The Real Victims of Ravi Zacharias

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The real victims of Ravi Zacharias are not being talked about near enough. In this video I talk about something we need to be reminded of. Visit me at www.stephenjbed....

Комментарии • 73

  • @karenhawthorne5869
    @karenhawthorne5869 3 года назад +6

    I am 72. I am dealing with PTSD from sexual abuse from a trusted medical professional in my hometown decades ago. My abuser is dead. The egregious stated opinions of the heartless, ignorant and cruel woman whom you quoted about what constitutes rape is horrific and WRONG. Thank you for your compassion and intelligence. Thank you for your witness. Ravi and my abuser are in God's hands now. I am healing through magnificent Christian counseling. My dear fellow abused: "It was NOT your fault!!!"

  • @hope46sf
    @hope46sf 3 года назад

    Thank you!!!

  • @gmjsimmons
    @gmjsimmons 3 года назад

    Absolutely true.

  • @Truth-loving
    @Truth-loving 3 года назад +12

    One of two best responses I’ve heard about this. The other one is Mike Winger.

  • @wolves201
    @wolves201 3 года назад +1

    Very sad to read folk still trying to defend Ravi. If he had of been innocent, the very people who believed him and helped demonise Lori Ann Thompson and her husband in 2017 would not have commissioned an independent investigation and would not then have admitted that Ravi was guilty of sexual crimes. Nor would they have now changed their minds to come out and state that they now believe Lori Ann Thompson. Without a doubt, RZIM has to cease functioning.

  • @warrenroy5376
    @warrenroy5376 3 года назад +2

    It bothers me when people look down on Ravi's victims! Some of them are going to suffer pretty well the rest of their lives thanks to Ravi's abuse.
    And don't be too sure there wasn't physical force from Ravi. Not all has been told. I don't think all has been told yet. That recent report RZIM sent while establishing clear-cut guilt doesn't reveal everything that happened! I think more happened than that report revealed!
    What I am wondering is when we will be hearing about lawsuits against RZIM. I have a feeling that is when the worst stuff will be revealed!!!
    One thing this does teach me. It pays for churches to deal with sexual sins within. So many times they are overlooked or swept under the rug! I believe for fear of a scandal!
    I got news. To not deal with it will lead to a WORSE reproach than to ignore it! Look at what the Apostle Paul them to do in 1 Cor.5!
    It must be dealt with!
    As a result of the discipline action of 1 Cor.5 we have the account of the man's repentance and restoration of 2 Cor.2!
    No discipline no repentance!

    • @vitormenezesdemattos967
      @vitormenezesdemattos967 3 года назад

      Yeah, I talked about RZIM here and how they're in full damage control mode. It has 2 thumbs up and I don't know if any of them is yours but I did address the same thing. All the PR disaster that happened wouldn't if they had accepted an investigation 3 years ago. And I'll go further... I don't think approaching this would have led to a "lesser scandal"... if the ministry itself had gone to the police and said "he LOST IT when a friend asked him to show his phone to the police to prove him innocent. That sounds to me like a guilty confession. Can you do anything about it?" If his own ministry had shown itself willing to take down their leader for the sake of justice and truth they would be extremely commended by the public. People would trust RZIM big time. But bc they didn't have the boldness to investigate this when it first came out... the opposite is happening

    • @vitormenezesdemattos967
      @vitormenezesdemattos967 3 года назад

      and i'll add one thing, before i made my comments i wasn't aware that RZ had publically shamed the first woman to come out. Then i saw RZIM saying that if i remember correctly, they had contributed to this bullying of hers as well. They issued an apology but "in the name of the organization".... I WANT NAMES! I wanna know WHO helped bully her when she first came out and a public apology from them! I had made a comment as i said, about RZIM, saying i get much of the mindset behind not wanting to investigate, but to bully the alleged victim... that would be enough for me to leave the ministry and maybe go to cross examined or reasonable faith. So i made this comment saying that i get the silence tough it was still wrong, therefore i wouldn't call the RZIM "a ministry of false christians", and i still don't because i don't know WHO bullied the girl, if i ever found out it was supported by the majority then yes.... but i'll say that now, knowing that they bullied her publically. And i will admit, i don't know how it was done, i just read their "apology", and they themselves claim that the way they treated the woman who came out was unexcusable! SO WHY DID YOU TREAT HER LIKE THAT? I didn't wanna see any more after that, it would just make me more angry, i just know that they made the situation worse for her), does make me think a handful there knew it... and who? How many? I did say i understand the silence back then and it wouldn't make me call them false christians... but now i really don't know. Sure some are, some knew, some suspected some suspected and were afraid and didn't do anything, and some just had no idea, so i'll go individually to the "innocent until proven guilty" but... gotta say, it surely has far more guilty people than i thought at first

  • @caroliner2029
    @caroliner2029 3 года назад

    RZ was a highly intelligent Narcissist sociopath.
    He specially chose his victims and groomed them for his control and to cause them to be trauma bonded to him.
    He was a sex trafficker.
    The victims were seduced by a man who had a huge power imbalance from the outset weighted firmly in his favour.
    For everyone who is in pain over the truth coming out about RZ, you'll experience cognitive dissonance as the fallout from Narcissistic Abuse.
    That's normal.
    Everyone in relationship with a Narcissist becomes traumatised by them.

