  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 712

  • @helorumtheknightsofmambrin2155
    @helorumtheknightsofmambrin2155 2 года назад +5

    Thank you for your research. The discovery of evidence, in 1816, that both Solomon Spalding and Sidney Rigdon were in Pittsburg is pure gold and changes everything.

  • @keithnoneya
    @keithnoneya 6 лет назад +9

    Although I believe the book was a plagiarism of the Spalding book, even if it wasn't, Mormonism can be disproved by the lack of archaeological evidence the Book of Mormon references for North or South America. A good start is the Documentary film "The Bible vs the Book of Mormon".

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      A good start is for you all of your anti-Mormon crowd to take the hell off.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      @Robert Swenson The Book of Mormon is an obvious true account recorded eons ago.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      @Robert Swenson No, it doesn't either. That's just your wanted anti-Mormon take on it. The thing that proves it is that one cannot possibly investigate the Mormon persuasion (Jesus Christ) thoroughly, then turn around and say that the church isn't true.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      @Robert Swenson p.s. For example the EGYPTOLOGISTS were DEBUNKED after a thorough study of the Book of Abraham Egyptian papyri by Paul Gregersen. In other words, Joseph Smith was right, the Egyptologists were wrong.

  • @beet74
    @beet74 8 лет назад +44

    Why do those who follow the Mormon faith believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet even tho he failed the biblical definition of a prophet? If a man says God told him a fact, then that "fact" proves to be incorrect. it means that man lied because God does not make mistakes in prophecy. God knows what will happen in the future and He does not lie so if God tells someone something will happen, then it will happen. Joseph Smith made multiple prophecies that DID NOT come to pass which makes Joseph Smith a liar, not a prophet.

    • @3DFLYLOW
      @3DFLYLOW 8 лет назад +5

      all religions are fake and made up by their creators.

    • @beet74
      @beet74 8 лет назад +3

      3DFLYLOW "The fool says in his heart, There is no god" Certainly glad you are so sure that no god exists, however you are quite wrong. I became a Christian 43 years ago at the tender age of 22. Since then , He has proven not only His existence, but also that He cares about us poor humans. I became a Christian in Vietnam during a war, since then have seen things that would freak you out and have you just standing in awe. I have even had a spent 7.62 round land 3 yards in front of me and I picked up still warm. Yes, I still have it. Prayer works, even many doctors have figured that out.

    • @3DFLYLOW
      @3DFLYLOW 8 лет назад +4

      +beet74 I never said there wasn't a god. and as far as a bullet landed in front of you you got lucky. prayers obviously don't work. if a person is choking in a restaurant should everyone pray for them or should somebody do the heimlich maneuver? doctors will tell you to do the heimlich maneuver because it's the only chance they have of survival. the god Theory has done nothing but bring pain and misery to the world. science has bettered mankind. facts and the truth are very clear. I'm sorry that you believe in a fake sky Daddy.

    • @beet74
      @beet74 8 лет назад +3

      3DFLYLOW I feel sorry for your inability to discover the truth. God is real, I have more proof of that than you could imagine in the last 43 years. Yes, of course, I was lucky, if you believe in random chance. I happen to know better. God does not lift His hand every time people need something, He gave us a brain and expects us to us it. So if you see someone choking, do the Heimlich, then pray and thank God for giving you the ability to learn it and for giving you the eyes to see the problem with. God obviously does not answer every prayer because people are pretty dumb about what they ask for, If He answered all prayers, the lottery system would not work because too many winners. Solution, Answer only those prayers that give the best benefit for that person and all if would affect.. He is smart enough to know which prayers are needed to answer.
      But until you realize that the Bible and science do not conflict but rather complement each other, you will not understand the entire system. Without God, there would be chaos.

    • @3DFLYLOW
      @3DFLYLOW 8 лет назад +2

      +beet74 well I disagree. have a nice day

  • @lnesland
    @lnesland 10 лет назад +11

    Nice work guys :-) Thanks for sharing this.

  • @michaelpedde9521
    @michaelpedde9521 6 лет назад +14

    What's amazing is you can decern who the true author of the book of Mormon is by its own doctrine. Mormons claim that you can progress to achieve God hood. Didn't Satan also say to Eve in the garden of Eden " ye shall be as gods....." Genesis 3:5
    Hmm.... Seems the true author of Mormonism has tipped his hat!

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1

      I have always been intrigued how Satan always intersperses a little lie with a truth. He says something truthful but then cankers it with a deception. IN the Garden he offed the truth that they could be like the gods, but he cankered that by saying thous shalt not surely die. Notice when God the Father approached Adam and Eve and Satan, He did not correct Satan about becoming like God. He merely said they would surely die. That is one reason we know Joseph Smith was onto something. And in all honesty, what could make more sense than giving us a chance to become like Our Father. Seriously, go back and read Genesis 3:22 specifically and see that the Lord agreed that they were becoming like God since they now knew good and evil. God did not block this. He accentuated it. He had them go forth and have dominion over the the earth, and asked them to subdue it, just as God does.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад +2

      God himself has said He is the only true and living God. There are no others.
      Your Mormon god is just pretend.
      The moment you die you will meet God. You will melt like a wax figurine before a blazing furnace.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Really Faye - if your God is a blazing furnace then you might want to consider mine.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад +3

      Hebrews 12:29 29 for our God is a consuming fire.
      Isaiah 30 And the Lord mwill cause his majestic voice to be heard and the descending blow of his arm to be seen, in furious anger nand a flame of devouring fire, with a cloudburst oand storm and hailstones.
      God’s holiness is the reason for His being a consuming fire, and it burns up anything unholy. The holiness of God is that part of His nature that most separates Him from sinful man. The godless, Isaiah writes, tremble before Him: “Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?" Isaiah answers this by saying that only the righteous can withstand the consuming fire of God’s wrath against sin, because sin is an offense to God’s holiness. But Isaiah also assures us that no amount of our own righteousness is sufficient (Isaiah 64:6).
      You have rightly said you do not know the God of the Bible. Your god is pretend. Your jesus is pretend. I don't want your god. Your god is leading you straight to hell.

