Top 5 Reasons Why I Fell In Love With The Netherlands

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024
  • In this video I will be sharing with you my top 5 reasons on why I fell in love with this amazing country! Feel free to comment bellow and start a discussion over whatever points you think are valid or not. Look forward to reading your comments. ♥️
    you have ever wondered what it is like to leave the USA and live in Europe wonder no more because I am living it!
    INSTAGRAM: joeyjaq
    Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
    Track Name: "Days Like These"
    Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ / lakeyinspired
    Original upload HERE -
    Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" RUclips Channel HERE -
    License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
    Full License HERE -
    Music promoted by NCM CONTACT ME:

Комментарии • 353

  • @groovyeverywhere
    @groovyeverywhere 5 лет назад +369

    get yourself a guy that praises you as much as Joey praises the Netherlands

    • @JoeyJaq
      @JoeyJaq  5 лет назад +22

      Hahaha I’m pinning this!!! It’s too goo!!! 😂

    • @groovyeverywhere
      @groovyeverywhere 5 лет назад +3

      @@JoeyJaq ahahahaa dankjeweeeell😂❤

    • @MariskavanBunderen
      @MariskavanBunderen 5 лет назад +14

      That should be on a TEGELTJE!!!

    • @Amsool
      @Amsool 5 лет назад +1


    • @Nynke_K
      @Nynke_K 5 лет назад +1


  • @AppleCore360
    @AppleCore360 5 лет назад +142

    first person I have ever heard saying "love the belastingdienst" hahaha
    but I guess they do offer an honest structure.

    • @lucacommonjay7894
      @lucacommonjay7894 5 лет назад +8

      I was just gonna comment this. But since I'm getting 600 euros from them this year, I guess I love them too right now xD

    • @BlueEyedRaven_
      @BlueEyedRaven_ 5 лет назад +7

      Sure nobody likes paying taxes and nobody likes those that are always on your ass about paying taxes. But I guess our system is just easy and structured and not every country can say that.

    • @CruelViper88
      @CruelViper88 5 лет назад +11

      Leuker kunnen we hiet maken, wel makelijker.
      We can't make it fun, but we can make it easyer.
      Is the basic moto from out "Belastingdienst".

    • @Kholdaimon
      @Kholdaimon 4 года назад +2

      We are just spoiled. We pay a lot of taxes in the Netherlands but ask any foreigner about what they like about the Netherlands and they comment on how well everything is taken care off, from infrastructure to social security to health-care, everything is clean... We forget this, but our taxes pay for that, in the US you pay less taxes and they spend it on giving subsidies to oil companies and increasing their army expenditure while there is no social security, bad health-care for the poor and the infrastructure is literally crumbling away...

  • @vincenttekelenburg3740
    @vincenttekelenburg3740 5 лет назад +118

    value for money, kerel is al echt een nederlander xD

  • @wandaaufderspringe2102
    @wandaaufderspringe2102 4 года назад +4

    Wow. And alot of Dutch (myself included) are really complaining about the Netherlands. It's so refreshing and eye opener to see someone from outside the Netherlands talk positive about our country ❤️

  • @frith.calluna
    @frith.calluna 5 лет назад +49

    Totally unrelated, but I love that shirt!

  • @speeluh
    @speeluh 5 лет назад +13

    'Dial up the belastingdienst" sounded very funny. Thank you for the video. I'm grateful for living in Holland.

  • @SaveraSusanna
    @SaveraSusanna 5 лет назад +30

    O god, nu ik jou zo hoor praten denk ik echt: Oke, ik mar wel wat dankbaarder zijn dat ik in NL woon. 😌
    Het klopt dat we zo met de auto door Europa kunnen. En inderdaad met gemak naar Parijs. ❤️
    Ik en mijn vriend willen dol graag een roadtrip maken door de US en denken dan inderdaad dat we veel te veel moeten uitzoeken voordat dat überhaupt mogelijk is. Beetje hetzelfde als jouw gedachten toen je in de US woonde dat het veel uitzoekwerk is om naar Parijs of een andere plaats in de EU te gaan. 😌
    Wel super leuk dat ik nu door jouw video ineens extreem dankbaar ben om in NL te wonen. ❤️

  • @LisaKokx
    @LisaKokx 5 лет назад +12

    I am so happy to hear that you've truly found yourself a home here!
    As much as I want to go abroad all the time, I am really glad that I grew up here. Some things are incredible, other things could be better, but everything is decent. And that, in a way, makes me proud to live here.

  • @StarBurgerProductions
    @StarBurgerProductions 5 лет назад +23

    Normally I don't comment on videos. But I like the way you compare the Netherlands to the USA. Keep It up Joey!

  • @fionamartinez6978
    @fionamartinez6978 5 лет назад +55

    I completely agree with you: there is no other place in the world where I would want to raise my children. I had such a care-free childhood here, but only realized it (of course) when I was much older. The way I was raised, and the way I think a lot of Dutch children are raised, was with a lot of freedom, mutual trust, and independance. I actually have a theory about this: growing up, kids from a very young age learn how to go places by themselves. I mean by cycling. Think about it, when I was about 11 years old, I could already visit any one of my friends whenever I wanted, go to school on my own, to the shops, to hang out with friends etc. I never had to ask my parents to drive me or wait until I had a car of my own (I still don't have one). If I stop and think about it, I feel incredibly lucky to have grown up this way and I wouldn't want anything less for my children.
    Great video! Xxx

    • @BlueEyedRaven_
      @BlueEyedRaven_ 5 лет назад

      I guess the good thing but also a bad thing depending on your perspective is that everything in The Netherlands is so close by because our country is quite small. So yeah you can practically reach everything you need on foot or bike. If you prefer a carefree and simple life, The Netherlands is certainly a good place to live.

