Great Show. Please to more shows based on the Bible. For the most part, we are lacking good teaching on and exposure to the Bible in the Catholic Church and many Catholics are weak on this topic. As St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ." Thank you for helping to educate us as to what the Bible really says and means.
I might recommend Dr.Brant Pitre, the St.Paul Institute, Dr.John Bergsma, Dr.Mike Aqualina, Fr.Mike Schmidts, Catholic Daily Reflections, The Steubenville Confrences, and Bishop Barron`s recent work on Genesis for some good sources. I hope that gelpsm my brother in Christ. If you are looking for books, that is another matter entirely.
Great show! A real treasure to know that my suffering & so called lack of riches is not my fault, but a chance of growing closer to my Lord Jesus. Really a very healing show. This type of misuse of scripture leads to guilt & hurt. If you don't get it, something is wrong with you. The light this show brings on scripture is beautiful. Don't quit doing the show. Converting Catholics need you guys!
"I showed you how to live, now I'm gonna show you how to die" HOLY CRUD! That's gotta be one of the most bad-ass lines I've ever heard! RIP to your dad Ryan. He sounds like he was an incredible guy!
Love watching your shows! Was wondering if you guys could do an episode explaining the College of Cardinals and the different ranks within it, and how the Cardinals serve the Holy See?
I was wondering if you three could do a show about the reformation and look the counter reformation and especially the counter reformation. Love the show.
There is real treasure in suffering and surrendering in joy and peace to all that God allows everyday; money is not evil but a source to use in wisdom with those in true need; We are held responsible by God for all that He has given us...Great show and excellent point being made today! God bless you my brothers.
I love how Fr. brings up opening up to a random page and pointing to a passage. One of the biggest mega "church" guys Greg Lourie brought that up once and points to- Judas hangs himself. Then says, I don't know what you mean, Lord I'm going to try again, then pretends to randomly open and point- Go and so the same.
Great show, guys! Every episode I watch is so amazing! You are helping me a lot cause I gave up streaming servicies for Lent, so im having dinner and lunch with you guys, learning and thinking about God in stead of binging "Friends" for the 7345 time. I know Im not supposed to tell what it is I gave up, but I just wanted to thank you and let you know how important this ministry of yours is. On another topic, Im sure if the puppies say we catholics worship Mary, or they deny the true presence, or support the German synod, Ryan S could definitely kick them off a bridge!
To be fair... Every time one of my students in class says they can't get an assignment done or can't pass a test given I instantly say Philippians 4:13. Being a public and secular school, I get alot of weird looks.
And not just money I know so many people who fell ill and went to hospital and came back needing a carer to do the most menial things and from that moment hated God ferociously feeling betrayed because they were used to be enthusiastically faithful to the Protestant religion that promised them eternal, ever-improving health and then.. So sad.. So disappointing..
Wow, this made me think of Wilton Gregory when he was over Georgia. He was big time shamed when he was building himself a 2 million dollar home. Also, the now disgraced Whurl lived in a million dollar penthouse in Washington DC. It is just so sad that some of the Bishops of our faith do not connect with we little people anymore. I believe it is mostly the homosexual bishops and the ones who are in on the cover ups that live such lavish lifestyles. I pray for them.
Congrats on another blessed show. Also thank you for sending my merch I just got it a couple days ago and I love it. Question do you guys use any scent on the packages? The hoodie smells like incense and it's amazing. Thanks. God bless.! Also we lacking on poop jokes's been a while
I think some of the misunderstood Bible verses are about love from Paul's letter to Corinthians ("Love is patient..."). People often think that these verses are about love between man and woman in marriage. But they're not about this kind of relationship 😉
at 19 years old I got a tattoo with a Cross saying, "Je Peux" since I am French because I have often struggled with different illnesses, and so on (BEFORE I came back to the Church). My parish is actually St. Paul's. :) Also, I was born with Spina Bifida and spending my life in a wheelchair. It makes me laugh because I am in ministry classes starting this fall and someone asked me if I would like to be healed. It's always been less about "what I want" and more about what Christ can do through me no matter what's going on in my life. This is particularly true since I faced divorce in 2019 the fall after spending the hospital in the hospital due to losing my kidney and needing brain surgery (which caused a brain bleed and I needed most of my blood replaced. I don't understand how "I can do all things" would possibly mean anything but essentially, "Take up your cross and follow me. I've got you." I love St. Dismas for this reason. Also, when I was 26 I was confirmed (I had come back to the Church at 24) and was allowed to have two confirmation saints. St. Therese (who died at 24 - and I was very sick and turned 24 in the hospital as well) and St. Mary Magdalene. I love Easter!
