@suzyqueify If they are driving to a Mosque they ARE Exempt.. Allegedly No hayte intended. Sorry sweetie - (but you must have guessed hm..??) Always an exemption for his pals
He doesn’t, both the Conservatives and the Labour Party endorse the Ulez scheme and are happy to roll it out everywhere, they just don’t want you to know that.
All main parties work for the WEF. The sooner the public sees them as traitors the sooner the country can be rid of them and their creepy masters in Davos.
100% SPOT ON!!!! Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
For once some one i can agree with yes the two main parties are the same and now imagine the Labour party with Starmer and his DRIVE A MILE AND PAY SCHEME heavens forbid
Im going to vote reform party too but they are all say what we want to hear then we vote them in & go back on all there promises is any party we vote 4 any good
They said voting UKIP wouldn't make a difference, we got a referendum. They said voting Brexit Party wouldn't make a difference, we got rid of May and got part of Brexit. If like UKIP we get MP's into Parliament, to do what UKIP and the Brexit Party MEP's did in the EU Parliament, I reckon they could replace the Tories. The British public haven't seen Conservatism in Parliament for over 30 years.
Anyone with any common sence will know by now not to ever vote and you will see that they will be the ones fighting each other for the big bucks even if you vote a runner up party they will give the votes to the one they want. Look at the lib dems when Clegg got the votes and cameron was in through him. But not to worry Clegg got Knighted and the top job policeing facebook till this day. Your not doing the public any favours voteing.
@@pip1723It is a well known fact that Khan has nearly bankrupted TFL and this is a way of getting him out of trouble before the next election. If this was true what he says then it means if you are reasonably well off then you can still pollute London all you like because you dont mind paying the fee. If what Khan says is true he would stop all traffic coming into London but that way he wouldn’t get anyone paying £12.50 now would he. He don’t give a damn about people’s health. Where are all these people with children with stunted lungs and kids that have died through air pollution in London. Why are they not coming forward and confirming what he says is true. There is only one reason and that is it isn’t happening.
When you understand that Khan is a fully fledged supporter of the WEF and fully signed up to SMART cities and 15 minute cities then it all makes sense.
@@julienewman1761 "Christian country"? Is that meant to be a joke? It was a few decades ago but it is right in the middle of preparations to become an Islamic caliphate.. and all you anti-everything people are bringing it about.
Air pollution does aggravate some conditions resulting in an early demise. However other factors, excluded for a convenient truth, may be more important. It’s another of those claims that won’t stand up to close scrutiny.
@@eleanor5585 That clown that vermin is pushing it . He has no right to push it . The people are pushing back . Happily the cameras are being hit hard by Blade Runners .
His reasoning for ULEZ is that he's spoken to mums whose children have died from air-pollution in order to usher in his cronies agendas. Well, we can always pick small exceptions in everything. I can point out that electric cars have a track record of killing people...therefore scrap electric vehicles, right?
The Sick Children clap trap is just another Don't Kiss Granny minipulation. Somebody might just loose the head and go after the little Sheriff and then what ?
one girl who had asthma, remember LBC banging on about years ago, btw they're getting loads of TFL money for ULEZ ads promoting this scam , it's on repeat -programming us , same LBC with the PM's kinky wife pushing jabs for pregnante women ,
The air quality in London has never been better Richard is correct. It seems any tax or restrictions on our freedoms can be green washed and waved through without any hint of democracy.
Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
You know that people have never been this angry because some people actually vandalize cameras instead of just writing to their MPs about their grievance. A ray of hope, in other words. That you can actually grow a pair and take back your life and your country.
A combination of brutal government and incompetent police who can't solve crimes anymore has brought us to this point in which the people will begin to take matters into their own hands.
Highly tolerant? Pull the other one! And they have the cheek to lecture China about human rights when they deny them to migrants, led by the vile Braverman. The next Hitler will be British
No way, we are apathetic as a nation and let people walk all over us. It won,t be long before white people will be in the minority then they might wake up ,but too late.
You mean Tice, the ex loan shark and property developer who worked for the family firm and is a millonaire. Sure he no more that a grifting ex tory who believes the way to power is splitting the working class on racial lines so we fight each other instead of the property develppers and billionairses who get rich at our expense. The lonly reorm he wats is more money in his bank account with his followers taking the knee to him in the same tradition as Mosley and the others milkionaire and billionaire fascists amd populists on the far right from Trump to Tice
We should all vote REFORM PARTY, as they are the only group prepared to put our country and it’s people first! It’s a cowards way out if one is not prepared to support a new group of sensible people, who are volunteering to return our country to be a proud, independent and fair country once again. Those who will put its own people first, but then makes every effort to help other countries do the same, but “in their own country”. 😊
The roll of London mayor should be either got rid of or the position voted on across the UK. Tyrants should not be given power in the UK and must be removed one way or the other.
When Ken Livingstone and the Greater London Council got further up Maggies nose than she was prepared to tolerate, she abolished the GLC. I don’t see Fishy Rishy having the guts to get rid of the London mayoralty.
Doing an essential job for low pay and crappy conditions (like no sick pay). Look at how they treated them when they refused the vaccine that nobody seems to think was worth taking anyway now. This is how cvnts like Khan think of workers.
@@rosemarydudley9954 I am a carer I used to do domestics for clients. I could not possibly afford this extra payment. Many carers are on call. If we didn't have our own transport it would be impossible to care
My fury comes from the realisation that on every issue that matters, from immigration to lockdowns, the two main parties only disagree about the level of betrayal which should be inflicted on the British people.
Agree. Wonder why that is with a so called Prime Minister of South Asian extract, with a Home Secretary and previous Home Secretary both of South Asian extract, with a Mayor of London of South Asian extract, with the most useless governor of BoE appointed by Savid Javid of South Asian extract. The list goes on but there's an underlying cancerous growth here and average British people haven't got a clue what's happening.
The start of his talk is about being with people suffering from effects of air pollution. May well be true, but statistically it is impossible to tie all of it down to a single variable. Yes, there is an issue, but I suspect that the fact ULEZ is bringing in over £720,000 per day and over £300,000 per week in fines is his real motivation. In reality he cares little for the all the critical workers of greater London.