    • @henochparks
      @henochparks 6 лет назад


  • @lv2dive7
    @lv2dive7 6 лет назад +6

    To the point. THANK YOU!
    I was born and raised in the “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Nothing was more important than the Church. First is God, second the Church, third spouse and family. If I were to choose not to follow the rules and laws, (commonly know as latter day prophecy in which allows the church to change policy in their teachings) I was just flat out wrong in their eyes. To have “family” gang up against me for loosing my “faith” is just sad.
    Since childhood, there has been so much “fear” placed upon me as a member of the church. Fear of being sent to Hell for not living the “gospel” principles.
    After being born into an “LDS” Family, I was “blessed” and given my name by my father. This is what I would be known by on the “records” of the church. In that blessing many things were pronounced upon me. Like, I would grow and develop a testimony that the “church” was the only “true” church upon the face of this earth. That Joseph Smith was the prophet of God. That I would be baptized at 8 and become a full member of the gospel. (Which I did) They told me that “I was making the choice to be baptized”. That would be the 1st “hook” into their gasp of me Around the age of 12, I was “privileged “ to be baptized for the dead in the Churches Temple as their proxy. But before that could happen I met with the leader of the “ward”, (a group of members in the same area), or more commonly known as the Bishop. At that time I was pressured to tell any wrong doings to him. Alone just me and him. Kind of like confession. I feared the Bishop as he had the right to tell me whether or not I was “worthy” to go. Now, at the age of 8 being baptized, I was put under water once. For the dead though I was dunked approximately 25 times. This was supposed to make me feel the spiritual side or the sacredness of the Temple. Not as the world said a “secret”. It was just weird. Around the age of 16 I was taken to the “Patriarch” for a “Patriarchal Blessing”. He told me through the laying on of hands”, how my earthly life would continue on as long as I was worthy. I was told many things such as I would meet and marry an honorable man whom had served a full time mission for the Church. That he would take me to the house of the Lord or Temple, to be married and sealed for time and all eternity. That I would become a mother in Zion and bear children. That I would serve the woman of the ward,....and on and on
    As a young adult, I was diligent in my church. I went to Seminary for 4 years in the wee hours of the morning during my 9th-12th grade. I attended Brigham Young University and met my Husband. I was married in the Salt Lake Temple. Once again I went to the temple to take out my endowments, (or promises) and to be married and sealed to him. The ordinances done there in the Temple were literally scary. The cult behavior inside is extreme. Doing chants, certain signs and symbols. Wearing ropes of white, a green leaf apron to cover my “nakedness” before the sight of God. A veil to cover my face during a ritualistic prayer. But being promised if I did this I would have that “forever family”,.....I went along with it.
    During my marriage I gave birth to 7 children. After years of sexual and mental abuse myself, I found out my children were being sexually and physically abused by my husbands nephew. The torment that I went through was hell itself! But when I found out about my children’s abuse, I was furious!! I attended a court of law after my Bishop counseled me to forgive and forget. My son and I were threatened by my father-in-law and his Grandfather, to be silent for their “name” could not be tarnished. In the court of law my son and I sat alone on the opposite side that his father and his family sat on. Just before entering court, my son, his father and I were approached by the grandfather. His statement was to his son, (my husband and father of my son), “you have a lot to lose”. LlAt that time my son and I were told by my husband, “I have to be there for my sister and my family.” I said, “we are your family”. At that point, I knew we were alone.
    The LDS Church has destroyed my family. From private investigators to Bishops, my family has been torn apart. They have pitted myself and my children against each other. Saying “choose wisely”. The fear instilled from the church keeps them from choosing reality. It’s faith instead of facts. Church over family. Abandonment. Fear of losing everything and everyone because all that’s known IS the Church. Continued harassment from church leaders and members of the family that still are in the church is never ending. Loss is great. Loss is evident. Loss became reality.
    Not only have I lost my married family but now my birth family. Our belongings have been taken. Our finances stopped. Help is an under statement.

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 6 лет назад

      Weak people are born into and join the Mormon church all the time. They usually start looking for the door when they realize that this church will actually expect something from them and not just lip service...real service. They look to be offended and often claim they were "lied to" about any number of things, but usually about historical matters or they'll decide they're gay or otherwise differently oriented sexually and then they blame the church for their own confusion and fecklessness. An old story...but it makes the church stronger when that sort leaves and I applaud their departure. Weak bricks make a poor structure.

    • @Historian474
      @Historian474 6 лет назад +4

      That is a sad story indeed. Thanks for sharing. I am not a Mormon, but I do have missionaries trying to convert me.

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 6 лет назад +1

      Please do everyone a favor and send those missionaries packing. They are obviously wasting their time with you...let them use that time to declare the restored gospel to receptive people. Thanks.

    • @Historian474
      @Historian474 6 лет назад

      +John Lee You don't know anything about me. Who said i wasn't receptive? I read the entire Book of Mormon plus the Doctrine and Covenants. I have been more than fair. I hope that you are just a troll and that this religion isn't full of rude ignorant people like yourself.

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 6 лет назад

      I know that you're here, at a site that has denigration of the Mormon faith as an article of "faith". I know you sympathize with the disaffected member here. Deductive reasoning, it seems, is a dying exercise.

  • @robertrisner8829
    @robertrisner8829 6 лет назад +5

    Look up parallels between the Book of Mormon and History of the Hebrews. THIS is from where the Book of Mormon came...

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Look up parallels and similarities between the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. They speak as one united voice. Jesus Christ is in fact the Son of God.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      Thanks. I remember someone saying this once and had forgotten.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb Thank you for your comment. People have a variety of perceptions around the Grace of Jesus. What does that really mean to you, to be saved by grace? Are you lead to believe that you need do nothing but sit there and God will just take care of you? Do you need to just say His name and poof, all is well? Rather than tacitly dismissing the Book of Mormon, which you give the impression that you have not actually ever read or pondered with the Bible, I invite you to let the Lord speak to your soul through that volume and consider on the blessed concepts it offers to the pure in heart. Yes Jesus saves, but He also asks us to change. Has Jesus changed you? "After all you can do" is a pivot point in your life where you decide to put off the natural man and to become more like He is, to become more of a saint. Does that interest you, to make better decisions and to become more like Him?

  • @danbeliveau6846
    @danbeliveau6846 9 лет назад +2

    I had been looking for this information. Thank you

  • @johnroberts6695
    @johnroberts6695 6 лет назад +3

    No one to this day has ever explained the Book of Mormon witnesses. These are men of integrity, virtue and honor, respected by those in and out of the church. How did Smith dictate the entire book while staring into a hat? How did he read it in the dark? Did he memorize it? And what of Spalding? How did Spalding know there was a place called Nahom (NHM) in exactly the right place in the Arabian Peninsula? How did he know there was a valley three days from Jerusalem with a river of water flowing through it with steep peaks that rose 2,000 feet above the desert floor, or that shards from the encampment dated back to 600 BCE (according to the Saudi Department of Antiquities)?
    And how did Spalding know about the existence of a place called Bountiful, with dramatic cliffs, tropical climate, figs, dates, grains, honey bees (and, of course, honey), inland harbor areas, plenty of ore for making tools; there was even evidence of other shipmakers who could have aided them in building ships.
    The Book of Mormon doesn't even mention snow, ice, casualties from exposure to cold, so forget the mound builders or the northern America cultures which couldn't have supported the populations mentioned in the book. So Spalding would have had to have known about the Mesoamerican cultures, too, which he couldn't have.
    Getting back to the witnesses, one of the three was Martin Harris, whose wife tried to convince him that Smith was a charlatan. It seems he would have been the last person Smith could have recruited to have been a fake witness. Besides, how many people do YOU know who would tell a lie for you and then stick with it their entire lives without varying from it? I can't think of one person I know, much less my parents! Joseph's brother, Hyrum, and his parents were all great people, religious, decent. His mother was extraordinarily honorable, yet read her book. And what of Smith's friends? Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, the Pratt brothers, Orson Hyde? They all had visions and revelations. Sidney Rigdon was an associate of Alexander Campbell before his conversion.
    Was everyone back then just corrupt with no integrity? If they were all a bunch of fakes and phonies, then why not Moses and Jesus? In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established! If Joseph Smith found every whacko, fool and knave back then, we can't trust anyone anciently. We have to dismiss everyone who lived in his day and before because if he could produce that many dishonest people who would swear to lies, then we have to dismiss everyone. The ancient anti-Christians were every bit as convinced that Jesus was of the Devil and atheists dismiss all those of a religious disposition, so what of it? The LDS movement has just as many witnesses as ancient Judaism and Christianity. Islam lacked such witnesses. So did Joan of Arc. And Ellen G. White. All were one-man bands except Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith. So reject them at your own peril.

