Damn! It was so hard But at last I made it the results were pretty cool I suggest everyone to try this As Aja:v commented take a bigger paper i also recomend that try try but don't cry remember that!
I couldn’t do anything everything failed you use paper that blends too well you need to use white paper and I couldn’t see any of the bands and I couldn’t see anything so I couldn’t even do anything and you call it ““ easy with you with 100 times harder because you go 100 miles an hour and I have to send it to 0.25
Ok, i made it, but my parrot looks so old and cant stand, i cant stop laughing but i fixed him a bit up and now he can atleast stand, my friend raged atleast 5 times..
I had a lot of fun doing this tutorial and the results are great! That said, though, as many people mentioned, I recommend using a larger piece of paper for this tutorial as there is a lot of detail in it. Also, this tutorial is a bit difficult and probably not the best for anyone who is brand-new to origami.
Thank you so much!💖 I am from Turkey Where are you from? 👆 English version Turkish version 👇 Çok teşekkür ederim!💖 Benim milletim Türkiye Senin milletin ne?
It's super difficult, it makes you do like 50 laps and in a minute I don't know what it is, it makes you unfold everything - Es superdifícil, te hace dar como 50 vueltas y en un minuto no sé qué es, te hace desdoblar todo
ююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю это классное оригами
I am making this the second time and the first time it felt very tough but now it seems too easy thank you for putting socmuch effort in your videos I realy like them !!!
If you feel confused,try this~
I hope it helps you😉
O what
iş this
@@Kimezor971 ffffff
@@Kimezor971 p
Damn! It was so hard
But at last I made it the results were pretty cool I suggest everyone to try this
As Aja:v commented take a bigger paper i also recomend that try try but don't cry remember that!
I almost cried when the 6 time I couldn't do it 😭 😢 😪 😫 😩
I've seen so many origami channels of Chinese people. They're very creative. 來自印度的愛
im canadian chinese! LOL!
@@aliciamiu4377 that's great though
Bin chillin 🥶👍
OMG it's so difficult 😭
You can do it,keep it up 😉
I agree
Me too❤️
Not difficult... He made like difficult..... U sea other channels...
@@sabarianitha8325 but why it's not difficult
Thank you so much!! i didn't really follow the rules on the wing part but it still turned out good :D it's very cute! Thank you!!
Me gusta esta épico el video🤩🤗🤩🤗🤗🤗🤩🥰🥰
Wow so easy that I have to rewind it 1000 time oh this too easy. It just took me around 2 hrs to complete it. Very easy.
Same I even put it on slo-mo 😭
good there is someting known as slow mo inyoutube
@@vinxd5518 Ya but he is just confuzling
I officially declare who was able to complete this is 30% people and officially declare that I am one of them. Oh my that is a lot of officially 😳
I tried it succeeded 2nd time failed 1st time
Im doing an origami's competition. Wish me good luck....
I think it's FANTASTIC! I make 4🤣
its made 4
Wow beautiful 😃
WOW this parrot is very good
I couldn’t do anything everything failed you use paper that blends too well you need to use white paper and I couldn’t see any of the bands and I couldn’t see anything so I couldn’t even do anything and you call it ““ easy with you with 100 times harder because you go 100 miles an hour and I have to send it to 0.25
Existe uma coisa chamada pause
I think your just bad at origami or something like me
But this is amazing
My pashion is origami because I love to do it 😀.
Its was verry difficult but I suceeded this origami. 💪🏾
After 9:25
My brain: Yes a few minuits more.
My hande: ok I'm done.
❤️ S U P E R....!! ❤️
very nice😃
Thank you ❤️
i made it in first time :D , so easy P.S: im an child xD
This bird is so fun and easy! I made 11 birds. I memorized it from my head! Amazing work. Keep it up 😀😀😀
I made it ..... It look like a small budgie.... .... I love birds!!
