Love the fact they did the road map. It’s just creates more discussion in the community instead just waiting. My guesses for the main part 2 LRs are Super Gogeta as the DFE LR and SSJ2 Gohan and Goku/Frieza/17 as the Carnivals.
theres one issue with that. the DFE needs a side banner unit that's from the same arc. Since z movies only have 3 and people are saying 2 are for ezas theres no room for the side banner unit so z movies is going to be a carnival.
@@DivineLord56 True we still don’t know what will happen. But Dokkan always says one thing and does the other like Nano said in the vid “they can always be cheeky”.
@@DivineLord56 A popular idea I've seen thrown around is only SEZAing the STR Gogeta. Then Super Gogeta's banner unit can take Janemba's spot, and Janemba can SEZA when TEQ Janemba gets his regular EZA.
It’s the 10th anniversary, sorry bud but about 1 part of db actually features fighting and just isn’t that hype in itself, def not worthy enough for a big celebration lmao
Too be fair the 7th anni units are also Gogeta representation. In total that could be 3 Gogetas including the SEZA which could leave room for Vegito Blue as the second DF LR.
@@florentosmani9443Nah it needs to stay like this. Vegito has more representation on Legends so having gogeta more represented in dokkan is the best outcome gor both games.
@@gokublack2 As a Dokkan player that does not give a shit about legends, there is no "best outcome for both games" that is agreeable. We are not accepting Vegito slander in Dokkan just because of Legends.
@@gokublack2 no it dosent have to stay like this , these games are separate games let them be separate games . We can have in both games equal representation of both even tho personally I lean towards vegito.
Honestly, I love the first prediction you made on the road map! Thos is literally the best choice Dokkan could come up with. And nobody is changing my opinion otherwise! This is literally the best Dokkan hype! Thank you for the prediction, Nano!
I think SEZA Lr Int Gohan and Lr Phy Trunks have a real shot of being the Androids/Cell Saga rep because they’re both hype moments and the relate to the Carnival theme
I think the side unit banner of goku + vegita could be a vegito in candy form, since he is born from the strongest duo and he fits in the second to no one, since he still play with buu even in a "nerfed" state they can easily make it dodge support side banner unit
Been watching your predictions and content for 7 years bro. Hope you and your family is doing well. No matter what this anni will be insane just off of EZAs alone, the rest is just cherry on top so no reason to argue over it.
@@shadowscorpionofc really not a good argument at all there is no need for a gogeta at all for the second part as much as i love him , the anniversary of everything makes no sense , we also dont have ssb lr vegito as a stand alone i would much rather see that then gogeta simply because of the shaft the blue duos got for wwc. he is getting 2 eza pretty much confirmed already last anni 7 and 9 were litrerally gogeta celebrations there is no need for him to be here save him for wwc.
@@shadowscorpionofc Keep in mind that this anniversary introduce the new exchange mechanic so if they really decided to make SSB Gogeta the part 2 dokkanfest then it's impossible for him to not have the new mechanic so getting standalone SSB Gogeta this anniversary is not possible
Everyone else in the comments forget Dokkan do want the hype AND MONEY! If they don’t have some version of Gogeta and especially Blue then might as well say Vegito by himself is not hype enough for the fusions end of the anniversary.
Honestly for android/cell saga i'm leaning towards it being AGL trunks and AGL future gohan/trunks being the EZA characters before them doing the goku/gohan and transforming cell.
This is an amazing video breakdown on the timeslots and stuff for people who don’t fully understand (like me) when the EZAs are, thanks for the video Nano!
Love how the whole community is pretty much in agreement on what part 2 should be it’s giving me the legends 5th anni and 2023 legends fest vibes where the part 1s were well known before they came out
Something i wanna add The section where you said God Goku COULD be a carnival reminded me, Beerus is TOTALLY a rival, so honestly he could fit in there even better.
Putting this out there, just my speculation The Part 1 coin missions (where you get 90 coins total) seem to me like it can hint to units as well 1: Fierce Battle Frieza stage 2: Red Ribbon Army red zone 3: IDBH stage 31 (DBS Super Hero) 4: Dokkan Boss Rush stage 6 Boss Rush feels kind of random, but i do have speculation for the others 1: Fierce Battle Frieza - This could tie into a Ressurection F movie unit (for Z Movies) They could consider Rivals for Vegeta and Frieza both, but i'd say it could be a tag Goku and Vegeta Carnival LR 2: Red Ribbon Army - Android/Cell saga unit This would be Family. They could do a Goku/Gohan for it, but i could also see it as a Android 17 and Android 18, this could also be a tag, but i'd say it would start as a 17 and exchange into 18, who may have a unit super attack with 16 3: DBS Super Hero - obviously the Dokkanfest, taking place in the DBS slos This is the miraculous power born from the strongest Duo. LR Ultimate Gohan and Power Awakened Piccolo. They have a standby into Orange Piccolo, who holds the enemy off while Gohan charges up. Based on the ammount of Ki collected, Gohan will transform into Beast and launch the Special Beam Cannon, and him and Piccolo will stay in Orange/Beast the rest of the fight Banner unit possibilities are a Dr. Hedo with 3 unit super attacks. One with Gamma 1, one with Gamma 2, and one with Both. Or it could just be a Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. Or, another one is a Magenta who has a "giant form mode" where he awakens Cell Max 4: i am unsure of where the Dokkan Boss Rush 6 plays a role here. Its selection of units is decently random. SSJ3 Bardock, Hirudegarn, SSB Vegito, SSRosé Goku Black, and Super Vegito.
I immediately see the thumbnail and I immediately agree with you cuz Legends 6th anni n we all know Whatever Dokkan or Legends does first the latter will always come through with the same thing in their way which I personally love
part of the reason why I think Super Gogeta has got to be one of the part 2 lineup is because we the last DBZ Gogeta was the TEQ Gogeta, so it'd be perfect and to make it so you aren't just replacing TEQ Gogeta or the other Gogeta's by having the same name, could be like Vegito and have the tag mechanics attached to Gogeta.
@@AsuraDandy but I mean, super gogeta as tag unit is just the same thing as vegito, it still is goku and vegeta tag unit, so it would be boring to have the same unit again in the part 2 you know what I mean? Vegito gogeta, they would both start as goku and vegeta, so the whole thing would be highly identical, so why would they drop two tag unit with the same two characters, it just doesn’t make sense
@@hinsonnnnn Well the Gogeta Goku would be Angel Goku, so they won't have the same name for conflicting names. But they could always do ssj3 Goku and Vegeta or Goku and Pikkon for Gogeta.