    • @mr.modern4419
      @mr.modern4419 6 лет назад +2

      John Roberts, the witnesses who signed their testimony as to seeing the golden plates, with the exception of Joseph Smith, all said they same thing, the never saw them with their eyes, only in their mind's eye. If the LDS church were true, (1) they wouldn't spend so much time and millions of dollars buying up every book and paper concerning the church, even forged ones like in 1985 with Mark Hoffman and hide them in their vault out of circulation. (2) If the BOM is the most perfect book ever written, why has it had almost 4,000 changes made in the text since it was published in 1830? Doesn't sound so perfect to me.When it comes to the Book of Mormon, I smell something rotten in the state of Moriancumer.

    • @johnroberts6695
      @johnroberts6695 6 лет назад +1

      I don't know where you get your information, Mr. Modern, but do you accept all the negative things that were written against early Christianity and Jesus? That he was the illegitimate son of a Roman soldier? That his mother was known for sleeping with anyone who could pay her? That Jesus worshiped Ba'alzebub and derived his power from evil spirits? That Herod never ordered the infanticide mentioned in the gospels? That Christianity was a cult started by an a local traveling preacher who tried to establish himself as a king and lead a revolt against the local powers? Even the people who killed the ancient prophets thought they were acting on good evidence.
      The three witnesses never said they saw the plates with their mind's eye. Not once. And the church never bought up every document and book having to do with it. The church was well aware of the common counterfeits on the market and Hoffman's wares seemed more than a little suspicious. As for the changes in the Book of Mormon, have you seen them? Very minor and none changing doctrine. Sometimes the words "Son of" were added before the word "God" to ensure the reader knew which member of the Godhead was being written about. (Ancient readers would have known, but modern readers wouldn't have.) Also, things that made perfect sense in Hebrew was considered poor grammar in English. These were called Hebraisms, and the fact that they were in the translation shows that Hebrew was the original language. A number of books and articles have been written about them. Do a search for _Hebraisms_ and _Book of Mormon_ in Google and see what you come up with.
      To see what other evidences have been found, check out >.

    • @mr.modern4419
      @mr.modern4419 6 лет назад

      John Roberts, I have to admit, I have heard some total bull shit assertions made by Mormons before but this post takes the TOP PRIZE for "INSANE CLAIMS BY AN LDS TROLL". Just because some random ass clown in the past said something doesn't make it a valid claim. But when you are the follower of a complete lunatic like Joseph Smith, what can you expect but more lunacy. Mormons are always grasping and straws and spinning minutia to cloud the issue. The first paragraph is totally unsupported drivel that flies directly in the face of historical and Biblical evidence. You are not only grasping at straws to make an argument here, I would guess you a getting those straws from your own rectal region.
      John, in the second part of the post, more of you ignorance is on full display. This following piece published in the Salt Lake City Messenger was taken from the Official LDS publication "The Ensign" from 1848. Seems all your "so called" facts don't even stand up to the official record of your own church.There were * so called witnesses not 3. But why stop there, you got everything WRONG!! Im shocked....NOT!!!!
      LDS scholar Marvin Hill discussed the issue of the plates and whether the witnesses physically saw the plates or only in a vision:
      In the revelation given the three witnesses before they viewed the plates they were told, "it is by your faith that you shall view them" and "ye shall testify that you have seen them, even as my servant Joseph Smith Jr. has seen them, for it is by my power that he has seen them." There is testimony from several independent interviewers, all non-Mormon, that Martin Harris and David Whitmer said they saw the plates with their "spiritual eyes" only. Among others, A. Metcalf and John Gilbert, as well as Reuben P. Harmon and Jesse Townsend, gave testimonies to this effect. This is contradicted, however, by statements like that of David Whitmer in the Saints Herald in 1882, "these hands handled the plates, these eyes saw the angel." But Z. H. Gurley elicited from Whitmer a not so positive response to the question, "did you touch them?" His answer was, "We did not touch nor handle the plates." Asked about the table on which the plates rested, Whitmer replied, "the table had the appearance of literal wood as shown in the visions of the glory of God." . . .
      So far as the eight witnesses go, William Smith said his father never saw the plates except under a frock. And Stephen Burnett quotes Martin Harris that "the eight witnesses never saw them & hesitated to sign that instrument [their testimony published in the Book of Mormon] for that reason, but were persuaded to do it." Yet John Whitmer told Wilhelm Poulson of Ovid, Idaho, in 1878 that he saw the plates when they were not covered, and he turned the leaves. Hiram Page, another of the eight witnesses, left his peculiar testimony in a letter in the Ensign of Liberty in 1848.
      An you rejection of the fact the the LDS will buy nearly any antique document concerning the church or its early history is just laughable and totally wrong AGAIN!
      Here again is an article form the Salt lake Messenger.
      In the last issue of the Messenger we reported that Mormon document dealer Mark Hofmann was not only a suspect in the October 15th Salt Lake City bombing's case but that police were also investigating the possibility that Mr. Hofmann had been selling forged documents to the Mormon Church. On February 4, 1986, a statement was released to the news media which contained this information: "The Salt Lake City Police Department, the Salt Lake County Sheriffs Department and the Salt Lake County Attorney's Office today announced the culmination of a three-and-a-half-month investigation into the bombing deaths of Steven F. Christensen and Kathleen W. Sheets.
      "Mark W. Hofmann has been charged with two counts of first-degree homicide, a capital offense, and 26 other counts."
      In the formal complaint (The State of Utah, Plaintiff, v. Mark W. Hofmann,...), Mark Hofmann was accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from Mormon church leaders and other unsuspecting individuals through the sale of forged or nonexistent documents.
      John, I think the reason you don't get tired of being wrong all the time is that you are so GOOD at it!!!!

    • @johnroberts6695
      @johnroberts6695 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb And what makes you think that I equated Joseph Smith and Jesus?? Equate means "to be the same as or equivalent to another." What I did say was that Jesus and Joseph Smith both had witnesses. Both were considered to use the occult. Both were hated and falsely accused. Jesus was the GREATEST man who ever lived because He was GOD. In premortality, He was the Yahovah (Jehovah), the Son of the Father. I can, however, equate Joseph Smith to Moses, who you might also consider dead. Like Moses, Joseph Smith was a dispensational head, of which there were seven.
      Joseph Smith performed countless miracles. He spoke in the name of God and what he said came to pass. Not only did he receive revelations from On High, so did others whom he ordained. Like Moses, he spoke to God face to face and conversed with many of the old time prophets and apostles who had preceded him. He spoke to Nephi, Moroni, Paul, Peter, Moses and many others. He had a vision jointly with a former Campbellite preacher, who saw and heard everything that Smith did. How many false prophets have ever done that? Peter, James and John saw Moses and Elias on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. And David Whitmer, Martin Harris and Oliver Cowdery saw the angel Moroni in the woods near his home with Joseph Smith. True prophets do not operate in a vacuum, nor do they declare to the world anything without witnesses who can then say they saw.
      I don't equate Joseph Smith with Jesus. Smith had faults like any of us. Jesus was PERFECT. Jesus was killed by his enemies and raised himself up afterwards. Joseph Smith was slain by his enemies and did not raise himself up.
      So all I'm saying is that JOSEPH SMITH was a prophet of God, and as such, he spoke with authority, performed miracles and had witnesses, like many other prophets. As such, he will be judged of God as will we. Miracles alone prove nothing, but there were so many other things in Smith's life to convince me he was who he said he was. And that's where I stand.