Vote Reform sweetie. A Landslide will stop this (& all of the mess) I never thought I'd say it but unfortunately Reform is the only way for humans who are working class individuals It's the only way - both Labour & the Conservatives Will do this for Taxes on none rich ordinary Working People Please don't not Vote. It's never mattered more 🙏🏻💜🇬🇧💜
all corrupt politicians and mps and the leaders of our corrupt and greedy councils should be chucked out of office as not a single one of them are worthy of there job title ,they are just a bunch of common thiefs and should be locked behind prison bars for a very very long time indeed.
@angrynative6023 VERY interesting indeed that there's precedents for this ULEZ scheme in other countries. And it went down just as well with the citizens in Jo'burg as a ham sandwich at a you-know-what!
@markbennett9176 Sikhs & Hindus are an important part of our Communities. They became so because they care about this Country & the British People Their children are British as they became British.
@@Bangtaneu I don't have a problem with them. However my OP still stands. Particularly Khan and that dope Humza Yousless. They have no business governing in a British Christian country
This leads to complete loss of respect for authority. First in line are the police as they are the first called out to protect the state. A new political party is urgently required to remove labour and conservatives parties from parliament and local councils and to protect British people from the evil forces that current politicians are controlled by.
That would need a tactical nuke delivered to the Crown Square-mile or Davos.Preferably both.Worth remembering the City of London is a sovereign nation, al a Vatican and DC, parasitising of the 'host' nation it infests.
Police officers are members of the public as well. They are not exempt from the increased levels of taxation and restrictions on movement. Most police officers despise their political leaders. They are the only occupation in the UK ( except the military ) who are prevented from striking by virtue of legislation which creates an offence. If they even discuss the possibility of lobbying for or taking strike action they can be subject to disciplinary proceedings resulting in dismissal. Trust me I know. Can you just afford to throw away your job and your income in these straightened times ? I doubt it. You need to think a little more deeply before spouting anti police rhetoric. It’s a thankless job and a dangerous one. Just look at the Police sergeant killed after being hit by a train in Nottinghamshire whilst trying to save a distressed member of the public. The police are finding it difficult to recruit and difficult to retain people who have any degree of common sense and intelligence. As a result they have had to lower the standards to bolster the numbers. Hence the raft of stories of police incompetence in recent years. The people they are having to accept aren’t bright enough to do the job. It’s a vicious downward spiral , and the main reason people don’t want to join …… the constant carping and criticism from the public , media and politicians. Why would anybody want to do it ? Be careful what you wish for !
Weren't you watching when Richard Tice came straight out & told the world that khan was a corrupt lying racist ? Richard Tice is also the leader of the Reform UK party, & the only British politician who's policies support the indigenous people of this country, & it seems he's also the only one who's got both the knowledge & initiative to take Britain away from the glob#@#lists & put it back in the hands of the British people.! Everything we need is already in place & waiting for the people to wake up & send the message that we're finally done with their shit.!
Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
@@PaulMason-c9mbecause it’s not just ulez we’ve had enough of you dirty grunts taking over our country and finally we’re getting angry about it and soon the tides will change when the British start rioting and people like you get strung up in our capital likes it’s 1872 🏴☠️🚨🤣
@@iandawe948 awful, and he should never have laughed and joked with the serial killer Hancock, but Reform is all we have. Corbyn should start a left wing party and on the serious issues, they would probably have the same policies as Reform. The main one - get rid of the corrupt Uni-party.
I’m visiting Manchester at the moment after leaving the UK 30 years ago. It’s like walking around a massive migrant camp. I’m appalled at the litter, graffiti and migrants looking down on me as if I don’t belong there.
Sadiq Khan thinks if you repeat lies enough times it will make it true, the fact is it just makes you a bigger liar!! and most of our politicians today work on this principle...
Lies or statistics taken out of context for the greatest benefit. Both Khan and the interviewee play the same politically motivated game. Opinions become truths then facts. Such is the way our media are blinded by the politicians they court.
Not lies from Sadiq the facts are there. The law court agrees with him. Tories and Reform wanted our own courts to have control over the law of the land but moan when that law does not go the way they want. Remember Borris the clown started this ball rolling and he was the biggest liar of all time. As. for Richard the trouble maker sneaky one at that. As for Dan has he sorted out his legal troubles? He should be gone.
@@barry1-m1d but if everyone refused to pay it (i know most will just moan about it and pay up anyway) they would need a lot of bailiffs. To work as an enforcement officer (bailiff) you have to meet a certain criteria, no criminal record etc, there's not a chance in hell that the number of vacancies required to forfill the numbers they would need just to chase ulez fines could ever be recruited.
@@barry1-m1dand wait to see what happens ….. violence. What exactly do you think they’re going to do? People are ready to protect others from these pieces of crap. Plenty have been removed. Even with the police in force. Expect more and worse.
The trouble with us Brits we are all talk no action, look at the French when petrol prices were put up, the went nuts, when their pensions were threatened they went berserk, WE just moan 🤣🤣🤣
Yep the British are a race of cowards all talk moan about everything but never do anything to change the way things are REVOLUTION armed revolt of the people to overthrow the establishment government monarchy the lot get rid of them like they did in Russia and get rid of them in the same fashion with bullets and take back our rights our freedoms our DEMOCRACY but it will never happen because Brits are all mouth and no drive shaft
To be fair, we haven’t reached the same levels as Europe has, yeah maybe we don’t retire as young as the French, but it’s been a far safer and better place to live these past few decades. I have faith that my fellow countrymen and women will get off our arses in time, it’s happening already ;) 🎉
Forgot to add - being an “Island” nation brought us a lot of safety, now that has been taken away by the ECHR, let’s see how these next several years progress with thousands of ISIS militants living with us. Give it time 🎉🎉
@daidavies6210 he was placed in. Not voted in . To carry the government agenda by getting us common folk to give up our cars. While themselves and the elite fly around in their private jet planes and carry on driving their cars. HYPOCRITES
@@phillipcarter8045we won't get that if people keep on voting for two main incompetent parties. Aka Labour and Conservative. They are both working together.
Whatever you vote for the same corrupt tactics infect that party too. Reform the system with more electoral power, such as Referendums on issues like the ULEZ expansion. Put decision validation to a vote. But then politicians wouldn’t have the publicity platforms they need to maintain the illusion of their importance, and the numbers riding the gravy train.
