🕒 Time Stamps: 0:00 - Introduction to Django & Next.js Project 0:30 - Live Demo of Next.js & Django Integration 1:06 - How to Set Up a Django Project for Authentication 4:53 - Building Custom Authentication Models in Django 12:08 - Registering Models in Django Admin Panel 12:32 - Verifying Django Server Setup 12:52 - How to Create a Django Superuser Account 13:48 - Creating Serializers for Django REST Framework 19:55 - Developing Views for Your Django API 25:15 - Setting Up Routers for API Endpoints 26:04 - Testing Django Registration API Functionality 29:32 - Configuring Next.js Frontend to Work with Django 30:54 - Connecting Django REST Framework with Next.js 33:24 - Fetching Data from Django Backend in Next.js 36:15 - Testing Authentication Functionality in Next.js 39:45 - Conclusion and Key Takeaways from the Project
🕒 Time Stamps:
0:00 - Introduction to Django & Next.js Project
0:30 - Live Demo of Next.js & Django Integration
1:06 - How to Set Up a Django Project for Authentication
4:53 - Building Custom Authentication Models in Django
12:08 - Registering Models in Django Admin Panel
12:32 - Verifying Django Server Setup
12:52 - How to Create a Django Superuser Account
13:48 - Creating Serializers for Django REST Framework
19:55 - Developing Views for Your Django API
25:15 - Setting Up Routers for API Endpoints
26:04 - Testing Django Registration API Functionality
29:32 - Configuring Next.js Frontend to Work with Django
30:54 - Connecting Django REST Framework with Next.js
33:24 - Fetching Data from Django Backend in Next.js
36:15 - Testing Authentication Functionality in Next.js
39:45 - Conclusion and Key Takeaways from the Project
please make the backend's source code available, it's only the frontend at the moment🙏🙏🙏
it's a very nice and advanced tutorial
please make the backend's source code available, it's only the frontend at the moment🙏🙏🙏
Updated the source code in the website. Here you go :- shorturl.at/rLQfO
can you do video of Django and nextjs Social Authentication using social-auth-app-django library
Awesome idea! I’ll try to whip up a video on that soon. Keep an eye out!
Nice 👍Please provide the github link for source code.
Check the description !