    • @johnroberts6695
      @johnroberts6695 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb YES, but there are Jews who would argue that Moses would have to stone Jesus for being a false teacher and claiming to be God. In fact, some Jews tried. Joseph Smith was a good, decent, honorable man and you've fallen victim to anti-Mormon literature (which I've studied since 1971). There are many well meaning people who will have to eat crow once they find out that he was who he said he was. (See rsc.byu.edu/archived/selections-2007-religious-education-student-symposium/ancient-studies/messiah-ben-joseph)
      Joseph Smith was commanded to do what he did as part of the Restoration of All Things. He never, not even once, ever engaged in wife-swapping or marrying another man's wife. Anti-Mormons take the word "sealed" and "sealing" to be "married," and that's simply not the case. People believe that garbage for one reason only, and that's because they want to. Smith's theology fits like a well designed tapestry, or like an intricate puzzle. Shadows found in the Book of Mormon went almost without notice, but Smith's revelations fleshed them out and completed them. If Smith wanted simply to have sex with women, he could have found ways to do it. Why would he have to marry them? Also, have you _seen_ some of those women? C'mon. Mark Twain was right when he said marrying them was one of the greatest acts of Christian charity he's ever seen!
      His Section 76, The Vision, was amazingly astute if he was making it up. Also, answer me this: How did he talk all those people into experiencing things and then having them swear to it to their dying day? My mother loved me to death, but she NEVER would have lied for me, and if you read the historical narrative by Smith's mother, you can see for yourself that she was a deeply religious woman. All of the witnesses, too, were deeply religious and you know how many recanted their testimonies? NONE! Not one. And they all, as I said, testified on their deathbeds. If they were all lying, God can't hold anyone responsible for falling for it. For in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Later! ┬ † ┬

  • @ex-mormonthanos9439
    @ex-mormonthanos9439 5 лет назад +2

    Why does the LDS church say, when speaking on the Spaulding manuscript, "This claim has been discredited many times by people inside and outside of the Church". When in this video, they are showing clear evidence?

  • @paulbrungardt9823
    @paulbrungardt9823 Год назад +1

    Amazing how Mormon theology changes with the wind. When US. Congress refused to allow Utah statehood, due to polygamy & pedophilia, God came to the Mormon church and told them to give up multiple wives & sex with children... In1978, Jessie Jackson led a planned Salt Lake City protest of Blacks non admission to the priesthood & the temple. 100,000 Black men were organizing a protest in Utah of racist Mormon church teachings; Then, that same year, God then came to the Mormon church and told them black people were now okay. For 180 years, Mormon church taught hateful things towards Gays. Now in 2023, after bad press, God has told the Mormon church to back off the condemnation of Gays...Interesting timing of God's revelations & heat the Mormon Church was feeling.

  • @dabish2888
    @dabish2888 5 лет назад +4

    Joseph's Myth

  • @qanon5123
    @qanon5123 Год назад

    I read the Book of Mormon, prayed about it, and know it to be true, just as the book promises. I also attended chirch where the Spirit was felt. And on my mission, every time we taught lessons the Holy Ghost was present and gave strong, strong witness to the truthfulness of our message....every time! Without the restoration, were are back to Joseph Smith's prayer....which church is true and which to join? You folks offer the teachings of uninspired men only. Amen.

    • @Lovecatholicfaith
      @Lovecatholicfaith 6 месяцев назад

      I pray and nothing happened 😂 I was about 16 my parents enjoyed the church in 1983 I was a baby , and when I turned 16 decided to pray and nothing happened but I decided to move on and my daughter turned 14 she decided to pray and she always said mommy I don’t have answers! And I remembered about myself 😢even though I decided to lie and Maintain her in prayer but she was hard and she decided to not believe anymore! Ok in 2018 my sister passed away and I started my awakening from LDS church and finally last year my parents decided to quit it as well I was surprised 😮 because they was so devoted to it. And one day me and my dad was having a talk and he said to me guess what! I never had an answer and your mom too and we decided to quit. 😂 we was just lie for each other’s 😂😂😂 I’m glad we quit.

  • @djkiddrocks1241
    @djkiddrocks1241 6 лет назад +1

    Elvis is alive and preaching the truth. Allah be praised.

  • @MattGardner4462
    @MattGardner4462 7 лет назад +2

    You cannot Fix Stupid. Stupid and Ignorance will never be fixed. The Masses will always follow others. Great Video. Good Video.

  • @johneasler9967
    @johneasler9967 6 лет назад +14

    Thank God I got away from the cult

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад +3

      Jesus said, "Follow Me."

    • @caramellu5003
      @caramellu5003 5 лет назад

      Please help other escape don’t be selfish

    • @henochparks
      @henochparks 5 лет назад


  • @robertallison107
    @robertallison107 6 лет назад +7

    Since the Book of Mormon has ALREADY been DEBUNKED, WHAT does THAT say about Mormonism ?!?

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Thinking that the Book of Mormon has been debunked tells me you need to read it again.

    • @robertallison107
      @robertallison107 6 лет назад +1

      +tyndale25 Nah...I might go into fiction "overload".....

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Robert, do you read the Bible much?

    • @robertallison107
      @robertallison107 6 лет назад +1

      + tyndale25 If I do, would that fact have any bearing on you ?

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Robert Allison - Personally I enjoy reading the Bible almost as much as I enjoy reading the Book of Mormon, and that is a lot. Each lends strength and understanding to my soul. They mean a great deal to me. Although I do not know you, I would like that for you as well.

  • @LChem1
    @LChem1 6 лет назад +1

    JosephsMyth pulled a rabbit out of his old white hat and called it The Book of Mormon

    • @six1nyne
      @six1nyne 4 года назад

      I agree, but God named it!

    • @LChem1
      @LChem1 4 года назад

      @@six1nyne why did and would God use a silly name like Mormon? There are also Mormon Butterfies, but Why???

  • @erichusayn
    @erichusayn 5 лет назад

    Very cool, informative video. Thanks.

  • @jamesbaldwin7676
    @jamesbaldwin7676 5 месяцев назад

    Of course you must be aware that Sidney Rigdon only met Joseph late in 1830 after the Book of Mormon had already been punlished and that the Spaulding manuscript was found and compared to the Book of Mormon with little or no similarities.
    I've read both and was unable to find even the slightest similarity. The whole argument is baseless beyond belief. It's so absurd that I'm actually embarrassed to respond to such a ridiculous claim.

  • @brotherinchrist72
    @brotherinchrist72 6 месяцев назад

    Something else that was uncovered, the original first edition of the Book of Mormon (1830) actually copied parts of texts right out of the 1611 KJV Bible, along with the punctuation and grammatical errors.
    This was of course changed with the second edition and 3rd edition.
    There is so much light exposing the darkness of the false doctrine of the LDS church
    The Book of Mormon originally showed and supported the Bible, that there was only one God, (the Trinity) but over time, Joe Smith Jr couldn't grasp that ideology and changed his thinking, and thus, the doctrine when he wrote Doctrine and Covenants.
    Sadly, most Mormons today do not care about the truth, for they blindly accept anything their current living prophets tell them, and they are told to "pray" and "keep praying" until they get the right answer, and that "burning in your bosom" as confirmation.
    We know this "burning in the bosom" can be reproduced at will, with anything you want to know as "true". We have the same testimony from all other walks of faith and different religions around the world regarding this "burning in their bosom" or these "feelings".
    In the Scriptures, none of the prophets or Jesus himself or his apostles ever talk about trusting our "feelings" but instead, warn against this very thing, as the heart is wickedly deceitful, and that man can fabricate feelings and take them as a sign, instead of going to the actual Scriptures and verifying things against Scriptures, like the Bereans did in the New Testament which Paul talks about.