    • @Derlet30
      @Derlet30 3 года назад

      This is so beautiful to hear! I grew up in a completely different part of the world than the presenter and also you, but I cherish carefree, happy childhood stories. They remind me of mine in South America, hiking outdoors with my family and friends ❤

  • @tiestoboi21
    @tiestoboi21 5 лет назад +28

    Dear Joey,
    I absolutely love your videos. I’ve been living in the Netherlands for 4 months now. I also moved from NYC. I fell in love with a Dutch boy and 7 years later(yesss hunty....took me that long to move)
    The way of living was something that immediately stuck out to me whenever I would come to see my boyfriend. People don’t understand that in the US. Americans live to work, Dutch people work to live. U see it on people’s faces that they are happy doing their job. For example, going to a fast food restaurant is so different, in America you get the annoyed person who is behind the counter stuck at work with a little attitude just saying “NEXT!” In The Netherlands, people are so friendly and even when my Dutch is not so good they don’t mind because I speak English. I love the Netherlands just as much as u, best decision I made coming here to be with the king of my heart ❤️ keep posting videos!!!

    • @Saartje05
      @Saartje05 5 лет назад

      Like my late father always said 'my work is a nasty break in my vacation'. LOL. And yes, he loved what he did.

    • @ChibiYotsuba
      @ChibiYotsuba 5 лет назад +3

      Yes, this! I can't seem to explain this to my American online friends. They can't fathom how somehow can be motivated to work hard, if they're not working for tips. I tell them you don't work hard for tips, but to keep your job, which you can do stress free, as you don't have to worry about making ends meet, so your smile is genuine. They then go 'so instead you worry all the time about losing your job?!' I can't seem to make them understand that simply doing your job right because you want your job isn't a source of constant worry here, but something you gladly do because you feel it's worth it. Now of course, you don't go to your job going 'hurraaayyy!', but most people accept that it's just the way that it is, and they're fine with it. I don't know how I would cope with wondering if I would make ends meet that day, every day. That's just too much stress.

    • @Derlet30
      @Derlet30 3 года назад

      Beautiful note! So happy for you!! ❤

  • @moontan_
    @moontan_ 5 лет назад +2

    Yay you made it to the 10k! Ik vind jou zo leuk! Ga zo door!

  • @WilliamsWorldView
    @WilliamsWorldView 5 лет назад +85

    I guess banning hate preacher Steven Anderson from coming to the Netherlands (and the other Schengen countries) is a tribute to the gay acceptance in the Netherlands (althought, discrimination still is an issue, even in the netherlands)

    • @mariussielcken
      @mariussielcken 5 лет назад +1

      I prefer free expression. I prefer that you present an argument against people who think like Anderson instead of shutting them down. These people believe AIDS is punishment from God for gay tolerance. It's not right to just shut it down: this only serves their victim complex.

    • @WilliamsWorldView
      @WilliamsWorldView 5 лет назад +7

      @@mariussielcken I don't think there is any hope left, for people like Steven Anderson. You can argue against them all you want, no logical argument will make them see how wrong they are.
      I can rip all of Steven Andersons arguments to bits. No problem, but that will not make him change his mind.
      He needs a paradigm shift, but that is something he needs to do on his own. You can't make him, not with logic and reasoning. Then he'll just hide behind his bible

    • @mariussielcken
      @mariussielcken 5 лет назад

      @@WilliamsWorldView isn't it just amazing, that you now have to ban him, because you say the way of logic and dialectic is shut down, but somehow you are not the one shutting it down even though you agree with shutting down Anderson's free speech. You are implicitly choosing violence. You advocate using state violence to interfere in a peaceful civil matter. All because he has views you disagree with. He might need a paradigm shift, but you need a backbone that is not so fragile that it needs state enforcement. Let's actually defend gays from Anderson, and not expect the state to do work that is not their work.
      Realize the Nazi's were not just racists: they thought jews were even more racist. Their fight against the opposition felt to them as revenge for years of oppression, as the Nazi party had been illegal. It's amazing how willing you are to feed people's persecution complex. If you were really worried about Dutch views on gays, shutting down a public speech wouldn't even be on the list. Let Anderson expose himself. It's either that or you believe that people you happen to disagree with should be shut down. And that's when you're a fascist and implictly endorse political violence.

    • @mariussielcken
      @mariussielcken 5 лет назад

      @@WilliamsWorldView it's not about Steven Anderson, it's about public debate.