Judge not! Yes, this is said constantly by everyone in or out of Church. Definitely a misinterpretation and it is contradictory to much scripture and Catholic teaching. We must judge ourselves in light of the scriptural guidelines. Sadly, the Pope in 2013 really poured on confusion right out of the box with, "Who am I to judge " Good base show! Like seeing your faces, especially with crucifix, icons and Catholic paintings as back drop minus the cave / dingy cabin background. Relatable. 👍
I think you guys are a bit off on the philippians 4:13 ("I can do all things...") verse. I think rather than saying he can endure difficult struggles, St Paul is essentially saying "everything that I do I can do in God's name". In other words, you can glorify God in the everyday mundane acts of life, such as brushing your teeth or drinking water or even suffering
the misusage of the "judge not…" verse is rooted in English using the verb "judge" also in the meaning of "discerne" and in "sentence" as well, which are not the same. it's a language fallacy. well not only, but also a language issue.
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: 11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
Not sure how Catholics handle it. But portestants take the idea of the tithe completely out of biblical context where it is a tithe on the PRODUCE OF THE LAND (ie ISRAEL)
I’m very disappointed by Scheel’s comment on Protestant. I am one and I watch your show all the time and love learning from it and learning more about my Brothers and Sisters who are CATHOLICS. We are Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua! It would be gracious you stop your mean comments about Protestants. God bless
Nothing you are saying comes close to lining up to God’s word, people listening to this is being misled, and Jesus is not on the cross, and Mary was not sinless, people read 1st John 5:13, Romans 10 4 to 10, mark 1 :15, people are being misled by this false teachings…
Another famous verse butchered by the catholics to help their cause is Revelation 12 v1 (A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.) They attach this to mary, forgetting that Revelations is a book of prophecy and in prophecy a woman presents either the church(not rcc) or Israel, depending on the context.
Interesting, The Church teaches that it can mean Israel, The Church and a Single women as presented in the text. You have decided to butchered one of the possible meanings because you decided not to agree. You have self-appointed as the Great Decider of Bible Meaning. You should have your own Bible college you have the true meaning of the Bible.
@@pistum Revelations is a prophetic book, do you understand what that means? Ok, let me ask you a good question, for you & fellow catholics......There are two women in the book of Revelations. One is the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon under her feet.. The second one is the whore riding on a beast making many drunk with her wine. Now if you say the woman clothed with the sun is Mary, literally, then who is the whore on the beast making many drunk with her wine, literally. They are in the same book. You call the other literally Mary, so please may you literally identify the whore for me? Thanking you in-advance, & God bless!
@@wesleysimelane3423 According to the reformers interpretation (a novel interpretation), that is The RCC. One of the greatest thing about church history is that you can escape the theological box the reformers have created. I do recommend you read early church father. Pax Christi!!
@@pistum Sir, I need your understanding, not the reformers. You have definitely & undisputedly declared along with your rcc that the other woman IS Mary, literally. Who then, according to your understanding or the understanding of the rcc, the whore riding on the beast, LITERALLY?
@@wesleysimelane3423 Go to the Church fathers. They, that lived in the Roman persecutions, will tell you. They will help you to avoid what you are currently doing and they will help you to overcome your theological box in which you have boxed your self. Pax Christi.
The verse mostly misquoted by catholics is Matthew 16v18 (And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.) The misconception is that Jesus was starting the catholic church and making Peter the first pope. LOL!
uh bec. it is what you say it is. it is that Jesus started the Catholic Church and Peter the first Pope. the verse often misquoted by Protestants is 'Bible Alone' and 'Faith Alone'.. oh wait there are no 'Bible Alone verse in the Bible, oh and Faith Alone this two words together are found in this verse only James 2:24 “A man is justified by works and not by faith alone.” Protestants belief is founded by man Martin Luther, Catholicism was founded by Jesus Christ.