  • @tyndale25
    @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1

    The Book of Mormon is the Keystone of our faith. It is such a remarkable book. While people who have never read it make all sorts of arguments against it, they never grasp the beauty of it, nor the power of it. Do you remember when Moses asked the Lord, "I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaoh hearken unto me?". That is why the Book of Mormon is so important was so important to the restoration. The Lord wanted to "take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and (to) gather them on every side", (Ezekiel 37:21) which is what He is doing with the Book of Mormon. All who refuse to read it, who make excuses against it, who suppose that they are justified in rejecting it without even reading it, and without asking the Lord of its truth, will be like the souls who waited in the days of Noah and did not board the ark.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1

      The great thing about the Book of Mormon is it not only gathers people from among all places on the earth, but it also holds them to the faith. I tell people to read the Book of Mormon every day. If they do, they never fall away.
      "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12) The Book of Mormon is the words of Christ. It is Another testament of Jesus Christ. If you love the Lord Jesus Christ, you will love the Book of Mormon.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1

      I love how the Book of Mormon helps bridge geographic and generational boundaries. To know that God loves all His children in every land, and on the isles of the sea, and speaks to them, and blesses them, and that they worship the Son of God in their several locations. Jesus speaks:
      " Know ye not that there are more anations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the bisles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the cearth beneath; and I bring forth my dword unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth?
      Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.
      And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever." (2 Nephi 29:7-9)

  • @gunsspirits
    @gunsspirits 6 лет назад

    That Native Americans were descendants of 'the lost tribes of Israel' was a common belief among Americans of the time period, before Smith ever came along.

  • @blakeatkin8093
    @blakeatkin8093 6 лет назад +1

    While I do not agree with the thin reed on which you base your conclusion that Mr. Spaulding wrote the Book of Mormon, if you truly believe that he did, you, of all people, should be grateful to Joseph Smith. Under your theory, Joseph Smith published the book Mr. Spalding’s editors had rejected. Without Joseph Smith this amazing book, with its profound teachings about Jesus Christ, who He is, how to worship Him, How to be like and approach Him and obtain Eternal life would have been lost to the world. Or, in your studied effort to destroy faith in the Book, did you forget to study its doctrine? I invite you to start over. Read the Book of Mormon looking to see what it teaches you about how to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. After that endeavor, if you still think Mr. Spaulding wrote the Book of Mormon, you will speak his name with reverence.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад +2

      Who created your Mormon god who was once a man? Who created the planet Kolob? Why don't you worship the Creator?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb You again.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb How could just Joseph Smith have decided to go out and plagiarize? Can you debunk ''Book of Abraham pt 2 (Egyptologists back Smith)''? No, of course not. As that video debunks the anti-Book of Abraham info.

  • @chinovalleychurchofchrist3583
    @chinovalleychurchofchrist3583 6 лет назад +4

    "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" This is from the apostle Paul in Galatians 1:8 (NIV). Mormons have to ask themselves, what was the gospel preached by the apostles of Christ and is it the same preached by the Mormon church today.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      James - You too would do well to ask yourself this question. Why is your Church so different?

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 5 лет назад

      ..."other than the one we preached to you"...It's the same gospel being preached by the Mormons! Only more understandable. ...and an angel DID bring it!

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb ...yawn...same old talking points. Change it up a little will ya!

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 5 лет назад

      @Robert Swenson Yawn...

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 5 лет назад

      @Robert Swenson It's not the "original gospel"...it's a comprehensive and ongoing restoration!

  • @Robinfuckable
    @Robinfuckable 6 лет назад

    The big question is, Was there a need for a Restoration ? The whole fate of Mormonism falls on this one Question. The whole religious body of Mormonism says many pure and precious things were taken away.
    If you study eary Christianity you will find it wasn't the gospel being taken away so much as it was things of the Roman Church being added on. For example indulgence
    The gospel has always been with us. Just as Christ says in Matthew that not even Hell would Prevail. In Galatians chapter One
    Paul says if I or an Angel preach another gospel let it be a curse . I pled with Mormons to read Galatians and ponder Paul's message he's talking about you

    • @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255
      @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255 2 года назад

      Except, that's wrong.
      Baptism by immersion? Priesthood on every household? (A pre catholic practice) The symbolic rites involving the garden of eden being a near perfect parallel to the endowment? Baptisms for the dead? Miracles being considered no longer relevant by the larger majority of christianity?
      And here I am not mentioning the countless things added to it that diverge from what Christianity was at it's beginnings.
      Christianity past 4th century threw away most of it's Jewish roots, even the church which respects most of the older ideas of Christianism (the orthodox catholic church) still is missing a lot of what I spoke even when they surprisingly get lots of things right that other Christian religions throw away.
      One thing is to argue that the church has flaws and those flaws make it not what it says it is. And while I disagree with that argument, its a whole lot more valid than claiming that no restoration was needed at all when considering the countless things most christian religions throw out of what we know early christians practiced.
      Past 4th century christianity survived only by amalgamizing itself with paganistic ideas, rites and practices, ultimately leading to many dark ages and medieval states using christianity as a means of strengthening their political power, not religious and ritual practice.

  • @tinlizzie37
    @tinlizzie37 5 лет назад +3

    Smith and Cowdrey used Spaldings' manuscript, among a lot of other contemporary books. there is too much coincidence from other books in the BoM. It's a made up tale as is all of Smiths' writings! If Joseph really found gold plates, he would have had to split it up with his gold digger friends, because they had a pact! Many other people had visions at that time and Smith used it also. His father also had a vision! A vision wasn't mentioned by Smith until 1833, supposedly nine or ten years after the fact! It's all a big lie. The LDS Church is still buttering over truths of false things in Mormonism. If the BoM is the truest book ever written, why the 3900 plus changes, since the original? The only corruption of the Bible was by Joseph Smith Jr. himself, when he thought he was better than God, and re-wrote the Bible! He even missed a few things, that prove he was a liar the cheat. He got the book of Abraham out of the same place he got the BoM! Out of his imagination!

  • @hollayevladimiroff131
    @hollayevladimiroff131 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for this, sadly, the Mormons have veils over their eyes, believing in a Jesus that does not save you.

  • @JohnnyThompsonSEO
    @JohnnyThompsonSEO 6 лет назад +5

    I had read many books about the History of the Mormon Church in the 1980's, I found one book that detailed the Solomon Spalding "Theory", but it made a lot of sense. In the book it said that Joseph Smith stole the book from Spalding while spending the night at Spaldings house. At the time Spalding was a Church of Christ minister. A local church that Joseph had Joined, even though Mormons claimed that Smith Never joined any church of the time. He had joined the Church of Christ that Spalding was preaching at. Spalding had told Smith about his fictional book about the Nephites and Lamenites. The next morning Smith and the Manuscripts were gone.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 6 лет назад

      You all believe the version you want!

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад


    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 6 лет назад

      By the way, John Thompson. Why'd just Joseph Smith decide to go around and plagiarize and concoct the Book of Mormon? How would just he think to do this? In other words, do people do this?