    • @WilliamsWorldView
      @WilliamsWorldView 5 лет назад +4

      @@mariussielcken *how wrong you are* isn't it just convenient for you, that you nohave to ban him because you say the way of logic is shut down, but somehow you are not the one shutting down logic even though you agree with shutting down Anderson's free speech. *hold on there, Kyle. His free speech is not shut down. He is still free to speak his mind. He is banned from spreading hate. No one is banned from speaking their mind, but there are rules. And he can make his point, without spreading hate. He chooses to spread hate, in stead of spreading a positive gospel.*
      You are implicitly choosing violence. *What act of violence is committed? There was no violence there. He was informed, that he was not welcome, thus he choose to stay away, no violent act was necessary, nore committed*
      You advocate using state violence to interfere in a peaceful civil manner. *Untrue, I don’t advocate for using state violence, or any kind of violence, for that matter. You seem to have a really weird definition of “violence”*
      All because he has views you disagree with. *If he did not spread hate and advocate for actively killing homosexuals, then he would be welcome to spread his religion here. He is not banned for his beliefs, he is banned for spreading hate. There is a big difference there, which seem to fail to recognize*
      He might need a paradigm shift, but you need a backbone that is so fragile doesn't need state enforcement. *Petty, very petty. Why is it, when people like you have no actual argument, that they resort to insults, right away? Come on, put some effort in. You did a piss poor job of arguing so far. Step up your game*
      Let's actually defend gays from Anderson, and not expect the state to do work that is not their work. *Again... you are totally wrong. Collectively we all form society, why are you separating the gays? All humans form societies, regardless of sexuality, skin color or religion. And collectively, as a society, we should protect our society, from people like Steven Anderson. How do you do that? You form a governing body and allow it to act for you in such cases...*
      Realize the Nazi's were not just racists: they thought jews were even more racist. Their fight against the opposition felt to them as revenge for years of oppression, as the Nazi party had been illegal. *Your abbreviation of the nazi history is missing some context there. I don’t think that, what you are saying is fully correct*
      It's amazing how willing you are to feed people's persecution complex. *You are completely wrong. The again, it is not about the religion, it is about the spreading of hate. You are putting the emphasis on the wrong side of the discussion*
      If you were really worried about Dutch views on gays, shutting down a public speech wouldn't even be on the list. *It’s not about free speech. There are rules for free speech. You can speak your mind, but you can’t spread hate. If Steven Anderson would say that he believes that homosexuality is wrong, then he can. If he says homosexuals should be executed, then he can’t. Try to understand the difference*
      Let Anderson expose himself. It's either that or you believe that people you happen to disagree with should be shut down. And that's when you're a fascist and implictly endorse political violence. *You really haven’t understood a thing, have you? I’ve explained this in the previous part of this comment. It’s about a society protecting itself from a threat. Steven Anderson spreads hate, which is why he was banned. It is not about belief, it is about hate. You are placing the emphasis on the wrong element.*

  • @GDveertje
    @GDveertje 5 лет назад +1

    Omg love itttt when you throw in Dutch words (you speak Dutch so well!). And very interesting to hear your points!!

  • @nurailidepaepe2783
    @nurailidepaepe2783 5 лет назад +4

    I don't think I'd ever be able to have a long distance relationship for that long so shoutout to you guys for doing that and staying together honestly

  • @JaneFokster
    @JaneFokster 5 лет назад +9

    I have to say I love your #2, the location in the world, because I also think people don't appreciate that enough. I love the fact that I can just hop in a car and go to all these amazing places in Europe with really no hassle or much planning at all. It's all so easy, whether you take a train/plane for a city trip or your own means of transport to enjoy more of the countryside abroad. My bf and I love European road trips so much that we have done nothing else for our summer holidays for the last 10 years, except for one week in NYC a few years ago. For my it's the only time I've been to the US, so I don't know if I can really answer your 'value for money'-question very well. I absolutely loved New York, but I also understand that NYC is different to most of the rest of the US.

  • @user-jy6sh5wu9h
    @user-jy6sh5wu9h 5 лет назад

    just subscribed to your channel, I am dutch and I regonize many things in your videos. I think your videos are really fun and I really like seeing suff from a foreigners perspective. keep it up!

  • @huachenyuforforever6024
    @huachenyuforforever6024 5 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing. It makes me appreciate the things I always took for granted a bit more :-)

  • @tessavanvlaanderen6139
    @tessavanvlaanderen6139 5 лет назад +1

    You are so right. I never really looked at the netherlands that way, but since a few months I do and it’s so mindblowing. Love your videos as always.❤️

  • @liefslieke
    @liefslieke 5 лет назад

    Leuke video joey! Maybe you could record a video talking about your favorite dutch snacks/foods and your least favorite ones. Hope you’ll reach your subscriber goal, i’ve recommended your video to some of my friends ✨

  • @sab-de8qq
    @sab-de8qq 5 лет назад +11

    really enjoyed this video, it made me realise I maybe should be more happy with where I live. my big dream is to move out of the Netherlands but I’ve never really looked at the points you made before. Great vid💛

    • @daniellecool89
      @daniellecool89 5 лет назад +1

      Yes the same i`m live in the Netherlands but i was thinking to go to Norway but what you say live isnt bad here inThe Netherlands

    • @alexysq2660
      @alexysq2660 5 лет назад

      @@daniellecool89 ~And, from what i understand/i've heard, *Norge* is - def - very lovely ( ...beautiful) but, that living there can be b-o-o-o-oring ({: \ ...! Not that 'worse' things don't exist, o/c...!!

  • @Overwijn01
    @Overwijn01 5 лет назад

    Thanks for making me smile 😊

  • @normadesmond6017
    @normadesmond6017 5 лет назад

    Joey I'm dutch and I find it beautiful, the reasons why you love our country and how passionate you tell it. Well done!

  • @claudiafrancisca6983
    @claudiafrancisca6983 5 лет назад +24

    Thank you Joey. Although most Dutch people will not agree about the 'Belastingdienst' (including me), I do agree with each and every other point you make.

    • @mhraafat
      @mhraafat 5 лет назад +2

      Claudia Francisca I agree..

