Why EVERYONE Plays: Kai'Sa | League of Legends
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
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Today's episode of Why EVERYONE Plays features one of the most overloaded champions to ever grace League of Legends: Kai'Sa: Daughter of the Void.
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#Kaisa #LoL #WhyEveryonePlays
Install Raid for Free IOS: clik.cc/WYcOs ANDROID: clik.cc/jcTyl PC: clik.cc/w3QGW and start summoning awesome champions!
I bet you never played it!
Vars got a sponsor! thats good vars
@@zagi6280 Nothing special. Raid sponsors everyone with a good Viewerbase.
You either die a hero
Or live long enough to be sponsored Raid Shadow Legends
Lmao 🤣🤣
Trueee lol
"Kaisa is the only adc who can play the teamfight back to front". Twitch coming out of stealth 800 units behind the enemy team one shotting the carries "yep, nothing to see here"
The joke is he said ADC and twitch is missing the C part
@@wastingsun damn...if u by "C" mean "see" then clever use of words xd
I think the difference is that if everyone turns back and gangs up on twitch he just dies since he has no shield no escape no speed no nothing, just damage, while kai sa can go to the back, one shot the squishies and if a braum and a jax jump her she can still hold her own
@@Jynx9921 well if u can hold your own against toplaners like jax then u are quite fed and when adc is fed it doesnt matter if its kaisa or ashe...but i can agree that kaisa has a lot of self peel at least which makes that back to front play viable
"I know a majority of you guys are weebs"
Dammit he called us out
Excited to see the why everyone used to play hecarim
Rip E
New why no one plays hecarim lol
Hashtag Bring Hecarim Back From The Dead
@@cokecan6169 I know he was a nuisance but he was our's to deal with. im only sad because it was fun winning every game against him as a malphite one trick.
He was also shut down to the extremes where he probably will become one of those champs that riot never touches again.
That horse got all 4 of his kneecaps riped out by riot.
Short answer: She's the Kha'zix of the marksman class
Long answer: She has a forgiving skill floor, has the 2nd best followup on engage among ADCs behind Jhin, has a better laning phase than Vayne with comparable tank shredding capabilities, she will worm her way into any meta because the only stat she really needs is attack speed which along with her hybrid scalings makes her very flexible in terms of builds, Hard CC directly benefits her DPS (peel=damage)...she's Vayne's rework
She also doesn't screw up your team when everyone plays ad champions because of her passive
@@eryalmario5299 valid but let's be honest few people across all MOBAs in existence give a damn to take note of that kind of detail, they'd probably spam ping you for building nashor's tooth on her if she wasn't so prominent in the meta...I'm now imagining league with DOTA voice comms
@@Hellothere-ss4jq that's kinda sad :(
@@eryalmario5299 not really, it just means people find more enjoyment in fighting each other which to the credit of MOBAs we have 100 methods minimum of doing. Fun genre but hellish/dysfunctional competitive environments
@Strawberry Froppyccino as long as that brings out the "enemy adc" your team needs then you do you
Not really mentioned the fact that she is literally the only adc who can build both defensive items: Guardian Angel and Zhonya's Hourglass effectively, even in the same build. That just makes her also a super difficult champion to take down, while she also has E and R for repositioning.
@@cokecan6169 varus and mf work too if you REALLY need it
its just lackluster
That's because all the defensive items for adcs are hot garbage :)
heavily agree,shieldbow is just garbage old malmortius
@@cokecan6169 If you build both GA and shield bow, you'll do next to no dmg.
I want to congratulate you on the sponsorship, but at the same time you are now part of the shadowlegends hivemind
Your sacrifice will be honored
I'm just amused that the fact that Kai'sa and Ezreal are opposites of each other in terms of marksmen...and the most recent in-universe lore they have is being battle buddies.
back to back badasses is a trope steeped in complementary opposites.