Why is he claiming he is getting rid of cars and pushing people onto their tube wher the air is toxic. By his own ridiculous claims, that makes him a murderer.
Londoners, born and bred, yes, but they’re the minority given the influx of those seeking high paid work, who can easily afford this charge. Pay heed to the demographics, which Khan does, knowing his position is secure with the voters who came to live there.
You are right of course . The tension is palpable and my own stress levels are in the red. Not that I'd ever wish it on them at all, but the ULEZ extension is in one way a good thing in as much as it has broadened the conversation about Mayor Khunt being a thieving lying twat.
I’ve lived in London practically my whole life.. I had terrible asthma as a child .. I was hospitalised numerous times as a teenager.. if pollution was so bad then my asthma would have got worse but it’s actually got so much better over the years! This is just a cash grab.. how can you say oh your car is old and pollutes? We care so much about the environment that you can still pollute but you can pay for it! How does that make sense! It’s the worlds greediest consumers telling the most conservative that they can’t have their meagre share because the greedy want it all! And that’s the bottom line!
We need to go to The mayer house With the biggest protest ever And not leave, till he backs off and leave. It's time for a new English mayor and a English Prime Minister. Not labour or conservative 🇬🇧🕊❤️🌳🌹🫂👬👫
I just love the way Sadiq says he has spoken to “people who support cameras and charges for people coming into London” He hasn’t spoke to one person who supports it.
Is it me or this exactly what we need?! I've never voted in my life because I disagree with Tories and labour. However, this guy, he speaks the most sense. And seems like he means it.
I’m feeling the vibe of what the labour and conservative governments have done and this vid has made me checkout Reform UKs policies and I like what they are standing for. I’ve spent the last few years feeling ripped off by the governments for the taxes that beyond income tax, taxes on pensions , savings and inheritance than should go completely to the children and loved ones we have worked for. Sadiq has simply made me question the motives of all politicians that are currently in power and they all just kin suck! We need a change.
I was fined £90; yet my eyes had been peeled searching for the signs, (this in itself is dangerous driving) As a disabled senior, I can't afford to risk London again.
Now we can call out the 'Brothers'' in the UK. Humza begged his brothers to get his mother in law out and did not give a s*** over the hostages which includes UK nationals.
I know what you mean but to be fair GB news is still better than watching sky news and listening to the climate crisis con 24 hours a day 7 days a week.... BORING!!!😔
Awful people seek power, and oppose those in power to seek it for their agendas. Democracy with one vote every four years simply doesn’t work. We need more Referendums to put power back into the hands of the electorate. Maybe then people will trust the system.
I find it hard to believe that Khan can implement such a thing as ULEZ,you would think that something like this would be a government decision ,not a Mayors surely.
I'd have thought that the fact that the bulk of population in the extended ULEZ did not have a mayoral vote, that it would be totally undemocratic and unenforceable. Apparently Not.
The anger looks like a minority group not a huge mobilised movement. How many are stoking this fire? A few protestors isn’t a credible confirmation of mass anger.
Never vote labour or conservative again
I won’t ever
@@gabemore1766JUST STOP OIL (UK,USA) ✊🏿🇯🇴🇨🇳🇷🇺🇯🇲
@@madonnasfangirl9631 nah bring back ✝️ and send back immigrants for the past 30 years before war starts here
I certainly will no be doing.
@@madonnasfangirl9631 NOPE
He lies everytime he opens his mouth this Mayor has too go NOW .
Unfortunately WE need to follow the French public. And hold a massive protest
Probably will be the only solution as we get ignored over and over again. Time to fight back
Yeah , go for a walk !🤣
@@paulhollett8415exactly, if you take your car Saddick will be rubbing his hands!😮
We have done in London only to be attacked by the riot police farce.
Living in London , i don't need one !@@sandragray3951
Sadiq is the face of modern racism in this country
Strange how we never see irate Muslims kicking off about this charge or are they exempt form paying it like the rest of London. Just asking..
If they are driving to a
Mosque they ARE Exempt..
No hayte intended.
Sorry sweetie - (but you must have guessed hm..??)
Always an exemption for his pals
Sadie skid mark khan , has he met up with the parents of kabas victims
Why does this particular Mayor have so much power, when Mayors of other counties don't?
He's fulfilling an agenda
He doesn’t, both the Conservatives and the Labour Party endorse the Ulez scheme and are happy to roll it out everywhere, they just don’t want you to know that.
The moment u say somthign against him u become a transfobic anti muslim nanzi. Thats the unfortuniate way hes got his power
they do
Supported by Soros....and WEF
Central government are complicit. Tories, Labour etc all the same.
Voters really need to understand that this is so .
All main parties work for the WEF. The sooner the public sees them as traitors the sooner the country can be rid of them and their creepy masters in Davos.
100% SPOT ON!!!! Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
Of course they are, they are greedy pigs.
For once some one i can agree with yes the two main parties are the same and now imagine the Labour party with Starmer and his DRIVE A MILE AND PAY SCHEME heavens forbid
Khan should be kicked out of the country vote reform drain the swamp
Well said you are absolutely right. London
He was born in Tooting, you do know this ?
London needs to be kicked out of the UK!
Where were the Brits on May 2nd??? Holidaying somewhere? We Catholics voted for Reform.
Indeed fully agree
Liars, cheats, cowards and crooks. Get him and the rest of these unelected people out
I don’t know if it will make a difference but I’m 100% voting reform 🙏🏻
Im going to vote reform party too but they are all say what we want to hear then we vote them in & go back on all there promises is any party we vote 4 any good
Never know until we try, certainly won’t be any worse.
They said voting UKIP wouldn't make a difference, we got a referendum.
They said voting Brexit Party wouldn't make a difference, we got rid of May and got part of Brexit.
If like UKIP we get MP's into Parliament, to do what UKIP and the Brexit Party MEP's did in the EU Parliament, I reckon they could replace the Tories. The British public haven't seen Conservatism in Parliament for over 30 years.
Reform are nailed in 100% against this, listen to mr Tice.
I doubt we can even trust the people counting the votes.
I will not be voting Labour or Conservative ever again.
No plans to vote again in my lifetime
I would never vote for a fascist either . I vote for any candidiate that reprexents the working class whatever race or religion
It would be better to make Jeremy Clarkson the mayor of London.