    • @rdevries3852
      @rdevries3852 5 лет назад +6

      I don't know. While I expect that most people don't particularly enjoy paying taxes, when it comes to how our tax system and our "belastingdienst" is _organized_ , I think that most people would agree (if they're being honest) that it is _very_ organized.

    • @claudiafrancisca6983
      @claudiafrancisca6983 5 лет назад +1

      @@rdevries3852 I guess they are overorganized :).

    • @autohmae
      @autohmae 5 лет назад

      @@rdevries3852 I would love to pay more taxes ! (well, at the same tax rate and without inflation of course ;-) )

    • @rdevries3852
      @rdevries3852 5 лет назад

      @@autohmae Well sure, but that is _less_ a matter of liking taxes and more a side-effect of something else you'd like, now isn't it? :) :p

  • @Justquitthebs
    @Justquitthebs 4 года назад

    Thank you. I just started to re-appreciate my country again 🤗

  • @isabelhaakman3017
    @isabelhaakman3017 5 лет назад

    I’ve lived in the States for 10 years, but I come from the Netherlands. Everything you say is so relatable and so true! Thank you for giving me that little bit of nostalgia every once in a while😍❤️

  • @letshighfive
    @letshighfive 5 лет назад

    So easy to watch and listen to you - new fan 🙋‍♀️

    • @JoeyJaq
      @JoeyJaq  5 лет назад

      WELCOME!!! ♥️

  • @julievb6243
    @julievb6243 5 лет назад +1

    I’m always so great-full to live in the netherlands, especially after watching your vids! 💕

  • @elenia.t.8085
    @elenia.t.8085 5 лет назад +1

    I have a similar story and your video helped me so much

  • @Derlet30
    @Derlet30 3 года назад

    Such a great video! Now I understand why my aunt (from South America), moved to the Netherlands and her entire family (my uncle is Dutch and so are my 4 cousins) is so happy there.
    Now you are making me consider moving there from the US! 😄
    Thank you for making this video. I enjoyed it very much! You have amazing energy and a great personality ❤

  • @lynn2saucy441
    @lynn2saucy441 5 лет назад +6

    Omg i really love Ur vidss!!! Ik vind je Nederlands echt top!!!😌❤️🤞

  • @lauramulder4279
    @lauramulder4279 5 лет назад +1

    The 2nd is so true! I’m just a student here in the Netherlands, but next week I’ll be going to Disneyland Paris, then next month to Berlin, the month after I’ll be working in Spain and then I’ll be studying in England. Everything is sooo close! :)

  • @tessa5333
    @tessa5333 5 лет назад

    Love your video's Joey! Your right, I think we sometimes take things for granted here, but I'm really grateful that I live in The Netherlands😍☺ Sometimes we need people with a different perspective (like you) who remembers us to be grateful to live here

  • @susandaniels7033
    @susandaniels7033 5 лет назад

    Hi Joe. Thank you so much for your video. It is like an eye-opener. Hearing you talk about your experience in Holland, i just realize how fortunate i Am tot live in this country. In the future i promise to try to complain less because actually hearing you.. It could be a lot worse.

  • @rikkyrixt
    @rikkyrixt 5 лет назад +4

    I lived in DC and i think that it was really expensive coming from Friesland. Just basics like shampoo etc. was already 2/3 times more expensive then back home.

  • @spambaconeggspamspam
    @spambaconeggspamspam 5 лет назад +21

    I thought in the US the price of living is very different on a regional basis. Where you can hardly rent an appartment in NY you can buy a house with a yard in any of the "Fly over" states.

    • @lindaraterink6451
      @lindaraterink6451 5 лет назад +2

      We have that in the Netherlands too. Take 150.000 euros to Groningen and you can buy a nice farmhouse with a huge garden. Take the same amount to Amsterdam and you'd be lucky to find an apartment with a balcony.

    • @Saartje05
      @Saartje05 5 лет назад +2

      @@lindaraterink6451 I don't think you can buy an apartment in A'dam for 150.000 euros.

    • @lindaraterink6451
      @lindaraterink6451 5 лет назад +1

      @@Saartje05 Like I said you'd be lucky to find one. ;)

    • @Saartje05
      @Saartje05 5 лет назад

      @@lindaraterink6451 And I said I don't think you will. But I understand what you're saying.

    • @marilynfernandez3279
      @marilynfernandez3279 5 лет назад +2

      That is correct! That is why I feel some of the comparisons he makes are misleading and unfair. The US is a large and diverse country and you can't generalize about the people or regions. I am sure he has not lived in every state. There is really no fair basis for comparison, plus I don't understand why you have to compare in the first place; both countries are beautiful and have much to offer.

  • @alexdevid135
    @alexdevid135 5 лет назад

    that vibe though!

  • @thatdutchguy2882
    @thatdutchguy2882 5 лет назад

    👍-up Joey.
    I'm glad you enjoy living in the Kingdom.

  • @Saartje05
    @Saartje05 5 лет назад

    It's great how you're telling us how great it's here. So often people complain how bad it's here but they don't realize how well it's organized here, how good life is here. We're so spoiled.

  • @travelanddiscover3039
    @travelanddiscover3039 5 лет назад

    Thanks for geat sharing of information..

  • @nemanjadjukic
    @nemanjadjukic 5 лет назад

    great to hear the whole story, how you ended up here in the Netherlands 👍❤

  • @alexsandrakrol5163
    @alexsandrakrol5163 5 лет назад

    I like the way you talk about the accessibility of everything. We do live pretty much in the centre of everything and we can do a lot of crazy stuff because of it. For example with some friends I took the day off work, got the first plane to Nice for breakfast and a glass of wine on the boulevard and the last plane back home. Just because we could.