"opposites of each other"
-both can scale with AD and AP
-both have no CC and have high mobility
-both never really fade off the meta due to their uniqueness and being able to build whatever the fuck they want
I'm pretty sure the 200 year meme came from the wukong rework that was just used a lot for aphelios
Tbh 200 years champions started with khazix and kept evolving from there to the abominations we see today
@@longstar5001 the meme, not the overloaded champs
Can you explain me the meme pls i really dont get it
@@Jynx9921 at one point a Riot person tweeted about how the design team had 200 years of collective design experience.
Which isn't how that works, as we can see.
That adroll was smooth tbh
Patch 4.20 😎
Man I love seeing the entire enemy team just move at mach 2 while im here top lane crying as yorick
Just build Chemtank, Deadman's, Swifts and Force of Nature. Trust me, I'm a Siontist
Fun fact, one of Kaisas worst match up is Kog Maw.
Pretty ironic
I'm surprised you didn't talk about her wacky itemization. An ADC that can viably build a Zhonya's, QSS, and a Galeforce is something you just don't see anywhere else. Maybe Kog, I guess, but it's not nearly as strong on him as it is on Kai'Sa.
That's bwcause cog has 1 useful ability in his entire fucking kit.
@@egekazkayas8968 His W and R are good so at least 2
@@Jynx9921 ynless you build ap that R is useless after 15 minutes.
@@egekazkayas8968 I really dont think so, i've seen kog maws do consistent damage with it as soon as they get it
Kaisa is currently the most played champ in all of league of legends with a barely negative winrate. Says a lot to me.
Wow really she's my main
She's my main and I have a negative winrate on her.
Vars making that bread with a seamlessly, clean and funny transition; you go dude
"Kai'Sa is the only ADC capable of playing teamfights back to front" *cries in twitch*
I love how this disgustingly overpowered champ can be completely countered by one ability from a champion you’ve made a video on!
Braum. I have never ever EVER lost in lane against a Kai’sa when I play braum, because whatever she does, I can block it with Unbreakable. I’ve broken a lot of hearts with my Braum.
I love Braum. Just the sound of Kai'sa Q pinging against the shield is amazing. Also, if you want to piss her off even more, play Pantheon.
@@BalthazarB2 yea pantheon is very big threat...strong early dmg and E for safety
Small correction, Samira cant dash to allies anymore
He did say Samira at full power, so when she had that option
0:27 Damn, the realization hit hard
I’m just mad that she doesn’t have even a little bit of muscle or scarring. I mean ten years in LITERAL HELL and she looks like a supermodel?? She’s part void monster????
I know bro.
If you want some muscle look at Casca.
I got your point but You NEED to eat well enough to get muscle and in that's kind of hell i don't think she can
i think that her concept is great but the execution was terrible
@@tilinh389 True, but 1 she have a hellscape of animals, hov many meat she need to make some muscle? 2 you can even argue thath she should be more skinny and undernourished.
Shameless Raid shadow Legends plug. That's how we know you've made it to celeb status.
Either way, i really like the way you tell the story of these "older" champions since i only started playing last year so it gives me the context to how these champs are seen in the community. Apreciated!
Good episode! I'd like to ask if you could make a Why nobody plays Xayah at some point, since I believe that she's been unpopular (and probably out of meta) for quite a while.
back when s9 there are only two adcs dominating the rift (rakans gf & kassasdins daughter)
When will Riot learn that hybrids are absurdly strong? We already have Jax, Kayle, Akali, Kog'maw, and Corki. We didn't need hybrid damage on Yone and Kai'sa. She's just a better Kog'Maw, as her early game isn't dummy weak.
It’s very fun when you let your support wander out as bait, have the enemy jg jump on them, then they cc and you dash in and yeet them.
So fun
She has dps, burst, hybrid damage, decent early (passive and full q to one target deals a lot of damage), good mid and late, self peel, poke, evolving q gives her a strong power spike, she has sinergy with engage supports and peel supports
I think she has an additional strength that gets overlooked easily: she is incredibly flexible with the items she builds, which results in her being very rewarding to main. If Riot nerfs an item or a certain ability or part of her kit, it’s still very easy to find a new build path to keep her in the meta. Example: her Q burst gets nerfed, so you build PD 2nd instead of Collector, refocussing your build on your auto attacks and passive. If all else fails, you can start building her AP again.
