Can the battery last 9 years ? Maybe or maybe not. So if your battery crap out before that, then it is more polluting than petrol/diesel car, not to mention hybrid cars. The only way to make it more environmental friendly is that you use re-useable energy such as solar, water from dam, wind or even nuclear, underground themal heat ...etc. For those area that use oil, coal, natural gas to generate electricity, such as HK, you are only making the air around the busy road cleaner, but not the world as you still produce those harmful CO2. HK Government should encourage new building to install larger area solar panel. These tall buildings have a lot of surface area where the sun shines on it. At the same time to install battery storage for the generally electricity usage such as lift, lightings ...etc. And also to allow partial charging EV by these Solar panels. Just the roof top can have 25 to 50 of these 400w panels with a total of 20kwh. So for a good sunny day, you get have 100kwh plus power (for just the roof top), On top you can have many more extra solar panel on the sides of the building. Since the upper part of the building is easier to receive sunshine, by install panel on the wall surface area of the top 10 floor, you can easily get another 500kwh. You can store these so that people after dark can still charge their EVs and support general electricity public requirement. Let say you have 800kwh that you can use from this system, say you use 50kw on the general electricity usuage,, you have 750kwh left to charge EV. Assume each EV needs 10KWH everyday on average, you can charge support 75 EVs per day. Currently you should expect a return period of about 5-6 years and anything above that is a business gain. With such high property price, this is only a small upfront cost. And then you don't have to pay electricity for your building or partial pay charging the EV. With todays price of solar equipment, this is already a doable business gain.
I hope you guys get to do a driving test and review.
現在來說, 電動車至少減少了 噪音以及停車開冷氣時 所製造的污染.
@@Ale108.2 世界正朝著 綠色發電進發 💪
有廣告都好正常。you tube 都係一個商業活動。唔通會免費俾你。
@@Stepheny15 樓上講緊開車先要睇廣告呀,小米內地版電視&手機都要硬食睇廣告,買果個都on9 ,浪費人生。
@@Vitotclau 睇下代理開咩價啫
@@152dade3 比亞迪都買不到
Can the battery last 9 years ? Maybe or maybe not. So if your battery crap out before that, then it is more polluting than petrol/diesel car, not to mention hybrid cars. The only way to make it more environmental friendly is that you use re-useable energy such as solar, water from dam, wind or even nuclear, underground themal heat ...etc. For those area that use oil, coal, natural gas to generate electricity, such as HK, you are only making the air around the busy road cleaner, but not the world as you still produce those harmful CO2.
HK Government should encourage new building to install larger area solar panel. These tall buildings have a lot of surface area where the sun shines on it. At the same time to install battery storage for the generally electricity usage such as lift, lightings ...etc. And also to allow partial charging EV by these Solar panels. Just the roof top can have 25 to 50 of these 400w panels with a total of 20kwh. So for a good sunny day, you get have 100kwh plus power (for just the roof top), On top you can have many more extra solar panel on the sides of the building.
Since the upper part of the building is easier to receive sunshine, by install panel on the wall surface area of the top 10 floor, you can easily get another 500kwh. You can store these so that people after dark can still charge their EVs and support general electricity public requirement. Let say you have 800kwh that you can use from this system, say you use 50kw on the general electricity usuage,, you have 750kwh left to charge EV. Assume each EV needs 10KWH everyday on average, you can charge support 75 EVs per day.
Currently you should expect a return period of about 5-6 years and anything above that is a business gain. With such high property price, this is only a small upfront cost. And then you don't have to pay electricity for your building or partial pay charging the EV. With todays price of solar equipment, this is already a doable business gain.
BYD / MG 我都怕怕,但小米部 SU7 望落的確唔錯,唔知過唔過兩噸半?
Unwire開始介紹垃圾電動車, 出既廣告愈黎愈低質,揾食緊要,但唔好整衰成個牌頭!