@@anthonypalo8191 Revelation 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. Deuteronomy 4:2 Verse Concepts "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Proverbs 30:6 Verse Concepts Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar. Proverbs 30:5-6 Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar. Deuteronomy 12:32 Verse Concepts Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it. Matthew 22:29 Verse Concepts But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God. Mark 7:13 Verse Concepts thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that. Now I have applied these things [that is, the analogies about factions] to myself and Apollos for your benefit, believers, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written [in Scripture], so that none of you will become arrogant and boast in favour of one [minister or teacher] against the other. 1 CORINTHIANS 4:6 AMP Every man is a liar. Even pope. Let God be found true [as He will be], though every person be found a liar, just as it is written [in Scripture], “That You may be justified in Your words , And prevail when You are judged [by sinful men].” ROMANS 3:4 AMP Jesus did not start the catholic church. Jesus had not yet made known to the disciples who He truly was. The confession of Peter that He was the Son of God made Jesus to make that comment because He realised God had shown Peter the truth. Jesus is the Rock not Peter. Jesus is the one who holds the the keys of heaven. You know what those keys are???? Scriptures that preach Him and the true gospel, not wishful thinking of catholics.
@@anthonypalo8191 that’s a funny one lol… hatred between Catholics and Protestants (or whoever else) is probably NOT the message Yeshua is giving us! Bickering about terms, words, definitions etc will bring us Christians no where. Our love for our Lord will.
@@wesleysimelane3423 if peter was given the keys and those keys was scriptures, when peter and the church started to preach the scriptures. It would be there(catholic church) interpretation not anyone who wanted to pick up the mantle(protestants).
Another misapplied verses by the catholics is John 6 v 53 -55 (So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink.…) Here the catholics show misunderstanding of the scriptures, taking these verses to mean they must sacrifice the Christ over and over, believing that the substances of the waifer and wine atually turn to the flesh of the Chist and His actual blooad. Is it not this cannibalism?
Canibalism? Just exactly of what the early Christians were accused. Interesting. I do recommend you actually study what the Church teaches so you can really refute the actual teaching, not refute in your mind what you think the church teaches. Paz Christi!
@@pistum I know exactly what the catholic church teaches. Among the false is the power of man-made idols of the rosary, scapulars & medals. Praying through wood, ceramic and stone. Keeping corpses and venerating them, lying calling them incorruptible. Keeping relics (human flesh, human blood and human bones) & venerating them. Praying to the dead saints and the rcc Mary. Promoting and venerating statues. Many sins such as these they have committed and hid under the false authority of (T)traditions.
@@wesleysimelane3423 You are telling me that the Church Father´s overall interpretation of scripture is wrong being so close to Christ, what can we say about your interpretation of scripture? Show me where does Ignatius of Antioch go wrong in his interpretation? Remember, he was a disciple of John. Please, show me. What assures you that your current interpretation does not contradict their consensual interpretation? What extra-intepretative assures you that your 21st century American interpretation than those writing in the second century. Please, show me where your scriptural interpretation is far superior to the consensus of church fathers? I will be here waiting. Pax Christi!
Great Show. Please to more shows based on the Bible. For the most part, we are lacking good teaching on and exposure to the Bible in the Catholic Church and many Catholics are weak on this topic. As St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ." Thank you for helping to educate us as to what the Bible really says and means.
I might recommend Dr.Brant Pitre, the St.Paul Institute, Dr.John Bergsma, Dr.Mike Aqualina, Fr.Mike Schmidts, Catholic Daily Reflections, The Steubenville Confrences, and Bishop Barron`s recent work on Genesis for some good sources. I hope that gelpsm my brother in Christ.
If you are looking for books, that is another matter entirely.
@@LostArchivist Thanks. All great suggestions. God bless you brother.
@@edpasino4050 It is a pleasure to share wisdom. And God bless you as well, brother. Amen.
@@LostArchivist Thanks!!!
Amen Amen Amen ✝️🐑
Great show! A real treasure to know that my suffering & so called lack of riches is not my fault, but a chance of growing closer to my Lord Jesus.
Really a very healing show. This type of misuse of scripture leads to guilt & hurt. If you don't get it, something is wrong with you.
The light this show brings on scripture is beautiful. Don't quit doing the show. Converting Catholics need you guys!
"I showed you how to live, now I'm gonna show you how to die"
HOLY CRUD! That's gotta be one of the most bad-ass lines I've ever heard! RIP to your dad Ryan. He sounds like he was an incredible guy!
Love watching your shows! Was wondering if you guys could do an episode explaining the College of Cardinals and the different ranks within it, and how the Cardinals serve the Holy See?
This would be super interesting, especially understanding the hierarchy
Thank you for the clear , thought provoking and sensible talk show you really pulled it together. Yet another reason I stay a Roman Catholic.
I was wondering if you three could do a show about the reformation and look the counter reformation and especially the counter reformation. Love the show.