Vote REFORM! Time for change, watch some of Nigel Farage he is Reform party.
Anyone with any common sence will know by now not to ever vote and you will see that they will be the ones fighting each other for the big bucks even if you vote a runner up party they will give the votes to the one they want. Look at the lib dems when Clegg got the votes and cameron was in through him. But not to worry Clegg got Knighted and the top job policeing facebook till this day. Your not doing the public any favours voteing.
He’s so concerned about the pollution, but the pollution apparently goes away if you give him £12.50 !
Exactly .he’s a parasite that lives of his bullshit and money grubbing off the people
Money talks
What about grooming gangs
@@mariofernandes649 I wouldn’t be surprised if a nonce gives him twelve and a half quid he’d let it slide.🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🏻
I've been saying this till I'm blue in the face..! It's just purely about money because he's made a mess of London's finances..!..
He should be in prison.
It's not about "air pollution", it's yet another step toward absolute control of ordinary people using the environment as an excuse.
Don't be complicit in it. Refuse to be subject to their control. Don't be a victim.
Muzzy control to be precise
Where is your proof.
@@22pcirish Look around. It's everywhere.
@@drwhatson That’s proof? It’s everywhere! What a glib and nonsense answer. You should get out the house more and leave the computer alone.
They think we're all stupid. We all know it's a cash grab.
it has been from the start of all this nonsense, money for the greedy nothing for the needy as always.
But by allowing it to continue really does make us all stupid
How's it a tax grab the money raised will be going into transport for London..
Where is Robin Hood when he's needed?
@@pip1723It is a well known fact that Khan has nearly bankrupted TFL and this is a way of getting him out of trouble before the next election. If this was true what he says then it means if you are reasonably well off then you can still pollute London all you like because you dont mind paying the fee. If what Khan says is true he would stop all traffic coming into London but that way he wouldn’t get anyone paying £12.50 now would he. He don’t give a damn about people’s health. Where are all these people with children with stunted lungs and kids that have died through air pollution in London. Why are they not coming forward and confirming what he says is true. There is only one reason and that is it isn’t happening.
This is the calm BEFORE the storm. People have had enough of this, of immigration, corrupted MPs the lot.
Sadly 'the storm' will never come. British people are too weak.
Far, far too many of them over here now to do much - imo.
The only storm is in your head - Long live ULEZ and our hero Sadiq Khan
When you vote its for the WEF
@@kevinwalker7711 ruclips.net/user/shortsLbuPK6yleO4
If he truly believes that these vehicles are responsible for thousands of Deaths why not just ban them.
This is nothing more than a cash grab!
When you understand that Khan is a fully fledged supporter of the WEF and fully signed up to SMART cities and 15 minute cities then it all makes sense.
He was also over the top against Trump, he is a massive shill
When we stick this lot in prison we should let them have 15 minutes of exercise everyday.
@@telx2010yes but unfortunately they're probably too over protected for that to happen 🙏
Indeed. He is the Enemy of the people. Its not a joke.
It’s all written in the Article 2030. They don’t even care about hiding it anymore.
It will be interesting to see where this anger takes Britain as a whole.
To Sharia law, where else? It's what the people want. 🤣🤣🤣
@user-le4uq7ns5f no thanks.. we have our own law. We don't want that stuff. This is a Christian country.
@@julienewman1761 "Christian country"? Is that meant to be a joke? It was a few decades ago but it is right in the middle of preparations to become an Islamic caliphate.. and all you anti-everything people are bringing it about.
Can it save you?
@@julienewman1761then throw out the rainbow flags and reclaim your churches
4,000 people a year dying from air pollution? 😂😂😂😂
Also, mermaids exist 😂
Tell me about. The smog in London was so bad today while walking. He talks utter bullshit. 😂🤦♀️🙄🙄
well UK has to find the money for UKR war, which is going to last another 10 years.
@@tigading2177maybe a couple of years, but we should be helping them,
I don't think anyone has ever died purely from pollution in the air!
Air pollution does aggravate some conditions resulting in an early demise. However other factors, excluded for a convenient truth, may be more important. It’s another of those claims that won’t stand up to close scrutiny.
We need to go onto the street's and start protesting he's getting away with lieing to us .This Mayor has to go we must force him to resign .
We all need to vote Reform once and for all to sock it to the Tories and Labour.
All that will happen is you’ll split the Tory vote 🤷♂️
He'll have to beat the dolphins first.
No just no
I am glad that there is at least one British politician to call out this cancer on our capital.
Name one media outlet that support him?
JUST STOP OIL in britain and AmeriKKKa ✊🏿🏳️🌈🇯🇲🇷🇺🇨🇳🇯🇴🇮🇶
Oh for god sake! Leave it out. If you bothered to look into ULEZ charges. IT'S NOT SADIQ's policy!
@@eleanor5585 That clown that vermin is pushing it . He has no right to push it . The people are pushing back . Happily the cameras are being hit hard by Blade Runners .
A cancer that will spread to the rest of the country if we don't all rebel against the tyranny. Khan out. 🇬🇧
Get rid of the Mayor and the Prime Minister.
Takes more than that, mate. It's the system entirely.
No more Pakistani politicians in Britain please.
Too much brown for you
Is there a difference?
Get did of tories and labour
Richards on the ball. Exactly true every word.
His reasoning for ULEZ is that he's spoken to mums whose children have died from air-pollution in order to usher in his cronies agendas. Well, we can always pick small exceptions in everything. I can point out that electric cars have a track record of killing people...therefore scrap electric vehicles, right?
This is all very amusing 🤣🤣🤣
The Sick Children clap trap is just another Don't Kiss Granny minipulation. Somebody might just loose the head and go after the little Sheriff and then what ?
one girl who had asthma, remember LBC banging on about years ago, btw they're getting loads of TFL money for ULEZ ads promoting this scam , it's on repeat -programming us , same LBC with the PM's kinky wife pushing jabs for pregnante women ,
But he let you pay to pollute and poison the children
And a tiny number of women don't have periods, so men can be women. It's a great lefty trick
He is not sorry, he is a lying sociopath.
Bravo "!!!!!!!!!!1
He must be Neuremburg'd along with his WEF chums. They all have to go in the ground.
The little dictator
Commie psychopath.
He looks sick. There must be some reason he feels he has to do it.