@@AsuraDandy it’s not the problem of having same names or not, it’s just that it’s like the same idea being used twice in a celebration, and sure if they do a ss3 goku with pikon, it would be more interesting than goku and vegeta tag unit again, but I think something else like goku with frieza would be more interesting than that, it doesn’t always have to be fusion
I hope it’s a DFE LR Vegito Blue for part 2. They need to correct their mistake from the 2023 WWC, just like they corrected their Beast Gohan mistake. We don’t even actually need a new Gogeta. But what I think will happen is Super Gogeta DFE, then bye guys Goku carnival, and I’m just gonna throw it out there- God Vegeta from DBS Broly carnival. Or it could be Super Vegeta and then Blue Kaioken Goku from the hit fight for the carnivals.
Bro how are people still fking sayin super gogeta when it was shown the banner carnival is not there? Assuming str gogeta and janemba sezas lmao wake up
@ThePriceCaritPro dokkan festival for part2 is a fusion 100% but dbz movie category does not have the slot for the banner unit, there are 3 slots and 2 of them are the seza for gogeta and janemba
@ Mmm I understand, but couldn't it be that they give super eza to Gogeta and release a new Gogeta? There are a lot of people who say that, but if I'm honest I'd be more excited about a Zamasu LR or a Vegetto Blue LR than another Gogeta haha
Whether it's Super Gogeta or Gogeta Blue, I feel like Gogeta definitely makes sense even with this new info. With this celebration being based around all of Dragon Ball (Daima excluded of course) it would be kinda crazy to NOT have a summonable card for both fusions. Regardless though I'm interested to see what we actually get in pt 2!
Hey Nano, just want to throw this idea out there since we essentially get a “what if” unit in SSBE Vegeta with MUI Goku, what if we get Beast Gohan with Whis? We know Whis shows up in Super Hero, but he never really fights. MUI Goku and SSBE Vegeta never tag team to fight Jiren. Those are separate fights. I love your predictions man, but I believe we get another “what if” unit in Part 2. Id love to see a “what if” in MUI Goku with Beast Gohan, but MUI Goku is already represented in Part 1. Movies could add a “what if” unit in Cooler with Frieza. DBS can add a “what if” unit in Sword of Hope Trunks with Ultimate Gohan. Cell Saga could add a “what if” unit in SS Vegeta with SS2 Gohan. I just think Dokkan throws us something completely out of left field.
People acting as if another Vegito and Gogeta will not be hype. Bro, idrc how many Vegito/Gogeta's we get. These are, by far, the hypest and coolest characters in Dragonball. AND THAT IS NOT AN INSULT. THAT IS A FACT OF LIFE!
Just a reminder they usually always give the mechanic to one carnival and on dokkan festival so it could still be some type goku+vegeta into super gogeta
BRO I AM SO HYPED FOR 7th ANNI EZAs man. I started playing during 7th anni, so they have a special place in my heart. Its time for the Monkey Duo and God Duos to make a comeback!
i know they can’t do manga content cuz of licensing issues, but strongest duo w ui and ego would be the BEST strongest duo imo. especially for something as big as the 10th anniversary
Now, I just had a pretty CRAZY theory that they could do for part 2, which is that the Dokkan fest would still be a Super Gogeta, BUT it would either be a traditional fusing unit, or a standalone Super Gogeta, while one of the Carnivals being a Vegito Blue, and HERE IS WHY Since the theme for the Carnivals are Family & Rivals, they can technically do that theme and STILL have a fusion, if the unit starts out as a Vegeta unit, that tags into Goku. Exchange units typically have the combined categories of all the character's involved, and this would apply to Super Vegito in part one, so with that in mind, a Vegeta Blue (or even a Vegeta & Trunks) that tags into Goku Blue, can still have a fusion into Vegito Blue. The same can be true if we reverse it, and say Vegito Blue is the Part 2 Dokkanfest with Super Gogeta as the Carnival LR. Either way, I hope the next Dokkanfest fusion is a stand alone one
Nano, I have a crazy theory that Part 2 will focus on villains. Remember, the summonable unit themes are just that...themes. Being part of a theme has multiple meanings. From the super class side, the themes could describe the characters. From the extreme class side, the themes could explain who they fight or how they were defeated. Dokkan has also pushed extreme class units the past year, and it would be strange to completely leave them out in part 2. New Category “Successor” might get a leader in the part 2 DFE. Funny enough it includes FP Frieza and Great Ape Vegeta who will both most likely EZA. Funny enough this could also give clues to future DFEs this year as Piccolo, Vegeta, and Dabura are on the category. Who else is on there and who fights a “strong warrior born from the strongest duo” who also just so happens to be a fusion for a tag mechanic? Zamasu DFE will be LR Fusion Zamasu w/ Zamasu and Goku Black tag mechanic. Banner unit can be anything from that saga. 2 Slots for Super to finish that category. For the carnivals we need family and rival related units. Family= LR Perfect Cell/Super Perfect Cell as he was defeated by the father/son kamehameha. We also get SEZA LR Int Gohan since he was the first summonable LR, and it'll count as Gohan representation while highlighting an iconic moment in the series' history. Last unit could be an EZA or SEZA Teq Perfect Cell. My money is the SEZA to pair with the new LR Cell. Rivals is interesting. Initially I thought Kid Buu since Goku and Vegeta set aside their differences as rivals to beat him…but we’re getting a Gotenks unit of some kind…that leaves movies…who from the DBZ Movies could be worth the last Carnival slot? LR Final Form Frieza/Golden Frieza from Resurrection F. Remember this is a DBZ movie and the last one at that. Goku and Vegeta clearly showcase their rivalry in the movie, albeit in less serious fashion, and beat Frieza. Goku and Vegeta have trained together on Beerus' planet as friendly rivals, and they swap out to beat Frieza. Vegeta even makes a specific comment that it's their rivalry that allow them to push each other. This is also important down the line since STR LR Cooler and LR AGL Golden Frieza could EZA within the next year or so. This also doesn't compromise a Golden Frieza from DBS either. Gogeta Representation for people wondering is plentiful this celebration. He'll be back on a carnival banner, his Anni 1 will SEZA, and both 7th year LRs incorporate Gogeta.