  • @maureendunn8562
    @maureendunn8562 3 года назад +2

    It's about time this has been addressed. Thanks for speaking up on behalf of them. These horrors can destroy people left untreated

  • @vitormenezesdemattos967
    @vitormenezesdemattos967 3 года назад +2

    2 considerations about RZIM specifically that i think is worth talking about:
    1- now RZIM is in full damage control mode. I had heard that RZIM was being very transparent and open and i thought "good, with them being so transparent, there won't need much damage control", but when i learned that these allegations came out 3 years ago and then the losing it of ravi once he was asked to take his phone to the police! Yet they didn't do anything, is indeed very bad and they are facing a terrible PR! I would just in their place end the ministry and start working for some other, like reasonable faith, cross examined, unbelievable...
    2- I get the "oh, but he's leading so many to Christ! If we do anything his work will be undone", i get it, i do. But Paul and Peter tells us to expose false teachers, and if he was living a double life, he needed to be exposed. "Oh but he's doing so much good!" First: Don't you trust God to bring someone else in his place who's actually Godly? If not, you are trusting men rather than God! God doesn't need Ravi, He never did. Ravi needed him! Second: If we can't get him punishment because "he's doing so much good for the kingdom".... read matthew 7 21-23 21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' 23 And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'... if you don't wanna punish the guy because he's "doing good", you are adopting a works based salvation view without realising it and saying Jesus was wrong in those verses in punishing evil people who were despite that, doing good for the kingdom and casting out demons. If you don't wanna do the same, you are against Jesus on that.
    Third: "We can't punish him, it will harm the ministry of God", well, would you be saying that as one of his victims?
    Fourth: "It will damage the ministry!" Cuz RZIM was the only ministry preaching apologetics and defense of faith right? Is all on ravi's hands, not Jesus', right? And it is now far more damaging than it would have been if anybody had the boldness to go to the police and say "Look, he didn't want to show his phone, can you investigate it cuz it did look suspicious?". because they didn't help expose him, not only the ministry get discredited but christianity as a whole. I've seen a person talking about it like "If christianity and Jesus have such a changing power! How is this christian leader, so admired, been doing what he was doing for so long? AND DON'T TELL ME THAT IS BC HE WASN'T A TRUE CHRISTIAN! That's just an easy way out and an excuse". And i gotta say, i get it. To say "he wasn't a real christian" to an unbeliever with this objection, does sound like a coward easy way out... BUT IS TRUE! He wasn't a true christian. And you don't have to believe "the changing power of the holy spirit" to see that, just see whar Jesus tought and what ravi did.... just by contrasting HIS teachings against ravi's actions, you see he wasn't a follower of Christ, just as you wouldn't call in the 60s a secretly racist white supremacist a follower of MLK jr, you don't have to believe in the changing power of the holy spirit to see it. Now would this person be saying this if RZIM had helped investigate him when the allegations first came out? I don't think so! I think he would say: "Well,. christianity could be true, i still wonder why a guy who calls himself christian would do that. But if all his christian co-workers were willing to expose him, their well known and worldy respected leader, it shows that probably christians really don't tolerate these things, even among their leaders".... BIG DIFFERENCE! Because they wanted to "protect the ministry", it is now in the way it is, full damage control mode!

  • @leighb.8508
    @leighb.8508 3 года назад

    "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16

  • @vitormenezesdemattos967
    @vitormenezesdemattos967 3 года назад +2

    At first i did think it was a little too convenient that the allegations came out after he was no longer here to defend himself. I knew it wasn't because i didn't want it to be true. I wanted the truth but it did seem odd to me at first that such serious accusations would only be brought up after the guy's dead and no longer here do defend himself. Then the allegations turned out to seem true (wich i didn't know in specifics, i didn't wanna know cuz i knew i would be angry and sad, but i did accept that an investigation was done and concluded it to be true)... and then the allegations were confirmed to be true. And then a bunch of ppl i liked spoke about this in details i didn't wanna know... and there's no denying the guy was simply a liar, hypocrite and evil. When i saw melissa dougherty's video amd the comment she posted detailing everything and the findings of the investigations and i was like "man... there's no defending this guy". At first i was sad, now i'm mad at this false christian who used the name of God and my faith to hide his evil deeds. I was one of those who didn't believe at first... but open to the truth i accepted the facts about him, and now i'm mad that he used my savior and lord as a means to hide his evil, mad that he will get many people who could be saved totally turned off from christianity and i'ts message of salvation, and won't be saved because of this, mad that nobody at his ministry had the boldness to confront him or demand any investigation and even talk to the alleged victim, and mad that he had decieved me as well into thinking he was a christian. But i'm also glad he got exposed, and that as John MacArthur says, false christians are gonna have a hard time hiding and God's using the internt to separate the wheat from the tares

  • @KlipKlop1
    @KlipKlop1 3 года назад

    The real victim would be christianity. What a shame!