There is real treasure in suffering and surrendering in joy and peace to all that God allows everyday; money is not evil but a source to use in wisdom with those in true need; We are held responsible by God for all that He has given us...Great show and excellent point being made today! God bless you my brothers.видео.html
I love how Fr. brings up opening up to a random page and pointing to a passage. One of the biggest mega "church" guys Greg Lourie brought that up once and points to- Judas hangs himself. Then says, I don't know what you mean, Lord I'm going to try again, then pretends to randomly open and point- Go and so the same.
Believe I learn more in one hour than I have in 82 years, what a gift. Thanks guys.
See that 4th square where you have your logo you could have put fr Mike in
Great show, guys! Every episode I watch is so amazing! You are helping me a lot cause I gave up streaming servicies for Lent, so im having dinner and lunch with you guys, learning and thinking about God in stead of binging "Friends" for the 7345 time. I know Im not supposed to tell what it is I gave up, but I just wanted to thank you and let you know how important this ministry of yours is.
On another topic, Im sure if the puppies say we catholics worship Mary, or they deny the true presence, or support the German synod, Ryan S could definitely kick them off a bridge!
Enlightening. Thank you.
28:50 this brought such a smile to my face! Keep up the good works, love you guys 😁
Great show guys. God bless you! LOOKING forward to a hang out soon! 👍👍👍🍺
Great chat. Thanks for the teachings ❤
Good show, in between the laughter (which I enjoyed) I learned quite a lot. Thanks!
He mentioned that there's so many denominations, I googled it once- there's about 47,000 man-made versions of Christianity today.
The Word is upheld for the true growth of the Spirit and Faith for the development of the true Faith for young Christians. ✝️🐑
To be fair... Every time one of my students in class says they can't get an assignment done or can't pass a test given I instantly say Philippians 4:13. Being a public and secular school, I get alot of weird looks.
Just found you guys. Great show. Thank you
And not just money
I know so many people who fell ill and went to hospital and came back needing a carer to do the most menial things and from that moment hated God ferociously feeling betrayed because they were used to be enthusiastically faithful to the Protestant religion that promised them eternal, ever-improving health and then..
So sad..
So disappointing..
What a great episode
Wow, this made me think of Wilton Gregory when he was over Georgia. He was big time shamed when he was building himself a 2 million dollar home. Also, the now disgraced Whurl lived in a million dollar penthouse in Washington DC. It is just so sad that some of the Bishops of our faith do not connect with we little people anymore. I believe it is mostly the homosexual bishops and the ones who are in on the cover ups that live such lavish lifestyles.
I pray for them.
Hey guys, from 55:40 to 01:05:50 there's just a black screen, I think you should know that
Fantastic show as always! Please don't mind me saying this but Ryan Scheel have you dropped me lbs? Your looking good bro! :)
Just in facial hair... :)
Congrats on another blessed show. Also thank you for sending my merch I just got it a couple days ago and I love it. Question do you guys use any scent on the packages? The hoodie smells like incense and it's amazing. Thanks. God bless.! Also we lacking on poop jokes's been a while
We'll try to squeeze out a few poop jokes in upcoming episodes
@@CatholicTalkShow no pun intended? Hahaha
@@cesar9321 Pun ABSOLUTELY intended
thanks for advising against prosperity gospel. it's dangerous.
I think some of the misunderstood Bible verses are about love from Paul's letter to Corinthians ("Love is patient..."). People often think that these verses are about love between man and woman in marriage. But they're not about this kind of relationship 😉
Regarding the Prosperity Gospel:
God is not a financial instrument with an interest rate.
at 19 years old I got a tattoo with a Cross saying, "Je Peux" since I am French because I have often struggled with different illnesses, and so on (BEFORE I came back to the Church). My parish is actually St. Paul's. :) Also, I was born with Spina Bifida and spending my life in a wheelchair. It makes me laugh because I am in ministry classes starting this fall and someone asked me if I would like to be healed. It's always been less about "what I want" and more about what Christ can do through me no matter what's going on in my life. This is particularly true since I faced divorce in 2019 the fall after spending the hospital in the hospital due to losing my kidney and needing brain surgery (which caused a brain bleed and I needed most of my blood replaced. I don't understand how "I can do all things" would possibly mean anything but essentially, "Take up your cross and follow me. I've got you." I love St. Dismas for this reason. Also, when I was 26 I was confirmed (I had come back to the Church at 24) and was allowed to have two confirmation saints. St. Therese (who died at 24 - and I was very sick and turned 24 in the hospital as well) and St. Mary Magdalene. I love Easter!