Just saying...extreme class was popular last year and villains have gotten glow ups. For them to relegate extreme class units to only having EZAs in a celebration encompassing all of Dragonball would be strange. We had a summonable extreme class LR last year. To have none this year would be misfire especially since there are so many good picks. Would I like a new Vegito Blue since the 23 WWC unit was a dud? Sure. But idk...having a new Fusion Zamasu who can potentially lead all the extreme class units, even the ones I'm predicting, in this celebration with the possible exception of SEZA Janemba would be awfully interesting
Hopefully you see this Nano. I firmly believe, that they threw us a curveball. My prediction for the part 2 units is Carnival FSK/Bye Guys, Carnival Super Gogeta (with the Tag mechanic to encompass the Rivals part) and DFE standalone Vegito Blue with a Rage Trunks Banner unit
I would so love to see a Goku Black + tag switch Zamasu that can fuse into Merged Zamasu, they haven't made a fusing Goku Black and Zamasu unit yet as an LR (technically AGL Zamasu does fuse with Goku Black) and the new tag switch can be good for them too plus they would be on the Miraculous Power Born From the Stongest Duo
Bro the idea of the Bye Guys Goku as one of the part 2 Carnival LRs goes so hard...people were speculating he'd be an LR way back when AGL SSJ Gohan and INT Cell came out right? And then we got the Android trio which was fine, but people wanted that card...and it makes sense. Not only for Dragon Ball as a huge moment in the series, but for Dokkan specifically...that's one of the summon animations that people recognize instantly, and has been in the game since it came finaly put an LR to that animation? Oh Hell yes.
10th Anniversary F2P OG DB (1 slot) DFE LR P1 and P2:Super Vegito and Super Gogeta(3rd Anniversary) Double Carnival P1 and P2: SSJ4 Goku and SSJ2 Gohan from Cell Saga (2nd & 4th Anniversary) SSBE Vegeta Unit SA with UI Goku and Goku & Frieza & #17 (6th Anniversary)
I mostly agree with the list, i personally think that maybe one of the cell saga units could be a super eza for the int lr ssj2 gohan, hes the 2nd anniversary part 2 character so i could see it happen especially if one of the part 2 lrs is a good bye guys goku, else i also seen some arguments that the "strongest duo" thing could also fit on goku and frieza from the tournament of power. Also in a side note, i really hope that f2p dkp has the dragonball mechanic that gohan had in the last world wide, exept he needs them to transform into his young self.
@@817carlosbro that’s a lie they been stopped doing that a while ago. Actually every year it’s less and less. There is videos going over about how much less stones we get now compared to years ago. It’s somewhere around 500 or less and also most of it always comes after the banner discounts expire too this is most p2w game on the market by far. Back in the day just a normal non big celebration month u can farm up to 400+ stones now not including log in u get less than 100 and on big time celebrations max 500 and it’s getting worse each year its also why they slowed down on Ezas cause they don’t wanna give u them 33 stones and a lot of times they put two units into one eza like ssj4s even though they was on different banners but they not about to give u 66 stones but back in the day they use too. People don’t know but a law suit got filed about not having a pitty system that’s the only reason they barely put it in and it’s only on a few banners
Gogeta(DF), ssj2 gohan(family), ssb goku+vegeta(rivals) Also, disnt think about it, but the DF needs a banner unit, so a super gogeta carnival wouod make sense, that could fill the rival, a goku + vegeta that fuses to gogeta, & then the DF, ahich has to be fusion, could be SSB goku + SSB vegeta that either fuses into blue gogeta or blue vegito, preferably vegito, give us double vegito
This is just completely random but i was watching a reaction to all the dokkan battle trailers and the trailer for the transforming goku and frieza said "the battle of rivals continues"
Didn’t even think about the super gogeta part until now, unless the first year anniversary units DONT super Eza I don’t think we’re getting a gogeta, and I would love a just start of turn VB 😭
Wish I was more excited. The what-if Blue Evo Vegeta is a cool idea but eh. I am looking forward to pulling SS3/SS4 Goku but am pretty ambivalent towards Vegito. Not really excited for the main possibilities for part 2 either. Then again 2024 gave me most the units I've long waited for so there's not really much they could have done to garner my interest. Pretty hype for the EZAs though.
Honestly I can see them putting Super Gogeta as a carnival hidden behind a switch with Paikuhan (Pikkon), so it can fit the Rivals theme. Which leaves them with the #17, Frieza and Goku DF LR as a tag unit and a random TOP unit as the side banner ? it could fill the slots and let us have our Gogeta without a side unit.
I like how hard this anni is to predict what's gonna happen at least with the summonable units. Last year it was pretty easy it's just "Yeah so Gogeta and Broly are the first ones and then Beast and Cell Max for part 2" and then we got the Gammas intead of Cell Max but they cooked so it's fine. But yeah this year it's so wonky and weird trying to figure out what's gonna happen, even with all of those slots filled in making it easier, it's still like "Okay well who from Cell Saga, who from the DBZ Movies, who from DBS"
I just want to remind people that side banner unit EZA's exist, it probably won't be 7 new Dokkan Fest/LR EZAs and 5 Super EZAs probably random side banner units that they can fit onto the carnival and DFE banners like STR semi perfect cell or AGL Krillin could EZA
If Vegito Blue is for part 2 he should have the taunt mechanic. There is literally no other unit that would suit TAUNTING their opponent more than him.
What do you think of part 2 being ssj2 gohan and orange piccolo (family and rivals or second to none) and ssj gogeta Z with goku and vegeta side banner from super o smth related to? It will be pretty fire imo because you'll have vegeta and piccolo carnival being the 2 rivals of goku
I think is gonna be like Part one, dfe fusion (has to be Vegito blue, nothing Else is gonna Happen, just believe) and one goku and one vegeta as carnivals... would make by far the most sense to me
I think what I would want for pt2 would be a ssj gogeta, stand-alone ssj2 gohan or the bye guys goku into gohan, and I'd want the orange piccolo more than the goku/frieza too be honest with the side banner unit yeah being like base gogeta (super) or a broly (super) since "oh he's someone gogeta fought" kinda thing
Man, after watching the vid, I just realized something. Let's say that Androids/Cell Saga had one less slot and that went to GT. If they did SSJ4 Vegeta, MUI, and Super Gogeta for part 2, it would kinda mirror almost every past anni. With the SSJ4 duo, fusion duo, and SSBE/MUI duo. Alas, that's obviously not the case, but... As for my personal final prediction, I think the 4 units for part 2 would be SSJ2 Gohan, Super Gogeta, base DBS Gogeta, and Goku Frieza 17. Also what if for the banner unit for SV, we got base Vegito instead? Could be something, but Supreme Kai (or even a standalone Kibito Kai) are cool too
10th Anni DFE LR: Strongest Duo Carnival: Family and Rivals P1:DFE LR Super Vegito & Double Carnival LR SSJ4 Goku and LR SSBE Vegeta(Unit SA with UI Goku) P2:DFE LR LR Goku & Frieza & Double Carnival LR Super Gogeta:Tag Goku+Vegeta (Rivals)and SSJ2 Gohan Cell Saga(Family)
I really want Goku and Frieza but if they do Gogeta at all it’s gonna be the Dokkanfest, I just noticed that the passive skill for the UR version of 1st Anniversary Gogeta is literally just “Miraculous Power” I still want to hope for Goku and Frieza but no way they would put Gogeta as the carnival with that theme.
