoice and marvel at the wonder of God. Now [that] would help fill those pews, and more importantly to some minsters, those offering plates up a lot faster…Just sayin’
casius caligula how does he. no it was her last
And. THE END.😊.😮😅.
Yes He Did!!!!
Prophet Carn is incorrect when he says that you can speak things into existence or that God has called us to speak things into existence. We are created to worship God and proclaim the Gospel to a lost world. Being able to speak into existence the things you want is not God's will. Scripture shows us that we have been called to take our crosses and follow Christ.
hmm I wonder! yes we r called to speak n things work out,what faith do you faith religious faith or voilent faith(empowerment faith through Jesus christ.\
@Roger Gambrel- Your comment appears to indicate a baby Christian, new to the faith, novice, and despise prophecy -- Faith wihout work is dead -- You cannot separate faith from work -- faith and work are inseparable and interchangable -- I am a living witness that we Can SPEAK THINGS INTO EXISTENCE DAILY -- Roger, you can be enlightened and opened in your understanding as you pray and study daily -- If any lack wisdom, let him ask God who giveth freely -- You will know as you follow on to know -- definitely an ongoing learrning process for a lifetime journey with Jesus
Nowhere in Scripture are we given power to speak anything into existence. That is a prerogative that the Creator alone possesses. I am despising prophetic utterances. First Thessalonians 5 teaches us to not despise prophetic utterances, but in the verse following verse 21, we are warned to test all things. The Apostle John warns the church to test the spirits (1st John 4). It is baby-like or highly immature to not test what the prophet is saying. Acts 17 tells us that the Berians were commended for searching the Scriptures. I don't you have searched any Bible passages to verify if Prophet Carn is 100% accurate in his prophetic utterances. According to Deuteronomy 13 and 18, any prophet that gives a false prophet is to be stoned. READ YOUR BIBLE!
MsSasa2013 What have you spoken into existence? Are you saying that you can create out of nothing? Understand my point. In Genesis, when God speaks things appear or happen. Are you saying that human beings have the same power that God the Creator possesses? This is the same lie Satan introduced to Eve in the garden. Be reminded that Satan told Eve that she could be just like God if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God governs us by His word (the Bible). We don't govern God. He don't command Him; He commands us. We have to be extremely careful in allowing mysticism and witch craft to confuse our understanding.
@rogergambrell49 --keep reading your Bible, ask God to endow you with power from on high, ask for wisdom
Prophet Carn speaks God's Word and I have heard the same Words all my life
Amen honey I love you honey
brian carn why dont you give me10000 out of. your account
Jesus spirit. S.G.Call.best fairest teacher.sprinkle. flow.blood. unchain.purewater.offerings. sanctified sanctuary's shelters. Cloth.medicine.portions benifits maximised
BillyDaKid 1980 get out of here you devil
Who is white boy get him out thetr
He should first cast the spirit of homosexuality out of himself. I don't like this false prophet at all.
You're going to name call me after reading this but that's ok. His father was in prison most of his life, he was raised by his mother and was saved under a female pastor. Both my mother, father, and 2 uncles were crack-addicts, I was raised by my grandmother and also got saved under a strict female pastor. I choose to remain celibate in honor of the Word of God. I date women but chose not to have sex. If I have feminine tendencies from being celibate and people label me as gay (which some do) then I'm willing to take such persecution and name-calling. But I love God, practice abstinence and am far from gay.
sjparker541 why would I call you names? My comments were directed at Carn. My anger is cus he exploited that guy he perceived as gay, and embarrassed him. I don't even know who you are. Are you the long haired dude Carn was calling out? Whoever you are or aren't; its not a preacher's place to put you on blast during a service. I just thank God I am Roman Catholic and am not subjected to suck foolery and fuckery.
UHC4LYFE LOL, Am I the long-hair dude, that was funny. Ok I was referring to something else before seeing the long-hair guy and apologize for not watching the entire video before responding. But since we're on the subject, there's nothing wrong with the spirit calling someone out like that, especially if the person's soul is at stake. But you're Roman Catholic so I can understand how you'd disagree. There are a lot of things God did in scripture which made no human sense, but it does not take away from him doing it to accomplish a goal.
sjparker541 I do disagree. Worshipping God has nothing to do with man. To call someone out puts the focus on man, it embarrasses, humiliates, demeans and belittles. What if the minister is wrong? Then an innocent person is now labeled a faggot. You should not agree with this type of foolishness as a Christian, Catholic or otherwise.
sjparker541 I do disagree. Worshipping God has nothing to do with man. To call someone out puts the focus on man, it embarrasses, humiliates, demeans and belittles. What if the minister is wrong? Then an innocent person is now labeled a faggot. You should not agree with this type of foolishness as a Christian, Catholic or otherwise.
phony baloney
Now that's what I'm talking about....PRAISE GOD!