  • @petervrooden9849
    @petervrooden9849 5 лет назад

    reason No6: I live here! ;) Good to see the perspective from someone who lived in another country. Sometimes I take for granted all we have in The Netherlands.

  • @meertntoch1438
    @meertntoch1438 5 лет назад

    Glad you like it here so much, welcome aboard (so to speak)!

  • @MariskavanBunderen
    @MariskavanBunderen 5 лет назад +1

    7:16 you just dial up the BELASTINGDIENST 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻 absolutely something I just figured out that does NOT exist here. You’re amazing

    • @JasperJanssen
      @JasperJanssen 5 лет назад

      Wait, doesn’t the IRS have a customer service hotline?

  • @Tangocita444
    @Tangocita444 5 лет назад +8

    Love This video. Love you! My husband and I are going to move to the Netherlands as well, and I love your videos like this. I agree with every single point that you have. Plus, bikes! LOL in all seriousness, you make very good points that I one hundred percent agree with and I think the Netherlands has it all over America, speaking as a 50-year-old American that has lived here all her life. I live in Seattle, a super expensive West Coast city, and I have done my due diligence on pricing in the Netherlands, and it is amazing. Thank you for the videos. Keep up the great work

    • @sannehol6942
      @sannehol6942 5 лет назад

      Welcome! Hope you will enjoy becoming more dutch and living the dutch way! Use your bikes a lot👍😉

  • @mariellewos2456
    @mariellewos2456 5 лет назад

    Kind words I believe! Ik wens je/jullie veel goeds!

  • @RFGfotografie
    @RFGfotografie 5 лет назад +1

    I love these video's :)

  • @cainasuwan4655
    @cainasuwan4655 5 лет назад

    I like that it is a small country. You don’t get lost easily.

  • @WietskeLenderink
    @WietskeLenderink 5 лет назад

    I just moved back to the Netherlands after living in Seoul South-Korea for 5.5 years and I need this video. Moving back is hard! But you are right the Netherlands has some great points for sure!!

  • @sanderjansen5187
    @sanderjansen5187 5 лет назад

    Fijn om weer eens te horen hoe goed wij het hebben in ons kikkerlandje. Ik heb al eens een jaar in Nebraska gewoond en ga er vaak op vakantie, altijd weer erg blij als ik weer thuis in Nederland ben.

  • @chaoticgoodgh0st286
    @chaoticgoodgh0st286 4 года назад +1

    #2 YESS, went to the Ardennen in Belgium with my bf & friends and the drive was only an hour.
    Also if you want to, you can fly to Spain in 2 hours for example 👌👌

  • @WiWillemijn
    @WiWillemijn 5 лет назад

    I love how 6 hours is 'close by' for you ;)
    And that you learn dutch!

  • @bertoverweel6588
    @bertoverweel6588 5 лет назад +3

    Nice you like the Netherlands so much .

  • @Killergauge
    @Killergauge 5 лет назад

    Thank you for your video Joey. To see it in your perspective, i should be grateful to live here. I didn’t see like that. Better said : i didn’t saw it like that.
    Ps. We love your video’s 😘.

  • @Juf999
    @Juf999 5 лет назад

    When I want to Paris (I live in Holland), it is two and a half hour with the train, when I want to London it is a little hour with the plain!

  • @MultiCombo1
    @MultiCombo1 5 лет назад

    I might have seen you on the train a really long while ago, I was your catering steward that day.

    • @MultiCombo1
      @MultiCombo1 5 лет назад

      I really enjoy watching your videos and getting to learn more about the differences and similarities between the Netherlands and the United States of America.

  • @bibianborst2736
    @bibianborst2736 5 лет назад +2

    When i went to america i did not necessarily think it was expensive ( i also went to kentucky and spend a lot of time in georgia) but that the value from what you get is so much less. Like if you spend 15 euros in amsterdam in a restaurant you got some pretty good food, and that same quality of food would cost a lot more dollars in the us. Another example is the cost of education, the tuition in amsterdam is 15x less than in america ( i got a scholarship though but it was still like 4x as expensive) and the qualtiy of education is miles better here. So i even though I don’t really think it was expensive on like daily cost the quality is less compared to here.

  • @dionnevanderhilst1339
    @dionnevanderhilst1339 5 лет назад

    Hi Joe; you’re a nice Guy; i like your sense of humor and your view to life. I can recommend Rotterdam, the biggest city of the Netherlands. No, Amsterdam is nice to visit once in a while, but much more an always open “ operette” theatre then a real city. Rotterdam people are much more down to earth and perhaps at first shockingly direct, but you’ll gonna love it! Greetz!

  • @Saartje05
    @Saartje05 5 лет назад

    When I grew up we used to go on vacation for six weeks in a row, lol. Traveled all over Europe and most of the time ended up at an Austrian lake for the last two weeks. I was around 15 years old I when was in The Netherlands during summer for the first time. A very strange experience. And we went away every short holiday. Mostly to Luxembourg.

  • @chaoticgoodgh0st286
    @chaoticgoodgh0st286 4 года назад

    I LOVE your top 💜✌

  • @shaunihartland5329
    @shaunihartland5329 5 лет назад +1

    Omg can we be friends? This video was so fun!! 😃

  • @Kikiyayazengardens
    @Kikiyayazengardens 5 лет назад +1

    I am Dutch. I lived in SE Asia for 12 years and returned to the Netherlands for security and the weather.