    • @JohnnyThompsonSEO
      @JohnnyThompsonSEO 6 лет назад

      Sure there are lots of False Prophets like Joseph Smith. He simply had the opportunity to take Spaldings work and claim it as his own. He was already known to be a con artist and liar.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1

      Once change had infested the original church of Jesus Christ, it was difficult to get it back on track. Along comes Joseph Smith. He was a simple lad, but the Lord had Him tagged for a particular mission, that of restoring the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. He did so, and for doing that, many thought he was a liar, after all who sees God in there days; but Joseph Smith actually did see God. He was much like Paul. The Gospel was not his formulation - it was a part of multiple revelations from God.
      It would do you well to explore it with an honest heart. I did.

  • @tyndale25
    @tyndale25 6 лет назад

    I have read the Book of Mormon through and through, and I recommend it highly. I am surprised today at how much it still means to me, and how much I cherish it still today. It is such a rare gift. I study it along with the Holy Bible, which I also love. The Book of Mormon adds a second witness of divinity and mission of Jesus Christ. It speaks with unity, and clarity. Together they help me in my efforts to better know our Savior, and I appreciate that. But even by itself the Book of Mormon demonstrates rather forcefully that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet called of God in these Latter-days.

    • @Dunyakarimi163
      @Dunyakarimi163 6 лет назад

      The Spalding manuscript therory is debunked it was found little similarities in the two books

    • @Dunyakarimi163
      @Dunyakarimi163 6 лет назад

      BofM was already published before Sidney Rigdon every got a copy or met. J.S

  • @HostileRespite
    @HostileRespite 5 лет назад

    Did any of the people involved in the "translation" of the BOM know French or Latin? Some suggest Spalding may have learned it at Dartmouth.

  • @artheis1342
    @artheis1342 5 лет назад

    Did it ever cross any ones mind that Spalding was inspired to write what he did by divine guidance and that what was written was in correlation with what Joseph found to be translated from the plates that had been given by the same divinity to be a a second witness of the translation. Joseph completed the translation in 60 days not the years you are speaking of. Oliver even said he would take up where he left off and Joseph never question where the scribe was at in the transcribing the plates. Oliver never recounted his testimony of the events that took place nor did any of the 8 witnesses of the plates. If it were a fraud or plagiarism No one ever dared deny it even after leaving the Church after Josephs death. Or is there proof that that happened too?

  • @tyndale25
    @tyndale25 6 лет назад +4

    I love The Book of Mormon. It is probably the most powerful reason I have remained a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all of these years. It is so influential.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад +1

      Joseph Smith did not love the Book of Mormon. It condemned polygamy.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Faye Lewis - thank you Faye for believing he did not write the Book of Mormon. However he still loved that wonderful book of scripture.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      II Thes. 2 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
      11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      Faye - When you read in the Book of Mormon that many of the ancient inhabitants of America knew the Lord Jesus Christ and acceptedHim as Savior does it thrill you as it does me? I am so glad the Lord did not send all these people to hell. Aren't you?

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      The Book of Mormon is fake.

    @NHSGUIERSGHE 5 лет назад

    I read somewhere that Joseph Smith didn't have much money so how could he have he come up with the money.

      @NHSGUIERSGHE 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb The Momon Missionary's pointed out a paragraph in the Old Testament Genisis about the metal tablets so that caught me off guard. I'm rereading the bible they keep wanting me to read "Saints the Standard of Truth". This was after I complained about the Old Testament, like why is it okay for prophets to have many wives and concubines but the 10 commandments?

      @NHSGUIERSGHE 5 лет назад

      @borrowed tomb I read the Book of Mormon up until Moroni and being rich and showing off throughout the book was looked down upon. The Old Testament did mention that some of the early profits their wives could not conceive so I think the prophet was pushed to bed the maids "Hagar". God blessed the prophets seed and he wanted it to spread right? I didnt' know Jossph Smith hated Christians after all isn't it sort of the same faith, it looks like what happend to Joseph Smith was his many wifes or concubines and a sucessful business during his time.

  • @mikep9234
    @mikep9234 6 лет назад

    Did a guy die and then come back to life and nobody wrote about it for 30 years? Yea, it's the basic story of all Christianity. I am guessing you can believe that one but not anybody else's. Hey you are no fool right?

  • @stevencoffman
    @stevencoffman 6 лет назад

    who really wrote the book of mormon a man by the name of lehi who was father to nephi

  • @littlebigband2010
    @littlebigband2010 6 лет назад

    I think that the title of the book gives a clue.

  • @MrArtist7777
    @MrArtist7777 6 лет назад +1

    Nephi, Jacob, Jarom, Enos, Omni, Mosiah, Alma, Heleman, Ether, Mormon and Moroni, plus a few others, wrote the Book of Mormon. Mormon compiled the ancient records and Joseph Smith translated them into English. Short and honest answer to the question on this video.

    • @choicemeatrandy6572
      @choicemeatrandy6572 5 лет назад

      No that's what they teach you in the LDS church. Not what actually happened.

      @NHSGUIERSGHE 5 лет назад +2

      But what are you reading? I've been reading nothing but tribal killings back and forth, can you make some sense out of this? And the book never seems to get to NY City it's all about some thin land mass between North and South America. I'm huge on archeology and there's nothing NOTHING.

    • @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255
      @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255 2 года назад

      @@NHSGUIERSGHE Perhaps because the book itself says it's not a history book and spans 1000 years of history of a people that shifted culturally in so many ways that it's hard to pinpoint it to a single culture?
      A careful reading (specially for someone "huge" on archeology) will let you know that trying to use the BOM as a history book is a ridiculous endeavour, the book itself says many times that it's omitting a lot of information found in other books.
      I'll give you a challenge, without greek and roman context, try using the new testament as a framework for building our understanding of Greece and Rome and tell me how that one works out for you.
      Is the new testament false because it fails horribly as a history book?

      @NHSGUIERSGHE 2 года назад

      @@carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255 The Exodus leader it seemed was incorrect with archeology, right, I haven't had a chance to figure that one out, plus with ever changing languages and giving leaders different names it becomes confusing.
      But... are you saying you believe in the Book of Mormon? Civilizations such as Gopeke Tempe are 10,000 years old with art works.
      The Old Testament... why are you so focused on the New Testament? I don't get it.

  • @scottwins2
    @scottwins2 6 лет назад +1

    Show me 2 Paragraphs in The Book of Mormon that are the same as the S. Spalding's manuscript. I will save you the time, you can't

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      JS plagiarized 20 chapters from the book of Isaiah.

    • @Robinfuckable
      @Robinfuckable 6 лет назад

      The BoM maybe inspirational but it's fiction
      Bad fiction

    • @gunsspirits
      @gunsspirits 6 лет назад

      There are numerous Biblical plagiarisms that contain translation mistakes made in the 1611 KJV. Why would an agent of God repeat the same human errors?

  • @henochparks
    @henochparks 5 лет назад


    • @six1nyne
      @six1nyne 4 года назад

      Well I know one of them has claimed a name and fame that cant be slain!

  • @joselepepe2
    @joselepepe2 2 года назад

    What a belly laugh! Thrre characters got together and reworked Spaulding into the BoM -- with no historical evidence of this transformation, no preliminary manuscripts, no witnesses to this process, at least none given in this video. Only witnesses to Rigdon in Pittsburgh, or an earlier acquaintance with JS. Reminds me of Aaron's response to Moses: And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf. Three guys get together, spend a few years and look! The BoM magically appears! Wow. Someone needs to give these guys a lesson in historical research and analysis! The BoM may not be true, but these guys don't prove it.

