Hi Ben, Large parts of Salisbury Plains are owned by the MOD, and when ranges are open, or exercises taking place the staff will raise Red flags, as no go areas. Sections of the plains are public byways and are signposted for the public with 'subject to flags' There are helpful indicators at the entrances to byways with liklihood of ranges open etc. Give it a quick search for more information!
No wonder their closing lanes all over the country when all this goes on.
Looks great fun. Can you go anywhere on Salisbury Plains?
Hi Ben,
Large parts of Salisbury Plains are owned by the MOD, and when ranges are open, or exercises taking place the staff will raise Red flags, as no go areas.
Sections of the plains are public byways and are signposted for the public with 'subject to flags'
There are helpful indicators at the entrances to byways with liklihood of ranges open etc. Give it a quick search for more information!
Crazy good fun!
We are due to go to Salisbury next weekend. Is there any chance of sharing a map with the route you used? Thanks
So much off piste and irresponsible driving. Unbelievable