The air quality in London has never been better Richard is correct. It seems any tax or restrictions on our freedoms can be green washed and waved through without any hint of democracy.
the Jizzya Tax, which muslim newcomers always impose on conquered peoples
I spent loads of time on the London during the 60s. How come I'm not dead yet?
labour party should throw him OUT!!!
Yes they should throw him out and go with him😂
Thank you Richard. Vote Reform UK Party!
UK & USA MUST STOP OIL NOW ✊🏿🏳️🌈🇯🇲🇷🇺🇨🇳🇯🇴🇮🇶
Uk 🇬🇧 and USA 🇺🇸 must produce more oil and gas and more exploration for it!
Never vote Reform. As for Richard nasty sneaky trouble maker.
@@JanSobieski3rd-kp2fw nah we voting for our country back or the natives will turn Viking and clean the lands as they have done in the past
Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
100% right Richard. Bare faced liar without a doubt.
Great description of Richard, another member of the financial elite trying to pull a quick one on the less clever section of the populace.
Well it is GB News , most on here usually are.
They ALL are
Not to mention that he's a thieving git.
@@johnperkins4611 Yeah except one gooden
If the met police wasn't so corrupt they would arrest him
All the Police forces are corrupt !
Keep crying 🤣🤣
@@JesusIsGayLord wow you must be his boyfriend
They only arrest people who against khant agendas.
This will get worse if we all don’t vote Richard Tice please share 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
You know that people have never been this angry because some people actually vandalize cameras instead of just writing to their MPs about their grievance. A ray of hope, in other words. That you can actually grow a pair and take back your life and your country.
It's sad it had to get to this point...reminds me of Thatcher's poll tax...people got angry back then...very!
I have never agreed with vandalism but there is no diplomatic solution to this good on you keep smashing those cameras
A combination of brutal government and incompetent police who can't solve crimes anymore has brought us to this point in which the people will begin to take matters into their own hands.
That is exactly unfortunately what it will take.
The British people are highly tolerant, but I'm sure if this nonsense persists, there will be repercussions.
Khan=WEF=Labour=Tories, so what's left
The blade runners.
Highly tolerant? Pull the other one! And they have the cheek to lecture China about human rights when they deny them to migrants, led by the vile Braverman. The next Hitler will be British
And sooner rather than later.
No way, we are apathetic as a nation and let people walk all over us. It won,t be long before white people will be in the minority then they might wake up ,but too late.
I’m voting for Richard Tice not Labour or Conservative I’ve had enough of them !vote Reform people !
You mean Tice, the ex loan shark and property developer who worked for the family firm and is a millonaire. Sure he no more that a grifting ex tory who believes the way to power is splitting the working class on racial lines so we fight each other instead of the property develppers and billionairses who get rich at our expense. The lonly reorm he wats is more money in his bank account with his followers taking the knee to him in the same tradition as Mosley and the others milkionaire and billionaire fascists amd populists on the far right from Trump to Tice
@@kiwidogs66 why not
I'm voting reform
We should all vote REFORM PARTY, as they are the only group prepared to put our country and it’s people first!
It’s a cowards way out if one is not prepared to support a new group of sensible people, who are volunteering to return our country to be a proud, independent and fair country once again. Those who will put its own people first, but then makes every effort to help other countries do the same, but “in their own country”. 😊
The roll of London mayor should be either got rid of or the position voted on across the UK. Tyrants should not be given power in the UK and must be removed one way or the other.
It shouldn't be a foreign-born person either
I prefer the other if you understand..
When Ken Livingstone and the Greater London Council got further up Maggies nose than she was prepared to tolerate, she abolished the GLC. I don’t see Fishy Rishy having the guts to get rid of the London mayoralty.
I feel especially sorry for the many poorly-paid carers, many of whom are dependent on their cars to get to work!
Doing an essential job for low pay and crappy conditions (like no sick pay). Look at how they treated them when they refused the vaccine that nobody seems to think was worth taking anyway now. This is how cvnts like Khan think of workers.
Not sorry enough to vote for a party that would address their poor pay and contract.
I suspect carers are just a useful victim for your argument.
It's not the poorly paid carers you should feel sorry for, it's the people they care for you should have concerns for.
@@rosemarydudley9954 I am a carer I used to do domestics for clients. I could not possibly afford this extra payment. Many carers are on call. If we didn't have our own transport it would be impossible to care
This is why we need proper English people running our country and cities….take this how you want but they’re slowly taking over!!
Well said mate, same as in Scotland
here here well said i APPLAUD YOU
Who's taking over? Looks like the same products of the political system to me.
@I-SelfLordAndMaster You waste your time trying to get any sense out of a thrupenny racist.
@I-SelfLordAndMasterare you white native to England European do you have a blood line that goes back a thousand years
It’s about time someone is straight talking for the British people ?
Massive Racist, Traitor. Just don't pay any fines.
Do not comply
How is he a traitor when he is put there by the WEF to destroy Great Britain
Oh you mean unlike Boris whose not even from here and also started all this?
@@stephnewman1357how is that relevant?
@@bobsocks7575it's relevant because he started it all! And he's a bloody foreigner 😂
Nobody pay these fines they can't put everybody in prison for not paying them
There’s plenty of empty warehouses
@@phillipcarter8045Oh, we can use them for the illegal immigrants then!
Go for it. I look forward to the crying in court then prison.
@user-le4uq7ns5f are you sadique khant ? Looking on you tube for the comments on how many people who can't stand himself. 😂
@@julienewman1761 Whoever I am it would still be very very funny. Can you imagine the wailing? lol
My fury comes from the realisation that on every issue that matters, from immigration to lockdowns, the two main parties only disagree about the level of betrayal which should be inflicted on the British people.
Brexit was a betrayal.
Paul gavin A dialogue between the two rival gangs as to how much they can get away with
Agree. Wonder why that is with a so called Prime Minister of South Asian extract, with a Home Secretary and previous Home Secretary both of South Asian extract, with a Mayor of London of South Asian extract, with the most useless governor of BoE appointed by Savid Javid of South Asian extract. The list goes on but there's an underlying cancerous growth here and average British people haven't got a clue what's happening.
basically, if you have money then feel free to pollute the place. If you're poor, you better start walking.