    • @protochris
      @protochris Год назад

      I'm not LDS, but I concur with your assessment. After almost 200 years, this is still only a theory.

  • @tyndale25
    @tyndale25 6 лет назад

    The Book of Mormon is truly one of the most inspiring books ever written. It actually tops the list for me. I am so deeply moved by it every single day.
    With each successive reading I learn something new and exciting. For instance, consider this verse from 1 Nephi:
    “And he spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Lamb of God going forth among the children of men. And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God; and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out.” I am one who has been healed. All glory and praise and thanks be to Jesus, my Savior, the Son of the Eternal Father.

  • @johnroberts6695
    @johnroberts6695 7 лет назад +6

    Want the other side of the story? Check out DANIEL C. PETERSON's videos here on RUclips. No man could have written the Book of Mormon in the early 1800s. How do you explain Lehi's first encampment. In the early 1990s, several LDS scholars used the Book of Mormon to locate the place of Lehi's first encampment with pottery shards that date back to circa 600 B.C., exactly as the Book of Mormon reports. Not long afterwards, the Book of Mormon place called Nahom (NHM) was found just where it should have been. Continuing east, Lehi and his family found a tropical paradise that anti-Mormons insisted for years didn't exist. Honey, grains, figs, a harbor area where a ship could be built. There was also ore and builders who could assist in the building of a ship. There was a small mountain and cliffs -- just as described by Nephi, but not even hinted to by Spalding! Where did Joseph Smith get that information? Obviously by Google Earth...oh, wait...he didn't have access to it back then. In fact, in more than a hundred documented points, or details of geography, the Book of Mormon is right. And Spalding didn't mention one of those points! Word print analysis also fails to match the Book of Mormon with Spalding. If his writing matches the Book of Mormon's, let's see some comparisons. Let's see some of those "it came to pass" verses and let's compare them to the Book of Mormon. Also, you know who else used that phrase? The Mayans! They have glyphs peppered with that phrase. Perhaps they copied Spalding's works, too. You guys dream on. You're only kicking against the pricks, but hey, we love you guys anyway.

    • @Lglandorf6
      @Lglandorf6 6 лет назад +6

      John Roberts, you are clinging to veiled truths. Even the Smithsonian says that there is NO archaeological or geographical evidence of the Book of Mormon. Do you also dismiss Joseph Smith's failed prophecies, fraudulent Book of Abraham, changes in his versions of the first vision, his lying to his wife, his lying to the government about his polygamy, etc. How do you ignore all of that and much, much more?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 6 лет назад

      @Liisa One would have to be dumb to say ''fraudulent Book of Abraham'' without questioning it. ALL OF THAT ANTI-BOOK OF ABRAHAM INFO (books, You Tube videos, websites) from the dumb anti-Mormon Christians and the dumb Egyptologist's was DEBUNKED! Debunked in 2014, where you been?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 6 лет назад

      Google ''Book of Abraham Debunks anti-LDS Lies You Tube'' That's the You Tube video that DEBUNKED ALL OF THAT ANTI-BOOK OF ABRAHAM INFO (books, You Tube videos, websites).

  • @walkerballard2218
    @walkerballard2218 5 лет назад

    It's unfortunate that most people in the world cannot take upon themselves personal responsibility. We are always out to blame. Point a finger. Quick to judge. We convince ourselves that we are not the issue, it must be someone else. We are quick to avenge what we felt wronged in. I believe in God. I know He speaks to many people on the earth. He loves us. He's concerned for us. The best thing anyone can do in this life is turn to Him completely. And look for His hand in all things. People make mistakes. People lie. People cheat. But what does that matter? All that matters is what you do? Why am I a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Because I see the good in it. I also see the bad in it. But what good does it do to focus on the bad? Focus on the good. As yourself what your motive is in everything you do. The only thing you really know is your own conscience. Seek God. Find Him. Ask Him what He would have you do. Then just do that. Stop trying to fulfill your own will..............

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 5 лет назад

      The bad is that you worship a god that was once a man.
      That is called idolatry.
      The bad is that you deny Jesus Christ and say he is the brother of Lucifer. That is called blasphemy.

  • @richardholmes7199
    @richardholmes7199 5 лет назад

    Google ''Debunking the View of the Hebrews/Book of Mormon connection youtube''. It's a youtube video that DEBUNKS THE LIES PRESENTED ON THE ABOVE VIDEO.

    • @six1nyne
      @six1nyne 4 года назад

      Why would you have to debunk the 3 stooges?

  • @gordonanderson3111
    @gordonanderson3111 7 лет назад

    WHOEVER wrote it... it took me only a few minutes of reading to know it is a total load of lies.
    I DO like the parts about how a person must be a vegetarian, "except in times of famine and winter" and how a man must have only one wife "and concubines none".
    MY big book of Truth, BY ALL MEANS, begins with an incident on the edge of the Salt Flats where 2 young men walk towards me withpistols and tell me I must walk out in the desert, so they can shoot me , and my bones would still be there bleaching in the Sun, IF I did not know the real Truth (and have skills far beyond theirs).

  • @richardgaines9450
    @richardgaines9450 6 лет назад +2

    Is our being children of God (" Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God" -- Acts 17:29) mean that ultimately we are limited to being Angels in Heaven ? or something more ?
    Does a huge Sequoia start out as a tiny seed? Can anyone envision that a tiny little seed will eventually become a magnificent tree?
    " Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said (Jesus -- as Jehovah -- spoke Psalms 82:6), ' Ye are Gods ? ' If He called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture can not be broken (ie, denied or gainsayed), say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified.....'thou blasphemest ?? ' ;
    [John 10:34-35]
    "...who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God..." [ Phillippians 2:6 ]
    " to him that overcometh will I (Jesus) grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne. " [ Revelation 3;21 ]
    " if we suffer, we shall also reign with him..." [ 2 Timothy 2:12 ]
    " to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ " [2 Thessalonians 2:14 ]
    " and I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them ....and they shall reign for ever and ever..."
    [Revelation 20 : 4 ; Revelation 22 : 5 ]
    "for every one that is perfect shall be as his Master"....."of a truth, I say unto you, He will make him ruler over all that He hath"....
    [ Luke 6:40 & Luke 12:44 ]
    " Thou madest him (mankind) a little lower than the Gods "
    [ Hebrews 2;7 ]
    (rendered as 'Gods' in the original Hebrew, but the Greeks later substituted 'angels' for 'Gods' because they were un-comfortable with this truth )
    "for ALL things are yours. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas (Peter), or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come ; ALL ARE YOURS. And ye are Christ's ; and Christ is God's.
    [ 1 Corinthians 3: 21-23 ]
    This truth was lost to all Christian denominations in the Dark Ages --- despite the presence of all these Bible scriptures in their own day --- but with the Restitution of ALL THINGS (Acts 3:19-21) that Jesus brought to the prophet Joseph Smith beginning in 1820, God has RESTORED this to mankind once again.
    as a former Catholic and former atheist, I testify that the RESTORATION through the prophet Joseph Smith is true.
    Dr Richard M. Gaines, DC

    • @Lglandorf6
      @Lglandorf6 6 лет назад +1

      Richard Gaines, how do you testify that the prophet is true if he failed the test of being a prophet? How do you ignore the 7+ prophecies that did not come true? He failed the biblical test of Deut. 18. How do you ignore that he lied about his polygamy to the gov't and to his wife, that the Book of Abraham was proven to be a fraud when Joseph was tested, the inconsistency of his many versions of his first vision, etc.? How do you ignore all of that because of a feeling? How do you ignore the facts?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 6 лет назад +2

      @Liisa Glandorf You stated that ''that the Book of Abraham was proven to be a fraud when he was tested'' Google: Book of Abraham Debunks anti-LDS Lies You Tube. That You Tube video DEBUNKED ALL OF THAT DUMB ANTI-BOOK OF ABRAHAM INFO (books, You Tube videos, websites).