TLDR: it’s very hard for her to drop out of the META, so if you main/one-trick her, you’re rarely at a severe disadvantage after a big nerf or change, since her kit has plenty of other strengths which can be drawn out with different itemisation.
EDIT: Another important point to mention: although she is overloaded and broken, I never feel like she is oppressive to play against. Most of the times, if she wins, then it’s because she deserved to win, and if she looses, she just didn’t use her overwhelming amount of tools well enough. I never get annoyed if the enemy team picks her unless I wanted to pick her. Unlike Samira for instance...
You killed me dude. I love the honesty. LOVE IT- I already play RSL tho .
kai’sa is extremely overloaded, but no one seems to be mad at her for being overloaded unlike any other newer champs. she can be terrifying but she isn’t really banned as much, i’ve seen more samira bans even after she’s gutted, more vayne bans even. kai’sa is an average-high risk, high reward champion. although a new kai’sa player can pilot her at a forgiving level, consistently making her work actually takes more experience than one who might only play against her realize. she’s overloaded but she’s quite manageable if the enemy team knows how to deal with her.
@Strawberry Froppyccino Have you forgotten about the Udyr/Hec meta we've had for all these months? And apart from kaisa the top picked adcs are the usual jinx/ez/jhin? It's not about "overleaded"
You know that every champ has a power spike. Some gets the big spike trough levels some trough items. Kai'sa as I noticed falls into the 2nd category. Anytime she gets picked into the enemy and my team doesn't hard win botlane I start a countdown in my head. When I see the enemy Kai having Kraken Slayer I'm halfway out of time. When she gets Collector it's GG.
7:48 after 5 years of league i've just understood how armor and magic resist work
I have never been mad that Kaisa killed me, just that she didn't walk on my dead body
*simp alert*
Go to horni jail
Go to lady Dimitriscu. MODDED!
REMINDER: At some point of her lifespan, Kai'sa had a new skin frequency of 1 every 92 days.
meanwhile in ornn land. how long was it before he got a skin? and it wasnt even like he wasnt popular
Started playing/maining Kai Sa ~October 2020, it was really fun. S11 came, everyone played Kai Sa and I was annoyed.
Can next video be :
Why everyone plays Zed?
Flashy assassin with low skill floor but very high skill ceiling
@@Dingdong2730 literally summed it up in 1 sentence. Amazing
also very nice edgy character design
@@elysiaherscherrofhuman2508 Its the reason I play him. Tried him out in a few normal games, absolutely kicked some poor noob teeth in, then started to play him in ranked games and I feel I improve exponentially whenever I play him, both at the champ but just overall mechanics.
Also there are no lanes you cant outsmart/outplay, even champs that are supposed to counter you, like Yasuo, Diana, Akali and Sylas.
Because i love missing the Q
what if there was a lil episode called why everyone played? for champions who used to dominate in the past for some reason such as kassadin or jhin w/ guinsoos rageblade bug
Because every episode would be: ___ number changed.
@@ziglaus not true. items have come and gone or have changed(stormrazor) along with some champs just never seeing the light of day again because a rune was changed or disappeared(kleptomancy). possibly there’s a case of some champs seeing tons of play because the parts of the system meant to keep them in check weren’t there or effective enough. an example being buffing champs that counter a very strong champ at the time
I honestly don't mind Kai'Sa, unlike certain other champions in this series.
You probably either didn't meet an experienced kaisa yet or play a character that hard counters her (which I'm not sure who would that be)
@@SentryConstruct-dt4 She's more of a respectable and fun winning machine, as opposed to those anti fun champs
@@SentryConstruct-dt4 Kai Sa feels fair compared to Yone for example i don't mind her either
Hmm...you know, I would love a pet based ADC. Like, just an auto attacker that summons more autoattacking units. Would be interesting.