If miraculous duo is fusions, we could see a kale and caulifla unit that fuse into kefla, sure you can argue kale and caulifla ain't the strongest duo but it's a possibility, or have a goku black and zamasu tag unit that fuse into fused zamasu, since dbl didn't give us that unit it's dokkan's chance to make it a thing, make dbl players come play dokkan just for that unit, but obviously we won't truly know until we see it
My only problem with the end is that Super Gogeta is not a family or rivals, unless you really stretch the definition. There may be a chance that side banner units aren't included, but I doubt it.
4:50 Nope up until here you pointed out EXACTLY what I had in mind. No disagree. As for Androids/Cell Saga, 2 of these 6 are probably here, I'm with you. Trunks might just be a DBS Battle of Gods Gotenks. (Heres still hopin for a Majin Vegeta Carnival if they already shootin down Kid Buu for the millionth time, because that guy is the definition of family AND rivalry) As for the Gogeta being a Dokkan Fest, I thought that was completely obvious given the theme. Why would anyone think he's a Family or Rival unit? 😅 Side banner units aren't always directly related, sometimes they go around a couple corners, so those are VERY speculative anyway. I believe the part 2 LRs are Super Gogeta for Dokkanfest, and then Bye Guys Goku and Majin Vegeta, 2 RIVALS sacrificing themselves for their FAMILY, maybe adding some sacrifice category on top. That would be Golden.
I do believe that another Blue Fusion would be a little too much for most people, including me. However, I would take it as long as I get my Goku Frieza and 17. My most wanted unit for the last 2 years, I need them so badly.
I also believe gogeta blue is gonna be a dokkan fest LR in part 2 And I could see an angel vegeta ssj2 and a angel goku ssj3 with an active skill that does the soul punisher for the carnival lr And ssj2 Gohan as the carnival lr
Part 1 ain't even out yet bro 💀😭
Fr 💀💀💀
I think bro is in the future 💀💀
Which make this fun 😂😂
Thats why its his prediction lol
literally every dokkan youtuber has made a video on this. what's not another one in the sea.
Love the fact they did the road map. It’s just creates more discussion in the community instead just waiting. My guesses for the main part 2 LRs are Super Gogeta as the DFE LR and SSJ2 Gohan and Goku/Frieza/17 as the Carnivals.
I will come back to this comment when its this
@@vg-_-universal8283 We’ll see. I’d say I got a 1/3 chance of getting it right.
theres one issue with that. the DFE needs a side banner unit that's from the same arc. Since z movies only have 3 and people are saying 2 are for ezas theres no room for the side banner unit so z movies is going to be a carnival.
@@DivineLord56 True we still don’t know what will happen. But Dokkan always says one thing and does the other like Nano said in the vid “they can always be cheeky”.
@@DivineLord56 A popular idea I've seen thrown around is only SEZAing the STR Gogeta. Then Super Gogeta's banner unit can take Janemba's spot, and Janemba can SEZA when TEQ Janemba gets his regular EZA.
The DB classic shaft is real...
It’s the 10th anniversary, sorry bud but about 1 part of db actually features fighting and just isn’t that hype in itself, def not worthy enough for a big celebration lmao
it’s a shame unfortunately
@@ryanyoder4955 for an anniversary that talks about showing the ENTIRETY of db. ONE out of SIX lrs being dragonball is not much
@@justindai8401they know it wont make as much money. Which is sad since it would absolutely be worthy
@@ryanyoder4955it's 6 LRS og db definitely could been one
been here since Full-Tilt Kamehameha Super Saiyan 2 Gohan glad to see your still posting
Broo when 24 ki attack animation was just card art bouncing up and down.... Damnnn its been so loong
Too be fair the 7th anni units are also Gogeta representation. In total that could be 3 Gogetas including the SEZA which could leave room for Vegito Blue as the second DF LR.
i would rather see that than another gogeta for anni , vegito needs a redemption after that terrible shaft .
@@florentosmani9443Nah it needs to stay like this. Vegito has more representation on Legends so having gogeta more represented in dokkan is the best outcome gor both games.
@@gokublack2 As a Dokkan player that does not give a shit about legends, there is no "best outcome for both games" that is agreeable. We are not accepting Vegito slander in Dokkan just because of Legends.
There is no vegito shaft lol@@florentosmani9443
@@gokublack2 no it dosent have to stay like this , these games are separate games let them be separate games . We can have in both games equal representation of both even tho personally I lean towards vegito.
Damn legends on there 7th anni and dokkan on their 10th hope these two games continue to strive
14:38 that argument is just dumb. Japanese episode titles and movies always refer to fusions as miraculous power blah blah. It’s fusions.
Frieza also isn’t the second strongest compared to Vegeta in ToP so I don’t see how it would fit the idea of “strongest” either
It's goku and frieza
The fact that it's not even a duo and a trio
@@JACQUEZ23if anything it’s gonna be the Carnival, but 100000% not the DFE.
Honestly, I love the first prediction you made on the road map! Thos is literally the best choice Dokkan could come up with. And nobody is changing my opinion otherwise! This is literally the best Dokkan hype! Thank you for the prediction, Nano!
I think SEZA Lr Int Gohan and Lr Phy Trunks have a real shot of being the Androids/Cell Saga rep because they’re both hype moments and the relate to the Carnival theme
It will be very fun to see how much of this Nano gets right.
Nano, we'd like to see you make an updated predictions for the road map based on what we already got so far.
I think the side unit banner of goku + vegita could be a vegito in candy form, since he is born from the strongest duo and he fits in the second to no one, since he still play with buu even in a "nerfed" state they can easily make it dodge support side banner unit
Been watching your predictions and content for 7 years bro. Hope you and your family is doing well. No matter what this anni will be insane just off of EZAs alone, the rest is just cherry on top so no reason to argue over it.