  • @stardewpop
    @stardewpop 5 лет назад +1

    the dutch travelbug has got you :-)

  • @guusvandegarde5902
    @guusvandegarde5902 4 года назад

    We all love 'blasting beans' here!

  • @liza9101
    @liza9101 5 лет назад

    Thank you for this! I'm Dutch and live as an expat in Beijing. I love China and I've been thinking about staying here for a longer amount of time and maybe study my masters here... However, your video really made me think about what I'll be leaving behind. It made me question my decisions... I'm hella confused right now, but thanks! I guess I needed that.

  • @Saartje05
    @Saartje05 5 лет назад +1

    My American friend was shocked when he heard how many holidays the Dutch get when working full time. His girlfriend works longer but I understand you get a day extra every year ? So you start with f.i. 5 days and then the next year 6, then 7 etc? Here you get AT LEAST 20 full days (without the weekend, national holidays, Xmas, Easter etc) when you work 40 hours a week. So you'll end up with around 25 days or more. Even when you only work 25 hours a week, you still have 100 hours vacation. That's around 4 weeks (only counting the hours you work of course) And of course vacation money. When I told him that he almost fainted I think, lol. .

    • @Saartje05
      @Saartje05 5 лет назад

      And then of course the extra days. Xmas when you're lucky +2, January 1st +1, Easter +1, Pentecost +1, Hemelvaart +1, King's day +1, May 5th depends, but once every 5 years +1. So when you're lucky you get 8 extra days on top of your 20 vacation days. Including the weekends that's more than 5 weeks vacation per year. And when you're VERY lucky and Xmas is on Tuesday and Wednesday, some companies will close the doors on the monday too. Extra day.

    • @Cl0ckcl0ck
      @Cl0ckcl0ck 5 лет назад +1

      Try telling him about how many young fathers here have a 'papa-dag' (1 day a week where the dad stays at home to take care of the kids) and how most companies are 100% fine with that letting you work 4X9 or 4X10 hrs so the wage loss is small or there is no wage loss at all. His head will explode.

    • @Saartje05
      @Saartje05 5 лет назад

      @@Cl0ckcl0ck I think I told him, lol

  • @LobkeVB
    @LobkeVB 5 лет назад +1

    Fresh food is so expensive in the USA. that is something that I noticed during my stay there.

    • @BNJ24
      @BNJ24 5 лет назад

      I'm vegan and I was floored with how inexpensive produce and vegan meats and cheese were in NL.

  • @KingofgraceSARA
    @KingofgraceSARA 5 лет назад +1

    My love and I plan to retire early in NL. We love the structure, as well. We're purposeful people who do not find American culture purposely and we're American.
    Sending you and your love warm fuzz🧡

    • @KingofgraceSARA
      @KingofgraceSARA 5 лет назад

      "...find American culture, "purposeful,...".

  • @ByEmiliexx
    @ByEmiliexx 5 лет назад

    Honestly the biggest difference in value in money in my opinion is the price of fruits and vegetables. I have a big family in Chicago but I was born and raised in Utrecht. When I go visit my family and I do groceries for breakfast (yoghurt, granola and some nuts) and some healthy snacks (tomatoes, carrots, apples) I can easily spend 60 dollars whereas in Holland that would cost me around 18 euros... I doesn't surprise me people go get fast food a lot in the States, it is so much cheaper.

  • @gustavoborchert
    @gustavoborchert 4 года назад

    Hi Joey, congrats for your channel. My wife and I have been seriously thinking about moving to the Netherlands and we would like to ask you a very practical question: obviously, it would take some time for us be able to minimally communicate in Dutch; so, if we need call the cable service, let's say, would we be able to speak in English in the beginning? What about in a government office, for example? We appreciate if you could inform us. Thank you!

    • @chrislaarman7532
      @chrislaarman7532 4 года назад

      English has been a mandatory subject in Dutch schools for "ages". And look at Mark Wolters (Wolters World channel) about our English. Personally, I feel that our English is rather overrated.

  • @Nynke_K
    @Nynke_K 5 лет назад +1

    So, Joey, I've been meaning to ask: what's up with the Habanero? Why mention peppers in this context?

  • @Domihoogeveen
    @Domihoogeveen 5 лет назад

    Alcohol is so expensive in America! And chips!! Ahah just a regular bag of lays chips is like 5 dollar! Crazy. But i love America as a Holliday destination♥️ can’t wait to go back.

  • @lisetvanderlinden2845
    @lisetvanderlinden2845 5 лет назад

    Everytime I see one of your vlogs, it makes me appreciate the Netherlands more. I love how structured we are but the only problem is that we might have gone a little bit to far and have so many rules and regulations that it creates whole new problems.

  • @ruthdriessen3100
    @ruthdriessen3100 5 лет назад

    Ik ben gister net terug gekomen uit New York en herken veel van wat je zegt. We waren met vrienden uit NY gaan eten en ik was in shock toen ze me de prijs voor ‘health insurance’ (slechtere verzekering, helft van het salaris 😱) en de hypotheek vertelden! En ik ben ook geschrokken van de grote verschillen tussen arm en rijk...

  • @OprechtLetterlijkBizar
    @OprechtLetterlijkBizar 5 лет назад +1

    Love your Bershka shirt!