My favorite Scripture that i use as an excuse:.....Why I don't jog: Prov 28:1
Thank you,
Judge not! Yes, this is said constantly by everyone in or out of Church. Definitely a misinterpretation and it is contradictory to much scripture and Catholic teaching. We must judge ourselves in light of the scriptural guidelines. Sadly, the Pope in 2013 really poured on confusion right out of the box with, "Who am I to judge "
Good base show! Like seeing your faces, especially with crucifix, icons and Catholic paintings as back drop
minus the cave / dingy cabin background.
Relatable. 👍
Great episode. What happened to the inquisition part of the show?
So, we aren't allowed to fight so we can keep serving?
And you should do an episode in “Abraham Hicks”
I think you guys are a bit off on the philippians 4:13 ("I can do all things...") verse. I think rather than saying he can endure difficult struggles, St Paul is essentially saying "everything that I do I can do in God's name". In other words, you can glorify God in the everyday mundane acts of life, such as brushing your teeth or drinking water or even sufferingвидео.html
Question: does anyone know how to find a fraternity for Exodus90 or do you need to know guys already willing to join? I couldn’t find one.
the misusage of the "judge not…" verse is rooted in English using the verb "judge" also in the meaning of "discerne" and in "sentence" as well, which are not the same. it's a language fallacy. well not only, but also a language issue.
Fr. Rich do you think it is wrong for someone to use John 1513 as a justification for service to one’s nation
Oh no, there's a demon sword in the background!
Just checked out your Esto vir trip to Pagosa Springs, CO. Too much for a 3 day excursion! Can’t do it. That’s a month’s take home pay for me.
I totally agree about the prosperity gospel people. How sick I am of hearing them!
I'm trying to feel a belief in God
The "mysterious ways" quote is from a hymn by the English Protestant poet William Cowper, c. 1773. Pretty good poet, but not a biblical author.
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
Not sure how Catholics handle it. But portestants take the idea of the tithe completely out of biblical context where it is a tithe on the PRODUCE OF THE LAND (ie ISRAEL)
Especially right after you talk about unity with everyone with example of the Samaritans. Think of Protestants like the Samaritans…
I’m very disappointed by Scheel’s comment on Protestant. I am one and I watch your show all the time and love learning from it and learning more about my Brothers and Sisters who are CATHOLICS. We are Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua! It would be gracious you stop your mean comments about Protestants. God blessвидео.html
@@josephzammit8483 I don’t understand your comment
@@aureliacardiff5165 sorry but protestants are fallen away brothers and sisters
If you guys would stop trolling and hating on catholic sites. Not you but a lot of Protestants do
Nothing you are saying comes close to lining up to God’s word, people listening to this is being misled, and Jesus is not on the cross, and Mary was not sinless, people read 1st John 5:13, Romans 10 4 to 10, mark 1 :15, people are being misled by this false teachings…
Oh shut up, arrogant prot knows more than the priest bull
But im WISHING I would die
Is your show now a “religion war terrain”? Catholics against Protestants??!!… Father please say something!
It’s okay. You’re welcomed
@@CPATuttle ???
@@aureliacardiff5165 you’re welcomed here
@@CPATuttle I see. Thanks 😉
Yes. That’s why I unsubscribed
Another famous verse butchered by the catholics to help their cause is Revelation 12 v1 (A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.) They attach this to mary, forgetting that Revelations is a book of prophecy and in prophecy a woman presents either the church(not rcc) or Israel, depending on the context.
Interesting, The Church teaches that it can mean Israel, The Church and a Single women as presented in the text.
You have decided to butchered one of the possible meanings because you decided not to agree.
You have self-appointed as the Great Decider of Bible Meaning.
You should have your own Bible college you have the true meaning of the Bible.
@@pistum Revelations is a prophetic book, do you understand what that means?
Ok, let me ask you a good question, for you & fellow catholics......There are two women in the book of Revelations. One is the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon under her feet.. The second one is the whore riding on a beast making many drunk with her wine. Now if you say the woman clothed with the sun is Mary, literally, then who is the whore on the beast making many drunk with her wine, literally. They are in the same book. You call the other literally Mary, so please may you literally identify the whore for me? Thanking you in-advance, & God bless!
@@wesleysimelane3423 According to the reformers interpretation (a novel interpretation), that is The RCC.
One of the greatest thing about church history is that you can escape the theological box the reformers have created.
I do recommend you read early church father.
Pax Christi!!