    • @mr.modern4419
      @mr.modern4419 6 лет назад +2

      Richard Gaines, how disingenuous can a person be. Here is Psalms 83:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
      You posted...- Psalms 82:6), ' Ye are Gods ? ' If He called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came. See what you did, you capitalized gods. That completely changes the meaning of the scripture and you know that. Charlatan. Your are just more proof that Mormons can NOT be trusted to tell the truth. They hide in the shadows, spin their beliefs and try to fool men into following them. Just like Joseph Smith, you just can't tell the truth.
      Here is what is meant by Verse 6. Ye are gods; there he considered their pomp and dignity: But ye shall die like men; there he minds their end, that with the change of his note they might also change countenance. He tells them their honor, but withal their lot. In power, wealth, train, titles, friends, they differ from others; in death they differ not from others.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      Well it's not true. And if you do not repent you will spend etenity in hell wishing you had. God will not be mocked. God was never once a man.
      Jesus Christ was never the brother of Lucifer.
      Does it not concern you that you are committing blasphemy?

    • @joniemakleo1126
      @joniemakleo1126 6 лет назад

      RICHARD GAINES... HOW IS YOUR GOD BECOME A FLESH AND BONE? IN YOUR BOOK D&C 130:22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as mans. CONTRADICTED to your book of Mormon ..God is a Spirit ...John 4:24 Jesus said ...God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.

  • @ynnohjjhonny1158
    @ynnohjjhonny1158 6 лет назад

    Me gustaría la información en Español

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +1


  • @at3955
    @at3955 4 года назад +1

    This is literally wasted 2 minutes I never going to get back

  • @rayannespottedbull8578
    @rayannespottedbull8578 7 лет назад +1

    16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:
    17 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.
    18 And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee, saying, Wilt thou not shew us what thou meanest by these?
    19 Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.
    So the bible is wrong to then!
    Because Ezekiel 37:
    Talks about two sticks , the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph that the two would be one. So that is a lie too..
    When we look beyond the mark! It has us chasing tails for a long time..
    The church has gone beyond the mark in many ways! Since Nauvoo God said the church and its dead would be rejected..so from way back then it's been led by man.
    But the Book of Mormon (that hasn't been altered) the D&C( that hasn't been altered) and the pearl of great price and the New Testament and the Old Testament, are the five stones David ( of Goliath) puts in his bag but He David takes out One Stone hence five in One that The seed
    Of David uses to kill the AntiChrist ( Goliath)
    So God keeps witnessing of the Mormon so called scriptures , So God does not lie! So whatever you have come to see does not diminish What God owned in the Bible..

  • @BobMcDanielRobertson
    @BobMcDanielRobertson 8 лет назад


  • @yissen1321
    @yissen1321 8 лет назад

    #نور -ستار

  • @pablitoadriano2938
    @pablitoadriano2938 6 лет назад

    11 witness tetify has an authencity of the book of mormon the archaologist prove that book of mormon is true

  • @MattHalpain
    @MattHalpain 6 лет назад


  • @richace355
    @richace355 6 лет назад

    Hahaha listen to this fools

  • @youstuber1220
    @youstuber1220 6 лет назад +9

    This video is full of silly stuff lol.
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has both truth and light. Commencing with Joseph Smith, God, once again, has sent His legal administrators of His gospel to speak to the world today. If you believe God does yet speak to mankind than ask God yourself.

    • @marcpollacchi450
      @marcpollacchi450 6 лет назад +6

      Felicia the Mormon cult is nothing else but fraudulent

    • @mr.modern4419
      @mr.modern4419 6 лет назад +8

      Felicia, I hate to break it to you but the LDS is a false church built on a false narrative. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were two of the most vile humans to take breath. The LDS creates more atheists than they do Mormons. Check out the numbers. If you believe "As man is God once was, as God is man can become" then there is not much hope for your spiritual life.

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад +2

      How I love the Book of Mormon. It is drink to my thirst and bread to my body. Felicia, I appreciate your comment here.

    • @mr.modern4419
      @mr.modern4419 6 лет назад +3

      tyndale25, the people at Jonestown said the same thing about Jim Jones. Like Mormons, they too came to a bad end. They had their kind of Kool-Aid, the LDS has theirs, and they both end in death to body and soul. Kolob out!!!

    • @tyndale25
      @tyndale25 6 лет назад

      mr.modern44 - like Mormons??? Not at all.

  • @jedimormon4536
    @jedimormon4536 6 лет назад

    And here we have the usual Mormon bashers who don't know what they are talking about. The hilarious thing is that they can't come to an agreement as to exactly how the Book of Mormon came to be. It's a duck quack, folks. Choose your favorite tale. Mother Goose could not have done better than the posters below have done.

    • @theresatodd3750
      @theresatodd3750 6 лет назад +2

      Spoken by someone who believes in Harry Potter stories. Sorry, but your sour-grapes approach to the video doesn't ring true.

  • @PauloOliveira-ug5ud
    @PauloOliveira-ug5ud 7 лет назад +1

    I advise you to read tge Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ, pray about it and find for yourself how ridiculous this assertion is.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 7 лет назад +2

      Have only read the Book of Mormon only once. An obvious ancient account recorded eons ago. p.s. The first video of my liked videos on my Chanel has debunked ALL THOSE anti-Book of Abraham videos.

    • @robertallison107
      @robertallison107 7 лет назад +4

      Nice "sales-pitch" there, Paulo. Unfortunate, it's NOT true !!

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 7 лет назад

      @Robert Allison ''Unfortunate, it's NOT true !!'' That's what they said about the Book of Abraham. However one only has to simply click on my name, view those first seven videos of my liked videos. Those seven videos debunked all anti-Book of Abraham info.

    • @robertallison107
      @robertallison107 7 лет назад +3

      Don't you wish the video's DID what you claim that they do !

    • @PauloOliveira-ug5ud
      @PauloOliveira-ug5ud 7 лет назад +1

      Who do you think you are to decide for me what is true or not? And why are you so affraid of my belief? I say it is true and I challenge earth and hell to prove me wrong. I have nothing to gain, so there is no sale going on from my side. But you, however, has lots to lose by bearing false witness aganist good people who sacrificed their lves for Jesus Crhist.

  • @deweydewey6714
    @deweydewey6714 6 месяцев назад

    There is so much ignorance here! Joseph Smith stated himself that a prophet is only s orophet when scting as such! Many times a orophet will say ehat he really thinks is true, but its wrong! Nathan told David to build a temple snd the Lird had to correct him! Likewise, peter stated that the gentiles should be circumcized before baptism, snd the Lird had to correct him through his junior spostle Paul!!!

  • @naomipratt1947
    @naomipratt1947 2 года назад

    In that I have heard people claim that, before 1822 or so, he was not there, I find the evidence of Rigdon, in 1816, being in Pittsburg compelling.