Drama Title: Allure Snow (2012) Plot: In Allure Snow, the beautiful Suzhou-style embroidery stitches together the lives of a group of youths - the playful and kind only child (Dong Jie) of the Jiang family, the country boy who always trusts her (Du Chun) without knowing he’s the child of the rivaling Heng family, his half-brother the official son and her betrothed (Gao Hao), and his secret admirer and her faithful servant (Zhang Jianni). The drama is written by Golden Bell winner Li Shunci, and produced by Yu Zheng productions. That means in addition to the main leads, we’ll see other Yu Zheng regulars like Mickey He, Yuan Shanshan and Su Qing. Another highlight of the series is the more-authentic-than-most rare Ming-styled half-waist ruqun‘s worn by many of the characters. Native Title: 倾城雪 Also Known As: Qing Cheng Xue , Mei Ren Ru Hua , 美人如画 Country: China Episodes: 50
I want to see full movie
Drama Title: Allure Snow (2012)
Plot: In Allure Snow, the beautiful Suzhou-style embroidery stitches together the lives of a group of youths - the playful and kind only child (Dong Jie) of the Jiang family, the country boy who always trusts her (Du Chun) without knowing he’s the child of the rivaling Heng family, his half-brother the official son and her betrothed (Gao Hao), and his secret admirer and her faithful servant (Zhang Jianni).
The drama is written by Golden Bell winner Li Shunci, and produced by Yu Zheng productions. That means in addition to the main leads, we’ll see other Yu Zheng regulars like Mickey He, Yuan Shanshan and Su Qing. Another highlight of the series is the more-authentic-than-most rare Ming-styled half-waist ruqun‘s worn by many of the characters.
Native Title: 倾城雪
Also Known As: Qing Cheng Xue , Mei Ren Ru Hua , 美人如画
Country: China
Episodes: 50
Happy ending?
@@CoFFee123.. That's good to hear
What is the English Title ? Allure Snow, or what else ?
*The scene doesn’t live up to the title☹️*
Não assisti ainda essa série! Deve ser linda a história!
Perché non ci sono i sottotitoli in ITALIANO 😬
Mancano in parecchi drama 🤗❤
Name please!!!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Allure snow
NXT episode pls 🙏😁
Lol, she let everyone know she would be there from dawn to midnight. But they decide to search her room in full dark just before she gets back?
Follow up?
Qual o nome deste dorama?
Não achei onde assistir 😢😢😢
Where is the follow to this fascinating drama??
Cómo se llama la serie
But did the emperor give her the jade, does she know him, does she get justice for her father?
You won't find this drama sub e glish ...they are all clips
Title pls
Дорама называется Очаровательный снег, Китай, 50 серий, 2012 г. Переведён до 20 серии, а посему шансов мало, так что зря не ищите.
Un saludo desde España 🇪🇸
Allure snow
PLEASE QUIT naming your videos things that don't even occur. That's called click bait aka LYING. UUGGHH
Where is our title name
Allure snow
What the name of this drama please
@Safana ஷபானா 12:52
Nombre de la serie
Allure Snow
Allure Snow
Filmmm baguss tapi gakkk ada subtitle indonesia???,haruss di blokk dari gogleee ???,biarr fahamm kalauu mau aplod di youtubee
Qual o nome desse seriado?
Allure snow
when the fuck she took it out ???
The imperial robe…
Inglês e espanhol Fernando