@@pistum Sir, I need your understanding, not the reformers. You have definitely & undisputedly declared along with your rcc that the other woman IS Mary, literally. Who then, according to your understanding or the understanding of the rcc, the whore riding on the beast, LITERALLY?
@@wesleysimelane3423 Go to the Church fathers. They, that lived in the Roman persecutions, will tell you.
They will help you to avoid what you are currently doing and they will help you to overcome your theological box in which you have boxed your self.
Pax Christi.
The verse mostly misquoted by catholics is Matthew 16v18 (And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.)
The misconception is that Jesus was starting the catholic church and making Peter the first pope. LOL!
uh bec. it is what you say it is. it is that Jesus started the Catholic Church and Peter the first Pope. the verse often misquoted by Protestants is 'Bible Alone' and 'Faith Alone'.. oh wait there are no 'Bible Alone verse in the Bible, oh and Faith Alone this two words together are found in this verse only James 2:24 “A man is justified by works and not by faith alone.” Protestants belief is founded by man Martin Luther, Catholicism was founded by Jesus Christ.
@@anthonypalo8191 Revelation 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Deuteronomy 4:2 Verse Concepts "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Proverbs 30:6 Verse Concepts Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.
Proverbs 30:5-6 Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.
Deuteronomy 12:32 Verse Concepts Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.
Matthew 22:29 Verse Concepts But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.
Mark 7:13 Verse Concepts thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that. Now I have applied these things [that is, the analogies about factions] to myself and Apollos for your benefit, believers, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written [in Scripture], so that none of you will become arrogant and boast in favour of one [minister or teacher] against the other.
1 CORINTHIANS 4:6 AMP Every man is a liar. Even pope. Let God be found true [as He will be], though every person be found a liar, just as it is written [in Scripture], “That You may be justified in Your words , And prevail when You are judged [by sinful men].” ROMANS 3:4 AMP
Jesus did not start the catholic church. Jesus had not yet made known to the disciples who He truly was. The confession of Peter that He was the Son of God made Jesus to make that comment because He realised God had shown Peter the truth. Jesus is the Rock not Peter. Jesus is the one who holds the the keys of heaven. You know what those keys are???? Scriptures that preach Him and the true gospel, not wishful thinking of catholics.
@@anthonypalo8191 😇🤝
@@anthonypalo8191 that’s a funny one lol… hatred between Catholics and Protestants (or whoever else) is probably NOT the message Yeshua is giving us! Bickering about terms, words, definitions etc will bring us Christians no where. Our love for our Lord will.
@@wesleysimelane3423 if peter was given the keys and those keys was scriptures, when peter and the church started to preach the scriptures. It would be there(catholic church) interpretation not anyone who wanted to pick up the mantle(protestants).
Really another “ it’s the Protestants”???!!!!!!!! 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Another misapplied verses by the catholics is John 6 v 53 -55 (So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink.…)
Here the catholics show misunderstanding of the scriptures, taking these verses to mean they must sacrifice the Christ over and over, believing that the substances of the waifer and wine atually turn to the flesh of the Chist and His actual blooad. Is it not this cannibalism?
Canibalism? Just exactly of what the early Christians were accused.
I do recommend you actually study what the Church teaches so you can really refute the actual teaching, not refute in your mind what you think the church teaches.
Paz Christi!
@@pistum I know exactly what the catholic church teaches. Among the false is the power of man-made idols of the rosary, scapulars & medals. Praying through wood, ceramic and stone. Keeping corpses and venerating them, lying calling them incorruptible. Keeping relics (human flesh, human blood and human bones) & venerating them. Praying to the dead saints and the rcc Mary. Promoting and venerating statues. Many sins such as these they have committed and hid under the false authority of (T)traditions.
@@wesleysimelane3423 Read the early church fathers, and you will see.
You are now in your own tradition.
Greetings, and Pax Christi!
@@pistum As I have observed, most catholics if not all, think the church fathers are infallible. They were human and could make mistakes and be WRONG!
@@wesleysimelane3423 You are telling me that the Church Father´s overall interpretation of scripture is wrong being so close to Christ, what can we say about your interpretation of scripture?
Show me where does Ignatius of Antioch go wrong in his interpretation? Remember, he was a disciple of John.
Please, show me.
What assures you that your current interpretation does not contradict their consensual interpretation? What extra-intepretative assures you that your 21st century American interpretation than those writing in the second century.
Please, show me where your scriptural interpretation is far superior to the consensus of church fathers?
I will be here waiting.
Pax Christi!