Ain't no way there's a ssb gogeta when he got one at the 9th anniversary
1. It’s the anniversary of everything 2. We still don’t have a base SSB LR gogeta after 10 years it’s very likely he’s included
@@shadowscorpionofc really not a good argument at all there is no need for a gogeta at all for the second part as much as i love him , the anniversary of everything makes no sense , we also dont have ssb lr vegito as a stand alone i would much rather see that then gogeta simply because of the shaft the blue duos got for wwc. he is getting 2 eza pretty much confirmed already last anni 7 and 9 were litrerally gogeta celebrations there is no need for him to be here save him for wwc.
@@shadowscorpionofc Keep in mind that this anniversary introduce the new exchange mechanic so if they really decided to make SSB Gogeta the part 2 dokkanfest then it's impossible for him to not have the new mechanic so getting standalone SSB Gogeta this anniversary is not possible
I hope its blue gogeta just because i think it's funny
Everyone else in the comments forget Dokkan do want the hype AND MONEY! If they don’t have some version of Gogeta and especially Blue then might as well say Vegito by himself is not hype enough for the fusions end of the anniversary.
Bro the first part didn't even start yet lmao 🤣🤣🤣 you know the hype is insane for 10th anniversary
Honestly for android/cell saga i'm leaning towards it being AGL trunks and AGL future gohan/trunks being the EZA characters before them doing the goku/gohan and transforming cell.
been a fan since you did the dual summon with nichigo when str gogeta came out, always been a favorite creator for me and keep up the good work man!
Tag hit and god goku would be fire
This is an amazing video breakdown on the timeslots and stuff for people who don’t fully understand (like me) when the EZAs are, thanks for the video Nano!
Love how the whole community is pretty much in agreement on what part 2 should be it’s giving me the legends 5th anni and 2023 legends fest vibes where the part 1s were well known before they came out
This anni is gonna be awesome bro… crying with 74 stones
Bruh i summoned on daima and got back up to 550 how did you manage that
@FAYcampers i spend all my 1000 stones and reached pity just to get the new buu for him to be mid
I have a huge reservoir of DS in EZAs and storylines
Now I gotta grind em 😭
@@LookingToTheMax teq buu is one piece to a great full team, but an extreme luxury unit. RIP. Personally love him
@@LookingToTheMaxhes arguably the best majin power unit..?
Something i wanna add
The section where you said God Goku COULD be a carnival reminded me, Beerus is TOTALLY a rival, so honestly he could fit in there even better.
A proper vegito blue for 10th anni would be a great way to right their wrongs regarding agl LR vb
17:20 I believe the movie slot will be goku and vegeta blue tag unit(because it is technically a dbz movie) and we get a standalone vegito blue unit
Putting this out there, just my speculation
The Part 1 coin missions (where you get 90 coins total) seem to me like it can hint to units as well
1: Fierce Battle Frieza stage
2: Red Ribbon Army red zone
3: IDBH stage 31 (DBS Super Hero)
4: Dokkan Boss Rush stage 6
Boss Rush feels kind of random, but i do have speculation for the others
1: Fierce Battle Frieza - This could tie into a Ressurection F movie unit (for Z Movies)
They could consider Rivals for Vegeta and Frieza both, but i'd say it could be a tag Goku and Vegeta Carnival LR
2: Red Ribbon Army - Android/Cell saga unit
This would be Family. They could do a Goku/Gohan for it, but i could also see it as a Android 17 and Android 18, this could also be a tag, but i'd say it would start as a 17 and exchange into 18, who may have a unit super attack with 16
3: DBS Super Hero - obviously the Dokkanfest, taking place in the DBS slos
This is the miraculous power born from the strongest Duo.
LR Ultimate Gohan and Power Awakened Piccolo. They have a standby into Orange Piccolo, who holds the enemy off while Gohan charges up. Based on the ammount of Ki collected, Gohan will transform into Beast and launch the Special Beam Cannon, and him and Piccolo will stay in Orange/Beast the rest of the fight
Banner unit possibilities are a Dr. Hedo with 3 unit super attacks. One with Gamma 1, one with Gamma 2, and one with Both. Or it could just be a Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.
Or, another one is a Magenta who has a "giant form mode" where he awakens Cell Max
4: i am unsure of where the Dokkan Boss Rush 6 plays a role here. Its selection of units is decently random.
SSJ3 Bardock, Hirudegarn, SSB Vegito, SSRosé Goku Black, and Super Vegito.
The thumbnail is exactly what I thought is gonna be happen for part 2. I think it’s also perfect because super saiyan gods will probably be eza.
I immediately see the thumbnail and I immediately agree with you cuz Legends 6th anni n we all know Whatever Dokkan or Legends does first the latter will always come through with the same thing in their way which I personally love
part of the reason why I think Super Gogeta has got to be one of the part 2 lineup is because we the last DBZ Gogeta was the TEQ Gogeta, so it'd be perfect and to make it so you aren't just replacing TEQ Gogeta or the other Gogeta's by having the same name, could be like Vegito and have the tag mechanics attached to Gogeta.
The part 2 unit will be a tag so it wouldn't replace the teq one lol
@@AsuraDandy but I mean, super gogeta as tag unit is just the same thing as vegito, it still is goku and vegeta tag unit, so it would be boring to have the same unit again in the part 2 you know what I mean? Vegito gogeta, they would both start as goku and vegeta, so the whole thing would be highly identical, so why would they drop two tag unit with the same two characters, it just doesn’t make sense
@@hinsonnnnn Well the Gogeta Goku would be Angel Goku, so they won't have the same name for conflicting names. But they could always do ssj3 Goku and Vegeta or Goku and Pikkon for Gogeta.
@@AsuraDandy it’s not the problem of having same names or not, it’s just that it’s like the same idea being used twice in a celebration, and sure if they do a ss3 goku with pikon, it would be more interesting than goku and vegeta tag unit again, but I think something else like goku with frieza would be more interesting than that, it doesn’t always have to be fusion
@@hinsonnnnn ggoku and frieza are boruingggggg
I hope it’s a DFE LR Vegito Blue for part 2. They need to correct their mistake from the 2023 WWC, just like they corrected their Beast Gohan mistake. We don’t even actually need a new Gogeta.
But what I think will happen is Super Gogeta DFE, then bye guys Goku carnival, and I’m just gonna throw it out there- God Vegeta from DBS Broly carnival.
Or it could be Super Vegeta and then Blue Kaioken Goku from the hit fight for the carnivals.