  • @PaulBurdo
    @PaulBurdo 3 года назад

    Why are people sooo concerned about the abuse and lack of accountability of an individual , but don’t blink an eye over a culture of spiritual abuse from the pulpit by many men who say that the scriptures teach that the husband is the authority of the wife and her role is to submit to such authority. THIS ABUSE OF THE SCRIPTURES IN THE PULPIT LEADS TO ABUSE OF OUR SISTERS IN THE BEDROOM! What a profaning of God’s character AND OF HOLY MATRIMONY. And it starts in the sanctuary...and do our abused daughters and sisters find ‘sanctuary’ in the sanctuary? No! They are told to submit to their husbands authority, when actually what the scriptures teach is that ‘head’ really means the opposite. It means ‘source that submits to responsibility’ and therefore a wife’s exhortation to live a life characterized by sub-mission means she is encouraged to be supporting’ her husband in the ‘mission’ of such responsibility how, and where and in what manner she FREELY chooses to!

  • @vijayramaniah4670
    @vijayramaniah4670 3 года назад

    Wasted 9.09 minutes listening to you.

  • @elizabeths7700
    @elizabeths7700 3 года назад +1

    UNbelievable that a woman no less would say such a thing. I also feel so very strongly for Ravi"s wife and children. 💔

  • @tonyadevos9189
    @tonyadevos9189 3 года назад +3

    Well said!

  • @evangelistp.v.prasad8863
    @evangelistp.v.prasad8863 3 года назад

    We can only pray for God's people

  • @evangelistp.v.prasad8863
    @evangelistp.v.prasad8863 3 года назад

    John 8: 7
    He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone ......

    • @leighb.8508
      @leighb.8508 3 года назад

      "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure." 1 Timothy 5:17-22

  • @ottooldenhardt
    @ottooldenhardt 3 года назад +2

    You are absolutely correct

  • @beatricekilonzo5880
    @beatricekilonzo5880 3 года назад +1

    The family??

  • @rebecca2752
    @rebecca2752 3 года назад +4

    Thanks so much for talking about what hardly anyone is talking about!

    • @chrisgreen8803
      @chrisgreen8803 3 года назад

      Love the sarcasm 😂

    • @rebecca2752
      @rebecca2752 3 года назад +1

      Umm...I wasn’t meaning it as sarcasm actually 😊

  • @Samcarnelian
    @Samcarnelian 3 года назад

    I was worried at first because of some of the terrible takes I've heard so far. Thank you

  • @dougg7719
    @dougg7719 3 года назад +1

    What about his wife and family

    • @jonyoung6405
      @jonyoung6405 3 года назад

      What about the family? They enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, they made the decision to go with it.

    • @dougg7719
      @dougg7719 3 года назад +1

      @@jonyoung6405 Yes they enjoyed his success but they did not know he was betraying them.

    • @jonyoung6405
      @jonyoung6405 3 года назад +1

      Hello Doug. They didn’t raise an eye brow when Ravi would spend 100s of days a year in Bangkok to “ write a book”? How about his personal massage therapist traveling alone with him? Where was his family then or his board of trustees? None of this would be considered appropriate for a pagan to do .

    • @dougg7719
      @dougg7719 3 года назад

      @@jonyoung6405 His wife took a polygraph test to prove that she did not know what he was doing.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@dougg7719 no she didn’t and there is no evidence that she ever did. She wrote an email “defending” him which basically amounted to “I didn’t find any evidence.” Which isn’t really a defense.

  • @caroliner2029
    @caroliner2029 3 года назад

    Well said Steve.
    Thank you.