I have been in tears over this, he is a disgusting liar, he needs to be removed, and for his people to sack him, he is a little man syndrome Hitler
YA send him back to Pakistan to sell tomatoes and potatoes on the streets of karachi
Our PM Trudeau is the same 🇨🇦 lying scum of the earth 😡
Nightmare 'mayor'...remove
The start of his talk is about being with people suffering from effects of air pollution. May well be true, but statistically it is impossible to tie all of it down to a single variable. Yes, there is an issue, but I suspect that the fact ULEZ is bringing in over £720,000 per day and over £300,000 per week in fines is his real motivation. In reality he cares little for the all the critical workers of greater London.
Vote Reform
A Landslide
will stop this
(& all of the mess)
I never thought I'd say it but unfortunately
Reform is the only way for humans who are working class individuals
It's the only way
- both Labour
& the Conservatives
Will do this for
Taxes on none
rich ordinary
Working People
Please don't not Vote. It's never mattered more
The corrupt South African government tried to do this in Johannesburg. As one, we refused to pay, and now it has been scrapped.
all corrupt politicians and mps and the leaders of our corrupt and greedy councils should be chucked out of office as not a single one of them are worthy of there job title ,they are just a bunch of common thiefs and should be locked behind prison bars for a very very long time indeed.
@angrynative6023 VERY interesting indeed that there's precedents for this ULEZ scheme in other countries. And it went down just as well with the citizens in Jo'burg as a ham sandwich at a you-know-what!
@@comealongcomealong4480😂a je...h dilemma, pork at half price.
Jou ma se eToll....👍🍻😁🇿🇦
Khan is the leader of todays modern Gestapo.
Phuq! I'm almost tempted to say don't insult the gestapo!
Crocodile khan.
@@georgestitt2791 not sure of spelling..it's the einstat squapen again.
@@georgestitt2791 einstat squapen.
Brilliant 👍
💯 % agree with you.
He’s a great Mayor. Only implemented what Johnson started
People in pubs are always angry.
@raycorrigan3297 Kahn did not have to do it but he chose to.
Boris only had plans to do it.
Thank you Richard for telling it like it is. Go…go…go…Reform U.K.
A UK Prime Minister, a London Mayor, a Scottish First Minister and an Irish Prime Minister .... ALL Asian.
Let that really sink in.
Let’s not say “all Asian”. Some Asians are not like him.
@markbennett9176 So are they Asian or not?
FOOL 🙄😌🙏🏻🇬🇧
Sikhs & Hindus are an important part of our Communities.
They became so because they care about this Country & the British People
Their children are British as they became British.
@@Bangtaneu I don't have a problem with them. However my OP still stands.
Particularly Khan and that dope Humza Yousless. They have no business governing in a British Christian country
This leads to complete loss of respect for authority. First in line are the police as they are the first called out to protect the state. A new political party is urgently required to remove labour and conservatives parties from parliament and local councils and to protect British people from the evil forces that current politicians are controlled by.
That would need a tactical nuke delivered to the Crown Square-mile or Davos.Preferably both.Worth remembering the City of London is a sovereign nation, al a Vatican and DC, parasitising of the 'host' nation it infests.
Vote Green Party next time they care about everyone
@@jonsimpson8014Nope, they intend to murder billions with their climate scam.
Police officers are members of the public as well. They are not exempt from the increased levels of taxation and restrictions on movement. Most police officers despise their political leaders. They are the only occupation in the UK ( except the military ) who are prevented from striking by virtue of legislation which creates an offence. If they even discuss the possibility of lobbying for or taking strike action they can be subject to disciplinary proceedings resulting in dismissal. Trust me I know. Can you just afford to throw away your job and your income in these straightened times ? I doubt it. You need to think a little more deeply before spouting anti police rhetoric. It’s a thankless job and a dangerous one. Just look at the Police sergeant killed after being hit by a train in Nottinghamshire whilst trying to save a distressed member of the public. The police are finding it difficult to recruit and difficult to retain people who have any degree of common sense and intelligence. As a result they have had to lower the standards to bolster the numbers. Hence the raft of stories of police incompetence in recent years. The people they are having to accept aren’t bright enough to do the job. It’s a vicious downward spiral , and the main reason people don’t want to join …… the constant carping and criticism from the public , media and politicians. Why would anybody want to do it ? Be careful what you wish for !
Weren't you watching when Richard Tice came straight out & told the world that khan was a corrupt lying racist ?
Richard Tice is also the leader of the Reform UK party, & the only British politician who's policies support the indigenous people of this country, & it seems he's also the only one who's got both the knowledge & initiative to take Britain away from the glob#@#lists & put it back in the hands of the British people.!
Everything we need is already in place & waiting for the people to wake up & send the message that we're finally done with their shit.!
Vote reform giving them a chance is better than the catastrophic certainty of Tories or labour
Even with NO POLICIES barring diversity hatred and free for all Speeding, Motoring ,Oil Guzzling pollution. spells S M O G.
He's just the fall guy who will be rewarded just like former baton holder Tony Blair.
They both need to be fitted for hemp neck ties and disposed of in a landfill.
You all ought to ashamed.Tony Balir and GWB should be emptying their buckets in penitentiary fir callous war crimes
Vote Reform .
Well said Richard and Dan
Be careful people of who or what you follow ....believe. and listen too....DAN WOOTON is caught up in his own scandals and still on air...(nothing has happened to him) ....whilst the other bloke is sat there flicking up the 6s ALL the time......meaning the are ALL on SADIK KHANS = UK CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION = ROTHSCHILD = DEEP STATE SIDE. A separate legal entity and jurisdiction to the rest of London...Wales...Scotland..Ireland...England and the rest of the World and they ALL stand under Maritime law of the holy SEE (COMMERCE FOR THE DEAD/STRAWMAN) x
It really isn't. Dan should be suspended anyway. Says a lot about GBN...
Yeah his behaviour re blackmail is totally unacceptable
@@ne-ht4zx Birds of a feather flock together. Most of them nest in the GB News nest where they have a large supply of maggots to feed on.
The anger in the this country is growing we have had enough!!!!!
Stop it. The British people with be quiet and do what they're told as usual.
@@darren2484 it's overdue.
Not enough yet, where is the uprising
Bravo ! So now let me guess...comes in Superman!
Sadiq must be removed from office now,because if he stays in office,true Brits will be completely banded from thier capital.
