June 2024 聖經研討會 聚會#10:《默示錄》異象二 : 聖殿與兩見證、吹第七號角約櫃顯現 (默 11:1-19)

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • 默示錄第十一章預告教會將長時間受迫害 。迫害期間被「從深淵中上來的巨獸」殺死的兩位教會見證人是誰?(11:7)是梅瑟和亞郎?是伯多祿和保祿?為甚麼他們的死竟讓地上的居民高興得「彼此送禮」?(11:10)第七位天使吹號角後,天上有大聲音宣報基督要為王。(11:15) 然後自從耶肋米亞將它埋藏後便失了踪的約櫃,竟在此時出現於天上的聖殿中。隨之而來的是「身披太陽,腳踏月亮,頭戴十二顆星的榮冠」的女人和她生產的男孩的出現。(12:1-4) 約櫃,女人,和男孩相繼出現有甚麼意思?三者可有關係?讓我們一起探討默示錄第十一章中耐人尋味的異象。
    2023-24年第十次 BSP聚會RUclips 首映 - 我們誠意邀請大家一起觀看我們今年第十次 BSP 視頻。請觀看預定於2024年6月28日星期五晚上 8:00 (美東時間) 舉行的 RUclips 首映。無論您是多年參加者還是第一次參加,下面的資料為您參與 BSP 會有很大幫助。
    2023-24年課程 - BSP 在 2023 年 9 月至 2024 年 6 月的每個月的第 4 個星期五每月進行一次(某些月份的實際日期可能會因公眾假期而有所改變,確切日期請參閱BSP網站的時間表。BSP 網址:cmccbsp.org/ )。今年,我們研討的是《默示錄》上。(下一年研討《默示錄》下。)
    BSP 網站 - 自2002年九月開始至今,BSP已舉行超過20年。關於 BSP 的更多資料;今年的 時間表和課程資料;往年的錄音 、錄影和筆記;請溜灠BSP網站。BSP 網址:cmccbsp.org/
    BSP#10 聚會 RUclips 首映 - 聚會將於 2024年6月28日星期五,美國東部時間晚上 8:00 在 RUclips 首映。
    如何收看 BSP RUclips 首映 - 要收看,只需在預定時間單擊此鏈接: / @cmccbsp
    Revelation 11 foretells that the Church will be under persecution for a long period of time. Who were the two Church Witnesses who were killed by “the beast that rose up from the abyss” during the persecution? (11:7) Were they Moses and Aaron? Was it Peter and Paul? Why did their death make the inhabitants of the earth so happy that they "give each other gifts"? (11:10) After the seventh angel blew his trumpet, a loud voice from heaven announced that Christ would be King. (11:15) Then the Ark of the Covenant, which had been missing since Jeremiah buried it, appeared in the temple in heaven. Then came the appearance of the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" and the boy she had given birth to. (12:1-4) What is the significance of the appearance of the ark, woman, and boy one after another? Are the three related? Let us explore together the intriguing visions in Revelation 11.
    RUclips PREMIERE BSP SESSION#10 - We cordially invite you to join our 10th BSP session this year by watching our RUclips Premiere scheduled for 8:00 p.m. (ET), on Friday, June 28, 2024. Whether you've been following us all these years or are just joining for the first time, the info outlined below will be useful for your BSP participation.
    2023-24 PROGRAM DETAILS - The BSP is conducted monthly on the 4th Friday of each month from Sept 2023 to June 2024 (actual dates for certain months maybe different due to public holidays, see our time schedule on the BSP website for the exact dates: cmccbsp.org/). This year, we will study "The Book of Revelation" part one.
    BSP WEBSITE - BSP has been conducted for more than 20 years since September 2002. For more info on the BSP; this year's schedule and program details; audios, videos, and notes for previous years; please visit the BSP website: cmccbsp.org/
    RUclips PREMIERE OF SESSION #10 - The session will be premiered on RUclips at 8:00 p.m. (ET) on Fri, June 28, 2024.
    HOW TO JOIN THE BSP RUclips PREMIERE - Simply click this link at the scheduled time: / @cmccbsp
    Come, join us in the sacred cyber space to rejoice in the word of God from the safety and comfort of your home!
    Blessings and peace,
    Edmond Lo
    BSP Navigator
    • 【教理三十】之 《按聖經看聖體奥蹟》
    聖經研討會網站: cmccbsp.org
    筆記 (聚會#10): drive.google.c...
    Notes in English (Meeting#10): drive.google.c...
    聖經研討會 RUclips 頻道:
    / @cmccbsp
    Edmond Lo's Blog: elodocuments.b...
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