Bro how are people still fking sayin super gogeta when it was shown the banner carnival is not there? Assuming str gogeta and janemba sezas lmao wake up
@@IWKS1what are you talking about?
@@IWKS1 Wait bro I don't understand, why do you think Super Gogeta won't arrive?
@ThePriceCaritPro dokkan festival for part2 is a fusion 100% but dbz movie category does not have the slot for the banner unit, there are 3 slots and 2 of them are the seza for gogeta and janemba
@ Mmm I understand, but couldn't it be that they give super eza to Gogeta and release a new Gogeta? There are a lot of people who say that, but if I'm honest I'd be more excited about a Zamasu LR or a Vegetto Blue LR than another Gogeta haha
Whether it's Super Gogeta or Gogeta Blue, I feel like Gogeta definitely makes sense even with this new info. With this celebration being based around all of Dragon Ball (Daima excluded of course) it would be kinda crazy to NOT have a summonable card for both fusions. Regardless though I'm interested to see what we actually get in pt 2!
cant believe they making the 1 dragonball character f2p tur piccolo
Nano during the reveal: "SIX??!!"
Me: "Yes, nano, there's six new-"
Nano again: "SIIIIIIIXX???!!!!!!"
Hey Nano, just want to throw this idea out there since we essentially get a “what if” unit in SSBE Vegeta with MUI Goku, what if we get Beast Gohan with Whis? We know Whis shows up in Super Hero, but he never really fights. MUI Goku and SSBE Vegeta never tag team to fight Jiren. Those are separate fights. I love your predictions man, but I believe we get another “what if” unit in Part 2. Id love to see a “what if” in MUI Goku with Beast Gohan, but MUI Goku is already represented in Part 1. Movies could add a “what if” unit in Cooler with Frieza. DBS can add a “what if” unit in Sword of Hope Trunks with Ultimate Gohan. Cell Saga could add a “what if” unit in SS Vegeta with SS2 Gohan. I just think Dokkan throws us something completely out of left field.
People acting as if another Vegito and Gogeta will not be hype. Bro, idrc how many Vegito/Gogeta's we get. These are, by far, the hypest and coolest characters in Dragonball. AND THAT IS NOT AN INSULT. THAT IS A FACT OF LIFE!
Brooo I was also thinking an orange piccolo was a possibility 💪🏼love the road map videos
Just a reminder they usually always give the mechanic to one carnival and on dokkan festival so it could still be some type goku+vegeta into super gogeta
I don't think you can say usually when they've done it once....
I believe your final scenario with Super Gogeta and OP is spot-on.
You're the first person other than me that I've seen bring up Orange Piccolo. I'm coping hard for him, even if he's probably not happening.
TUR F2P Demon King Piccolo. Brother omatsu 🗿 why do you enjoy our suffering. All 8 of us kid goku wanters are livid lmao
And I’m one of those 8. Omatsu PLEASE give us a summonable LR kid Goku from OG DB, I’m actually begging rn.
Eh, we might get two LRS this year because you know
10 years
I feel like double vegito with the former double gogetas ezaing plus teq super gogeta from last year makes a lot of sense, I wouldn't complain at all
The side unit for a Dokkan Fest Super Gogeta could be Super Hero fat Gotenks, fits perfectly imo.
BRO I AM SO HYPED FOR 7th ANNI EZAs man. I started playing during 7th anni, so they have a special place in my heart. Its time for the Monkey Duo and God Duos to make a comeback!
the fact that after all this years of gogeta meat riding we still don’t have a fusing ssb gogeta💀
i know they can’t do manga content cuz of licensing issues, but strongest duo w ui and ego would be the BEST strongest duo imo. especially for something as big as the 10th anniversary
Ok hear me out, the strongest duo unit for movies is actually the fat Gotenks from Super Hero. That’s gotta be it right 😂
Now, I just had a pretty CRAZY theory that they could do for part 2, which is that the Dokkan fest would still be a Super Gogeta, BUT it would either be a traditional fusing unit, or a standalone Super Gogeta, while one of the Carnivals being a Vegito Blue, and HERE IS WHY
Since the theme for the Carnivals are Family & Rivals, they can technically do that theme and STILL have a fusion, if the unit starts out as a Vegeta unit, that tags into Goku. Exchange units typically have the combined categories of all the character's involved, and this would apply to Super Vegito in part one, so with that in mind, a Vegeta Blue (or even a Vegeta & Trunks) that tags into Goku Blue, can still have a fusion into Vegito Blue.
The same can be true if we reverse it, and say Vegito Blue is the Part 2 Dokkanfest with Super Gogeta as the Carnival LR. Either way, I hope the next Dokkanfest fusion is a stand alone one
That was the first thing I thought of when I heard of the new mechanic.
SSJ Goku -> SSJ2 Gohan
"You did good, Gohan. I'm proud of you"
Nano, I have a crazy theory that Part 2 will focus on villains. Remember, the summonable unit themes are just that...themes. Being part of a theme has multiple meanings. From the super class side, the themes could describe the characters. From the extreme class side, the themes could explain who they fight or how they were defeated. Dokkan has also pushed extreme class units the past year, and it would be strange to completely leave them out in part 2.
New Category “Successor” might get a leader in the part 2 DFE. Funny enough it includes FP Frieza and Great Ape Vegeta who will both most likely EZA. Funny enough this could also give clues to future DFEs this year as Piccolo, Vegeta, and Dabura are on the category.
Who else is on there and who fights a “strong warrior born from the strongest duo” who also just so happens to be a fusion for a tag mechanic? Zamasu
DFE will be LR Fusion Zamasu w/ Zamasu and Goku Black tag mechanic. Banner unit can be anything from that saga. 2 Slots for Super to finish that category.
For the carnivals we need family and rival related units.
Family= LR Perfect Cell/Super Perfect Cell as he was defeated by the father/son kamehameha. We also get SEZA LR Int Gohan since he was the first summonable LR, and it'll count as Gohan representation while highlighting an iconic moment in the series' history. Last unit could be an EZA or SEZA Teq Perfect Cell. My money is the SEZA to pair with the new LR Cell.
Rivals is interesting. Initially I thought Kid Buu since Goku and Vegeta set aside their differences as rivals to beat him…but we’re getting a Gotenks unit of some kind…that leaves movies…who from the DBZ Movies could be worth the last Carnival slot?