"Kai'sa is the only adc who can play teamfights back to front rather than front to back"
me: cries in Twitch
I main adc and didn't play her out of spite because of her insane playrate basically being in at least every other game played, if not every game played. But I did try her recently and honestly, she's the easiest marksmen I have ever played. I thought i'd be confused by what to build but it's easy and you can just look it up, Q has insane waveclear or if used on a solo target is more damage than any ability I've ever seen as a marksman (mayne tristana bomb, but only fully charged) this actually makes me super strong early. They cannot walk up to you if it means not being next to allies, cause they cannot risk taking a full Q to the face. Her W gives her poke or able to finish off kills and it goes insanely far while also being a much easier to hit skillshot than Jhin W. Her E lets me dodge basically everything and finally the ult lets me get tons of kills when enemies think they have me killed. Finally she also can kill tanks just as easily as non tanks cause her passive is op and lets me build zhonyas. Not only all this, she is an anime waifu while also somehow being a void champ, so booba. Not surprised she's pick/ban in pros and pick/ban in every other elo too.
main forever ! only love goes to Kai'Sa can be played versatile u can't get bored if you really know how to used it.
9:44 ah yes, the iconic coven duo
To be clear, Armor and MR don't have dimishing returns at higher values (since damage reduction isn't linear), but your point regarding being good against squishier targets still stands. After all, not only do Zhonya's and GA have less Armor than most defensive items, the champs who buy them have less HP to be amplified by the Armor (each point of Armor/MR increases your effective HP against the respective damage type by 1%).
The new graphic for Skills is really good!
Why everyone plays Kai'Sa: Because she's OP
Been op runs in the familly. Remember when Kassidin got first corrupting potion? the one 225. And created always ban Kassidin meme. Unitl Riot gutted him out?
@@zerlichr426 Then they made him S tier again :)
Even though kai’sa is doggy rn.
@@fredstercooney5497 Surely her 30%pr is not the thing lowering her wr. She's strong if not overpowered.
@@plombrouge391 watch ls, he explains why kaisa is not good nowadays pretty well. She is super weak in lane and gets bullied easily, and she has nowhere near good scaling as champs like jinx, aphe and kog, which are bullied in lane too. The only thing kaisa is good at is trading 1 for 1 in teamfight, but you dont really want to be reliying on ur team
Kai'sa would be a lot more better if their creator was stick more to the void warrior and monster hunter archetipe, and less on the bdsm babe.
No. I don't play ugly champions. Bring me BDSM babes all day.
@@tokresaliali3805 Understendable, but repetitive. If they give her one organic armor thath morph around her, with maybe is "fire" weapon made of the morphed suit around his arm, or maybe natural claw as a beast, with one helmet for protection like kayle for exemple; maybe with some eldrich material, like one ribcage on his chest instead of thath cleavage, it wold have been a lot mpre intresting, and honestly cooler. And aslo im pretti sure thath a ton of player want more creative design as Aurelion Sol, instead of the nex miss fortune.
Twitch can also be played back to front. Waiting for the other team to engage and appearing behind their backlane
But in high elo enemies won't engage a teamfight without vision of a hyper carry?
@@valdeborg6503 look any ratirl stream/game, high elo sometimes can be... Something else...
I remember back when she was new, and Icathian Rain had 16 instead of 12 bullets and her ult was like double the size, I would actually play her top. That was fun.
Galeforce: Am I a joke to you?
1 point of resistance = +1% of max HP added to effective HP against said damage type. The value is the same. If you have 2000 hp, every point of mr gives you 20 effective HP. Regardless if you have 30 mr or 300 mr or 3000 mr.
Disagree with 3: ever since Twitch AP became a thing, he can also fit that role. Flank, delete squishy champs, recast his reseted Q and follow up or retreat
Hi Vars just a suggestion if you run out of champs for why no one plays and why everyone plays. It would be nice if you make a series called "Why People Play" which is a series focused on more generally picked champions. Those that are sure to see play whatever the patch or state of the game like Orianna, Anivia or whatever that aims to just simply examine the appeal of the champion for the general players to play it like their theme. skills, lore and more and why is it neither popular nor underplayed.