  • @richardduncan1650
    @richardduncan1650 3 года назад +1

    You have no evidence that what he has been accused of is real , correct or factual. You speak about it as though its fait accompli. No evidence has been challenged in a court of law or passed any other stringent examination. His own wife denies it, His children deny it, some of his staff deny it and even give reasons why its highly unlikely, but no one is interested in any of that. he has been tried in the court of public appeal and found guilty by self righteous self appointed prosecutors. Well he is as guilty as David and will probably suffer the fete of David as well. Public opinion has no effect on him and his reputation was never going to save him anyway. The fact is this practice of coming out against someone to discredit them is now common place, is often funded by someone to do so, as has been revealed in many cases. either way it has no effect on Ravi and has no benefit for the so called victims anyway. However if your wrong and even if your right I wonder just how even talking about it will assist your own salvation in any way. I recall one of the commandments talking about false witness. Now since his ministry was for God and is without repentance, I wonder what the Lord thinks about anyone who rails against him? If your history is spotlessly clean please make contact with me Id love to meet you and just touch you.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад +1

      Seems that you are incorrect on some facts here. Nathan denies it Sarah acknowledges he did it and Naomi says nothing. The investigation confirmed the woman were employed and worked at spa on date and time of his appointments. You and many others love to use King David as an example yet we know David repented publicly and Ravi never did.I suggest you do some research on this topic.

    • @richardduncan1650
      @richardduncan1650 3 года назад +1

      @@kurtanderson5023 Actually I have seen no evidence that would stand up in a court of law that Sarah has admitted anything. She may well be very concerned about the possibility, but as for evidence. Well she certainly doesn't have any Ive heard of. What she has is other peoples evidence not her own. I happen to also know someone who worked for Him closely and She does not agree in any way about the accusations. In my opinion Sarah is doing what is best for her organization in a world where opinion is more important than fact. Once again if you did read what I said, he is as guilty as David and will probably suffer the fete of David. You certainly don't know yet if this is fact and if it is, if he repented before the Lord or not. You also are being his judge, which I am careful of doing . Railing against dignitaries. In this day and age attack against the church is expected. I would reserve my judgement if I was you. By the way David did not repent publicly. He repented to the Prophet Nathan. You have no idea what Ravi did at all. In fact you do not know at this point if any of the evidence is true, none of it has been tested.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@richardduncan1650 to clarify some facts here. Name any STAFF who disagrees with the statement by RZIM.You can only refer to “someone.” You want me to believe you and you can’t even give facts like a name? Did you conveniently forget all the others who have publicly stated they acknowledged Ravi’s sins? And for the record, King David’s repentance was very public. All his house and servants knew what he had done. It’s even recorded in scripture for anyone to read. His repentance was not secretive. Ravi NEVER repented. If he had his defenders would have released that statement but all Nathan does is argue. I choose to believe in facts and evidence and the Miller and Martin report is very clear on his behavior. I also know Ravi’s history for misleading his own board and family, his use of exaggerated credentials and stories, of his lawsuit in 2017. Ravi Biblically disqualified himself from his ministry years ago. It’s just a fact. If you think it’s judging him then read the Scriptures about what disqualifies a spiritual leader. Finally, this continued argument about how “ it won’t stand up in a court of law” is ridiculous. There isn’t going to be a criminal case. The argument is mute. It might not even be a civil case. But it’s your choice what you want to do with the preponderance of evidence.

    • @richardduncan1650
      @richardduncan1650 3 года назад

      ​@@kurtanderson5023 Railing against dignitaries certainly isn't appreciated by God. Remember he who casts the first stone. Ravi has not been found guilty, its as simple as that. But all those who accuse him better be right, completely factual without exaggeration or they will suffer a fete worse than Ravi. You see what you don't realize is you are calling his gift into question and not him. You and those like you are calling his work into question. That would be challenging the Holy Spirit and not Ravi. Calling the spirit behind his work Beelzebub. I do know someone who worked for him and your believing me or not is meaningless.
      The whole motivation behind this is to discredit his words since you cannot get at him. That is where this whole thing goes wrong.

    • @kurtanderson5023
      @kurtanderson5023 3 года назад

      @@richardduncan1650 with due respect. We are NOT calling his “gift” into question. We are calling out his BEHAVIOR. There is a profound difference. We don’t discredit his words it’s his behavior that was evil. Why don’t you see that? And to refer to Ravi as a “dignitary” is ridiculous. He wasn’t. Why would you even think he was? He was an eloquent speaker and much of what he said was really great. But he simply wasn’t a “dignitary. “

  • @davidbrown-rk1ym
    @davidbrown-rk1ym 3 года назад

    Where is Ravi now ?

    • @jeanboone9545
      @jeanboone9545 3 года назад

      He died

    • @bonilocagan755
      @bonilocagan755 3 года назад

      If you can't see him in heaven if you go to heaven...he is in hell. If you go to hell and you can' see him there...i'm sure he is in heaven.

  • @bonilocagan755
    @bonilocagan755 3 года назад

    If The problem are the victims...why not just evangelise them that they may not lost their life! Or why not pray for them that they may be enlighten for their account!!! Ravi may not publicly apologise but according to his end point of breath he never curse God. This for sure he had regreted of his wrongdoing and beg God for forgiveness before giving up his last breath.

    • @daniellouis8489
      @daniellouis8489 3 года назад +1

      Whatever you do DO NOT touch women, DO NOT look at them. Perhaps ZOOM praying is the safest.