LR Final Form Frieza/Golden Frieza from Resurrection F. Remember this is a DBZ movie and the last one at that. Goku and Vegeta clearly showcase their rivalry in the movie, albeit in less serious fashion, and beat Frieza. Goku and Vegeta have trained together on Beerus' planet as friendly rivals, and they swap out to beat Frieza. Vegeta even makes a specific comment that it's their rivalry that allow them to push each other. This is also important down the line since STR LR Cooler and LR AGL Golden Frieza could EZA within the next year or so. This also doesn't compromise a Golden Frieza from DBS either.
Gogeta Representation for people wondering is plentiful this celebration. He'll be back on a carnival banner, his Anni 1 will SEZA, and both 7th year LRs incorporate Gogeta.
All that yap to be wrong
Just saying...extreme class was popular last year and villains have gotten glow ups.
For them to relegate extreme class units to only having EZAs in a celebration encompassing all of Dragonball would be strange. We had a summonable extreme class LR last year. To have none this year would be misfire especially since there are so many good picks.
Would I like a new Vegito Blue since the 23 WWC unit was a dud? Sure.
But idk...having a new Fusion Zamasu who can potentially lead all the extreme class units, even the ones I'm predicting, in this celebration with the possible exception of SEZA Janemba would be awfully interesting
Hopefully you see this Nano. I firmly believe, that they threw us a curveball. My prediction for the part 2 units is Carnival FSK/Bye Guys, Carnival Super Gogeta (with the Tag mechanic to encompass the Rivals part) and DFE standalone Vegito Blue with a Rage Trunks Banner unit
3:00 it makes sense cause last year for the 9th anniversary they gave the LR AGL mui goku and The LR INT SSBE Vegeta their eza
It could be super gogeta. The side banner unit could connect to a the carnival, to entice players to summon on both.
I would so love to see a Goku Black + tag switch Zamasu that can fuse into Merged Zamasu, they haven't made a fusing Goku Black and Zamasu unit yet as an LR (technically AGL Zamasu does fuse with Goku Black) and the new tag switch can be good for them too plus they would be on the Miraculous Power Born From the Stongest Duo
I would absolutely NOT complain if we got another Gogeta blue this year again
Bro the idea of the Bye Guys Goku as one of the part 2 Carnival LRs goes so hard...people were speculating he'd be an LR way back when AGL SSJ Gohan and INT Cell came out right? And then we got the Android trio which was fine, but people wanted that card...and it makes sense. Not only for Dragon Ball as a huge moment in the series, but for Dokkan specifically...that's one of the summon animations that people recognize instantly, and has been in the game since it came finaly put an LR to that animation? Oh Hell yes.
I love OP feel like there saving him for something big W video btw loved it
10th Anniversary
F2P OG DB (1 slot)
DFE LR P1 and P2:Super Vegito and Super Gogeta(3rd Anniversary)
Double Carnival P1 and P2: SSJ4 Goku and SSJ2 Gohan from Cell Saga (2nd & 4th Anniversary)
SSBE Vegeta Unit SA with UI Goku and Goku & Frieza & #17 (6th Anniversary)
Nano out here using the Box theory as the 4th rule hahahaha.
Ive been playing Dokkan since nearly the very beginning. For me getting a Super EZA for 1st year Super Gogeta and Super Janemba would be huge news.
I mostly agree with the list, i personally think that maybe one of the cell saga units could be a super eza for the int lr ssj2 gohan, hes the 2nd anniversary part 2 character so i could see it happen especially if one of the part 2 lrs is a good bye guys goku, else i also seen some arguments that the "strongest duo" thing could also fit on goku and frieza from the tournament of power.
Also in a side note, i really hope that f2p dkp has the dragonball mechanic that gohan had in the last world wide, exept he needs them to transform into his young self.
if i get shafted with 1k stones i am going bald
Might as well get them clippers ready😂
1k isn't that that much but dw pity will save u brother
As a bald man I will say, it ain't that bad. Tho I hope you don't get shafted. Gl brother
Theres gonna be over 2k worth of stones to farm in the 10th anni youll be ok
@@817carlosbro that’s a lie they been stopped doing that a while ago. Actually every year it’s less and less. There is videos going over about how much less stones we get now compared to years ago. It’s somewhere around 500 or less and also most of it always comes after the banner discounts expire too this is most p2w game on the market by far. Back in the day just a normal non big celebration month u can farm up to 400+ stones now not including log in u get less than 100 and on big time celebrations max 500 and it’s getting worse each year its also why they slowed down on Ezas cause they don’t wanna give u them 33 stones and a lot of times they put two units into one eza like ssj4s even though they was on different banners but they not about to give u 66 stones but back in the day they use too. People don’t know but a law suit got filed about not having a pitty system that’s the only reason they barely put it in and it’s only on a few banners
Gogeta(DF), ssj2 gohan(family), ssb goku+vegeta(rivals)
Also, disnt think about it, but the DF needs a banner unit, so a super gogeta carnival wouod make sense, that could fill the rival, a goku + vegeta that fuses to gogeta, & then the DF, ahich has to be fusion, could be SSB goku + SSB vegeta that either fuses into blue gogeta or blue vegito, preferably vegito, give us double vegito
If this was a Legends road map every unit would be Gohan. The DB unit would be Gohan (Concept), and he'll be the craziest thing in the game. Trust.
This is just completely random but i was watching a reaction to all the dokkan battle trailers and the trailer for the transforming goku and frieza said "the battle of rivals continues"
Didn’t even think about the super gogeta part until now, unless the first year anniversary units DONT super Eza I don’t think we’re getting a gogeta, and I would love a just start of turn VB 😭
Nobody wants Fraudgito blue
For rivals you could have a Vegeta that standbys into pikon then fuses with goku into gogeta for the carnival unit
Wish I was more excited. The what-if Blue Evo Vegeta is a cool idea but eh. I am looking forward to pulling SS3/SS4 Goku but am pretty ambivalent towards Vegito. Not really excited for the main possibilities for part 2 either. Then again 2024 gave me most the units I've long waited for so there's not really much they could have done to garner my interest. Pretty hype for the EZAs though.
As much as I love the teq androids, I think it makes more sense for them to super EZA int LR Gohan
Honestly I can see them putting Super Gogeta as a carnival hidden behind a switch with Paikuhan (Pikkon), so it can fit the Rivals theme. Which leaves them with the #17, Frieza and Goku DF LR as a tag unit and a random TOP unit as the side banner ? it could fill the slots and let us have our Gogeta without a side unit.