  • @ninakempenaar6085
    @ninakempenaar6085 5 лет назад

    When I went to Amerika, I was really taken aback by how expensive everything was. The only 2 things that were either cheaper or normally priced were clothes at forever 21 and books. All the other stuff I could've bought for more than half the price in the Netherlands. Plus, when they expect you to tip at least 20%! Even if you have had bad costumer service, I know it is because of the low income and of course I feel bad for them, but you would just never encounter that in the Netherlands.

  • @luvlacali
    @luvlacali 4 года назад

    I agree I was there for only 3 days but loved it so much. Gay openness and very progressive plus the genuine friendliness of the citizens living there blew my mind. I need to visit again I'm long overdue lol

  • @djopdam199
    @djopdam199 5 лет назад

    Thnx for your love, everyone in the netherlands should see your video te next time they complain about enything here

  • @DionneSier13
    @DionneSier13 5 лет назад

    I was in NY last week and woah it was the most expensive week ever. And I thought the Netherlands was expensive

  • @eronsentertainmentstore6487
    @eronsentertainmentstore6487 5 лет назад

    FYI reports actually say that the tax agency on the phone is often wrong. but i'ts slowly getting towards sufficient.

  • @Iflie
    @Iflie 5 лет назад +2

    haha that "in Texas"bit was cute. I do think people in certain states in the U.S get a way bigger house for a lot less money but then it can get eaten by termites at any time, so you get space but the quality of the building is not great. You can even easily get a hole in the wall by falling into it because the wall is all sheetrock. I think you were yawning because the topic is relaxing, haha. What's easier than talking about things you love? Life can be so much easier than in the U.S here, I don't know why anyone would want to move if they end up in the rat race in the U.S, it might be exciting for a while but then you'd want to go home where things make sense again.

  • @carlijnlouise1534
    @carlijnlouise1534 4 года назад

    I born in Amerika and last I go back because I had holiday and the prices for the vegtables are so expecive than 10 years ago. And right you have in the Netherlands way more for a dollar than in Amerika.

  • @Shmoepsie
    @Shmoepsie 5 лет назад +1

    Subscribed because I think you’re cool 😎

  • @PipAlblasMusic
    @PipAlblasMusic 5 лет назад

    When I visited the US I thought everything was cheaper than in the Netherland! Going out to eat, renting a car, booking hotels, shopping for clothes. But that’s just a tourists point of view. I guess actually living there might be more expensive? Although I feel like houses are cheaper in America for the space you get? Depending on where you live of course. New York will probably be way more expensive than a random village somewhere else in the states. Just like a house in Amsterdam is way more expensive than a house somewhere in Brabant!
    Anyways, I like your videos a lot! Makes me appreciate where I live so much more 😊

    • @jitskemaekelberg373
      @jitskemaekelberg373 5 лет назад

      I think the quality of most american houses isn't that good. Aren't they most of the time wooden houses? Or the house is located in a flooding area, hurricane area etc.
      to all americans seeing this... Is this correct?

    • @dutchpatriot17
      @dutchpatriot17 5 лет назад

      @@jitskemaekelberg373 Not an American, but that's true. In the US, homes and all that are cheap because the material they are made from is trashy. Hence why they all get destroyed during hurricanes, tornado's, and all that.

  • @dutchdudegrow8229
    @dutchdudegrow8229 5 лет назад +1

    I'm sure Joey is a good seller haha

  • @stephanievdongen
    @stephanievdongen 5 лет назад

    I like your video's. I am going through the same as you. My boyfriend is American and we are doubting if i should go there or he should go here. He really loves the Netherlands. Was it hard for you to come here? Like what did you have to do to come here?

    • @JoeyJaq
      @JoeyJaq  5 лет назад +1

      Not at all much easier than going to the USA!!

    • @stephanievdongen
      @stephanievdongen 5 лет назад

      @@JoeyJaq Guess we are gonne look into that as well then!! Keep on the nice video's

  • @JoJoSXMGyal
    @JoJoSXMGyal 5 лет назад +1

    I'm thinking "You're simply adorable!" ... And then you yawned...I spit out my coffee laughing.
    Yup.. definitely adorable.
    And I totally agree with you... On everything.
    I keep telling my friends back home how great this country is. We will always have complaints about our country so I get it's easy to take these things for granted but one can't deny the Netherlands got their ish together. More so than other countries, at least.
    Plus being a foreigner in the US is dangerous right now.

  • @mhraafat
    @mhraafat 5 лет назад +2

    The point about transportation, while it’s structured and it’s a 10000 times better than the States, one thing about it is that when there’s a disruption of any sort, people who depend on it are stuck for a long while where they’re at.

    • @JoeyJaq
      @JoeyJaq  5 лет назад

      Very true! ♥️

    • @BNJ24
      @BNJ24 5 лет назад

      True. The last time I was in NL, I was more dependent on trains and they were very unreliable. Delays, cancellations and platform changes were constant. Granted it was the super windy season if that matters. I thought Sweden's public transport was impeccable, especially Stockholm's subway and busses. It is still better than US by far.

    • @1336mg
      @1336mg 5 лет назад +1

      The intensity of the Dutch Railwaysystem is in no comparison to the Stockholm metrosystem. The Dutch railwaysystem is one of the busiest in the world: 1,100,000 travelers in 4500 rides per day only for the national trains (NS). When one screw gets loose the whole system will be touched. It is a kind of a wonder its working every day. In windy weather the catenary can come down, trees might fall on the tracts. Swans walk on the highspeedline and with 300 kmh you dont want a collision with a big object. Suicides, accidents, fire in the shoulder in summer, people who block the doors because they are late and get the doorsystem in disorder, coppertheft, just to name a few.