Brits will be there long after he's gone!
Long live ULEZ and our hero Sadiq Khan
@@plejady I second that Why don't these partiots scream about Braverman and Patel?
@@PaulMason-c9mbecause it’s not just ulez we’ve had enough of you dirty grunts taking over our country and finally we’re getting angry about it and soon the tides will change when the British start rioting and people like you get strung up in our capital likes it’s 1872 🏴☠️🚨🤣
They already are. Is there anywhere you would like to go? Good luck trying.
The fact that this man has lied so much over so many things, makes these taxes, fines, fraudulant !! The pot is simmering !!!
Richard seems to be getting his act together. I really hope so!
He's quite impressive 👍
Do tell us then how his joke party did at the last elections
@@iandawe948 awful, and he should never have laughed and joked with the serial killer Hancock, but Reform is all we have. Corbyn should start a left wing party and on the serious issues, they would probably have the same policies as Reform. The main one - get rid of the corrupt Uni-party.
His overlords instructed him.
I despise all these politicians who just want to take take take
I’m visiting Manchester at the moment after leaving the UK 30 years ago.
It’s like walking around a massive migrant camp. I’m appalled at the litter, graffiti and migrants looking down on me as if I don’t belong there.
The UK is ruined I’m afraid. Too many second class people multiplying!! ☹️
@@mr.pac.4614 , second class is being too kind.
Leave! Go back!
Unfortunatly you dont belong anymore . We dont belong.
Welcome to the club ! The majority of us feel the same way.
Reform uk 🇬🇧
Sadiq Khan thinks if you repeat lies enough times it will make it true, the fact is it just makes you a bigger liar!! and most of our politicians today work on this principle...
Lies or statistics taken out of context for the greatest benefit. Both Khan and the interviewee play the same politically motivated game. Opinions become truths then facts. Such is the way our media are blinded by the politicians they court.
It works for farage, Johnson and Co 😂
Not lies from Sadiq the facts are there. The law court agrees with him.
Tories and Reform wanted our own courts to have control over the law of the land but moan when that law does not go the way they want.
Remember Borris the clown started this ball rolling and he was the biggest liar of all time.
As. for Richard the trouble maker sneaky one at that. As for Dan has he sorted out his legal troubles? He should be gone.
It worked with covid and 80% fell for it.
@@paulhodgersand Starmer, Phillips, Rayner they are all hypocrites and liars
We need TOTAL non-compliance....just refuse this nonsense... Just say NO!!!
Then get a visit from the bailiffs
@@barry1-m1d but if everyone refused to pay it (i know most will just moan about it and pay up anyway) they would need a lot of bailiffs. To work as an enforcement officer (bailiff) you have to meet a certain criteria, no criminal record etc, there's not a chance in hell that the number of vacancies required to forfill the numbers they would need just to chase ulez fines could ever be recruited.
@@barry1-m1dand wait to see what happens ….. violence. What exactly do you think they’re going to do? People are ready to protect others from these pieces of crap. Plenty have been removed. Even with the police in force. Expect more and worse.
@@barry1-m1d say no to them as well....keep your doors and windows locked!!
The trouble with us Brits we are all talk no action, look at the French when petrol prices were put up, the went nuts, when their pensions were threatened they went berserk, WE just moan 🤣🤣🤣
Yep the British are a race of cowards all talk moan about everything but never do anything to change the way things are REVOLUTION armed revolt of the people to overthrow the establishment government monarchy the lot get rid of them like they did in Russia and get rid of them in the same fashion with bullets and take back our rights our freedoms our DEMOCRACY but it will never happen because Brits are all mouth and no drive shaft
Exactly,we will shout and demonstrate,but come next week we be all sat watching telly
The stiff upper lip.
To be fair, we haven’t reached the same levels as Europe has, yeah maybe we don’t retire as young as the French, but it’s been a far safer and better place to live these past few decades.
I have faith that my fellow countrymen and women will get off our arses in time, it’s happening already ;) 🎉
Forgot to add - being an “Island” nation brought us a lot of safety, now that has been taken away by the ECHR, let’s see how these next several years progress with thousands of ISIS militants living with us.
Give it time 🎉🎉
It is probably time that a "muddy number plate drive through London day" was organised.
And he must be voted out ASAP‼️
Global government will not allow it.
You all had that chance a year ago…😂
Demographics mean he will never lose an election in London. They vote for him because he looks like them, regardless of policies.
@daidavies6210 he was placed in. Not voted in . To carry the government agenda by getting us common folk to give up our cars. While themselves and the elite fly around in their private jet planes and carry on driving their cars.
@@kinomusic9110Welcome to London, please don't be offended that some of us are still white 🙄
I will vote for the Reform UK
Vote Reform
Vote freedom
@@phillipcarter8045we won't get that if people keep on voting for two main incompetent parties. Aka Labour and Conservative. They are both working together.
Whatever you vote for the same corrupt tactics infect that party too. Reform the system with more electoral power, such as Referendums on issues like the ULEZ expansion. Put decision validation to a vote. But then politicians wouldn’t have the publicity platforms they need to maintain the illusion of their importance, and the numbers riding the gravy train.
@@julienewman1761the issu we got is generation immigrants who can vote against us
Give it a rest .You think these groups are knights on white chargers? They all align at the masonic level.
Why is he claiming he is getting rid of cars and pushing people onto their tube wher the air is toxic. By his own ridiculous claims, that makes him a murderer.
He's pushing Londoners to the brink ....... You can feel the tension rising in London! It's gonna kick off😮 mark my words.
It’s already happening
And people who don't live in London but drive into the suburbs for all manner of reasons.
Londoners, born and bred, yes, but they’re the minority given the influx of those seeking high paid work, who can easily afford this charge. Pay heed to the demographics, which Khan does, knowing his position is secure with the voters who came to live there.
@@brynleytalbot778 $m@rtm@t!c Itd votes him in! Research it 😝
You are right of course . The tension is palpable and my own stress levels are in the red. Not that I'd ever wish it on them at all, but the ULEZ extension is in one way a good thing in as much as it has broadened the conversation about Mayor Khunt being a thieving lying twat.