He sounds so sad that he has to do a raid ad "And yes they got me too"
the bayonetta music fits so well
Laughs in red and white aphelios with a billion boomerangs:"(
Just to add salt on the wound, for wild rift she is the only void character.
The de mansion with the eldritch alien abomination, feasting on everything is represented by a sexy girl.
Nice one
They also have k6 i think
@@debdootghosh2386 at launch they only had her though
Trueeee i preferred vel or cho over kaisa in wr
Shes my main but the only void champ? They probsly took her because china loves waifus
How do you not have 100k subs yet. Your vids are amazing
5:00 Now that's a guy that plays Smash If I've heard any. Neutral and advantage/disadventage state
That is not just smash
What series would kassadin be in? WNOP OR ENOP, maybe even Perfectly Designed
She is ever singel class.
Tank Assains Marksman Support Mage the list goes on and on.
She's really not
Mhhh not really tank yeah a shield but thats ut
And how tf support
Mage only if you build at least 100 or more ap wich kinda sucks this season
great topic
I'm a Kai'Sa/Twitch two-trick, can we get a Twitch vid next?
Hes probably too popular for why noone plays, but not popular enough for why everyone plays
@@valdeborg6503 I feel like nobody plays Twitch, I've never had him against me
daily reminder that vars still hasn't done the best abilites series on supports
Kai'sa, the daughter of the void
Or as I like To call her
Kai'sa, the assasin's worst nightmare
Sincerely, Kai'sa main :)
Love your voice, new subscriber here :DD
that bayo ost is gold
Looking forward to an episode about Gnar
I'm a toplaner, got autofilled adc picked Kaisa, fed a trist lost terribly
Still I enjoyed that game like any other
Vars is my fav channel. Maplestory vids and league vids :D
this is funny i just started to main her omg
Her ults like that unless she has yuumi where theres no downside to ulting the backline
Finally it’s here
Am i the only one who is sad bc the new artillery mage got canceled?
She's not canceled she's delayed
@@skinnylegend1542 they said that it would be more of a traditional mage instead
Oh well. Sry, i was misinformed.
Oml that ad transition was so smooth
She's overloaded and broken
Here, I answered the title question
9:10 Wouldn't Twitch also be able to play back to front with a stealth flank? Likely really dangerous for him and hard to do, but still.
Awesome vid either way.
True but she can just go from front-to-back to back-to-front in an instant. Most champs can flank.
Because she's a pretty anime champ that has Instagram beauty and she sells so well. That's the same reason why Rito keeps making more humans while letting the old unfavoured ones drown.
I just got the kda skin shard and thought she looked neat lol
Cool abilities, hot looking model, Kda pop star, kda more!
finally my main gets a video
its nice music before the premiere
Ekko was the first 200 yrs wasn't he? His w text was a short novel
i personally like the fact that her Q is not a skill shot to clear minions easily
It requires no skill
@@waltermoment739 mmh yes positioning right to actually deal dmg to your target rather than random minions/monsters/other champs requires no skill, i see
@@eelvyon9490 overloaded kit let’s you do that easily with kaisa
@@waltermoment739 considering how many bad kai'sas i played with and against, apparently it's not
Is that Bayonetta soundtrack in the background?
Can we ever see or get a new why noone plays neeko?
He use why everyone play kaisa so he can endorse SHADOW RAID
dude, I know you are just doing your job here, but I have to say that Raid Shadow Legends is NOT WORTH PLAYING unless you like spending lots of money in a single game and not feel abad about it.
I played last year for 8 months and i'm not kidding when I say that it has A LOT of pay walls, places that you can't proceed unless you have crazy strong gear with the right stats in the right places and being lucky with the enchantment, because if you are not lucky, the good luck grinding to get anothey gear with the right stats in the right place and getting the enchantments in the right stats, where half of all the stats possible for gear in the game are completeley USELESS, so it is GRIND, GRIND, GRIND, AND MORE GRIND, and no, you can't just insta clear dungeons/levels you already perfected, you have do do it ALL OVER AGAIN every single time you want a specific gear ... "but you can always put the battles on alto-fight or something" ... like dude, come on, in what world a game who benefits you for not playing it is a good game? and even if you are willing to lose a lot of time in the same level over and over again (some level takes 10 minutes or more) then congrants, you are making terrible use of all you free time, time you could have using to eiter make something productive OR playing an ACTUAL FUN GAME.