I like how hard this anni is to predict what's gonna happen at least with the summonable units. Last year it was pretty easy it's just "Yeah so Gogeta and Broly are the first ones and then Beast and Cell Max for part 2" and then we got the Gammas intead of Cell Max but they cooked so it's fine. But yeah this year it's so wonky and weird trying to figure out what's gonna happen, even with all of those slots filled in making it easier, it's still like "Okay well who from Cell Saga, who from the DBZ Movies, who from DBS"
I just want to remind people that side banner unit EZA's exist, it probably won't be 7 new Dokkan Fest/LR EZAs and 5 Super EZAs probably random side banner units that they can fit onto the carnival and DFE banners like STR semi perfect cell or AGL Krillin could EZA
Wow I’m actually early to a nano video for once?!
If Vegito Blue is for part 2 he should have the taunt mechanic. There is literally no other unit that would suit TAUNTING their opponent more than him.
20:27 i like the idea i think it’s gonna be tag trunks and vegeta
This is the longest 10 days that ive ever experienced
What do you think of part 2 being ssj2 gohan and orange piccolo (family and rivals or second to none) and ssj gogeta Z with goku and vegeta side banner from super o smth related to? It will be pretty fire imo because you'll have vegeta and piccolo carnival being the 2 rivals of goku
Minus the Goku/Vegeta Side Banner unit, you just typed exactly what I put at 23:49 lol
@Nanogenix that's true, sorry. I watched that part later 'cause I was driving lol
I’m actually so hyped this is history the 28th couldn’t be coming any faster😩
Goku and Piccolo carnival from the Slug movie as a carnival for Z movies
Love hearing some guilty gear in the background of my dokkan video 🙏
I think is gonna be like Part one, dfe fusion (has to be Vegito blue, nothing Else is gonna Happen, just believe) and one goku and one vegeta as carnivals... would make by far the most sense to me
*me when OG DB gets shafted in any DB media* : I’VE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE!!!
I think what I would want for pt2 would be a ssj gogeta, stand-alone ssj2 gohan or the bye guys goku into gohan, and I'd want the orange piccolo more than the goku/frieza too be honest with the side banner unit yeah being like base gogeta (super) or a broly (super) since "oh he's someone gogeta fought" kinda thing
Imma be honest. I think it's Vegito again for part 2. I think we're getting a VEGITO ANNIVERSARY PLS
If they do, they might as well make the Gogeta unit more broken than the vegito units together
@@gokublack2there will be no gogeta unit is what he’s saying no room for it at least not a super one
Double vegito is not happening, let it go
@aurez4398we had double gogeta, what’s wrong with double vegetto?
Miraculous Duo? Crossing my fingers for an LR Korin & Yajirobe lmao
it's gonna be z gogeta from the janemba movie and the side banner will be the slime gogeta when they failed the fusion in the dbs broly movie
pikon rival into super gogeta and vb for dokkanfest. peak hype. peak money.
one thing idk why anyone has considered is eza LR vegeta and trunks they were the best defensive unit for so long i could see the comeback
Man, after watching the vid, I just realized something. Let's say that Androids/Cell Saga had one less slot and that went to GT. If they did SSJ4 Vegeta, MUI, and Super Gogeta for part 2, it would kinda mirror almost every past anni. With the SSJ4 duo, fusion duo, and SSBE/MUI duo. Alas, that's obviously not the case, but...
As for my personal final prediction, I think the 4 units for part 2 would be SSJ2 Gohan, Super Gogeta, base DBS Gogeta, and Goku Frieza 17. Also what if for the banner unit for SV, we got base Vegito instead? Could be something, but Supreme Kai (or even a standalone Kibito Kai) are cool too
10th Anni
DFE LR: Strongest Duo
Carnival: Family and Rivals
P1:DFE LR Super Vegito & Double Carnival LR SSJ4 Goku and LR SSBE Vegeta(Unit SA with UI Goku)
P2:DFE LR LR Goku & Frieza & Double Carnival LR Super Gogeta:Tag Goku+Vegeta (Rivals)and SSJ2 Gohan Cell Saga(Family)
I really want Goku and Frieza but if they do Gogeta at all it’s gonna be the Dokkanfest, I just noticed that the passive skill for the UR version of 1st Anniversary Gogeta is literally just “Miraculous Power” I still want to hope for Goku and Frieza but no way they would put Gogeta as the carnival with that theme.
as much as i would love ssj4 duo eza, a new ss4 gogeta would be sick. and imagine if they did an original animation end of z goku
If miraculous duo is fusions, we could see a kale and caulifla unit that fuse into kefla, sure you can argue kale and caulifla ain't the strongest duo but it's a possibility, or have a goku black and zamasu tag unit that fuse into fused zamasu, since dbl didn't give us that unit it's dokkan's chance to make it a thing, make dbl players come play dokkan just for that unit, but obviously we won't truly know until we see it
My only problem with the end is that Super Gogeta is not a family or rivals, unless you really stretch the definition. There may be a chance that side banner units aren't included, but I doubt it.
My part 2 guess may be “boring” but it’s DFE super gogeta from z movies, from super agl ui and from z the goku/gohan unit
4:50 Nope up until here you pointed out EXACTLY what I had in mind. No disagree. As for Androids/Cell Saga, 2 of these 6 are probably here, I'm with you. Trunks might just be a DBS Battle of Gods Gotenks. (Heres still hopin for a Majin Vegeta Carnival if they already shootin down Kid Buu for the millionth time, because that guy is the definition of family AND rivalry)
As for the Gogeta being a Dokkan Fest, I thought that was completely obvious given the theme. Why would anyone think he's a Family or Rival unit? 😅
Side banner units aren't always directly related, sometimes they go around a couple corners, so those are VERY speculative anyway.
I believe the part 2 LRs are Super Gogeta for Dokkanfest, and then Bye Guys Goku and Majin Vegeta, 2 RIVALS sacrificing themselves for their FAMILY, maybe adding some sacrifice category on top. That would be Golden.
If dokkan predictions was food Nano burned the water.
I do believe that another Blue Fusion would be a little too much for most people, including me. However, I would take it as long as I get my Goku Frieza and 17. My most wanted unit for the last 2 years, I need them so badly.
We do NOT need need another "HEARD YOU WANT VEGITO"😭😭😭
“Vegeta pilled” lmao 💀
I also believe gogeta blue is gonna be a dokkan fest LR in part 2
And I could see an angel vegeta ssj2 and a angel goku ssj3 with an active skill that does the soul punisher for the carnival lr
And ssj2 Gohan as the carnival lr
I honestly think kaioken x10 ssb goku could be another choice as the 2nd carnival, considering it's been ages since we've seen that moment.