    • @BNJ24
      @BNJ24 5 лет назад

      @@1336mg Wow, thanks for the insight. I understand.

  • @mignonoflaherty8706
    @mignonoflaherty8706 5 лет назад

    Amen sista!!

  • @DeborahAlyssa
    @DeborahAlyssa 4 года назад

    Yes, the prices are so expensive in New York. I missed the Dutch prices immediately!

  • @enyoctap
    @enyoctap 5 лет назад

    Agree with all but #4. If you are coming from NYC, sure. But don’t you think if you moved directly from Texas to NL that wouldn’t be true?

  • @blubvisje666
    @blubvisje666 5 лет назад +2

    When I worked for Disney in Florida we would go to Walmart for groceries, but we had to take the bus there, it was tedious, it took forever etc. anyway, so once in a while we would go to wallgreens because it was within walking distance. But OMG the prices.... I love cashews and pistachio's, but for like 100 grams I had to pay over $10!!! Are you nuts?! (haha sorry). No offence but your 'value for your money' reason is sooooo true. It made me a bit sad to see the difference in prices regarding home cooked meals vs take out. Still miss working for Disney and America, but grateful for our own systems and prizes.

  • @JaneFokster
    @JaneFokster 5 лет назад +52

    Hi Joey. Yes, we do take our country too much for granted. We looooove to moan about it. :D But in a way the moaning's good, because there's always room for improvement, right?

    • @jhcfight
      @jhcfight 5 лет назад +16

      I even dare to say that moaning is the motor of the Dutch society. I would worry if that was gone, because moaning means caring.

    • @autohmae
      @autohmae 5 лет назад

      @@jhcfight The Germans have a saying about people who love each other: "was sich liebt, das neckt sich"
      "teasing is a sign of affection". Who knows, maybe something similar applies to everything else ? :-)

  • @ruthsnoeijs3142
    @ruthsnoeijs3142 5 лет назад

    You have to go to Breda!

  • @yogeshsingh2534
    @yogeshsingh2534 5 лет назад

    How you got the PR?

  • @Huskyandwolfdog
    @Huskyandwolfdog 5 лет назад

    My dutch husky and wolfdog say hi! 🐺🐶🙋💋groetjes!

  • @etiennestevens668
    @etiennestevens668 5 лет назад

    Basics are good (money wise) in holland. Extra Luxuary hmmm sometimes look good around on internet :-)

  • @ammalyrical5646
    @ammalyrical5646 5 лет назад

    So many other good things here that, even though no way near perfect, are still a trillion times better than in the US. Think about the healthcare system, parental leave, taking sick days and it has no influence on your vacation days (even more so, you can get extra days off for weddings and when family members/friends are very ill or die, you can get special leave so it still won't cost you vacation days).
    I think the school/education system is better in many ways (and tertiary education is way more affordable, even though we constantly complain that it's way too expensive, it's also less focussed on grades most of the time).

  • @Linnytje
    @Linnytje 5 лет назад +4

    Hm I didn't find New York that expensive. Everyone warned me before going but i think its not that bad of you do your research. However it did seem to me that its cheaper to get fast food than cook a full meal from the grocery store. Which is the other way around here in my experience

    • @Snowshowslow
      @Snowshowslow 5 лет назад

      I did find New York expensive, but it depends a lot on what you choose to do as well. We skipped all forms of alchohol for the trip as those were quite heavily priced, but then the bike share system was really cheap and so was the unlimited metro pass. Accomodation was hella expensive, though... But that makes sense if you see what New Yorkers are paying themselves...
      Philly was quite a bit better already and other than that, I have to still to discover most of the rest of the States :-)

    • @Linnytje
      @Linnytje 5 лет назад

      @@Snowshowslow actually even for alcohol you can find good prices. We found a bar in Manhattan with beers that are around 3 to 4 dollars per pint incl free pizza. Our airbnb was 200 euro for 8 days so can't really complain. I had a lot more trouble finding an affordable airbnb in Rotterdam and drinks are generally more expensive as well. If you stay away from tourist traps and do your research New York can be very affordable. Philly is also great 😁 i just wish trains weren't so expensive in the US

    • @Snowshowslow
      @Snowshowslow 5 лет назад +1

      @@Linnytje Ah that sounds better than what we found :-) We didn't really go looking either, but the alcohol we just came across didn't seem worth the prices at all... And for our dates, nothing remotely like your accomodation was available and we weren't even super late (4 months in advance or so). But I am sure that you can do better research and find better rates. However, in some cities it is not really necessary to do so, and in New York it really is. Which is why it feels expensive to me... You can't just enjoy your stay without minding the prices too much. And yes, the trains.... Although the Greyhound buses were a really affordable alternative.

    • @Linnytje
      @Linnytje 5 лет назад

      @@Snowshowslow true, we also went in February so its not really that busy then and I think the prices of the accommodation reflected that. Yeah the busses are cheaper but we couldn't bring all our luggage then.. Yeah we weren't traveling light 😂 next time I would just drive. Overall yeah i get what you are saying, you need to plan ahead with NYC, unlike a city like Budapest for example.. But I didn't think it was that bad compared to Dutch prices

    • @Snowshowslow
      @Snowshowslow 5 лет назад +1

      @@Linnytje Oh yeah, lots of luggage does limit your options... But next time I go I'll ask you for the bars to go ;-)