And I didn't even mentioned the Heroes/Champions/Legends/characters (whatever they are called) that the game proudly claim to have near 300 of then or something, but dude, 90% of the are re-skins of the same charaters that are already in the game and new ones fall for the same thing exept the majority of the legendaries, (who btw, you will never get if you are a free to play player, but more on that later), just see the list of characters in the game and you wil see patterns, there is this guy who dua-wields axes? well, all the other male characters who dual wield axes/hammers have the SAME ANIMATIONS AND SIMILAR SKILLS and those who have different skills also copies animations from other characters as well, the same goes for hounds/dogs, Lizardmans, female assassins, mages, etc with few exceptions (coincidently or not, the 4 initial characters are the most unique and ONLY rare characters who are not re-skins).
now remember what I said about legendaries? well let's go back to that. you are never going to get the ones who are really usefull, unless you have a lot of money and free time to grind (a lot ... a lot ...) because even the usefull ones are useless without the right gear, (and don't forget the pain it is to get the right gear ... ) and the ways for free to play players to get then are hard and unsustainable, which means that, even if you play this game every single day for years and grind a lot, you still has to be crazy lucky to get that one character who is going to help you instead of an useless epic, so eventiually you have to pay to keep progress. the so called pay wall, it's subtle but it's there (not that subtle though ...)
but what made me really quit the game whas not because of all this, but because of a certain black fryday where i wanted to buy an especific pack in the shop (Yes, I whas not a free to play player, i spent money in this thing ...) and when the day finally came, they doubled the pack's price and made 50% discont ... IT WHAS EXACTLY THE SAME PRIVE I PAYD BEFORE!!
do you get it? they don't respect you as a player, they just want to deceive you with the promisse of a great game where you are going to have lots of fun to deliver this thing that just suck you wallet and your time.
don't play this game, it's not worth it.
@@VarsVerum yes
Hold up I think I was that galio at 11:50 do you remember the name of that guy?
How hard did you have to hold back a 4.20 joke for 1:30 Vars?
Goodbye, Kai'Sa :(
tbh I don't see her as an overloaded champ
Since her playstyle is a mixture of adc/assassin, she has the weaknesses of both. Worse than that, cuz she's like Rengar, she can go in but can't go out (Supercharge just gives her a away to hold her own for some time, but it isn't a escape tool), meaning that if she fails on take down a valueable target, she's over.
Her kit - all the steroids, versatility and even the HUGE shield - is made in a way that enables her to play like that. Take off any of these and maybe she will not be viable to play like an assassin anymore, the boosts in atk speed and the mark grants her a way to explode a target and the shield serves to make her resilient enough to dispatch her abilities without just melting in the process (it's not worth to kill yourself just to leave a Soraka low right?)
Sorry for any gramatical mistakes and such, I'm literally from a non-talkative (idk if this sentence exists) english country. Yes, I'm trying to say all of these by my own, cuz I'm trying to improve on the language and yes, Vars, you're watched by some people around the world S2 nice content bro
My beautiful main💜
I say it to anyone who wants to play adc, kaisa is objectively the best adc in the game
now to wait for ez and lucian
no way is kai’sa weak early game her Q + passive will literally shred any level 1 champ
She's my permaban at any elo, any time, she is a hybrid, self peeling, bust-on hit, over loaded piece of shit that only has to auto-atack you to death not even having to kite (but of she does she has 30 dashes anyway)....
I thought wukong was the original 200 years champion since that's where the comment was origonally made 🤔
I want to see Why Noone plays Ekko (but everyone should)
Why everyone will skip to 1:56 because of RSL Add?