I’ve lived in London practically my whole life.. I had terrible asthma as a child .. I was hospitalised numerous times as a teenager.. if pollution was so bad then my asthma would have got worse but it’s actually got so much better over the years! This is just a cash grab.. how can you say oh your car is old and pollutes? We care so much about the environment that you can still pollute but you can pay for it! How does that make sense! It’s the worlds greediest consumers telling the most conservative that they can’t have their meagre share because the greedy want it all! And that’s the bottom line!
very true indeed.
Exactly , it would be like saying you can smoke in pubs again but you can pay £12 lol.
Long live ULEZ and our hero Sadiq Khan
Finally, somebody not afraid to speak the truth!
We need to go to The mayer house With the biggest protest ever And not leave, till he backs off and leave. It's time for a new English mayor and a English Prime Minister. Not labour or conservative 🇬🇧🕊❤️🌳🌹🫂👬👫
I just love the way Sadiq says he has spoken to “people who support cameras and charges for people coming into London”
He hasn’t spoke to one person who supports it.
He only did as a self-glorifying photo opportunity
The legal maxim applies: He who asserts must prove'. Collapse of corrupt conspiracy.
London referendum needed....but majority do NOT own cars.
Those who are supporting must be coming from grooming gangs
Khan the liar 🇬🇧
He’s a puppet of the WEF doing as he’s told and got some seriously thick skin
Maybe he's been promised great rewards
Khan head of the C40 also.
@@kellysouter4381Yes they do anything for massa
@@derekcable Muslim Brotherhood ?
@@earlgrey691 probably amongst other things.
If a car passes an MOT then it has passed the OMISSIONS TEST.
Yes priminister and mayor need rid of soon as🏴
Everyone has a breaking point. Even the British people 🤬🤬🤬
Supermarkets have almost succeeded
Well said.
And it's coming FAST !!!!!
I think we've already passed it... 🤬
roll on the revolt britons AWAKE get rid of the lying little piece of dung.
We use the term antiwhite.
I use the term anti-white racism because that is what it is .
And i progeny of the brutal colonist
well done Richard saying it as it is while our MP's just sit back and say & do nothing !
Is it me or this exactly what we need?! I've never voted in my life because I disagree with Tories and labour. However, this guy, he speaks the most sense. And seems like he means it.
Those who live in london should not vote for him again!
Remember the Peterborough shenanigans with postal voting ,it's all you need to know
his tribe will fiddle the election for him!! as they have done already
Sorry to say that won't happen he has cleverly filled London with his own kind!
I’m feeling the vibe of what the labour and conservative governments have done and this vid has made me checkout Reform UKs policies and I like what they are standing for. I’ve spent the last few years feeling ripped off by the governments for the taxes that beyond income tax, taxes on pensions , savings and inheritance than should go completely to the children and loved ones we have worked for. Sadiq has simply made me question the motives of all politicians that are currently in power and they all just kin suck! We need a change.
I was fined £90; yet my eyes had been peeled searching for the signs, (this in itself is dangerous driving) As a disabled senior, I can't afford to risk London again.
U should not have paid it yu idiot everybody don't pay see what they do total breakdown of society 😢
Now we can call out the 'Brothers'' in the UK. Humza begged his brothers to get his mother in law out and did not give a s*** over the hostages which includes UK nationals.
Richard Tice is absolutely right on ULEZ, as he is on many things. 👍
Isn't it curious how all these so-called eco measures involve cameras that dish out fines.
@@hugodrax71It’s a discriminatory policy as everything environmental tends to be. Labour the party of the working class my hairy arse.
@@doszlYou can vote for Labour (wef) Conservatives (wef) or Liberals (wef)…
A GBN bot if I ever saw one
American think tanks hire a lot of you anti wef bots
At least we’re having a break from Harry and Meghan 😅
I don’t know who I hate more 😡
I know what you mean but to be fair GB news is still better than watching sky news and listening to the climate crisis con 24 hours a day 7 days a week.... BORING!!!😔
@@Reality6789both I can't stand them all.
All are grifters.
Does Tice work for TalkTV or GBNews?
I reckon even Harry will be having a break from her soon!!! It had to happen. My bro-in-law and I both gave it 5 years max, on the wedding day!!
When the next election comes, I’m voting for reform UK party☝️☝️👏👏👏👏👍
Anyone with a brain will, just a shame the lefty lot, don't even have one between them.
Well done. That's the spirit. 👏🌹🇬🇧💯
Get voting him out then
Richard Tice is spot on!
Totally unbelievable what’s happening in England 😢
Yep bloody shocking
It's not just England my friend, the whole West is falling apart😔
And the rest of the UK
In Britain , its all over .or will be.
It's very funny though. Drivers getting their knickers in a twist and crying on the internet. Very funny indeed 🤣🤣🤣
Just who do we really have in power in this country? Why do so many awful people have so much power?
It's the WEF that have all the power, and our politicians have been bought and paid for 😔
UN agenda 2030, SDGs and NGOs, international rules-based order.
They don't get there by being nice .
Good people don’t want to rule over others 💁🏻♀️
Awful people seek power, and oppose those in power to seek it for their agendas. Democracy with one vote every four years simply doesn’t work. We need more Referendums to put power back into the hands of the electorate. Maybe then people will trust the system.
The sheriff of Nottingham... spot on.
I find it hard to believe that Khan can implement such a thing as ULEZ,you would think that something like this would be a government decision ,not a Mayors surely.
I'd have thought that the fact that the bulk of population in the extended ULEZ did not have a mayoral vote, that it would be totally undemocratic and unenforceable. Apparently Not.
Boris was the idiot who first came up with the idea of ulez.
This is just the start of the anger. Wait for the rest of their plans
The anger looks like a minority group not a huge mobilised movement. How many are stoking this fire? A few protestors isn’t a credible confirmation of mass anger.
Klaus Schwab happily predicted that the world would soon become much more angry. He knew this because he had plans that would make it so.
Thank God for GB News.
The voice of the people.
Lord bless them and protect them.
Voice of the millionaire owner and investors.
Here here.
@@AntonyClayton-eq1ul Where?
@@andrewoliver8930 What do you mean "where"?
@AntonyClayton-eq1ul It should be hear, hear.
Just a silly little joke.
This is worse then the Poll Tax, and Khan is still there laughing at all
Poll tax was so unpopular, so our lovely government just renamed it council tax and implemented it lol.
The Reform party is the only alternative!!