Masshallah bohat acha banaya hai very good keep it up amazing 👌👌👌👍🏻
My brain stopped working
Ok... now your making me not wanting to
make this origami🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
When i was in 3rd grade i forced my mom to do this for me😳
Broo so easy ❤️ I made like 100 of these
Thanks I made some for
my entire family
8:06 my brain stopped. but the tutorial was nice
Mine too
Watch this video this is an easy version
I like parrots so much well i like having them
Thanks a lot! This parrot is beautiful :)
حلو حلو حلو😍😍😍
This is the most insane origami I have ever done in my entire life
So you like mine craft
Bahut khoob
Ok, i made it, but my parrot looks so old and cant stand, i cant stop laughing but i fixed him a bit up and now he can atleast stand, my friend raged atleast 5 times..
Thats chaotic
I'm just grateful that mine came out as a parrot and not a crushed ball of paper
Very nice👏👏👏
One of the better illustrated tutorials, made it with 8x8cm cm paper(from printer) and it’s super cute
Thank you for your clear instructions. 🙏 Quite easy to follow.
It was very easy I made it in one go
This is good 😊
Thank you so much❤ it looks beautiful 😍
It's very nice
This sucks!
It is easy and look very nice 🐱
wonderful 👍👍👍
I had a lot of fun doing this tutorial and the results are great!
That said, though, as many people mentioned, I recommend using a larger piece of paper for this tutorial as there is a lot of detail in it. Also, this tutorial is a bit difficult and probably not the best for anyone who is brand-new to origami.
Thanks for your advice
I can do it easily for I have someone who makes origamis ✔️
It's hard but I have made it 😀 thanks for this video
Demaciado estresante tu video!
thank you so much! it´s so cute and so pretty!!
Wow how beautiful 😎😎😎😎😎😎
Super tuto merci. like les francais
You are the best youtuber 😎in the world 👍
Thank you so much!💖
I am from Turkey
Where are you from?
English version
Turkish version
Çok teşekkür ederim!💖
Benim milletim Türkiye
Senin milletin ne?
Türkiye *TR*
French FR🇨🇵
United States 🇺🇸
I’m British
Toooo harddddddd
Tooooooooooooo easy
toooooooooooooooooooooooooo ez
It was so hard that I thrown my paper in garbage
You are very nice 👩🏫
It's super difficult, it makes you do like 50 laps and in a minute I don't know what it is, it makes you unfold everything - Es superdifícil, te hace dar como 50 vueltas y en un minuto no sé qué es, te hace desdoblar todo
Just slow the video playback speed down
A mí no me pareció tan difícil porque si lo vez y lo intentas las veces que hagan falta se puede hacer
It was sooo hard to-do not able to complete a single one i get angey and rip it appart 😣😥
First do easy ones and make gard
This is how you taught
Who is gonna learn from your video
@@Ridhasultana8798 🙀
Why are you telling like that
I did it but the feet no comment and the wings i cant figute out how to fold the part when you inwert it but a great tutoril👏👏👏
ююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю это классное оригами
Its so pretty..... im going to make this for my school asignment
me too
Its hard.
nice parrot amore nice parrot mi serve per school
Wow i ❤️ it am soo like
Good paper cutting
I tried this and it turned out very nicely.
Thank you!
omg too easy thank you
your hand is blocking some parts of it
I made it !!! At first it was looking very hard but when I completed it look fab. Thanks for sharing
Thank you🐦🐦
Very nice origami. Thank you for sharing
She looks like a blue parrot would you come fly to me😊😊
Thank you I'm gonna make it in my school project
This was hard I rip my paper and yeeted it.I thought this was easy 😅
you do it so fast with no instruction
Wow very nice 😍👌🏻
Ita really easy I made it 2 times
So amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Very very hard...there's a point where you make much skips and this is so difficult to comprend
Very nice 😁😀😎😆😄😁😋💁♀🤦♂💇♂🙇♀👍👍👍👍👍
This is difficult 🤣
Вот я смотрю видео где папугаи из бумаги и не пишет сколько см надо отрезать спасибибо у. Меня палучилось
I am making this the second time and the first time it felt very tough but now it seems too easy thank you for putting socmuch effort in your videos I realy like them !!!
للبلاك ءظةؤزي
thank you so much
Nailed! But it came out with out a leg
It looks beautiful, but takes a lot of time
Good origami
It is harder than I thought 😟
I don't think so
All best
11:01 when he did that action an popped up how coincidental